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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:36pm MSK

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you know, after biden was shot, well, the democrats had enough for exactly one day to say some primordial and sympathetic words. after 2 days , a tough anti-trump campaign began again, accusing him of being a threat to america, and i do not rule out that we will witness many more events related to these elections. america may well share the fate of the soviet union, if this polarization continues... at the same pace, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. we transmit a word to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, the evening news is live in the studio of ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. the enemy lost three
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mig-29 fighters, ten unmanned boats, and more than 13 thousand militants were killed. the main thing about the work of our military for the week in the report from the ministry of defense is that the settlement of yuryevka in the dpr was liberated. the main topic is security at social and political events. vladimir putin held an operational meeting with permanent participants of the security council. outage from the usa to japan, stock exchanges, airports, hospitals and retail chains have all paused, what is the reason? trump's promising speech at the convention in milwaukee. i will put an end to all international crises created by the current administration, including.
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ministry of defense, and according to a department source , soldiers of the center were killed north of odessa with high-precision weapons, this was reported in the destruction of the patriot air defense system, a missile storage facility for these complexes was built south of the city, romania transferred them to kiev, and from the report for the week , the enemy lost three mig fighters 29, our air defense also shot down eight american atacoms missiles and 10 french hamer guided bombs, and black sea sailors eliminated 10 unmanned ones.
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popular front. its representatives provided the war correspondents of channel one with modern electronic warfare equipment. they are able to detect the approach of enemy drones. they can also be installed on a car. our colleague yulia, journalists, met the valuable cargo in the rostov region. the main principle is to create the radius of the so-called dome as much as possible or hood. when an enemy drone comes into range of the reb, the connection with its control is lost. operator, they
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are attached here with magnets, and as a rule it will be possible to have pickup trucks there, there are additional trunks there, which we also saw on the cars of the first tv channel , mobile ones...
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between moscow and hanoi, was highly respected by his compatriots and significant authority in the international arena. let me add that vladimir putin and yinguyen phuchong met several times, including recently, in june, during our president's visit to vietnam. the whole world today is discussing the technical failure of microsoft systems, which is already being called the largest in history. this is what the flight schedule looked like at airports: blue screen of death in... usa, spain, germany, britain, india, japan. problems are not limited only to the operation of air harbors, where, by the way, boarding passes were issued by hand. banks, stock exchanges, tv channels, everything went on pause. about the reasons for the it collapse,
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which did not affect our country in any way, dmitry malyshev. the scale of what happened will not appear today. today the world is still experiencing the consequences of a technological rollback of 100 years ago. there were exercises, we were rehearsing a supposed missile strike, we tried to go on air from a backup studio, today the feelings are exactly the same, and to show, of course, was that, for example, all the leading american air carriers have banned the take-offs of their planes, all this is very strange and we do not we understand, this is true all over the world, yes in everything
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, for example, indira gandhi airport, delhi, it is already the busiest in india directly the broadcast was established by the reuters agency, but the quality of the picture still suffers, the first to appear were videos from eyewitnesses from... the emirates, spain, france, great britain, from everywhere, thousands of airports actually switched to manual control. all these frames are united by the same image on the monitors, it is known as the blue screen of death. your pc has encountered a problem and needs to be rebooted. this is a technical message from the windows operating system, but the failure affected not only it, but also the services of the american giant microsoft. thus, ordinary users and entire industries came under attack. for example, the british health care system. websites and services of various companies, from external attacks, and the update of this product led to a violation of counter-security,
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so we all suddenly received that all the companies that took care of themselves, those who paid for security, suddenly found themselves struck not by evil hackers, but actually speaking by the same ones who should bring. good good for hire microsoft was supposed to bring the american company crowd strike, which in turn relies on advanced technologies, analysis of user behavior, machine learning and supposedly even artificial intelligence, victims of this product are now again manually checking in for delayed flights. on the internet they write about world chaos due to a failure in some computer systems, all this is very complicated. in simple words, it turned out like this: a state-of-the-art system for searching for computer threats after the update.
