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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  July 20, 2024 6:00am-9:45am MSK

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hello, this is the baden badon podcast and i am its host, konstantin severinov. today our guest is denis lagunov, academician of the russian academy of sciences, deputy director of the gomaleya institute and one of the main developers of the sputnik vaccine, and today we will talk about vaccines. hello, denis. hello, konstantin. share your thoughts on why, seemingly after more than 100 years.
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years, but the most important thing that i also want to note is that approximately in countries where there is no vaccination, despite the fact that there is a vaccine, approximately another million lives are lost according to such rough, natural estimates, that is, which could be prevented as a result of vaccination, but are not prevented, and what diseases are we talking about in this case, oh, this is primarily included in the ncp, measles, rubella , paratitis, that’s all that is included in the national vaccination calendar, these are the main diseases, which, accordingly, are the leaders in the number of deaths after infection. now there is still a purely
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psychological problem with vaccines, but we have always we vaccinate a healthy person, but we always treat a sick person, so when a person is sick and seeks help, especially if the illness is severe, any methods of intervention are practically acceptable when we vaccinate, acceptable in the sense that the person accepts them, and accepts them, of course, when we vaccinate a person, even if he is sick, he is not sick there with the same covid or the flu, he... is considered to be healthy if it turns out to be some kind of case, even if there is a one in a million case, and approximately now modern vaccines have serious side effects reactions, that is, really very low levels, also in this case there is actually a public outcry regarding the issue of vaccination, so we treat the sick, vaccinate the healthy, and this is actually such a guarantee of constant expression about vaccines, well, plus there is still no culture of vaccinating adults society, what does this mean, well, we always vaccinate.
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we are quite willing to vaccinate our own children, it’s not a pity, but at the same time, as soon as it concerns ourselves, it immediately becomes scary, there, it’s scary to have a tooth extracted, it’s scary to get vaccinated, but why, well, if we don’t talk about the case of covid, these are still emergencies, why should we adults get vaccinated if we already experienced all this in childhood, since we were in a law-abiding soviet society, the national vaccination calendar affected us and avoiding it, as far as i understand, was very difficult, well... there is no need to vaccinate, you are right, that is, we get the basic vaccination is not a problem, there is vaccination of the elderly, it is also included in the national calendars vaccinations, because immunity, you know, there is the concept of immunosen, aging of immunity, accordingly, an update is required against a number of pathogens of the immune response, that is, boosting it, that is , streptococcal infection, you know, but there is pneumonia in the first place, hemophilius influenza and well and the flu, of course. how and whether it is necessary
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to combat the generally not very positive perception in society in a broad sense of vaccinations and the feeling that we are already developing in the 21st century, and so on and so forth like this, it turns out that the population’s level of awareness of this is likely to fall, but unless it ’s some kind of internet effects, i just want to say that any development of vaccines in this sense was always accompanied by negativity, if you look at the cartoons of pasteur’s vaccines. then this, in fact, always met with a reaction from society, people were even chained in england, then there were other times, other morals were forcibly vaccinated against smallpox, now it’s hard to imagine this, it was government policy, it was public policy, i mean that such a refractory society does not change, i don’t...
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the technologies that pasteur, koch used there, i don’t know, the great founding fathers there, they are actually absolutely antediluvian, they they were dangerous, but they also brought more benefit than harm, of course, they brought more benefit, this is absolutely certain, even such poorly purified
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vaccines, at the moment, are regulated by any country in the world, simply by the approval of nucleic acid, local proteins are not will not miss a single such vaccine, that is, everything that is being developed...
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then there was research on the use of quibola fever in africa, there were more than 100 thousand people who received the vaccine, several thousand people received ours, so in fact, we can say that the technological platform of viruses has not been tested, quite funny, well, plus this is a pathogen that has existed in humans initially for millions of years with the same viruses and there are no somatic diseases that would definitely not be for you, just let me remind you. what is an adenovirus? component of the satellite vaccine, it is not pathogenic in itself, it occurs naturally in many people, and this adenovirus has been modified to carry the coronavirus gene, to which the vaccine response occurs, it seems, it seems, i'm right, right, absolutely, moreover, he
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had two regions removed, one region that is responsible for the initiation of reproduction, well, genome replication, this is the e1 region, and the other region that is responsible for interaction with the immune system is e3, so inert a carrier of an initially not very severe human pathogen, that is, which has completely lost the ability to reproduce in humans, that is , initially in humans it does not induce any somatic diseases, no thrombosis, no tumors, nothing, that is, this is huge data, there were even studies when they were vaccinated the american army with live adanaviruses of types four to seven, then, using a sample of these military personnel who had been vaccinated for decades, they looked at the structure of somatic diseases. no longer found in elderly people population differences, so to say that adenoviruses have not been tested for humans, but in fact this is exactly the kind of black pr that is happening, that is , then it turns out that it is a single-virus platform, it has been studied, and not that it was all
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done very quickly, as far as i understand, they are not needed, so there were long-term studies of the effectiveness of the vaccine, which over the horizon, you know, after its development there 5 years, 10 years, that’s when... they remember the good soviet times, they say that the vaccine will later, that's right, there were it’s a completely different story, soviet vaccines, many were, for example, generally attenuated , and you understand that testing an attenuated vaccine is attenuated, this is when it remains weakened, that is, this is residual pathogenicity, and there were examples , including with flu vaccines, when strains of this arose, returned, there was a reversion to the wild pathogenic phenotype, genotype, here, naturally, in the first place. a vaccine from older generations, it can cause the very disease against which, well, in in particular, the flu vaccine, modern flu vaccines, they have already learned to avoid this, they have made subunit vaccines, and a live vaccine, there are certain cold-adaptive mutants, mutations that do not
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allow reproduction at normal human body temperature, that is, now modern vaccines are much safer than what happened before, this is the podcast baden baden, me and the host konstantin severinov, my guest is denis lagunov, one of the main developers of the russian vaccine sputnik, and we are discussing vaccination in in general, the development of new vaccines. let's take the argentinean data, they are actually transparent, they transfer absolutely also to the russian population, out of a million,
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just over a million doses, one single severe, serious undesirable effect was reported, it was in a woman, in my opinion it was somehow connected with the situation with a blood clot, and with thrombus formation, the case was, in my opinion , non-lethal, non-lethal, that is, it was one report in a million, that is, if we compare with any other vaccines, including mrrc one in a million, then it turns out yes.
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unvaccinated, not covered, and approximately 5-300 vaccinated, and moscow assessed covid and covid-related deaths, because well, a person is hospitalized, he can die from thrombosis, and most often died from thrombosis, well, and some kind of vascular complications or bacterial complications , then the diagnosis of covid is not always made, that is, if he died there on a ventilator a month after that , they do not diagnose that covid was 19, yes, so if we evaluate covid...
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no, anastasia vladimirovna rakova spoke on the moscow website with these stories, when she was preparing, she accordingly, well, since the data is not ours, it is the department’s data, accordingly, that they are not yours in this sense, you are not particularly, you could not but be interested.
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efforts to push through so that it is recognized, well, in any case, efforts will be needed, i am absolutely sure of this, the only thing is that if there is... an even higher mortality rate is not 1-2%, but i wouldn’t want that, you know, there is this disease x, for example, you are not working on disease x, well, this is a hypothetical concept, hypothetical a disease that is in this...
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bacterial infections, but let xenologists deal with it, but no, well, antibiotics partially, of course, solve the problems of bacterial infections, but not all, there are bacteria that initially, during the course of evolution, lived together with the same actinaceae, fungi, coexisted in the soil, they have natural mechanisms of resistance, they generally use these natural mechanisms of resistance, and even exchange these natural mechanisms with each other, these are super-resistant... strains in fact, sometimes contain plasmids and genetic elements of resistance in order to try to solve the problem of multiple, if we are talking about bacteria, yes, of course, if we are talking about viruses, then it is certainly necessary to create a list of vaccines of a high degree of readiness even in the event of entry into the territory of the russian federation. the federation should reactivate such vaccines and use
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them accordingly to vaccinate the population. such work is currently underway, of course, of course, that is, there is a certain list. which you or your colleagues are trying to close using your technologies, lasa, west nile there and so on, according to the list, everything that is included, accordingly, these are about 30 pathogens, that is, such planned work is being carried out, if there is a deliberate, not premeditated, it doesn’t matter, introduction there, we just have to be ready, well, besides, if we are talking about platform solutions, they allow, being tested for safety, in everything, to quickly change, accordingly, the filling, quickly change genes , make a vaccine and against that...
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it comes, we are convinced, that the vaccine is safe and is effective, we are entering the first, second phase, we can preserve such a vaccine with a high degree of readiness, in my opinion, why can we preserve it, because imagine a list of 30 pathogens, we need to conduct 30 studies of the third phase with you, and you you can do this in your center, well, no one in the world can do this, because you are in the third phase - this is in endemic conditions, that is, you must go to the center and collect statistics there, you understand, yes, that is, you must hunin. you must fly somewhere to argentina in argentina collect statistics for the third phase in the conditions there, some kind of ring vaccination in the conditions of an outbreak there or there or in an epidemic, and you, but in order to make a vaccine you need a pathogen, that is, you have all these pathogens in the center of gomaleya in the center of moscow , not so, we have all the pathogens up to, including the second group
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of pathogenicity, the entire first group of pathogenicity, this is our collaboration research, the first is more dangerous, this is the most dangerous, according to our russian classification, the first is the most dangerous, according to european american standards the fourth most dangerous, well, so as not to be confused, but the most dangerous thing is that these studies are all carried out in collaboration with the ministry of defense, that is, this definitely does not happen in moscow, not in the center of moscow, in certain territories, yes, of course, but this is actually prohibited, there is simply a special decree, which is in moscow, well, in general in large cities in moscow for sure. in particular, it is prohibited to work with the first pathogenicity group in the city, within the city, so here it is tens or hundreds of kilometers from moscow is happening, this...
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of course, of course, the government and
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the president, not because i want to say good words to the government or the president, you just need to pay tribute, they played a key role, without them, well, how could such a large-scale project be implemented, it’s surprising, then are you, are you a hero of russia or not, no, no, but still a hero, because when i thought about it, but so detachedly. after all, we as a country are quite far behind, well, in the field of biomedical research, some kind of fate, but we are falling behind, of course, but at the same time, in some amazing way, in our country they managed to make a working, good vaccine, which worked, which saved hundreds of thousands of lives, but you see, for example, in france, where there are companies that belong to big pharma, no no vaccine was created, it’s hard for me to explain this, to be honest, but no vaccine was created in japan. is also a very large pharmaceutical industry, it seems to me that they had great hope for the development of other pharmaceutical giants, which they quickly stated, it was very important there, who
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would be the first to say, those who were the first to say, in fact, the same thing happened, remember, i don’t know the order there, hundreds of vaccine candidates appeared there after, but everything that appeared after, despite what worked never worked again, that is, it was needed as an expensive spoon for dinner. that is, it was necessary to work very quickly, to work ahead of the curve, and this immediately channeled the attention of society, the attention, respectively, of governments, the attention there, well, in general, everything was focused specifically on these developments, so it seems to me that this is more likely connected with this, but the fact that in our country, in fact, we have never forgotten infectious pathology, but well , we went through different periods, also in the nineties, when everything was not well in very good condition, loss of frames and so on and so forth. in recent years in the country, i will repeat once again that investments in this area were absolutely sufficient and significant, this area was definitely not forgotten when i tell you that we were developing a vaccine
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against mers, and before that they participated in the fight against the ebola epidemic, this is participation directly in our country, and then we made a vaccine, so in fact the attention did not go anywhere, well, certainly since the beginning of 2000 and here, well, even more so, considering what we continue to have and have. school, the creation of a vaccine, the fact that in general there is such a high level of sentiment against the vaccine in society, this is, of course, a bit of a scandalous situation, you said that this always happens, well, i hear there is a case with measles, and anti-vaxxers, of course, but measles is some new vaccine, no, of course, measles is more of a vaccine. a good, kind, old, proven vaccine, of course, the only thing that people don’t understand is that measles is much more contagious, that is, if there is a coefficient, yes, there is a coefficient r0, yes, that’s
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what is calculated for covid there 2 s to, well when 3 from to, that is, there is a certain range, a spread of this coefficient, that is, one person can infect there 2.5 3, then the bark is 12 18, the bark an incredible infected person can infect while he...
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because people this is because that the measles virus has changed, or because vaccines don't work, why is this even happening? no, initially this is the fact that there is still an outbreak, there was not enough coverage, that is , in order to block the spread of measles in the population, it was necessary to maintain 90%. there was a whole bunch of very smart, cunning people who said i’m not talking about our country. about all the countries in which outbreaks occurred, outbreaks of kuri are now occurring in ukraine, in other countries, well, either the government pays less attention, or accordingly the population begins to be cunning, this favorite story is that i did not vaccinate my child and he did not get sick, you understand that i did not vaccinate, he did not get sick at the expense of other children, other children were vaccinated, you provided a 90% immune layer, then you are in such the situation does not seem
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to have room for the spread of measles. something is on the national calendar does not mean that the child needs to be vaccinated, if he does not have a medical exemption, he must be vaccinated against measles, so everything that is included in the national vaccination calendar is these are mandatory vaccinations, that is, i have to do it, but i may not do it, yes, this is what led to the situation with measles, and of course, as soon as you have a window of opportunity for the virus, imagine, you ask purely. you give it evolutionary space, mutations naturally arise, as it happened, for example, with covid, it’s very clear, well, yes, that was all there, but with measles it can be the same, that is , in fact, if measles is enough widely represented due to circulation, of course, could variants arise from them that will bypass the vaccine for everyone else, which would be terrible, yes, you see, well, in my opinion, of course, so is there any evidence that this is happening, that is
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, measles like covid, are emerging options. no, while variants precisely containing mutations are emerging , but so far there is no convincing data that this is such a strain of vaccine escape, that it is running there, well, immunity, so there is no reliable data confirming this yet, but it could definitely arise, monitoring this is happening, monitoring is carried out even at the level of the health care department, where i am not part of the moscow health department, but i know that moscow is sensitive to this , and genetic monitoring is carried out specifically for those variants that are identified in... and if not god willing, something new happens, that is, here is the calendar, the national vaccination calendar, it is something that has already been cast in bronze, exists all the time or there is some kind of movement, no, of course, there is, on the basis of which everything is absolutely the same scheme, yes clinical studies, clinical studies of what to make a vaccine against, of course, as soon as it is decided as simply as for covid, genetic monitoring, you identify the variant that becomes dominant, and adapt
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the vaccine to this variant. and use it for vaccination and in your professional life, how often do changes occur, do changes occur in the national vaccination calendar? practically doesn’t happen, practically doesn’t happen, that is, it’s a stable thing there that lasts for decades, it’s like, well, the only thing that the quality of vaccines is being modified, this is where what i’m saying happened, that there were old vaccines, no matter soviet or non -soviet, now they are all good, no, in fact, you see, but there is a dtp vaccine, it’s just changed. new vaccines appeared there, yes, that is, not in the sense that something has changed, vaccines appeared there, conjugate ones, yes, that is, if before they were just polysaccharides, now they are conjugated with taxoids, and there are very good answers to polysaccharides of the same pneumococci, hemolus influenza, others pathogens, that is, it is being finalized, new vaccines appear in it, vaccines that are old are being finalized from the point of view of safety, that is, they are changing, there is more
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safety. of course, that is, it’s more likely that it’s changing like this, relatively, if a new improved vaccine has emerged, does that mean that those who were vaccinated before and the worst vaccines should be boosted or something should be done on this topic, there is no need, there are schemes, in fact in fact, they are more likely related to age, not to changes in the quality of the drug, that is, well, for example, you were vaccinated a polysaccharide vaccine, yes, that is, which was the original one, then a conjugate vaccine appeared, you reached a certain age, for example, sixty-five years old. any sane doctor will recommend that you give it a boost and you will be boosted with a naturally improved drug, well, to re-vaccinate on top of the old one, this is most likely not what happens with the flu, but, for example, we all know that the flu is changing and we will probably do a separate one podcast about the flu, because it is a never-ending topic, immunity acquired as a result diseases or vaccination as a result, these are generally comparable things, in the case of covid it was very active, because it was also
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discussed that i was already sick, why should i? for example, getting vaccinated, of course there are differences, the difference, i think, is primarily in the cellular link of immunity, and there are simply many more clones, cells, which is better, getting sick or vaccinating. no, well, this is not a question at all, of course, it is better to get vaccinated in any case, and even if over time you encounter a pathogen and there will be there is a certain morbidity there, then it is of course incomparable with the fact that when you have a clean slate and you get sick initially, that is, it’s not even a question, but no, having been sick later about the vaccine then it already makes sense, then you are essentially you we were vaccinated, when you get sick, you get vaccinated and even vice versa, we studied the variations.
