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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 19, 2024 3:50am-4:58am MSK

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his mother is such a very soft, friendly woman with a sweet smile, it seems to me that from her reaction it is difficult to understand whether she likes the girl or not, today i will be your doctor , today we will conduct a medical examination of the oral cavity, ready, ready, we will start with an external examination with you, sergei, we will check first. logical knots, now i’ll put on a special frame for you, which will hold your lips with your cheeks, that’s how we haven’t tested grooms yet, no one has tested them, look at him, something here, of course, requires treatment here recovery, sergey, i just love chocolate, i really can’t hold on, i think i’m ready or? or what did you want to say?
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let me take one more tool from us and have a look. okay, let's remove one tooth, sergey. well, what are you saying, i don’t understand. okay, i'll take a look. oh, i didn’t mean to, i don’t want to, of course, scare you, seryozha, but there’s something interesting here. so. oh, so that's what you wanted to tell me. what a beautiful ring. i agree. original surprise, we haven’t had anything like this before, thank you girls, go to your room, i proposed to you myself i agreed, i saw it, he showed me, she’s a very pretty girl, it seems to me that she has a good character, she has a wonderful profession, she’s a dentist, she’s really related, they’ve looked at her a lot, she’s a dentist. like
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my mother, an ideal couple and you are an intelligent, handsome young man, and there is also an intelligent one, looking at your mother for me is just such happiness, it seems to me that if everything works out for you, then i say, a bird will not marry a fish, your fish has arrived, and i was completely worried, i forgot all the words, that everything it’s good that i wanted to say it in general, my dear, but you look like a bride, yes, it seems to me. fits very well, sergey, take veronica, she will always look into your mouth, but we have another bride, so i suggest you go and meet the third bride.
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“hello, i came here alone to leave here with you, thank you, yulia, 30 years old, lawyer by education, works as a psychologist, lives in moscow, dreams of recording her own music album, admits that she is a girl from a large family, proud of the fact that that she performed in a stand-up show, yulia’s husband insisted on a divorce when he realized that he was tired of working.
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we had, if anything, then we go to his parents and ask them for money, i didn’t want to go to his parents all the time, because you have to live by his rules, by their rules, that is, they can dictate, but i wanted to build something of my own, but they dictated or simply helped with joy, in fact , they definitely didn’t help with joy and i won’t say anything about my dad, but my mother had an entrance to the house, and free ones, that is, we kept putting off our some family business, and my mother came and she felt... at home? whose house was it? was the house his? it’s strange to me that she’s a psychologist and couldn’t somehow find her own relationship or build something. were you gladly accepted into the family or were you against it? well, you say from a large family, right? no, they thought that i was not their cup of tea, that i didn’t fit in at all, but they didn’t fit in because i came from a large family? i didn’t fit in, probably because i’m a creative person. i
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worked a lot until the moment when we they started communicating with him closely, he didn’t work at all yet, he had a dowry, he had an apartment, and you, you have nothing, nothing except you and yours. as if she took responsibility, well, probably she didn’t do the right thing here, she still had to give this right to her husband, so you probably felt sorry for him, but you thought it was okay, you felt sorry for him, yes, but he’s unhappy, he doesn’t have any work find and he seemed to be worried, right? i was also embarrassed to borrow from my parents, but you said, it’s okay, i ’ll go to the fourth job myself, the seventh, it’s okay that i’ll die there, but you’ll be well-fed and warmly dressed, well, to be honest, that ’s how it was, well, in general it’s very strange, that is, i don’t understand at all - why be with such a man who doesn’t want to work and
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a woman is forced to simply plow herself, this is not normal, tell me, you changed your profession twice, what is the reason for this, in fact, i am a lawyer by training. so my parents really wanted it, that is, i’m creative, and my parents said, get a normal profession, then you’ll go wherever you want, i gave in, psychologist, you are somewhere in the networks, yes, psychologist, no, i accept it personally, but where did you study, i studied here in moscow, and how long did you study there, i studied for 2.5 years, well, you completed this course, well, this is retraining, why didn’t i work as a lawyer, it’s a wonderful profession, i didn’t work as a lawyer, but it wasn’t for me, i immediately realized that...
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whatever you want, whatever you want, my dear, we are here today will remain with you in the world, no, my love is stronger than it comes down, i love you, sergey, everything you want, everything you want, my dears, today, we are here with you you in the world, there is no stronger beloved, whatever you want, i...
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thank you very much, well, they have something in common in energy, in something like this, i basically see them as a couple, i liked the girl , i liked it, such a spontaneous, pleasant girl, she sings well, i’m not a music critic, but... for me it’s mediocre, it’s the same as everyone sings, the girl is good if she chooses the right course for a family, for a good, difficult job , but also to build a career, everything will work out, it will be normal, this happened to you contact, spark, and mom is so very nice,
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you know, mom smiled very much, i watched the reaction, i like all the girls, and i really liked the first one, and veronica, and the last yulia, it’s good for us.
