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tv   Dva berega  1TV  July 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm MSK

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service for lgbt employees. goal two is to review practices that have the potential to prevent inequality in the secret service. goal three is to create a support group for lgbt secret service employees. it follows from the text that when hiring agents, there may well be quotas for representatives of various types of minorities. as in hollywood, now without the required number of lgbt actors, a film cannot be nominated for an oscar. but cinema is one thing, life is here. and the director of the service protecting top officials is trying to explain why were there no agents on the roof where the shooting was coming from? this building has a sloped roof so as you can imagine there is a safety factor to consider there. we didn't want to put someone on such a roof; it was decided to strengthen the security of the building from the inside. they blocked all the exits, and the stirlitz left through the entrance, the director of cheetl is not going to resign, even though her ridiculous excuses have already been ridiculed by the entire internet, and elon musk pointed to a photo of the roof of a white house, where the agent is in place, it looks very slanted. isn't biden really being guarded? other protocols, probably, so that there would be no such doubts at the congress. republican
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security forces staged a logistical collapse. for a small town, the security measure is truly unprecedented, the entire center of myuloki is closed off, fenced off with a fence like this, from point a to point b it can be 200 m, but it takes about 15 minutes to overcome this distance. in a roundabout way, and it’s not calm around, one and a half kilometers from the closed zone, the homeless man barely had time to get a knife when the police, drop the knife! here the police worked promptly, although not everyone is happy about it. he had a dog, he loved people, and you came and shot him, right here, in front of his neighbors. cops are accused of racism, there is a context here, wisconsin has the highest percentage of black prisoners in the country, there are more than three inmates per 100 african americans, somehow undemocratic, perhaps they decided to fight the bias in the simplest way: black criminals are recorded as white, it is expected that trump, who stands for the good old women, if he comes to power, will begin to fight all this absurdity and this recruitment... now they are giving money where
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previously only democrats were elected. we learned that there is a secret fund that has been working for several months. he is supported by many silicon valley businessmen, including musk. elon has already announced that he will donate $45 million to the fund every month for trump's re-election. trump's new partner, jady vance, apparently also helped here. he has good connections in silicon valley. trump and vance are planning a campaign rally in michigan on saturday. exactly one week after the assassination attempt, as a signal from... supporters to sponsors, the show must go on. georgy esashvili, dmitry malyshev, kirill danilov, channel one usa. the best circus performers from all over the world gathered in moscow for the international idle festival, which starts tomorrow. participants came from unfriendly countries, the united states, germany, italy, spain, portugal, and poland. this shows that real art knows no boundaries and any cancel culture can be canceled too. a total of 200 participants out of seventeen states, they will compete until the end of the week. the competition program features
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a variety of genres, for example, juggling, aerial gymnastics, acrobatics, horse riding, and clowning. the performances will be assessed by three independent juries, consisting of professionals, spectators, and media representatives. and if they all choose the same number, he will win the grand prize. artists say that participation in the festival is a great honor and a great responsibility. among those who will enter the arena is an international couple. he represents russia, she represents america. first of all this.
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it's an honor to participate in this festival, it 's important for me to share my art with the world. that's all, keep an eye on the time and stay updated. and now on channel one, the continuation of the serial film two shores.
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the gospel of christ is very high, bless those who curse you and pray. for those who fled, the world has fallen into chaos, chaos, corruption, can only be healed by love, amen, thank you, father, good
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words, i arrived after all, i was cleaning here, sit down,
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a house without a mistress is not a home at all. well, now it will be warm and cozy here, and why are you so soapy? so the boys said that they saw you at the bus stop, so i let you in, well, you’re like a kid yourself, what should i cook for dinner, what do you like, i like porridge, millet porridge with stew, my mother did that, okay, you’ll have porridge, i have i'm still on duty, i need to come back, i'll be there about 10 o'clock. wow, what a great fellow you are for coming?
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go ahead, comrade district police officer. why are you shaking? you're cold, i'm damn cold!
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well, let's go, let's go. it's like opening a tin can let's go.