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contact at the beginning or after, if they were vaccinated, they also have maximum response levels, but we, for our part , studied this from the point of view of visibility, then there are antibodies that formed after 180 days, where when you have two contacts or one contact,
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they differ in how much they provide virus neutralization, much higher, if better, they recognize the virus better and thereby better protect you from infection, that is, the dry residue it turns out that returning to this blessed advice... and you and i have already started talking today about safety, probabilities, that is, any vaccine drug is not a vitamin, but there are, respectively, these alone a case in a million, by the way, why does it happen, because you and i know syndromes, transverse melitis, other complications, they are all related to immunity, immunity is a very serious thing and sometimes, sometimes in one case in a million he makes a mistake, in general doing things is not very good, but this
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is really very rare, that is , if we take the additional cost of the vaccine program, then approximately one case per million adds some autoimmune complications to those cases that are normal.
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there are side effects from the vaccine, what is the beneficial effect of the vaccine, how many lives do they save. you can find all episodes of the badon podcast on the channel one website. good morning to everyone who is celebrating the weekend with channel one. irina muramtseva is with you, on the calendar it is the twentieth of july, saturday, the long-awaited weekend, although in the summer even working days have a bit of a vacation feel to them. even if you are not on vacation, but thanks to the weather, warmth, and sun, all this happens. however, weekends are weekends, we will take them full use. let's go visit the metallurgists, they have a professional holiday tomorrow, and we'll also find out who has an easier life,
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larks or owls, why? let's learn to manage our mood, find out where we went to the museum for the summer, take a walk around st. petersburg and, of course, cook something tasty, and this is not all that awaits us this morning, but right now. the whole family is going to exercise; russian beach volleyball champion olga motrich is already waiting for us. good morning, beach volleyball players' uniform - shorts and t-shirt for men, top swimming trunks for women, athletes run barefoot, only in cold or extreme heat the judge allows you to wear special socks for volleyball, but in them it is more difficult to push off the sand, the only hope is strong leg muscles, let's strengthen them together, invite the whole family, especially children, to the screens , you can practice at any age from the age of 10, we get up and do it. jumping from side to side, to push off stronger,
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we help ourselves with our hands. the knees are slightly bent and act as shock absorbers. there is no need to make too wide jumps, you risk losing balance, moving with a comfortable amplitude. those who are tired can simply take side steps left and right. now let’s complicate the exercise, try to jump even higher and bend our knees in flight. this workout will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks and improve coordination. this is useful for everyone, especially children. how to get to the capital’s
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museum if you live in the provinces and there is no opportunity to visit the main exhibitions is very simple: look at the schedule of museum tours, rare unique exhibits from the hermitage, the moscow kremlin museum, tretyakov gallery and many other major treasuries will visit vladimir, ryazan, pskov, kazan and other cities of our country so that everyone can see them. 250 tricks in painting. graphics, sculpture, this fly is painted or not, but the fireplace really works, here is a necklace, you need to check it, not for carat, it is for germination, these are not stones, but cucumber seeds, and this is not a joke , real masterpieces of art, genuine works x, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, which deceive our eyes, which create an illusion reality, the main museum of the country is on tour this summer, the moscow kremlin museum is visiting vladimir, the russian ethnographic museum is in
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pskov, but the residents of kazan are surprised by the exhibits from the armitage, the most curious are from the times of peter the great, here is a portrait of a trompe l’oeil, the heroine is depicted in life-size very realistically, it is easy to deceive passers-by , displaying one in the window of the house. passing by, passers-by greeted this heroine every day, mistaking her for a real person. a new branch of the tretyakov gallery opened in samara in june with an exhibition about food, why about it in in the thirties, in this building there was a factory kitchen, where thousands of factory workers dined, then food was consumed here, and now art, as a reminder of the past, the walls are decorated with canvases by pavel fedotov, valery serebryakov and vladimir stazharov, the head of everything here, of course, is bread, in performed by pyotr konchalovsky. he was also inspired by french painting. the poetics of city signs, and the image of the coat of arms, in which bread
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takes the role of a crown. here you can get your fill of not only the fruits of art, but the real ones, those from the garden. broke it historian nikolai kislukhin in the museum courtyard. the tomatoes have already grown, and any samarian can become a gardener in the company of nikolai. in this way we want to attract them to the museum. maybe for those who are a little shy, come to the tretyakov gallery. maybe someone thinks that this is not enough open space, so at least start with the garden. and in the ryazan museum reserve there are 100 of the most iconic masterpieces from the russian museum, from iconography to the avant-garde, portraits, landscapes, still lifes. it is possible as per textbook to study the history of russian fine art: shishkin’s foggy morning, polenov’s overgrown pond, malevich’s suprematism, semiradsky’s christ, and also kromskoy, vrubel, aivazovsky. most of the masterpieces. left st. petersburg for the first time, this is
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the first such large-scale exhibition of the russian museum outside st. petersburg, and where should it be held, if not in ryazan? they are almost relatives with the museum-reserve, both were created thanks to alexander i, this year the ryazan museum also has an anniversary (140 years), so the exhibition is a gift from the people of st. petersburg both the museum and the city residents. mikhail volkov, natalya kravchenko, elena kopaeva, channel one. the situation on the project is such that it seems that we, too, have become kindred spirits,
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we don’t need a special reason to get together with our families, two stars, fathers and children, tomorrow after the evening news, that’s how the brain works, that’s how it works, friends, in the literal sense of the word, sleeping pills turn him off, why addiction develops to sleeping pills, as it were...
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she was here yesterday, here, right here, fortune teller, from monday, on the first, you you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema yet, which is easy to fix, i’m waiting, july 20 is on the calendar. international moon day. the earth's satellite influences us, its inhabitants, more than other planets. the traditions of probably all nations are tied to the moon to one degree or another. people write poems about it, sing songs, paint pictures, make films, try to study it and even populate it. our astrologers also treat the moon with great attention and take into account its
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opinion in order to give the correct astrological forecast. astrological forecast for the weekend right now. both of these days. in general , excellent guys, friendly and cheerful, they know how to make an inoffensive joke, both are very homely, it is important for them that there is peace in the family, that everyone is happy, no one is sulking at anyone, and they know how to run a household, especially today , everything is set up, adjusted and works like a clock, he is an excellent cook, a master of homemade preparations, and if you need to make the house clean and cozy, it’s to him, tomorrow is not a lazy person either, only he has a different specialization, he is handy, he’s friends with technology. can fix something, improve it, take it with you when shopping, and these are also wonderful days to, so to speak, establish understanding between different generations. aries, hear this and take advantage. aries parents, do not miss the chance to understand your children and find a common language with them. this weekend will also be a good time for renovations, home improvement and all sorts of
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gardening work. and here's the thing, if you haven't been on vacation yet, it's time. the stars say to taurus: do not believe rumors, judge not by words, but. on business and take care of plastic cards and personal data. otherwise, you have a great harmonious weekend where everything is in moderation. expect guests tomorrow. gemini may have to resolve some awkward or tricky situation today, perhaps reconcile someone. but tomorrow is definitely all yours, and it clearly has something interesting in store for you. some household chores may fall on crayfish. the council responded. if something doesn’t want to work out today, take a break. that's all tomorrow. it’s going like clockwork, cancer men. don't argue with the ladies these days. leos this weekend may suggest something new, unusual, or even surprise you with something. in general, it won't be boring. a family trip is possible in the evening or tomorrow. if you get behind the wheel, be careful. everyone needs virgos these days; a lot depends on them
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and a lot revolves around them. you may have to change some of your plans to help relatives or friends. but they will be grateful to you, and if anything happens, they will also help you. and tomorrow may introduce you to someone, a fairly smooth weekend for libra, among other things, good for a family shopping, just take care of your wallet and documents, there is a risk, loss or theft, tomorrow you may meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time, scorpios have a good weekend, when no one interferes, everything goes as planned, some of the scorpios will have to spend money, but you will not regret these expenses, and you will also have something like a party, sagittarius will have the opportunity to do something. learn something, gain new useful experience. this lookend can also test your sense of humor; if you go to the beach, be careful on the water. capricorn can add worries, or even slightly. the nerves of someone close to you, however, in small matters, as compensation there will be an opportunity to improve something in the house,
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some prospects regarding work may also open up, but you will think about it on monday, aquarius has a sort of light airy weekend, they don’t want it at all think about nothing serious, maybe we can let you sit back and fool around a little, how about an outing somewhere in nature with the whole family, together with the children, at the same time you will tear them away from gadgets, the fish can have a big argument with someone, however, the stars hope that it won’t come to a quarrel, and if they are pleasant , they can return the debt to you or somehow reward you with kindness for kindness, and another hint from the stars, these days are very good for a short trip, good luck to you ! mow the scythe while there is dew, and by the way, you don’t just wave the scythe at the blue mows, it’s a lot of work, a real art, because you need to mow the grass so that it later becomes real, high-quality hay after mowing. drying, curing, putting in stacks, in general, a whole science. early morning, before the dew has gone away, the maslennikovs from
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the udmurd village leave, the whole family is at the mowing, preparing hay for the cows and calves. we collect about 3 tons of hay, well, dry, so that we have enough time to feed the feeders . the grass is cut the old fashioned way with a scythe, why? there are modern trimmers, they say they are used to it, in their family they have been able to mow since they were 12 years old. the scythe should stand level, it should glide quietly, it moves back, then we take it, a small portion of hay, grass and mow everything, after a few minutes the mowing turns into a full-fledged one training, here you and your hands, back in motion , in your hands, forks forward, collect the runoff, made a base, these are poles, lay down more branches, put a pole around which we put it... so that the runoff is dense and does not get wet through and through during the rain,
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by the way, you know , why is it exactly the same shape as a cone for the same purposes, in case of bad weather, drops will simply flow down it ; the height of the drainage at maslennikovsky is four meters, a solid design, alexander perov from the krasnodar territory collects the drainage differently, he puts in hay without grease , says there is no point, there are horses on the farm very fast. they eat it, the stacks are held together due to the laying technology, we lay them in a circle, and slam them down a little, because there is wind here, if the drain is not folded correctly, the wind will scatter it, an obligatory point in the process of assembling the stacks is to lie down in the fall, admire the beauty, the place, the birds, the fish are splashing, life, peace and quiet - this is of course great, but if the farm is large, you cannot do without the strain of the tractor. alexander muzhchinsky from the village of kelinchipa near astrakhan has 10 cows and eight calves, he needs them all to feed, and therefore he mows and collects the grass
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with the help of equipment, here is a baler, they spin, pick up everything, it can get here like this, higher here, he doesn’t let it go higher, he directs it into the ribbons there, the ribbon is twisted into roll. the width of the roll is adjustable from 30 cm to 40 meters, then the rolls are folded into a rack. 4 3 2 1 roll. you finish and so that the rain flows off, as if from it, they sometimes help the neighbors, but they prepare everything all summer so that there is definitely enough until the next one. artyom lepyokhin, elena savina, nazirnaya gumanov, natalya kravchenko, channel one. alexander shirvint is an actor, director, theater teacher, writer, witty and wise person. he would have turned 90 on july 19. he left us 4 months ago, it’s impossible to believe, but he stayed with us.
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years recorded from the idol of his youth, buster keaton, alexander shirvint learned to joke without smiling, his friends gave him the nickname mask. behind
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this mask hid wisdom, tenderness and non... separation from his parents, who traveled as part of the front-line brigades, the father of the kripka dreamed, so that his son would follow in his footsteps, ashura would hide from the hated din in the back streets of the arbat communal apartment, disgusting, we bring you good things.
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open the phone book, from which one by one you were friends, he shared precious memories in the studio of the program tonight, just recently, as it was, we will see today, one of the greatest performances of your theater, small tragedies of a big house, comedies, a small coma, and today a selection of striking interviews and chronicles, as well as comedy, a million in marriage
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basket and three in the boat, not counting the dog. the russian football championship starts in july, my colleague, channel one sports journalist viktor gusev will tell you what to expect from the new season. the main intrigue of the russian football championship starting today is whether someone will be able to dethrone zenit, which has held the title of the strongest club in the country for 6 years.
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spartak and csk start the season with new coaches. the red-whites were led by dejan stankovic, a former famous player who played for inter and lazio. cska now also a serbian coach, marko nikolic. our fans are already familiar with him from his work with the locomotive, which
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won the russian cup under his leadership. 17 moments of spring, three poplars on the ivy, we have signed below, these and many other films were shot by tatyana lioznova, our wonderful, beloved film director, today july 20 marks the 100th anniversary of her birth, on channel one for the anniversary of tatyana mikhailovna ilioznova, the premiere of the documentary film before and after stirlitz, where to start, let's go to the cinema, you'll go, i'll go.
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“i should have started with this, i better know where to start, as a child she saw the picture more than once, my mother turns on the tv and freezes, yet...” the kenescope has not warmed up, there is no broadcast, but my mother is already waiting for a miracle. it is with this feeling that people wait for magic at their screens. tatyana lioznova will direct each of her films. her paintings contain a scattering of dear memories. like the heroine of irina muravyova in the carnival, she and her peers ran to the water pump to drink. their neighbor in the communal apartment got confused during the game in the same way as he will get confused frausaurich in seventeen moments of spring. lezny dropped out of aviation school, but made a film, they conquer the sky, dedicating it to test pilots. dad, why don't you tell mom about your new plane?
