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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm MSK

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victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it, hello, the evening news is live in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics ahead.
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the ruble is good, but the digital ruble is even better. new technologies in the financial sector are the focus of the president's attention. the main statement of vladimir putin at a meeting on economic issues. there is water all around. omsk is flooded in large quantities. emergency services are at their limit; in the south of russia there is nowhere without air conditioning. electricity consumption is record high. crash on rostovskaya the nuclear power plant has been eliminated. this is their first time doing this. biden
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admitted that he might quit the game. under what condition? so what about trump? did the presidential candidate say what he thinks about anti-russian sanctions? what a mini airport for drones looks like, what sea robots are capable of, and how an unmanned boat helps scientists. the sakhalin region is a territory of high technologies. how the archipelago design and educational intensive takes place. i'll tell you. 95 of our soldiers returned to their homeland from ukrainian captivity. the same number was transferred to ukraine. mediators in negotiations with representatives of the united arab emirates spoke in kiev. the russian department showed footage of our servicemen boarding buses already on the territory of their native country. in the near future , military transport aircraft will deliver them to moscow. treatment and rehabilitation are ahead. and
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then a long-awaited meeting with the family. many have already called their closest ones. hello to my family. daughter, daughter, i’m done, i’m in russia, i’ll see you soon. thanks to everyone who participated in the liberation and who participated in the exchange. and more news from the ministry of defense, the russian army inflicted attack on the ukrainian armed forces' missile and artillery weapons depot. two american highmarc missiles were shot down by air defense systems; the french are in control.
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training takes place at the training grounds of all military districts of the country, future snipers and motorized riflemen learn from the experience of military personnel who arrived from the northern military district zone, theory, practice, all in conditions as close as possible to combat, such lessons save lives. report by valery kuznetsov. 50 km/h over rough terrain and that's it. far from the limit, at the leningrad military training ground district, experienced fighters teach the skill of operating the bmp-2, recruits, and those who have only recently signed a contract with the ministry of defense. how does this lid open? the crew of the infantry fighting vehicle is three people and seven fighters of the assault group. armament is a thirty-millimeter cannon and a machine gun, which make up the berezhok combat module. upgraded turret rotating mechanism. with a universal combat
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module allows you to raise the weapons up so that, let’s say, you could even hit a drone, but the most interesting thing, of course, is hidden inside, here is thermal imaging. a laser-guided sight, which even at night allows you to fire at targets at a distance of up to two or even 3 km. the support of motorized riflemen is especially important when capturing enemy fortifications; the call sign tourist, at 21, is already a commander of a combat vehicle, trained as a mechanical driver for a short period of time, and then signed a contract to improve his qualifications, managed to visit the north military district, and is now passing on combat experience. i train such people. who is older than me, they have more experience in something, so we periodically exchange experience, for some reason i their they teach me something, fire, intensive combat training from military personnel of the eastern military district, at a training ground in the khabarovsk territory, future snipers practice shooting
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from a cord rifle, target two 330, large-caliber 12.7 mm, it just seems cumbersome. three-level system of training cadets and the training takes place according to a three-month course of basic training, during the month we prepare from...
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assault groups are supported by artillery, a mortar crew works, the action of any unit, respectively ensures attached or supporting certain fire weapons, these could be automatic grenades, there could be two snipers, heavy machine guns, there could be mortar crews.
