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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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happy navy day, hurray, hurray, we need such ships at sea that we can compete with any wave, we need lighthouses and we need a locator, and we also need faithful guys, then water is like earth to us, then... the crew is family to us, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the ceremonial parade for navy day on july 28 is on the first. hello, we're live. evening
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news in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics: the enemy mig-29 was shot down, about 70 drones and more, the main thing about combat the work of our military in the northern military district zone in the report from the ministry of defense, without a rear, there is no victory, the work is terrible, of course, well, where can we go, we leave at the last checkpoint i always say: well, by god, a report about our rear people who are at risk... no less, than the guys on the battlefield. our correspondent is with them. now he is holding a gathering together with the popular front, and you can take part too. the results of the work of the customs service are in the spotlight of the president. more than 3 trillion rubles were transferred to the budget. details of the meeting between vladimir putin and the head of the federal customs service valery pikolev. negotiation. this is the way out of the ukrainian crisis. prime minister of hungary. orban samite in britain,
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they don’t want to hear the voice of reason, ursula fondern is for escalation. biden has covid, the form is mild, but what will be the political consequences, new turns in the american election race, all in anticipation of trump’s speech. on the verge of human capabilities, a grandiose holiday for all fans of circus art. the world idol festival starts in moscow. and at the beginning of the special operation. the enemy lost his mig-29 aircraft. exactly worked our air defense systems. three french hammer guided bombs, six american hymers missiles and more than seven dozen drones were also shot down. the black sea fleet destroyed 10 unmanned boats. the enemy's losses per day amounted to almost 1,800 fighters and a lot of equipment, including western equipment. here is footage from the ministry of defense, filmed in the kherson region. russian
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troops discovered a camouflaged firing position of the ukrainian armed forces. a strike from the lancet loitering ammunition and the target is hit. the american self-propelled gun paladin began to smoke and then caught fire. you and i can help our soldiers who are fighting the enemy on the front line. as part of the "everything for victory" project. now there is a gathering for participants of the volunteer corps. there is a qr code on your screens. just point the camera and get all the information. funds are collected by the popular front. and the military correspondent of channel one amir yusupov, he knows better than anyone what our military personnel need. amir works in different parts of the nwo zone. today his report is dedicated to company and logistics soldiers. there is no victory without a rear - a phrase from the great times domestic, relevant now. the danger is colossal, but the rear troops perform their tasks heroically. the work is terrible, of course, but what can we do, we leave at the last checkpoint, i always say. well with
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god. behind the last checkpoint is the front line, here the enemy is firing with all their guns. our guys, under fire, deliver food, fuel and ammunition to the first line. the military personnel of the material support company, seemingly a rear unit, risk no less than attack aircraft. sluggish trucks are the easiest target for the enemy. loading the bull half a kamaz truck, loading it with 10 barrels of gasoline, and an additional eight cylinders of gas, and sends it to the front in the middle of the day, because the task needs to be completed. and i laugh. i say: well, look, if anything happens, the fireworks will last a long time. if a shell or kamikaza drone directly hits a car that is packed to capacity, the crew’s chances of survival are almost zero. the fighters rely on luck, an electronic warfare system and an anti-drone net. in army slang mangal. she plays like a trampoline, when a drone flies into her, she has to push it away back, and even if it works, as if two 2 meters of life are ahead of you, you still have a chance to bend down and hide. this is what dangerous front roads look like now. the area where
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enemy komikaza drones are cruising, our guys stretch nets like this from peg to peg, the drones flying into them get stuck and, as a rule, do not break, they have already protected several tens of kilometers of the route. uh, this drone exploded, received fragments, like this broken arm, well, we’re working on, winged reconnaissance drones are constantly circling over our positions, their fighters they shoot, here's a downed agricultural
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copter, with the help of these they drop mines into the ssu, the boys extinguished it, everything is extinguished, often before the enemy drone can be shot down or suppressed, the enemy manages to direct artillery, it arrives normally, and here comes... kokhlyad's shell launches , and no matter how much you cover the cars, they get it, and the school goes straight to the magnet, and you also have to carry the loads for kilometers on foot in open areas, here it is, okay, the guys are still preparing food for our soldiers, everyone here knows how this bread or a plate of porridge is waiting on the front line, after all, almost all of them are former infantrymen who are no longer...
