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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 21, 2024 3:25am-4:10am MSK

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his story, because we have four more afterwords, where each minor character tells his own version, rachel says that bradley is actually crazy, and that means he harassed her in every possible way, in general, it was true that he was pursuing her, and his ex-wife also says, what does it mean bradley was in love, but only her, julian says that yes, there was a feeling, most likely, but he just talks a lot, that he looks strange, but he seems like that.
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that is, yes, that is, loxi is dark, as if there is an apallonian beginning, dark side, it’s like the devil, like lucifer, it’s, that is, it’s real, and even on the first edition of the black prince there was the head of apollo, therefore, that is, it was not only here there are references to hamlet, but also there are references to myths and absolutely , and she loved murdock very much. i studied plato and eros, yes, this question and that is, there is a lot of dark things here, namely , conversations about the connection between creativity and eros and eros, but still, i think creativity wins, that is , there is no love as such in the end, and there is no truth there, there is only wait, well, let's figure it out, this character bradley, we see him at first so boring, he grumbles all the time, he is dissatisfied all the time, this is an introvert who really wants to be left alone. he is annoyed by all people, he
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constantly tells them rude things, i don’t want to see you, go away, leave me alone, and he seems cynical, he seems callous, suddenly, when he awakens in love with this girl, who is younger than him at 38 years old , he suddenly becomes super romantic, that is, he starts talking about love as there is no one, almost a temple at all, almost a god, in which he believes, yes, that is, there is a very strong intensity of emotions, and during this period. and we stop recognizing him, in this sense , this novel “murdoch” is a little upside down, because at first we think that he is such a person, and then suddenly it turns out that he is so gentle, and he believes, as you correctly noted, even in prison, the fact is that julien still loves him, and he even almost takes it upon himself to kill arnold, simply because he feels guilty for what he somehow destroyed the psyche of this poor girl, but at the same time... it turns out that
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the event that caused all this to happen is not worth the reaction you think it is, because well, well, well, the girl got carried away , maybe a teacher at an institute who is older, this is a popular plot, why suddenly such a sideliness, or even faustianism, and some kind of dark principles, dark eros, here on the one hand, again, i don’t think that we can talk about the real one... on his part , he fell in love with the image again. we are with you they said that he knew julie before this. and he did not see this beauty in her. but a certain moment happened, these lectures about hamlet, and something turned upside down in him, and he saw her from a completely different side, he saw a certain image, he fell in love with the image, and through it he realized his creative beginning , creative beginning, yes. where does this darkness of nabokovism come from, well, it’s about impossible love, and why is it so impossible, it’s not really impossible. it seems, on the one
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hand, it is understandable if one can reason logically, but with that intensity with the madness that happens there among the characters, it’s even kind of absurd, that is , this very situation is escalated to the point of absurdity, and there is no logic in the actions of the characters either, listen, why is murdok so cool, that is, why do we respect her at all, why we still read her, we talk about her, murdoch is a very great, it seems to me, a philosopher from literature. cool, by the way, i agree, that is, she has so many meanings built into her novels, so many layers, so many subtexts, in each of them, you can talk about each of them endlessly, and pulls out an infinite number of meanings, plus different forms, different tools, forms, for example, how she builds the narrative itself, how it was done, it was very, well, it remains very cool and...
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in the end there is an intensity of passions, there is seduction, there is murder, that is... we can say that she operates with rather pop genre techniques, no? yes, due to this we read with such rapture the black prince, that is, he is not boring, he is very easy to consider, yes, there are a lot of dialogues, by the way, good dialogues, wonderful dialogues here too, what ’s surprising is that there are a lot of them, a lot of characters talking at once at the same time.