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i definitely told you, let's get married. hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. a ukrainian mik-29 and dozens of drones were shot down, naval drones that tried to attack crimea with naboron vodka were destroyed. dangerous road to the frontline report on how our defenders are being delivered fuel and ammunition and products. how is
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the work going with volunteers who decided to sign a contract with the ministry of defense and training footage from training grounds in different regions. comfortable conditions when processing cargo for bona fide businesses, how new technologies and support for participants in special operations help. government decision trump's priorities the republican presidential candidate is preparing to give a keynote speech while biden goes into self-isolation due to european covid. in london and meeting european parliament in strasbourg. some are for peace, some are for the escalation of the ukrainian conflict. stunts on
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the verge of human capabilities. the world festival of circus arts idol started in moscow. a comedy about love and self-discovery, the origarch driver is already in wide release. why is this movie worth watching? we start with the latest data from the ministry of defense on the progress of the special operation. the russian military continues to reduce the fleet of ukrainian air forces. air defense systems shot down a mik-29 fighter and 74 aircraft-type drones. and our sailors the black sea troops destroyed 10 ukrainian unmanned boats with which the enemy tried to attack crimea. in this footage, one of the ssu naval drones was stopped by machine-gun fire from a helicopter. and this is the result of joint fire from the air from bereg. and then the unmanned boat explodes spectacularly, and a column of thick black smoke rises above the struck target. as for
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the situation at the front, the russian army has the initiative in all areas of the special operation. during the day , enemy units were hit in 127 areas, in in particular, podchasny yar, ugledar, red estuary, volchansky. over 1,700 militants were destroyed using nato equipment. everyone can help those who stand for russia at the front. just now. military correspondent of channel one amir yusupov, as part of the popular front’s “everything for victory” campaign, is holding a collection for fighters of the volunteer corps. to contribute to our common victory, just scan the qr code with your smartphone. it's on your screens now. but today we will talk about those who provide advanced units to everyone necessary, while risking no less. in reports from around the world, front-line everyday life of the logistics company of the first tank army of the west group of troops. the work is scary, of course. well, what to do, we leave at the last checkpoint, i always say, well, by god, behind the last checkpoint, the front line,
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here the enemy is firing with all guns, our guys are under fire delivering food, fuel and ammunition to the first line, military personnel of the logistics company, it would seem , rear units are at risk no less than attack aircraft, clumsy trucks for the enemy's simplest target, load a half-kamaz bull, loading it with 10 barrels of gasoline, and also eight additional gas cylinders and from... chances to bend down, hide, this is what front-line roads look like now in dangerous areas where enemy
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kamikaze drones are cruising, our guys look like this they stretch nets from peg to peg, drones flying into them get stuck and, as a rule, do not break, several tens of kilometers of tracks have already been protected, in general, with the advent of quadcopters , our engineering troops have had a lot of work, even if it looks funny, yes, but - when life is at stake, this ordinary fishing net... can save more than a dozen people, the most dangerous thing is to linger in a forest belt when you are unloading everything from a car or, for example, refueling equipment, a fighter with the call sign kara recently during the assault, i brought fuel to the front line for...
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and after all, the cargo also needs to be carried for kilometers on foot in open areas, here it is, okay, the guys are still preparing food for our soldiers, everyone here knows how i wait for this bread or a bowl of porridge. on the front line, because almost they are all former infantrymen who can no longer carry out assault missions. chris is one of them. the first drop, it just happened unexpectedly, in my hand, well, a small fragment on the first assault, once they were dragging a three-hundredth, well, direct fire, i didn’t get hit by a fragment in the back, there wasn’t a third time here
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, then there were two wounds, it seems to me that’s enough already, there are still many other veterans in the rota providing material support. babai also participated in counter-terrorism operations in the caucasus and, despite his advanced age, came to nwo zone. i will refuse, another will refuse, a third will refuse, and then what, what will happen to our country? no problem, they'll tear it apart. so, excuse me, move over. we ourselves will steal whoever you want. kolas, deputy regiment commander, is an experienced officer, but for the last eight years before the special operation he headed the institute of physical culture and sports. in 2022 i returned to... serve in the army, since childhood i was used to delving into all the troubles, that’s why it’s like this is my essence, it’s somehow not even interesting to sit in damn it, it’s not like i came here to sit, but to take care of his subordinates, and he goes with them to the front line, he recently saved a woman, here the arrivals were such that the kamaz surrounded him, he already heard everything, screaming, running, fedorych, fedorych, you’re alive, i say , yes, alive, of course, the hop whistle is actually
