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tv   Poekhali  1TV  July 20, 2024 11:10am-12:01pm MSK

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the end of the world followed by a symposium, and vadim andreev, unexpectedly for himself, suddenly found himself in the leading role of a three-part film by the great leznova, i was already ascended somewhere with happiness, the partners were dzhegarkhanyan, baselashili, nadezhda vasilyevna, rumyantseva, tabakov, vestnik, lord, well how can i. make the audience believe in something that i don’t believe in, everything satisfied her, everything is fine, so her great cameraman, evgenevich kotaev, watched all this, the singer, well, you noticed, understood, yes, and i tell kotaev the cameraman, sing, well why aren't you and me filmed, there was such a wonderful corridor, and petya understood me...
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she knew exactly what a movie should be like in order to hook the viewer, penetrate deep into the soul and win the heart forever. since the airing of her last film in 1987, tatyana mikhailovna lived for 24 years, but she did not want to make films, small topics of her ninetieth time...
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kislovodsk sentuki, pyatigorsk and arkhyz. this summer we visited the resorts of the caucasus. and each of our journeys, as they say, was fiery. but according to the caucasian minerals the waters would not be full. if we hadn't been here.
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we are in zheleznovodsk, we continue to rock, there is no smoke without fire. well, zheleznovodsk is without mineral water, so, we are in zheleznovodsk, marya sadin, evgeny pokrovsky are with you, this is where our journey through the caucasus continues, let's go, let's go!
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zheleznovodsk, you wouldn’t be on the map if it weren’t for the russian doctor, fyodor petrovich gaas. the philanthropist and ardent traveler travels to these parts in 1810, looking for hot springs, but to no avail. on his second visit, fyodor petrovich meets the circassian prince. together they go on a journey around mount beshtao. and at the foot of mount zheleznaya, they finally find three springs with hot mineral water. and already in 1812 the first tourists came here, aristocrats from high society, only they could afford a trip to such a distance.
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zheleznovodsk has always been a secular resort, just like it is now, good afternoon, my respect, but it seems to me that you and i have ended up back in the 19th century, yes, judging by the way we look, we somehow don’t fit in , before here yes, it was tough here dress code, ladies in toilets, respectable gentlemen in tails, not like us, yes, today, why? because today zheleznovodsk welcomes and pleases absolutely everyone with its resorts. this building is the symbol of the city - the pushkin
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gallery. previously, there was a pump room for spring number one inside. today it is an exhibition chamber and concert hall at the same time. by the way, we were here on our last visit. but today our goal is to try water from different sources, each of them has its own, special. aren't you surprised if suddenly in this city your boiling water will pour into the glass. yes, well, on the kmv there is, of course, mineral water everywhere, but only here in zhiznovodsk, it is the hottest, up to 70°, by the way. the hottest thermal water, and we drink it directly. water in the smirnovsky pump room, opened in 1864 on may 20, when you drink some water, be sure to raise your head up, because under the dome you will see the exact picture of the sky that was at night, probably, yes, the base,
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the base of this pump room, really, admire views while tasting the water here they don’t advise for long, all because... the liquid loses its healing properties when in contact with air. we take in the sights while moving to the next springs. water from the slavyanovsky spring is suitable for the treatment of kidney, liver, and pancreas diseases . in the smernovsky pump room, for those who treat gastritis and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. by the way. it is recommended after a heavy lunch or dinner; it helps remove heaviness in the stomach. we can say that there is a whole open-air clinic here. and how beautiful it is here, alone what does the fountain cost? it is very symbolic that
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the fountain is located right in front of the beginning of the resort stairs. the water gushing out of it seems to give life. the cascade staircase is perhaps the main postcard plan of zheleznovodsk, and today you can take a walk here, walk, but earlier here... mineral water flowed down these cascades, which was in abundance, and this is also a favorite place for an athlete, a caterer for sportsmen, and why yes , because its length is almost a kilometer, for one climb you will spend an average of 175 kilocalories, so if you are careful and look at your feet, then at each level the number of calories you spend is even indicated. for example, my wife bought three new swimsuits for the summer... so i obviously have something to do in this city and i advise you for new swimsuits
