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tv   Vremya  1TV  July 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:35pm MSK

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can i have your phone number please? a phone is an intimate thing, you know, intimate, like i don’t know, like a toothbrush, like underwear, you give your underwear to just anyone, take your phone, put it in your pocket, don’t give it to anyone, understand? sorry! hello, the program is on air, ekaterina andreeva is in the studio, the main event of the day. the fighting is going on every meter, our defenders are pushing back the enemy in the zaporozhye direction in the liberated area, we are reporting from the front line. and the latest data from the ministry of defense on
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the situation on other sectors of the front. find yourself in peaceful life, what the heroes of the special operation who returned to civilian life do, stories from different regions. against western censorship and the abolition of russian culture, rally, concert for a shaman, american embassy in moscow. what is kamala haris up to, american. they write that the vice president wants to urgently meet with the democrats' biggest donors, and new details of the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. a unique platform for testing future technologies. a hydrogen test site was opened on sakhalin. such projects have already will become reality soon? 17 moments of spring in tritopol on plyushchikha, carnival 100 years since the birth of tatyana lioznova, an outstanding director. what is the secret of her paintings? and at the beginning
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, the latest data on the progress of the special operation from the ministry of defense confirmed the destruction of two launchers and radar stations of the patriot air defense complex, american -made. the day before , sources in the military department informed us about this. painful damage for kiev. patriot is very expensive, the rocket alone costs about 4 million dollars. and the battery is valued at more than a billion. the stock of these complexes is... more from today's report, our troops have the initiative in all directions of the northern military district. groupings west, south, center and east have improved the situation in their areas of responsibility, enemy positions have been hit, including in the areas of krasny liman, staretsk, chasovo yar, losses in the ssu per day are almost 1,900 people. among the destroyed equipment, a howitzer and a self-propelled gun made in the united states and britain. facilities. shot down two atacoms missiles,
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four himmers missiles and 74 aircraft-type drones. the russian military is advancing in the zaporozhye region. the dnepr army group is expanding its bridgehead north of rabotino. trying to hold off the onslaught of the ukrainian armed forces, they throw one unit after another into battle. however, there are fewer and fewer people willing to die for zelensky’s expired regime. the militants, mainly those who were mobilized by force, surrender at the first opportunity . about the work of our advanced detachments. report by valentina solavyova, right now we’re heading to work, there we are throwing a storm group, but the soldiers will have to walk a few more kilometers to their matitsa at night, there is strength, there is, this is what the positions of the armed forces of ukraine severnaya rabotina look like now, battles are going on literally for every meter, attack aircraft of the seventy-first regiment and a group of...
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enemy positions, these ukrainians were offered rare footage taken during the assault on one of their lives, i shouted to them, shouted, give up, well, there ’s just not even an answer, there’s no answer, we won’t, or we’ll think well, or what, there’s just a constant burst of machine gun fire in our direction, they haven’t considered us as people for a long time... they don’t consider us coloradoans for them and we’re all muscovites, they don’t care who they kill, come here howl, help, be patient, be patient, they didn’t inject you with anything , nothing, hold it, hold it, be patient, here here take a bandage from me, these two ukrainians surrendered, our soldiers are helping them, bandaging multiple shrapnel wounds, they don’t have their own first aid kit, you still have something behind you, well, here below, where you touched, huh? there, too, your fragment is not hopeless,
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it’s stuck there with you, everything’s fine, you’ll live, it’s become easier, you’ve been fighting for a long time, you haven’t been mobilized, what can you say? and the men, the commanders, the commanders, our commanders, this group of armed forces was covered during rotation, first they were knocked out by a hummer, and then they attacked the trench where the survivors wanted to hide, in these frames there are ukrainian attack aircraft who tried to take our positions, i, for example, did not i understand the meaning of this war, let's go out, guys, raise our hands, along the trenches, where, there, i 'll take the water, take it and start working on them, they are just...