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so masterfully written, it also moves the plot very much due to this it is also very interesting to read and easy. listen, but you ’re an introvert, look, you’re beautiful, you’re a talented woman and... but your profession, it forces you to be an introvert, that is, you work alone with yourself, and you write a lot, and you’re alone in this condition, tell me, do you feel some kind of connection, maybe with murdoch, because she is also a very interesting woman, she was also married to
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a writer, they lived together all their lives, maybe you feel some kind of similarity in character, here is a bright woman who at the same time maximum. i don’t know about me and murdoch, but her idea about the impossibility of finding a quiet place really resonates with me, because even in her novel sea-sea, yes, which received the booker prize, the booker prize, yes, there is also this theme that the writer goes somewhere in solitude, tries to write , then someone comes again, that is , this is the inability to finally talk to yourself with a piece of paper, roughly speaking, yeah. this is very close, this is it, it’s impossible to drive away all the people, to drive away yourself in the world, yes, that is, this is the moment when it really is, well, i think it’s not just the writer, it’s all writers, i think they will understand, this is the moment , when you really want the peace of solitude and listen to your thoughts, but it’s
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impossible to find, my husband says that you have to work so that children are crawling all over you, the water is noisy, your clothes are boiling, but you still write. i can only go out the window, well, you see, we have already found that you and murdok have something in common, that she also always wants to find solitude to write? yes, this, well , this is absolutely important for me, that is, i always close myself off and god forbid even a fly flies through there, that is, it is very distracting, but it turns out that you are melting, let’s say, this communication with the world into your texts , that's right, yes, this is complex communication, it allows you to be more sensitive, let's say. within this communication, for example, murdoch is considered a master of psychological realism, that is , even these dialogues, all these situations, as you rightly say, they are intensified to the point of absurdity, but they do not become funny, we continue to be inside some kind of real living drama, and we believe that
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these characters really exist, they are just crazy, yes, but can we imagine such real people, real people, completely, completely, absolutely.
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and she really, well, apparently, liked it lolita, i think there is a lot of nabokov in the black prince too, but not in style, post-style - it’s completely different, but still, you understand. lolita is a thirteen-year-old girl, after all, julin is a twenty-year-old girl, that’s all, but i agree with you that we still see a glimpse of this lolita in these relationships, and the hero’s feeling of guilt is mainly in his inner picture, it’s like she’s a girl, although we understand that it was she who played with it and threw it away, well, in general, i think she’s a girl, because he i saw how she grew up, it’s still there, it imposes, that is, if you saw a child and... how the child grew up, well, it’s no longer possible to treat
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a woman like an adult, it’s hard, well, at least it’s hard, so i, for example, say that even if we are when my son is 18, 20, 30, 40, he will still be small for me, yes , probably yes, so it’s not easy, listen, that’s how it seems to you, he’s playing the role is that this bradley, he sees this girl in... the costume of the black prince, i think this is the climax of the novel, when she comes out to him in this suit with some kind of sheep skull, and at that moment a passion awakens in him, which frightens this girl, that is, she doesn’t, and after that she runs away from home, yes, either with her dad, or alone, well, in general, she leaves him, and then she builds a wall with him, she hardly communicates with him, almost does not communicate with him, writes a letter, yes, well, in general, we understand that she is running away from him, if she wanted to find out this relationship, she would have figured it out, but it turns out that he scares her
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precisely with this dark passion, like you do you think this plays a role? i think so, because she, too, initially saw in him more of a fatherly figure, when a fatherly figure suddenly attacks you and it’s a completely different thing to put on a completely different role, and of course it’s scary on the one hand, on the other hand she runs away after ... her father comes, her father reveals to her bradley's real age and gives her a letter from rachel from well, that is, where, in general, the mother talks about her affair with bradley and he finds out to julie that there was some kind of affair in general this is all very confusing, she probably did the right thing by removing herself from this situation , i think so, because there the madness would have grown to infinite limits. well , look, when... she’s driving out of town with predley in a car, they’re just beginning this
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relationship, they don’t yet have, so to speak, any real flat relationship, she, to prove her love, she jumps out of the car , but this is horror, this is extreme, that is, she wanted to prove to him that she loved, in the end she ran away as soon as any problems appeared or not, like you you see, well, it’s just that if she had stayed with him, self-destruction would have continued, including destruction, so to speak. do you think his passion for her was dark, destructive, there may be a connection with humbert humbert, yes, that he is destroying the girl, yes, and it seems to me that there simply could not be anything else, in principle, maybe, here murdoch also introduces the idea that perhaps creative people, in principle, cannot have healthy relationships, and well, in the generally accepted, generally accepted sense, i think, yes, i think not maybe, maybe creative people can coincide. so to speak, cockroaches, or maybe for this bradley, this whole story was just such a swinging of this
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internal pendulum, in order to ultimately produce this text, it’s like an interesting text, a black prince, like a text, well, if you look at it as art, yes, and he’s interesting, in fact, bradley seemed to me more like he’s floating with the flow all the time, he ’s carried, he’s carried, he’s nailed there, he’s there... when he suddenly exposes himself for this love for julian, he suddenly becomes like a lion,
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decisive from my point of view, he begins to run somewhere, break in, wait for her at his parents’ house in the car, there he almost climbs into her window somewhere, that is , begins to do things that we do not expect from him at all, but on the other hand, he does nothing to justify himself, or for example, having justified himself, he could go to julian and explain himself, but he prefers... to remain in prison, that is, he could somehow justify himself ? i think he could, but he doesn’t even try, in general, both of these heroes, they believe that murdoch checked herself into bradley.
