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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 18, 2024 1:30am-2:15am MSK

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the black prince is considered a landmark work by murdok, what is so important about it, what topics are open there? well, in my opinion, this is not considered a landmark work for murdyk, because it was a kind of turning point, i would say, a turning point, a turning point novel in her career, it was very difficult for her, and it is quite non-standard and not like her others novels, and how is it different, it differs, firstly, it seems to me, in the intensity and... dynamics and saturation of dialogues, as she herself said, this is a demonic novel, it was given to her demonically hard, that is, well, the black prince, that this is hamlet, right, this is, firstly, a reference to hamlet, really hamlet, and it is precisely hamlet, hamlet is admired by the main character of the novel bradley, a writer, a writer, and also a tax inspector, and a former a tax inspector and therefore a writer, and he admires hamlet, he really loves it in principle. it is hamlet that he talks about with
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his beloved julian, that is, julian asks him to talk about how she is the daughter of his friends, she is the daughter of his very good bosom friend, that is, it can be said, on the one hand, a friend, a sworn friend, a sworn friend, because on the one hand he is a friend of arnold, on the other hand a fellow writer and rival, a successful writer in contrast to the main difference from the main character, and because... the hero once- then he wrote a fairly popular novel, but after that his career stalled, unlike his friend arnold, who year after year, once a year, he releases a genre novel, which are very popular and which, according to the main character of the novel, are not very in general and deep, that is, it some kind of, in general, standard explanation for any popular product, yes, that it’s pop, it’s too close to the people, it did n’t go deep. in fact, it’s true, that is
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, as soon as a book becomes popular, that is , it crosses some threshold of popularity, we can even observe this now, there are plenty of examples, everyone immediately begins to call this book pop, despite the fact that before that, for example , on the contrary, they could praise her and say that this is a very deep work, touches on cool topics, it’s done so well, just she reaches some very wide audience, a mass audience, and immediately it seems as if it ceases to be a kind of product. this is exactly how the main character bradley pierce treats arnold’s works, so he thinks that this is some kind of nonsense, on the other hand he envies arnold, and he is very captivated by the fact that arnold’s daughter says just the opposite: i want write books similar to your novels, that is, she bribes him with a good assessment, well, let’s face it, with flattery, and that is, she really wants and... listen to a lecture on hamlet, plus
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she herself played hamlet in the production, hamlet itself runs like this thread through the entire novel, but hamli appears here as a kind of black eros, that is, we see many references in the text to the phrase black eros, that is, kamli comes as black eros into these relationships , it turns out that it is eros that destroys them, or tell me how the plot is built around karotic interaction. and bradley, they have a huge age difference, they have a huge age difference, it's true, that is, bradley is already over 50, julian is 20 years old, he 58, this is already under 60 even for, here we are, we will be so, under 60, already 60, and he generally considers himself, he himself condemned before this, that is, his sister’s ex-husband, that he was an old man , yes, the old man, it means he took a young mistress, he does it himself. also, but that means
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about dark eros, which is used many, many times in the novel, in fact there is dark eros, it is not dark in terms of, not only dark, because it is some kind of dark destructive energy, but also intensity, that is, murdoka also meant intensity, that is, it’s so thick, it’s so dense, it’s an all-consuming passion on the one hand. destroys, on the other hand , it gives just the strength for creativity, that is , bradley pearson finally begins to have some kind of inspiration, that is, he begins to write, this is an inseparable part of the destruction of creativity, he begins to write already in prison, when he supposedly killed this arnold, actually killed him rachel, but everything is so confused in this family that in the end it turns out that for some reason this bradley is to blame, and he doesn’t even especially denies his guilt. and but, but this whole