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europe, in small pharmacies in japan, turkish train stations, that is, wherever they are used. microsoft products with crowd protection system. air traffic has not been restored, judging by data from the flytradar service, the biggest problems are at airports in europe, the usa and southeast asia; the failure did not affect russia. it just so happened, i don’t know, probably fortunately, that after the imposition of sanctions , russian airlines switched exclusively to domestic products, and this allowed us now, as they say, to be outside observers of the problems faced by the world civil society. reaction. dagestan, who participated in
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riots at makhachkala airport. the state prosecutor requested that they be sentenced from 7 to 10 years in prison. the prosecutor general's office emphasized that all those responsible for organizing the pogroms will be found and will not only be punished, they will face real sentences. let me remind you that in october last year, residents of dagestan broke through to the runway.
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he was detained in march last year on suspicion of espionage, identified and documented. correspondent for the wol street journal on behalf of the cia collected secret information about one of the enterprises of our military-industrial complex. it was he who was interested in the ural carriage works. he is engaged in the production and repair of equipment for our armed forces. to the events of the american election campaign. nbc tv channel reports: the family of the current head of the white house has begun to discuss a plan for his withdrawal from the presidential race. a little earlier, it was also said that biden feels betrayed and personally insulted due to the fact that his fellow party members are trying to write him off. published. supposed a draft of a farewell speech, the situation is aggravated by trump’s speech in melwaka, emotions at
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the limit, dramatic pauses, unexpected props, in general, a show, and a promising speech by a candidate for the presidency of america. our correspondent, georgiy alisashvili, will tell you more about everything. usually, there is no great intrigue before american party congresses, because plus or minus it is always clear who the candidate will be. trump abandoned harsh attacks on democrats, opening act tucker carlson said that at least the american in an election with the right amount of irregularities , a dead man can win; the republican candidate can no longer be stopped. when he stood up, wounded in the head, bleeding, raised his hand, i thought that at
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that moment he had changed, he was no longer just a candidate of his party or a former president or a future president, he was the leader of a nation, having replaced the shire actor and wrestler hulk hogan even tore his t-shirt for trump. they shot my hero, they tried to kill the next president of the united states, that's enough. this is too much, i demand that crazy trumpomania has begun, brothers, let trumpomania reign again. trump began his speech by formally agreeing to become the party's presidential candidate and talking about what he experienced last saturday. i heard a loud whistling sound and felt like something hit me very hard in my right ear. i said to myself: wow, what else is this? it can only be a bullet. i touched my hand with... his ear, it was all covered in blood, i realized that everyone was attacking us very seriously,
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i rushed to the stage, the bullets continued to whistle. the theatricality of the moment was given by dramatic pauses and unexpected props, the stage was taken out with the uniform of a firefighter who died at a trump rally, the ex-president even kissed the helmet, going through the most obvious failures of the biden team, the crisis on the border, inflation, growing crime, trump said that america is with him stops participating in endless wars. i will end all international crises created by the current administration, including the terrible war with russia and ukraine, which would never have happened if i was president. at the same time, it was such that under biden, russia is not only winning in ukraine, but is threatening america itself. if i were in power, and there were foreign nuclear submarines off the coast of cuba, every day there would be headlines about what is wrong with our president, but you don’t hear about it. russian nuclear submarines and warships are located 100 km from miami.
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the republican convention was so triumphant for trump that the democrats decided to make an emergency replacement. almost all major american media have already reported on this candidate. according to my sources, president biden has agreed to withdraw from the race as the democratic nominee. it should happen this weekend. the draft of his speech has already been compiled. the idea is that he will continue to be president, and he also, i am told, will not support kamala haris as his successor. they hope he will advocate for an open process at the democratic national convention in chicago. the presidential candidate was chosen from a list that included kamala haris and several other candidates. supposed a draft of biden's farewell speech has already been published. here are the main points of biden's likely speech. the most important thing now is to save the soul of america. our democracy is in danger. this election must be won. to succeed , we need the trust of all americans. i believed and
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still believe that i could do this job. but it became clear that the majority. americans want a person who is younger than both candidates to fill this position. it is significant that some delegates to the republican convention spoke out against biden's withdrawal from the race. apparently, the current american leader is such a convenient opponent that it would be a pity to lose him. georgy lisashvili, artyom pekhterev, yuri rublev, channel one usa. russia and syria are at the forefront of the fight for truth and justice. our foreign minister sergei lavrov spoke about this today. minister. spoke at the opening of the exhibition, which is dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between moscow and damascus. according to sergei lavrov, the collective west, led by the united states , challenged the natural course of history and themes processes that lead to the formation of a more sustainable world order. in it, states will cooperate on the basis of equality and a balance of interests; it is precisely these
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principles that russia and syria advocate. i am convinced that no one can. relations between russia and nicaragua are systemic in nature, state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin said today; he heads our
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delegation, which arrived in monago on behalf of vladimir putin.
