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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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and these are the people who are suing their own people for our money, well, what are we spending government money on? our officials, according to the code of administrative offences, bear administrative responsibility, including for inaction, as in this situation, well, the situation itself regarding the fact that such a mass of people suffer and live in inhumane conditions, of course, this is a nightmare, the law is here ... is trampled upon in every possible way, that is, no one , except the prosecutor’s office and other bodies, strives to respect the rights of people, that is, the administration lives in some kind of their own state and does not understand that they are responsible for the life and health of residents, residents of their district, their city, and that they are directly responsible for this, we have now talked with three representatives of the administration, but these people.. i clearly don’t
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correspond to the positions i occupy, they don’t hear, they don’t want to hear, they float, this is called, like swimming in an exam, they are not in the topic, in the topic of what is happening, yes, absolutely true, but law enforcement agencies should probably be here. already accept decisions, the investigative committee, i think, should get involved, naturally, for our part, as a representative of the popular front, we will also take control of the situation, we will also monitor it in every possible way to help resolve it, there are a lot of questions. there are no answers at all, it’s simple, i don’t know, you can’t even call such people - those positive heroes who can really be turned to in a difficult situation are comrades who suffer and don’t know whether tomorrow will come for them, and if you send them there, and i'm sure they're even close they didn’t stand near such a house, and either send their loved ones there on an excursion, their little children, so that they experience it and so that they tell us today in this studio, this is simply an inhumane attitude. well, everything
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is clear to me, judging by the way they answered the questions, it’s not clear why they are in their places, these people are preparing for the broadcast, they come out completely unprepared, she can’t say a word of her own, all she can do is read three pieces of paper, and then, having mixed them up, first she began to read one, then the other, but how is it possible that there is no answer to any question. first channel, what can we say about these people who come to their reception, they consider them to be people, but no, of course, girls, hang in there, we are on your side, good evening, the big game is live, i’m vyacheslav nikonov, today russian president vladimir putin. held meetings with
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permanent members of the security council of the russian federation on an important topic, that’s how he himself defined it. today we will discuss some issues related to ensuring internal security during the significant socio-political events. speaker bortnikov, alexander vasilievich, please. naturally, alexander vasilyevich bortnikov is responsible for security. holding large socio-political events, we have a lot of them, but we know that, first of all , the ukrainian special services and their american curators do not give up attempts to destabilize the situation in our country, and , unfortunately, they sometimes manage to carry out terrorist attacks, so we remain vigilant together . today sad news came from vietnam, but in the eighty-first passed away, general secretary.
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development, therefore, the blessed memory of comrade angun fu-chong. today, the most discussed news in the world is not even the republican party convention, it is not even possible - the departure of president biden's presidential campaign. the main thing is that today a real nightmare has come, due to the fact that the windows system refused to work in mostly unfriendly environments. on us in
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the countries, and indeed the consequences were serious all over the world, there were disruptions in the work of airports, airlines, banking payment systems, medical institutions, ministries, departments, tv channels, delivery services, restaurants and amusement parks, let's listen to euroonws. airlines, media outlets and banks around the world were hit by a massive it outage, resulting in planes being grounded by service disruptions. an airline in australia and two carriers in the us were forced to suspend flights. in europe, users also complained about being unable to check in for their flights. several european ones. were notified of problems at edinburgh airport due to a computer error caused the departures board to freeze, and airports in the netherlands, new zealand, japan and india also reported problems with flights. switzerland's largest airport in zurich has suspended aircraft landings. in the uk, supermarkets have reported
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problems accepting payments. british broadcaster skynews was forced to stop broadcasting for several hours. hospitals, pharmacies and doctors' offices have also been affected, reporting difficulties obtaining medical records. and two german hospitals in lubick and kili canceled non-urgent surgeries. reason the failure of the systems was the update of the anti-virus software, which was out of order. this software is called crowd strike, but she actually sent everyone an update when they updated, well, that's it, everything is fine. this is a company that, here's their advertisement that 62 minutes can destroy your business, they destroyed everything much faster on everything. all over the world, but - in general, the leaders of this company have already stated that everything is in order, everything is under control, here is the statement of george coors, chief executive officer of crowdrye, let's listen, these are the companies, by the way, that have already been caught, we know what