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pekhterev and fedor yurasov, channel one. it is important for russia not to miss the moment and to promptly develop conditions for digital assets, both within the country and in relations with foreign partners. vladimir putin stated this at a meeting on the economy. digital currencies are a promising direction that is becoming
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increasingly in demand among business citizens. in as part of the pilot project, the central bank launched it a year ago, russians made more than 30,000 transactions using digital. ruble the next step ahead, as the president emphasized, is to move on to the full-scale implementation of this monetary unit in various spheres of life. olga knyazeva will continue the topic. russians are still looking closely at the digital ruble, and this is normal; once upon a time, the system of fast payments was unfamiliar and incomprehensible. a year ago, tsiom conducted a survey: a third of the country’s population wanted to try operations with digital rubles. and now it's been a year as they are trying as part of a pilot project. 600 people from eleven cities participate in it, banks, shops, and guests are selected. and educational institutions, the entrepreneur opens an electronic wallet in the bank, creates a qr code, then passes it to the buyer for payment, and to pay, the consumer selects a digital account in the bank application. the first testing results showed that all processes are clear and can be carried out in a matter of minutes. at a meeting on economic issues, vladimir putin noted that
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russia would be one of the first to launch the digital ruble countries that have a national digital currency. this is indeed a very dynamic, promising direction of the modern economy, which is becoming more and more important. in demand from businesses, investors, citizens, almost all over the world. such technologies are already beginning to change the usual patterns in trade in...
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businesses can use the digital ruble, regardless of which bank they have an account with, as of july 1 , more than 27 thousand transfers have already been made in this system, over 7 thousand payments for goods and services, in a word, the digital ruble platform showed its performance and functionality within the pilot, and now we need to take the next step, namely move to a broader one. full-scale implementation of the digital ruble in the economy, in economic activity in the field of finance. the decision to begin
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introducing a digital ruble in the near future is timely. the fact is that the use of cryptocurrency is gaining momentum. this is a digital payment system that verifies transactions and does not involve banks. at the same time, no guarantees of protection of the rights of those who use it. as a result, speculation regarding cryptocurrency prices. sometimes an operation using gray schemes. the so-called mining, extraction or release of cryptocurrency requires a lot of energy. infrastructure projects will be put on pause; here it is necessary to make correct,
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timely decisions, including systemic ones at the level of federal law. in a good way, it is necessary that there is a regulator of mining processes in the country, so that it is clear what taxes are imposed on operations and what they will be rates. it is already known that the requirements for the activities of individuals and legal entities engaged in mining will be established by the cabinet of ministers in agreement with the central bank, and the ministry of digital development will monitor the implementation of the requirements. the law on mining in russia may be adopted as early as july. olga knyazeva, olga merkulova and sergey romanov, channel one. impressive footage from omsk: under water, roads, sidewalks. local residents in telegram channels jokingly advise each other to change cars on a boat. however, there is no time for jokes when the ground goes away from under the wheels, literally. due to the fact that the highway was washed out, this car flew into a ditch. no casualties were reported. the city has been flooded for two days. stormy flows in public transport. the routes were changed on the way to the underground passages, the stairs turned into waterfalls, here the local boys were not
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at a loss, they took a ride at their own risk, as if in a water park. and in the south of russia it is still hot, because of which one of the power units at the rostov nuclear power plant stopped working the day before. according to the ministry of energy, power supply has been restored, but temporary outages lights have already been warned in mineral waters, in a number of cities in the rostov region, in the kuban, as well as in sevastok. as noted, this is necessary to avoid further emergency situations. the thermometers are above +40, and the tourist season is in full swing, air conditioners and fans do not turn off. electricity consumption has already surpassed even winter highs, and the load on the grid remains high. according to russian standards, this is exactly how shipping in donbass and novorussia should proceed. mikhail mishustin set this task at a meeting with the head of the rosmorrich fleet andrey. according to the head of the cabinet of ministers, the infrastructure in our new territories is now being actively restored; the potential
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is enormous. the length of shipping routes in our country is more than 100,000 km. they connect five seas and pass through almost sixty regions. anna kurbatova will continue the topic. as head of the federal agency for maritime and river transport, andrei torasenko meets with prime minister mikhail mishustin for the first time. he has headed the federal agency since march 29, that is, a little more than 3 months. however, i am familiar with the work of the department. previously, he was deputy head of the rosmore speech fleet, so today the head of government asks to immediately set the emphasis, tell us in more detail how you plan to organize the work. passenger and cargo - this is a very important development of shipping for your department and the direction of our activities, which directly affects the connectivity of our territories, their economic growth, including the strengthening of international cooperation. if we talk today about the capacity of port infrastructure