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i lowered the sky without you. oh, that’s what lioznova insisted on in the film tritopol, that was also the case. from the precious box of her memory, longing for something unfulfilled, she knew how to convey this, and so the scene of stirlitz’s meeting with his wife was born, without a single word, without a single touch, so poignant for the audience of the film from the point of view the sight of the soul, the experiences, it would hardly have been possible to do if... it was filmed by a man, and after all , several other students were expelled from the first year at gikalioznova, it seemed to master sergei gerasimov that this girl had not chosen her path. she rode a tram
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across all of moscow, wrote down, sketched, as if in words, the types she met, and on this tram, and then gathered those who were expelled with her, based on her notes, she staged such sketches, they were accepted back by all . she managed to work we'll cut it and install it. she was born 100 years ago, today on channel one there is a documentary before and after
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stirlitz in memory of the fragile woman of the great director tatyana lioznova. svetlana neimonis, inna kazanjan, joseph kobrin, channel one. well now, let's find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. our artillerymen destroyed the positions of ukrainian formations in the southern donetsk direction. howitzer calculations mstab, groups of the east liquidated several units. enemy armored vehicles, including the american-made m-777 gun was destroyed. the enemy's defensive potential decreases after each of our attacks. t-80 tanks operate effectively in the northern direction. the crew
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of one of them destroyed a militant stronghold in the razdololovka area. this allowed the attack aircraft to advance and take possession of new positions. we helped to gain a foothold in high places. the guys walked higher, it was discontent and... they tried to take it like this so-called strongholds in the encirclement, the guys turned out to do a good job, they were convinced that they were exactly on target, every day we travel, we work , the drones travel with us, as if they remain on the sidelines, we protect it all and work, they cover us there, plus rap works for us . drone operators not only provide cover for other units, but also conduct battles themselves. during another aerial reconnaissance , an american-made enemy armored car was discovered. which carried militants for rotation on the front line. fpv drone strike followed instantly, the target is eliminated. the kiev regime is preparing another bloody provocation, as sources in our law enforcement
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agencies said, following butch and the missile attack on hospitals, the armed forces of ukraine, and ucasca, the united states is planning a series of new brutal reprisals. this time , a massacre may occur today in kharkov during the nikolsky cosplayfest. the situation is particularly cynical because of the victims. ukrainian children, the event will bring together representatives of the foreign press, including the well-known french journalist bernard henri, who had previously participated in a number of provocations in syria, was shot at his house. the bullet hit his temple. ex-detat of the verkhovna rada irina farion. in it , operatives are looking for the attacker. who it was is still unknown, but investigators suggest that he was a professional shooter, perhaps from the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, where , to put it mildly, they did not like the odious farion. in november , the sbu opened the there is a criminal case against her under
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four articles, including because of her statements about the russian-speaking military of the ukrainian army, for example, she repeated more than once that she cannot call them ukrainians for those of them who speak russian, this referred to the militants of the nationalist azov formation, banned in russia. farion was later fired from lviv university, where she worked in the ukrainian language department, but then she distinguished herself again, saying that due to the influx of russian-speaking citizens from the east. entire units consisting of disabled people may soon appear in ukrainian formations. nine out of ten previously considered to be of limited fitness for military service are now sent to the front line. this was recognized in ukrainian command. after zelensky canceled the status of limited fitness in early april, men of the second and third disability groups must undergo a medical examination again to confirm the diagnosis. the procedure... takes several minutes
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; it is almost impossible to challenge the decision. as a result, according to statistics, only one out of ten people manages to prove that he is disabled and unfit for service, the rest are immediately sent to the front. total number of flights canceled in the us due to microsoft service failures approached 2,500. this is reported by the american media with reference to analytical data. problems with departures in california, las vegas, nashville, milwaukee, chica. the list can go on for a long time. trains have stopped in many states. rail traffic control is also built on the windows platform. due to the failure , thousands of atms of one of the us financial giants, jp morgan, also stopped functioning. the problem has affected many countries. reports of violations in the operation of information systems came from banks, telecommunications companies, airlines, retail outlets and other industries in europe, india, australia, new zealand. the culprit, let me remind you, was
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an unsuccessful security update uploaded by one of microsoft’s american contractors. another of the largest donors to the us democratic party, billionaire michael moritz called on president joe biden to withdraw from the pre-elected race. the entrepreneur shared his thoughts in an email sent to the editors of the new york times. in his address to biden, he accompanied the phrases "time glass" indicated that he also reported that he had suspended donations to the democratic party. companions are increasingly demanding that joe biden give up the presidential race to a younger candidate. his own mental and physical state has recently caused overt anxiety. hundreds of people gathered outside the building yesterday. the us embassy in
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moscow for a shaman’s concert, so he decided to speak out against the blocking of russian users on youtube. this is an unfair action; moreover, it was not only blocked me, my colleagues in the shop, whom you all know very well, were blocked. of course, i am now defending not only my interests, but i am also expressing the opinion of the public, a huge number of people have gathered, russia, yaroslav drunov often visits donbass, visits hospitals, gives concerts, spoke about his activities on various platforms: youtube is no exception. at the time of blocking there were almost 3 million subscribers. representatives of the video hosting service do not name specific reasons. they refer to the fact that the artist allegedly violates the terms of use of the service. pages have also been removed. oleg gazmanov,
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polina gagarin and grigory leps. by the way, since the beginning of the svo, youtube has been actively blocking both russian media channels and videos about the special operation. according to roskomnadzor, this year alone more than 80 russian resources were banned. that's all for now, stay with us. good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day with channel one. irina muramtseva is with you on the calendar. saturday, july 20, next sunday, july 28, navy day, the main naval parade will be held in st. petersburg, as will always show the first channel will show like this. as only he can do, the best seats are reserved for you, dear viewers. our film crews are already working in st. petersburg, walking around the city, admiring it like hundreds of thousands of tourists, because st. petersburg is a city where every time you come, it’s as if
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you fall in love all over again for the first time. more than 9 million tourists. annual statistics of st. petersburg, why do people come, at least the views? moreover, the top list includes not only ceremonial architecture, more than 25 thousand photographs on social networks, courtyards are wells, and not surprisingly, this is a special type of aesthetics. by the way, you can walk the entire city from north to south in 10 hours at a walking pace without stopping, but you understand, in st. petersburg this is simply impossible, you want to admire every detail. st. petersburg is a city of museums, there are more than 200 of them. the petropal fortress, palaces, of course, the hermetage, there are 2 million exhibits there alone, if you spend money.
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there are 226 of them in st. petersburg, big and small, that are here: shops with stylish handmade goods, clothes from local designers, exhibitions and meeting places. once upon a time , cable was produced here, which means that only workers could admire the view of the bay; now there are 2.5 million visitors last year alone. to st. petersburg not only for spectacles, for bread. bakeries and pastry shops are at every turn, there are almost 2,500 of them here, so in the mornings the city. literally drowning in the aromas of hot pastries and coffee. for gastrotourists, st. petersburg is the number one destination, because if you count all the catering outlets here , you get a simply incredible number: 9,498. the only one in the country, it has the status unesco creative city in
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the gastronomy category, last year st. petersburg was officially recognized as the culinary capital of russia. believe it or not, st. petersburg, the city, the resort, it’s literally possible here. 67 sanatoriums, dozens of beaches to sunbathe, or stand near the walls of eco-trails, 26 campsites in st. petersburg lying on the peter and paul fortress, they say, here on the neva the tan sticks faster, the wind, another reason to come to st. petersburg appears exactly on the last sunday of july, on this day the city hosts the main naval parade, navy day, and to look,
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lurga is a complex, important, necessary, honorable profession. we congratulate everyone involved on the holiday, right now we are going to visit the table maker, of course, the master of hot metal, to those for whom every working day is truly hot. tons of red-hot cast iron, at a distance of just a couple of meters, the temperature of this fiery mass is more than 1,300°. the air around is heating up to +60. in such conditions. the carpenters are working, cast iron is being poured into the converter, scrap metal is being filled, now we are pouring liquid cast iron and we will melt it and blow it with oxygen. the duration of the melting is within 40 minutes, all this time the process is completely controlled by the carpenter sergei pakhomov. these colossus are his working
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tools. managing units and mechanisms is half the battle. sergey is responsible for the chemical analysis of smelted steel, for this he takes a sample manually. it cools down in the water. then it is sent to the laboratory by pneumatic mail, the analysis is prepared on average in 2-5 minutes, if the composition of the steel needs to be adjusted, elements and sparks are added how they fly, we noticed that special clothing, fire-resistant, saves you from them, boots with an iron toe cap on your feet, work gloves, fleeces on your hands, in the workshop it’s hot , 12-hour shifts, how can you even get used to this, i’m such a fan of the bathhouse, but somehow it's hot outside, i'm used to it already. over the years , at first it was interesting, then i somehow got involved, later i even fell in love with my job, wearing these swimming trunks, wearing this metal. sergey has been working with the woodworker for 28 years. he has 2 years until retirement, he has a long career, but he decided that as long as he has the strength, he will work in his profession
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he is proud, especially when he sees the result, here it is, ready-made cast blanks, a lot of necessary things are made from them, for example, reinforcement in coil rods, which are used in the production of reinforced concrete products, in the construction of foundations, then shaped steel, this is a channel, an angle, a channel also used in construction to give strength to buildings and fences. metal is needed everywhere, sergei’s team produces more than 3,000 tons of steel per shift, can you imagine what volumes, considering that work is stopped converter is extremely rare. we work around the clock, from repair to repair, six months, 7 months, it always works, it cannot cool down, it must be hot. and all because the converter does not work on its own; here there is a stage in a complex technological chain, in which other enterprises also participate, for example, liquid cast iron.
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weekend this early morning meets with us, which means you are most likely a morning person, well, or you really love our program, or both, however, owls also love good morning, they mostly watch it on the website of channel one, so all of you will be interested to know why some are larks and others are night owls, and whether it is possible to somehow change your biological clock. darina griboedova decided to find out which type is closer to a healthy lifestyle. while owls like me are sleeping, larks
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see and hear this, but even the morning dew, so useful for hardening, is not a reason to get up early, however, the fact is that the salary of owls is 4% less than that of larks, too, our biorhythms are controlled by our cronotype, and is it so bad to be yourself according to it, i’ll talk to the lark lidia ionova. lydia, tell me, be honest, have you always been a morning person? no, of course, when i got married, i was a night owl, but my husband is a morning person, then my children were born and they turned out to be larks too, so in 10 years i also became a morning person, very happy about it. sorry! owls, we are about to upset you; it is not your household that suffers first of all from your long sleep, but you
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yourself. the risk of not just cardiovascular diseases, even cancer, increases. what is the relationship between what time do we go to bed and what time do we wake up with all these diseases. people with the evening chronotype have lower physical activity, a higher risk of using alcohol and other psychoactive substances, and a higher risk. mental illness, adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mood disorders such as depression, and anxiety disorders, all together with cardiac risks, diabetes risks , so how do we begin our transformation from an owl to a lark or at least a dove? this is when the main one is shifted to the middle of the day activity is not for the evening and not for the morning. we are gradually shifting our wake-up time and breakfast time. very. it is important to have breakfast on time because it awakens our internal
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circadian rhythms, the time when we go to bed is shifted not much, but very purposefully, by 15 minutes a week, for example, and thus in 8 weeks we can start going to bed by 2 an hour earlier. so, for the night owls who just woke up and most likely missed half of our episode. let's name... five basic rules on how to become a lark or a pigeon? start restructuring your sleep, go to bed 15 minutes earlier every week and set an alarm clock to get up earlier, and under no circumstances sleep during the day - this is rule number two, be sure to have breakfast, rule number three, have dinner 4 hours before bedtime, this number four, and add physical activity throughout the day. that's five, that's five, well, sleep hygiene is the basis, a normal mattress, a normal pillow, curtains, the
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brighter your morning, the more melatonin for a good night's sleep, zosh, healthy lifestyle, zhava... a good way to wake up the mood not only for yourself, but also for your household, is to do something interesting, useful, educational and fun for the whole family. a father of many children, alexey ivanov decided to go with his sons on a treasure hunt, let's see what they did. hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov and today the boys and i are waiting for a real one. adventure, we go in search of treasures, and geologist artyom yeskin will help us with this. good morning, artyom, and apparently your dog will also help yes greta, greta, hello, give me your paw, well done! artyom, can we find a gold nugget here? well, i’m not sure we’ll find a gold nugget, the place where we are now is an old abandoned quarry where
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limestone was once mined, now in this place you can find gems. guys, what stones do you know? malachite, oh, malachite, quartz, quartz, let's try to go look for some of them, well now we'll get geological hammers equipment, safety glasses are a must. we’ve just arrived and you see these little buried places with your hammers, let’s try to dig them up in the sand and find them such dense quartz nodules. a few minutes later we have our first find. you are our
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very first to find what we are looking for. take a closer look, there are small quartz crystals inside. excellent stone and flex for you, hurray, in general, things went well, i found it, what is this, artyom, and what is this? let's see, there might be something interesting inside, oh, let's look, wow, look, what a beauty, these are all quartz crystals, let's go to another place, to the stream, it's beautiful here. now we’ll find it, i wonder what it is? like these ones here you need to take the finds and split them with a hammer, again great, in general you can find them here, unfortunately, we didn’t succeed today, but maybe next time, oh,
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wait, if you are planning to look for minerals, then keep in mind, this is quite a job dirty. look how dirty we all got. let's summarize: we really didn't find any gold nuggets, but look at what minerals are now in our collection. and most importantly, we had a wonderful time and it was very educational for the children. on the calendar july 20, saturday, probably many cellular gardeners will immediately go to their garden beds after our program. in the greenhouse, or like oksana stankevich, ours, is already there watching the morning broadcast, working on tomatoes, or rather creating an atmosphere for them in the greenhouse for better ripening. we are already harvesting some tomato bushes, others are still green, and
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others have not yet set fruit. why? they need help to pollinate. in open ground this happens when the wind blows. flowers sway, pollen spills, and soon tomatoes appear. everything in the greenhouse is fenced and there is not even the slightest breeze. this means that it must be created artificially. you want a rich harvest, right? then bring a fan here. we don’t turn it on at full power so as not to... plants, weak airflow will be quite enough, see how the flowers sway in the wind, they will soon set fruit, if you don’t have a fan, then you urgently need pollinating insects, bees or bumblebees, but how
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to persuade them to fly into the greenhouse is very simple, add a liter of warm water, stir a tablespoon of honey, pour lightly into a spray bottle. insects smell this they smell it a mile away and will certainly fly in to pollinate the tomatoes. and when the fruits set, do not forget to increase watering. pour 3 liters under each bush. would you say a lot? not at all. tomatoes are 95.5% water; if the fruits do not have enough moisture, they will not grow large, and they will also crack, so do not skimp on water, but with abundant watering
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, the humidity in the greenhouse rises sharply, dew forms on the leaves, and the tomatoes they really don’t like it; if you water them in the evening, and even close the greenhouse at night, the bushes will sit as if in a bathhouse. and other diseases, therefore i water my tomatoes not in the evening, but early in the morning. and suddenly i open the door, the excess moisture immediately disappears, the plants are watered, the air in the greenhouse is dry, this is the ideal condition for a large harvest. saturday is good, but having a delicious green salad for lunch is even better. and if it also comes with steak, well, it’s just some kind of holiday. maria surova is ready to share an easy recipe on how to create such a holiday for yourself today. it’s so good that
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green salads go well in the summer, and with steak it’s even better, and with the right steak it’s generally a blast. the first and main rule is high-quality meat, i recommend buying a ready-made steak; you don’t need to marinate it. just take it out of the package and let it breathe so that the meat comes to room temperature, add salt before or after, some people believe that if you salt the meat right away, it will give juice and become tougher, i’ll conduct an experiment: i’ll just grease one with olive oil, i’ll grease the second with salt and pepper with oil on both sides. the second rule: you need to heat the pan in advance so that the juices in the meat are sealed. no need, the steaks are already in oil, i fry for one and a half minutes on each side, lightly fry the side too, so that all the juice remains inside, if the steak is thick, you can
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cook it in the oven, and if it is thin, you can finish frying it in a frying pan, transfer it to parchment, a larger steak was without salt, but the juice has come out, there is less juice in the steak, the juice remains inside, interesting, i grease it with a piece of butter... butter, this is not necessary, but it’s very tasty, and i salt the steak, which was fried without salt, and put it in the oven preheated to 180°, if you want medium doneness when the meat is inside slightly pink, cook for 10 minutes, if you want a fully fried steak, then 15, but for now salad, any greens, for me it’s arugula, who likes avocado in large cubes, and also watermelon. summer salad is a combination of sweet and salty flavors, including blackberries for a pop of color and flavor. there is no need to season it, the steak is quite
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fatty, i’ll check if it’s done. look how much juice came out of the larger stack that i fried without salt. i take it out of the oven and let it rest for a couple of minutes to compare the tastes. i need a stack. i liked the one i salted raw better, i cut into strips. the steak was thinner, overcooked, it had to be taken out earlier, but this one, of course, the cooking time greatly depends on the size of the steak, i lay out the salad and serve it right away, it’s quick and delicious, like summer.