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close, well he covered me, if it weren’t for his hand, that means my face would have been blown off, that’s it, i wasn’t praising, i’m just saying... about a real colonel, that’s because who he is in fact, a real colonel who cares about us, about his boys, he it doesn’t take us out of the front at all, while we were preparing this report for you, the ear went to the front line again, answered our call from a hospital bed, yesterday was in service, today i’m lying on the bed, the driver and i went to the front line and got hit drone attack, but i’ll say right away that we completed the task, the crew’s childhood was harmonious. bold, well done, with such fighters it is really possible, it is necessary to serve, such fighters make a victory, well, i will soon recover, i hope to be in the ranks with you shoulder to shoulder, victory will be ours, company soldiers material support workers often come under enemy fire, are wounded, lose comrades, despite the situation on
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the front line, carry out combat missions, drive their huge trucks across open fields under the supervision of the enemy, again contribute to the victory, but their work remains invisible to many, the boys deserve at least some awards, i’m not talking about myself, now i’m old, maybe i don’t need anything anymore, they will work without motivation, they now work without motivation, well, if there is well, this will be nice, amir yasupov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, channel one, this was a report about our heroic soldiers from the material support company of the western military district, and i’ll remind you, ours... under the clock, we need drones, motorcycles and much more. all the details are in the qr code, and it is now on your screens. the criminal kiev regime, losing on the battlefield, continues terrorist attacks on civilians. and
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here is the data from the governor of the belgorod region, vyacheslav glodkov. drone attack on the village of otradnoye, three victims, the roof, windows were broken, the walls were partially destroyed , the administrative building was damaged, the facade was also broken, they also hit the hospital in the city of grayvoron, there, fortunately, there were no casualties. a new day and new examples of the courage of our defenders, lieutenant mher kocheryan, with his mortar platoon. coordinates received from reconnaissance, destroyed a camouflaged enemy stronghold. our units have advanced and gained a foothold in new territories. junior lieutenant pavel kuznetsov, took command of the platoon himself after the commander was wounded. personally destroyed a machine gun crew of the ukrainian armed forces using a grenade launcher. as a result , the counterattack of superior enemy forces was successfully repelled. a multi-stage defense against
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air attack has been built in the zaporozhye region. the crews successfully repulse attacks , including those aimed at crimea. the russian air defense system can handle any targets, be it attack drones, onslaught cruise missiles or missiles. valentina solovyova saw our s. panzer in action. zaporozhye direction, here on combat duty pantsir s is just one of the branches of the cholronized air defense system from the line of combat contact to the rear areas. in the zaporozhye region, missile and aviation dangers are announced several times a day. we go and at night there is a stench at the post. the complex works 360°, sees everything. range 12. detect the target, right now the calculation of the shell is accompanying the target, detect the enemy drone, escort, and what kind of
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drone, you can tell something from it, from the drone you can say that it is pre-foreign production, most likely this is a mugen 5 pro, the speed is 30, the height is 50, in principle, a reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle, at the same time the shell can accompany. 12 targets, often the enemy uses combined strikes, that is, it is a swarm of drones with a child missile, we will do the work, change the position, after combat work the crew necessarily changes the position, the complex does not stand still, this armor is located near the line. justification and intercepts missiles that fly, including towards crimea, the crimean bridge, many
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they send to the crimea, they often have to work, there is enough work, in the next week they made four launches, through your sector, yes, yes, everything is shot down, everything is shot down, the reaction speed of the crew is less than a second, they work on all types of targets, drones. its own modification, in general , the western one flies a lot, basically everything western is flying now, these are fragments of one of the missiles that the shell crew shot down the other day, a french-made missile was launched towards the crimea, here are the guidance and control units, the soldiers handed over all the electronics for specialists to study, in front of you lies... another nato million dollar in a disassembled state, a french missile was destroyed in one launch, even though it flew low, trying to bypass our air defenses, even taking into account
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the fact that the special locating coating, here it is, everything is pierced by our fragments , was done specifically to deceive, so that our systems would not see it, systems, well, accordingly, our science has made it so that we detect it perfectly in the account of this unit. they beat me up a lot, guys, that is, they shot at least a thousand in total only himorei. china has two more state awards, the order of courage for saving the lives of our infantry
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and the medal of the order of merit for the fatherland , second class, with swords. he has been in the special operation zone since day one. the homeland is not removed, the homeland is protected and loved. we will work wherever he says. valentina solava, sergey kuznetsov, islam ustarkhanov, larisa nikitina, nika vishnikova. channel one, zaporozhye direction. throughout the country, more and more people want to sign a contract with the ministry of defense. intensive training takes place at special training grounds. control of armored vehicles, sniper shooting, piloting drones, and the science of winning are learned by recruits under the guidance of experienced mentors with front-line experience. and tatyana kozlova will tell you more. the goal is to capture an enemy stronghold. the exercise takes place in conditions as close as possible to combat, recruits of the eastern military. cadets are trained at all military training grounds in the country. in the krasnodar territory, soldiers
