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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 19, 2024 3:05am-3:51am MSK

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the most complex, unique tasks, of course, you got professional pleasure from it, may i ask, well, here is the most difficult task that comes to mind from your memories, who is the riskiest case, and how did you get out is unknown at all? well, we always got out confidently, reliably, without receiving any damage and without losing our friends and comrades, this is achieved through careful study and preparation of the operation, in preparing the operation
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having most of the information, a multi-stage preparatory part carried out, we remember, they destroyed one of the terrorist gangs high in the mountains, after which, as a rule, one or two wounded remain, who then report certain losses, but the terrorists quickly appoint field commanders, ideological leaders, and so on in this case. the entire gang was destroyed, ground and reconnaissance units were used, intelligence forces, in general, forces, as a result of this lightning-fast, unique operation, in the end the entire gang was 100% destroyed, is it chechnya or afghanistan? this was chechnya, and after how it happened, there was no one to even report to that country what had happened. were you
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the head of the aviation department of the fsb of russia for many years? yes, the most difficult task you have had to solve in this position. the most difficult task was a school in beslan in 2004, when terrorists captured innocent children and parents, and for three days our service carried out a counter-terrorism operation, where, unfortunately, quite a lot of innocent people suffered.
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but i’m asking, you had to be at the head of such a huge department not only hold the hand yourself, and solve some issues related to the development of fsb aviation, this is what was missing, what you managed to overcome, and that thank god, and what thank god you can be proud of, such a short period of our aviation was able to significantly advance to a higher level of armament and... the technical capabilities of our aviation, we, with the help of our domestic design school, using all our developments, made night vision goggles, guided missile weapons, made light aircraft, fenist-type attack aircraft, and also light helicopters, equipped ships for border protection of sea borders with light helicopters of the k-226 type. if it `s not a secret. aviation of the fsb of russia, which
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began with the aviation of the border troops, these are basically still helicopters or this, i ’m not talking about the movements of protected persons and so on services, i’m now talking about the maximum use of military equipment in the air. aviation has a large fleet of aircraft and in state aviation we are one of the largest operators after the ministry of defense. state aviation in the interests of the state and 80% of the aircraft fleet is helicopters. listen, teacher, do you have any students besides me? well, i served in the special services aviation for about 40 years, literally from the position of meski castle, 4 years after graduating from college i was already an instructor, of course, i checked and gave clearances to young pilots, during this time very... not much, i believe that
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raised students, i remember one situation when, in the interests of surveying the climate on the globe, we found a mountain in... poly, which is cup-shaped, there precipitation had accumulated over many 100 years, so an international expedition took a section of the kernov ice from this ice floe, and for this i flew there myself, the landings had to be made at an altitude of more than 4 km, i took with me a local doctor who has been flying in the mountains for a long time, when the scientists had already collected a ton of ice... it was necessary to take not only the scientists from this site, but also a ton of cargo, i asked him, can you take it yourself? he said: no, if you said, before they trained me to do this, i would have taken it, but now he’s talking to you, so i remember, i took away the scientists’ ice, with
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i took a young pilot from the left seat, well, not a young experienced pilot, but he was very grateful... looked me in the eyes, learned from me, at the end he came up and said, if i had met you earlier, i could have done it myself , so of course afghanistan and my young years gave me the opportunity in the right place, at the right age, at the right time, to learn how to pilot a helicopter in the mountains, this helped me throughout my service, there are mountains in chechnya, mountains in afghanistan, so piloting... .helicopters in the mountains are the most difficult task, of course, i trained a lot of students, and i managed to land even on the top of elbrus. tell me, to what extent, well, i know this simply, you carried out a certain flight as a couple in places where it is generally impossible to fly, you were in
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antarctica, on the same helicopter i was lucky enough to visit both the north pole and the south pole, and the north pole we were, i was with you and i’m proud of it twice, and antarctica. it’s impossible there, the weather changes constantly, the winds change direction, ascending, descending streams. antarctica, of course, is the southern hemisphere and everything that happens in the northern hemisphere, everything is the other way around, we have summer, there is winter, we have winter, there is summer, of course, our northern hemisphere, i think we are lucky, we have warm the gulf stream current and that even in moscow we feel the influence of the golf stream; there are no warm ones in the southern hemisphere. currents, therefore the climate in the southern hemisphere differs sharply from the northern hemisphere, this hemisphere is foreign to us, of course, it requires a different approach, and since we rarely go there, we rarely fly, this is a very difficult area for us, we
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managed to successfully complete the fifty-third high-fat polar expedition in 2007, when we flew from south america over...