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seriously wounded, he was evacuated on a stretcher under constant fire, to be here, golden left his business, headlight is a professional sport, russian champion in mixfight, eurasian medalist in grappling, candidate of masters in grappling, candidate of excellence in boxing, yes, this is a real man’s job,
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here, of course, that’s who they say, people , we started talking for a salary, they say, money, money, well, try to run for money, a place where birds do not fly, except for soulless birds, try to run there for a person who has almost died already, everyone came here of their own free will, that is, consciously , understanding that what to why? got up, got ready, kissed mom and dad, hugged his daughter, and went to war. valentina soloveva, sergey kuznetsov, islam ustarkhanov, natalya labanova, channel one, rabotinsky direction. and new. names of svo heroes. captain alexander ravachev and his group entrenched themselves on the outskirts of the settlement for a day and held the defense until the main forces arrived. he was wounded, but did not leave the battle. continued to supervise his subordinates. senior sergeant vladislav myagchenkov with three fighters bypassed the militants from the flank and attacked. the enemy was knocked out of their positions
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and held the line until reinforcements arrived. vladislav, despite the concussion, assisted the wounded man and evacuated him to a safe place. seven people were injured in the city. shibekin, belgorod region from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the head of the region, vyacheslav glotkov, announced this. ukrainian militants' shells hit several residential buildings, as a result , windows were broken, apartments, balconies, facades were damaged, attacks on industrial enterprises, commercial facilities, cars and another example of the favorite tactics of the kiev terrorists: a blow to civilians, followed by another blow to those who came to the rescue, usually rescuers or doctors. in the footage from the donetsk republic, which was posted by all these militants themselves, drones are visible. a civilian gazelle, in another video the minibus is already on fire, and the drone is heading towards a fire truck that came to put out the fire, miraculously there were no casualties. finding yourself in a new peaceful life is not the easiest task, even for our heroes, participants of the northern military district, and here any support is not
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superfluous, family, close people are the main support, and of course, the support of the state of the entire society is important, together we can move mountains, people of courage and duty prove this every day. in the most unexpected field, irina kuksenkova was convinced, raise your hands, in this kindergarten director it is difficult to recognize an intelligence officer, a veteran of a special operation. thirty-four-year-old mikhail semenishchev used to work as a sound engineer, but when he returned from the front, he decided to radically change his life. while driving from the northern military district zone to my family, i came across an advertisement for the sale of an old kindergarten. together with my wife, we made renovations and decorated documents, it’s been a year now and it’s been successful.
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there are no questions at all, we probably didn’t even have time to think about the fact that we couldn’t handle something, we had one step rotten there, now we’ll fix it, even despite ivan’s serious injury amputation of his right leg, he does everything around the house.
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i still understood that life is not over, you just need to adapt to it, and i adapted, completed a course as a massage therapist, started working, today i made an appointment with him for a week in advance, while i was in a coma, i had a dream, the man lies on the couch, i touch his back with my hands, after which the man gets up and he feels much better, and he says thank you, now mikhail mazurov has a new goal, he is preparing to enter volgograd. and
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for the northern military district veteran from bashkiria, almira ulmaskulov, the main motivation to adapt to civilian life was sports, and even after amputation of his leg, he comes to the gym every day to train not only himself, but also to train a children’s team, he taught his son, he taught his nephew, with it started, are they listening? yes they well done, we, well, they are active, well, strong, we live in the village. when asked why volleyball, almir answers, it’s a team game, both boys and girls strive for a common goal, victory, for children they have a real mentor. he is a very understanding person, he will always support us, if we do something wrong, he will help us, tell us how to do it correctly. the fatherland, which helps in rehabilitation,
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relatives helped to understand this. irina kuksenkova, maria emelyanova, elena pich and sergey deev, first channel. no to western censorship, yes to freedom of speech. hundreds of people came to the building of the united states embassy in moscow who believe that banning the culture of another country is actually a matter of weakness, but not of strength. fight with songs, composers. music is kind of strange, to put it mildly. reilly russian tricolors on the facade of the embassy are a projection of a huge flag. country, cars that drove along the garden ring honked their horns as a sign of solidarity and the culmination of the rally,
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the shaman’s concert, his youtube channel too blocked, and people sang his songs, our correspondent anastasia kobozeva too: friday evening at the us embassy in moscow is crowded and loud. i am russian, i go to the end, i am russian, my blood is from the father. “we are for russia, we are for our singers, for our artists and freedom of speech. at the beginning of july, the youtube channels of several russian performers were blocked. the singer yaroslav dronov, known by his pseudonym.” “my youtube channel was blocked because i’m russian, and in the telegram channel he announced a rally at american embassy against censorship on social networks and illegal blocking of russian users, hundreds of people came to support our artists, we are russian, we are going to the end, russia, russia, here are our
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champions, the russian rhythmic gymnastics team, they performed triumphantly at the recent games . my mother called and said: you’re not far from the american embassy, ​​we say no, she says, go look, there’s a shaman performing there. the artist often visits donbass, visits the hospital and gives concerts, about his activities told on different platforms, the youtube channel is no exception, at the time of blocking there were almost 3 million subscribers, representatives of the video hosting do not name specific reasons, they refer to the fact that the artist allegedly violates the terms
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of use of youtube, this is an unfair action, moreover, they blocked not only me. they blocked my colleagues in the shop, whom you all know very well, of course, i am now defending not only my interests, i express the opinion of the public, the channels of oleg gazmanov and polina were also blocked gagarina and grigory leps. according to preliminary data, this was done after google and youtube were contacted by the lithuanian radio and television commission. in its appeal, the commission asked to delete the accounts of russian singers and tv presenters, as they are included in the eu sanctions list. about the latest fourteenth package of eu sanctions, domestic performers, government officials, and heads of large companies were subject to restrictions. the list even includes the international children's center arttek in crimea. by the way, first svo, youtube actively blocks russian media channels and videos about the special operation. according to roskomnadzor, this year alone more than 80 russian resources were banned.
