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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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unfortunately, this cannot be said about your brain at all, but in fact we have gathered here precisely because of the children, you need to choose the lesser of two evils, the lesser evil here is the mother, there is a syndrome of learned helplessness, when very often the victim does not leave , everyone will help her in every possible way there, even organize housing there and so on, she will not leave, this is the victim syndrome, i can actually help you for free if you want it, but why is it necessary, because there will be others .
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i insist that you use proposal, we worked with a psychologist, i know absolutely for sure that you can sue while you have some feelings and emotions, i’m not talking now about the fact that you love him, but absolutely for sure you are still dependent on him, well, emotionally very dependent, here being in court while there is emotional dependence is a complete failure, just take advantage of this offer, it will be easier for you, i’m ready, thank you, thank you for the offer, but... it’s really a lot, well, look, it’s just going to fall on you that's all we have the house is in very disrepair, the house is 89% worn out, everything has started to collapse, i’m afraid that a chigon bathtub from the second floor will fall on my head, the people in this house who live, who have nowhere to go, where did the bathtub fall through, to the neighbors, no, no, no, i live on the first floor, i’ve been waiting for 35 years to move, they promised a year?
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5 years, and you have a management company? well , of course, what are they doing? they collect money, they offer temporary accommodation to a maneuverable fund, they offered you normal housing, this is a hostel, 40 people per push, what is this such, i really don’t know how we should live, this house was included in the program, in this, in which, this? good evening, the big game is live, and i, vyacheslav nikonov. today, russian president vladimir putin met with the head of the federal customs service, valery pikalev. well, we discussed issues related to our customs and customs payments, and it turned out that customs duties for the first half of 2024.
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such serious financial problems are before us, indeed, for now, it seems that we always need to want something for us pressured, because that’s when we get together and make heads, i’m like that, this is how it has always been in our history, that precisely in order for us to make breakthroughs, we need some serious pressure from the outside, and well, pressure from the outside is constantly happening , last night there was a really massive blow again. unmanned aerial
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vehicles, and out of 35, 33 were directed against crimea, and also 10 unmanned boats were destroyed, also heading to crimea. well, in crimea, boris aleksandrovich rozhen is monitoring what is happening, he has already said, that explosions were heard near the peninsula, how is the situation there now, boris alexandrovich, good evening. good evening, well, the ministry of defense reported that 10 drones were destroyed, one, which was exactly at 4:00 in the morning, it exploded not far from the coast, that is, the sound of the explosion was very well heard in many areas of the city, the rest were destroyed further in sea, there were such dull sounds, but the main thing is that the system for detecting and hunting these drones is constantly being improved, regular exercises are taking place in crimea, here in sevastopol, again this gives results, that is, already as freely as at the very beginning of their use ... they can no longer do it, we see the effectiveness
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of their strikes is decreasing, at the same time, as the effectiveness of our drone hunters is increasing, a large number of aerial drones have also been shot down who tried to break through to objects on the peninsula. and as for the situation on the front line, the initiative there remains with our troops; in the rabotinsky direction, our troops continue attacks north of rabotin and verbomov in the direction of orekhovo, on harvest, our troops continue to clear the outskirts of the populated area, the enemy today has already recognized the loss of the harvest, our troops are already probing the enemy’s defenses in the direction of makarovka, in the ugledar direction our troops powerfully attacked yesterday.
