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tv   Segodnya vecherom  1TV  July 20, 2024 9:35pm-11:01pm MSK

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griga, the director’s talent was obvious to everyone. i can still sing and i can still dance, but that comes later. the old, quiet koluga with churches and wooden houses, where leoznova decides to film the carnival, really reminds her of the hooligan back streets of moscow, her childhood. i completely rewrote this script to myself , she recalled. our house was the last one right next to the railway, so kaluga ends with the house of her heroine nina solomatina. and today. the circus water standpipe from the film
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is in the same place, but the one you remember laliozny in moscow, of course, was demolished a long time ago, but she recalled that it was a special step in the cold in front of the local punks, to drink water from it, it must be cool, lioznova considered this picture the most personal, because she herself once swept yards and worked as a costume designer and also madly loved her mother, the closest person, her father died in the first days.
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tima, pull out your ear, can’t you feel it, the worst thing was, if your shoes aren’t shined, you’ll get the worst of it, you look great, great, you could have a coat film, by the way, in the waiting room, contrary to myths, lioznova was friends not only with men, with actress tatyana chernopyatova they became almost family, 13 years ago, when tatyana mikhailovna was already seriously ill, a friend read poetry to her, as if returning all the love and the tenderness given to us. the viewer, god, how she laughed when i read the fables, she laughed, she laughed so charmingly, she even lifted her legs like that, and that it’s not nice, but it’s true, i was treated kindly by my viewers, i was understood by the viewer, and this is a great thing. alexey zotov, vladimir grinevich, yulia zagranichnova and stanislav opletin, channel one.
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the summer festival in moscow is in full swing, over the weekend several streets in the center of the capital became pedestrian again, these are bolshaya nikitskaya, malaya bronnaya, bolshaya dmitrovka, as well as gazetny, kamergersky and stoleshnikov lanes, parts of tverskoy and passionate boulevards, in the center at other sites throughout the capital, there are a lot of interesting, sports, creative, gastronomic activities, you can, for example, play chess, checkers or board games games as well as accept.
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janie continues to delight us. tonight you will learn all the behind-the -scenes secrets of one of the most popular and beloved theaters in our country, all the satire theaters are with us, the beloved people's artist of russia, the president of the satire theater alexander shirvin, the artistic director of the theater sergei gozarov, as well as all the most important stars of the ninety-ninth season.
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comfortable? for me, declaring my love for your theater is very, very pleasant and easy, because one of my very first theatrical shocks happened in the theater satires at the play malysh and carlson, it was the mid-seventies, since then, of course, there have been 2 years, and three, about 3-4 years old, i was probably the most wonderful feelings. the truth is, i experienced it in the theater, because i so sincerely believed that spartak mishulin was carlson, well, i thought that your shock was caused by the fact that the baby had a woman playing at that time, you know, i didn’t understand it then, but we have prepared some personnel who are 49 years old, aleksandryevich,
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this is the fiftieth anniversary of your theater, let 's see, the detachment of the moscow theater satires collectively. with a creative spark, with a satelistic fuse, jokes to the advantage, arrogance aside, gloomy faces rolled up, comparison with the classics, with an eye on the shortcomings of the solemn, festive, anniversary parade, stand up! the older generation, the youngest generation of the older generation of our theater, a veteran of our
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theater, an eighty-four-year-old pianist. from satire, delegate of our anniversary for the centenary of the satire theater, georgy tusuzov, festive evening of the forever young fifty-year-old satire theater, allow me to announce open, the director of the satire theater still hasn’t lost his humor, where are you? i dream of the day when our moscow satire theater will be closed, closed, because there will not be a single satirical theme left for its performances,
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but this is just a dream, for now we live, live and work. well, i am sure that this dream will never come true, because indeed there will always be something to laugh about and what you dare to show. what has changed over these 50 years, alexandrevich, what? what has changed over these 50 years? nothing, for the same rake, for those you you know, a very interesting tribute to the time, one of the greatest performances of your small theatre. tragedies of the big house, comedies, small comedies, small comedies of the big house, you had a monologue there, when you record a record for your son in order to communicate with him, so that he can hear you, dear, seryozha, i am sending you
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this sound a letter with... the secret hope that you will take it for a jazz record, put it on the player and thus listen to everything that your father, your, so to speak, ancestor, is even trying to express you over the last time, it’s just that this record is the only opportunity to talk with you, so to speak, to establish contact, because i leave for work while you’re still... sleeping, you come home when i’m already asleep, or still sleeping , yes, by the way, when you return home at night, feel free to turn on the light, don’t try to walk through my mother’s
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room by touch, it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times. you are an equilateral triangle, seryozha, you have a c in physics, a c in literature, in...
