tv PODKAST 1TV July 20, 2024 5:00am-6:01am MSK
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in perestroika newspapers, and at the same time, it means that they passed by, admired pashkov’s house, say, in moscow, which was built by mason bazhanov, they taught their children from the books of greboyedov and turgenev, who were freemasons, they went there to the tretyakov gallery, to the russian museum they looked at the paintings of borovikovsky roktov, who were freemasons, and these patriots did not even realize that the symbol of russian patriotism was on red square. this is a monument to minin and pozharsky, who created it? freemason marthas, our noble monarchists who sing often nostalgically “god save the tsar”, i’m not sure that they realized that this text was written by mason zhukovsky. a lot in our history is connected with the names of masons. here i have in my hands the charter and the constitution. and
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the liturgy, this is in spanish, but i translated something, so this is from the declaration of principles: we believe in the great architect of the universe and the immortality of the soul, this is a fraternal organization for self-improvement, members of the organization respect the laws of the country where it operates, love peace, stand for social justice, brotherhood between people, must to promote the development of science and...
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well, like everywhere else, the authorities, they are the authorities everywhere, the liturgy itself, it is spelled out in great detail, simply meticulously, i have met with the freemasons more than once, say, at the table there for the offended, not only at banquets, but it’s just that at such friendly parties, a certain ritual is still observed, even for every tableware there is a name, let’s say there are glasses of a gun or a shot glass, or more... a strong drink - powerful gunpowder, some kind of red wine - red gunpowder, a little funny in general it sounds right now, yes yes, of course, but a table knife is a sword, the first time i encountered this was when a neighbor asked me for something, listen, they didn’t give me a sword here, give me your sword, at first i didn’t understand what they were talking about we are talking, but yes, this is a sword, this is basically now a table knife, even the procedure itself, here are the toasts, they make... the toast is spelled out in the liturgy
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, well, just thoroughly, they must stop chewing, for example, it is written there, which means master stands up, in his hand he has a sword, that is , now a simple knife, he means he orders load the guns, that is, pour fire into the glasses, this means you can drink, and so on, that is, in principle, of course, you can say that this is a game for... but you can say that in general it disciplines, in to some extent, this is transferred to relationships, according to my latin american friends, who really do not like, say, american freemasons, because they are much richer, they come when they come to latin america, they have such a finger, and so on, latin american freemasons , they have very rich traditions, i say from the time of the struggle for independence, they, they, i think... are closer
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to the masonic spirit, much closer than any american freemasons, whose founding fathers of the united states were freemasons; in the latter, say, george bush was definitely a freemason. this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history, we understand an interesting topic: freemasonry. we need to go back to russian freemasonry, to the times of catherine, when... this golden age of freemasonry began and figure out what this is connected with, why it was under catherine that these secret societies became actively develop, here, of course, the spirit of such a noble love of freedom manifested itself, because here the trigger, as it seems to me, was a manifesto on the freedom of the nobility, then a charter granted to the nobility, when the nobility began to emancipate, there is a well-known theory of the 19th century about the emancipation of the class, about that the emancipation of the class in russia occurred from top to bottom, it all started with the nobility. a manifestation of this
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freedom-loving spirit of the nobility was the emergence of these secret societies and the desire of the nobles to find something other than public service, the same idea of self-improvement, and then the ideals that... seemed to creep into the masonic ideology, i mean the ideals of freedom, equality, fraternity, which then became the ideals of the french revolution, here of course we need to talk separately about novikov , but this is a separate big topic, everything is correct, i completely agree with you, but just remembering this about the liberties of the nobility, well, simply, well, what was mostly read under peter, the military regulations, manuals on metallurgy, a manual on...