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no, but the lunch was hearty, if you go down the cascading stairs, you find yourself on ferum square, to be more precise, it’s called ferum square 26. let’s remember our chemistry lessons: 26 is the atomic weight of an element and it’s in the name for a reason, this number corresponds to the regional code . european polish region. watch your step, not for safety, but for erudition. here is an indication of all the chemical elements that are contained in the waters of zheleznovodsk mineral springs. you walk through the square to the end, and you are already on the shore of the lake. thirty, that’s what the locals call it. by the name of the sanatorium that is located next door. thirty years of victory. there is a legend that
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they dug this beauty by hand so that the residents of the mountain town would have a place to swim, and with such views, but this land is famous not only for its waters and the beauty of the landscapes, there is also your nuggets. zheleznovodsk is, of course, sources, views, air, but first of all it is people, talented, interesting and extraordinary, meet anatoly! and anatoly, we still can’t understand what we should call you, who are you? tree maker, bush grower, what do you
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even call these crafts? papa carlo is definitely a good option, and i see that you are inspired by folk art, in general by some proverbs, sayings, look, you’re going to heaven, but plant potatoes, although this seems to be somewhat reminiscent of modern art, look, the wife doesn’t paw. you understand that i didn’t read books and magazines one by one, in volumes, directly in libraries, well
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, naturally i have some experience, and krylov’s fable, yes, apparently, i really like to read, you said that you are a sailor, and did something from koryak found in the sea, no, no, at that time no, all the starting material is zheleznovodsk products, of course, but i use the most durable ones. here is boxwood, dogwood and hornbeam, they are the strongest, most durable, well, naturally it’s good to work with them, because linden and some weak works are like that, well with it’s not worth making such efforts and putting so much mental energy into them and for her to live - 2-3 years, no, i work forever for centuries, for centuries, but there was something like that, so you take what - a branch, a root, i don’t know, a snag , look at it, look, well, he doesn’t know what to make from it, but no, now i looked at you and just by
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a strange coincidence, we too can become exhibits, right you will look, two branches, just this is zhenya and this is me, so clumsy, no, on the contrary, on the contrary, maria sergeevna, if you didn’t guess straight as pa. this is zhenya, because he has a big nose, so, so, so, here it is, the face, this is the hairstyle, here the hairstyle will be, like this, my go, this is the leg, legs, look, you never wanted to be a ballerina, by the way, we haven’t arrived yet, but anatoly, it seems to me, already thought of us, just right away, that we would come, well, maria sergeevna, all that remains is to cover us with paint, yes, varnish, well, not us in the sense, but sculptural composition, we still need a file for a very long time, let's call this sculptural composition, let's go, let's go, zheleznovodsk view, evgeny pokrovsky, maria osadnik,
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our hero has been doing what he loves for 20 years, he admitted that he hasn’t spent a day. for work, let me introduce myself, so look at me, and oh, you are shirvind, shirvent is such a profession, you will learn all the behind-the-scenes secrets of one of the most popular and beloved theaters in our country, that’s it, vera, come and talk a little, well, carrots and sticks, should evoke pity, but you and your wife at home about work, thank god she doesn’t know where to work, the wife should believe in the genius of your husband, to feed him and not to interfere, i have all the moves written down, when your duet with mikhail took shape, but count from the age of 10, we bring you good things, he knows how to joke, but we
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love him not only for this, i’m not yet sang, day. no, i just don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard, tomorrow on the first day, a businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, downhill skiing, that’s how the brain works, that’s how it works in the literal sense of the word
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, sleeping pills turn him off. why addiction develops to sleeping pills, what to do for those who have trouble sleeping, we will answer this and other questions in the program to live well, on monday, on the first, here, except for dog walkers and murderers, no one walks here, i really loved her, and they wanted to submit applications, it seems to me, he said sincere, they are all sincere, and then 18 on the living for not washing the dishes well. “she was here yesterday, here, right here, a fortune teller since monday on the first, you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema yet, well, it’s easy to fix, we’re waiting.” we went around
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almost the entire resort park, managed to get caught in the rain, returned to the pushkin gallery, we remind you that today it is the cultural center of the city. i can’t even believe that isidora duncan once danced in this very place.