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the remaining author, i know that your book is the season of poisoned fruits, it is dedicated to the life of a girl against the backdrop of the nineties, you have some kind of approach to the characters, which was formed somehow in a difficult way, you say that the reader cannot help you understand completely and should not understand, that is , you always close yourself off from him with some kind of images, and there is never an exact reflection of you, do you have some kind of approach to your characters? half of the character is always me, that is, me, so that, well, the author always writes with himself, and in order to write something really truthful and real, i need to put something of my own into the character, this is true, and these are not necessarily good things, there are bad things, which is why i don’t like characters, and
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they tell me , that it was clear that you didn’t really like this character, i say, i know, and there is precisely this trait that i all... i don’t really like, it is in this character, two stars, fathers and children, tomorrow on the first, hello, you are watching mutador, our program is dedicated to the famous one in spanish the city of pampiona, the population of the city during the fiesta of san fermin reaches half a million, people come here from europe. 99% of foreigners , when asked why they are here in pamplona, ​​answer rather monosyllabically, arnest jiminguy, and the sun rises, 300 years, this holiday was not noticed by anyone, only after the twenty- sixth year, the year the jiminguy fiesta was released, dozens began to come to this city hundreds
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of thousands of people, i once wrote a book about this, you should not go to pomplona with your wife, there is a chance that she will get sick, cut herself or will hurt himself. fiesta in pomplon is a man's affair. motador. no one has discovered the best jimengoya's pomplona. bullfighting extended beyond the spanish world. from now on, carida belonged to everyone. tomorrow on the first. this year marks the 105th anniversary of the classic english literature writer. murdoch, a woman who wrote from a man's perspective. and we wonder what came of it. she also writes a lot about aging women. she wrote the black prince when she was over 50, in my opinion, so she very much, it seems to me, reflects in this novel about stealing female body and almost tangible she has this disgust towards
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the aging female body, these sweaty feet, this. i was referring to this idea of ​​a woman’s middle age, of course the monsters are very scary, very scary, it’s clear that she was very afraid of this, and indeed, that is, some very subtle observation, yes, she didn’t really want to grow old, i had the impression the feeling that it was not clear to her where to move next from this middle age, how to perceive her body, how to perceive love, and in general how to live further, well, what’s next in life after these 50 plus, right? like when your body increasingly refuses you, when youth is behind you and there is only some kind of darkness of captivity ahead, it seems to me that she never finds the answer to this question, no, there is no answer, in my opinion, she is a little unfair to women middle-aged, they certainly have an advantage over youth, over
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julienne’s youth, freshness, they have an advantage, well, not everyone falls apart at 50, let’s put it bluntly, so... i don’t know how it was in the seventies, but nowadays women take great care of themselves and many fifty-year-olds look, some are better than thirty-year-olds and feel great, i agree, there is certainly some kind of feminine side of this inner fear of aging, it is very reflected in this text, i agree with you, okay, vera, thank you for the interesting conversation, thank you, i was very curious to talk with you specifically about the resize, because it’s a little strange... its silhouette stands out against the background of literature xx century, that is, she seems to be a woman, but writes from a male perspective, popular at the same time, yes, an honored author, interesting, that is, she is so... you can’t ignore her at all, if we talk about history and literature, well, this is english classics, absolutely classics of english literature, be sure to read iris murdyk, there are many other novels,
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not only the black prince, but today vera bogdanova and i were interested in talking specifically about the black prince, as about the connection between mysticism and eroticism. i once suggested this to my students: task, gave them a text and asked them to identify its main feature, someone said that the text was too short and uninformative, someone , on the contrary, that it was too long, but they were all wrong. the main feature was that this text was written not by a person, but by a computer program. hello, today we are gathering our thoughts about artificial intelligence.