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are practicing artillery techniques. low altitudes, specified area, determine enemy coordinates, transmit correctly, correctly to the firing position and, accordingly , practice the additional destruction of the enemy. while some are mastering the skill of controlling their drones, others are learning to repel attacks from enemy drones. the destruction of conventional air targets is carried out using an electron imitation of the igla anti-aircraft complex. target start: unmanned flying device, speed 90. fire in semi-automatic mode. in yekaterinburg, a future
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sniper practices firing in urban areas. we work in a gray building, work! target! while a labyrinth of corridors gives a sniper plenty of places to hide, remaining undetected in open areas is much more difficult. here camouflage plays a particularly important role. we prepare maskhalats, we weave them ourselves, we camouflage ourselves on the object with branches. well, the instructors are trained well, the task of the fighters is to reach the firing position, find the enemy, and then hit the target with one shot and leave covertly. and at training grounds in buryatia , armored vehicle crews are trained, especially driver mechanics, whose tasks include machine maintenance and repair. anyone can drive, but they also need to be able to maintain it, not as they told me, they put me in jail and i went, but i try to explain everything to them,
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tell them specifically. well, they have already left for the front line, they are truly trained soldiers. selection for military service takes several hours; first, the volunteer registers, then goes to a meeting with an instructor and submits documents. the next stage is psychological testing. after this, the candidate goes for a medical examination, if he is fit to pass military service, he is offered to sign a contract. in novosibirsk alone , dozens of men come to the selection point for military service every day. i can no longer look at how the fastas are shelling, roughly speaking, our cities, our territories, it gives me the feeling of wanting to fight them, that is , the desire to win, to destroy them the same way we destroyed them in 1945. after passing the selection process, the recruits will go to the training grounds, where they will join those who are already honing their combat skills. first of all, this is patriotism, i am the first in the family like this, i just want my parents to make the whole country proud. tatyana kozlova, artyom pekhterev, artyom tikhanov and konstantin
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anisimov. first channel. support for participants in special operations today became one of the topics of vladimir putin’s meeting in novoogoryo with the head of the federal customs service valery pekalev. we discussed the results of the department’s work for the first six months and tasks for the near future. among the main ones is the introduction of digital technologies to create conditions for the growth of foreign trade volumes. details in anastasia's report kopazeva. valery pekalev was appointed head of the federal customs service just a couple of months ago. before the department today. ambitious goals, a course has been set for digitalization, and there is a lot to be done here. this is one of the topics of the meeting. at the very beginning we talked about the results of the customs service for the first half of the year. i would like to note that the federal customs service is fulfilling its tasks. in the first half of this year, almost 500 billion more tax collections and payments were transferred compared to the same period last year
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of the year. the efficiency of customs is increasing. control, automation increases, throughput increases, including through the introduction of digital technologies. during the first half of the year , collected revenues amounted to rub 3.361 billion. at the same time, the effectiveness of customs control within the framework of the risk management system increased and 11 billion rubles were recovered. it is important to create a comfortable environment for entrepreneurs. what does it mean? for example, it should not take more to inspect cargo vehicles. i set this task the president. sometimes truck drivers stand in queues at the border for hours, as valery pikolev noted, such mobile systems have performed well. just a few minutes and the inspection is over. border crossings are equipped with an electronic queue system. this also helps reduce waiting times. our strategic vector is the construction of intelligent customs. a significant part of internal customs processes has already been transferred to digital format.
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most declarations are submitted. in electronic form are actively used in technologies auto-registration and auto-issue, in general we can say that about 90% of the total number of declarations are issued within 4 hours. they are building and reconstructing. now the key checkpoints throughout the country are the primorsky territory, a border post. the head of the department recently checked how the work is going, and the problems of customs officers in the far east were also discussed at a meeting with the president. i had instructions to the government to build housing for customs officers, well, first of all, in the far east, bearing in mind territorial issues there. in that respect, what's going on there. as far as i understand, there is a certain delay in the allocation of funds, i visited the far east, visited kraskino, pogranichny, at the moment, the money in the budget is provided in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles, but it has not yet been determined who will be the main
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distributor of budget funds means, in the near future, i hope that an understanding will be found, and this topic was continued after putin and pekalev were left without cameras, but here’s what else was discussed in the open part of the meeting.