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this is very fashionable, there will be no steaks, there will be pancakes, dear ladies, forgive the tactlessness of my friends, it’s because of the dampness. you, you, and you, and i, well, okay, and you, lady, everything sa, sa, what are you singing about, you are not in the garden yet, no, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there , three in the boat, not counting the dog, today on the first. mancacher whiskey is a product of
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the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. montechoca cognac. product of stellar group. rom castro. product of steller group. vodka pechora. product of stellar group. here , except for dog lovers. and no one goes to the murderer, i truly loved her, and they wanted to submit a statement, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they are all sincere, and then 17 profit for the fact that the dishes were washed badly, she was here yesterday, here, right here , fortune teller from monday on the first, do you know me already?
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"ass, i came out in memory of vladimir vysotsky in friday on first. on the calendar, saturday, july 20, tick season continues, and despite the heat, many insurance companies are now offering a special policy against tick bites. let's figure out what this policy provides, is it necessary if you already have, for example, a compulsory health insurance policy. "weekends in nature, vacation or mushroom picking, the last thing you want to think about is tick insurance, but if the area is endemic encephalitis, alas, will have to. tatyana zhevyakova is going to altai, the region is on the list, there is a risk of infection. tall, takes out insurance. for 300-350 rubles. it lasts for a year, but i am insured for my health, i don’t mind that. help can be obtained through compulsory medical insurance.
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if found, the tick will be removed at the emergency room. in an endemic region , immunoglobulin will be administered, this is a kind of antidote. in non-endemic regions , immunoglobulin is provided free of charge only if the tick turns out to be infectious. you will have to submit it for examination yourself for money; this is not included in compulsory medical insurance, and testing for only two main diseases - encephalitis baryliosis, not cheap, about 3. with a voluntary health insurance policy outpatient is included, this is either a study of the tick itself, if it... so, we decided to take out a policy after all, first we find out what will be considered an insured event, you will be surprised, but there are nuances. you can find a policy where the crawling of a tick will be an insured event, that is, it is not necessary that the tick has attached itself, it can simply crawl over the body, you
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saw it, grabbed it, and took it to... analysis there may be some kind of microtrauma on the body, it can already infect a person. summer resident nikita nechetny this year also issued police, at a dacha in the moscow region i was mowing the grass and saw a tick crawling along my leg. i passed it in may, about 2 days passed, i already received the result from the laboratory and was dumbfounded. he turned out to be a carrier of briliosis. i called specialists to treat the area for ticks. the second important point is what diseases are included in the insurance. the tick carries about fifteen, and barliosis encephalitis is always insured. depending on the modification of the policy, other unpleasant diseases that are transmitted by ticks may also be included. moz, rectiosis and relichiosis. if the tick is a carrier of bareliosis, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. the insurance policy includes compensation for medicine. someone gives only 100 rubles. conditional compensation, yes, someone can give 1.0 rubles. it matters. the person
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buys the medicine himself at the pharmacy and brings invoices to the insurance company for reimbursement. tick ​​insurance and hospital treatment and sometimes even rehabilitation after serious illnesses are better when they exist. nadezhda pravdina, yuri lebedev, channel one, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, and to those who are already coming up with a menu lunch, culinary specialist pavel savchenko prepared an unusual recipe: chicken fillet in a banana peel on the grill. poetry! i love simple but original dishes. today i’ll show you how to grill chicken in a delicious and unusual way . i cut it into cubes, add chopped onion, salt, pepper, mix, and now pay attention, trick, i will bake the meat in a banana peel, in such a wrap the fillet
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will turn out to be tender juicy, i cut the skin on three sides, like this lengthwise across, i bend the peel, as if i was opening the door with a spoon i take out the juicy... pulp, leave it for dessert, fill the skin with chicken fillet, close the door, put it on the grill, bake the fillet on the grill for half an hour, turn the grill every 5 minutes, it’s done, serve the dish with vegetables and herbs, the meat is done. juicy and tender, with a slight aroma of banana, tasty and unusual, help yourself, sprinklers, water pistols, bombs, caplets, without water activities, summer is not summer, well, saturday is not
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saturday without another challenge, which my colleague allata threw this morning to a participant in the two-star show , fathers and sons of nikita malinin, summer time. water procedures, and how nikita malinin spends his summer, he himself will tell us now, nikita, good morning, good morning, good to see you, well, before moving on to entertainment, i want to know from you how to disconnect life after two stars, ok , after three chords it became even better, that is, it’s still more pleasant for you on your own, of course, of course, i bought a cap, it’s always with me, so i can transform myself and everything will be fine, it’s cool in general, look, in our childhood not there were tablets, there were no phones to play with, i got hit in the neck for this one time, because we dropped a ball filled with water from the third floor, some person was walking and they figured us out, then there were problems, today there are problems there will be no, at least during the filming, not
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a single nikita malinin will be harmed, i promise you, and a faceted glass with multi-colored balls is for you, first we pump water into the pump, now we put on a small ball, fill the ball with water from all... souls, but this is not the end, there is a device here, to tie a cap, the old fashioned way, it seems to me that it’s still more convenient, our hands remember, our task is to make as many caps as possible in a minute, the winner today is the one who accumulates the most water in his bucket, to the start, attention, march, well, you’re right... six against my five, but hope is dying that it’s easier to tie it all up the old fashioned way, oh, i wish i could
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leave the twelfth floor of a brick house now, wait, i have the last one, your last one, so i still think that suddenly they are bigger than me, although there are such one-and-a-half liter purchases here, so let’s take buckets, bright for you, more for me, i still retain within me the desire to win, let’s try to break it down to the start. attention march, look how i can, that’s also an option, well, nikita, let’s see who it is, oh, my god, the main thing is not to spill it already, oh, i just didn’t fit in one, by the way , op, well, with a slight advantage, nikita malinin wins today, nikita, i congratulate you, good morning from the program. a medal that confirms that you are our winner, you are not
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weak, i wish everyone a good morning, cheerful mood, more good moments for everyone, thank you nikit, good morning everyone, and we move on to water procedures, oh so, oh so, a weekend to go out and exhale, especially women should definitely have this moment when we please ourselves, allow ourselves. there is a proven way to buy yourself a new dress, but if you don’t buy it, then at least try it on. irina materanskaya believes that each dress has its own role, even its own energy. in general, what can i say? let's choose. it seems that in this heat the best fan is a dress, it blows everywhere, now you’re merlin munroe is minimalist, but the dress has other superpowers. it's finally saturday. it means you’ll find a moment for yourself, today i’m
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visiting my beloved martha, martha, attention, creates dresses that are charged with love. marta, hello, ira, hello, i really really love dresses, it seems to me that dresses have some special energy and, probably, the simplest thing a woman can do for her condition is to wear a dress or buy psychotherapeutic advice number one, generated during shopping dopamine, the same... tip number two: challenge yourself, make a rule for yourself that for 7 days in a row i will wear a dress, a dress or a skirt, immediately everything changes around me, my gait, my mood changes, it’s all about air circulation and freedom of movement , now you already feel good, when a woman feels good, then she looks even better, it’s just some kind of magic, dresses are always relevant, and if you choose models that are not... super trendy, then you can
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wear dresses for many, many years. i’ll now show you just the five most current models that you can wear. all year round and for several years to come. a combination dress, in any color. it has not gone out of fashion for several seasons and is not going anywhere. in summer it is not so hot, especially if it is made of silk, silk, a natural air conditioner. this is also for all times. a dress with polka dots, it’s a matter of size, polka dots, very large, of course, will add volume, but small ones visually make you look slimmer, with flowers it’s the same story, the larger the flowers, the larger we are, it doesn’t suit us, but a little black dress suits everyone, here there may be different variations, but black for sure every woman should have in her wardrobe, as coco chanel bequeathed to everyone, a black dress and that same thing, charged with love, you can charge
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a dress with some state, mood or some situation, for example, a dress for a date, or a dress for in which you will definitely go for an interview and pass it. in fact , it is very easy to lock up a dress, then you will have a happy dress, which you can use to simply change your mood, state, and of course, such a happy dress... charged with love should be in every woman's wardrobe. irina materanskaya - channel one. on the calendar , july 20, saturday, the heat continues to rage in many regions of our country. dear friends, please be attentive to yourself and those around you. when going for a walk or to the beach, follow simple safety rules: bring a hat and water. well, of course, listen to the advice of our doctor. doctor of the highest category sergei arsenin. in the heat, stuffy transport,
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synthetic clothes, even just walking, sleep, can cause heatstroke. its symptoms are sudden headache, nausea, clammy and cold skin. we urgently call an ambulance, while the doctors are on their way, we take measures. we help the victim go into the shade or a cool place. if you are at home, undress him and cover him with a wet sheet. if we lay the patient on a bench in the park, wet his face with water, pour water on his clothes in the chest area, and give him something to drink, it is better if the water is mineral. if it is possible to buy cold water, then we place bottles under the back of the head, armpits, knee bends. large arteries pass through here, which will help cool the blood. attention, we do not give antipyretics to the victim in case of heatstroke. they won’t help, what has become easier? nowadays, to avoid heat
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stroke, from 11:00 am to 4 pm we hide from the sun in the shade and go outside. only with a hat on, we drink more water, even if we don’t feel like it. this does not apply to people with hypertension and kidney disease. their drinking regime needs to be agreed with their doctor. before getting into the car, ventilate the interior, then turn on air conditioning, bring the temperature to 22° only after that we go on a trip and under no circumstances leave children in a closed car. and animals, take care of your loved ones, oh, these traffic rules , when you learn them, they seem terribly confusing and somehow far-fetched, but in fact, of course, they are logical, they contain, so to speak, many years of driving
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experience, auto expert denis sharovar will now prove this to you using a simple example, the rules for unregulated travel. crossroads turn left or right is considered one of the most dangerous maneuvers, especially if there are no traffic lights. and although the rules for driving at such intersections are taught in driving schools, many drivers are still confused by them. to get rid of embarrassment, you have me, my name is denis sharovar. we're starting. a vivid example: the main road turns right, but i need to go straight, you see, we are both on the main road, who gives way to whom? in fact, everything is simple here, the rules of interference on the right work, as soon as a car passes, so i missed it, i can go, we drive a little further and end up in
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a similar situation, in a similar, but not quite, similar situation, again i let everyone who turns on the right pass, but there is a nuance, i can’t do it here. enter it and continue driving, by the way, a very important point, you can enter the circle from any lane, but only exit from the far right lane, it’s not difficult, remember, and this works even where there is more than one lane on the adjacent road, we take the far right we only turn on a straight line
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where the markings allow, of course, we change into a lane that is convenient for us, of course, all these nuances are in the rules of the road, but sometimes... they are not forgotten, so it would not be a bad idea to re-read them. on the calendar, july 20 is international moon day. the earth's satellite influences us, its inhabitants, more than other planets. the traditions of probably all peoples are tied to the moon to one degree or another. people write poems about it, sing songs, paint pictures, make films, try to study it and even populate it. our astrologers also treat the moon with great attention, taking into account its opinion in order to give the correct astro. forecast, astrological forecast for the weekend right now. both of these days, in general, are excellent, the guys are friendly and cheerful, they know how to joke harmlessly, both are very homely, it is important for them that there is peace and order in the family, that everyone is happy, no one is sulking at anyone, and they know how to run a household, especially
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today, everything is set up, adjusted and works like a clock, he is an excellent cook, a master of home preparation, and if you need to make the house clean and comfortable, this is for him, tomorrow is not lazy either, only for him another specialization, he is handy, friendly with technology, can fix something, improve it, take him with you when shopping, and these are also wonderful days to, so to speak, establish understanding between different generations. aries, hear this and take advantage. aries parents, do not miss the chance to understand your children and find a common language with them. this weekend will also be a good time for renovations, home improvement and all sorts of gardening work. and that's it. you haven't been on vacation yet, it's time for you. the stars say to taurus: do not believe rumors, judge not by words, but by deeds, and take care of plastic cards and personal data. otherwise, you have a great harmonious weekend, when everything is in moderation. expect guests tomorrow. gemini may have to resolve some awkward or delicate situation today,
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perhaps reconcile someone. but tomorrow is definitely all yours, and it clearly has something interesting in store for you. some troubles may fall on the crayfish. about the housework, the advice was highlighted, if today something doesn’t want to work out, take a break, tomorrow everything will go like clockwork, cancer men, don’t argue with the ladies these days, this is a favor for leos maybe... throw something new, unusual or even surprise you with something, in general, it won’t be boring, in the evening or tomorrow a trip on family matters is not excluded, if you get behind the wheel, be careful, everyone needs virgins these days, a lot depends on them , a lot revolves around them, you may have to change some of your plans to help relatives or friends, but they will be grateful to you if they help you with anything, and tomorrow may introduce you to someone, a rather smooth weekend for libra , among the pro... not bad for a family shopping, just take care of your wallet and documents, there is a risk, loss or theft, tomorrow you may meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time,
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scorpios have a good weekend when no one interferes, everything goes as planned, some of the scorpios will have to spend money, but you will not regret these expenses, and you will also have something like a party, sagittarius will have the opportunity to learn something, gain new useful experience, and this lookend can also check how you feel. humor, if you go to the beach, be careful on the water. for capricorns , someone close to you may add worries, or even slightly fray their nerves, however, in small ways, as compensation there will be an opportunity to improve something in the house, some prospects for work may also open up, but you will think about this on monday. aquarians have a sort of light airy weekend, they don’t want to think about anything serious at all, maybe we’ll allow them to mess around and fool around a little, how about an outing somewhere in nature? the whole family, together with the children, will at the same time tear them away from gadgets. pisces can get big with someone bet, however, the stars hope that
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it won’t come to a quarrel, but if it’s pleasant, they can return the debt to you or somehow repay you with kindness for kindness. well, another hint from the stars. these days are very good for a short trip. good luck to you. we women really love all kinds of jewelry, beautiful, stylish, new, not necessarily expensive, of course, otherwise you’ll go broke. olga nikecheva easily solves such problems and creates beauty from what is at hand. dear friends, today we will make an original decoration that is very relevant this season from scraps of fabric and skin. we will also need grosgrain ribbons, some felt fasteners, and we will not need to spend money on new accessories. we take the fabric, thin chiffon, and it must be made of synthetics. available with large flowers. we cut out flowers from the fabric along the contour, and so that not a single small piece is lost, we also cut out the leaves, and
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now the most interesting thing is that we will burn all the edges of our blanks over a candle and do it very carefully so as not to burn the fabric, as a result of processing the edges it looks like this the same shape as real flowers, and if place the blank above the center... of the candle, then it heats up and literally shrinks into a finished bud, it is advisable to make a larger petal so that the flowers turn out voluminous, take the base, cut out a circle from felt, make several, apply the most common, universal transparent glue to the felt and apply it to the leather weasels, cut it out with a small allowance, notch the allowance so that it can be neatly tucked in, apply glue along the edge from the felt side, bend the allowance and
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glue it, glue another one on top a piece of scrap, cut off the excess and you get such a beautiful base, glue the fasteners with hot polymer glue, a little trick, we strengthen the fastening of the fasteners with a strip of leather, so they will hold especially tightly, the flowers can be collected, first glue small ones to the base... apply glue to the petals and we apply it along the edge, we put the petals in an overlap, here is the first flower with two clasps, we collect such flowers from all the petals, and if you add a grosgrain ribbon to the petals and glue a clasp, you will get a beautiful hair decoration. a now we will try on our flowers. scarf, tied around the neck. this is the first option, we make a belt, tie a ribbon at the waist and fasten a brooch, here is a belt,
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we put this flower on just like a brooch, here is a hairpin, from just 1 m of fabric we have a whole bouquet of flowers that will decorate any outfit. today , july 20, the russian football championship starts. what to expect from the new season, my colleague, sports journalist of channel one, viktor gusev, will tell you. the main intrigue of the russian football championship starting today will be able to will someone be displaced? zenit, which has held the title of the strongest club in the country for 6 years. sergei simak's team will not lack motivation, because the next title will be the eleventh for the st. petersburg team in modern history, so they will be able to overtake spartak. in addition, in 2025, zenit will celebrate the club’s centenary; another championship will be an excellent anniversary gift. the recent match for
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the super cup showed that... spartak and cska begin the season with new coaches, the red-and-whites were led by stankovic, a former famous player who played for inter and latso. csk is now also a serbian
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coach, marko nikolic, to our fans. i know him from working with the locomotive, which won the russian cup under his leadership. now the railway workers will appear in a renewed composition, after the departure of glushenkov, anton mironchuk and artem dzyuba. they were replaced by the leader of orenburg dmitry vorobyov and artyom timofeev from akhmat. rostov, which, by the way, began to surprise even before the start of the season, will also try to join the fight for medals. valery karpin players. and his teams starred in the original video, where they tried on the roles don cossacks. alexander shirvint is an actor, director, theater teacher, writer, witty and wise person. he would have turned 90 on july 19. he left us 4 months ago, it’s impossible to believe, but his roles, his directorial works, his books, memories, his
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aphorisms, of course, jokes remain with us. this is all with us forever. today. of course, harris’s red cap won’t scare away all the fish, i can hear everything, we’re catching fish, not bulls, but his students had all their moves recorded, they traveled 400 km, congratulations beloved master, fastened with sheets, from the screw, comrades, i have all the moves written down, from the idol of his youth, buster keaton,
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alexander shirvint learned to joke without smiling, his friends gave him. nicknamed the mask, behind this mask hid wisdom, tenderness and inexhaustible optimism. what a happy childhood you had, as you recalled, it was difficult, a happy childhood, 2 and a half years of evacuation, separation from parents who traveled as part of front-line brigades, the father of the kripka dreamed that his son would follow in his footsteps, ashura was hiding from the hated commotion behind corners arbat communal apartment, disgusting. we bring you good things. three masters of one satire - shirvint, derzhavin, mironov. filming with this company turned into complete improvisation pranks. this is how it happened when three people set off in boats, not counting the dog. but there were three dogs there, not counting two dogs, because there were two identical in appearance, one was an absolute cretin, the second a murderer.