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who are you, in general, this is a huge number, they they ask how much you are, why is this a trend of the time, i found out alexander that how much we are very expensive tickets, it’s impossible to get in, but it’s always sold out, but if you want, i’ll tell you about the shock of the satire theater from shirvinta and derzhavin, because i had a feeling it’s always that shirvinty plays in any performance of the satire theater; it’s imperative that when i came to study as an artist in moscow, we went with my stepfather. we bought two tickets for crazy money, but there weren’t enough for my mother, so we went to the show. then
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i didn’t know that the theater could leave either tour, or vacation, the stage may be giving up, that evening, it means there was a play by roman viktyuk, the maid, 15 minutes, 20, my dad is a little tense, because half naked, painted, that means men, a specific story, you would look good , madam, that means it’s intermission, i understand that it’s not too late, kolya, i still have to try, you have to pass the test, guys, you don’t understand, i see it’s a pity romko died, there’s no one to guide me, you don’t understand, i see how tense it is, it means my dad is every minute, i think it’s necessary get to the intermission, we go out into the street, summer is a monument to mayakovsky, dad is smoking nervously, we must give credit to the sense of humor, i say, how do you like it? he says: what can i tell you? shirvin and derzhavin, of course, are great. let's plunge into the atmosphere when
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the real power came out on stage. this is well unknown to all of us, which means behind the scenes nikadrovich is untouched. film panoramas receive a lot of letters from tv viewers and movie lovers. well, i must say, i have an advantage over other actors, i know my colleagues,
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they don’t audition me without auditioning, they don’t audition you in order to film, as i understand it, yes, they don’t audition you in order not to film, yes, this is an interesting idea, an interesting thought, it’s also interesting, what film studio is closest to you? everything, well, massfilm, of course, damn it, massfilm, maybe i’m on the highway, i live on arbat in moscow, and that means?
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and mikhail stepanovich, derzhavin, papa mishkin, a wonderful artist, a master of affairs, they still lived in this apartment... and the little rock now remained there, but nearby lived remezova, nikolai zhuravlev and that’s all these are children's parties, count from the age of 10, from the age of 10, well, because yours is dying, well, firstly, you
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were shown in all the lights, then, well, at all the theater meetings, there was nothing to show, so... no, it was just the most the best and outstanding, but the trend continues, you know, still very much, since we were preparing, after all, we were preparing for your arrival, and there is a wonderful scene with paranormal, remember the people you portrayed, parapsychologists. you have a couple of psychologists visiting, take an empty three-liter bottle jar, fill it with tap water, let's charge it, place it in the center of the table,
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blow off the foam of the fuel oil. i start driving , charging, 10, 20, 30, 40°, that’s enough, pour it into glasses, drink, feel the warmth, let’s go, let’s get warm, get warm, snack on the evening issue of the newspaper i charged, using the newspaper for other purposes is not recommended. no need to cry, dear, i’m watching you closely, i see, i’m working with you, that you have a girl from the tsyren, the third session can’t get pregnant from me, i’m working, don’t cry, i’m watching you, what is the length of your impact on the object.
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pretended and believed, in the end, i believed that this water was tap water, yes, he was in riga, he went on tour, i’m sitting in his room, i say, i beg you, he says, now one of them will come here, yes, but very rich, so he should tell me, this terrible clay - riga balsam,
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you know, when i see it, i get a burning sensation, but he says, well, he needs to be treated, i’ll pour it for you, you’ll say it’s water , water, i say, i won’t drink this, here’s a staging, introduces some rich man drunk and he, sit down so that you believe, this is a san only, i know, yes, you see yours, yes, this is water, no, this is water, that is, i ’m starving and like a knife and i start crying , he says water, i say water has such an effect on me, oh funny guys
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, tell me about the story when - sister mikhail mikhailovich and tanechka, tatyana mikhailovna, how you completely took her clothes away from her to perform at eldaviciano’s anniversary, this is also a brilliant miniature, we’ll see you again, but of course, well, they are mikhail’s two sisters mikhailovich and anechka and tanechka, tanechka is an absolute copy, simply a copy, and also lived in this entrance, tatyana, when, that means, mishka was put in her wig.
