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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  July 18, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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suggest the opportunity to share these hobbies with men; there are few women in your circle. but i would like to emphasize that there are some men who don’t even know what their daughter looks like, either as a child or as an adult, and there are men who wait with trepidation for their first child to appear, or for their a second child will be born, and they wonder how these children will find a common language, will the first one suffer, as will the second? men are different, you know, in terms of own children are very different. the second thing i would like to emphasize is the point that is very close to you and yours, as you call them, bro, or whatever it is, bro, it is best, in my personal humble experience, to choose your male partner among your men - friends, because you already know this person well and will never be mistaken in those everyday little things that...
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allow yourself to manifest yourself in this world brighter, more actively, if you need the help of a specialist, a psychologist, then i am available, you can tell me write, but something inside you is calling you to some new reality, it is already very close, and for you it is closer than for millions of people who are watching now, they do not have this chance, but you have it, here is the lucky ticket... in your hands now, and how you use it, of course, depends on you, so let your choice be coordinated, well, with that tatyana inside who writes poems about loneliness, but there is a line about the fact that i get up at night, somehow out of my mind i go to the refrigerator, which means something somewhere there is something that can be changed, thank you.
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wear these looks with pleasure, and if you want to take part in the fashion verdict program, then fill out the form on the channel one website. the first channel presents. it’s time to get an octopus from the bottom of the sea and talk about the unique qualities of this product, about healthy food, about a healthy life, about how to recover from everything. live healthy in the program, which helps. well,
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dear friends, today we have an amazing topic: what professions prevent the development of senile dementia? this question it seems like it was either standing or not standing, we thought that it was not a matter of professions, it was a matter of genetics,
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two professions, the song is found everywhere, but somewhere more often, somewhere less often, i want to give a microphone to the audience ask which professions are least affected. we’re listening to our guests, so let’s probably go to the actors, who are the actors, the actors, once, next, i think these are teachers, so the third attempt, but it seems to me that these are doctors, doctors are teachers, in general it turned out to be very interesting , why we doctors so rarely... the first reason is physical activity, who
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worked as a doctor, especially at first, he knows how this happens, what our physical activity is, activity is that we... walk a lot, so the scientists set out to see how much the doctor walks, that is, we are not talking about physical education now , when we went to the gym there, or at least somehow meaningfully run about physical activity while working, that’s how many steps, we even conducted research on this topic and counted the number of steps that doctors take per day, a study was done in 2020 v china 250. and looked at how physical activity affects the development of dementia, about a day a person, a doctor walks 500 steps, this is the minimum, well, there is a wide range up to about 20,000 steps a day, yes, we
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walk at work, someone in their life this remembers, i remember how i started working as a doctor in moscow in the fifty-first hospital at the reception, i remember.
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have proven that a sedentary lifestyle increases the incidence of dementia by 30%. huge study in china, 250,000 people 30% sedentary increases demensyu. there were also studies on the topic of how fast you walk, there was also a study that naturally, the faster you walk, the less you are.
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let’s say we operate, then we also operated with such a huge incision, from ear to ear, as
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they say, they also did intracapsular extraction, that is, the entire lens was pulled out of the eye, now we operate through a small puncture, in general, in short, we learn all our lives, every 5 years we have mandatory retraining, we take exams, so we we reduce the risks of death and dementia for ourselves, by 3% every year, right? that’s right, the third reason that we have highlighted is, unfortunately, fortunately, we work under constant stress, we always have some kind of emergency situations, you constantly have to enter into someone else’s situation, what does this lead to, the activation of stress system, and this improves blood supply to the heart and naturally to the brain, because you have to make a decision.
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they sent me a video, young guys wheeled a patient into an mri, magnetic resonance imaging, onto metal gurneys, to somehow the patient became lucky, the gurney was sucked into the mri, imagine that it’s metal, it’s a magnet, this circle, sucked into the mri, the thing is that you can’t tear this gurney away from the mri, you can’t tear it off, you have to turning off the entire device is a fun occasion.