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they block it because they broadcast a different point of view, which is fundamentally different from the western one. lukashenko in the development of friendly relations the russian leader noted the personal contribution between moscow and minsk, to the strengthening
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of the union state, to integration in the eurasian space. the president emphasized the enormous authority of his belarusian colleague among his compatriots, and not... they entrusted him with the highest government post for the sixth time in a row. nicaragua celebrated the forty-fifth anniversary of the people's revolution on a grand scale, with large-scale celebrations in the capital of the country, monago, in the main square. tens of thousands of people, national flags, fireworks, on behalf of vladimir putin , a delegation led by the chairman of the state duma represented our country. vyacheslav volodin conveyed congratulations from the russian leader of the people of the republic and its president daniel ortega. our country has always supported. it still supports nicaragua we are fighting together for a multipolar world, for the opportunity to build our future, and we are doing everything to ensure that the world is fair. the united states secretary of homeland security, alejandro mayorkas, has been summoned to congress in connection with the assassination attempt on donald trump.
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american parliamentarians asked his department for information a week ago. about the circumstances of the crime, but received, as they say on the capitalist hill, only a vague answer that such information could not be provided, and now congressmen still want to get answers to their questions, there are more and more of them, as the wall street journal writes, the criminal, shortly before the start of the rally in pennsylvania, examined the site using a drone, and investigators also came to the conclusion that the attacker on trump wanted to kill as many as possible more people, for this he collected several improvised explosive devices, which he most likely intended to detonate at a distance.
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however, hello, i’ll start with a quote that doesn’t even say: it sings for itself. earlier we, not americans, simply dreamed of voting in american elections; they always seemed full of drama, and more unpredictable, spectacular and significant than anything that could be offered.
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which of these two wouldn't win in november? the attempt on trump's life only sharpened this point. a recognized european thinker, the only bulgarian member of a narrow list of public intellectuals, a full-time master of thoughts, in fact this is the groaning of a professional whore, having lost his pimp, that’s all. gone, last hope, fading light american democracy can reignite if old joe is replaced by a younger, darker person like
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the alternatively gifted kamala haris. i think to be very honest with you, i think we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believed that some issues had just been resolved, some issues had just been resolved, when you say, the impression is that you you're delirious, the loss of faith in the future that krastev is crying about is not due to biden's senile insanity, this is the same evidence of a systemic crisis, which we observed in the ussr in the seventies . for clarity, once again brilliantly beautiful. for example, in 2008, many people around the world would have readily cast a ballot for barack obama, almost as much as they once dreamed of.
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this was the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev and we continue. now footage from yemen: the israeli air force attacked the port of the city of hadeida. according to arab media, the oil infrastructure was bombed by 12 planes at once. three deaths are reported and some are injured. at the same time, the israeli defense forces reported attack on houthi military targets. they also added that the air raid was a response to hundreds of attacks on israeli territory. let me remind you that it happened on friday night. the modified houthi drone bypassed the air defense and flew to tel aviv. verkhovna rada of ukraine and far-right
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nationalist irina farion. an unknown person with a gun was waiting for her near her house the night before. the name of irina farion has become synonymous with the word russophobia for many years. she dedicated her life to the eradication of everything russian in ukraine. the russian language caused particular hatred for the doctor of philological sciences. fellow citizen.