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ours, then we have 63 ports, which today provided a cargo flow of 800.84 million tons with a capacity of 1.368, that is, somewhere we have a reserve of another 35%, which allows us to increase the volume of cargo and work in the future, and so on, that is, here in terms of transshipment volume, we are today the leader in the basin, this is considered the azov-black sea, today it is 291 million tons, for example, in the arctic basin, the capacity of sea ports by the end of the decade should double to 252 million tons, accelerated in the east and the arctic, there is a lot of work, for example , the pace at which far-flung regions are developing the rivers are very good, large, there is the op, ertysh, lena, enesey, they are idle today and cargo turnover is falling, today we are agreeing with rosatov on the creation of
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certain hubs on such arctic rivers that will accumulate cargo and go out to the northern sea route, respectively amur also if... there are more than 100,000 km of shipping routes in russia, they connect five seas, pass through sixty regions of the country, new ports are being actively built, such as dry land in the primorsky territory, now coal shipments are already taking place there, in the future it will will turn into a multifunctional hub with the ability to transship grain, mineral fertilizers, and liquefied natural gas. with the development of navigation, the need for new highly qualified specialists, mechanics, loaders, technologists, captains is growing, you have seven powerful training complexes, and they work quite well, their branches are located throughout russia, we are training 55,000 cadets today, we graduate every year 1000 specialists. mikhail mishustin immediately
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sets the task of connecting the professional colleges and higher education institutions immediacy.
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in particular, it is proposed to take systematic measures as soon as possible to combat fraudsters on the internet and develop safe ways for bank card holders to confirm their identity remotely. we continue to receive requests from citizens regarding
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financial fraud, and we can conclude that the scammers have good skills. psychologists are equipped with modern data processing technologies, so attackers use non-lynx to voice generation, have unique information about family and business connections, potential victims, all this speaks of a highly organized criminal sphere, and also requires the adoption of systemic decisions. the problem we have in our society and not only in our country is the financial illiteracy of the population, we need to work with the population, we need to improve financial literacy, we need to start this from school with children, the children will be warned, they will save their parents from something, i’ll be honest that i can't either. consider yourself an absolutely financially literate person, the scammers have not yet managed to deceive me; there have been many attempts. the united states in the middle east
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has become direct accomplices to the conflict, as in the situation in ukraine, sergei lavrov announced this in new york, where a meeting of the un security council is taking place at this moment. russia is chairing it this month. today the focus is on middle east issues. moscow is in favor of palestine joining the united nations.
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general assembly on the plan for the partition of palestine and the rules of palestinian refugees for return, the situation is aggravated by the new geopolitical experiments of the west, well... we are convinced that the countries of the region themselves, without outside interference, must determine their path to strengthening sovereignty and independence, socio-economic development for the benefit of their peoples. in america itself, meanwhile, all attention is paid to the upcoming presidential elections. joe biden, according to the latest polls, is losing support in fourteen key states, including those where he beat trump in 1920. these are, in particular, arizona, georgia, pennsylvania, wisconsin and michigan. voters doubt that the owner of the white house will cope with a new term, memory problems, disorientation in space, the list is long. biden himself, meanwhile, continues
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to assure everyone of his clarity of mind, but for the first time , an american leader admitted that he could withdraw from the race if doctors so demand. biden stated this in a new interview, a fragment of which is quoted by cbs news. well, what about opponent trump, who has already been nominated as a candidate, he was asked. is he thinking about lifting anti-russian sanctions? trump responded affirmatively and emphasized: the policy of restrictions undermines american authority. well, the news that is now being actively discussed in the states in light of the recent assassination attempt. according to media reports, intelligence services do not rule out new attacks. it is already reported that an armed man was detained in milwaukee, near the place where the republican convention is taking place. they decided to suspend consultations with the united states on arms control. in china, the reason is the taiwan issue. beijing notes that washington has long persistently provided military support to the island’s administration and jeopardizes the national interests of the prc.