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the procedure for the further use of our continents, the poles, and the poles are quite strategically important objects in ensuring the security of a large territory our state, including, therefore our state delegation had the goal of showing that russia is still a great polar power, our delegation could visit this point at any time for him convenient. time, visited the north pole, showed the whole world that russia is still a great polar power. nikolai fetrovich, i will ask a question, it is not idle, the fact is that you, and those who taught me gave me heaven, opened for me one word
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or one concept that god sees completely different from everything that i had in life, what is the general idea of ​​something existing, what is it for you? crew, i assumed that you would ask about this relationship between people, there are aircraft where one crew member, there is a multi-member crew. this is certainly a higher level aircraft, where one pilot is considered to be unable to cope. so on our helicopter there are three, four, or even five crew members, this is the ship commander, the right pilot, the flight technician, the flight engineer, and there is also a flight operator and a flight gunner in combat conditions up to five people. of course, the crew is a special unit. a single unit that consists of different specialists, different people, different
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positions, different levels of training, but they have one task and one victory, and if the crew is defeated, then they all meet the ground together, their last flight ends together, so there is an old expression that for an airplane it makes no difference who pilots it, a cadet or a general. therefore , everyone in the crew is equal, the fate of each of the crew members depends on each, therefore, a special brotherhood arises in the crew, therefore the ship’s commander must be able to unite the crew, prepare them, and the maximum potential of each crew member must be summed up, then the crew receives combat coordination, and such a crew is a real fighting unit, it is very nice that the friendship that arises. crew is extended not in flight, on the ground, then it continues
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throughout life, so you and i, too, as members of the same crew, we understand what we are capable of, both in the air, on the ground, and in life, so the crew is proven in battle, will never let himself down in peaceful conditions, and have you had cases when one of the crew members understands that he is not one of his own, i probably said, not a stranger, but simply not one of his own, he left, i have had many cases, psychologically you need to understand each crew member, each person in each different situation. here in afghanistan the crew died; it consisted of two instructors, both the instructor, the ship’s commander, and the instructor navigator. but when performing this task, where the crew died, the navigator was not needed, and he remained on the ground, that’s when the crew died, and the navigator accidentally... remained alive, this is major slepov, alexey ivanovich, he
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was my squadron navigator, came up to me and says, i should have died, i accidentally remained alive, how can i continue to live, how can i look me in the eye, i say, alexey ivanovich, you are not to blame for anything, it just so happens that you are not to blame for the death of the crew, he says, but i’m afraid to fly there, i say, alexey ivanovich, it’s good that you admitted to me that you are afraid to fly there, but we need your... experience to train young crews at the base, so that the young lieutenants trained by you will continue to carry out the tasks that are there on the battlefield, and he agreed and trained more than one crew that successfully carried out combat tasks. there was another case when in chechnya, with active resistance from terrorists, our helicopters often got through, crew members were injured, one of the pilots came up to
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me and said: well, i’m afraid to fly when they shoot at us, i can’t do anything with myself, i’m paralyzed , i cannot fulfill my duties, i am not responsible for my actions, but i want to fly, but i say, in peaceful conditions you are not afraid to fly, no, i am not afraid, only in case of fire from the ground by the crew on ... the helicopter, i i feel a sense of fear and i also listened to such a pilot, created for him the conditions in which he can perform his duties to the maximum, he still flies, transports serious people, serious companies, and i am very grateful that among the pilots there is a feeling of trust, where a person says what he is capable of and what he cannot do, when the commander... clearly knows what each member of the team is capable of, then he manages to unite a good flying