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situation, this whole dark eros, it led him to the fact that he finally sat down to explain what the paradox was, he was the whole novel, i laughed a lot at this, this is of course a terrible situation, but i i really laughed. from the very beginning of the novel, he was our bradley pearson - he wanted a place for solitude to write, i also laughed, i also reread it now, i noticed that all this time a person wants to write a novel, someone always bothers him, people come all the time some people events, in the end it is love that unexpectedly falls on his head, in the end it is only in prison that he is finally left alone and can write a book, he and he finally gets a place of solitude, so that where no one disturbs him, and he finally writes this book, yes, that is, after all, dark eros leads him to hepe. finally gets some kind of silence, peace, inspiration, and really, well, the fact that he still confesses his love for julian , still continues to love her, and even while sitting in
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prison, in general, this is what i don’t even know what to call it, but it’s hardly a hand, of course, but for a creative person this is the very connection between creativity and suffering. well, in fact, not only shalamov’s servant, but also dostoevsky, and in general many of them are sukhavolin, these are our classics who went through prison, it was in prison that they wrote some of their classical works, you also know, it seems to me that this is a kind of work about the study of relationships in marriage, because this bradley pearson is a loner. conscious, there are his friends nearby, these rachel and arnold, who seem to be in great relationships, but at the same time they constantly beat each other, they beat each other in the end, they kill there, and they say: we are so happy, we are a happy couple, a giving couple, everything is fine, but at the same time he gets in from behind the scenes , yes,
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because he captures their daughter in some kind of relationship that they are against, it turns out that he is getting in their way, one might say, he is just jumping on a sore point for this couple. in general, everyone there has very big problems with responsibility; in fact , the relationship between arnold and rachel is not the only example of some kind of strange marriage in the book, there is also the marriage of bradley’s sister and her husband roger, who, in general , didn’t want to marry her 20 years ago, but that means it happened to him too... he was forced to marry her, and it was very an unhappy marriage, from which priscila runs away, generally ends very badly, so no matter what marriage we take in this book, it’s terrible, it ’s terrible, it’s destructive, it’s perverted in its own way at its root, and even
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bradley’s last marriage s s christian, yes, he was also not perfect at all, that is, they were not delirious happy in general and... of this random character francis, who is constantly getting in the way, some unfortunate brother of his ex- wife, we even see how he hints at some kind of passion, almost arnold for bradley , that is, we understand that this bradley
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is some kind of just a hero-lover in every way, although he is a tax inspector and an unlucky writer, why is this man, seemingly so boring, generally not handsome according to the description, why is he so excited? the souls of all the characters, it seems to me that he does not stir the souls, these are all some fictitious feelings that are attributed to him after the fact, if we take the friend’s wife rachel, i don’t think she was in love with him in bradley, i don’t think there was love there, there was a desire for revenge, there was a desire to somehow make up for this emotional lack, the ex-wife also wanted attention and somehow improve her self-esteem. in my opinion, there was no love there either, with julian, with molozek devuchian , yes, was there love, it seems to me, also no, it was some kind of passion, there was admiration bradley as a writer, as some kind of intellectual, an expert on shakespeare, perhaps, but that wasn’t it, it wasn’t love,
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and, accordingly, francis is generally a very strange character, who also, i think , didn’t experience any real feelings, interesting by the way . critics draw a parallel in the novel the black prince, when the hero finds himself in a whirlwind of other people's passions, as if everyone attributes to him some kind of love merit. critics compare this to what iris murdoch herself said in early interviews when she the first fame came, she said that she did not understand how to behave, when everyone seemed to have elevated her to the top, everyone seemed to be in love with her, although in reality this is not so, it is a fiction, and it seems to me that this is exactly what the feeling she conveys in the black prince is that it’s time to get it from the bottom of the sea. leg to talk about the unique qualities of this product, about healthy food, about a healthy life, about
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how to recover from everything, in the program to live healthy, which helps educate, tomorrow on the first, i don’t believe you, which me do good throughout the whole earth. that’s what they called me at the institute: dasha, a chill in a large balloon, flowering tangerines. everything around seemed marvelous, 300 years, you