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the focus is on the development of relations between moscow and riyadh in the political, trade, economic and energy spheres. the leaders noted that it is important to continue to coordinate efforts within opec plus in order to ensure stability in the energy market. today the relics of st. fyodor ushakov were delivered to kranstatt to the st. nicholas naval cathedral. the patron of the russian fleet, who has not lost a single battle and a man of deep faith, ushakov is canonized as a righteous warrior and
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supports medical workers who helping people in rural areas was one of the main topics at the government meeting, where they discussed the zemsky doctor program, another important issue, support for entrepreneurs in the belgorod region and other regions. which border on new russian entities, and here we are talking, in particular, about grants for the relocation of production and deferrals in the payment of taxes, and measures that will contribute to the development of shipbuilding and shipping were also discussed. the goals are ambitious: to increase the share of russian ships in the world merchant fleet, and this is already happening. anna kurbatova, about everything more details. tatarstan, oktyabrsky village, there was not a single therapist here for about a year and a half. you had to go to another village for an appointment, and it’s almost an hour on the road... by train there is no direct bus service, they say now the local residents have their own zemstvo doctor, a graduate of the kazan medical university ruzal abdulkhakov, so i came to you for an appointment, for an appointment concern, his area is almost 1,500
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people, in the morning he conducts appointments at the outpatient clinic, in the afternoon he goes to patients’ homes. in rural areas you can from the very beginning to gain experience, i already practically know each patient personally, i can easily maintain contact with them, i already understand. their needs and is always ready to help them, ruzal alfatovich, he is young and good, you can turn to him at any time with any question, he will explain everything, tell you everything. the government spoke today about the fact that medical care should be available in every settlement of our huge country, the country continues to modernize medical institutions, by the way, an outpatient clinic in tatarstan has also just after renovation, build new hospitals, clinics, health centers, and continue to create conditions so that health workers want to go to the outback. we implement the zemsky doctor and zemsky felcher programs, within the framework of which medical workers are provided with one-time payments. on behalf of the head of state, we will increase their amount for those who move to work in new russian regions
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to 2 million rubles. doctors and, accordingly, up to 1 million rubles for paramedics, nurses and other mid-level medical specialists. for these purposes, the federal budget provides over a billion. of which more than 350 million for the current year. and now those who work under the zemsky doctor and zemsky felcher programs will have the opportunity to change their place of work once and move, for example, to another clinic, the main thing. in the same region, we hope that these decisions will be a good incentive for our doctors to stay in small towns, as well as for graduates of medical colleges and universities to return home and work there. among the other topics discussed today: business support in regions that border our new entities. we are talking, in particular, about enterprises in the belgorod region. developed on behalf of the head of state, the law on the operation of a free economic zone in the region. preferential leasing programs. equipment, grants for the restoration or relocation
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of production, purchases of vehicles for mobile trade and investment loans for small medium-sized businesses, appropriate resources are also allocated for the retrofitting of medical institutions, here is another accepted a solution that should help enterprises affected by ukrainian shelling and business representatives in the consumer market, whose income has decreased by more than a third. last year, we established a deferment for the payment of a number of taxes from... insurance premiums for citizens' enterprises, so that the necessary payments to the budget were made in installments over the next 12 months. we will retain this opportunity for tax obligations that arise before december 31, 2024. the company is expected to have more working capital that can be used for salaries, purchase of raw materials or equipment. another topic on the agenda today is support for the russian fleet. the development of domestic shipbuilding and shipping is one of the strategic priorities. for more than 10 years, there has been a zero rate on insurance premiums, which
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are calculated on payments by the crew of ships from the russian international registry. as a result, the number of ships registered in the registry increased by almost 2.5 times, and the number of sailing personnel exceeded 16.00 people. and now a bill has been developed, mishustin said, on the extension of such a benefit. it is expected that thanks to this it will be possible to further increase the share of russian ships in the world merchant fleet. ekaterina koryaka, svetlana kostina, svetlana barkova, alexander gornostaev. first channel. now about the development of healthcare in donbass. doctors of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics received new equipment. help addresses: lugansk children's hospital, medical center in makeevka, hospital in yasenovataya. the most modern technology, including evl devices. the humanitarian headquarters of united russia and charitable foundations helping new regions are guided by the wishes of the doctors themselves. local doctors have to work in extreme conditions. the wounded are constantly brought in, emergency assistance is provided, some of
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the wounded are sent to other hospitals, routing takes place depending on the specifics of the injury, but assistance is not just 24x7, probably 25x8, but is provided here around the clock, in high tension for doctors, and of course additional equipment they will help facilitate this work, in addition to additional equipment, this is ivel, these are special devices for resuscitation, this is what... will ensure constant access of drugs to the patient to ensure constant work with complex patients with severe injuries. mild form of covid, but heavy steps when walking up the plane. election campaign america continues to be in a fever, either shots or infection, and if trump is preparing to give a keynote speech, then biden is preparing to take medication and self-isolate in the state delaware, where he flew to. but it's interesting that today, perhaps, for the first time in the democratic media.' there was a very strange wording, one of the nbc presenters
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said, i quote, if he can handle it, if. it turns out that there are doubts, but , however, this is for the doctors to decide, although the information that biden in the coming days may announce that he will stop riding the political election rollercoaster is emerging cautiously, and even trump’s opponents have begun to buy his poetry , yes, he has that too. georgiy alsashvili carefully studied everything books, speeches, hospital bulletins and this is his view of today's political turns. out of nowhere, a short tweet appeared on joe biden's official account: i'm sick. before the reporters had time to make a fuss, the post was updated, in the new context it was no longer about illness, but about the fact that the president was enraged by billionaires trying to influence the elections, but it turned out that biden was really sick, the organizers of the event in las vegas reported. -vegas, where the american leader was waited until the last minute. i have just i spoke on the phone with president biden, he is very disappointed that he cannot join.