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he says, he started having a stroke right in front of me, part of his face sagged, his arm collapsed, and he says, i immediately began to resuscitate him, and he tells me, today i saved a man from death, and he says, i say, at least the patient remembered you, but he he says, no, no, i remember, a month later they met in the hospital, he says, doctor, thank you, you saved me, patients most often do not say thank you, that’s wrong,
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we hang around, and then we’ll continue, sadna sea, this octopus is beautiful, reaches about 1.5-2 m in length, but it is not tasty, octopus, how to cook it and eat it correctly, take the octopus, two pieces of foil so that it leaves all the juice, so that it is hermetically sealed, a little salt and pepper for spices , but again there is no need to spoil it with spices. deadly color. diarrhea, almost no stool
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it was, the water was pouring out, i was madly thirsty, the water was flowing madly. and parallel to the pain in the stomach. white is the color of cholera. it's basically like washing rice, rice water, it's liquid, it just gushes as soon as anything gets in, you just really can't get out of the toilet. a few tips to prevent you from getting an infection: get into a pose, take a deep breath, stand up. hold your breath, oh, calm your mind and exhale, bow a little, yoga for the elderly, how old are you, 59, 59 years old, how old are you, 59, 59, how old are you years old, 74, we are discovering the secrets of longevity,
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let me introduce myself, this is a profession, you will learn all the behind-the-scenes secrets of one of the most popular and beloved theaters in our country, that’s it, vera, walk a little, talk a little, well , gingerbread, you should evoke pity, and you are at home i don’t talk to my wife about work, thank god she doesn’t know where i work, my wife. she must believe in the genius of her husband, feed him and not interfere, i have all the moves written down, when my relationship with mikhail developed, well, consider this a silet, we bring you good things, he knows how to joke, but we love him not only for this, i
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haven’t sung this yet, alexander shirvint’s day, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there, on saturday on the first, we will put the sound at full volume, such an atmosphere at the project that it seems , we also became kindred spirits. well, it's just a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun. i was just so jealous, upset that i don’t sing and , apparently, will never be able to sing with my daughter.
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in the first season of the new season, a woman is killed and we are talking about the devil, and our hearts are not broken, do you know how it breaks, they just give up on the shoulder and pull on the elbow, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good you are preparation, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s the question. be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the service chief security, have him immediately report to the control room, and mobilize all our
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employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. the man was a stutterer and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semenov. well, dear friends, like this, through the seabed, we are starting our program, this program is to live healthy, or rather we continue our program, and today we will get an octopus from one of the seas, dear german shaevich, let's see how octopuses swim in the seas and oceans.
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germushevich, you cut, i'm trying. here he is , a huge octopus, absolutely, and i must say that the animal is not at all stupid, in short, bring us an octopus into the studio, you know, a guest came to us from vladivostok today, and he has, as you can say, a fish a farm or something, yes, he understands about seafood products alexey. now we want to show you how they catch
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octopuses, alyosha will comment on this for us, but it turned out that they catch octopuses with traps like this, they put a fish inside, yes a goblin, and they put bait inside, any fish, they lower the trap. octopus, seeing a trap with a fish, goes in there, can’t get out, fishermen, here’s a trap, a trap, but the most interesting thing is what lesha told us, he says, well, they catch big crabs, but crabs are an expensive product, so they want catch crabs, from there octopuses crawl in, yes, but octopuses are an inexpensive product, yes, well, it’s not as popular as crabs, not so, unfortunately, now we will see how a huge octopus was accidentally caught, so lyosha is on him. i looked at what you told us about him, in this case they pull out the gilbert octopus, this octopus is beautiful, uh, reaches about one and a half to 2 meters in length, but
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despite its remarkable beauty, it is tasteless, it has very tough meat, in order to cook it, in order to cook it, you need to spend 4 hours, so the fishermen don’t want to deal with it, they let it go. it’s clear, which ones do they eat octopuses? here we have very small ones laid out like this, look, here in this case there is a wild octopus, it’s called sandy, it’s good, yes, look, edible, yes, it’s edible, first of all, these little ones, that’s me i don’t know, i’m just for wildlife and advocate for less aquaculture on our tables, that’s why off the coast of the primorsky region. vladivostok, can you imagine , where off the coast of sakhalin such a wonderful octopus is caught, this hefty one, but it’s true that the octopus is blue blood, yes, i don’t even know, i somehow,