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she’s like this, she asks for an apology, she has to go, she’s been in moscow for 3 days, but hasn’t settled anywhere yet, it’s small there, she was sent to the cosmos hotel, they gave her a room, and there the taxi driver got confused and brought her to the hotel kolos, a wonderful room, he says , bright, big, there are also six reindeer herders next to her in the room. convenience in the yard, but there is no yard, it is
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antistatic. well, we'll see each other again, but what, well, most funny how they were choosing size forty-four stiletto shoes, ladies' ones, and they told her somewhere, they casually went to vnnkh, where... and the whole store, the foot size itself, itself is 4 m, the leg is 15 cm, and there in in the women's
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department of the bag, a temporary female one, he was wearing a dress and these, they began to gather around curiously, then they called an ambulance, and he... the navy, in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, will hold the main naval parade. congratulations
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on navy day, we know such ships on the sea so that we can have our own wave. bet, we need you, and we need a locator, and we also need loyal, we need guys, then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is a family to us, then any of us wouldn’t mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, a solemn parade for military day -marine fleet on july 28. on the first cognac monteschoca productlar group
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romca productlar group vodchora productlar group vodka veda productlar group cognac old barrel productlar she was here yesterday, here, right here, a fortune teller from monday on the first. you know,
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i’ve been in moscow for so long, i’ve never gone to the cinema yet, i need to fix it easily, i’m waiting for the first season in the new season, a woman is killed and we ’re talking about the devil and my heart hasn’t broken, do you know how she’s torn, they’re just giving away the shoulder and the elbow is pulling, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are references to you in all that... soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you ’ll still be identified, but is this a mortal danger, or do you have a second very a well-thought-out option for escaping abroad, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him report to
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the control room urgently. and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer , suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good shooter , hello! colonel kostenko. confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book yuliana semyonova. tonight is dedicated to the legendary satire theater. well, i've been leaving the stage for quite a long time. i count from the year fifty-six. calculate which year was better. very good, cheerful, excited,
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expectant, i will play as usual, only a little better, dear spectators, let’s get to know each other, our circus is turning on the lights again, it’s so good that we left home, here we are all together, but at home alone, it’s a miracle, we’re all artists, it’s a miracle, it’s just that alexandrevich too, always says hello, almost, you have to bite, hello, hello, i don’t go often, but today i came for the party, i probably even canceled my business trip, yes, stand here on the side
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and... first of all, there should be modesty, great pride, that such a figure is next to you, so close, this amazing. theater there on the pediment, uh, this is the iconostasis with my faces, i was a little scared, and then i thought, maybe this is sincere, i remember, a long time ago there was a creative evening in leningrad,
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“zhura, when rudik talks about me, i have this feeling, that it’s not me standing here, but my coffin.
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so i ask you to stop this nonsense, okay, let’s talk about young people, how you lured maxim after all, you know, it’s amazing, really, you studied. when i interviewed aleksandravich, i asked how hard it is to be an artistic hand, he says, an artistic hand, maksik, this is a whipped gingerbread, but when the whip is in the hands of the gingerbread, when maksik, i see you in a laurel wreath, i say so that's it, stop, aleksandryevich, what a laurel wreath, i mean, here we go. i carried endless plays, let's have this game, maxik, they will compare, okay, good, this maxik, suddenly i’m in london on tour and the call, maxik, where are you? i say, i’m in london, you can jump up now,
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for some reason it has to be visual, the issue is never resolved over the phone, but maxik, you can, i say, i’m in london, maxik, i have romka here, romka, how are you you see, this is roman grigorievich vektyuk. “i ’ll bring you together now, the main thing is that you have everything there, this will take a long time, roman grigorievich, hello, sure, i heard you want to play minhausen, i say yes, roman grigorievich, nonsense, nonsense, shut up, shut up, pause, now he 's teaching into the phone, pause, now you have to play, shut up, shut up, sunflower, this is a play slingshot, slingshot, anatolyevich, the concept is changing, but the fact is that the viewer will not understand the satire raga play, what kind of play, maxik, so now i’ve been called by romka, in general it’s endless, these plays are all this, you’re so expressive, i can’t imagine how unhappy nina is, whom you’re strangling, yes, i, i’m
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not for them i envy them, they get it, they get it, no, no, no, max is very masquerade, that’s all, in fact, i asked you, probably without words, to keep you silent, i stood up to you at lunch, when you remember, i interviewed you. and that means i came to you at this amazing academy, well, not obit, i thought that i needed to prove to you, but i came to this amazing academy, this is really the person who revived this amazing great school with such love, so everyone thinks that tseskaridze is so arrogant, cynical, you won’t find a more reverent person who treats his work like that, i say, this is not now a compliment, this is gratitude for i understand that this was asked to
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the office, i say, well, wait, well, somehow, well, of course, a person who is almost fifty dollars is used to working with his mouth with this and suddenly he needs this, and you know, this is the same wonderful thing that has happened to me lately, the interlinear that sits inside you, i
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once played arbenin’s mascarat in the saterikon, it is inside you, and so that i can tell the story with my body, yes, that’s exactly the story, it’s for me i really like it, i love this performance. let's let's prove tsiskaritsa that you're right, let's see a piece.