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let me remind you that they consider taiwan their province. the american side seems to recognize the one-china policy in words, but at the same time continues to supply weapons. china, as the foreign ministry emphasized, is ready to return to negotiations, but on the basis of mutual respect. so far there are no prerequisites for this. the united states ignored china's strong position and repeated statements, continued to sell weapons to taiwan, and took a series of negative actions that seriously damaged china's core interests and undermined political trust between the two sides and seriously deteriorated the political atmosphere in which both countries continued consultations on arms control. for this reason , china has decided to suspend a new round of negotiations with the united states on arms control and non-proliferation. responsibility for the current situation lies entirely with the united states. unmanned aerial vehicles, it is no longer possible to imagine modern combat without them, managing them is an art, resisting them is a challenge, producing them means
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withstanding competition. main event in in the world of uavs these days on sakhalin at an airfield with the touching name fluffy, but they compete there boldly and even harshly. however, the latest unmanned boats and marine robots are not represented by drones alone. report by maryana yatskevich.
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stuzh's own drones are used for military purposes. these days , the fluffy airfield on sakhalin is a place for teams from all over the country to land here, not at all softly. the project-educational intensive archipelago 2024 is the main event of the year for the company that produces uavs. here legendary drones-hits in the sloo zone, these are such unusual quadrocopters. developers, engineers and pilots from all over the country are working on various scenarios. so we are conducting pre-flight preparation, that is, i am checking the zones.
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24 hours a day continuously in the mode of protecting objects, two drones receive empty and accordingly fly to charge, accordingly , this data is broadcast online to anywhere in russia along with video analytics. a team from sevastopol lowers sargan, unmanned. a steerable boat is one of the fastest here, it can accelerate to 65 km/h. these drones are being tested at lake tunaicha. we worked out scenarios for environmental monitoring, for... searching for a pipeline model, but the most important thing is that this is a complex work of several systems at once, operating as i repeat, on the ground, on land, in the air, not a toy boat, but an advanced unmanned boat , created by the sakhalin residents, will help scientists, with its help it is possible to carry out hydrographic research, this is sometimes more effective and cheaper than equipping an expensive expedition on large ships, it automatically builds tacks at a certain set
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speed with... with very precise retention of it, with very precise retention on the line , it walks like a robot vacuum cleaner along these tacks, it moves and collects hydrographic data. scorpion and bagel are also sea robots. the first one remotely cleans the water area; the round machine is used to teach children programming; it is already helping rescuers. in the twenty-first year, in september, we participated in the training of the ministry of emergency situations, our catamaran patrolled the water area, looking for drowning people. in special pools are being prepared. diving underwater vehicles, such are useful for inspecting port facilities of sea platforms, on the ground, in the skies, on water and under water, on archipelagos, all the elements, russian-made drones conquer each of them, in fact, this is a battlefield of robots, only the winners will get off from the assembly line and will be released in mass quantities. maryana etskevich, yan savitsky, dmitry matyushin, channel one. and finally, elon musk is moving the headquarters of his company spacex from
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california to texas. elon musk believes the new law infringes on parental rights, and children risk irreversible damage. this is the last straw, this law and many that preceded it. are an attack on families and businesses, which is why spacex is moving its headquarters from hawthorne, california, to starbice, texas. about a year ago, i made it clear to governor newsom that laws of this nature would force california families to leave the state to protect their children. california is at the forefront when it comes to supporting transgender people. previously, children, including those from other states have allowed gender reassignment surgery without parental consent. and those who
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try. obstruct, threaten to deprive the right to custody. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now time will tell the program. hello, live on channel one, the program time will tell, i’m artyom shenin, today, as always, we will discuss important things. current events relating, by and large, one way or another, directly or indirectly, to the process that can be called a conflict, a confrontation with the american-centric the west, the confrontation between the global south, the global west or the global north, the devil will break his leg, but the most important thing, you can call it differently, and we often talk about this, that today...


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