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well done, okay, come on, what, dry the bag! maybe there’s something else here, candlesticks, what are you doing, tanya, calm down, come here, come, come, come. don’t sing here,
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shut up, don’t run, tanya, don’t pass out, tanya, look at me, tanya, look at me, tanya, don’t be afraid, i ’m not scared, i’ll see kolya, stop, stop, leave me, denis, you, go away, pav, my icon, go away, i won’t
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leave, leave me alone, help , something, help, i’m at... the church, help, someone, anyone, we’re at the church, tolik, what are you, lord, it's not me, it's he, don’t let him leave, please, who, denis, daly, can you crawl, call an ambulance, get up, get up, please.
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stand, weapons on the ground. hands, you haven’t been here for a long time, little wolf, and we’ve really trodden the path here, i didn’t know, taking into account the testimony of anatoly and stepan ermakov, your prints on the weapon, you’ve got an unimpressive attitude, life or a prison sentence, stepan, survived, no. died in the hospital, what can you say,
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if i hand over one little man to you, for whom you will thank me, what will happen to me, and you tell me, and we’ll think about it, on the way out, facing wall. we’re preparing a group, we’re leaving, let’s go captain, here’s the local policeman who detained us, he’s asking to join us, he wants to participate, facing the wall, he wanted a thrill, that’s right... captain, okay, let him go, look, learn, let’s take the guys together myself, where, what did i say, i won’t go, i won’t go, it’s time to get an octopus from the bottom of the sea, talk about the unique qualities
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of this product, about healthy food, about a healthy life, about how to recover from... in the live program great, which helps educate, tomorrow is the first one. tatiana mikhalovna said that every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much as to leave her husband. she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general, just so that the actors would not be touched. days pass without you, it hasn’t happened again, how can you compare a carnival.
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“she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a bass on broken glass, to the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere on saturday at the first, to the ninetieth birthday of alexander shirvint, go laugh in the garden, together with your young, i understand, well, let's go to the garden, to the garden, garden, boat, fresh. air, only the sun, only the sky, and the river, ponamaransi, manmaranti, call me harisa, stop biting me, my dear, well, don’t bite me, here, here is a frying pan, so why is it with strings, it’s very fashionable, there will be no steaks , there will be pancakes, dear ladies, forgive the tactlessness
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of my friends, it’s because of the dampness, you, you, and you, and i, well, okay, and you, lady, everything, sa, sama, what you’re singing about, you haven’t yet in the garden, no, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will be there you'll listen, three people in the boat, not counting the dog, on saturday, on the first, we'll turn the volume up all the way. the atmosphere on the project is such that it seems that we, too, have become kindred spirits. well, it's just a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun. i was just so jealous, upset that i don’t sing and , apparently, will never be able to sing with my daughter. looking at you, i think that all families
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in our country will sing with their children. it seems to me that it was already possible not to sing, even from just one introduction, such an atmosphere has been created here, we don’t need a special reason for that. to gather with families, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on the first, on the shovel. this wolf cub is back, open, hello, kriza, come out your hands so i can see them, sit,
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surrender, bitch, calm down, lenya, lenya, please stand up, the trial is underway, the verdict is announced in the name of the union of soviet socialist republics. in relation to a group of persons: denis egorovich skolchin and anatoly petrovich eermakov on the basis of the criminal code of the russian soviet federative socialist republic. article 102 point e: murder committed to conceal another crime, having heard the testimony of witnesses in the aggregate, the secular came,
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okay. conditionally, he repented, but for health reasons, denis is 25.
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he will be disabled, and nothing can be done, now they have begun to treat individual cases with the help of surgery, this is how they determine the part of the brain that is responsible for the occurrence of an attack and perform a resection, the brains will be cut off after all he will be a fool, if you agree to the operation, i will give you a referral to sverdlovsk to the neurosurgery department, no, no, no, no, we agree, my sister will sign everything, what do you need.
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egor usenovich, what do you need, let me help you, and you rest, let him go, good-bye, primak, oh, mishenka, leave him alone, i want to help, i’m probably tired, varyusha, why did you drag so much out of the city, how did you throw away the smoked sausage? , how not to take it, well, keep it small, people used to bake bread themselves, but now they bring it from the city, the women have completely lost their shit. it’s a disgrace, mishenka, varyusha, it’s disgusting to listen to, you’d be ashamed, you sit and both already, come on, oh,
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rosie, you, i hate bastards, oh, kvaika bitch, ugh, what are you babbling there, egor? but from the mind above, i will remember you with my young people, you still won’t survive, that the young people are disgraceful, i would step aside, egor, there is no way for you, what are you, egor, what a fly bit you, but hold me, i was gored to give in to ermakov. but i won’t let you go, but just let me pass, no,
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help, help, hold on, zahar, run, it’s about to collapse, hold on, help! and i'm now i'm now now save!