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while it is up to president biden to decide whether to leave the company, i believe it is time for him to pass the baton, by doing so he will protect his legacy and allow us to defeat donald trump. schiff is a close friend of nancy pilosi, who, according to cnn , told biden in a private conversation that he had no chance of defeating trump. the american press writes that the president may announce his withdrawal from the race in the coming days against the background trump's triumphant republican national convention. nowadays there are such gangsters that as soon as someone takes out a gun, everyone runs away. trump was wounded in the ear and still wanted to continue his damn speech. trump is completely different, he is like an animal in himself. he thinks about us, about america, about the world, he doesn’t care about the rest. by the end of the election campaign, trump had become the undisputed party leader. yesterday's opponents come out in
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support of him, and fans are sweeping everything connected with him off the shelves, even a book of trump's poetry, although it is actually a publication without rhyme turns out to be a complete collection. and in the second volume there will be all the tweets about the pandemic, about the sedition charge, about the trials, it will be incredible. wisconsin is a state famous for its beer. during the break , the delegates did not deny themselves pleasure and headed straight from the convention to the nearest bar. in the evening , a freshly minted vice-presidential candidate came out to the warmed-up audience. jady vance played the role of a blue-collar hero and talked about his difficult childhood. i was putting on the audience a mother, a drug addict who had been quitting for 10 years and explained how, together with trump, they would make america great. we'll be putting that beautiful made in usa label on our products more and more often. we will build factories again so people can work, so that real goods for american families can be made by american workers.
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wentz spoke almost nothing about foreign policy, not a word about ukraine, but the senator’s views on this topic are known. into the propaganda of the bush junior administration, which argued that we should send troops to iraq, that this is a war for freedom and democracy, that those who advocate an agreement with saddam hussein are only provoking a wider regional conflict. is this similar to what we hear today? the same conversations, 20 years later, only the names and names of countries change. have we learned our lesson? don't think. we decided that if we beat ourselves in the chest instead of diplomacy, it would somehow lead to good results.
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it is implied that trump is able to stop this, since even a bullet cannot take him, many come to the meeting of the party congress with bandaged ear. the bandage on my right ear is a sign of solidarity with president trump. trump's granddaughter kai, who spoke in public for the first time, spoke less about the ex-president, and more about a kind grandfather who, secretly from his parents, treats his grandchildren with lemonade.
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he called me during lessons, asking how my last golf game was and telling me all about his own. trump, for example, the american press hints that, judging by the detail of queries on the internet, thomas crooks, who tried to kill trump, was considered a victim, not only him. according to our sources, after examining crooks' phone and computers, the fbi discovered that he was googling photos of president biden and donald trump and also studying their schedules. at the same time, crooks, according to friends. he doesn’t look at all like a fanatical madman, he doesn’t have conflicts, he wasn’t bullied at school, he wasn’t noticed as prone to violence. the most common definition in relation to crux were the words smart and intelligent, their enthusiasm... of certain
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objects, several acquaintances described him as kind, one a classmate said that crooks gave the impression of a man who had never hurt a fly in his life. the investigation has only just begun, and the secret service, which was guarding trump, is already blaming everything on the police, who were responsible for the outer perimeter; the cops are not in debt and are feeding generously. about 20 to 30 minutes before the shooting, local police inside the building radioed the secret service security team about a suspicious man with a rangefinder and a backpack, after which the police sent a photo of the man. it's strange that even after that, no measures were taken, how strange it is that it was fbi agents who cleaned the roof from where they shot at trump. abc news , citing sources in law enforcement agencies , provides minute-by-minute detail of the failure of the american ones. 17:10, that is, 62 minutes before the first shot, crooks is identified as a person of suspicion. 17:30
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the circle is spotted with a rangefinder, which can be used to determine the distance to the target. sources told abc news that he could have climbed over the air conditioning units on the roof. 17:52 the secret service spots crooks on the roof exactly 20 minutes before the shooting. at 18:02 trump enters the stage. at 6:12 p.m., crooks opens fire. kills one person and hits trump. the sniper kills kruggs 26 seconds after he fires the first shot. the shot, which did not reach the target, but definitely influenced the course of the election race. trump is expected to give a keynote speech in moscow at night, which he completely rewrote after the assassination attempt. georgy lisoshvili, dmitry malyshev, sergey nashchokin, channel one in usa. three-star general and 700 officers. nato doesn’t want to refuse. from military rhetoric, arms supplies to ukraine and the development of plans for further escalation of the situation. today, at the european summit in
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london, the sensible voices of those politicians who call for peace were again not heeded. the overdue zelensky tried to persuade everyone not to listen to hungarian prime minister viktor orban. he , in turn, convinced his colleagues that this conflict could not be resolved on the battlefield. at the same time , in strasbourg, at a meeting of the european parliament, one supporter of the war party, ursulla fondelaien, was elected head of the european commission for a second term and was accused of creating. comfortable conditions in europe for rapists and murderers. it is possible that, in order to protect himself from such attacks, his colleagues in the european parliament vonlaen intends to approve the post of european commissioner for defense, and this is also the first time in history. about euro passions on opposite sides of the channel, but with one bias towards war. in the report by ivan blagov. a pat on the shoulder with the words “yes, yes, i know, this is what the meeting between the expired zelensky and the fresh one looked like.” british prime minister starmer."