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and you are shirvent, shirvent, such a profession, you will learn all the behind-the-scenes secrets of one of the most popular and beloved theaters of our country, that's it, vera, walk around, just a little, talk, well , gingerbread, they should evoke pity, but you and your wife at home don't talk about work, thank god she doesn't know what to do, a wife should believe in the genius of her husband , feed him and do not disturb him. i have all the moves written down, when did your duet with mikhail derzhavin begin? well, consider the silet here, ready, we bring you good things. he knows how to joke, but we love him not only for this, i haven’t sung this yet, it’s alexander shirvint’s day, go to the garden, you
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will sing there, you will listen there, and tomorrow on the first, and they also say, don’t believe in fate, jackass, guy, you know, how reliable, three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, everything is unusual, i want you to stay, a week of this peacock, you know, and already with him on you’re jealous, no, i just don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, and in our yard on sunday, on the first, a businessman, a three-room apartment, financially secure, downhill skiing, two stars, fathers and children , sunday on the first, here, except for the dog walkers and the killer, no one walks around, i really loved her,
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they wanted to submit an application, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they were all sincere, and then 18 on the living for not washing the dishes well, she was here yesterday, here, right here. fortune teller from monday on the first, you know, i ’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema yet, it should be easy to fix, i’m waiting for the new season on the first, a woman is killed and we ’re talking the devil about what and my heart didn’t break, you you know how it breaks, they just give it to the shoulder and the elbow pulls, okay. let's let's think, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you
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will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second a very well-thought-out option for escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, full version goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by
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yulian semyonov. this is the evening news and we continue: in the stavropol territory, the fsb prevented a terrorist attack at the bus station in the resort town of yasentuki. a native of one of... conscript soldiers undergo training: sports activities, tactical medicine, and it is also important to be able to immediately distinguish between the tracks of an animal and a person. our
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correspondent, valery kuznetsov, talked to the recruits. running and push-ups, pull-ups, and also legal training. topic of today's lecture: the law of the russian federation on the state border of the russian federation, this is the training center of the border service of the fsb of russia in the mountainous... in the region of chechnya, here recruits undergo a course for young fighters, they say that every little thing is important in this matter, rise 6:30, let's go, morning exercises, go for a run, breakfast, then some have fizo, some have a lecture, when there is personal time, maybe they can sit and play checkers and chess there, we tried to create maximum conditions for their living and training, as of today, 30 percent of the personnel have already gathered and are already interested. the main thing is that the shoes are clean,
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the hems are hemmed, overall a neat appearance, and for border guards, what is also important for a border guard, the main thing is skills; at 22, sergei is already a deputy platoon commander, he says a big plus of joining the border troops was having a higher education in sports preparation. sergei was involved in martial arts. we will simulate a direct blow with a knife. vladislav is 18, his grandfather and father are now guarding our border, one with estonia, the other with finland. i wanted to continue the family tradition, to follow in my father’s footsteps, we are defending our homeland. practicing skills for the purpose of tactical medicine, because anything can happen at the border, and also a lesson in tying sea knots, this is especially
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important for recruits from the primorsky region, because they will have to serve. the knot turned out to be straight, it is tightening, you have the knot turned out to be not straight, look, it comes undone, the next knot will be the knot that you will trust with your life, i use the eight conductor everywhere, private anton vasiliev only recently graduated from college, trained as an it specialist, he plans to sign a contract after military service, i’m sure , the border troops also need information technology specialists for themselves. let's say, i fulfilled two dreams, one might say, to undergo a good and interesting military service, to visit the far east, in civilian life, let's say, i was carried away by all this military theme, but did not delve into it, everything is much more serious here, these young guys were entrusted with the most important thing - to protect the borders of their native country, in this matter there are no trifles, tricks, violators are different, so everyone should be able to distinguish the tracks of an animal and
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a person on a neutral strip. first channel. in the west of moscow, in the kuntsevo area, construction began today on the rublevo-arkhangelskaya metro station, on the line of the same name. the new line from moscow city will pass through the business district of sber city and go beyond mkat to novorizhskoye highway. its length is almost 19 km, and the estimated passenger flow is more than 800 thousand people. olga knyazeva observed the start of construction work. construction team.