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i'm waiting for an invitation, i'm waiting for an invitation, for god's sake, you know, this is of course, absolutely high. between us, yes, but what, he poisoned her, i
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mean, not everyone understands that you poisoned her, a few words are needed at the end, it’s like on television, in fact, in fact, i tried, now i remember, that i our conversations with you, it probably looked like practically. it seems right, when you open new doors, you could play for 150 years
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what you already know, but it’s not interesting, in in this case, when there was a young company around, they were all 20-25 years old, and suddenly something started happening among them, yes, of course i had concerns, but you know, it’s not for me to give up, but for me i just like to live like this, it’s more interesting, let’s listen to those who couldn’t be in our studio today. the pioneer also talks about the theater, this is our legendary stage, there were always sold-out houses and the fact that we always lived well in general, it’s true, our theater has always been very family-friendly, we have always been famous for this unintriguing, nepotistic, sense of humor, at some point it was decided that our photographs would take on
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a somewhat unusual look. yakovleva alyonochka, yes, vasiliev yurasik, shiren shura, yuri borisovich nifontov, you see what a respectful attitude towards him, he is yuri borisovich, here, well, here we have, you see, such is the glory of this theater, valentin nikolaevich pluchik, minglet, papanov , mironov, oroseva, derzhavin, mishulin, arkhipova, tkachuk, takarskaya, rungiya, ovsharov, all people's artists. "the older generation, i came to the famous corpse of the satire theater, valentin nikolaevich, when he received me, i came to his office, he told me: “i have a palette, i have such paint, such, such, such, everyone takes his place, you too, you you’ll also keep him busy, he always said that i made a theater of classics out of sketch theater, because there are a lot of classics.” it remains to this day infinitely important for
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our entire society. alexander anatolyevich, in general , with his arrival, he changed a lot. firstly, the time is different, the people are different. gone the nineties. the atmosphere in the theater, perhaps it has become more like that, you know, even to some extent, perhaps, free, he did not hold ours with such a tight rein, which may not be entirely good. he... is more silent for a leader, it seems to me, it seems to me that a leader should stomp his feet, shout, build everyone up, he just shuts up, you want to, you want to do something so that oh-oh-oh, oh-oh -oh, oh, i want to be liked, i want, that’s it, i did everything, alexandrovich, i’ll do everything, but at this time he doesn’t say anything, i’m looking at you and i’m just amazed, i’m shaking all over, you don’t care, i, my dear, have already shaken off my own, well, i’ve been serving in this theater for 20 years, and i’m glad that now the earring is at the helm, and i think that
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she will succeed, it will turn out great, it’s serious and serious, a lot of work, so much work, so much, everything, plans, plans, plans, it’s wonderful when there’s a ray of light, yes, it was an absolutely grandiose figure. jumped out into the misteref and started tap dancing, he was the first tap dancer in moscow among young artists, furthermore, he was an artist when we were going on tour, he said, guys, we’re going to this city, there’s a wonderful museum of
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the 15th century, bush fragganar, don’t take anything extra. so that’s why, and at the same time, he seems to be sociable, always in the company, but they were afraid, afraid, afraid, afraid, without this it’s impossible, impossible, the leader is impossible, we have a piece of rehearsal, nikolaevich, let’s see the auditor, but what right do you have? how dare you, here i am, i’m serving in st. petersburg, i, i, oh my god, so angry, i found out everything, they told everything, damned merchants, so, stop, okay, just a minute, it’s so wonderful that
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it scared you, this is an official, that is, you know very well that he lives in the most miserable room in this monstrous apartment, under the stairs. no, no, i don’t want, i don’t want, i know what it means to another apartment, that is, in a shelter? since you dare, here i am, i serve in st. petersburg, i i i i the whole team won’t go, i won’t go, i won’t go, it’s far away, i’ll pay,
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i don’t have a penny now, that’s why i’m sitting here i don’t have a penny, you know, we - after all, valentin nikolaevich introduced me to this performance for the role that alexandrevich played, i played bobchensky, a little light at one rehearsal, which means, well, in addition to what alexandrevich just said, he was always quoting and reading mayakovsky, he says, my friend volodya, my friend bolodya, when you see the mayakovsky monument through the window, and next to you is a person who says: here is a friend , volodya, you think, wow, these two realities are united, that is, this is his friend, but remember, right? tell me, since what year have you been in the theater? i'm from seventy-six, 1976, but i want to tell you how i left the satire theater, we had the play “barefoot in the park.” then there was no entreprise, and olga alesanovna orosyeva, who played the main role there, alyonka yakovleva, we went,