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they eat a lot of this, it’s not that it’s tough , the more, the tougher it is, you know, but yes, they sell it to us in moscow, and we’re fools, no , really, pay attention, you understand what kind of life we ​​have here, well, in principle, i like osminok, he has three hearts, can you imagine if... octopus opens the jar, many say that he is very smart, what do you think , you know, everything that plows our oceans and seas, everyone there is smart, they see a steamer, run away, loose fish, octopuses, crabs, all smart, stupid no, let's move on, as... for the benefit of the octopus, dear friends, go to the models, but i want to say right away that one of the most
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useful components of the octopus is vitamin b12, who will start about b-12, let's michal egorich, octopus contains vitamin b12, and it is involved in the structure of the myelin sheath of the optic nerve, such as the eye. this is where information from the eye must go to the brain, so we see that if the myelin sheath is destroyed or it is imperfect, then information from the eye cannot get into the brain, accordingly, a person does not see, even though the eye may be completely normal, what does vitamin b-12 have to do with it, because vitamin b-12 is involved in the structure. optic nerve sheath, that is, vitamin b-12 makes it possible to work normally in the nervous system and to see normally, because vision is
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also a neurological phenomenon, that’s right, mikhail egorovich, but not only vitamin b-12 has octopuses before really, let’s move on to the next component, andrey petrovich, you and i need to place the podium, so, how much vitamin b12 is in octopus? in beef liver there are 13 and then 13, in herring in fish, herring in mackerel there are only three daily norms. that is, the octopus is the undisputed champion, octopuses contain approximately 82% of the daily requirement of selenium, selenium is a substance that is
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necessary for the formation. i like germansach, he has such an expression on his face, and there is iron there, there is 50% of the daily requirement, well, we all adore you, german shavich, really, dear ladies, we adore you, well, how to choose, how to store and how to properly eat, how to choose, say, alexey, everything is really very simple, so, here is your favorite, yes, here is my octopus, for
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which i... can answer, look, the octopus is sandy, it should be no more than 50 cm in length, and together with these they felt , that is, they felt around in a big way, to choose everything, but to choose, well, we saw it, we take everything, grab it and run home, wait a second, you would be there, show off, look, look, everything will be found, everything is in moscow, i tell you so i’ll say, moscow has everything, but here it is, here you come, what is not in vladivostok is in moscow, here you go. all products in the far east are frozen in blast freezing there, minus there are different chambers -28 there is -45 depending on which companies have what equipment is frozen and most importantly on the counter it should also be frozen, never take it in ice, i think this is wrong because yes you came home you
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came home. put it in the refrigerator, it’s better to defrost in the refrigerator, wait, don’t rush, it’ll sit overnight and defrost, but it seems to me at night, well, it’s a bit too much, i think four, in short, advice to lyosha from vladivostok, choose an osmenog for its inhuman beauty in the literal sense of the word, how to properly store an osmenog, lyosha, how to store, store, look, and i ’ll tell you this, -18 should be in the freezer always and everywhere, take refrigerators so you can see it was, what was the temperature in the freezer, if -17, this is already a violation, you know, -16, let’s say, if he leaves vladivostok and an employee of rosselkhoznadzor comes up and inserts a special syringe, he sees a thermometer and sees -16 there, he has the right to wrap it up altogether to book back, are you bleeding there
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to -18? it is desirable that minus 20-24 be there 20, it’s shorter to freeze freezers, the stronger the frost, the cooler, i’ll tell you how long you can store frozen, well , everyone has different periods, well, from about 6 months to 12 months, different companies, conditions are different, so it’s different for everyone, you need to look at the last question, how to eat octopus correctly, a lot correctly, how they eat in vladivostok, at this time our lyosha kofba comes to us, who also prepared something. lyosh, come on, how do they eat octopus in vladivostok? if you want, i ’ll tell you the best recipe, go ahead, but in vladivostok , just as a person who has already devoted his whole life to fish and fish products, yes, it’s always interesting to go to different restaurants, when you come to a restaurant,
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you understand, you don’t... you don’t regret the tea leaves , no, no, he says, look, you take his blunder, and you’re done, he says, don’t invent anything, don’t invent anything, in fact, if you want to cook it at home, take the octopus, two pieces of foil so that it i left all the juice so that it was hermetically sealed, salt, pepper, a little spice, but again, you don’t need to spoil it with spices, it’s already ready, but you won’t be able to take the onion.