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unit. i specifically left one question for the end of our conversation today: you told me this several times, but no one knows about it at all, so i ask you to answer without any embarrassment, your call sign, my call sign is maestro, there is nothing to add, i am glad to see you today, you are passing to lek, god grant you to pass it finally, sit down on the left cup, grab your favorite hand, we say goodbye to you exactly, until our next meetings. in the podcast of the first channel there was a conversation with lieutenant general, hero of russia nikolai fetrovich gavrilov, an outstanding pilot, whose call sign is maestro, i am larisa guzeeva,
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this is let's get married, good afternoon, today is the bride yulia, veronica, another one. let's get married, his wife opened her eyes wide and kicked him under the table. sergei is a lawyer, lives in kursk, is fond of the bard song of herota kyokushinkai. he is proud that he defended his dissertation and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences, warns that he often sings at home and does not make his bed. sergei will never be interested in sad silence;
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from our mendelssohn he talks about anything at all when a person addresses a diminutive form of affection for others, my mother taught me this way, in fact, psychologists. they believe that if a person reduces everything in the world to musi-pusi, most likely he is stuck at the level of development of a child, adults thus artificially lower the level of maturity in order to arouse sympathy, so seryozhenka, baby, think about it, we have an intelligent family, and we’re like this, syusi, pusi, we don’t have that, but i’m turning here to my husband, fedyushka,
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fedyushechka, i still remember, at the dacha it’s like this... “mom, why does aunt marina say, here’s uncle fedy, fedyushka fedyushka, and she says, you know, it creates a good aura in the family when such affectionate treatment, sergei, here you will have to choose something else, instructively affectionate, and seryozha, seryozha, why didn’t your ex-wife not like the program, let’s get married , i e'. i am fond of sports and i also go to the gym. one of my friends from the gym was invited to the show let’s get married and he told us, i somehow think, well, it’s very interesting, here - during the uh, well, feast, when i started telling me what was mine an acquaintance was invited to the show, let 's get married, she
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kicks me like that and hits me in the leg, then i ask, why, why are you doing this, she says, well, men don't watch this show, let's get married, i say, yes why don’t they look, a lot of people look, what other men, i really like that he is like that, as i understand it, he is quite an open, sociable person, loves tenderness, this suggests that most likely he is a romantic, seryozh, which means all your family and your wife work in the police, yes, yes, yes, mom, dad, majors, fsb brother, fsb border troops, did you even walk around the counter there?
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yes, he looks like such a kitten, so fluffy, how we lived, tell us, we lived, well, at first, when we talked, when we met, she treated me very kindly, simply. there she was the first to confess her love to me, i somehow really felt that trepidation, and for her i was an authority, we dated for a year, and after, uh, we got married, i immediately
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liked your gait, it didn’t irritate me like you place your feet, gait, i didn’t like the gait my ex-mother-in-law, that is, i’m walking, there she is behind me, and why are you putting your feet up like that? i say, why am i putting my feet up like that, i say, it’s normal, i’m putting my feet up, and i said, well, maybe my shoes are uncomfortable somewhere, no, you walk like that, well , i didn’t like everything, my mother took my hand under the table and looked for her, seryozhenka, during lunch, that she attacked you there, yes, she stroked you like that with her hand, i say, seryozhenka, and my father saw that you were touching him, seryozhenka, i would like him to be an amon, i would raise him with a shovel, a man would have done, well, yes, well, rose, yes, well you see, it’s so cool, it’s just that it touched me then, well, by and large , of course, there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just, well, they’re just different people, they’re different, we can’t do without them, that’s right, it doesn’t matter, they protect, they are just a little different, in families, here more, in temperament, in