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the so-called war camp in the need for a peaceful settlement in ukraine. they believe that they can destroy the russians
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militarily, but i don’t think so, because this conflict cannot be resolved on the battlefield. i know the russians, i know the soviet union , i know ukrainians, i am from a neighboring country. before the speech at the summit, it was still possible to argue what caused zelensky’s nervous state, whether the unpleasant meeting at the airport with valery zaluzhny, whom zelensky removed from the post of commander in chief, could have been the reason. tsu was appointed ambassador of ukraine to great britain, but after that the matter became obvious about viktor orban. in kiev they are afraid that the hungarian prime minister could promise something in moscow. if someone in europe is trying to resolve issues behind their back, if someone wants to make several trips to the capital of the war, then why should we listen to such a person? the eu and nato can resolve all their issues without him. an extremely inconvenient moment when the prime minister of hungary obviously cares about preserving the lives of ukrainians. more than the one who continues call yourself the president of ukraine. every day we lose thousands of innocent people,
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human lives are the most valuable thing we can lose, and we do. 700 officers, it will be located in germany, it will be headed by a three-star general, it will provide security assistance to ukraine, coordinating nato efforts. this is how adolf hitler’s headquarters was during the great patriotic war, the same headquarters now exists in nato, in fact, that is, this is a single control center for all armed and logistics operations, it is quite possible that intelligence agencies too. all this, however, does not prevent orban, and hungary is a nato member, from continuing to call for a stop to hostilities.
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forgive supporters of further opposition to the hungarian prime minister for such activity. obviously they can't. at the level of the european union , high-ranking officials of the european commission are trying to isolate him; they will not participate in informal meetings of the european council in budapest. since july 1, hungary has held the eu presidency. and here is how the new composition of the european parliament greeted today criticism of orbán's peace initiative. two weeks ago, the prime minister of one of the countries went to moscow on a so-called peace mission. this is not a peace mission, but a regular pacification mission. "stormy applause, turning into a standing ovation. vonderleen refused to go to the summit in the uk, as it was today that she gave the keynote speech in strasbourg. our work over the next 5 years will be focused on building a true european defense alliance. in close coordination with nato. also fondelaien intends to appoint a european commissioner for defense.
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previously, such a position simply did not exist in brussels. and here is moscow's reaction.
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for all the scandals. ivan bladoy, dmitry volkov, evgenia stefanchuk, maria mortanova, channel one. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin on a working visit to nicaragua. on behalf of vladimir putin, he will represent our country at the celebrations in honor of the forty-fifth anniversary of the people's revolution. volodin has already met with the head of the national assembly of nicaragua, gustavo paras cartes, and discussed inter-parliamentary cooperation with him. we have great opportunities to continue cooperation, moreover. in a variety of areas, in matters of education, the humanitarian sphere, in the field of culture, and here i would like us to conduct a dialogue, representing the interests of our countries, solving the issues of our citizens, together we can do more, together we are stronger, we need to cherish friendship , which was founded many
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decades ago. in order for these relationships to be maintained and developed. the area of ​​kaktebeli fires increased to 44 hectares. the tas agency reported this today in karadak nature reserve. 80 people are fighting the fire; aviation has been brought in to deal with the disaster, and the heat of the rubbish that has settled in crimea is preventing it. the cause of the fire, let me remind you, is the human factor. the man was working with an angle grinder and the spark set the dry grass on fire. a criminal case has been opened. tricks beyond the pale man.