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are just a real frekin god for me, i ’ll come up to you, my golden one and hug you, and i can come up to you myself, fantastic, on friday on the first, and they also say: don’t believe in fate, kusha, guy, you know how reliable, three-room! apartment and divorced, by the way, loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, a week of this peacock, you know, and already with him you’re jealous, no, he’s just me i don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard on sunday on the first, businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, alpine skiing, this is a must-read podcast, i am glana
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batnikova, we are from the writer vera bogdanova, today we are talking about iris murdoch's novel, the black prince. and tell me, please, vera, you are also a young, beautiful woman, you are also a successful writer, you feel, perhaps, some similar conflicts, that is, you yourself say that, when faced with fame, she lied. with a certain, well, double bottom of this love, that is , perhaps not entirely sincere love, yes, you understand what this is, what kind of conflict this is, there is such a thing, namely there is a certain admiration for the image, because in fact none of the -the viewers who will watch this program now or those who will read my interview or even those who will read my books, none of them know the real me, which is logical, this is... it seems to me, an absolute understanding that some- the image that is imposed on me, readers,
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viewers, which has nothing to do with me, he can also play a cruel joke, because at some point you begin to adapt to this image, and also bradley, the main character of the novel, is dead, he also at some point begins, it’s as if he is brought into these images, he really starts, although he didn’t want, for example, a relationship with rachel, some kind of affair, but he... gets carried away into this affair, listen, it seems to me that there is very typical behavior there, you know how rachel behaves and how her daughter julian behaves, and we see just in examples that rachel, she literally puts pressure on this bradley, she literally just overwhelms him, seduces him, he is forced, he is constantly forced to be in some kind of intimate - yes communications - with her, while he doesn’t want it, but she drags him into it, plus he saw what -that intimate family scene, and maybe after that... it’s even more inconvenient to refuse rachel when she begins to seduce him, but in the end
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this affair, half-baked with julian’s mother, somehow later impresses julian, that is again, the mother then writes a letter to julian, saying that this bradley, he and me tried to seduce, it turns out that julia makes some kind of difficult impression, she runs away and maybe this will play some role in their relationship - this is a hobby, but we see that this is how to behave. no, yes, how a woman presses on a man, and how maybe she should behave, because julie, she somehow runs away all the time, well, somehow she always eludes this man, and maybe it will be in him . this passion, it’s also not very clear what exactly the passion will be in him, because he knew julian for a long time, well, essentially, a novel from a man’s point of view, iris murdyk is a woman, she writes from a man’s point of view, she is a reliable narrator, we believe her, you believe that you, you have a feeling that these are male feelings in a relationship, then, what
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is interesting to us, women, we read, yes, as it is from a man’s point of view, but on the other hand, there seems to be a convincing story here, but we are like that. we understand that the author is a woman. there are two points here: first, in my opinion, when a writer writes, and he is not a man, not a woman, he is the one from whom he writes, then it’s the same with me, when i write on behalf of a man, at that moment i am that man, when i write on behalf of a girl, i am a girl, i will write on behalf of a dog, which means i will be a dog for some time, that is this, well, you’re just like nabokov, who says that i’m a writer, i even write love for a stool, yes, that’s how it works. that is , it’s impossible, well, in a good way, it’s clear that there are different situations and sometimes it doesn’t work out, but the reader just feels it when the author lives as a hero, or doesn’t live as a hero, when the author feels what he’s experiencing a hero, when the author simply sketched out some, i don’t know, formulaic image and left him stilted, but let him go, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, if we talk
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specifically about the novel the black prince, in principle there are no reliable storytellers, in this is what the game itself intends. game, uh, there, we don't know if we can trust bradley, his story, because we have four more afterwords, where each minor character tells his own version, rachel says that bradley is actually crazy, and it means he harassed her in every possible way, in general he stalked her, and the ex-wife also says that it means bradley was and only her, julian says that yes, there was a feeling, most likely, but simple.