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assault operations in the city, the enemy is retreating to the northwestern outskirts, more than 90% of krasnohorivka is under our control, to the west it is... our troops occupied about 30% of novoselovka first, controls part of lazovadsky, attacks are underway on the outskirts of khvozdvizhenka, progress and wolf, as well as attacks are already underway west of evgenovka. in new york, our troops advanced in the central part of the city, there is also an advance in the eastern districts of dzerzhinsky, this is the artyomov district, in the chacha district our troops liberated the eastern part of the village of kalinovka, as well. took control of part of the forest between kalinovka and part of safiar, in addition, they significantly expanded the zone of control north of kalinovka, which means that on the northern ledge our troops continue attacks in the razdololovka area, they have already approached the outskirts of the village of pereznaya, and attacks are also underway in in the direction of the excavation, in the krasnolimansky
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direction there are no changes in positional battles, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction our troops continue to expand the zone of control in the peschany area, fighting is going on in the eastern part. kievki, our troops are also attacking in the stelmakhovka area, fighting is taking place not far from the outskirts, well, in the kharkov direction, our troops have expanded the zone of control in the center of volchansk, there is progress in our favor, there are also oncoming battles in the area of ​​gluboka and leptsy, but here for now without significant changes, in general, the initiative is ours everywhere, in ukraine, new scandals are flaring up with accusations against individual brigade commanders and generals who were previously fired, like sodol, about what exactly... are to blame for the fact that the ukrainian army has been suffering regular defeats for the past months. thank you very much, boris alexander, rozhenov, as always, with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts, where we maintain the strategic initiative, in kiev, indeed , internal political problems seem to be worsening, accusations against the generals
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are becoming louder, on the ukrainian streets protests in cities, primarily related to the lack of electricity, which naturally creates a situation of humanitarian catastrophe, when both the water supply and... sewage systems do not work, sometimes, naturally, food disappears, the people of kiev, as they now write, are fleeing mainly on the banks of the dnieper, trying to cool off from this exhausting heat and lack of electricity, which naturally leads to a lack of air conditioning in the premises, the situation is truly complex, practically a humanitarian catastrophe, i say this without any gloating, really it's a pity for people. at the same time, zelensky himself prefers not to come to kiev now, not to appear, in fact, in the last weeks they say that no one has seen him there, they are afraid maybe of the same generals, and of course the population, today zelensky is in
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the uk, and perhaps the most interesting thing is the photo at the plane's ramp, zelensky, who is meeting him, the ambassador of ukraine. rather, the situation on the battlefield first provoked a whole series of scandals and confrontations within the military political elite, and naturally this immediately begins reflected on the battlefield according to the law of the only struggle of opposites, why? because
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there is huge criticism of the generals, we see that the national battalions can already simply remove the generals on their own, on their own, which is called mortgages, and this is right there. leads to the fact that each of the generals, especially there, the commanders in the commanding directions, begin to feel, to put it mildly, insecure, in this case they begin to act just to be sure... without any risk, accordingly, to try to cover themselves from any, insure yourself against any trouble at the front, accordingly, they lose the initiative, go into deep defense, which causes criticism even more, because some results are expected from them, because weapons are coming, ammunition is being received, funding is coming, at the front the feeling for them is as if everything the same as it was, although i say again, of course in this case they fight with fierce confidence, and - we must understand that now we are faced with the prospect that by the end of the summer, if the armed forces of ukraine cannot
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demonstrate any results, then it will be cleared and syrsky's team, it is necessary understand that in this case, during the purge , not only one commander-in-chief leaves, but his entire team leaves, that is , the chief of the general staff will be removed once again, the majority of the department heads will fly or begin to promote someone, that is, this will begin another fever, which, well, if we take the military... standard - that is, for 2-3 months it knocks the army out of its normal state , just like for example it happened with zaluzhny, that is, we remember everything, all the kind of nervous hysteria around zaluzhny, which for one and a half to two months, the armed forces of ukraine plunged itself into precisely these scandals, which then led to all these changes. yeah, yes, indeed the situation in ukraine, within the country, is becoming very explosive for zelensky, and in general for the entire kiev elite. and for the entire kiev regime, but its international positions are also not the strongest
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now; in the united nations , russia these days presides over the security council, there is a general political discussion under the chairmanship of sergei viktorevich lavrov, who is in yesterday in new york, after a regular meeting, which, by the way, was devoted to issues of middle east settlement, he held a press conference.
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under all circumstances, we cannot leave people, not all territories have been liberated there yet, but we cannot leave people who voted to return to russia under the yoke of a regime that exterminates everything russian, but what are the prospects for the peace process within the framework of the so-called zelensky’s formula or the swiss conference formula, lavrov gave answers to...