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the problem is, we are solving it, we have already solved it, in essence, as you said, in the statement that i published, an update was sent to the system, in this update there was a bug in the software that caused an operation problem. microsoft systems, we identified this very quickly and fixed the problem, as the systems come back online after a reboot they work again, we are now working with each customer to make sure we can get them back them to the network, this is where the problem associated with our update was settled, well, yes, but it’s not settled yet, the problem for karausreik is that their shares fell by 20% immediately, but nbc, the american one, america woke up when all this happened all over the world, and it turned out that problems still exist there, that’s what nbc reports. the global information technology outage has affected industries around the world: airlines, banks, stores and broadcasters. companies. the largest american
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airlines have suspended flights around the world and there are delays. microsoft says it has fixed the issue, but problems still persist and blue error codes are popping up all over the us. outside of it, the cybersecurity company crowd said that the problem arose due to a defect found in one of the content updates for windows, well, two cherries on the cake, which means, firstly, crowd is the same company that swears assured that in 2016 russia interfered in elections in the united states of america, bled, and put her stamp there. on all the accusations against russia, this is the first cherry, the second cherry, this is this anti-virus software, it was banned for use in the russian federation back in the spring of this year, so we simply didn’t have it, and not a single one, as i
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understand it, the enterprise in russia, in china simply did not suffer, well , several things can be said here, firstly, evil deeds are worthy of fruits, yes, it always... brings a certain emotional joy when people who engaged in slander, who engaged in all sorts of dirty tricks, receive punishment, not even from you, but from higher powers. the second is what is said about the benefits of sanctions for those countries against which these sanctions are applied, in russia today, thanks largely to the sanctions regime, which against us, let me remind you, has existed not since twenty -two, but from a much earlier time, there from 13.
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the second important point, besides this, i must say, is that this whole history has shown that the west often prettifies itself very much, that’s how we are. powerful, we are so invincible, yes, we will kill all of you at any moment, it turned out that you, dear friends, just need to be pulled out of the socket, pay attention to how all life is structured today, but the system that provides computer communications is simply knocked out, the west it turns out without everything, without television, radio, light, means of communication and so on and so forth, without transport, but... and finally, the last thing, it is very characteristic that the danger came from those who
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was supposed to provide security. in the modern world, this is becoming a definite trend, because we must remember why, for example, in the united states of america, the free sale of weapons, mainly, as it is motivated, is a means of self-defense, that is, a means that ensures your safety, so starting, so to speak, with the monstrous shootings in schools that take place there and ending. the latest attempt on presidential candidates, here's how this security system works and in the same way, it's the system security, which should have ensured the security of all electronics, the internet, acted as the main destroyer, this is a very significant moment, well, i must say that there is someone rejoicing in the united states, first of all elon musk, who said, at microsoft, nothing works for you, but everything works for me, it’s like for him...
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usually this process takes from 30 seconds to a minute, but this must be done from each computer, that is, one person per computer. this failure affected all critical systems: hospitals, airports, banks, and even emergency services, things will get worse and worse ahead. i've heard that even supermarkets have been affected, requiring manual interaction to troubleshoot. perhaps we are talking about millions of computers, it will take some time and such a failure. how can
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we get out of this technological hell now? well, i ’d like to add a few words to what has already been said, you know, in general, in principle, this is of course such an extraordinary case, although in ninety- five a network film with the then rising star mme. balok, who, in general, actually beats. this is the same plot when companies developing software for protecting computers are the same malicious participants who essentially introduce hostile programs everywhere, so you understand how we are seeing another example, so to speak, of a systemic failure in technological globalization, and how it is, of course, very difficult to get out of it, because, as was correctly said, it is almost impossible to reboot all computers remotely, this can be done there, relatively speaking, at
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airports, large centers, but an individual computer - their vulnerability lies in the fact that very often there are automatic update systems, the user does not even notice this, so those programs were simply installed automatically, so this is a big loss , large large expenses, but there were so many conversations, yes, when we started talking about digital sovereignty, began to pass relevant laws and so on, here you go... it turns out that it’s absolutely no laughing matter, our system really survived, no special problems arose in the country, but they also had serious problems, the internet works for us, for example, boris aleksandrovich roger, our permanent military expert, now we will contact him via the internet, and he will tell us from crimea how things are going here on the fronts of a special military operation, boris aleksandrovich, good evening, the floor to you, and good evening, yes, well, disruptions, of course, will interfere with monitoring what is happening in the zone, especially in our systems are gradually becoming untied from the west,