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here again, loxy is one of the names of apollo, that is, yes, that is, loxy is dark, as if there is an apallonian beginning, then the dark side is like the devil, like lucifer, this, that is, it is real, and even on the first edition of the black prince had the head of apollo, therefore, that is, it was not only here there are references to hamlet, but also there is references to myths and there is a lot of dark talk about the connection between creativity and heresy, but after all, i think creativity wins, that is , there is no love as such in the end and there is no truth there, just
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wait, well, let’s figure it out, this hero is bradley at first we see him so boring he is all the time. grumbles, he is dissatisfied all the time, he is an introvert who really wants to be left alone, all people irritate him, he constantly tells them rude things, i don’t want to see you, go away, leave me alone, and he seems cynical, he seems calloused, suddenly, when he awakens to fall in love with this girl who is his junior by 38 years, he suddenly becomes super romantic, that is, he begins to talk about love as if it were some kind of temple, almost a temple at all, almost or god, in which he believes, yes, that is, that... a very strong intensity of emotions, yes, during this period, and we cease to recognize him, in this sense, this novel is murky, it is a little upside down, because we first we think that he is such a person, and then suddenly it turns out that he is so gentle, and he believes, as you correctly noted, even in prison , julien still loves him, and he
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even almost takes it upon himself to kill arnold, simply because he feels guilty for what he destroyed, and somehow. mm the psyche of this poor girl, but at the same time it turns out that the event because of which all this started, it’s not worth what you think, such a reaction, because well, well, well, the girl, well, got carried away, maybe the teachers of the institute, which older, this is a popular plot, why suddenly someone like this gets into lateralism, or even faustianism, even yes, some kind of black principles, dark eros, here on the one hand... again, i don’t think we can talk about real love on his part, he fell in love with the image again, you and i said that before this is what he knew julin, he did not see this beauty in her. but a certain moment happened, these lectures about hamlet , and something turned upside down in him and he saw it from a completely different side, he saw a certain image, he fell in love with the image, through it he
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realized his creative beginning, creative beginning, but where does this darkness come from in the sidelines , well this is about impossible love, and why is it so impossible, it’s not very clear, it’s impossible, as it seems to me, on the one hand it’s understandable, if you think about it logically , it’s possible, but with the intensity with the madness that’s happening... there for the character, this is even some kind of absurdity, that is , this very situation is intensified to the point of absurdity, and there is no logic in the actions of the characters either. listen, why is murdyk so cool, that is, why do we respect her at all, why do we still read her, talk about her, murdyk is very big, it seems to me that she is a philosopher from literature, cool, by the way, i agree, that is, she has so many meanings built into her novels, so many layers, subtexts, in each of them, each of them can be talked about endlessly, and pulls out an infinite number of meanings, plus different forms, different tools,
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forms, for example, how she builds the narrative itself, how it was done, it was very, well, it remains very cool and such a unique well, the work on this is truly classical literature, in general, although it can be accepted for detective, for fiction, right? in the end there is an intensity of passions, there is seduction, there is murder, that is, we can say that she operates with rather pop genre techniques, no, but due to this we read with such rapture the black prince, that is, he is not boring, very easy to read, and there are a lot of dialogues, and - by the way, good dialogues, excellent dialogues, and here, what’s surprising is that there are a lot of them and... a lot of characters speak at once at the same time, and murdock deliberately does not use, uses as less as possible attribution, that is, at some point we
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lose the thread of who is speaking with what , such a jumble arises, which in principle, i think according to murdyk’s plans, should have been, it’s such a crazy chorus, she even uses some kind of comparison with alice in wonderland, where in the end julian writes in his afterword that my dad was such and such a character. moth in wonderland, and a carpenter, and this one was a margin, that is , after all, such a phantasmogoria hovers there, and phantasmogoria, and not a little bit of madness, some kind of fairy tale, a game with time, and that is, this a large number of dialogues, so skillfully written, it also moves the plot very much, due to this it is also very interesting to read and easy, listen, but you’re an introvert , look, are you? beauty, you are a talented woman, and but your profession, it forces you to be an introvert, that is, you work alone with yourself, and you write a lot,
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and you are alone in this state, tell me, do you feel some kind of connection, maybe be stinking, because she is also a very interesting woman, she was also married to a writer, they have lived together all their lives, maybe you feel some kind of similarity - here is a bright woman’s character, who at the same time is as introverted as possible, how introverted, i don’t know about me, but i really resonate with her idea about the impossibility of finding a quiet place, because even in her novel there is a sea of ​​sea, yes, which received the booker prize, and there is also this theme that the writer goes somewhere in solitude , tries to write and someone comes there again, that is, this impossibility of solitude and...