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nato, in a special statement on ukraine, which generally says something, also mentions something about the possibility of some kind of truce, but not exactly. such a world that our president mentioned, when there will be an unconditional, irrevocable decision there, with which one can somehow discuss its conditions, although i believe that our conditions have not yet matured on which we could settle, here but no, everything there seems to be in different forms
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and formats, but the same idea is presented that it ’s temporary, and then go back to the return these territories,
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ukraine plans to pass a law allowing the government to impose a moratorium on foreign debt payments while the country and its international creditors argue over the terms of a restructuring of bonds worth more than $20 billion. the bill, presented by the head of president vladimir zelensky's party, is intended to allow the suspension of payments on international sovereign debts and state-guaranteed obligations, since the coupon payment for...
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is tied directly to the geopolitical agenda, of course, this is the last chance to get your money out of this trap, there are those, those investors who are actually the financial wallets of geopolitical players, but these exchange money for land, for enterprises, for some such things, real assets, which are still there in some quantity, well, first of all, of course. land in order to exploit and throw it all on the international market, but i want to draw attention to this, vyacheslav alekseevich, because all the years of so-called independence this ukrainian, kiev lived at whose expense, at the expense of russia by and large, because they had a regular deficit, a deficit, which means
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a trade balance, which was covered to one degree or another by russia, there were subsidies. to pull all this out at the expense of russia, why are they now talking about a second summit, why do they want to drag russia there, from my point of view, the goal is one, if we go there to use it as if zelensky or...
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ukraine will most likely find itself in a state of default, and it will pay, well than, by the fact that political default, now economic, the land, of course, our ancient russian, our ancient russian land, well, in the united states of america, today is the fourth final day of the republican party convention, there will be an official nomination of candidate for president donald trump. and president biden disappeared, where after the commercial?
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here, except for dog walkers and murderers, no one walks around, i really loved her, they wanted to submit applications, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they are all sincere, and then 17 knife-wielders, but that the dishes were washed poorly, she was here. here, right here, fortune teller, today on the first, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema, it should be easy to fix, i’m waiting, i don’t believe you, it’s yesterday, which
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owes me, the soviet union love stirlitz. but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general only so that the actors would not be touched,
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they would pass without you, she did not repeat herself, well, how can you compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring , or 17 moments of spring and three stomped on ivy, oh, she looked at him with such key eyes, as he knew how to do, he just looked and said i don’t need it. but she broke me, she simply broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like broken glass , dedicated to the centenary of tatiana lioznova, premieres on saturday at the first. on the occasion of alexander shirvint's ninetieth birthday, go laugh in the garden with your boyfriend man, i understand, well, let's go to the garden, to the garden,
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vodka, fresh air, only the sun, only the sky, and the river, manmaranti, manmaranti, call me pa, stop biting me, my dear, don't bite me, here, here's a frying pan . why is it with strings, it’s very fashionable, there won’t be steaks, there will be pancakes, dear lady, forgive the tactlessness of my friends, it’s because of the dampness, you, you and you, and i, well, okay, and you, lady, it’s all a garden, sa, what are you singing about, you are not in the garden yet, no, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there, three in the boat, not counting the dog, on saturday, on the first. and they also say: don’t believe in fate,
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kusha, guy, you know, how reliable, three-room apartment, and divorced, by the way, loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, a week of this peacock, you know, and already with him you’re jealous , no, i just don’t like him, and you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard on sunday it’s the first. businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, alpine skiing, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on the first, live broadcast of the big game, in the united states
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states. america's republican party congress ends today, it should end with the official nomination of donald trump to the post of president, and we are waiting for his speech at the congress, which is, in fact, the apogee of everything that happened there these 4 days. and yesterday the main event was the nomination of an official candidate for the post of vice president. so, james david wen. here's how it happened. mr. chairman, this evening i stand humbly before you with a sense of gratitude to announce that i formally accept the offer to be a candidate for the position of vice president of the usa. now it’s official, he became a candidate for the post of vice president, gave a speech in which everyone paid attention to what he said about his mother. yes. it's not about
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me. the thing about our movement is single mothers like mine, she suffered from addiction and poverty but didn't give up and i'm proud to say she's here today, she's been sober for 10 years, i love you mom, so mom, which, especially for americans, came off the hook 10 years ago, but this is of course true, but this is only in america, in my opinion this can be very boasts, but at the same time an interesting question arose of course: he is already a candidate for the post of vice president, will he debate with vice president harris, well, the trump campaign has already given such, i would say, a jesuit answer to this question, let's listen yes, we don't know who the democrats' nominee for vice president will be, so we can't agree on a debate date before the democratic national convention, which wouldn't be fair to gavin newsom, jb pritzker, gredchen whitmer, or
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anyone else. kamala haris. will choose as candidate for vice president, that is, they already proceed from the fact that biden will not be there anywhere near, and of course the american media did not ignore the statement of sergei vikovich lavrov at the same press conference, let's listen, he stands for peace , for stopping the aid, we can only welcome this, because in fact it is necessary to stop pumping up ukraine.