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upbringing, in mentality, everything is different, when the inversion happened, she was so wonderful, wonderful, and then what happened, after she got married, we got married , there's a wedding, so much right emotions, there were so many tears when you turned over? happened after, for example, i went to see my mother, we always go to see her mother and father , i start something, but we didn’t go, and i felt that how this attitude influences the parents, i there, for example, well, i, yes, yes, my parents, i am interested in music, so it happens, well, i perform at events. my throat hurts, i also start talking in the family circle, her family circle, i start talking, my throat hurts, doesn’t know what to do, i sing the top notes of
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i'm upset, she, why are you complaining to my parents like a girl, i think so, so what, well, i said that i feel bad, well, i have a sore throat, but how can i share it, well , this is what it’s like when she i ate and you, too , were hungry and wanted to eat, what she told us, she liked to say to me, he came out, he came out, well , he just came out of the room, in a word, he came out, he put his hand like a barrier, he came out, and this, this turns me on, as it were, i say , why did i go out, it turned out that i start telling her, already wound up, i say why you’re sitting in the kitchen and you won’t invite me after i came home from work to eat, we have this word for word shouting, she came out herself and so on and word for word we have a kind of assault. side happened, she started hitting me there, yes, she started hitting me on the chest, on the arms, my mother then told me, when she saw, she says, i need to beat me, well, what kind
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of horse am i, i’ll come and beat me, probably after all, the wife, you know how the neck had to maneuver, somehow it’s still softer, but already a man, but it’s clear that he’s such a good guy, and it’s clear that he’s kind, and the child was born, some kind of nightmare began - my ex-mother-in-law and father-in-law just came at me somehow, for example, well, i such , too, well, i say, well, some gentle words, my beloved son i say, my best, best, most beautiful, most mother-in-law, you are now gentle fathers, he says to me that you say that, i say, handsome, beloved there will be a jinx there, there will be an unloved one, i say, how can i jinx it, why am i not an unloved one, he says, well, here you go yours and my son is not allowed.
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says that either the man allowed him to be treated this way, or, well, the woman , if a woman allows herself to do this, it’s conditionally without a head, you say, you see the child, unfortunately i don’t see it. because there , well, they had a very small child, she immediately got married, and we couldn’t have normal communication, because she didn’t let us communicate normally all the time, you can say that her family ruined your marriage, i think it's all a combination because i didn't want to be with them conflict, i won’t even give this, i won’t take it, i say, you will be a father-in-law, i say, why do you say that, is this a prize?
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this really hurt me, well, because well, i always tried, i have two jobs, i work as a lawyer and earn extra money as a musician, a dj singing at weddings, and i think i’ll find a third job as a massage therapist, i’ll go and earn extra money, she says, like, you’ll crush women, i say, well, this is all mother-in-law,
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shift your worries onto the shoulders of your strong ones, i want to make you happy today, of course i don’t know the words, but i could i would like to give him a drink too, very beautifully, so that i almost envy myself. not to believe
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, to envy that i have you like this, thank you, my golden one, to my mother’s joy, my mother is sitting, glowing, you know, we will not give you into bad hands, you need a woman young enough, of childbearing age, but so that she has already suffered, here there are those who already had something in their biography so that she would appreciate you.