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fuel, solar energy. a unique testing ground for testing future technologies has been opened on sakhalin. one of the goals is to provide energy to the northernmost region. and then the village of ogonyok will truly justify its name. what are hydrogen batteries? what other plans are there in the scientific community, about fuel for future transport and water buses, which we have not yet seen, but they will soon be on the roads. maryana yatskevich’s report is about all this. 3, 2, 1, let's go! such a long-awaited
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launch, the first drop of hydrogen hits system. now the power is approximately 1.4 cubic meters, one and a half cubic meters per hour, and now we have already produced 11 liters of hydrogen. this is currently the only hydrogen production site in our country. here they produce not just gas, but also so-called green hydrogen , which is environmentally friendly and is produced using solar energy. today it is a good alternative to natural gas and hydrogen, which guarantees no harmful emissions into the atmosphere. what is happening now. this is the creation of a hydrogen test site where we will all be together develop technologies, write regulatory frameworks, scientists will write their reports and dissertations, we begin a great hydrogen, technological journey together as a single team. the hydrogen journey to sakalin begins right here; in fact, this is a unique platform where scientists and specialists will jointly develop new technologies. electricity generated by hydrogen power plants will be
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used to supply energy to remote areas. on accessible territories of settlements on the kuril islands in northern regions of sakhalin, several tasks have been set for the near future: to convert communication towers to hydrogen in the village of ogonki , sakhalin region, to provide the village of novikova with energy using a hydrogen battery, to create mobile power plants for the needs of rescue teams of the ministry of emergency situations. in addition, as part of this project, together with sakhalin state university and moscow state technical university named after balman, a master's degree program is being launched. students will conduct research and development, solving practical problems in... by in essence, we are testing hydrogen technologies in real life at real sites; we are planning to demonstrate the technology of mining dump trucks running on hydrogen at a coal mine here in the sakhalin region. hydrogen is also the fuel of the future for transport, the first such gas stations appeared in yuzhnosalinsk, nothing complicated resembles ordinary gas gas stations,
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even in my place. happened. we are talking not only about trucks, but about passenger transport , which will be replaced by electric buses in the near future, scientists believe, and water buses will come. at if you wish, you can even make a hydrogen motorcycle. motorcycle, here, look, a special place has been made, it is stipulated that we put a hydrogen fuel cell here and hang these cylinders here. and this is a hydrogen quadcopter, unlike the same one with a lithium battery, this one can fly for 2 hours without recharging, but most importantly, it is practically invisible to thermal imagers, which means... to be indispensable in combat conditions , it is almost silent, in there are no vibrations, which is very important for ultra-precise equipment, also its next very significant advantage is a very fast, so to speak , refilling, that is, we can remove the cylinder within 20 seconds and replace it with a new one, that is, if we have it, so to speak, as a backup, or
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pump it up within 10 minutes him to the gas station. hydrogen energy station today is the fastest growing segment in the world, but the main question that interests ordinary people is how safe it is, these are technologies that are already, well, let’s say, standard in terms of safety measures for free output through the so-called hydrogen candles, hydrogen outputs, so that there is no dangerous concentration, that is, what is used here, it undergoes appropriate testing, examination, this testing ground is just the beginning; soon three more such sites will be created in russia;
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good cinema, but nothing , all the girls were roaring, indispensable conditions for the heart to stop, if you don’t put it on, no, that won’t do, you didn’t play like that, i didn’t play like that, she’s a very tough person, if she liked something, she’s delighted, she is very
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she laughed contagiously, there is such energetic power that even if she doesn’t open her mouth, you start to vibrate next to her, she shakes, she shakes us almost every day, don’t fall into a frill, but in my opinion we are all under muller’s cap for rent. like 17 and moments of spring, we joked every now and then, we were all under the hood of ulioznova, everyone who worked with her felt a little like stirlitz, it was impossible to relax for a minute, this is also one of the habits developed over the years, it was she who came up with flying into birds in the sky, at the show for scouts the whole hall was crying, it just closed eyes, birds immediately flew away from me, because a bird is something that can take off and fly away. none of them can do this, they must be here until the end. tatyana lioznova had a keen sense of people, she understood that the audience needed room for imagination, so a charming gabi appeared in stirlitz’s life,
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although according to liozny’s idea he remained, devoted to only one woman. she consistently thought that... the film should be watched not only by men, but also by women, and women should love the hero, but love him exactly so much, as tatyana mikhailovna lioznova said, so as not to cheat on her husband, in love, i am einstein, she noticed an actor for the role of helmut liozny in a series about a scientist chemist who did not support the nazis, she said, it is important for me to share the power of the fascists and the german people, she loved to open actors the same bright one and never used.
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and the sky without you, oh! tatyana doronina sang exactly as iliozny asked, to break her soul, she loved and felt the music, amazingly accurately depicted the inner
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state of people with it, my god, this did not happen great love, but here she is sitting by the window, and he stands there all the time, everyone is crying, they don’t understand why, but everyone is crying, i studied, guys, sit down, i’m glad to see you. at the entrance exam in ovgik, tanya leoznova was shown a reproduction of savrasov, she immediately exclaimed: yes, this is grieg’s music. the director's talent was obvious to everyone. i can still sing and i can still dance. but that comes later. the old, quiet koluga with churches and wooden houses, where leoznova decides to film the carnival, really reminds her of the rowdy moscow back streets of her childhood. i completely rewrote this script. she remembered to herself. our house was the last one right next to the railway, and today kaluga ends with the house of her heroine nina solomatina.


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