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okay, that's who's worse, it continued to some extent at the republican convention, because there is very the important topic was how bad everything was. and there , almost half a day passed, the third day passed, they gave speeches to those who for some reason have a very difficult life, that means, for example, for someone who had a performance there, whose daughter was killed by migrants who crossed the border illegally because of biden, then those whose children died from drugs spoke, again due to the fact that the biden administration is fighting drugs poorly, and... this vice president himself - vance - these are 33 misfortunes, and from absolutely such a depressive environment, went through drugs, the way he describes his life, well , of course it’s terrible, america is described as
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an absolute mess, and about the american dream, it turns out that the american dream is that you can break out of the colony, that’s all, you know, that’s it .
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what’s really remarkable at this congress is that there the peace party declares itself very seriously, in general in the republican party, well, there is no predominance of the peace party, it seems like, according to polls there, well, 40%
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of republicans are against supporting ukraine, but at the congress, this the theme just sounds like dominant, here is david sachs, a well-known entrepreneur in general, a major one, sharply criticized biden specifically on ukraine. biden provoked. yes, he provoked the russians to invade ukraine by talking about nato expansion. after that, he rejected all opportunities for establishing peace in ukraine, including a deal to end the war just 2 months after it began. the war is now in its third year and there is no end in sight. hundreds of thousands of people died. hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars. flew to wind. president biden sold us this new forever war, promising that it would weaken russia and strengthen america. and what does that look like today? russia's armed forces are larger than before, while our own supplies are dangerously depleted. every day there are new calls for escalation and the world
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watches in horror as joe biden's insane policies lead us to the brink of world war iii. well, i noticed, however, that david sack performed against the backdrop of some masonic symbols, but that's for what purpose. which ranged from horror to simple concerns that one of the most vocal critics of the ukraine aid could soon be first in line for the presidency . rep. ken calverd, who oversees military spending as a member
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of the defense appropriations subcommittee, said, "the ukrainians better hurry up and win," according to a person with knowledge of the matter. another influential republican in congress commented on bence's choice simply, i'm scared to death. well, it’s better to hurry up and defeat the ukrainian? well, here.
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of course it’s big for american elections what matters is what will happen to the president of the united states biden, well , let me remind you that a week ago i said that under no circumstances would he resign from the presidency and would not leave the race, but... yesterday we already this was discussed, he stated
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that if he had some kind of medical condition there, he could consider this issue, then it turns out that he was supposed to have an election event, then they announced that he had tested positive for covid, positive test for covid , then the president barely climbed onto the plane and went to his state “in order to receive treatment for covid, he really could barely walk, but everyone noticed that neither he nor anyone around him was wearing masks, literally at all, although it would seem, yes, in those days when he had covid, he still had a mask on his face, well, after that, in fact, there was only one tweet from biden, i am sick, which translates as i am sick, but this maybe.
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i was told it was a one-on -one meeting, just the senate leader and president chuck.
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schumer made a compelling case that it would be better for biden, better for the democratic party and better for the country if he dropped out of the race. well, jeff zeleny, the chief correspondent for cnn, also gave a comment that indicates that, in fact, biden is already close to making a decision to withdraw from the race. spoke with one of the senior advisers of the democratic party and, according to him, the president has now begun to listen to voices expressing concern about his condition, he also said, closed consultations with the capitalist hill continue, he began... to listen to voices expressing concern, and calls to withdraw from the race are no longer as aggressive as in public speeches. as for vice president kamala haris, if at first he was simply interested in whether she could, in principle, replace him if it suddenly came to that, now he directly asks questions, do you think kamala can win, that’s what the adviser said ,
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it is still unclear where this will all lead, but the president has already begun to listen, and like this, like this, well, well, it immediately seemed to me, when i...