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also with health benefits, we are in the zheleznovodsk balneo mud clinic, first of all we will find out what kind of mud is so magical that tourists come from all over the country for it? we were allowed inside the famous mud storage facility, just think about it, there are more than 3,000 tons of this healing substance.
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zhenya, this mud storage facility inspired me personally memories from childhood, the fact is that i lived for almost 20 years on the coast of the azov sea, and the azov sea is famous not only for being the warmest in our country, but also for its mud volcano, you knew about this, i heard about it for the first time , yes yes. in the sea of ​​azov, right in the middle of the water surface, a volcano appears about once every 10 years. i personally observed this phenomenon a couple of times, well, at one time the volcano spews out approximately the same amount of dirt as is stored in this room, and that’s 3,500 tons. wow, well, of course there’s no dirt here from a volcano, and from a tambukan, this is a lake, and here the mud is not only new, but has already been used. after the procedures, that is , it turns out to be a waste-free production, yes, look, oh, here she is, alive, so fat, beautiful, elena, hello, and we are looking for you,
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3,500 tons in one room, that’s how many people, holidaymakers can be coated at once , the whole city? our institution is designed so that 1,500 people can receive general mud every day, 48 swimming pools daily, 3,500 tons of mud, swimming pools have different purposes, procuring and restorative, why am i talking about this, so that you know that mud is a self-regenerating organism, they brought mud from lake tambukan, this is the source of tambukan mud, except for this pool. there is dirt that has just been brought in, there are other pools where the dirt is restored, the dirt that leaves the couch after the procedure, one procedure takes up to 45 kg of dirt, it is naturally
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the largest part and for one person on the total dirt, 45 kg of dirt, practically you are lying like in a lake of dirt, in a small, yes, how small you have a lake of dirt, you rise from the dirt, the dirt that is on you, it is washed off, disposed of, the dirt that is on the couch returns. there is a gas storage facility here in the pipes, so it has already given up all its useful properties, it has given up its properties, but this is the organism that is restored like tespeklom, only it, of course, needs to be helped in this, when a whole pool of dirt accumulates in it add brine, a solution of salts, then close it for up to six months, during which time the pathogenic flora disappears, but the useful one grows, but can i take a bottle with me? for example, take it home and there for several months, make yourself mud masks, the mud will not have the properties for so long, you can
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use it once, you do not have the possibility of regenerating the house, the mud bath has exactly the mud, the storage facility has exactly the properties that it retains the properties of the mud , helps them recover, and what special catches are there that it has lost its properties in order to recover. she lay down at certain conditions, depth of the pool, certain illumination. the temperature of the mud in the storage is 25°, a little cold, for the procedure it is heated to 42. elen, how much younger can i become in a couple of procedures. the body's response, it is individual for everyone, don't overdo it, don't sit too long with the dirt, you'll come out of there a baby. oh, well, maria sergeevna, i suggest not to guess, but let’s take it. and about, it’s just some kind of fairy tale, let’s go, it doesn’t look like a fairy tale,
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but it’s very warm and soft. zhen, yes, you already felt like peppa pig, and you you know, it’s so warm and pleasant, now i understand why they love to show up so much, it’s very, very good, yes, wait, you have to lie down for another 10 minutes, yes, it will be there, come on, come on, spot it, yes, spot it , the procedure lasts exactly 15 minutes, after it you need to take a shower, but what’s interesting is that you don’t need to thoroughly wash off the dirt, especially with soap, the dirt continues to work in the skin for another whole day, this is the effect with prolongation, i can just feel it, it’s gone the process of rejuvenation, just how much i’ve already lost ten, well i think there are already five for sure. okay,
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okay, little wife, well, well, i don’t know, there seems to be some side effect from this, don’t overdo it, fathers, it’s not worth it to sit too long in the mud, you ’ll come out of there a baby. jokes about youth are of course fun, but in real life, be prepared that after the procedure you will be so relaxed that even a light walk in the park is already a feat. but find the strength to visit another pearl of the region. believe me, you have never seen the caucasus like this before. a park. the green quarter is called
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the caucasian disneyland because here there is also entertainment for children and adults. we found ourselves, perhaps, in its brightest part, the eastern one. why are you walking so strangely? so this is a traditional chinese step. we are in china, friends, we were in the caucasus, we ended up in china.