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the finished first cube of concrete as the first step in the process of creating a special shaft. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin is launching the construction of the rublevo arkhangelskaya metro station, and this is where the lobby will be located. start the starter with concrete. rublevo-arkhangelskaya line, almost 19 km from the moscow city business center to rublevo arkhangelskaya there will be transfers to the mcc, solntsevskaya, filevskaya, arbato-pokrovskaya a large circular line. savings on travel to the center: almost 30 minutes to moscow city.
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tens of thousands of new jobs. there will be office and business buildings, hospitals, schools, and kindergartens. anyone can come ; this will truly be a business district, take a walk along the wide embankment, and look into the japanese garden. the most important project for the country is school 21. here they will improve the qualifications of teachers of it colleges, including expanding their knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence. moscow today is a locomotive of development digital culture, a city that will give some countries a head start in this matter, and of course, the new area will have residential buildings. we have not seen anything like this in the world, we have collected the most advanced experience, what we saw in china, what we saw in other parts of the world, first of all, of course, asian countries have advanced in this and developed their own technologies, it will be here
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a whole range of unique technologies that... have not been used anywhere, plus accessibility to the city, thank you, metro station, 10 minutes city, 17 minutes will take a trip to city ​​center. 17 minutes almost fit into the concept of the new area, there will be not just a smart city, but a so-called fifteen-minute city, the idea is not new, urbanists talked about it back in the sixties, but in our time they have remembered it again, since it is very convenient. in a fifteen-minute city , every resident should be a 15-minute walk from a store, work and any social institution, but the metro will be a maximum of 15 minutes, and the minimum, judging by the distance from the future office center to the lobby, is generally 20 seconds. this is important for muscovites, rublev's arkhangelsk branch will unload the tagansko krasnopre.
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after all, in 13 years , about 250 km of metro lines have already been built and repaired in the capital, the metro network has almost doubled, there are people behind such large-scale construction, some of whom have been in business for decades. firstly, this is a team that has already been well-coordinated for many years, so we are always with the guys, there are welders, installers, we are all like a team, we are one team, one might say, like one family for many years, if there are , someone is coming, there is an offer, we are all going at once, all this so that the residents and...
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generations will grow up in jokes, it seems that shirvint was able to make people laugh even silently, it was enough for him to just look at the interlocutor or the viewer, each of his roles in films, even the supporting one, is unforgettable , why are you laughing all the time, i haven’t sung anything, go laugh in the garden, smile at me like i do at you, excuse me, comrades, i have all the moves written down, tomorrow on channel one alexander shirvint day, at 13:30 comedy three in the boat not counting the dog, at 16:00 a million in the marriage basket. the maestro's sparkling jokes we will remember at 12:15 and after the evening news.
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there will also be documentaries on air, and after the program time watch the episode tonight. and that’s all for now, thank you for being with us, right now the “time” program. will show, good evening, the information channel on the first continues, time will tell this program, we are working live, anatoriy kuzichev, olesya losyeva. today the world has temporarily plunged into chaos. in the united states, australia, and europe there was a massive technical failure, all from the antivirus that after the update, the work of airports and train stations was paralyzed,
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god willing, they will cancel these sanctions for us. on our social networks, people are now actively spreading memes that russia was not affected by the global disruption, since we almost never use this antivirus. microsoft shut down most russian servers a year ago due to anti-russian sanctions. well, due to a global failure, the british television channel skynews was forced to broadcast from a spare studio, journalists. read the news from pieces of paper, it’s reliable, we also work without prompters, by the way, there was a broadcast without video, without running lines on the monitors, we even had to stick on the channel logo, like probably in the good old days...


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