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the chamberlain yalagin. the picture is approximately the same in the senate: masons are in the collegium of foreign affairs, the admiralty collegium, the chambers of the collegium , and the revision collegium. at some stage they began to get ahead of the authorities in terms of educational, charitable activities, educational and so on, at moscow state university, on the initiative of masunov, they first created a translation seminary, in my opinion, a pedagogical seminary, later a philosophical seminary, so they began to found a school, and especially, in my opinion, great irritation. it was caused by the fact that when there was a famine that gripped the moscow region, the authorities did not
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react to it in any way, and the freemasons began to collect funds for the starving, helped, they were also behind this for centuries, so, well, in general, of course, this caused irritation, because well, one enlightened empress and mother empress, she is the main thing, she can take care, she should do it, and so on the most important thing, of course, is that while the freemasons were busy with a small world, that’s one thing, but gradually they began to criticize catherine very harshly, well, yes, if at the beginning of her reign catherine was actually brought to power, including people related to freemasonry, it is enough to recall the same panin, the same elagin, then later catherine began to think, including why, to what time the decline of freemasonry dates back to the same time as, in principle, the tightening of gaekterin’s reign, firstly , the uprising of pugachev,
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sweden is a foreign policy enemy of russia, yes, at the end of catherine’s reign , russia is at war with sweden, it turns out that freemasonry is widespread in russia according to the swedish charter, and sweden is a foreign policy enemy of russia, something is wrong here. yes, that is, a certain double loyalty arises, yes, that catherine was also irritated and aroused suspicion of disloyalty in her and, in general, natural suspicions of disloyalty on the part of some masons, that is, this had to be stopped somehow. plus one more very important one moment why catherine at one time, for the publication of some book, called radishchev a rebel worse than pugachev, because educational ideas expressed in the same vein in which radishchev expressed them could be combined with the ideology of s. moods of peasant rebellion, and we would end up with the great french revolution, and of course, catherine, based on all this
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taken together, decided that with freemasonry, roughly speaking, it was time to put an end to this flourishing of freemasonry, although formally, formally, she didn’t forbid it, so you remembered the swedes suspicion about the swede, well, the freemasons, well, well, listen, the freemason kutuzov fought with the freemason napoleon, well, they were there then, no, there is a difference in views, this is a completely normal story for that, yes. one must assume, this is what our conspiracy theorists do, that freemasonry is a kind of single force, unidirectional, this has never happened, even in relation to the french revolution, there were people among the freemasons who welcomed it, at least at an early stage, and there were the same karamzin is the same lapukhin, yes, whom you mentioned, who were ardent haters of the french revolution, so some kind of political fight within the framework of the box itself was prohibited, it allowed, it led to the fact that people sometimes sat in the boxes. well, completely different views, in fact, i remember, there was a lodge of united friends here during the time
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of alexander i, well, there in the same box, well listen, were grand duke konstantin pavlovich, the future chief of gendarmes benkendor, chaadaev, griboedov and the pestles, plus from the same box, came out to create, so to speak. union of salvation, decembrist, muravyov’s brothers, apostle prince trubetskoy, and at the same time they sat and, so to speak, met in the same box, and then, yes, this is also an exception to the rule after the decembrist uprising, which means that in the investigative commission, that means, on the same side apostle muravyov, or let’s say, pester, was sitting at the table, and on the other benkendor, they were in the same box, this is a historical podcast.
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it strives for revolution, rather on the contrary, from freemasonry, those who took the revolutionary path, as was the case with our decembrists, yes, they left freemasonry, those political masons who arose in russia, well, took shape in russia in 1912, the great orient of the peoples of russia and the supreme council of the peoples of russia, one of whose leaders was alexander fedorovich kerinsky,
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from classical freemasonry, that is, they began to act already, already outside of this classical regular freemasonry, western freemasons began to slowly revive freemasonry in all, so to speak, countries of the former warsaw pact, dividing the regions among themselves, as it were, is a hassle. and slovakia was helped to revive freemasonry, the germans, in hungary, the austrians, in yugoslavia and romania, the italians, and here in poland the french, well , why the french here, in general , is not difficult to understand, because there were great roots of russian emigrant freemasonry, they kept them there , some
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masonic relics were kept for a very long time, so there is patronage over russian masons, to say that there is such a rule that there are lodges in every country, they are united by a grand lodge, it’s like above them, but in order to create a legal grand lodge in each country, you need the blessing of some other grand lodge, so here are the russian masons, for some time they were lodges they had, but
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they didn’t have a grand lodge, they needed the blessing of some grand lodge, like the french. in the year ninety-five, that means they gave such a blessing, the grand master came here, if my memory serves me correctly, charpente, so i talked to him too, and that means the ceremony of creating this lodge, the ceremony took place in one of the halls of the central house of arts workers, well , of course, it didn’t quite resemble the temple of a classic masonic hall, because... well, in general , there were columns painted on canvases, swords that should have been there were just fencing foils from the club taken, so to speak, for rent. but there was an absolutely fantastically beautiful standard of the grand lodge of russia, which, according to all laws, was absolutely brilliantly made by heraldry specialists in