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now this is not entirely true, and this is interesting, after all, this is also a reflection of what is happening in the world, this is not just some progress within the framework of an existing, ongoing self-regulating, self -reproducing system, has ceased to be self-reproducing, but in fact the situation, this is how americans perceive it, it is generally quite clear, there is... trump did not take the field, biden was taken by the virus, republican candidates are being kissed in the ass, democrats are giving biden a kick in the ass, democrats are falling apart
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and republicans are uniting, but naturally, democrats are looking for a worthy response to such assessments, and jane psaki. here is trying his best, let's see, the current president, who is 81 years old, was diagnosed with covid, will he get better in a few days, isn't this the same as the assassination attempt on trump, that he is strong enough, although older than trump, to survive that , which is fatal for people of his age, having recovered, he will return to be able to continue to lead, isn’t this the same thing, it is, so now... an attempt on trump’s life biden is simply overwhelmed by covid, who bravely withstood the blow of the virus, but yes, an interesting company, no less interesting things are unfolding in europe, where the session of the european parliament opened and today they elected a new commissioner, the european commissioner,
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of course, this is ursula fondern, as it was after advertising. here, except for the killer dog walkers, no one walks around, i really loved her, they wanted to submit an application, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they are all sincere, and then 18 money for not washing the dishes well, she was here yesterday, here, right here, fortune teller, today, on the first one, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema, otherwise it’s easy to fix, we’re waiting, two shores, the final episode, watch after the program the time that you’re doing for me good!
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and i understand, and i can come to you myself, fantastic, tomorrow at the first, tatyana
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mikhailovna said, every woman in the soviet union should love to be shy, but not so much as to leave her husband, she always treated actors very carefully, she was right about this a person could have been killed in general, just so that the actors are not touched, days pass without you, it didn’t happen again? it is possible to compare the carnival there or 17 moments of spring or 17 moments of spring of tritopol on the ivy, oh, she looked at me with such key eyes, as she knew how to do it, she looked like that and said: i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she just broke me, she a great woman, a wonderful fantastic director, i am grateful to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was through... for the centenary of tatyana lioznova,
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the premiere is on saturday at the first, and they also say: don’t believe in fate, kusha, guy, you know how reliable, three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, loves everything. i want you to stay, you’ve known this peacock for a week, but you’re already jealous of him, but no, i just don’t like him, and you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard on sunday on the first, businessman , three-room apartment, financially secure, downhill skiing,
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it seems to me that it was already possible not to sing, even from just one introduction, such an atmosphere has been created here, when i’m gone, we don’t need a special occasion to gather with their families, two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman was killed, and we are talking the devil about what and our hearts didn’t break. do you know how it breaks, the shoulder just gives away and the elbow pulls. well, let's think about it,
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let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second one very good a well-thought-out option for escaping abroad, of course, i would run in, what will choose the mole? here’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko.
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confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book yuliana semyonova. big game on the first, today the session of the newly elected european parliament opened, the peace party, of course, gained many more votes than in the previous european parliament, but not enough to dominate, the war party, led by ursula fondaren, dominates, which immediately came out with a sharp statement, let's listen. we need to invest more in our defense and security. russia continues its offensive in eastern ukraine.