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guys, can someone give me a padded jacket? zakhar, where? zakhar, where? didn't swim out? i didn’t see him, i don’t remember anything. did you pass out there, or what? yes, my leg cramped, then it failed, i don’t remember how it was emptied. yes, i drank quite a bit. so, guys, lower the boats and bring the boats. we need to search the bottom before the body is carried away. the bridge should have been repaired a long time ago. and eh,
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eh, zakhar, zakhar, zakhar andreevich was the first chairman of our collective farm, he fought in the civil war, then in the domestic war, and after the war he raised the destroyed economy, each of us knew that zakhar eermakov... you can always rely on, because he was reliable, faithful, and honest, may his memory be blessed, and may he rest in peace, uh-huh,
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i didn’t have time to break through the bridge, all my life now i’ll reproach myself for this, well, you can’t break a butt with a whip, i had to push myself, who knew, he’s a good person.
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on friday at the first, and they also say: don’t believe in fate, jackass, guy, you know how... reliable, three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, you know this peacock’s week, and already you’re not with him, you’re jealous, no, i just don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard on sunday on the first, businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, skiing in the new season
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first, the woman was killed, and we’re talking the devil about what and the heart didn’t break, do you know how it’s torn, that’s all? i am always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version
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is going to hell, the man was a stutterer, suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t we'll have to blame ourselves for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book yuliana semyonova, woman, where are you going, telegram from moscow, telegram, give it to me personally , there is a meeting, citizen, who are you, why? what's this? olya, why are strangers here? telegram to you personally from moscow.
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there is no telegram. here are the documents for the construction of a bridge on the collective farm, the banner of labor. and while we were waiting for the resolution, the old bridge finally fell apart, collapsed, and because of this a person died. the first chairman of our collective farm, zakhar andreevich ermakov, a party member. 1920, and i would like to know who is responsible for his death, well, okay, leave the papers and i’ll sort it out, no, i ’ve already heard this in the district committee and in the executive committee and the construction department, everywhere they say that they will sort it out, but here in fact the life of the collective farm is paralyzed, the connection between one bank and the other is broken, the ford for the car is 4 km from village, and now there is no pedestrian bridge at all, what do you want? construction will begin, i’ll go to moscow,
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well, you see how we have to work, otherwise you can’t close the plan for me here, that’s not enough, keep in mind, if within a month something is missing, you have to be able to achieve it, gnaw with teeth. please, thank you, excuse me, comrades, ermakov, ermakov, your mother has come to see you, mother, uh-huh, hello, hello, huh? it’s you, you’re coming through, hello, hello, tolik, how are you feeling, everything is fine, the attacks have stopped, when do they promise to discharge you? but where
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should we discharge him, treat him more and more, they dug into his brains, it’s not a joke, i understand, his head hurts, a little, aunt val, you drove such a distance, it really wasn’t worth it, so i’m a doctor on business, well, that’s one thing for you, so your mom has had too much, she can’t come herself, she’s sick, i know why she got sick, aunt var, why are you lying, this kind of sausage is not sold in our store, it’s from the city. yes, i bought it here, but she asked, just asked, so i’m going, i’m going, oh my, petrovna, petrovna,
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now, now, i’ll carry everything, petrovna, give me the bag, the bag, here, come on, carry it, from you, and irka, i would be ashamed to drink like that, yes, everything is fine, i came to work, and i came to you. almost a veteran, so quiet, quiet, that’s your father, what a wonderful man he was, rest in peace, brother, honest, hard-working, second i was a priest, and you, and i’m a disgrace to the family, well, you retired, so rest, i don’t need such workers, fuck you, you fool,
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i’ll give you everything and you won’t see it, my bastard will send you, well, it’s not a century, but quarter, you’ll definitely look at the checkered sky, a wolf cub, a wolf cub, a healthy forehead, but you’re not quite as big as a wolf, you can’t stand it! okay, let's give him a deadline, a letter there, maybe a week, back, transfer, two. collect more money, you’re young, okay, i’ll give you