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bit off my finger. alexander anatolyevich joked that in his life he ruined the life of only one woman. with the architect natalya belousova, they lived together for 67 years. i, she probably lasted so many years with him because she lived according to the principle of my favorite writer, and murzilka, she believes. age did not deprive him of either charisma or self-irony. it seemed that over the years, alexander shirvint only became more charming.
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let's find out what events have happened in the country and the world by this hour. the news broadcast is on air on channel one. hello, the news is live in the studio sergei tugushev. more than 220 militants, as well as their equipment, were destroyed in one day by our northern group of troops. the russian military repelled five enemy attacks, including the main forces. ukrainian intelligence directorate krakin. in the southern donetsk direction , our artillerymen carried out attacks on ukrainian formations. the crews of the mstab howitzer and the vostok group hit several units of enemy armored vehicles and destroyed them,
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including the american -made m-777 gun. t-80 tanks operate effectively in the northern direction. the crew of one of them destroyed a militant stronghold in the rozdolovka area. this allowed the attack aircraft to advance and take possession of new positions.
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in syria, libya, afghanistan, iraq and previously, he was noted for his participation in a number of provocations in yugoslavia.
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azov, banned in russia. farion was later fired from lviv university, where she worked at the ukrainian language department. but then she distinguished herself again, saying that due to the influx of russian-speaking citizens from the east of the country, lviv had turned.
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this is reported by the american media with reference to analytical data. problems with departures in california, las vegas, nashville, mellook, chicago. the list can go on for a long time. control trains stopped in many states rail traffic is also built on the windows platform. due to the failure , thousands of atms of one of the us financial giants, jp morgan, also stopped functioning. the problem has affected many countries. reports of violations in the operation of information systems came from banks. telecommunications companies, airlines, retail outlets and other industries in europe, india, australia, new zealand. let me remind you that the fault was an unsuccessful security update that was loaded. one of
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microsoft's american contractors. another one of the largest us democratic party donors, billionaire michael moritz called on president joe biden to withdraw from the election race. the entrepreneur shared his thoughts in an email sent by the editors of the new york times. in his address to biden, he accompanied the phrase “time is up” and indicated that he had a choice: vanity or virtue. if the first country, as the billionaire wrote, will be doomed to darkness. he also said he had suspended donations to the democratic party. companions are increasingly demanding that joe biden concede place in the presidential race for a younger candidate. his own mental and physical state has recently caused overt anxiety. today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of people's artist of the ussr, director tatyana leosnova. they talked about her as the iron lady of soviet cinema.
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aleosnova shot her first picture in memory of the heart only 9 years after graduating from vgik, before that she was involved in theatrical productions, wrote plays and even at one time, being unemployed, sewed a dress to order. heroin has it films have also always had difficult fates, maybe that’s why they are still so close to the audience? i make paintings all the time about the same thing, all the paintings seem to be different, but they are all about the same thing, a sense of duty. everyone was kind to their viewers, the film 17 moments of spring brought lioznova’s nationwide love, even if she had only directed it, then she would have gone down in the history of our cinema. it took 3 years to create the painting. the film took place largely thanks to lioznova’s fighting character. for example, she was dissuaded from filming tikhonov in the role of sterlitz. many thought that an actor with the appearance of a romantic hero would not be able to portray the image of a silent, focused intelligence officer. when the finished film was shown. at the lubyanka
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, the whole room cried like a real professional intelligence officer. after the collapse of the ussr , it was no longer possible to film leznoy; age and illness did not allow it. on the centenary of the birth of the outstanding director, our channel will show a documentary film before and after stirlitz. watch today at 10:15. that's all for now, stay with us. good morning to everyone who meets you. this day together with channel one, irina murumtsova is with you on the calendar: saturday, july 20. next sunday, july 28, navy day, the main naval parade will take place in st. petersburg; as always, channel one will show it in a way that only he can do. the best seats have been reserved for you, dear viewers. our film crew is already working in st. petersburg, walking around the city, admiring it like hundreds of thousands of tourists, because st. petersburg is
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a city where every time you come, it’s as if it’s the first time every time you fall in love again. more than 9 million tourists, annual statistics of st. petersburg: why do they come, at least the views, and not only the ceremonial architecture is at the top, more than 25 thousand pictures on social networks, courtyards, wells, and not surprisingly, this is a special type of aesthetics. by the way, you can walk the entire city from north to south. in 10 hours at a walking pace without stopping, but you understand, in st. petersburg this is simply impossible, you want to admire every detail. st. petersburg is a city of museums, there are more than 200 of them, the peter and paul fortress, palaces, of course, the hermetage, only there are 2 million exhibits, if you spend at least one minute on each, the entire exhibition takes more than 20 years, well, new ones appear, like this one of naval glory in kronshtat on the island of fortov, the nuclear submarine k3, so.
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the most life-size, more than 107 m in length and eight in diameter, only here you can hang out for the whole day. while some hang out in museums, others in the so-called creative clusters, when they want to hang out with ordinary people. there are 226 of them in st. petersburg, large and small. what's there? shops with stylish handmade goods, clothes from local designers, exhibitions and meeting places. cable was once produced here. this means that only workers could admire the view of the bay, now 2.5 million visitors last year alone. to st. petersburg not only for spectacles, for bread. there are bakeries and pastry shops at every turn; there are almost 2,500 of them here, so in the morning the city is literally drowned in the aromas of hot pastries and coffee. for gastrotourists , st. petersburg is the number one destination, because if you count all the catering outlets here, it will be easy an incredible number. the only one in the country, it
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has the status of a unesco creative city in the gastronomy category; last year , st. petersburg was officially recognized as the culinary capital of russia. believe me, no, st. petersburg, a city, a resort, here you can literally touch the sea on the gulf of finland, for example, there are only 15 official beaches, and how many wild ones there are 131, 67 sanatoriums, dozens of eco-trails, 26 campsites, in st. petersburg you can lie on the beach to sunbathe, or stand at the walls of the peter and paul fortress, they say, here on the neva the tan sticks faster, the wind is another reason to come to st. petersburg appears exactly on the last sunday of july this year. the city is hosting the main naval parade , navy day, and what to see, keep your fingers crossed: first, all the bridges will be raised during the day, the second , a dozen different ships will pass by, the largest of them will be displayed on the neva roadstead opposite ameralteysky and petropalovka, in the evening there will be a grandiose fireworks display, and in addition to
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hundreds of river excursions, one boat trip along the ships lined up on the neva is added, and finally, peter is so beautiful and solemn only this day. this summer, the heat has already broken all records and continues to break new ones, in the southern regions the thermometer is off the charts above 40, there are videos circulating online of people frying eggs right on the hood of a car, of course it’s funny when you look through the screen under the air conditioner, but still i want the heat to be moderate in summer. right now, let us remind you what happens to our body in the heat and how to help it. in the krasnodar region +40, in the urals almost throughout the country about thirty, all this affects my well-being, for me personally, your head is spinning, it hurts, you can’t breathe, you want to sleep forever, you immediately have such a loss of strength, you feel sick, your legs are just
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dying, you constantly want to sit and sit in the shade, it feels like during a short-distance race at school, the blood vessels relax, and this leads to the fact that... the pressure drops sharply, compensatoryly, to begin to increase the pressure, the heart begins to actively contract, the person develops tachycardia, rapid heartbeat, the pressure rises sharply, the body is stressed, let's add loss here liquid, sweat, less liquid, the blood becomes thick, the reach of this blood to our brain, in order to oxygenate it there and bring fresh cells, is significantly reduced, and we are so weak, without the strength to... lie down and take a nap. this results in headaches, nausea and even loss of consciousness. the risk of thrombosis increases greatly. a thrombus, if it simply gets into the brain, is a stroke, if it is the heart-coronary arteries, then it is a heart attack. what else happens to the body in the heat?
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food is digested worse, the stomach produces less of hydrochloric acid. in addition, along with sweat , we lose more than 200 vitamins and minerals, including sodium potassium. therefore, tingling occurs in the legs. and do not go out in the middle of the day, this is the advice of the ministry of emergency situations, stay in open spaces as little as possible, especially from 11 to 17 o'clock, this is in the southern regions, in the rest you can go for a walk early. evgenia popov, elena savina, maxim tkachenko, channel one. right now the whole
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family is going to exercise. the russian beach volleyball champion, olga, is already waiting for us motrich. good morning, the uniform of beach volleyball players is shorts and a t-shirt for men, top swimming trunks for women, athletes run barefoot, only in the cold or in extreme heat, the judge allows you to wear special socks for volleyball, but it is more difficult to push off the sand in them, one hope is strong muscles legs, let's strengthen them together, invite the whole family, especially children, to the screen. you can practice anything from the age of 10, we get up, jump from side to side to push off stronger, help ourselves with our hands, knees slightly bent, work as shock absorbers, you don’t need to make too wide jumps, you risk losing your balance,
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we move with a comfortable amplitude. those who are tired can simply take side steps left and right. now let’s complicate the exercise, try to jump even higher and bend our knees in flight. this workout will help strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks and improve coordination. this is useful for everyone, especially children. tomorrow, july 21st, is metalluga day. a difficult, important, necessary, honorable profession. we congratulate everyone involved on the holiday, right now we are going to visit the joiners, of course, are the overlord. burnt metal for those who have a really hot working day. tons
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of hot cast iron, at a distance of just a couple of meters, the temperature of this fiery mass is more than 1,300°, the air around is heating up to +60, in such conditions the spelvers are working, cast iron is being poured into the converter, scrap metal has been piled up, now we are pouring liquid cast iron and we will smelt it. blow with oxygen. duration of melting is within 40 minutes. all this time, the process is completely controlled by the carpenter sergey pokhomov. these colossus are his working tools. managing units and mechanisms is half the battle. sergey is responsible for the chemical analysis of smelted steel. to do this, a sample is taken manually. it cools down in water, then it is sent to the laboratory via a pneumatic kidney. the analysis is prepared on average in 2-5 minutes. if the steel composition needs to be adjusted, add it.
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i've been with the carpenter for 28 years, he's 2 years away from retirement, he's got a lot of experience, but he decided he'll work as long as he has the strength, he's proud of his profession, especially when he sees the result, so he, ready-made cast blanks, from them they make a lot of necessary things, for example, reinforcement in coiled rods, which are used in the production of reinforced concrete products, in the construction of foundations, then shaped steel, this is a channel, an angle, a channel is also used in construction for imparting. the strength of the buildings there spans a span, metal is needed everywhere, sergei’s team produces more than
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3,000 tons of steel per shift, can you imagine what volumes, considering that the converter’s operation is stopped extremely rarely. we work around the clock, from repair to repair, six months, 7 months, it always works, it cannot cool down, it must be hot, all because the converter does not work on its own, here is a stage in a complex technological chain in which others also participate. enterprises, for example, liquid cast iron comes from another plant, and the flying billet from here immediately goes to hire, continuous production. sergei has different shifts, both day and night, he has gotten used to this schedule for many years, he brought his son to the workshop while he works as a helper, and sergei really hopes that he will stay in profession and in the future will also become a carpenter. elena savina, dmitry koloskov, channel one. mow your hair, for now. and by the way , it’s not just a matter of waving a scythe, it’s a lot of work, a real art, because
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you need to mow the grass so that it later becomes real, high-quality hay, after mowing , dry it, trim it, put it in stacks, in general, a whole science, early in the morning, before the dew has gone away, the maslennikovs from the udmurd village are mowing with the whole family, preparing hay for cows and calves, bone about 3 tons hay, well, dry. so that they have enough time to feed the waste, they cut the grass the old fashioned way with a scythe, why, there are modern trimmers, they say they are used to it, in their family they know how to mow from the age of 12, the scythe should stand straight, it should slide quietly, it moves back , then we take it away - a little bit, a small portion of hay, the grass is all mowed, after a few minutes the mowing turns into a full-fledged workout, here you have your hands, your back in motion with the forks forward to collect the runoff, we made a base, these are
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poles, we lay down more branches, put the victim around with which we form this entire hay runoff, in the process the hay is taken so that the runoff is dense and does not get wet through and through during rain, by the way, you know why it is shaped like a cone for the same purposes, in case of bad weather the drops will simply drain along it along the height of the drainage of maslennikov meter. four, solid construction. alexander perov from the krasnodar territory collects runoff differently. he puts in hay without fat and says: there is no point. in horse farming , everything is very fast. give, his haystacks hold on to due to the laying technology, we lay it in a circle, we also slam it a little, because here there is wind, if the drain is not folded correctly, the wind will sweep it away, an obligatory point in the process of assembling the stack is to lie down in the fall, admire, beauty, place, birds, fish splashing, life, silence and peace is
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of course great, but if the farm is large, you cannot do without the rattling of the tractor. alexander muzhchinsky from the village of kelinchipa near astrakhan has 10 cows and eight calves, everyone needs to be fed, and therefore he mows and collects grass using machinery, such as a baler. they spinning around, picking up everything, it can get stuffed here like this, higher here, doesn’t let it go higher, he directs it into the ribbons, there, the ribbon rolls it up. the width of the roll is adjustable from 30 cm to 40 cm. then the rolls are folded into a rack. 4 3 2 1 roll. you finish and so that the rain flows off, as if from it, they sometimes help the neighbors, they prepare hay all summer so that there is sure to be enough until the next one. artyom lepyokhin, elena savina, nazir nomanov, natalya kravchenko, channel one. our high-tech time can easily be called the time of remote shopping. it seems that we have already learned
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to order everything via the internet, there is no need to jostle in the shopping center, waste time on the road, a couple of clicks will help you. everything is brought home, however, you can’t touch it, don’t try it on, in pictures, we know that everything is always better than in reality, i’m not even talking about calling a specialist, for example, an electrician or some other repairman, of course read the reviews, but there are some nuances, reviews on the internet don’t help, it seems that most of them are written to order, i have to do it renovation, i'm looking for builders, yeah. i plunged into the network with this question, and i just drowned there. sergey kuzmenko, head of the center for digital expertise of luxury, will help. here’s an example, reviews of the farm in popular maps, excellent rating 4.9, 33 reviews, mostly positive, well, there are a few negative ones, that is, it seems that it’s all balanced, but it can’t
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all be positive, the positive ones ring true , we tap into our inner sherlock holmes, if... or the service provider has accumulated negative reviews, he will raise the rating, orders positive ones in a row, in this case messages can be left even on the same day, here the reviews are quite scattered over time. you can go to the profile of the user who left this review. some sites have such an opportunity, maps, marketplaces, social networks, to see in which cities this user has left a review. and here is the most interesting thing. a person in voronezh leaves a review on trucking, then in volgograd he evaluates telephone repairs; in kaliningrad, he is interested in the work of a gas services, and in short time periods. it’s strange that a person leaves reviews for places all over the country; this is usually done by copywriters who have customers from
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different cities. let's look at the account of another commentator. the same companies, cat foster care, and... ours is already a construction company. people who rated the construction company wrote reviews for almost the same organizations. i bet it looks like a team of remote copywriters. it's worth starting with negative reviews, and if they have a negative experience, first of all, they are more for motivated to go write a review. let us remind you of other signs of a fake. a lot of delight and a call to purchase, no personal experience, only general phrases, reviews are similar to each other, too much with... product sheets, very short, the phrase “i liked everything” is not at all similar to a real review. yuri nesterov, mikhail karasev, channel one. to the ninetieth birthday of alexander shirvint. today i have a different thirst. ah, another thirst. colonel, you are bringing confusion to married life. obviously, the gods are sending me
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tests on this decisive day for me. wait, this time the idea is not as bad as all the ideas of leonid papaganda, this man, your wife’s lover, is an idiot, pull yourself together, you’ll get through everything, he’s a brilliant artist, i’m just delighted with him, he’s just very smart and kind person, and you think this is not servitude, i don’t have lire in my soul, these miserable sandwiches, the only opportunity to feed my family, a million in the marriage basket. today on the first one, veda vodka, a stellar product.