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hello, sergey. hello. i believe, maybe it’s you, the one i dreamed about, the one with whom dreams come true, who is always a little bit short. in a stream of endless madness, we will be swallowed up by a flickering darkness. this is the merging of souls. art, we will enjoy it to the fullest. thank you, it’s very nice to meet you, thank you very much. yulia , 35 years old, videographer, event organizer, dreams of a strong family and a three-room apartment, warns that she needs romance in a relationship with a man. when yulia realized that she was unable to lure her husband into the bedroom, she decided to file for divorce, hoping that sergei was a temperamental
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man. hello, i’m glad to see you, it’s mutual, well, it’s clear right away that she’s like that cat, yes, what is it, you know , she probably needs a powerful one, it seems to me, two places where men don’t need to be lured or invited, the bedroom and the refrigerator, they themselves are just there before you can blink an eye, how are they there , i absolutely agree with you, so for me this story is as if it turned out to be strange, but they got married for love, but they got married for love. moreover, my story turned out to be a little funny, i was married to the same man twice, this man was much older than me, i was 18, he was 38, we had 20 years the difference, these were emotions, these were feelings, that is, i was immersed, for me it was, he was so smart, he was such a hero, and i fell in love, i looked at him with open eyes, with an open mouth, spectacular
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young woman. i like it too, her dress is very revealing, bold, let’s say, bold, bold, bold, but still there should be a mystery in a woman, the child was born, and the child was born already in... in our second marriage, later it’s already 5 years, why did they get divorced the first time if everything is so beautiful it was, you know, laris, i was 18, i wanted this kind of love, romance, something so magical, when i plunged into these family relationships, i somehow didn’t feel it at all, all the romance was gone, everything was gone the fact that life came to me, but life came, but... it’s worth noting that he’s a person in himself, he’s very calm, he’s very homely, but i wanted the drive of fun, romance, in general, i turned out to be the same age as her yes, i was not ready, yes, of course she was young, you see, she says that
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i also wanted such a movement, but apparently he was already very much an adult, he had played enough there, after the divorce it was 5 years before we started communicating again, and at that time i was already living in moscow, it worked out. so i was alone at that time, he was alone, somehow we accidentally wrote to each other, and he invited me on a trip, and somehow love and romance began to swirl again, i began to fly to volgograd, we we met there, upon returning after the new year holidays, i actually returned and realized that i was pregnant, at that moment he was not happy, well , he is a rather reserved person, but i think he was happy because... when i told him about this, i had already clearly made a decision for myself that i would give birth, something changed in your relationship during pregnancy, while i was pregnant, when i returned to volgograd, we arrived, we decided that we would live
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there, give birth there, everything was perfect, that is , it was so much care, what then happened with the birth of the child, the child was born to us as if just like that from each other, that is, it began... with the fact that we began to live in different rooms, a small child, whose initiative was his, he said that well, i need to get up for work, i understand this, but then the child grew up, that is, there were no more problems with some kind of nightly crying of everything else, and we somehow essentially continued to live like strangers, please tell me, are there any interesting life hacks on how to lure your husband into the bedroom, psychologists give ...
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a woman is the mistress of the house, yes, but your family model is partnership, partnership, how is it distributed, which means the man is the main breadwinner in the family and the protector, and the woman is developed, active, interesting, doing
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what she loves, yes it’s like that, which means he earns, and he also works when he grows up, but mostly he spends his money only on himself, no. why not necessarily, it could be some kind of joint budget, but i don’t think that a woman should, you know, work like a horse, my mother lived like this all her life, she worked, worked for everyone, like that that's it, that means you have a child from another man, that means you responsibilities for yourself, well, supporting you, protecting you, plus your child, plus maybe a future child, but isn’t that too much for one man, your ex helps you with the child, alimony, yes, of course, good.