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another week, which means in a month the money will come out of the blue. zoey, you have a letter, why are you carrying mail? lida, well, irina was fired for drunkenness, it’s high time, and why not go home, i would have thrown it in the box, well , it’s important, i thought you’d want to read it right away, well, come on, since it’s important. what, this is from
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denis? where did you get the idea that i would be happy with him? mom, dad, i have such news. yes, father, you’re still at work, why are you so cheerful, and where is the money that you collected for a color tv, well, in the back, where else, mommy, mommy, please take it off tomorrow, a patternmaker from sverlovsk came to us here, he’s offering sheepskin coats bulgarian slams, and tv, and what do you care, tv or so that your daughter doesn’t walk around in cast-offs, what are you, well, i just wanted to please my father. to do it for the new year, he won’t buy a tv himself, he’ll say
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it’s a big deal, so he’ll watch football as before, and he has football players running around in front of him, he’ll never buy me a sheepskin coat, he’ll also say a thing, why were you so worried ? well, well, you still have quite a fur coat, i really need this sheepskin coat, if i don’t buy it, then i’d better think about it, “yes , i’ll open my veins, what are you doing, what are you doing, well, well, okay, okay, well, okay, i’ll take it off, i’ll take it off tomorrow, sonny, i’ll buy this for my father, i’ll buy a receiver in the city, i saw a cheap one in the city, mommy, thank you, you ’re the best, here, except for the dog walkers?” walks around, i really loved her, and they wanted
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to submit applications, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they were all sincere, and then 17 on the living for not washing the dishes well, she was here yesterday, here, right here, a fortune teller, tomorrow is the first one, you know, i ’ve never been to the cinema in moscow for so long, otherwise. easy to fix, i’m waiting, mikhailovna said, every woman in the soviet union. she must love stirlitz, but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general, just so that the actors would not be touched, they pass without you, she did not repeat herself, well, how can you compare a carnival, there were either 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments of spring and three stomped on the ivy, oh,
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she looked at him with such piercing eyes, as she knew how, she looked like that, said: “i don’t need a habzon, but she me she broke, she simply broke, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like broken glass, to tatiana’s centenary lioznova, premiere on saturday": on the first. to the ninetieth birthday of alexander shirvint. today i have a different thirst! oh, different. colonel, you are introducing a blur into married life. obviously, the gods are sending me tests on this decisive day for me.
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wait, on this time the idea is not so bad. all ideas of leonid papaganda. this person is your wife's lover. the only opportunity to feed the family, a million in the wedding basket on saturday on the first, he needs a hospital, i ’ll send an ambulance now, wheezing in both lungs. inflammation, wait, thank you, i heard what the doctor said, you’re going to the hospital, why, it’s all the same in my opinion, i feel the payment has come, he’s calling,
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nazarka is waiting, so, don’t screw it up, i ’ll get you to the hospital in the meantime, here, come, closer, i can’t play, come here, well, your son is alive, what a son you are in i've had a lot of fun, now you'll live, no, here's the cross. then nazarka and i said that he died, nazar took him and gave him to whom, to whom he gave, to the cherry. egor,
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egor, why has he been silent for so many years, how old is our son now, 42 years old, that’s it, don’t cry, don’t cry. “i need to be happy, who will give me back these 40 years, our son is rubbish people to grow up, scorching, good people, both rodka and ulina, kind, hard-working, and the owl is the same,
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you know, i always felt something like that for the owl, maternal, yes, i looked at him and thought, our boy is the same now would be, and this is him, six times i didn’t guess, mish, he has your eyes and eyebrows, that’s the upper part, he’s the spitting image of you, i’m telling you for sure, and lips, like my father’s, our skolchinsky, maybe be. “i saw him recently, this is where we met, okay, okay, let’s find out where he ’ll go, he’s so unusual, his eyes are so
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interesting, he’s so albino, oh my good one, well , yes, how much is a handsome man, you’re just like that.” ... more precisely, i can’t say, but ask, they’ll tell you, okay, thank you very much,
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come on, salad, oh, hello, varvara platonovna, mikhail zakharovich, what fate, you came to us, well, yes, something happened, son. son, i finally found you, listen, we are having a serious conversation, savat, we understand that it’s hard to believe, we ourselves are in shock, but...