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slowly but surely, and as for the situation on the front line, there are noticeable progress in our favor while maintaining the operational initiative in almost all directions, if you look from south to north, then on the rabotinsky ledge our troops continue to exert pressure north of rabotin and verbovoy, on the vremevsky ledge our troops are probing the enemy’s defenses in the direction of makarovka. this means that in the ugledar direction our troops have consolidated in new positions not far from the konstantinovka ugledar highway, there the enemy lost three landings and one strong point after yesterday’s battles in krasnogorovka. our troops have still advanced in the north-eastern part of the city, the enemy continues to lose positions here, to the west of ottovdeevka our troops have already made progress, according to some reports the village has already been liberated, we are waiting for official information from the ministry of defense, but our attack aircraft are already recorded directly in the village, also fighting is going on on the outskirts of volchye, lazovadskaya is partially occupied,
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fighting is also going on on the outskirts of vozdvizhenka, there is progress in the first new settlement, there is progress in units there the village is already in fact. prisoners are taken for cleaning, that is, in general, this section of the front continues to become a source of major problems for the armed forces of ukraine, and the front here is mobile and moving to the west, in the new york area our troops advanced in the city center, several more streets were taken, similarly in the area dzerdzhinsk, our troops are also advancing to kirovo in artyomovo, there the enemy also lost several houses and, well, pieces of the private sector, in the area of ​​the yar hours our troops entrenched themselves in the eastern part of kalinovka and occupied the entire forest. massif on the eastern side of the seversky donetsk-donbass canal and seriously expanded the control zone north of kalinovka, here the enemy underestimated our actions and accordingly lost a number of important landing positions. on the seversk ledge, our troops attack in the perezdnoye area; here our front is gradually moving further in the direction of seversk.
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there are positional battles going on in the component sectors, no changes in the krasnolemansky direction, positional battles are also going on here in the svatovo-kupyansky direction. the opponent suffered significant losses in the match of happiness. thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen for your accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts of the northern military district. dmitry olegovich astrakhon, a news columnist who works in the avdeevsky direction, is now in direct contact with us, also via the internet, which works regularly for us. he has fresh news. please, dmitrevich, good evening. good evening, the troops
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of the center group are operating successfully, expanding the zone of control and... from avdeevka and also advancing in novgorod, new ukrainian name new york and dzerzhinsk, it is worth noting that now our troops have much more high-precision weapons, in particular, the number of adjustable 152-mm artillery shells has seriously increased, krasnopol, krasnopol, i 'm sorry, many units of western equipment and abrams tanks and infantry fighting vehicles the bradleys were destroyed. really changes the picture of the battle, also on the part of the enemy, the number of these weapons has increased when it is in so many cases of voluntary surrender, that is when, when our attack aircraft approach , ukrainian fighters do not defend themselves, they immediately come out with their hands raised, this does not yet have
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any super-mass character, but such cases are being recorded more and more, on this... it is characteristic of the enemy’s actions that until now, despite despite all the loud statements, his hunger for shells is clearly visible, and the work of barrel artillery is actually being replaced by the work of unmanned aerial vehicles on the enemy’s side, the number of their applications is growing, and the operating range, and various types, but ours rap and air defense forces are fighting them. thank you very much, dmitry astrakhan, lime columnist. from the avdeevsky direction, where ours are also moving forward, despite the improvement of the enemy’s capabilities in the field of using unmanned aerial vehicles. thank you very much, take care of yourself and look forward to your reports. it was dmitry asterkhin, the creator of news. well,
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the republican party convention has ended in the united states, which promises that donald trump has already been officially nominated for the presidency. what does this mean for zelensky who will still be his opponent in the presidential race after the advertisement. katyana mikhailovna said that every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not so much as to leave her husband. she always treated the actors very carefully, she could directly kill this person, in general, just so that the actors would not be touched. the world goes through the world without you, it didn’t happen again, how can you compare. carnival there or 17 moments of spring or 17 moments of spring tritopolis on the ivy, oh, she looked at him with such prickly eyes as she she knew how to do it, she just looked and said: “i don’t need a habzon, but she broke me, she simply broke me, she is a great woman, a wonderful, fantastic director, and i am grateful
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to fate that i had the honor of working with her, she was an extremely subtle person, she i put so much love into it all, and my soul walked like a boss on broken glass, to tatiana lioznova’s centenary on sunday, businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, backcountry skis, such an atmosphere on