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there is such a beautiful, cozy chinese corner. in the middle of a green park, remember the village of inozemtsevo, by the way, it’s very close, oh, i’m confused, not far from zheleznovodsk, everything is real here, you see, these tiles on the gazebos, they were brought straight from china, what are the tiles, you know look at all these plants, lotuses, bansai, magnolia, that's all, everything is straight from china, by the way, i even heard that tea is brought here, namely china. of course, let's have a drink, my lord, my friend, it seems to me that even tea here is prepared with mineral water, but we are in the caucasus, by the way, it is poorly mineralized, if you knew how this kokoshnik of mine presses me, how chinese girls can withstand it, but i can’t, untie everything, this drink will give you a boost, untie it, i can’t, untie it. the surroundings here are
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the main thing that the creators of the park wanted to achieve, so that any tourist could really feel like you have been transported to another country, so don’t be surprised if you suddenly see oriental beauties dancing, this is part of the theme of the park. well, the park itself is, of course, good, 30,000. square meters, hundreds of plants and trees from all over the world, one piece of advice: if you come here, plan your visit in the late afternoon, so there will be fewer people here and you can better feel the local atmosphere.
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what’s good about caucasian mineral waters is their diversity: there are quiet towns and noisy resort settlements, forests and mountains, by the way, about them. karachay-cherkessia is literally nearby, about 2-3 hours drive, and we are in dombay, these are completely different mountains of the caucasus. in general
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, dombai is worth a separate trip; it is an activity for active people. here's an example: in the western part of the elibek gorge there is a waterfall of the same name, the largest and most picturesque in the entire karachay circassia, the path from dombay is 2.5 hours on foot. the road is mountainous, through the forest, the climb is smooth, but you still need good shoes, and no matter how long the route is, it is worth it, the locals generally say so, those who have not seen
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alibbek, we didn’t know dombay, but today we have a different goal, we’re going to the resort part, winter here is mild for fans of extreme sports. for a century now, these beauties have attracted climbers, skiers and snowboarders. and in the summer it’s more of a trekking story, walks in the mountains, for the sake of beauty and health, the local air is livid, on the occasion of alexander shirvint’s ninetieth birthday, go laugh in the garden, together with your boyfriend i understand, well, let’s go to the garden, boat. fresh air, only the sun, only the sky, and the river, call me hares, stop me gnaw, my dear, well, don’t gnaw at me,
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here’s a frying pan, why is it with strings, it’s very fashionable, there won’t be steaks, there will be pancakes, dear ladies, forgive the tactlessness of my friends, it’s from them... you grow up, you and you, and i, well, okay, and you, lady, everything sa, sama, what are you singing about, you are not in the garden yet, no, go to the garden, you will sing there, you will listen there, three in a boat , not counting the dog, today on the first one, we’ll put the sound on... such an atmosphere on the project that it seems that we, too, have become kindred spirits. well it's simple such a breath of nostalgia, it was a lot of fun. i was just so jealous,
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upset that i don’t sing and apparently will never be able to sing with my daughter. tell me love, looking at you, i think that all families in our country will sing with their children. it seems to me that it was already possible not to sing, even from just one introduction, such an atmosphere has been created here, we don’t need a special reason to gather with our families, two stars, fathers and sons, tomorrow after the evening news, i’m not lying in a single letter, i'm not lying,
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at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. and asking why you want to play a role, just because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king. i calmed down, i came out in memory of vladimir vysotsky on friday at the first, in the new season at the first. beato, and we’re talking, what the hell, my heart didn’t break, do you know how it’s torn, it’s just the shoulder slapping and the elbow pulling. well, okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all