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killed by a man, a real colonel, who cares about us, about his boys, he doesn’t take us out of the front line at all, while we were preparing this report for you, the ear went to the first line, he answered our call from his hospital bed, yesterday he was in service, today i’m lying in bed, my driver and i went to the front line, came under attack from drones, but i’ll say right away that we completed the task, the crew was well-coordinated, daring, well done , with such fighters really can. we need to serve, such fighters make a difference, well, i’ll get better soon, i hope to be in the ranks with you shoulder to shoulder, victory will be ours, the soldiers of the logistics company often come under enemy fire, are wounded, lose comrades, despite the situation on
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the front line, carry out combat missions, drive their huge trucks across open fields under enemy surveillance, contribute to victory, but their work remains invisible to many. the boys deserve at least some awards, i’m not talking about myself, i’m already in old age, maybe they don’t need anything anymore, they will work without motivation, they are now working without motivation, but if it happens, well, it will be nice, amirpov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, channel one, this was a report dedicated to the fighters material support companies, well, let me remind you that the military commander of the first channel, amir yusupov, together with the popular front, is holding a collection for the volunteer corps. who is fighting in the hottest directions, including in the area of ​​the city of chasov yar. to complete tasks , our guys need drones, motorcycles and not only. all details can be found by scanning the qr code, it is now on your screens. well, more and more people are entering service under a contract. they explain it this way:
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today it is especially important to stand up for our native land. at the selection points, work with volunteers is clearly organized. the registration procedure is as simple as possible, without any delays. of course, special attention to training. tatyana kozlova, about how fighters are trained. the goal is to capture the enemy stronghold. point, the exercise takes place in conditions as close as possible to combat, recruits the eastern military district operates in combat duos. shelter run. cadets are trained at all military training grounds in the country. in the krasnodar territory, soldiers are practicing artillery reconnaissance methods. every action of the recruits is observed by military personnel who arrived from the north military district zone. whoever saved lives by running, yours depends on it. i'm holding it! another task is adjusting the fire. they conduct it using unmanned aerial vehicles, i prepare the remote control for work, until
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a target appears, a mavic 3 mortar, a quadcopter, we teach how to use it, competently, correctly, take off so as not to be detected, low altitudes, a given area, determine the coordinates of the enemy, transmit correctly, correctly to the firing position and accordingly work out until the complete destruction of the enemy, while some learn the skill of controlling their drones, others learn to repel attacks of enemy drones , the destruction of conditional air targets is carried out using an electron imitation of the igla anti-aircraft complex. target start: unmanned aerial vehicle, speed 90, fire in mode semi-automatic. in yekaterinburg, a future sniper practices firing in urban areas. we work in a gray building, work if. corridors give the sniper many places to hide, it is much
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more difficult to remain undetected in open areas. here, camouflage plays a particularly important role. we prepare maskhalats, leshas, ​​weave them ourselves, and camouflage ourselves at the site with branches. well, the instructors teach well. the fighters' task is to reach the firing position, find the enemy, and then hit the target with one shot and leave covertly. in buryatia the crews of armored vehicles are being trained , especially driver mechanics, whose tasks include servicing and repairing the vehicle. everyone can drive, but they also need to be able to maintain it, not as they told me, they put me in prison, i went, and i try to explain everything to them, tell them specifically, well, they’ve already left for the front line, they’re really already trained soldiers, selection for military service takes several hours , to begin with, the volunteer registers, then goes to a meeting with the instructor and submits documents, the next stage is psychological testing, after the candidate undergoes a medical examination; if he
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is fit for military service, he is offered to sign a contract. in novosibirsk alone , dozens of men come to the selection point for military service every day. i believe that, well, every man now, in my opinion, should go to defend his homeland. to be honest, i can no longer look at how the fascists are shelling, roughly speaking, our cities, our territories, it evokes a feeling.
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the electronic queue system is already functioning at the multilateral automobile checkpoints zabaikalsk, chernyshevskoe, lumpy, there are plans to launch the system at the border post, this is the russian-chinese
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border. by the way, the problems of customs officers in the far east were discussed halfway. i had an order for the government. about the construction of housing for customs officers, well , first of all in the far east, i mean there are territorial issues in this regard, what is happening there, as far as i understand, there is a certain delay in the allocation of funds, i visited the far east, visited kraskino, in pogranichny, at the moment money in the budget is provided in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles, but it has not yet been determined who will be...
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relations between russia and saudi arabia are based on the principles of friendship, mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. this assessment was given to vladimir putin by the crown prince of the arab state, mohammed bin salman al-saud, during a telephone conversation. the conversation took place late the night before; the parties touched upon issues of bilateral cooperation in the political,
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trade, economic and energy spheres. they also noted the importance of continuing close coordination within opec plus. to ensure stability in the energy market. the russian government will increase payments to doctors under the zemsky doctor and zemsky felcher programs. over a billion rubles have been allocated for these purposes. more than 350 million will be allocated this year, mikhail mishusin said today. additional funds will be received by specialists who come to work in new regions, as well as in rural areas. increase access to quality medicine for everyone.