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that there’s a week left of this peacock, you know, and already with him you’re jealous, but no, he’s just i don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard, tomorrow on the first day, there is a businessman, a three-room apartment, financially secure, alpine skiing, such a situation for...
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“if you are on your day off, it’s early in the morning meet with us, it means you are most likely a morning person, well, or you really love our program, or both, however, owls
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also love good morning, they watch, mostly, though, on the website of the first channel, so all of you will be interested to know why some are larks and others are owls, and is it possible to somehow reset your biological clock. darina griboyedova decided to find out which type is closer to a healthy lifestyle. sof is 4% less than that of larks, also on... our biorhythms are controlled by our chronotype, and is it so bad to be yourself according to it, i’ll talk to
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the lark lidya ionova, tell me, be honest, have you always been a lark? , of course, when i left i got married, i was a night owl, but my husband is a morning person, then children were born and they turned out to be morning people too, so in 10 years i also became a morning person. i'm very happy about this. sorry, owls, we're about to upset you. it is not your household that suffers first of all from your long sleep, but you yourself. the risk of not just cardiovascular diseases, even cancer, increases. there is such a relationship between what time we go to bed and what time we wake up with all these diseases. people with an evening chronotype have lower physical activity. higher risk of using alcohol and other psychoactive substances. adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety disorders, all along with
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cardiac risks and diabetes risks . so how do we begin our transformation from an owl to a lark, or at least to a dove? this is when the main activity is shifted to the middle of the day, not in the evening or in the morning. we gradually shift the rise time. breakfast time, it is very important to have breakfast on time because it awakens our inner we shift circadian rhythms, the time when we go to bed, not much, but very purposefully, by 15 minutes a week, for example, and thus, in 8 weeks we can start going to bed 2 hours earlier. so, for the night owls who have just woken up and most likely missed half of our episode, let's name five basic rules on how to become a morning person or a dove, start restructuring your sleep, go to bed 15 minutes earlier every week
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with... set alarm clock to get up earlier, but under no circumstances sleep during the day, this is rule number two, be sure to have breakfast, rule number three, have dinner 4 hours before bedtime, this is number four, and add physical activity during the day, this is five, this is five, well, sleep hygiene is the basis, a normal mattress, normal pillow curtains, the brighter your morning, the more melatonin for a good night's sleep, zosh. healthy lifestyle for larks and pigeons. how to get to the capital's museum if you live in the provinces and there is no opportunity to visit the main exhibitions. it’s very simple: look at the museum schedule tours. rare, unique exhibits from the hermitage, the moscow kremlin museum, the tretyakov gallery and many other major treasuries will be on display in vladimir, ryazan, pskov, kazan and other
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cities. our country so that everyone can see them. 250 deceptions in painting, graphics, sculpture: this is a fly painted or not, but the fireplace really works, here is a necklace, you need to check it not for carat, for germination, these are not stones, but cucumber seeds, and this is not a joke , real masterpieces art. authentic works from the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, which deceive ours. the main museum of the country is on tour this summer, the moscow kremlin museum is visiting vladimir, the russian ethnographic museum is in pskov, but the residents of kazan are surprised by the exhibits from the armitage, the most curious ones are from peter's times, here is a portrait of bamka, the heroine is depicted in life- size, very realistic, it is easy to deceive passers-by by exhibiting like this in the window of the house.
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passers-by passing by. every day we greeted this heroine, mistaking her for a real person. a new branch of the tretyakov gallery opened in samara in june with an exhibition about food. why is it that in the thirties there was a factory kitchen in this building, where thousands of factory workers dined, then food was consumed here, and now art. as a reminder of the past, the walls are decorated with paintings by pavel fedoto, valery serebryakov and vladimir stazharov. and the head of everything here, of course, is performed by pyotr konchalovsky. he was inspired by french painting, the poetry of city signs, and the image of the coat of arms, in which bread plays the role of a crown. here you can get your fill of not only the fruits of art, but the real ones, those from the garden. broke it historian nikolai kislukhin in the museum courtyard. the tomatoes have already grown, and any samarian can become a gardener in the company of nikolai.
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in this way, we want to attract them to the museum, maybe for those who are a little shy, come to the tretyakov gallery, maybe someone thinks that this is not an open enough space, so at least start with the garden. and in the ryazan museum reserve there are 100 of the most iconic masterpieces from the russian museum, from icon painting to the avant-garde, portraits, landscapes, still lifes, you can study the history of russian as if from a textbook fine arts, shishkin's foggy morning, polenov's overgrown pond, malevich's suprematism. christ of semiradsky, and also kromsky, vrubel, aivazovsky. most of the masterpieces left st. petersburg for the first time. this is the first such large-scale exhibition of the russian museum outside st. petersburg. and where to arrange it? if not in ryazan? they and the museum-reserve are almost relatives. both were created thanks to alexander ii. and this year the ryazan museum also has an anniversary. 140 years old, so the exhibition is a gift to the people of st. petersburg
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and the museum. and city residents. mikhail volkov, natalya kravchenko, elena kopaeva, channel one. a good way to cheer up not only yourself, but also your family members, is to do an interesting, useful, educational, fun activity with the whole family. a father with many children, alexey ivanov, decided to go with his sons on a treasure hunt, let's see what they did. hello everyone, my name is alexey ivanov. and today the boys and i are waiting for a real adventure, we are going in search of treasures, and geologist artyom yeskin will help us with this. good morning, artyom. and by the looks of it, so does your dog. will help. yes, greta. greta, hi, give me your paw. well done! artyom, can we find a gold nugget here? well, the golden nugget, i'm not sure we'll find. the place where we are now is an old abandoned quarry where limestone was once mined. and
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now in this... together you can find gems, guys, what stones do you know? malachite, oh malachite, quartz, quartz, let's try to go look for some of them. well, now we’ll get geological hammers, equipment , safety glasses, of course, i want it myself, let’s do it now we’ve arrived and you see these little holes with your hammers, let’s try to dig them out in the sand. find such dense quartz nodules, a few minutes later we have our first find, you are our very first to find what we
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are looking for, take a closer look, there are small quartz crystals inside, an excellent stone for your collection, hurray, in general, things have gone well, what is this, artyom, what is this, come on? let's see, there might be something interesting inside, oh, let's look, wow, wow, look, what a beauty, these are all quartz crystals, we move to another place, to a stream, it’s beautiful here, now we’ll find it, i wonder what it is, these are like this... you have to take it and split it with a hammer, again great, in general you can find an amephysis here, unfortunately, we weren’t able to today, but maybe next time,
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oh wait, if you're going to look for minerals, then keep in mind, this job is pretty dirty, look how dirty we all got, let's sum it up: we didn't really find any gold nuggets, but look at these minerals now in our collection, and most importantly, we are wonderful spent time and it was very educational for the children. on the calendar, july 20, saturday, probably many gardeners immediately after our program will go to the beds or greenhouses, or like oksana stankevich, ours, is already there watching the morning broadcast, working on tomatoes, or rather, creating an atmosphere for them. in a greenhouse for better ripening. we are already harvesting some tomato bushes , others are still green, and others
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have not yet set fruit. why? they need help to pollinate. this happens in open ground when the wind blows. flowers sway and spill pollen. soon the tomatoes appear, everything in the greenhouse is fenced off and there is not even the slightest breeze, which means it must be created artificially. you want a rich harvest, then bring a fan here. we do not turn it on at full power so as not to damage the plants. a weak airflow will be enough. do you see how the flowers sway in the wind? if you don’t have a fan, then you urgently need pollinating insects, bees or bumblebees, but how to persuade them to fly into the greenhouse is very simple: add a liter
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warm water, a tablespoon of honey, stir, pour into a spray bottle. lightly spray the plants. insects will smell this smell a mile away and will certainly fly in to pollinate the tomatoes. and when the fruits set, do not forget to increase watering. pour 3 liters under each bush. it will say a lot. not at all! tomatoes are 95% water, if the fruits do not have enough moisture, they will not grow large, and they will also crack, so do not skimp on water, but with abundant watering
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, the humidity in the greenhouse rises sharply, dew forms on the leaves, and tomatoes are very they don’t like it if you water them in the evening, and even close the greenhouse at night, the bushes... sit as if in a bathhouse, hence blossom end rot, fetophthora and other diseases, so i water the tomatoes not in the evening, but early in the morning. and nastya opens the door, the excess moisture immediately disappears, and the plants are watered ; the air in the greenhouse is dry, this is the ideal condition for a large harvest. 17 moments of spring, three poplars on ivy, we have signed below, these and many other pictures were shot by tatyana lioznova. our wonderful, beloved film director. today is july 20 marks 100 years since her birth. me on channel one for the anniversary of tatyana mikhailovna
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ilioznova, the premiere of a documentary film before and after stirlitz. where to start? let's go to the cinema? will you go? i'll go. this is where we had to start. i better know where to start. as a child, she saw the painting more than once. mom turns on the tv and freezes. the kenescope has not yet warmed up, there is no broadcast, but mom. a miracle is already waiting, with this feeling, people are waiting for magic at the screens. tatyana lioznova will direct each of her films. in her paintings are a scattering of dear memories, like the heroine of irina muravyova in the carnival, she and her peers ran to the water pump to drink. their neighbor in the communal apartment got confused during the game , just as frausaurich will get confused in seventeen moments of spring. liozny dropped out of aviation school, but...
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longing for what had not come true, she knew how to convey it, and so the scene of stirlitz’s date with his wife was born, without a single word, without a single touch, so piercing for the audience of the film from the point of view of the soul, experiences, it would hardly have been possible do if if only a man had filmed this, but since the first year. oznova and several other students were expelled.
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it seemed to master sergei gerasimov that this girl had chosen the wrong path. she went on a tram across all of moscow , wrote down, sketched, as if in words , the types she met, and on this tram, and then she gathered those who were expelled with her, staged such sketches based on her notes, they were all accepted back. she managed to work as a cameraman, as an editor, and as a lighting designer. lezny knew the cinema down to the last detail. tanya is doing the laundry, this is hers condition, she says, she piled laundry into the bathtub like this, she says she washed it there. this park in the north-east of moscow is popularly called the bavarian forest; there are oak, stirlitz and frausaurich trees. recently there was a public initiative to name it.
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and eat fruit, i don’t want to, but lately there has been a lot of different information about what the norm of berries and fruits per day should be, how to eat them before, during or after meals, so that there is real benefit, let’s finally figure it out together with specialists, everything is ripe, that only in you can’t find them in the garden, cherries, raspberries, currants, strawberries, we collect them and eat them right away, as a rule, in the morning they come out in the mood to eat something, right there they... under the bush, of course, they collect everything so that it’s fresh right
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from the garden, goes into the mouth as a drag, but it’s generally possible, we’ll figure it out together with a nutrition expert, the first rule is to listen to your body, if it’s comfortable, why not, many have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, after that, of course, they feel discomfort, and especially people with high acidity, here in stomach, of course, you shouldn’t eat fruits on an empty stomach, but what about the quantity, yes, vitamins, but it’s still undesirable to abuse them, the palm rule: palm - one serving, you can have several of these throughout the day, all because of the large amount of sugar, for example , in 100 g of cherries or sweet cherries, two teaspoons. the level of glucose in the blood increases, and this promotes the production of the hormone insulin. the pancreas is under load, but over time this can also lead to insulin resistance as such, and this is the cause of diabetes second type. on the plus side, due to the fiber , this sugar is absorbed slowly, and you can also combine sour and sweet fruits and berries, it’s safer. of course you can gain weight if
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you eat too much. fit into the color scheme. fructose, unlike glucose, does not go into other tissues; yes, like glucose does, it only goes away. into the liver, it is also harmful to eat fruits and berries at night, the body falls asleep, the production of enzymes that digest fruits decreases, they will simply begin to ferment, that is, they will not be digested, they remain in the intestines, and this leads to gas formation, bloating, unfortunately, it will not be possible to accumulate vitamins in prog, water-soluble, perhaps just a little, vitamin c, for example, the body can deposit up to one and a half g of ascorbic acid, enough for 2 months, by the way, it is most abundant in black currants, cranberries, sea buckthorn, but you can store it... with the berries and fruits themselves: dry, freeze, make jam, eat raspberries, i understand that in winter it will be a delicious dumpling, children there will be moonies, they all love mooncakes with jam, but fresh ones are of course tastier and healthier, so while we have them, especially natural ones from bushes and beds, we eat them and don’t bother, since the season
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is very short. legia belyanskaya, dmitry filippov, konstantin leonov, channel one. sprinklers, water pistols, bombs, capita. without water activities, summer is not summer, well, saturday is not saturday, without another challenge that my colleague ala amelyuta threw this morning to the participant of the show two stars, fathers and sons, nikita malinin. summer is the time for water treatments, and how nikita spends her summer malinin, he himself will tell us now. nikit, good morning, good morning, good to see you. well, before moving on to entertainment, i want to ask you how life is. after two stars , fathers and sons, well, after three chords it became even better, that is , it’s still more pleasant for you on your own, of course, of course, i bought a cap, it’s always with me, so i can transform myself and everything will be fine, that’s cool in general, look, in our childhood there were no tablets, there were no phones that you could play with, i’m for this
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i got hit in the neck once because we dropped a ball filled with water from the third floor, some man was walking there and they figured us out, then there were problems, today there won’t be any problems... there won’t be, at least during the filming, not a single nikita malinina will not be harmed, i promise you, a faceted glass with multi-colored balls is for you, first we pump water into the kopisos, now we put on a small ball, fill the ball with water with all our hearts, but this is not the end, there is a device for tying a cap, in the old fashioned way i think, it’s still more convenient, your hands remember, but nothing, our task is to make as many capets as possible in a minute, the one who accumulates the most water in his bucket will win today? reade set go! well, you’re right, it seems to me that it’s easier to tie it all up the old fashioned way, oh, i wish i could
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leave the twelfth floor of a brick house now, wait, i have the last one, there are six of you against mine... well, nikita, let’s see who it is... anyway, oh, lord, the main thing is not to spill it already, oh, i just didn’t fit in one, by the way, oh, well, with a little
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advantage, today nikita malinin wins, nikita, i congratulate you, from the program good morning, you have a medal that confirms that... you are our winner, you are not weak, i wish everyone a good morning, good mood, more good moments for everyone , thank you, nikit, good morning everyone, and we move on to water procedures, so, oh so, on the occasion of alexander shirvint’s ninetieth birthday, tonight you will learn all the behind-the-scenes secrets of one of the most popular and beloved theaters in our country. all theater satire, what has changed over these 50 years, nothing, the same rake, interesting thought, yes, iss with my faces, i was a little scared. and then i thought: what if this is sincere? nina grigorievna
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comes up to me from different sides, says: it seems to me that i’m doing something wrong, snow is falling on the beach, it feels like somewhere out there they’re getting ready for the dads to come out, arosev’s stage will come out with fireworks, andrei mironov will definitely come out , alexandrich, when did your duet with mikhail derzhavim develop? well, consider here this year, you have a couple of psychologists visiting, how hard it is to be artistic, he says, artistic hands, maksik, this is a carrot that has been whipped, but when the carrot is in the hands of the carrot, today on the first day, this is how, friends, the brain works, this is how, in the literal sense of the word , sleeping pills turn it off. why does addiction develop to sleeping
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pills ? just lay out carpets somewhere in the yard and start playing everything, a world fire in the blood, god bless, there is a restaurant and people are coming out of it , they are tipsy, they think what kind of holiday is it, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street , here are my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, to be or not to be, they ask why you want...