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parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you they will still identify you, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the... security services, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you’re very good shooter hello, colonel kostenko,
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confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the name of the mountain resort comes from the word “domai”, which means bison in korachaevsky. once upon a time in the local forests. large herds of these animals, look, what a brochure, like this , reminds me of someone, very nice, what a compliment, they don’t choose what year to be born, but how much it costs, take it, take it, i’ll give it to you, look how kind the sellers are here, not even just bargaining, giving, that’s it, the lamb is with us mountains. well, finally we are in dombay. dombay
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is a village known throughout our country , located at the intersection of four gorges. i didn’t remember the name, i even wrote it down, here are tiberdan, alibek, amanaus and dambai ulgen, and now we are going on a pendulum cable car to a height of 2,200 m. moreover, this is not just a vehicle on which you can get from point a to point b, and this is another kind of thing. an attraction where you can admire these gorgeous, i think, unforgettable views, which i’m the first to have i’m just already dizzy from this beauty, incredible, and downstairs you can ride a bike in a t-shirt and shorts, yes, at the top you can ski, almost all year round, by the way, you’ve already given a name to your new friend, yes, this is aristar, aristar, good welcome to the team, very caucasian, by the way. wow,
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beauty! you can get to the resort areas by cable cars; there are four of them in dombay. the lower third mountain level has closed cabins. to get higher, you need to change seats to open seats. afraid there is no need for height, it is better to admire the views. they are like this, there are not enough words. no wonder this beauty is always there. the old dombay hung snow flags of separation. this is what it is, the wild nature of the caucasus. from dombay you can even see elbrus, to be more precise, from mount musachitara. that's where we 're heading now. it’s true... work plans to take another height, horned, i see a distant
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relative of my aristarchus, hello, hello, if you think that the yak is a legendary aircraft, no, the yak is also such a wonderful animal, hello, no, let me hold on to you, but it seems to me that the restarch is a little afraid, here are two and three, and what is the handsome man’s name, gosha, gosha, meet me, this is an arrestee, gosha. but you can touch it, oh, he says, you can, come on, with both hands, like this, oh, oh, why is it that his jaw creaks so much, yes, soul, gosha wants to ride along the mountain, along the path, and not standing here, he is in his own environment, gosha, and a photo, please, zhen, and you said that this is your
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first time here? yes, and i was here 16 years ago, and even when i left, i tied a ribbon on a tree, in my opinion, you see, a ribbon it worked, it came true, it came true, well, i think, such beauty needs to be recorded, yes, i returned here, well, look, this thing didn’t exist then, so i think we should definitely try it, let’s record it with a dance, caucasian, come on . on the road again, this time on foot. our goal is a place not far from the alibek gorge, 3 km uphill, and the higher you go, the colder it gets. to be honest, it’s already quite hot for me. by the way, about clothes, yes, it seems to be quite
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warm, but we are wearing down jackets; i, to be honest, bought them here at the local market. retuziki, and i’m wearing thermal underwear and dressed up, because yes, it can be warm and hot down there, but here, well, it seems to me, the temperature of 7° feels like -7, like in october, because of the wind, because of the mountain, therefore it’s better , girls and boys, dress warmly, it’s better to have a hat, scarf, gloves with you, because, as they say, the heat doesn’t hurt, but... we don’t need snot at all when traveling, look how icy it is, here what glaciers are in the background, less words, quickly, by the way, the resort ones are considered the best in dombay complexes polyana azaou and polyana chiget, from there it is easiest to get to the highways, we will definitely return here with zhenya. zhenya, zhenya,
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where did he go, anomalies sometimes happen in the mountains. zhenya, what is it, guys, well, we didn’t agree, but pokrovsky is on the ground, zhenya, that’s it, how to get out of here now, huh?