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st. petersburg, it was sent just the day before, but i must note that when i spoke with the masons after this whole ceremony, they expressed such a great relief, because of course during the ceremony itself later... during the banquet on tverskaya in this central restaurant, many thanksgiving toasts were said for french, but our people, they expressed such relief that they broke out of the french embrace, because they had already begun to constrain them, yes, but freemasonry now is still more of a kind of club, a club of interests, with really a certain game, an element, as you said, of a game for adults, which unites people, which helps to build some kind of interpersonal connections, which can then help in business or in politics, why not, but some kind of conspiratorial flair, yes freemasonry
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is present only thanks to the publications of the yellow press and some unscrupulous authors who seek to inflate these things, as we, in my opinion, have now tried to show, the history of freemasonry has been quite well studied, there are quite a lot of scientific research on this topic publications, quite a lot... which has nothing to do with the masons at all, the bolsheviks simply openly despised the masons, although once they tried to get money from them, unsuccessfully, oh, who didn’t they try to get money from, that’s where
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the whole story ended, but a conspiracy explanation is a manifestation of laziness of the mind, so, probably, our conversation today warns against this laziness of the mind, well, in conclusion, i can only say the following, that well, i don’t know whether modern russian freemasonry will be able to. give to give russia a new kutuzov, a new goriboyedov, koramzin, spiransky, i don’t know, i’m not sure, times are different, circumstances are different, but the only thing i’m sure of is that there’s no need to interfere, i think it’s a mess to stew in the broth, let it cook, let them do whatever they want, at least they are trying to figure out the philosopher's stone again, just to avoid getting involved in politics. well, it seems to me that the times of freemasonry, any significant political project or political influence, they have passed, real politics is now being done in other
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places. this was a history podcast. russia-west on the swing of history, they talked about the freemasons, pyotr romanov was with you. and sergey soloviev, study history with us. all episodes of the historical podcast russia west on the swing of history can be viewed on the website of channel one. .ru. hello, my name is still dmitry bak, here, as always, right now is the next episode of a literary podcast, which, as you, of course, remember, is called let them not say, let them. read, today we will talk about an author who was unusually popular in the first years after the revolution or one might say in the first two decades, then
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it was semi-banned or completely banned during soviet times, also for several decades, then again it was very popular, and this author turns 130 years old on july 12, this is isaac immanuilovich babel, how are you... of course, already guessed it, and we are talking about babelei with a senior researcher at the department of contemporary russian literature and literature of russian abroad, institute of world literature, russian academy of sciences, elena iosifovna pogorelskaya. hello, elena evasivna. hello, dmitry petrovich, i’m very glad to see you. you can’t talk about babel in a detached way, well, in my opinion, you can’t talk simply literary, as you think, yes, because babel, well, seems to require its reader. andreevna akhmatova, yes,
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in the ninetieth year of pasternak, in the ninety -first year of mandelstam, well, that is , centuries of writers followed each other who had such a difficult fate, as they used to say, if we compare the two anniversaries, now it’s 130 years, well, too anniversary, let's consider it this way, if we compare these two dates, what has changed in popularity, in reputation in...
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a four-volume, five-volume book is being prepared, yes, if we talk about reader popularity, hasn’t it decreased, because after all, in the year eighty-nine, in the year ninety, people just with their hands they tore off this two-volume book, which had a difficult fate, yes, because babels had not been published for decades before, there were like two editions, but in the late fifties, mid-sixties that’s all, now isn’t there such a decline, well...
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routinization that lee, well, another big one a writer is everything, and not someone who needs to be immediately read, obtained, bought, i think that this kind of rotinization, as you said, does not apply to babel, just as it does not apply, for example, to andrei platonov , i naturally don’t know, but i was told that when the first posthumous collection was published in 1957, what it was all about. a colossal event, indeed, then only in the sixty-sixth year, the sixth one came out, well , such collections were published during this time, well, the first such collection can be said small works in two volumes in the year ninety, it seems to me that babel is such a great writer, like andrei platonov, that you understand, so well, how to say, this is the charm, the charm of their... skill, their
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style, it is, like would hold the reader captive, that’s another thing, another thing, can i finish that i’m talking now only about the reading audience, you can love. from the point of view of a specialist, of course, it seems that nothing is happening, but elena pogorelskaya, the country’s largest specialist in babel, tells our wonderful the interlocutors who are listening to us now are looking at isaa emmanuilovich himself,
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that’s how his non- literary biography correlated with the literary one, because he studied three times. commercial educational institutions, yes, first at the nikolaev commercial institute, school, school, commercial school, of course, yes, named after sergei vittai, and then - in odessa, before nicholas i, then at the kiev commercial institute, where he finds himself in the midst of all sorts of events , the murders of stalypin, akhmatov there, at this time in kiev, i mean, yes, well, it’s sort of belis’s business.