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agreements to change jobs once and transfer service to another healthcare organization in the same region. and continuing the topic of the development of the healthcare system in our new regions. medical institutions in the lpr and dpr received a batch of modern equipment. this is in particular the lugansk republican children's hospital and the children's clinical center in makeyevka. and also a hospital in yasenovataya.
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new ventilators were also brought there. the equipment was delivered by humanitarian representatives. complex patients with severe injuries. european summit in london today political community. the main topic is the situation in ukraine. the expired zelensky
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is also there. and the new british prime minister tried to convince him that universal support for kiev was guaranteed. it sounded unconvincing, however. the leader of hungary, viktor orban, once again stated that the conflict cannot be resolved on the battlefield. and his peace initiative was criticized today in the european parliament. at the instigation of ursula fondelaien, it was precisely with the agenda of confrontation that she was re-elected to the post of head of the european commission. first things first, ivan blagoy. patting on shoulder the words “yes, yes, i know.” this is what zelensky’s meeting with the new british prime minister starmer looked like: the guest was noticeably nervous and warned against peace negotiations behind ukraine’s back. they tried to calm him down. our first task for today is to demonstrate strong support for ukraine and unite around again. values ​​that we respect, to say that we will stand together against the threat on this continent. who we are, however, is not entirely clear, because there is clearly no unity at the meeting.
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peace is important to us, but many people don't think so, they don't understand this, do not see it, or believe that it is necessary to wage war until the complete defeat of one of the parties, this is what causes enormous damage to everyone in europe. a repeat of the embarrassment from the conference in switzerland, when countries began to withdraw signatures on the final communiqué a day later, is not expected this time.
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nato will start working in september, there will be today i can announce that this is a command of 700 officers, it will be located in germany, it will be headed by a three-star general, it will provide support for assistance in the field.
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volodin will represent our country at events in honor of the forty-fifth anniversary of the sandiniran people's revolution, celebrations tomorrow. in addition, the state duma speaker will speak at a meeting of the national assembly
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of nicaragua. meet with its chairman. now the united states and the city of milwaukee, where the republican convention ends today. the event will culminate with a keynote speech given by presidential candidate donald trump. he will speak to supporters for the first time since the assassination attempt. trump spent all the previous days of the convention on the podium for honored guests. ear bandage like an eloquent reminder of what happened. and by the way, among republicans, this is now new. us vice presidential candidate. he officially announced his agreement to run in the spirit of trump and sharply criticized biden. current leader, quote: screwed up, americans now have to pay for it. meanwhile, new details in the case of the assassination attempt on trump. it became known that
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the criminal was acting suspiciously. the secret service knew an hour before the shooting. in addition, the media now have at their disposal one video, it shows the same thomas matthew crooks. here he is, behind the crowd, inspecting the building, from the roof of which he will then open fire. and another piece of news that is hotly discussed in america: joe biden tested positive for covid. according to the white house press service, the president has mild symptoms. he feels good, as expected. noise in the press, journalists are wondering how the situation might affect the fight for the presidency; just the day before it was reported that biden would allow himself to withdraw from the race if they insist on it doctors. a large program for the development of road infrastructure in the moscow region is at the final
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stage of work on a large scale. facility near istra, we are talking about the road from the village of pavlovskaya sloboda to the m9 baltic highway, traffic there will be launched before the end of the year, this is earlier than planned. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov drove through the site under construction today and found out how the work is going. we are now here, at the construction site of the third artificial structure, the total length is 2.6 km, we and we drove you to the first bridge, the second, we are now. a grandiose holiday for all fans of circus art: the world festival idol is welcomed by moscow, there is less than an hour before the official opening ceremony, but the competition program in the circus on vernadsky avenue began
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in the morning, aerialists, time will tell, hello, live on the first channel, program time will show, today, as always, we will talk about the most important, most relevant news, here , of course, there is an interesting moment, that where the line between well, as it were
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, but at the same time he gets on the plane and gets out of the car without a mask, and we all remember that throughout the pandemic my grandfather didn’t take off his muzzle at all, in my opinion he even slept in it, here everyone is asking this question, watching how hard it is for him to climb the ladder, and i watched 10 times how hard he climbs the ladder, but well, no harder than he usually climbs the ladder, then at some point you you get caught, and naturally there is such a small conspiracy theory that he literally not...


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