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they are betting on a war of attrition. make the next winter even more difficult than the previous one. russia is betting that europe and the west will react softly, and some in europe are playing alone. two weeks ago, the prime minister of one of the countries went to moscow on a so-called peace mission. but this was not a peace mission, but simply a pacification mission. and on the very first day , a resolution of the european parliament was adopted with unconditional support. ukraine promises to extend the armament of kiev, calls for new sanctions against russia and belarus, confiscation of frozen goods in the european union russian sovereign assets condemning orban’s visit to russia on a peace mission. this is what this orbán resolution looks like. parliament condemns the recent visit
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of hungarian prime minister viktor orban to the russian federation. orban does not represent the eu. the trip is a flagrant violation of eu treaties and common foreign policy, there must be consequences for hungary. well, the peace party, of course, simply shrugs. milos blaha, deputy speaker of the slovak parliament. dear friends, just so you know, the first thing the european parliament did was to adopt one stupid resolution about war against russia. they just confirmed what i said about them years ago, they are a bunch of losers. of course i voted. against, like all my colleagues, and i’ll tell you honestly, i feel tenderness for all the warmongers who voted for this warlike nonsense, they are going to defeat russia, very funny, these progressive ants who walk around here like some sheep in ties , they want to defeat a nuclear power, if by some miracle president putin read their shameful resolution, he would i burst out laughing, however, who would even read such useless pieces of paper, i’ve
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been here for 2 days already and i feel like i’m in a madhouse, you know, when i ’m there i also have the feeling that, well, not in a madhouse , but what are these? -teenagers, or something, you know, with a pardrozian quality, radicalism, well, like greta thunberg, it’s not for nothing that i once called it that i gave such a meme that the collective greta thunberg rules in mentality, fanaticism, the complete absence of any connection with reality, with the reality of what...
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we have nothing to reckon with there, because so far there is no force at a level capable of agreement that would take into account our security interests, that would at least recognize the reality of what happened for 20 years in ukraine, our position is therefore even more confirmed, well, i must say that ursula came up with a program, a program that... surprised many, we are still used to the fact that the european union is more of an economic organization, but her priority was the creation of a european defense union, the second point was the commissioner for the mediterranean, solving new problems there, the third development by the commissioner for paradise of a new lgbt plus strategy, well , of course, i would probably combine the first and third,
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it would probably be useful, but ursula. in general, she made a number of interesting statements, she said that it turns out that we cut off europe’s energy supply, she heroically overcame them, putin’s blackmail, and that the eastern border must be protected, and hybrid attacks and provocations, such as russia luring migrants from yemen to the north, and purposefully pushes them towards the finnish border, can you imagine what an insidious policy we have, well, naturally, ursulovit. it was still necessary to elect, there were many critics, but, for example, siyata, the minister of foreign affairs of hungary made such a statement, any elections should be based on achievements and results, if you look at the state of europe before ursula fonder came to power, and after you will see obvious decline. europe has become much less competitive than before. europe has become much less united than before, and
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europe has become much less peaceful than before. a well-known deputy from romania tried to shout that away with ursula, but she was dragged out of the hall, they can now show how it happened. i am for freedom of speech, i am from romania, i will do everything to get ursulla out of here. fonderlein is killing people in ukraine with his policies. get out ursula. however, the european parliament voted for ursula. she had to get 360 votes, she got 401 votes and was extremely happy, what will happen to the european defense union? let me remind you that 15 years ago there were the first
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talk about the need to create a unified armed forces of europe independent of the united states, the so-called eurocorps, then this initiative was simply smashed to smithereens, primarily by the americans, who were completely. i didn’t like the idea that europe would have independent armed forces, today we see that there is such a concrete attempt to build a new army, such a new european will definitely be a decree of the saxons not to disperse and not to interfere with nato, vyacheslav alekseevich, here you and your team are very these three reactions showed well foreign minister vergne from such reasonable positions, yes, we are becoming poorer and life is worse and there is less security, which means the slovak parliamentarian who says that they are fools, yes this is, but still , the position that the romanian is closer to me the deputy said, this is an atrocity, and this atrocity is best seen now in georgia, where
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the lgbt agenda is precisely to push everyone to war, it has combined into one thing, the war party in europe, unfortunately, still dominates, but the peace party is clearly strengthens its position, its a voice sounds that didn’t happen quite recently. the peace party also declares itself, well , our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, don’t miss it, attention, says st. petersburg, shows, annually, the last sunday of july, russia celebrates naval day... in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on
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navy day. hurray, hurray, we need such ships for the sea so that we can compete with any wave. we need lighthouses and we need a locator, and we also need faithful guys, then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is a family to us, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, a solemn parade for navy day on july 28 on the first. hello, on air!


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