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you did it here, it doesn’t sound like reproach, it sounds like admiration, you did it, and what a show, the competition for the audience’s attention is incredible, in such a situation it’s hard not to overwork yourself before the performance. these corpses from ethiopia call themselves black eagles, apparently that's why they so easily fly into the air, and yet acrobatics on a flip board is considered one of the most dangerous genres. these are ikorian games. the peculiarity is that after the trick the acrobat lands not on the mat, but on the feet of another artist. the idol circus arts festival brought together the best artists from all over the world in the arena. jugglers, aerialists, acrobats, tightrope walkers, a total of 23 teams from seventeen countries: china, vietnam, the philippines. and peru , guests came from western countries, from italy, germany, spain, america, as another reminder, art builds bridges, not walls. this is very important for me,
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because this festival is one of the largest and most prestigious in the world circus industry, i am very proud to be here. i think this is one of the most beautiful festivals in the world, it’s exciting for me to be here, this is my first time in moscow, so i’m very happy, the level of participants is, of course, the highest. world festival. starting from the age of 5, my mother trained me and
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somehow gradually we came to this idea and decided to implement it, but i shoot with my legs, in this is the uniqueness of the act, in addition to the fact that i do the most difficult tricks, which are usually done either by men or by no one at all, we also decided to make it even more difficult with a crossbow, and for the performance? the owners of the acrobat area of ​​the big moscow circus, all the other participants watch with bated breath, the fearless audi performs an incredible trick for the first time in history: a three-turn somersault on the move, the difficulty is that it is done forward from a throwing board, the difficulty is that that a person has both legs tied and he stands on one hadula, that is, to step up somewhere to something. he doesn’t have one , three independent jury panels evaluate the performance, professionals monitor the technique of performing the complexity of the tricks, i’m very happy to be in russia, the circus culture is so big, especially here
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in russia, this is the best festival in the world, we need to support circus and so that the audience is interested, so that young artists are interested, that the future for the circus is pain, representatives of the media will also choose their winners information and emotions, how immersed people are in this, it’s just very cool, all the numbers are simply amazing, well, it’s even impossible to compare them, because they are all different and each is good in its own way, i simply cannot convey this in words, you have to find it in person , magnificent design, magnificent surroundings, if all three jury members choose one as the best... and the same number will receive the festival grand prix. the task is not easy, because the artists skillfully juggle our emotions, and there is no trick here, only everyday work during which they walk on the edge of the possible, like on a thin rope. olga
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pautova, veronica ilvuchenkov, alexey labushkin, dmitry kachurin, khristina ivanova, alexey simonov, channel one. artek, international children's center on the black sea coast. the final of the big competition started there today. among students of the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, as well as participants in the international track. guys came from all over russia, as well as from thirty other countries. this year the competition is dedicated to the year of the family, with a focus on strengthening the connection between generations family values. the main prize for the winners is a dream trip by train along the route between the two youth capitals of moscow and vladivostok. a big change, let me remind you, this is the flagship project of the movement of the first, among the organizers of rosmolodezh. the competition is part of the russia land of opportunities presidential platform. the goal is to help children discover their talents and choose their path in life. i
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spent the last year listening to the stories of my sister, how she went to bartek, thanks to bp, so i recharged myself and for the last six months i tried very hard strongly to come here. and it worked. if i won the competition, i would like to see everything in russia, because that's what it is. what can happen when at one moment, the stupid and worthless son of a billionaire, who is wasting his life, suddenly stands at the head of his father’s huge empire, yes... and also love, which, as we know, works wonders, exciting plot twists, stunt tricks, and the complete rebirth of the main character. our correspondent kristina leveeva will now tell you why this movie is a must -see. excitement, my friend, excitement, citizen grandma's son. oligarch, waster of life and
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daddy's money. timur has not worked a day in an endless search for thrills, he makes one bet after another. that's it, you're at the finish line. but everything will change dramatically when the company, along with it and a huge fortune , suddenly finds itself in his hands. sorry. in the film by alexei pimanov, the oligarch driver pavel priluchny again plays the major. only this is a completely different hero, daring, reckless, unpredictable. by the way. the artist performed all the stunts in the film himself, even jumping into the pool from a helicopter. you imagined that you are special, not like everyone else, right? this completely took me away from this, a person does some absolutely crazy things, and of course i didn’t have this in my previous ones. here i play a man who is obsessed with illness, obsessed with gambling, that is, he can lose anything, gamble.
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anything, and this is his credo. a hilarious comedy about love and loneliness, because the main character is not at all what they think he is, what he is ready to do to save his father’s empire, have you worked for another person at least once, here also a newly minted business partner who clearly knows all the weaknesses will offer a tempting argument, and how can you refuse, you win, i leave, you leave, a person who thinks only about himself, about his condition, about the condition of the company, tries to save, and is nervous, worried about this , quite like this - seemingly dry, a typical businessman worried about his future, the authors of the film admit that the idea of ​​​​the oligarch's driver arose 15 years ago. for a long time they could not write a good script that would not just be an action script, as a script for a pure comedy, in its purest form, so that it would still be a very smart comedy, well, i’ll tell you honestly.
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of course, she’s a malefecent, but people often confuse this because life forced her to be, and yes, she’s black and white, white and black, in life in the movies, when there’s a good intrigue, it’s often not so. it’s just a movie about finding yourself,
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about the ability to forgive and let go, a movie that will make you believe that happiness can be found even when you don’t expect it at all, what a disaster, kristina levieva, roman khrolenko, dmitry remizov, veronica ilvuchenko, maria emelyanova and sergey shatila, channel one. that's all, keep an eye on the time, go to... cinema, stay up to date with events, the final episode of the film two shores is now on air on channel one.
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why did you discharge yourself, didn’t tell anyone anything, well, i arrived at the hospital, and they surprised me there, and what kind of stranger is this in the church instead of you, right?


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