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some administrator drove us, someone tipped off that we were going to earn money, us. he calls the ray, and he is always in the meerhold pose, oh, shame, tor, that’s it, let’s go, he scolded us, i’m taller, we leave the office, they called me up, and they started me up, that’s it, then i’m telling the whole truth, i mean , i’m writing a letter of resignation and leaving, the call to the entrance, yuri bordevich, please rise up, what’s wrong here, we’re playing with full
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dedication, that means it’s not a hack job, that’s it, boy, i stood over him like that, i say, my father has never yelled at me, he’s running here, i’m standing there with a sword, a hat, and i’m thinking, well, now something else, i’m just done, and he looks at me like that, he looked at me like that, i ’ve been standing there for a long time... . silent silence eyes, old man,
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can we really steal our friendship for 100 rubles, come here, i’ll kiss you, i’ll kiss you, well. that's it, let's watch one of your roles, where you are very young, yur, after all, this institute, by the way, is not a pedagogical institute for you... and not a motor transport one, you know how many people like you are pushed there, dad, but why go there , well, do you want your son to be an international figure, yes, you do, that’s what you want, not me, why should i fulfill your childhood desires, i have my own, well, well, well, where did you focus your attention, well, i don’t know, i didn’t really define it, but still, still.
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they also say: don’t believe in fate. gosha, guy, you know, what a reliable guy, three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, a week of this peacock, you know, and already with him you ’re jealous, no, i just don’t like him, but he’s not for you, i should like him, but in our yard, tomorrow on the first day, a businessman, three-commissar for... an apartment, financially secure, backcountry skis, two stars, fathers and
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sons, tomorrow on the first day, not a single letter, not i'm lying, i'm not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just lay out carpets somewhere in the yard and start playing everything, head, fire in the blood, god bless us, there is a restaurant nearby. and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think that there is such a holiday, maybe they missed one, they join us, there is such fun, even not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street. these are my slogans, creating a sustainable government. at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. and asking why you want to play the role of hamlet is simple. because a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, kul zatik, i came out in memory of
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vladimir vysotsky on friday at the first, the stars of the satire theater gathered in our studio, alexandrovich, i want to declare my love, can you, allow me, i was preparing, apanov is not. nina grigorievna, no, be careful, you’ll gobble it up, i was very lucky, in the eighties i watched the play “wake up in the vulture” with you, it was a fantastic benefit performance of yours, so much energy, enthusiasm, youth, it always seemed to me that an actress should be like this just like you, just like you in this performance, how many years have you been in the theater? oh, it’s scary to say, half a century, you also have an anniversary, but no, no, it’s probably already passed, it’s even passed, it was pretty, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
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since, and by the way, i’m in the past -what did she steal from the big one, okay, but what, just at that time the carmen sow was placed, this leg, yes, and this, this is how she grabs, like a weapon she is, yes, great, and... i sometimes dreamed that i was forced to act, dance in a big theater, it was terrible, incredible, but god bless him, here. one day after, that means new year, i don’t remember which, the first day, at 10 or 13 o’clock the call, nina, could you come and play a play in the evening, the actress got sick, that’s what got me out of bed, i don’t understand why i got up and i arrived, i don’t understand, i come, there is such a talmut that
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it is impossible to read before the evening, it was an eccentric nazim. that means there’s no one in the theater, not a single person, but it’s the first of january, and i don’t understand what to do, so they finally got through to alexander, he was scratched out from somewhere, he arrived, i said, alexander, call katya, you can play with the temperature, but you can’t play like this. but it’s already late, it’s already 4 o’clock, it’s already 5, 6, i drink half a glass, and we play, and we had a prompter, olga romanna, who sat like that under the drum and hissed, endlessly, something hissed, it was impossible to hear , but interfered wildly, but somehow.