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the project that it seems that we also became kindred spirits . , well, it's just a sip such nostalgia, it was a lot of fun. two stars, fathers and children, sunday on the first, this is how the brain works, friends, this is
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how, in the literal sense of the word, sleeping pills turn it off, why addiction develops to sleeping pills, like for those who have trouble sleeping, this and others questions, we will answer in the program live healthy! on monday at the first, here, except for the killer dog walkers, no one walks here, i really loved her, they wanted to submit an application, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they are all sincere, and then 17 for the living for that, that the dishwashing soap is bad, she was here yesterday, here, right here, a fortune teller, from monday on the first, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema yet, well, that
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’s easy to fix, i’m waiting for the new season on the first one, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not breaking, do you know how she is torn, so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls, well, okay, let's think about it... major, find the head of the security service, let him urgently report to the control room and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. whole version
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goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, the prime minister’s confrontation based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the big game is live, the us republican party convention has ended in chalky, which. announced donald trump as his candidate for president. trump had to officially accept the nomination on the last day, which he did, and
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spoke. with the main speech, his speech at the republican national convention became the longest in the history of all conventions of all political parties of the united states of america, it lasted 1:34 minutes, and after trump at the very beginning announced that he was accepting the position of candidate from the party for the presidency, modestly noted that he...
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for us, perhaps the most important was the passage where he spoke about his readiness to end all conflicts. the world is experiencing an international crisis like never before. war will break out in europe and the middle east. the specter of conflict looms over taiwan, korea, the philippines and all of asia. our planet is on the verge of world war iii, and it will be a war unlike any other because of weapons.
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weapons are no longer tanks. who drive back and forth shooting at each other, these are weapons of destruction, it's time to change that. i will end all international crises created by the current administration, including the terrible war between russia and ukraine that would not have started if i were president, as well as the war provoked by the attack on israel, which also would not have been president. in general, how serious is the claim that he will somehow be able to stop the conflicts that are now blazing. in the world, well , indeed, the system of international relations is in crisis, one cannot argue with this and one cannot argue that the main culprit that the system of international relations is in crisis is the united states of america, precisely thanks to their efforts, the efforts of the current administration, the united states, there are a large number of conflicts in the world, which is including ukrainian, as you know, the interesting thing here is that trump promises a lot of things,
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the question is how realistic. fulfilling what he promises, because there are political mechanisms inside, all kinds of mechanisms to limit his opportunities in the foreign policy field, just remember his last presidential term. in addition, in general, it is questionable how much america can really influence all international political processes that are taking place in the world today. yes, of course, we heard about exclusivity again united states of america, the fact that god saved him is such an appeal to exclusivity, this is a classic in the usa. but at the same time, the image of the united states of america is wonderful, it means they are shooting at the presidential candidate, at the president of the united states, biden is trying, they are confusing his wife, as tucker carlson said, the white house, you can take even a dummy into the white house in the elections if you want, yes, in general , the internal political situation demonstrates the crisis the united states of america itself is in, these covids, these senile people,
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and naturally, these were the questions that were addressed to zelensky, who has not appeared in kiev for a long time, is afraid to appear there while there is no light and the sewage system does not work, he is afraid to appear there, questions may arise there, showdowns and so on, he in great britain, in great britain, it was the king who received him, charles ii, zelensky, well, usually, i don’t know, i was twice at receptions with the british queen then.
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from the post of president of ukraine only after the end of the war, but what about the relationship with trump? zelensky said that trump is not will make him retreat. let's listen. last year donald trump said he could end this war in 24 hours if he met with you and vladimir putin, what do you say to that? everyone will be happy if one person in the world, no matter donald trump or anyone else, ok, let it be donald trump, stops the war in 24 hours, the question is what will be the price, who will pay it,
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do you think you will pay it , i think no, no, i'm not saying his idea is to make us pay, but if he wants do it in 24.