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the only nuance that i made here was that i didn’t take foil, but a baking sleeve, but so that we could completely preserve, that is, all the juices, and this color turns out so creamy, i also put sun-dried tomato there, well, so that some kind of the aroma was really there, it turned out delicious, but in vain the chili pepper went in there, the fact is that chili pepper is a mexican taste, there is there are absolutely certain dishes where it is needed, and there are where i need it, you agree, lesh, we didn’t need the chili pepper, but it still turned out very tasty. talk about medicine, well , we are not on the shore in vladivostok, not on the shore of the pacific ocean, i’ll pass all this, it’s time for us to have such a wonderful guest, it’s a pity that
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what, dear friends, what color is your chair? today our stool is transparent, watery, you are just a transparent stool, transparent stool, perhaps as if with grains of rice. well who? well, it's probably some kind of infection. the person most likely had cholera, or what? no, this is cholera, this is cholera, andrei petrovich and i are going to our medical
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site, we, of course, already have a patient there, have you really suffered from cholera, can you imagine, i will never forget these wonderful moments when there was something terrible at all , well, i was traveling. and ate light salads, cafes, as a rule, oh, the next day it became sharply bad, so vomiting began, diarrhea, there was practically no stool, water was added, i was madly thirsty, madly water was flowing, and along with the pain in the stomach, they called an ambulance and diagnosed it with cholera, which city was it in, krasnodar region, besubsky? there is ordinary cholera, which is infected through water, and there is cholera iltor, which is infected through food, and
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this is such diarrhea, it really pours out of you, the thirst is such that you drink non-stop, your mouth is dry, yes, it’s simple something in general, and i called my mother, i... they even made beds with holes because, in principle, it’s impossible to keep it down. this is essentially how did you wash the rice? the rice water is liquid, it just gushes as soon as something gets
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inside, why? because it’s not like that, it’s just gushing there, you really can’t get out of the toilet. by the way, i called my mother from the toilet, but really, you can’t, you can’t, you’re in a comatose state. what's happening? cholera has two, so to speak, two mechanisms, one mechanism, because indeed all the villi die, on the one hand, on the other, in the intestines, on the one hand, on the other hand, the cholera toxin acts like this on the intestinal wall, that you are still in additional sodium enters the walls into the intestinal lumen, the sodium salt draws out all the water, that is, that is why it flows. in the morning, but then, when you restore your drinking regime, you immediately gain all your 4 kg, treatment, treatment
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- this, of course, restores all electrolytes and fluids, and antibiotics, as we have already said, there are two of the most unpleasant things, this is the so-called 139 , here there are mainly a number of cyphotoxins, these kind of cypholosparins, but there is one thing, one thing, if you are traveling to an endemic region, there is vaccination, there is a vaccine, and this vaccine is approved in the russian federation from 2 years of age, it is oral in the form of tablets, oh, what a beauty, you can take it, the only problem is that it has an expiration date.