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you can’t do that, but it was like that, let’s watch a piece from your performance, wake up sing, wake up sing, wake up sing, try for once in your life not to let out a smile and a closed eye, even if success is capricious, it chooses from those who can be the first to laugh at themselves, sing while falling asleep, fight in a dream, excuse me, fight! “excuse me, please, antonia karlashovskaya lives here, the gift is here, only she is not at home, i am the granddaughter of her cousin, my name is carola istvanki, a dissonant name, really, why wouldn’t i say, it means you have a very flexible character, so ninochka
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recalls, firstly, under the influence of this performance, he became a shleger later in the country, when there were artistic councils, then in the theater, and the song - this later sounded in the gentlemen of good luck, this is gentkov, yes, that means there is hot advice, ikolaevich tells the forecast for the season, this means i’m already impotent, swung at the impassive, so...
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then i was at two times younger than me, she was already an old woman, and if nothing was invented for the season, all this, well, nothing, then they brought a play, do you remember that it was called the piggy bank, do you remember, no, the piggy bank, a hungarian play, two of them dear people, translators, they are also something at the embassy, ​​a piggy bank, terrible horror, because there is some lady, guys, mark means i should do it, we sat down from the title , excuse me, but he came up with a little ray of name, he came up with a single word, this wasn’t there
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, then it was a hit, there wasn’t a theater in... she said: do you know how much two people also receive, no, i can’t tell you this amount, so i wouldn’t be sitting here, of course, now in a different place, you know what i want to say, that one of the most popular operas in the world is the marriage of figoro, that's where i wouldn't listen to this opera, where i
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wouldn't watch this performance, even in comedy frances, you know, i... always correlated suzanne, almaviva, figaro with the performance, which in the epoch-making, greatest performance that you played, is precisely the performance of the pluchik. so have you really changed your mind about the language you don’t know english well how can i not well what well i know yes i know i know the year damn it diabolical yes what good is the english language
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you need to know a little bit you can achieve everything tell me when you went to the beinal the englishmen bring this. an epoch-making performance, this is the mark of the great russian theater, all that, they were banal in yugoslavia, and there for the first time i saw hair, then there was something like this, something like this, something modern, against the backdrop of this hair there would be a porgy, all of a sudden, there was all this tattooing. shpanali, how to say, i was stunned, so we played, then, then from belgrade we went further, to three cities and somewhere i forgot
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where in zagreb or something, so i’m standing on the street early in the morning with a teddy bear, waiting andryushka, and instead of not washing his hair three times in a row and drying it twice afterwards: he can’t go out into the world, we’re standing about he was always late, in short, and there for the first time such a hotel, for the first time we saw these doors that were moving apart, and yes, i’m okay with these doors and we are waiting for them, the day before at the closing of the festival, it means there was a huge article in the central newspaper, where were the results of beinali.
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you're bothering me, they often ask what i 'm filming now, what am i, roughly speaking , working on now, am i filming, will you calm down or not, are you bothering me, you know, hang them
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down, one by one, one by one, so you'll fly away , i'm making a movie. i'll drink 100 and one night before all you all want to know is who, so to speak, will star in the central roles, yes, yes, you guessed it, i think that seryozha will say a few words about himself, speak up, dear, meet, then again,
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thank you , dear, before the premiere, live. not everyone will make it, we have another excerpt from your performance today.
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mr. gunpowder, you heard everything, then choose a weapon, yeah, swords, pistols, oh, well, swords, friends, well, you understand, well, this is the last century, and generally unsafe, too much blood, then pistols, i understand, yes, once, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, yes, that’s it, choose pistols, well... i think this one is good, a good choice, one two, and i already counted, now you choose pistols, that there was only one left to choose, and yuri borisovich, when i read who you play, i laughed very much, because when the teachers at the academy want to really scare someone, they say, we’ll take you to the doctor now, because me... that i will quickly heal, how do you
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like this image? well, it’s not about the doctor in the person, of course, but if we talk about doctors, my dad was a very famous surgeon, he was director of the sklefosovsky institute, so i grew up in this system, but you took a different path, but somehow it happened, and where are we, when we... also thought, by the way, we are all a little crazy, all sick, doctor, everything, everything, you know, i’m very - on this topic, when, it means, someone in the team is indignant at me, the academy is located on zochi street in russia, the whole street is painted yellow, i still say, what do you want, the house is yellow, yes, well, thank god it’s little puppy, but probably. different, but so
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as we promised our audience that we would tell the whole insight of your theater, we know that you are very friendly, that you are connected not only by relationships, with me there is a connection, yes, we are fishermen, yes, it was amazing when, when i have a day birth, and fedorich calls me and says, well , listen, we are here, anatolyevich.