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the water was noisy, that your clothes were boiling, and you still write, i can only go out the window, well, you see, we have already found something in common with you and murdok, that she, too, always wants to find solitude to write, yes, this is absolutely important for me, that is, i always close myself off and god forbid even a fly flies through there, that is, it is very distracting, but it turns out that you merge, let’s say, this communication with the world later into your texts, right - yes, this is a complex communication, it allows you to be more sensitive, let's say, inside this communications, for example, murdyk is considered a master of psychological realism, that is , even these dialogues, all these situations, like
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you. well, you know, this is who the writer came from, who he became, that is, there is, for example, jane didian, yes, an american writer who wrote a lot in the style of some kind of memoirs, where she wrote about how she experienced, the death of her husband, a year of magical thinking, she has a book, how she experienced the death of her daughter, in general, she had some misfortunes that she - poured it into the text and it seemed to me that there was some kind of confessional introverted motive, it
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looked like murdoc. i would also like to say about the parallel with nabokov, specifically the black prince, because i do, because it was murdyk who also signed a letter asking for the publication of lolita in great britain, this is 10 years before the black prince, then there is she was in every possible way for nabokov and she really, well, apparently liked lolita and a lot of nabokov, i think there is also in the black prince, but not post'. lolita is a thirteen-year-old girl, after all, julin is a twenty-year-old girl, that’s still it, but i agree with you that we still see a glimpse of this lalita in these relationships and the hero’s feeling of guilt mainly in his inner picture, she’s like a girl, although we understand that it was she who played with it and threw it away, well, in general, i think it’s a girl, because he
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saw how she grew up, yeah. this bradley, he sees this girl in the costume of a black prince, i consider this the climax of the novel when she comes out to him in this suit with some kind of sheep skull, and at that moment a passion awakens in him, which frightens this girl, that is, she doesn’t, and after that she runs away from home, yes, either with her dad, or alone, well in general, she leaves him, and then she builds a wall with him, she almost does not communicate with him, almost does not
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communicate with... writes a letter, yes, well, in general, we understand that she is running away from him, if she wanted to find out this relationship, she would have figured it out, but it turns out that he scares her precisely with this dark passion, like you do you think this plays a role? i think so, because she, too, initially saw in him more of a fatherly figure, uh, when a fatherly figure suddenly attacks you, and this is a completely different role and a completely different role. and of course it’s scary on the one hand, on the other hand she runs away after her father arrives, her father reveals to her bradley’s real age, and gives her a letter from rachel, from well, that is , where, in general, the mother talks about her affair with bradley and julie he finds out that there was some kind of affair, that’s all very confusing, she probably did the right thing by removing herself from this situation, i
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think so, because it’s crazy? would grow to infinite limits, well, look, when she is driving in a car out of town with predley, they are just beginning this relationship, they do not yet have, so to speak, some real flat relationship, she, to prove her love, she jumps out of the car, but this is horror, this is extreme, that is, she wanted to prove to him that she loves, in the end she ran away as soon as some problems appeared or no, as you see it, it’s just that if she had stayed with him, the destruction itself would have continued, destruction as well, if we talk about it, then you think his passion for her, it was dark, destructive, in this maybe there is a connection with humbert humbert, yes, that he destroys the girl, yes, and it seems to me that it simply couldn’t be otherwise, in principle, perhaps, here murdyk also lays down the idea that perhaps creative people, in principle, cannot be healthy relationships and well, in the generally accepted, generally accepted sense, i think