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don’t know, maybe his family prepared him for this, no, the family, the family, of course, did not prepare, the family did not prepare for this, but you see, here... he really read a lot, that’s what concerns the odessa commercial school, it gave a very good general education, specifically in odessa at the commercial school, babel taught and had an excellent command of french, and he translated mapasana, he spoke several times at rallies in french in paris , and it was there that he became familiar with the french class.
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at the commissariat school, which is located on ostozhenka, opposite turgenev’s house in the very center of moscow. well, there was no contradiction here, but i noticed that in this fundamental biography it is called a description of life, by elena pogorelskaya and steve levin. just in case, i'm making the exact link. very often , when illustrating your biography, you and your co-author refer to literary texts. after all , literary texts were such a means, well, to somehow process the experience of life, to express it, or these were parallel things, but not every writer is so immersed in precisely, well, personal
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circumstances, this probably does not happen to everyone , not with everyone, but babel has this autobiographicalism, it is one of his, well, such foundations of his... method, yes, creative, yes, but naturally, we we wrote a biography, yes, we wrote a biography, but we wrote a biography of a writer, so naturally there are... significant quotes from his works, otherwise it is impossible, otherwise we would have received a biography, well, of a writer who is no different from the biography, there, say, military man, there are his autobiographies, there are letters, and you quote works of fiction; we also quote the autobiography, but it is written according to the same pattern as the works of fiction, because not everything is accurately stated there, not everything, the second reason we used .
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the next one from the same series, let there be a story, which i will later unite under this same general title - the story of my dovecote, they are all about childhood, but of course a lot of it was written up, as he himself said, yes, that’s according to - to me in the basement , yes, that he strengthened the beginnings there, the ends, he’s not accents. well, we continue to talk about isaac immanuilovich babel, and we are having this conversation with elena iosifovna pogorelskaya, who is now working on preparing the collected works of babel in five volumes at the institute of world literature. i’ll ask you this - a classic question for the old days. well, babel’s famous phrase. about the fact that gorky sent me to the people, well
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, it’s like an allusion to the ending of the story of bitter childhood, when grandfather koshirin says to his grandson, you’re not a medal on my neck, come to the people, yes, then others begin gorkov has two stories, and babel changes a lot of activities, at this time, mm and - i’ll ask you, this is what, but how does he accept the revolution, does not accept it, well, like in soviet times does he relate?
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to illustrate, babel has essays in the newspaper novaya zhizn, gorky’s newspaper novaya zhizn, famous ones, where we are untimely thoughts, which means essays from the eighteenth year, there is such an essay by evacuees, which begins with the following: there was a factory, in the factory there is no truth, but in unrighteous times times there was steel, there... and so on and so forth, the truth came, it was
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poorly arranged, the steel died, and people began to be counted on, so four families were evacuated from the baltic plant, the carriage was placed on sometimes they are poorly strengthened or not strengthened at all, and the author of the essay comes, well, that is, a babel to mertvetskaya, where there are these four families, 25 people, 15 of whom are children, but there is another essay: about the revolution, there is another essay, which means , the palace of motherhood, by the way, it’s the only one where such, well, let’s say, bright from these pictures of petrograd everyday life. which he describes in the other 16, that is, essays, and there he writes that shooting each other may not be stupid, but this is not the whole revolution, maybe this who knows, this is not a revolution at all, in general not everything is clear, well, you need to give birth to children well, and i know this, a real
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register your gramophone, gidali, i love music, lady, i answer, revolutions, you don’t know what you love, gidali, i will shoot you, then you will know, i can’t help but shoot, because i am the revolution, it can’t help but shoot, gidali, i tell the old man, because she is the revolution, but the pole shot, my gentle sir, because he is a counter-revolution, and you shoot because you are a revolution, and revolution is a pleasure and pleasure does not like orphans, good things are done by a good person, revolution is a good thing by good people. but good people don’t kill, that means revolutions are made by evil people, but the poles are also evil people, who he will say, they asked, where is the revolution and where is the counter-revolution, i once studied the talmud, i love commentaries, and there are other understanding people in zhytomyr, not only moymonite, rash, whom he calls, here we are all learned
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people, we fall on face, biblical expression, shout out loud: we are having this conversation with elena iosifovna to talk about isaac immanuilovich babel, and we are pogorilskaya, who is now working on preparing the collected works of babel in five volumes at the institute of world literature. please tell me it's still a baby an inventor, an eccentric, well, a person who
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strives to make the ordinary unusual, i remember the story in the basement of the death scene. dutch, dutch-jewish, if you will, philosopher benedict spenoz, well spenoz came up with a lot, yes, pantheism, i once knew this very well, natura naturans, natura naturata, creative nature, created nature, this man, immersed in philosophical abstraction, dies, suddenly at the moment of his death the artist rubins appears, this clearly could not have happened, this is not that the woman is modifying her life, something...