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we are discussing, let’s say, you are a mole, you are wanted, there are targets for you at all points soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well , of course i would run in, which will choose the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful. mayer, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version
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is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. good, cheerful morning, friends, this is what you have, or cheerful should be said more cheerfully, but cheerful is more cheerful, who got off on the wrong foot here, right? it happens, but so that this doesn’t go into the chronicle, we’ll figure out how to adjust our mood swings, so as not
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to walk around in the morning as if we’ve been in the water, how many emotions we experience, you and i have them only seven, you and i have much fewer positive emotions than negative ones, positive emotions, joy, surprise, although surprise is not always joy, negative emotions, sadness, rage, anger, contempt, disgust, fear, we are much more precise. more precisely in relation to the negative events of our lives. in general, negative and positive emotions are stimuli for the brain, negative ones need to change something, positive, a signal, everything is fine, can they be controlled, in this coffee shop all the baristas look happy. it's really simple your sense of self, you come to work and you want to smile. everyone loves coffee, everyone has the same thing, due to this everyone is directed in the same direction, they think the same way, so you always come home satisfied after work. you might say youth, but we literally got off on the wrong foot and the day is ruined, but no, the type of behavior is important. two situations are possible: field
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behavior and target behavior. field behavior is when you are controlled by your environment. your mood depends on what is happening, you were praised, you are in a good mood. the second option is target behavior, your mood, your goals do not depend on what is happening around you. if you are in a field behavior situation, even music or a cup of coffee will change your mood, but not for long. if you want to really control your mood, act literally. your brain and mine were designed to perform complex movement. when we begin to control mood, there must be a motor output. u... any behavior, and if a reflex, some kind of act does not end with movement, this leads to neurosis, that is, there must be a motor outlet, a motor outlet can be like jogging, sports, putting on makeup also works, in fact , we all know how to cope with stress, we just need to watch ourselves, some people like to sit looking at one point, others clean the apartment. elvira relieves stress by driving, a couple of years ago she was driving from an unsuccessful business
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meeting, dmitry, all nervous, rushed to the airport. it wasn’t very good, i’m driving along the garden ring, here i change, i’m driving along the garden ring, and i usually always arrive at the airport 10-15 minutes before the end landing, at that moment he cuts me off, so i wanted to express everything that i think, i opened the window, turned my head, and there curls were developing in the wind, as you understand, everything came together, he found her number, now we’ve been together for 2 years, married for a year , they are raising a wonderful daughter, so a bad mood does not mean that the day will be terrible, take a closer look, something interesting is definitely happening around. elizaveta nikishova, dmitry likhachev, bela pagasyan, channel one. a weekend to go out and exhale, especially for women, there must definitely be this moment when we please ourselves, allow relax. there is a proven way to buy yourself a new dress, but if you don’t
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buy it, then at least try it on. irina materanskaya believes that everyone has. charged with love. martha, hello. ira, hello. i really really love the dress. it seems to me that the dresses have some special energy. and, probably, the simplest thing a woman can do for her condition is to wear a dress or buy one. psychotherapeutic advice number one. while shopping, dopamine is produced - the same hormone of pleasure. tip number two: challenge to yourself. make a rule for myself that
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i will wear a dress for 7 days in a row. dress. or a skirt, everything around you changes at once, your gait, your mood changes, it’s all about air circulation and freedom of movement, now you already feel good, when a woman feels good, she looks even better, it’s just some kind of magic. dresses are always relevant, and if you choose models that are not super trendy, then you can wear the dress for many, many years, i will now show you just the five most current models. which can be worn all year round and several years ahead, a combination dress, of any color, has not gone out of fashion for several seasons and is not going anywhere, in the summer it is not so hot in it, especially if it is made of silk, silk is a natural conditioner, this is also for all times, a polka dot dress, it's a matter of the size of the peas; very large ones will, of course, add
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volume, but small ones will make you look slimmer. it’s the same story with flowers, the larger the flowers, the larger we are, this doesn’t suit us, but a little black dress suits everyone, there may be different variations, but black is definitely every woman should have a black dress in her wardrobe, as coco chanel bequeathed to everyone, and that same one, charged with love, you can charge the dress with some state, mood or some situation. let's say, a dress for a date, or a dress in which you will definitely go to an interview and pass it. in fact , it is very easy to lock up a dress, then you will have a happy dress, which you can use to simply change your mood, state, and of course, such a happy dress, charged with love, should be in every woman's wardrobe. irina
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materanskaya, channel one. wow! these traffic rules, when you learn them, they seem terribly confusing and somehow far-fetched, but in fact, of course, they are logical, they contain, so to speak, many years of driving experience, auto expert denis sharovar will now prove this to you at a simple example: the rule for driving through an uncontrolled intersection. turning left or right is considered one of the most dangerous maneuvers, especially if there are no traffic lights. and although the rules for driving through such intersections are taught more. in driving schools, they still confuse many drivers, to get rid of embarrassment, you have me, my name is denis, sharovar, we are starting, a vivid example, the main road turns right, but i need to
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go straight, you see, we are both on the main road, who is inferior to whom, in fact, everything is simple here, the rule of interference on the right works, as soon as a car passes, so i let it pass, i can go, a little further we find ourselves in a similar situation, in a similar, but not quite, similar situation, again i let everyone through, who turns right, but there is a nuance here they can’t pass me, so the drivers behind me start honking, you hear, the most important thing here is not to give in to provocations, as soon as the road is clear, as soon as you give in to everyone, then you can only go, because safety is paramount, especially a difficult situation, the entrance to a road with a roundabout, it’s good if we enter from the main one, but this does not always happen, but most often the main thing is the circle, you need to let everyone through, enter it and continue driving. by the way, very important
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moment, you can enter the circle from any lane, but you can only exit from the far right, it’s not difficult, remember, and this works even where there is more than one lane on the adjacent road, we take the far right and turn, only... on the straight there , where the markings allow, of course, we change into a lane that is convenient for us. of course, all these nuances are in the traffic rules, but sometimes they are forgotten, so it’s a good idea to re-read them. saturday is good, but if you have a delicious green salad for lunch, even better, and if it also comes with steak, well, it’s just some kind of holiday. maria surova is ready to share an easy recipe on how to create such a holiday for yourself today. how good green salads go in the summer, and even better with steak, and with the right steak they generally go great. the first and main rule is high-quality meat,
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i recommend buying a ready-made steak, you don’t need to marinate it, just take it out of the package and let it breathe until the meat comes to room temperature. salt before or after? some people believe that if you salt the meat. it will immediately give juice and become tougher, i will spend experiment: i’ll just grease one with olive oil, the second i’ll add salt and pepper and grease with oil on both sides. the second rule: you need to heat the pan in advance so that the juices in the meat are sealed. there is no need to grease, the steaks are already in oil, fry for one and a half minutes on each side, lightly fry on the side too, so that all the juice remains inside. if steak. if it’s thick, you can cook it in the oven, and if it’s thin, you can finish frying it in a frying pan. i transfer it to parchment. the larger steak was without salt, but the juice stood out, in the smaller steak
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the juice remained inside. interesting. i grease it with a piece of butter, it’s not necessary, but it’s very tasty. and i salt the steak, which was fried without salt. i send it to the oven preheated to 180°. if you want medium doneness, when the meat is slightly pink inside, cook for 10 minutes, if you want a fully cooked steak, then 15, but for now lettuce, any greens, for me it’s arugula, who likes avocado in large cubes, and also watermelon. summer salad is a combination of sweet and salty flavors, including blackberries for a pop of color and flavor. no need to season, the steak is enough. fatty, i’ll check the readiness, look how much juice has come out of the larger steak, which i fried without salt, take it out of the oven and let it rest for a couple of minutes, compare the tastes, i
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liked the steak that i salted raw better, cut it into strips, thinner steak, very fried , it had to be taken out earlier, but... and this one, of course, the cooking time greatly depends on the size of the steak, i lay out the salad and serve it right away, quickly for summer tastes. tomorrow july 21 is the day of metallurgy, a difficult, important, necessary, honorable profession. we congratulate everyone involved on the holiday, right now we are going to visit the table workers, of course, the lords of hot metal, those for whom every working day is truly hot. tons of hot cast iron, in the distance.
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the carpenters are working in such conditions, cast iron is being poured into the converter, scrap metal has been dumped, now we are pouring liquid pig iron and we will melt it and blow it with oxygen. the duration of the melting process is within 40 minutes, all this time the process is completely controlled by the carpenter sergey pakhomov. these colossus are his working tools. manage. mechanisms are half the job. sergey is responsible for the chemical analysis of smelted steel, for this he takes a sample manually. it cools down in water, then it is sent to the laboratory by pneumatic mail; the analysis is prepared on average in 2-5 minutes. if the composition of the steel needs to be adjusted, elements are added. how do the sparks fly? we noticed that special clothing that is fire-resistant can save you from them. on my feet are boots with iron toes, on my hands are work gloves, fleece fleeces, in the workshop at the same time.
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here it is, ready-made cast blanks, from them they make a lot of necessary things, for example, reinforcement in rods in coils, which are used in the production of reinforced concrete products, in the construction of foundations, then shaped steel, this is a channel, an angle, a channel is also used in construction to give strength to buildings, passwords, metal is needed everywhere, per shift , sergei’s team produces more than 3.00 tons of steel, can you imagine what volumes, considering that they stop the work of the envelope. extremely rarely,
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we work around the clock, from repair to repair, six months, 7 months, it works always, it cannot cool down, it must be hot, all because the converter does not work on its own, here a stage of a complex technological chain occurs, in which other enterprises also participate, for example, liquid cast iron comes from another plant, and the flying billet comes from here goes straight into production, continuous production, sergei has different shifts, both day and night. over the years he has become accustomed to such a schedule; he also brought his son to the workshop while he works as an assistant, and sergei really hopes that he will remain in the profession and in the future will also become a cabinetmaker. elena savina, dmitry koloskov, channel one. this summer the heat has already broken all records and continues to break new ones. in the southern regions , the thermometer goes over 40. there are videos circulating online of people frying eggs right in the... car, it’s certainly funny when
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you look through the screen under the air conditioner, but you still want the heat to be moderate in the summer, right now let’s remind you what happens to our body in the heat and how to help it, the krasnodar region is +40, in the urals and almost throughout the country it’s about thirty, that’s all this affects my well-being, i personally feel dizzy, it hurts, i can’t breathe, i want to sleep endlessly. such a loss of strength, ailments, you don’t want to do anything, your legs are just dying, you constantly want to sit and sit in the shade, it feels like during a short distance race at school, the blood vessels relax, and this leads to a sharp drop in blood pressure, compensatory to begin to increase blood pressure, the heart begins to actively contract, the person develops tachycardia, rapid heartbeat, blood pressure rises sharply, the body is stressed.
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let’s add here the loss of fluid through sweat, less fluid, the blood becomes thicker, the delivery of this blood to our brain in order to oxygenate it there, bring it fresh cells, is significantly reduced, and we are so weak, we already want to lie down and take a nap, hence the headache , nausea and even loss of consciousness. the risks of thrombosis increase greatly; if a thrombus simply enters the brain, it’s a stroke; if it’s the heart, it’s a coronary artery. what else happens to the body in hot? food is digested worse, the stomach produces less hydrochloric acid. in addition, along with the photo we lose more than 200 vitamins and minerals, including.
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likewise, in warm countries they try to take a break from the heat and not go outside in the middle of the day, this is the advice of the ministry of emergency situations. stay in open spaces as little as possible, especially between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. this is in the southern regions, in the rest you can go for a walk early. evgenia popova, elena savina, maxim tkachenko, channel one. our high-tech time can easily call it the time of remote shopping. we. it seems that they have already learned to order everything via the internet, there is no need to crowd around the shopping center, waste time on the road, a couple of clicks are all done, they bring everything to your home, although you can’t touch it, don’t try it on, in pictures, we know that everything is always better, than in reality, i’m not even talking about calling
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a specialist, for example, an electrician or some other repairman, you can, of course , read the reviews, but there are some nuances here. this question, and i just drowned there, it will help written to order, i have to make repairs, i i’m looking for builders, i’ve been immersed in the network with no help, it seems that most of them are sergey kuzmenko, head of the center for digital expertise of luxury, here’s an example, reviews of the farm in popular maps, excellent rating 4.9, 33 reviews, mostly positive, well, there are several negative ones, that is, as it seems, that it is. everything is balanced, everything can’t be positive, the positive ones sound believable, we tap into our inner sherlock holmes, if a seller or service provider has accumulated negative reviews, he will increase the rating by ordering positive ones in a row, in this case messages can be left even on the same day, here the reviews
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are quite scattered over time. you can go to the profile of the user who left this review. some sites have this option, maps. see in which other cities this user left a review, here is the most interesting thing, a person in voronezh leaves a review on trucking, then in volgograd he evaluates phone repairs, in kaliningrad, he is interested in the work of a gas services, and in short time periods. it's strange that a person would leave reviews for places all over the country, that's what they usually do. whose customers are from different cities. let's look at the account of another commentator. the same companies, cat foster care, ours is already a construction company. people who rated the construction company wrote reviews for almost the same organizations. it’s hard to believe, it looks like a team of
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remote copywriters. it’s worth starting with negative reviews, and if they have a negative experience, they are, firstly, more motivated to go write a review. let us recall others. signs of a fake: a lot of enthusiasm and a call to buy, no personal experience, only general phrases, reviews are similar to each other, overkill with product characteristics, very short, the phrase “i liked everything” is not at all similar to a real review. yuri nesterov, mikhail karasev, channel one. we women really love all kinds of jewelry, beautiful, stylish, new, not necessarily expensive, of course, otherwise you’ll go broke. designer olga nikeshicheva easily solves this problem. tasks creates beauty from what is at hand. dear friends, today we will create original, very trendy jewelry for this season from scraps of fabric and leather. we will also need grosgrain ribbons, some felt fasteners, and
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we will not need to spend money on new accessories. the fabric we take is thin chiffon and it must be synthetic, with large flowers. cut it out of fabric. flowers along the contour, and so that not a single small piece is lost, we also cut out the leaves, and now the most interesting thing is that we will burn all the edges of our blanks over a candle and do it very carefully so that do not burn the fabric, as a result of processing the edges take on the same shape as real flowers, and if the blank is placed above the center of the candle, then it... heats up and literally shrinks into a finished bud, it is advisable to make more petals so that the flowers turn out voluminous, let's take on the base is made of felt... we cut out a circle, make several, apply the most common, universal transparent glue to the felt and apply it to
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leather scrapers, cut it out with a small allowance, cut the allowance so that later it you could carefully tuck it in, apply glue along the edge from the felt side, fold the seam allowance and glue it, glue another piece on top, cut off the excess and... such a beautiful base, glue the fasteners with hot polymer glue, a little trick, reinforce the fastening of the fasteners with a strip of leather , so they will hold especially tightly, the flowers can be collected, first glue small petals to the base, apply glue and apply along the edge, put the petals in an overlap, here is the first flower with two fasteners, collect such flowers from all petals. and if you add a grosgrain ribbon to the petals and glue a clasp, you will get a beautiful
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hair decoration, and now we will try on our flowers, scarf, tie it around the neck, this is the first option, make a belt, tie the ribbon at the waist and fasten the brooch, here is the belt, this flower just put on as a brooch. here is a hairpin, from just one meter of fabric we got a whole bouquet of flowers that will decorate any outfit, tatyana mikhailovna said, every woman in the soviet union should love stirlitz, but not enough to leave her husband. she always treated the actors very carefully, she could have killed this person in general, just so that the actors would not be touched. it goes by without you.