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yes, i think it can't be. perhaps creative people can be, so to speak, cockroaches, or maybe for this delirium, the whole story was just such a rocking of this inner one. suddenly, and he doesn’t seem to control his movements, his life, what he does, and even when he is accused of murder, he also does nothing to control his life, he never does anything, i have a completely opposite opinion, i
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it seems that bradley is a very boring person, boring, closed into a shell, when he suddenly exposes himself to this love for julian, he suddenly becomes like a determined lion. sight, he begins to run somewhere, break out, wait for her at his parents’ house in the car, there he almost climbs into her window somewhere, that is, begins to do things that we do not expect from him at all, but on the other hand, he does nothing to justify himself, or, for example, having justified himself, he could go to julian and explain himself, but he prefers to remain in prison, that is, he could somehow justify himself, i think he could, but he even doesn't try at all both of these heroes... they are considered that murdoch wrote herself into bradley, into arnold, into arnold, this is the confrontation you consider key, these are her two halves, because on the one hand she is like bradley, an author who craves perfection , on the other hand
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, she was a very prolific author, she really wrote and wrote a lot of novels, these two halves, on the one hand, fertility, on the other hand, this is the very scourging and impossibility of achieving the ideal, that’s what she actually is. tell me, vera, do you have any approach already? definite, you are still an accomplished author, so i know that your book is the season of poisoned fruits, it is dedicated to the life of a girl against the backdrop of the nineties, yeah, you have some kind of approach to the characters, which was formed somehow in a difficult way, you say that the reader cannot fully understand you and should not understand, that is, you always close yourself off from him with some images and never... there is no exact reflection of you, you have some kind of approach to your characters ? half the character is always me, um, that is for me, well, the author always writes with himself, and for me to write something really truthful and real, i need to put
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something of my own into the character, this is true, and these are not necessarily good things, there are bad ones, for which i i don’t like the characters, and they tell me that it was clear that you... didn’t like the character very much, i say, i know, and there is precisely this trait that i don’t really like in myself, it is in this character, that is, mikhailovna said, every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much, in order to leave her husband, she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general, just so that the actors were not touched, she passes without you, she did not repeat herself, well, how can you compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring or.. i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me,
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she simply broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all. and my soul bass on broken glass, for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere on saturday at the first, for the ninetieth birthday of alexander shirvint, go laugh in the garden, together with your boyfriend, well, let's go to the garden, vodka, fresh air, only... sun, only sky and river, manmaransi, manmaransi, call me caris, stop biting me, my dear, don’t bite me, here, here is a frying pan, so why is it with strings, it’s very fashionable,
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there will be no bevsteaks, there will be pancakes, dear lady, forgive the tactlessness of my friends, this is them from the dampness, you, you, and you, and i... well , okay, and you, lady, everyone is in the garden, garden, what are you singing about, are you not in the garden yet? no, go to the garden. “you will sing there, you will listen there, three in a boat, not counting the dog, on saturday, on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed, and we are talking about what the hell and my heart didn’t break, what do you know , as it breaks, it’s just that the shoulder is pulling at the elbow, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted”? " there are orientations towards you in all parts of the soviet union, and what
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no matter if you had good preparation, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful , i'm always careful, hello, colonel kostenko.