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what is your reaction to these words of his? maybe he really does not understand what is happening in ukraine, as for us, that we must work with the united states, if a new team comes, then we will have to work with them. i imagine it will be difficult work, difficult, yes, but we are not afraid of difficulties. how did you feel last week when president biden, who was standing right next to you, introduced you to people as president putin. he was just mistaken, honestly, it doesn't mean anything to me. what's the problem? well, zelensky is in a completely hopeless situation. for himself, he is just in tsuswang, any move is worse, he is asked a question about trump, and he begins to rush, you can see this internal rushing, he is afraid of offending the democrats, who are his main, so to speak, sponsors today,
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while at the same time, he understands, and trump can really come to power, it’s probably increasing more and more, and what will i do then, i think that trump’s peace plan, we know that this is now a secret, including, maybe for trump himself. but nevertheless there is a certain general outline that we can talk about. trump, of course, has spoken about this many times, and personally has sympathy for vladimir putin. trump, of course, this is obvious to everyone, has antipathy towards zelensky, who was one of the reasons, almost the main one, for the start of the first impeachment against trump, who has repeatedly emphasized that he is not oriented towards the united states of america. specifically on the us democratic party. trump chose james vance as his vice presidential candidate. took the most anti-ukrainian position in the us senate, and who, speaking at the last munich
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security conference, told the europeans. guys, i love you all, but in general our interests are southeast asia and the pacific. and you, as they say, cope with your problems yourself. moreover, vance generally said that... he doesn’t give a damn about what will happen in ukraine, and the best way is to let ukraine give up the disputed territories, that’s where it all ends, these are all gestures that are absolutely nothing good for zelensky. they don’t personally assume, so zelensky now has only one hope left today, this is an endless continuation of the war. he practically openly spoke about this interview; he was asked the question: until when will you remain president? he says: until the war ends, and stoltenberg promised him that the war will last another 10 years. we can congratulate the ukrainian people on the next major step towards building european democracy. yes. but in fact, trump’s victory is not yet obvious and not
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guaranteed, because we don’t even know who will actually be his rival in the fight for the presidency, because the chances that it will be biden are generally beginning to disappear, in any case, they have already launched a stream on social networks about who will last longer, joe biden or cabbage pumpkin ? are accepted, and biden's bets are assessed as now it must be said, the bets are already 30%, and 70% still bet on cabbage, among those who definitely bet on cabbage is the speaker of the house of representatives of the united states congress, michael johnson. biden is out of his depth.
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former president barack obama recently said
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allies that biden's chances of re-election have diminished markedly. he believes the president needs to think seriously about the viability of his candidacy, several people close to him said. meanwhile, some of biden's aides are angry about obama's position in behind-the-scenes party discussions, accusing him of failing to maintain party unity around biden's candidacy? well, on encepilos - the second iconic figure in the democratic leadership. but there is information that she privately told biden that he would not win. nancy pilosia privately told biden that polls showed the president could not defeat trump and could ruin democrats' chances of winning if he pressed ahead with his bid for a second term, people familiar with the matter said. the president responded sharply, saying he had seen polls showing he could win, well, at headquarters.
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but now on the political level - actually the rating statizer - kamala harris is already ahead of biden as a possible candidate for the presidency, 62% of those who bet on her are already betting on her, and 23% believe that biden will survive, who did you bet on, kachan kapusta or biden? well... now the choice is certainly difficult for americans,
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because, unfortunately, there is probably not a single obvious candidate who can today, given recent events, compete with trump worthy, because today, firstly, he outweighs trump's assertiveness in his political statements, and, as already mentioned, his choices. venza is shifting the attention of business circles that have traditionally oriented towards democrats to republicans, and of course, what vance is today. for many technology companies it becomes such a lifesaver, why? because, firstly, biden had a negative attitude towards artificial intelligence, you can treat it differently, but before technology companies, attempts to regulate it more strictly are always a red rag. second, naturally, biden has always been associated with big technology
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business, aka vance, a venture capitalist who is more of a small medium-sized business, which , so to speak, is thriving in america. and third - that it was planned to introduce additional taxes on capitalization, which just allows small technology companies to grow. therefore, in fact, this is the situation, plus trump, who very wisely, so to speak, does not reveal the cards of his economic program, but at the same time we know that the current head of the federal reserve system was appointed by him, and in fact continues to perform this function, and trump is very cautious about inflation issues and says that this is one of the most important.