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but you are ours, ours, how glad i am, that it’s finally arrived, don’t cry, don’t cry, give it to me, i ’m your mother, don’t cry, mom, listen, son, maybe you’ll move in with us, but our house is empty, and there’s a stable, and work in the collective farm is full, eh? wait, wait, don’t rush, we need to discuss everything with ulina, there look how the guy was stunned, who
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was so happy, he didn’t expect such happiness, we’ll discuss it and come back, yes, let’s go, nothing like that, this is my son, my hero. “i gave birth to him myself, wait, ulina, but why are you deceiving us, i know, nazar brought him to you 42 years ago, yes, i remember, he brought a child wrapped in a sheepskin, a newborn, still covered in blood, that’s just me didn’t take it, we gave him to taira, taira, that means our son is my brother,
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how does it happen, he was born from incest, god, it’s my fault that he grew up like this, why did i then i believed nazar, ishko is taira’s son, she was just breastfeeding him when your boy was brought, but she began to feed him, i no longer had this milk, well, where is he, where can i look for him, taira’s husband succumbed to biologists and that spring tyra left after him, and returned only 20 years later with the same boy, my son died, i don’t know, she said that he was sick, he was very sick, she left him in the hospital, and where in which hospital? we need to ask tyra if
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she remembers, where is tyra, how can we find her? i couldn't restrain myself, no, it's not your fault, i for some reason i also believed it right away, now it’s awkward in front of my mother, it’s okay, my mother will understand, she’s on her own, so... why do we need all this? well, that’s it
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, that’s it, dear, calm down, so many years have passed, but probably our son really died, no, don’t torment yourself, no, we have to find out everything, mish, thief, even if he’s alive, he’s a grown man, he has our own life, we are strangers to him, yes, i understand, i just want to cry from frustration, that’s it, let’s go. it's time to get the octopus from the bottom of the sea and talk about the unique qualities of this product. about healthy food, healthy living, how to recover from everything. the program is about living healthy, which helps educate. tomorrow on the first. to the ninetieth birthday of alexander
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shirvint. go laugh in the garden. together with my boyfriend, i understand how, well , let's go to the garden, vodka, fresh air, only the sun, only the sky and the river, manmarantia, manmarantia, call me, stop biting me, my dear, don't bite me, here 's a frying pan, so why is it with strings, it’s very fashionable, there won’t be steaks, there will be pancakes, dear lady, forgive my tactlessness my friends, it’s because of the dampness, you, you, and you, and i, well, okay, and you, lady, all in yourself, yourself, what are you singing about, you’re not in the garden yet, no, go to the garden, you will sing there, you
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will listen there, three in the boat, not counting the dog. on saturday at the first, we’ll set the sound to such a situation on the project that it seems that we too have become kindred spirits, well, it’s just a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun, i was just somehow so jealous, upset that i don’t sing and never , apparently i won’t be able to sing with my daughter,
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i said malebin for 9 days, thank you, one with the quiver is now left in the world, but sits here. “we’re also not busto, like she mowed down, as my father said, there are three of you, and each one will give birth to three, soon we won’t fit in the hut, it turned out, there , it’s boarded up, there’s no one to live with, mish, i’ll go and help her move her things to her old house.” .
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in general, if anything happens, don’t be shy, lyub, contact me, thank you, varya, good afternoon, good afternoon.
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where are you going as a citizen? on a date with denis, with kolchin. well, wait, here we are. who is there, what is there? yes, now it’s time... i’ll go out on a date, what a joke to you, filter the market,
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okay, i’ll tell your woman to leave, stop, stop, stop, i’m coming, i’m coming, put away the cards. let's go, let's go. and you won’t even say hello to me, call, well done, but how did you get the light, gave you a son
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-in-law, what a fool, what a fool? she brought me what i asked for, but of course, here’s 400, here’s another, the taxi driver said it was necessary, i stopped by and bought it. honey.


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