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confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. this year marks the 105th anniversary of the classic english literature writer iris murdoch, a woman who wrote from a male perspective. and we wonder what that's what came of it. she also writes a lot about aging women. she wrote the black prince when she... she was over 50, in my opinion, in this novel she very much, it seems to me, reflects on the appreciation of the female body and she has this almost tangible disgust towards the aging female body, these sweaty feet, yes, these are rachel and prescila , this idea of ​​a woman’s middle age is of course monstrous, she is very scary, it’s clear that she was very afraid of this and indeed, that is, some very subtle observation. not she apparently really wanted to grow old, i
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had the feeling that she didn’t understand where to move next from this middle age, how to perceive her body, how to perceive love, what to do and in general how to live next, well, what’s next in life after these 50 plus, but how - when your body refuses you more and more, when youth is behind you, only some kind of darkness and decay lies ahead, you still can’t find the answer to this question, no, no, no answer, in my opinion, it’s a little unfair to average women age, they certainly have an advantage over youth, over the youth, the freshness of julienne, they have an advantage, well, not everyone falls apart at 50, so to speak frankly, so i don’t know how it was in the seventies, but now women take great care of themselves and many fifty-year-olds look, some are better than thirty-year-olds and feel great , i agree, there is definitely like... some kind of feminine facet of this inner fear of aging, it is
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very reflected in this text: i agree with you, okay, vera, thank you for the interesting conversation, thank you, it was very, i was very curious to talk with you about the arismer woman, because she stands out with a little strange silhouette against the background of literature of the 20th century, that is, she seems to be a woman, but she writes from a male perspective, is popular at the same time, and an honored author, interesting, that is, her... you can’t ignore her at all, if we talk about the history of literature, well, this is an english classic, a classic of english literature, absolutely, be sure to read iris murdoch, there are many other novels, not only the black prince, but today vera bogdanova and i were interested in talking about the black prince, as a connection between mysticism and eroticism.
2:11 am
hello, dear friends, this is the podcast life of the remarkable, with you i am its host, writer, alexey varlamov. july 10 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the wonderful sculptor sergei timofeevich kanenkov. we will talk about it today, and my guests in the studio will be the heads of the museum. robinov, hello, hello, ah svetlana leonidovna, we will probably start with oleg yuryevich, because it is clear why you are present in this studio, and as for oleg yuryevich, there is some intrigue, why are you why yesenin, please tell us about your relationship
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to our the main character, well, yesenin was a good friend of sergei timofeevich konyunkov, and... sergei timofeevich is my great-grandfather, great-grandfather, that is, you are konenkov’s great-grandson, yes, along what line can you reconstruct your genealogy? yes, my mother, alla kirillovna konenkova, she was born as once in the house where the museum of the creative workshop of sergei timofeevich is now located on tverskaya street, gorky street then, my grandfather kirill sergeevich konenkov, he is the son of sergei timofeevich, and there was also an eldest son mark, but he died in infancy, soon after mark’s death . my grandfather kirill sergeevich was born, well, great, please tell me, konenkov lived a great life, a lot of different myths, a lot of different legends are associated with this life. now, if we separate facts from myths, what do we know for sure about him? for sure? well, in fact, in general, in my opinion,
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if we talk about any life, there are always myths and legends, they are intertwined, the life of an artist and an artist of the silver age, then that’s all. it doesn’t work out, of course, but sergei timofeevich, his biography is really amazing, probably most often when we hear about kanenku and we turn to the book my age, he lived a century and this is a book of his memories, one of his books, yes, his autobiography, but you can give away a secret, he wrote it himself or someone helped him, but he wrote it himself, he was a journalist, literary record, mischkova, the record is probably kept in the museum -
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when several households were connected by family ties, they received their freedom back in the 18th century, it turns out, no, no, they received their freedom after the patriotic war of 1812, there is a wonderful legend, having freed the landowner from french captivity, so they received their freedom, but they were not entirely free, for decades they still bought themselves off,
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that is, they bought themselves out of serfdom, but they were already free people, the fact is that, like serfs they didn’t have surnames, having received freedom they received... at the same time they also got the nickname “horses”, fellow villagers said about them, what do they need horses for, they are like horses themselves, so the first surname was horses, their children, little horse-horses, and so it was born surname, konenkov was very proud of the origin of his surname, and then the peasant son sets off to conquer the capital, it was not quite like that, he studied in broslavl, barin’s son went to study, and sergei timofeevich was taken as his companion, the same boy. he just successfully passed the exam, they were preparing for exam, passed it successfully, then headed to moscow to the academy of painting, but this was not enough, the most important thing had to be overcome.


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