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don't look like that through the squinting of your eyes, gentleman! barons and ladies, i couldn’t get drunk in 20 minutes from a glass of cold brandy, because i’m a college student, i’m verger’s daughter, i’m the devil. nemol, i am a bat, wine and men,
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my atmosphere, a shelter for emigrants, free paris, thank you, yulechka, take the flowers. well deserved, performed well, good, great, yes, well done, wonderful performance, the girl has been brainwashed, they watch all social networks, these videos and so on, good teachers, and the teacher most likely must be a good one or her mother-in-law has been married, or an older friend there , well, no luck, she’s learning something to learn, and the main thing is that it doesn’t change directly for her, because this family model worries me very much. she
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does it very worthily in the city, either in hers or in yours, i think you you'll be in high demand, she's pretty, she’s nice, she has a child, of course, i wanted to impress with this number too, of course, i would take a closer look, thank you, the groom is very nice, he liked the groom, and i hope that i was able to impress him too, meet the second one bride hello, sergey, my name is veronica, you have a beautiful smile, thank you, veronica, i hope that in other respects we will also get along, thank you very much, this is veronica for you. thank you,
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veronica, 35 years old, dental surgeon, lives in st. petersburg, proud to be free treats disabled children, dreams of her whole family gathering at a round table, warns that she does not tolerate men’s whims. after veronica got into a serious accident, her husband decided to replace not only the car, but also his wife. hello girls, nice to see you. good afternoon. hello. allow us, how come we won’t allow you, of course, to give you a treat, well , she’s such a spectacular girl, the way her hair is, i wonder how mom and mom will interact now, you know, mom is also very spectacular, pretty, very kind, veronica, i can’t wrap my head around what such a serious injury was, it scared your husband, but in fact, i got married literally 2 months later and got into an accident. i had two bones completely broken and there was a complete displacement of two bones
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and my left hand, what a nightmare, we were going to move to st. petersburg at that time i lived in the city of perm, it turns out it’s not clear what happened after the accident, what kind of courts there will be, what ’s happening, will i stay? i am disabled, will i continue to work, so it’s natural for me i needed attention, well, at least i had to go to the grocery store. yes , listen, it’s impossible to wash, it’s impossible to wash, in such a difficult situation her husband left her, this is of course very understandable, that it was very dishonest on the part of the man, veronica, my dear, how long did you live with him before this, all together, with us the relationship lasted 2 years, it turns out we were married for 2 months, about three, right after the accident, about a week later he told me, you have become a problem for me, and he packed his things and filed for... nightmare , my god, they and mom are all
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they were discussing that they just got married, veronica broke her arm, how will they stay, will he support her for the rest of his life, how will all this happen they, but you crashed your car, i crashed my car, and he wanted to sell mine to go to yours, and you to go by metro, for some reason suddenly, and at that moment i thought that it was my husband, that we were just moving, i didn’t even have any bad thoughts. that something like this, he says: here we come, says st. petersburg, i’ll close my loans, i had loans, i’ll sell your car, but i’ll drive, i’ll sell my car, i’ll drive yours, i say, and what will i drive. veronica, you live in not playing, well done, so i wanted to ask, st. petersburg, you have an apartment there, but every month you go, here is yugorsk, yes, this is
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where kantemansiysk is, for a week, because? you have a dental office there, your family has a clinic there, that’s right, that’s how you skate, and when you get married you’ll skate too, now at this stage i’m setting up all the administrative issues there so that the clinic needed me less and less in my physical presence, that is, you will not be there, you will be in st. petersburg, are you going to st. petersburg or you need to come, what is your position, well, i think that st. petersburg bigger city.
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i did it six months later, so he did it twice, he realized that i didn’t like it, and the first one said, in response to the proposal, she said, i ’ll think about it, well, he just came out and he says: get married, get married, says marry me, ring gave, yes, uh-huh, the second time, the second time he already left his soldier, he’s like a military man there was an officer, he sent his soldier, the soldier came to me on the night shift, i worked as a doctor on the night shift, gave flowers and a chocolate egg, you know, it seems to me that the dentist earns well, the big question for you is, you know, which of them will earn more ? when i had already sat down to drink tea, a chocolate egg, i opened the screwdriver and opened the chocolate, and where there should be a gift, in this small egg, there was a ring, with a small piece of paper, marry me, tied with a white thread to the ring, of course,
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at that moment i thought it was very cute, it touched me, and the ring that i gave you for the first time, who gave it to you for the first time, yes, what about it, and how do you like it? no, when i was cooking at home, and he really loved pies, i came to my house, i made pies , left the ring on the microwave, forgot about it, i even stole something from him, he just saw this ring, i told him that i lost the ring, i was afraid, i think it’s inconvenient, please tell me, there are more original ways of making proposals on statistics,
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but look at him, we have something, of course, here it requires treatment and recovery, sergey, are you ready for some chocolate today, you’re just really, i can’t hold on, no, i think i’m ready or?


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