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let's talk about how appropriate such analogies are after the ad. attention, says st. petersburg. every year, on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates navy day. in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, it will take place. glorious naval parade. congratulations on navy day. hurray, hurray, we need such ships at sea
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that we can compete with any wave, we need lighthouses and we need a locator, and we also need the faithful. guys, then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is a family to us, then any of us wouldn’t mind serving in the army for the rest of our lives navy, a solemn parade for navy day on july 28 on the first, i don’t believe you, yesterday’s dream, which is not...
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alexander shirvint. after the program, it’s time for the ninetieth anniversary tomorrow on the first, we’ll put the sound on full blast, the atmosphere on the project is such that it seems that we too have become kindred spirits,
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we don’t need a special reason to get together with our families, two stars, fathers and sons, sunday on first, this is how the brain works, friends, this is how sleeping pills literally turn it off, why to sleeping pills develop addiction, as it were... for those who have trouble sleeping, we will answer this and other questions in the program live healthy, on
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monday, on the first, here, except for dog walkers and murderers, no one comes here, i really loved her , and they wanted to submit applications, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they are all sincere, and then 17 on the living for not washing the dishes well. “she was here yesterday, here, right here, a fortune teller, since monday at the first, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema, otherwise it’s easy to fix, i’m waiting, in the first season of the new season, a woman is killed, and we’re talking about the devil and our heart hasn’t broken.” do you know how it breaks, it’s just the shoulder giving and the elbow pulling. well, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say , you are a mole, you are wanted,
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there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, of course, i would run, what will choose the moles? here's the question: be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version goes to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko.
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the confrontation of the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. big game on first. british. the guardian newspaper came out with interesting article, which talks about how the united states today bears a striking resemblance to the late soviet union. let's read it. doesn't the us resemble the soviet union in its final years? america today is a gerentocracy led by sick leaders and experiencing a crisis of confidence in its dominant ideologies, a weakening superpower suffering humiliation abroad, its...
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state of texas. 32 freight train cars derailed. they transported corn. most
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of them ended up in baku. also analogies with late soviet union, when.
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an increasingly irreconcilable struggle between liberal and conservative america, who are ready to shoot each other, after the assassination attempt on trump, cnn showed all this live, and there were comments on television screens: we would not miss, we will not miss a second time, we must arm ourselves, shoot , this is written by democrats who have always been opponents of the free sale of weapons and said that they are liberals, but as for what we see today with...
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he volunteered to help us, in the usa, here the national debt will soon reach 35 trillion, you see, there’s already a little left, only 55 billion, i think they’ll finish that in a couple of days, there are similarities, well, partly, i still don’t quite agree, because still a significant part unfortunately, our country’s external debt increased, including after the collapse of the soviet union, already for the first time. these years of russia, and as for, well , firstly, we actually had trains, we never had 700 companies, uh, that service the railways there, but of course, what we see today from the point of view of finances in the united states of america is completely unprecedented, because today, perhaps, the only line left in the us budget is spending on social security, which is still lower than the
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percentages which they pay on their debt. unfortunately, or fortunately, again, i don’t know what word to choose, but i think that trump is not able to radically change this line, and his, as i already said, cautious, so to speak, comments on economic issues indicate that in fact, i agree, in the economy there are many, many things to do, because he will be faced with a dilemma as a promoter of the idea of ​​​​lowering taxes on everything...
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as for comparing the united states with the late soviet union, it seems to me that it is very correct and very accurately reflects everything that is happening there, at this stage we can state that this is the phrase sick people who rule the united. exactly, the second thing that is very accurate is that there is a gerantocracy there, they are all of us time they blamed, they blamed the whole world for the fact that older people rule, although in fact they are often very experienced, very capable of this, well, now you get it yourself, accordingly
5:59 pm
, then a wind of change should arise with all the ensuing consequences, this wind of change can sweep away a lot in the united states of america, well, in fact , a request for change is now heard in the program of the republican party, i am sure about...
6:00 pm
the soviet union, if this polarization continues at the same pace. well, our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated by victory will be behind us. we pass the word to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, we're live. evening news in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics.


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