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for the centenary of tatyana lioznova, the premiere is on the first day today, and they also say, don’t believe in fate, cat, guy, you know how reliable, three-room apartment and divorced. by the way, he loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, this peacock’s week, you know, and already
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with him you’re jealous, but no, i just don’t like him, and he’s not you, he owes me i like it, but in our yard, tomorrow on the first day, a businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, backcountry skis, we’ll put the sound on... such a situation on the project that it seems that we, too, have become kindred spirits. well, it's just a breath of nostalgia , it was a lot of fun. i was just so jealous, upset that i don’t sing and , apparently, will never be able to sing with my daughter. looking at you, i think that all families in our country will sing with their children. it seems to me that it was already possible not to sing even from just one introduction, such an atmosphere was created
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here, we don’t need a special occasion to get together with families, two stars, fathers and sons, tomorrow after the evening news, here, except for the killer dog walkers, no one walks, a fortune teller from monday on the first, you know, i’ve been around for so long in moscow, never in a movie before... dila started to be easy to fix, i'm waiting.
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mow the scythe while there is dew, and by the way , you don’t just wave the scythe at the blue, it’s a lot of work, a real art, because you need to mow the grass so that it later becomes real, high-quality hay, after mowing dry, wick, lay in the stags, in general, a whole science, early in the morning, before the dew has gone away, tear off the maslennikovs from the udmurd village, the whole family is at the mowing, preparing hay for the cows and calves, mowing about 3 tons of hay, dry, to feed there was just enough time for the launches. the grass is cut the old fashioned way with a scythe. for what? there are modern trimmers, they say they are used to it, in their family they have been able to mow since they were 12 years old. the scythe should stand straight, it should slide quietly, it moves back, then we take it away, uh, a little bit, a small portion of grass hay, that’s all,
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and mow. after just a few minutes, mowing turns into... a full-fledged workout, here you have your hands, your back moving forward into your hands with a fork to collect the runoff, we made a base, these are poles, we lay down more branches, we put a pole around which we form it entirely, this whole runoff of hay . during the process, hay is taken in so that the drainage is dense and does not get wet through and through during rain. by the way, you know why it is exactly shaped like a cone for the same purposes. in case of bad weather, the drops will simply flow down it. by height. runoff at maslennikovsky four meters, solid construction. alexander perov from the krasnodar territory collects runoff differently, he puts hay without fat, he says there is no point, on the farm the horses eat everything very quickly, his stacks are held together due to the stacking technology, we lay them in a circle, and also pat them down a little, because there is wind here it happens that if
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the drain is folded incorrectly, the wind will blow it away, an obligatory point in the process. hills, haystacks, lie down, admire, beauty, place, birds, fish splashing, life, peace and quiet - this is of course great, but if the farm is large, you can’t do without the grinding of a tractor, alexander muzhchinsky from the village of kilinchi, near astrakhan, has 10 cows and eight calves, everyone needs to be fed, and therefore he mows and collects grass using machinery, here is a baler, they spin, pick up everything, she can do it here stuff like this, higher up here. he doesn’t let it go higher, he directs it into the tapes there, the tapes are rolled into a roll, the width of the roll is adjusted from 30 cm to a meter, then the rolls are folded into a skeor. 4 3 2 1 you complete the roll and let the rain run off, as if from sometimes they help their neighbors, they prepare hay all summer so that there is sure to be enough until the next one. artyom lepyokhin, elena savina,
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nazir nomanov, natalya kravchenko, channel one. good morning to everyone who joined us, if you are on your day off, this early morning is meeting with us, then you are most likely a morning person, well, or you really love our program, or both, however, owls also love good morning , they watch, mainly, however, on the website of the first channel, so all of you will be interested to know why some are larks and others are owls, and is it possible to somehow change your biological clock, darina griboyedova decided to find out: which way to go closer to a healthy lifestyle, while owls like me sleep, larks see and hear this, but even the morning dew
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, which is so useful for hardening, is not a reason to get up early, however, it is a fact that sofna’s salary is 4%. 10 years old, i also became a morning person, i’m very happy about it. sorry, owls, we are about to upset you, from your long sleep, first of all, it is not your household that suffers, but you yourself. the risk of not just cardiovascular diseases increases, but also oncological what is the relationship between what time we go to bed and what time we wake up with all these diseases?
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people with an evening chronotype have lower physical activity and a higher risk of drinking alcohol. or other psychoactive substances, a higher risk of mental illness, adhd, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. the disorder all this along with cardiac risks, risks of diabetes, so how do we begin our transformation from an owl to a lark or at least to a dove? this is when the main activity is shifted to the middle of the day, not in the evening or in the morning. we gradually shift our wake-up time and breakfast time. it is very important to have breakfast on time, because it awakens our internal circadian rhythms, the time when we... sleep, we shift not much, but very purposefully, by 15 minutes a week, for example, and thus, in 8 weeks we
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can start going to bed go to bed 2 hours earlier. so, for the night owls who just woke up and most likely missed half of our episode. let's name five main ones rules on how to become larks or pigeons? start restructuring your sleep, going to bed every week. tannin for a good night's sleep. zosh, healthy lifestyle, larks and pigeons. a good
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way to cheer up not only yourself, but also your household, is to do something interesting, useful, educational and fun for the whole family. a father with many children, alexey ivanov, decided to go with his sons in search of treasures. let's see what they did. everyone. hello, my name is alexey ivanov and today the boys and i are waiting for a real adventure. we're going on a treasure hunt. and geologist artyom yeskin will help us with this. good morning, artyom. and apparently your dog will help too. greta. greta, hi, give me your paw. well done! artyom, can we find a gold nugget here? well, the golden nugget, i'm not sure we 'll find. the place where we are now is an old abandoned quarry where limestone was once mined. now in this place you can find gems, guys, what kind of stones do you know, malachite, oh, malachite, quartz, quartz,
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let's try to go look for some of them, well, now we'll get geological hammers , equipment, and safety glasses are a must. we have just arrived and you see these little buried places with your hammers, let’s try to dig in the sand and find such dense quartz concretions after a few minutes we have our first find, you are the first to find what we are looking for, take a closer look, there are small quartz crystals inside, an excellent stone, for your collection, hurray, in general, things have gone well, what is this,
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artyom, and what is this, let's see, there might be something interesting inside, oh, let's look, look, how beautiful it is, these are all quartz crystals, let's go to another place... cool, it's beautiful here, we'll find it now, i wonder what it is? these are the kind of finds you need to take and split with a hammer, again great, in general you can find amesis here, unfortunately, we didn’t succeed today, but maybe next time, oh, wait, if you ’re planning to look for minerals, then keep that in mind, work this one is pretty dirty, look
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how dirty we all are, let's sum it up: we really didn't find any gold nuggets, but look what minerals are now in our collection, and most importantly, we had a wonderful time, and it was very educational for the children. how to get to the capital's museum if you live. in the provinces and there is no opportunity to visit the main exhibitions, it is very simple: look at the schedule of museum tours, rare unique exhibits of the hermitage, the moscow kremlin museum, the tretyakov gallery, many... other major treasuries will be visiting vladimir, ryazan, pskov, kazan and other cities of our countries so that all of them could see. 250 deceptions in painting, graphics, sculpture, whether it’s a fly drawn or not, but the fireplace really works, here’s a necklace, you need to check it not for carat content, for germination, these are not stones, but cucumber seeds, and this is not a joke, real masterpieces
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art. authentic works.
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decorated with paintings by pavel fedotov, valery serebryakov and vladimir stazharov, everything is topped here, of course, by the bread performed by pyotr konchalovsky. he was inspired by french painting, the poetics of city signs, and the image of the coat of arms, in which bread takes the role of a crown. here you can get your fill of not only the fruits of art, but the real ones, those from the garden. it was broken by historian nikolai kislukhin. tomatoes have already grown in the museum yard, and any samarian can become a gardener in the company of nikolai. in this way we want to attract them to the museum. maybe for those who are a little embarrassed to come to the tretyakov gallery, maybe someone thinks that this is not an open enough space, at least start with the garden. and in the ryazan museum reserve there are 100 of the most iconic masterpieces from russian museum, from icon painting to avant-garde, portraits, landscapes, still lifes. you can
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study history just like in a textbook. russian fine art: shishkin's foggy morning, polenov's overgrown pond, malevich's suprematism, semiradsky's christ, and also kromskoy, vrubel, and azov. most of the masterpieces left st. petersburg for the first time. this is the first such large-scale exhibition of the russian museum outside st. petersburg, and where to organize it, if not in ryazan, they are almost relatives with the museum-reserve. both were created thanks to alexander ii. this year the ryazan museum also has an anniversary, 140 years, so the exhibition is a gift from the people of st. petersburg and the museum and city residents. mikhail volkov, natalya kravchenko, elena kopaeva, channel one. alexander shirvint is an actor, director, theater teacher, writer, witty and wise person. he would have turned 90 on july 19. he left us 4 months ago, it’s impossible to believe, but
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his roles, his... director’s works, his books, memories, his aphorisms, of course, jokes remain with us, this is all with us forever, today is the day on channel one alexander shirvint, our favorite films, vivid interviews, rare footage of the chronicle and life of alexander anatolyevich, don’t miss it, he’s driving a little, but hey, you could of course bribe the divers, plant some tench there, well, it’s a shame, but in his day birth, alexander shirvint often ran away.
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alexander shirvint learned to joke without smiling from his youth idol buster keaton. friends gave him the nickname mask. behind this mask hid wisdom, tenderness and inexhaustible optimism. what a happy childhood you had, how do you remember it? happy, difficult, happy childhood. 2 and a half years of evacuation, separation from parents who traveled as part of front-line brigades. the strong father dreamed that his son would follow in his footsteps, ashura was hiding from evil... nasty, we bring you good things, three masters of one hundred.
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one woman and the architect natalya belousova lived together for 67 years, i probably lasted only a year with him, because i lived according to the principle of my favorite writer, and murzilka, she believes, age did not deprive him of either charisma or self-irony, it seemed with for years alexander shirvint he only became more charming, what had changed over these 50 years, nothing, the same rake, but he was increasingly sad to open his phones... a book from which one by one you were friends, he shared precious memories in the studio of the program tonight, still quite recently, as it was, we will see today one of the greatest performances of your theater, small tragedies of a big house,
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small comedians, and today a selection of bright interviews and chronicles, as well as comedies, a million in the marriage basket and three in a boat not counting the dog, on alexander's day shirvina. on the first channel. asya rotkevich, ivan pelchenko, channel one. next sunday, july 28, is navy day. the main naval parade will take place in st. petersburg; as always , channel one will show it in a way that only he can do. the best seats have been reserved for you, dear viewers. our film crew is already working in st. petersburg, walking around the city, admiring it like hundreds of thousands of tourists, because st. petersburg is such a... city that every time you come, it’s as if you fall in love for the first time every time again. more than 9 million tourists, annual statistics of st. petersburg, why do they come, at least the views? moreover, the top list includes not only
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ceremonial architecture, more than 25 thousand photographs on social networks, courtyards, wells, and not surprisingly, this is a special type of aesthetics. by the way, you can walk the entire city from north to south in 10 hours. at a walking pace without stopping, but you understand, in st. petersburg this is simply impossible, you want to admire every detail. st. petersburg is a city of museums, there are more than 200 of them. the peter and paul fortress, palaces, of course, the hermitage, there are 2 million there alone exhibits, if you spend at least one minute on each, the entire exhibition takes more than 20 years, well, new ones appear, like this one of naval glory in kronshtat on the island of forts. nuclear submarine k3, the same one in natural. while some hang out in museums, others in the so-called creative clusters, when they want to hang out with ordinary people. there are 226 of them in st. petersburg, large and
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small. what's there? shops with stylish handmade goods, clothes from local designers, exhibitions and meeting places. once upon a time , cables were produced here and, therefore, with a view of... st. petersburg is not only for spectacles, for bread, there are bakeries and pastry shops at every turn, there are almost 2,500 of them, so in the mornings the city is literally drowning in the aromas of hot pastries and coffee. for gastrotourists, st. petersburg is the number one destination, because if you count all the public catering outlets here, you get a simply incredible figure: 9.4 the only one in the country, it has the status of a unesco creative city in the gastronomy category; last year st. petersburg was officially recognized as the culinary capital of russia. believe it or not, st. petersburg is a resort city,
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here you can literally touch the sea on the gulf of finland, for example, there are only 15 official beaches, but how many are wild? 131. 67 sanatoriums, dozens of eco-trails, 26 camping sites, in st. petersburg, lie on the beach to sunbathe, or... stand from the walls of the peter and paul fortress, they say, here on the neva the tan sticks faster, the wind is another reason to come to st. petersburg appears exactly on the last sunday of july, on this day the city hosts the main naval parade , navy day, and to watch, bend your fingers, the first thing is that all the bridges will be raised during the day, a dozen different ships will pass the second stage, the largest of them will be displayed on the neva roadstead opposite emiralteysky and petropavlovka, and in the evening there will be a grandiose fireworks display. and to the hundreds of river excursions there is added one walk to the cataract along the ships lined up on the neva, and finally , st. petersburg can only be so beautiful and solemn on this day. our saturday morning broadcast is ending,
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irina moramtseva was with you, i wish you a good weekend, warm, truly summer, but not hot, not exhausting, so that you can do this time to fill with pleasant activities, friendly communication with everything that gives you strength, and does not take it away, so that all this strength can then be used for the necessary important things during the work week, stay with us, stay on the first page, while, attention, speaks, shows saint petersburg. every year, on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates navy day. in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on navy day. hooray! hooray! hooray! we still need ships
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the sea, so that we can argue with any wave, we need lighthouses, and we need a locator, and we also need loyal guys, then the water is like earth to us, then we need a crew, a family, then any of us. we don’t mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the solemn parade for navy day on july 28 is on the first, maaly.


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