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fedka says alexandrovich so carefully, now wait. and suddenly, it means, fedka dozed off, and his fishing rod was in the middle of the pond. it's really starting to bite. we caught it, then these friends arranged for us some amazing table, they cooked fish soup for us on the shore. i think this was my best birthday ever. after the commercial break
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, we will continue to learn the secrets of the satire theater. this, friends, is how the brain works, this is how, in the literal sense of the word, sleeping pills turn it off. why does addiction develop to sleeping pills, and what about those who have trouble sleeping? we will answer this and other questions in the program live healthy. on monday, on the first. oh my good ones, well, how are you here shukshin, this is the password of good literature, character, squeezed eyes, why? damn, well, mother in the usa, everyone thought that they could move it like some kind of piece on the chessboard, and then at some point they realized that nothing would work out for them, what are you saying? nothing, did you leave? i don’t know how to behave,
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some kind of unattainable thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also be a director, this is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if i were in your place, i would make such a film, what are you, hero, or what? they were supposed to broadcast on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, but what? i was launched onto the moon, shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated, pushkin is everything, shukshin is everything for me too, on the occasion of vasily shukshin’s ninety-fifth birthday, so what? uh, where ours didn’t disappear, next saturday, on the first. tonight we are talking about one of the most beloved popular theaters in our country - the satiru theater. sergei, you have already mentioned your new performance, comrade georges, i am deliberately confusing it because
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alexandrevich said that i did not prepare, so let it be so. comrade georges is much and you too. a new artist has appeared in the theater, fyodor, it’s me, yes, you are the youngest we have in the corpse, taking the first steps, and what year are we coming to you, then let it remain for, the girl is not asked like that, yes, she still at that age when you feel like it’s new in a new team, comfortable, interesting, but you liked it, don’t you regret it? no, they received it well, which is very true, really very warm and, what’s surprising, yes, really surprising, because i was expecting a knife in the back from everywhere, well, god has mercy on a satirical knife, well, there are different types knives, different ones, we have good people, let's
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see a piece from, or rather an excerpt from, this performance, comrade georges, i recently, gentlemen, found tsona's diary. oh, and what is it about, oh, no, i will never fall in love, because love is the attraction of my ego to the object of another deck, transcendental, integration turning point, lord, salt, where did you get all this, and scanned it, you're not you that you don't get angry if you say. sergey, why did you change your name, why did you decide that it was not vanya, but george? no i do not changed the name, the fact is that this is the third play, which is made up of two plays
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by chekhov: lesh and uncle vanya, in leshom, his name is uncle georges, so there’s not a word there and it’s not confused. not not not added, but if we go back, i’m very glad that fedor accepted the invitation, we worked with him before in the cinema, it’s true, but i was left in such a pleasant shock from the energy, like a movie in a movie was filmed in my film , together we partnered in gadunov, in the year new year, yes it was. that's why i understood that he always had an internal resource, it was, this is always clear from the very beginning, and somehow he carefully hinted, would you like to take part in the theater, and i’m very glad that it
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caught on, i had to, in my opinion, fedya was very interested in it, the theater was acquired, alexandrevich, how you reacted to this acquisition of the theater, do not interfere. kolya, can you tell me a short story about how to get to the theater with sergei gazarov, now come on, when i was graduating from college, it so happened that konstantin raikin called me from the course, oleg efremov called me from the course, and oleg efremov called me from the course. mikhail aleksanlovich ulyanov called, alexan anatovich brought one from the course by the hand and showed it to the little guy, that is, everything was already like that. choice, one of our teachers at the screenings says: listen, you couldn’t show up worse, your classmates also need work and we had a screening at the dzhagarkhanyan theater. so that they would definitely not
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take me, so that someone else would do something like that on purpose, drop something, something, and i see that gazarov is somehow already having such a hard time with everything, i think , okay, everything is fine, after this show they say, oh, this is by no means necessary, this is not necessary, this is not necessary, this is not necessary. a week later i was called to audition for mosfilm, i went into the room , the gazar was sitting at the table, he saw me and did that, yes, but i had to say something, i remembered this question for the rest of my life, it was as if he was looking - looking in space some question without looking at me, and so he said, he says, tell me, and without looking into the eyes, he says, tell me: do you know how to do anything serious?