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the antibiotic helped immediately and life got better for the first time, i don’t have a mother who is an infectious disease specialist, but i have glory to you, god, god grant that she lives and lives, friends, this is all about medicine, take care of yourself, and we have to pause for a minute, and we will continue our program in nature, where we will all do yoga, look at our yogis, our yogis, don’t forget. see you in
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a minute, get into a pose, take a deep breath, stand up, hold your breath, oh, calm your mind and exhale, bow a little, yoga for seniors, how old are you, 59, 59 years old. how old are you 59, 59, how old are you, 74, we reveal the secrets of longevity, i don’t believe you, here’s yesterday’s, which is for me, do good throughout the whole earth, god,
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she said, every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much that leaving her husband, she very carefully always treated the actors, she could directly kill this person in general... so that the actors are not touched, days pass without you,
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she did not repeat herself, well, how can you compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring, or 17 moments of the spring of tritopolis on the ivy, oh, she looked with such prickly eyes, as he could do, she looked like that and said: “i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she just broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful...” to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was extremely subtle person, she put so much love into all this, and my soul walked like a bass to broken glass, to the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere on saturday at the first, and they also say: don’t believe in fate, jackpot, guy, do you know how reliable? three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, loves everything unusual, i
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want you to stay, you’ve known this peacock for a week, and already with him you’re jealous, but no, i just don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, and in our yard on sunday on the first, businessman, three-room apartment, financially provided, alpine skiing. dear friends, let’s remove all unnecessary thoughts and take a deep breath. stood up, held our breath, oh, calmed the mind and exhaled, bowed slightly, legs to the sides, if anyone didn’t understand, this is a program to live healthy, we went to sokolniki park, where
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everyone does yoga, i want to introduce you to our trainer, from the pelvis and turned around each other. and invite you all who are now sitting at home, immobilized, to join us immediately, i want everyone who is involved to tell you how old you are, i’ll come, how old are you, 59, 59 years old, how old are you, 59, 59, how old are you, 74, let's applaud, 74 years old? guys, how old is the coach? 63. birov khadrasonina first, how old are you, tell me, 81, 81, and you do yoga, i admire you. yoga came to us from india, it was invented by buddhists.
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it's not just physical exercise, yoga classes help you find peace of mind. and...
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breathing reduces the level of stress hormones, as a result the blood vessels dilate, the pressure decreases and the heart works easier, look, this is the heart, we are in constant stress, when people do yoga,
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the parasympathetic system is stimulated, which gives a signal to the heart: work slowly, gives a signal to the blood vessels: reducing blood pressure, this is the advantage and mechanism of the beneficial effect of yoga. all exercises are done slowly, people do not make sudden movements, they do not have shortness of breath, the heart works smoothly, which means the heart rate also returns to normal. here , yoga doesn’t stop for a second, here’s an exercise, really, show me. fedor ivanovich, fedor ivanovich, directly explain what exercise you are doing. so, one leg stands at 90°. on the second knee we stand further. the most important thing is to open one leg to the outer edge of the mat, and the other to the outer edge, so as not to fall. and we can stay like this, placing one
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opposite handle up. we lowered one knee and made a very simple grip, like this. what happens to the brain when people do yoga? when people do yoga, they produce a substance called endorphins, and endorphins - these are substances with chodnycopioids, that is, those substances that reduce pain, so doing yoga reduces it, especially chronic pain.
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lower back and spreads this lower back, which is very important for us, let’s try to touch our toes together, well, that is, we connect our socks, connect our socks, knees a little wider, yes, now the pelvis is under you forward, and it’s as if someone is grabbing your lower back and pulling it up, in this position, in this exact position, we begin to tilt the pelvis to the heels, maintaining the pull of the lower back under tension upward. the hands go in turn with their fingers forward, thus
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it is the lumbar region that is stretched, try to feel it, take a breath as if from your feet directly into your lower back. during this exercise, the vertebrae are stretched, and the back muscles relax, you just get great pleasure and life becomes with... great, just like that, in just a few minutes we brought our body to a state of peace, and our mind to a state of mental balance. the lesson took place in sokolniki park and people walking began to join us, and it was wonderful, you see what mood everyone was in, today we really told you the scientific evidence about the benefits of yoga, but it’s even better if we do something, yoga amazingly, slowly.
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cheerful, as always, in the end, i tell you, the program to live well was in sokolniki park, in the summer, fortunately we leave the studio, you and i had a good time, may you also live well. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashka and
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olesya loseva. russia continues to chair the un security council, here in the head of our foreign ministry , sergei lavrov, is located at the headquarters, this is what he said about possible negotiations between russia and ukraine. a course has been taken to push through at any cost the so -called zelensky plan, which has. an absolutely one-sided approach, absolutely unacceptable for us and for many others sincerely interested in peace, here is
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zelensky’s results, that is...


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