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let's say, yes, this is the west, but that's why i have a harness, i think it's for the babel, that's this sound, there's that crossing through the harness, yes, that's the crossing through the sluch, if we said , this would not be the same, but this is one of the reasons, but it’s so purely artistic , yes, this was the opinion of a professional, now the opinion of a non-professional, can i tell you how i perceive it, how students perceive it, i ask them what is the war described?
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such lines of force twisted like this. no, this is a paradox, this is, well, well, i don’t know how it’s a paradox, can i then quote shklovsky, who said, the meaning, well, as it is, the meaning of babel’s technique is that with one voice, talks about stars, about tripels, yes, that’s right, the fact is that shklovsky, on the one hand, is right, on the other on the other hand, he has a lot, well, at least about abel, such, well... i would say, what should i call it, extravagant, or something, the word device, purely shklovian, yes, we understand, yes statements, well, there i am , i mean, yes, it’s a little different, but as i understand it, it means that babel really has such moments, and you just talked about this, when such details, physiological, are very unattractive,
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can be supplemented with odessa stories, this is a text from the year twenty-one. in the newspaper one-day to the rescue justice in parentheses, which for some reason he paired with the story lyubka kazak, but for some reason he did not include it in this series, did not publish it again, the only time in his life, that’s right, that’s how once lyubka is a kazakh, and then the thirty-second year is the end of the almshouse, which was not published during the life of the babel froim grach. here's the last question. i'll ask you, you they just said about froemgrach’s story, in the nineties, readers got used to the fact that they get acquainted with new texts by babbel, which had not been published before, this is what awaits readers in the near future, maybe new texts, maybe new interpretations, what will be in the collected works, and what is the fate of the reader’s money, what will change, this is
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the forecast, will it be possible to give something new in principle? happy, but we will make efforts to this, but if we talk about the collected works that are now being prepared, it, yes, it will be, well, maybe the most complete, five volumes, five volumes, but due to the fact that all the known and identified epistolary heritage of babel will be published, and yes, texts will be included that never, well, in books, especially in a collection there essays were not included, so, but there will be no two-way correspondence with co-authors , but there is none, but there is none, babel doesn’t have it, it could have been published separately, but
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babel doesn’t, so the only letter has survived, and that’s because it’s in a copy bitter, uh-huh, babel, and this correspondence is not there, but that means the most important thing is the preparation of these texts. a lot of documents, yeah, a lot of documents, yes, cavalry, and naturally, this will be a commentary that will take into account the experience of predecessors, modern ones, of course, well, here are our respected
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interlocutors, you can be sure that the new five-volume collected works of isaac babel will be interesting and important, a lot of wonderful discoveries await you, today we talked with the director, however, work on the collected works of babel at the institute of world literature, senior scientific employee of the institute of world literature, academy of sciences elena iosifovna pogorelskaya, i thank you, dear elena iosipovna, for this wonderful conversation, thank you, i am sure that we will see you again in our podcast, to you, our dear friends, i, as... always say : read with pleasure.
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hello, this is the baden badon podcast, i am its host konstantin severinov. today our guest is denis lagunov, academician of the russian academy of sciences, deputy director of the institute. one of the main developers of the sputnik vaccine, and we will talk today about vaccines. hello, denis. hello, konstantin. share your thoughts on why, it would seem, after more than 100 years of widespread use of vaccines in medical practice, there are so many doubts about the advisability of their use. is there any answer to this question? in fact, the question is complex. the first is some kind of medical fact, which definitely needs to be mentioned. let's look at the overall impact of the vaccine on the human population, how many lives per year, for example, are saved there from infectious diseases, as a result of the introduction of national
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