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can you imagine how much there is, but it ’s not this season, guys, i think next season we’ll see it all, we need to plan the marnuts for now, we won’t go, but we’ll fly, yes, but there’s a lot of impressions, i know how it is here i was worried, now, i was already thinking everything, everything, jokes aside, this is a real high-mountain hotel, and it is located at an altitude of 2,500 m above sea level, there are only two of them in the world, one in dombay and the second in the state... shelter and you can live here, there are four rooms, a kitchen, that is, you can stay with all the comforts inside such an improvised alien ship, and it costs 12 thousand rubles at least, but in my opinion it’s worth it at least once, mari sergeevna, to spend the night in a flying saucer, and yes, by the way, it’s not just a saucer,
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this is a house in futoro, that’s what the finnish author of the project called his brainchild: architect matti suranin. at the end of the sixties of the last century, the views of the mountain peaks so impressed guests from finland that they presented this area with an unearthly art object. meanwhile, we are heading to a popular camping spot. those who, as they say, prefer to relax like savages often come here. it was getting dark, they reached the river bank. yes, to the village of the same name tiber, yes, yes, everything is as you dreamed, we are in the lap of nature, here is a river for you, here are tents for you, and we bought tents, like a real 300, imagine, we’ll set everything up, a fire, a guitar, a fish, well , if we catch you, by the way, pay attention, it seems, it seems like it’s going to rain, we need
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to hurry, come on, well, i don’t know how to do this, let’s get you to master- cool, so go take your fishing rod apart and you’ll catch fish. and for now i’ll get busy, so, remember how i did this in my youth, so i went, yes, zhenya, it seems to me that we angered someone, because as soon as we decided to spend the night, finally in tents, in new ones, in clean ones, on the shore? look, that some kind of hurricane has started, what’s happening with the weather, what’s all this for, i just put up a tent for the last time, probably 30 years ago, if not more, and we made all possible mistakes, firstly, guys... don’t repeat it, the rocky shore is impossible to drive in pegs, it’s a hell of a wind, we didn’t even look at the forecast, and we also chose an incredibly
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windy place here, on a slight rise, i don’t know if you and i should stay overnight in these brand new tents, otherwise i it seems that our tents will be blown away at night, and by the way, the tents were bought on credit, zhenya, you caught a fish, yes a fish... well, i think now he’s supposed to go back to the hotel, well, at least we have tents now, friends, tick - we’ve set up, there are tents, there are, there’s a trunk, there’s, and we’ll carry them with us all the time, and where’s our guitar, look how...
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this is a real adventure, in a word, romance, how great it is that we’re all we have gathered here today, it seems to me that our fish is ready, it’s still great, we have gathered together god bless them with tents, come on, what about the air, it’s a well-known fact that dombay is an excellent place for the prevention of pulmonary diseases, i’m here for the second time and for the second time i’m convinced that here not only your body is treated, but also your soul and your heart,
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in general it seems to me that there are no people here who know the word depression, but i know that i cannot forget the zheleznovodsk mud, our chinese adventures, and of course our interplanetary journey, it turns out aliens. they also relax here carefully, well, we definitely need to come back here, but probably already at another time of the year, everyone will certainly agree, definitely, well, this is where our journey through the caucasus ends, evgeniy pokrovsky, varya osadnik were with you, our project, let's go!
12:00 pm
hello, on the first channel there is a news release in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main fights for each. what is happening now under work, how are our assault forces operating?


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