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it's been a while, so it's like 22 years, that's it now, and not, then we also played balalai with you in a contemporary, there was such a period, like this, such a story, like this, well, insight brought us such news that you would stage bulgakov. and how can one imagine such a good artist in the image of sharikov? this is just the work and on the dog, we will work, we will try, i hope something will work out, he has prepared a surprise for us, he will sing, i want to say that sasha has prepared a surprise to sing songs. from the repertoire of andrei mironov - this is always very dangerous history, there are actors whose work
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you need to treat very carefully, always be aware that you can’t do better. i ask you very much, please tell us, from the original source, how the song was invented and written, snow is falling on the beach, bulgaria by a wonderful composer, naiden andreeva, a wonderful bulgarian, our friend, deceased. so they always fed and watered the sunny beach, the dacha, and then they left and andryushka and i began to go hungry, so they called the wives, so that somehow we wouldn’t end up getting drunk and lay on beach, she says, nayden wrote a wonderful melody, but there’s no... plot, we’re lying on this beach, and it’s blue, because it’s cold,
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you know, but in bulgaria, in bulgaria, everything is a blip, and that means she has it there , i don’t know what it was on then, on some tape recorders, this melody, and i say, there is, snow is falling on the beach, leaves are spinning , oh, a witch’s mirage, a mirage, yes, a stroke of a magic brush, this is mine, then, that means he took it, then uh with entin, when entin heard that i was saying somewhere that these were my words, he said, this is a judicial matter, you tomorrow you will sit me down, i said, i say everywhere that the idea is mine and the first phrase,
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when i came to entin’s house to ask permission to sing a song, i say: hello, legend, enten says: i’m not a legend, i’m a classic, please, a classic, please come in, what is your song about, unknown singer, what are you laughing at? what are you sad about? oh, how
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far we are from each other, now you are with me from the black disk. you say, snow is falling on the beach, leaves are spinning, about a witch's mirage, a wave of a magic brush, a dance of stars, a rainbow living bridge, from heart to heart bridge, from heart to heart, snow is falling on the beach, leaves are spinning, through a witch's mirage, a wave of a magic brush,
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dance of the stars, rainbows living bridge, from the heart. a bridge to the heart, from heart to heart, translate the translator, the words, into the language of the night, into the dialect of a cloud, or grass in a meadow, well, what about you, translator, there is ambiguity in your eyes, you ... can’t do this, but i can , snow is falling on the beach, leaves are spinning, oh a magical mirage, the sweep of a magic brush, the dance of the stars, the rainbows
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are a living bridge, from everyone... to the heart a bridge, from heart to heart, applause and eternal glory to the beloved and wonderful artists of the satire theater, andrei mironov, anatoly papanov, olga oroseva, grigory minlet, valentin pluchik, thank them for the light, for the joy, for the kindness! these are wonderful, wonderful roles, fond memories, snow is falling on the beach, leaves are spinning, snow is falling on the beach, falling, snow is falling on the beach,
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the largest enterprises created in the soviet empire over 70 years are sold at auctions, foreign investors are not allowed to bid, no one has money inside the country except several banks close to the top of the government, they are the ones who practically have a monopoly on buying at auctions all the best that is in the russian economy for no price. on february 1, 1994 , a certain private person, an unknown mathematician, loner, announced.
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the number of depositors is increasing by a million people a week, ordinary citizens across the country are beginning to willingly pay with mmm shares among themselves, along with rubles and dollars. you even think that everything is simple and easy for me, but not you, everyone thinks so, and thought and there will be. to think so, yes, but i’ll tell you, no, it’s not easy for me, oh, how easy it is, and you think about what will happen if everyone there
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thinks about what this, what’s- his-name, mammoth, really has, 10 million investors, it can’t, maybe there is no more accurate data yet, so you get this data, then do... do something with it for this, by the way, viktor semyonovich, mamontov had 11,734 classics as of yesterday. wow, i declare my signatures, works of art. interesting, interesting, please tell me where the prices come from, right? say these? as you said, a work of art, i appoint it myself, well, i just announce everything, the main thing is that today the price is higher than
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yesterday, i’m even ready to publish prices 2 weeks in advance so that people are aware, with a reservation, the estimated price, estimated, i earn my money honestly


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