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so as a warm-up, i want to ask you this, so that you call today the main horror story about artificial intelligence, which has nothing to do with reality relationships, what really causes you anxiety? there are a lot of horror stories, but if... globally, my opinion is that it is very important that our society and we understand that we are still dealing with advanced it technologies, and not artificial intelligence in the real sense of the word, here horror stories mainly concern and films are made on this topic, mainly about the fact that artificial intelligence will get out of control, that it will become more powerful than the person himself, and it seems to me that here it is very important to determine this watershed, that these are, in principle, different worlds, and this...
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public opinion and are proud that 70-80% of our population believes that artificial intelligence is not scary, it’s normal, yeah, because generally speaking, this you have to be a little afraid, in this sense. let's discuss the details, what will the clergy say? i think that one of the most dangerous horror stories that are very attractive to most people is that artificial intelligence will quietly replace a person and thereby make his further existence meaningless. here. it seems to me that this, of course, is just a horror story, that’s what’s really worrying and exciting, this is the eternal problem of man,
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which at one time was already discussed by plato in the state, and it was thought that it would be resolved when, as a result of the development of technology , everything else that helps person in life, but a huge space of time will be freed up. that is, what we are talking about is that human sinfulness is being actualized, we find ourselves surrounded by such vile, very
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soft, very sticky pillows, from which it takes much more effort to break away, the simplest image is an example, a person who lives or at least has experience of life in a village, he knows perfectly well that if he does not go to the well, if he does not bring water, if a friend does not bring it. will not feed the cow, then he will not be able to give her food, he simply will not survive, a person who lives in an apartment, he is guaranteed, even if he practically does not pay for utilities, he knows that he most likely will not be kicked out, it will still be warm, there will still be water in the tap, anyway, somewhere he will find something for himself, scrape it together, go to the neighbors, have something to eat, and he can afford the luxury of sitting, before watching tv, now in games, on social networks and so on, here is the question - why does a person sorely lack internal immunity in order to resist, counteract such temptations. let's definitely
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talk about this, there are just a lot of questions at once. unfortunately, there is not much time, in principle the main answer was given, but i i still want - maybe to explore this topic a little, look, alain turing, the famous mathematician, in my opinion, in 1950 or 1951 , published his article, which asks the question: can a machine think if i’m not mistaken, he then proposed the so-called imitation game, yes, that if there is a presenter, a man and a machine, then the presenter is given a task, he asks questions to these two of his interlocutors and must use them to determine from the answers which of them machine, which one is human. i think thuring said that if more than seventy answers are accepted as human in 5 or 10 minutes, then it means it’s a person, it seems like i read that not a single machine has passed this test so far, then, as i understand it, they became controversial with it, and so on , this doesn’t raise the question of your definition, that after all, it’s definitely not
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intellectual. logs are not designed that way, if, i don’t know, your diesel engine is made very well, it looks like i don’t know, some other super engine, this doesn’t mean that it has ceased to be diesel, yes, here is exactly the same situation, so far it is very far from strong artificial intelligence, in this sense, from my point of view, although there are enthusiasts who believe that in the next few years, maximum 10 years, it will be created, from my point of view this will not happen in my lifetime, and if it happens, it will even happen, that’s separate. discussion, it needs to be discussed separately, because it is generally accepted in the world, by the way, this confirms my words that the international community thinks so, the subjectivity of the artificial is not discussed anywhere intelligence, this means that after all, everyone treats this as complex, but technology, with this position we need to consider it, if such technologies appear, i , as a person who deals with this, will see it, doubts will begin to appear, i will share, but for now i have no doubts, yes i don’t have any doubts now, that everything
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that is happening now is like this and... because of this i’m tempted, that this is something so incredible, when i listened to you , i also thought that when we look for an unmanned vehicle, yes, it’s the same, it doesn’t mean that it controls the program just like a person, yes, there is a completely different principle, what is called driving, you know, this is a very good topic here, unmanned cars are actually in fact, do not exist, but the fact is that when elon musk, for example, was asked, what did he say, i have an assistant, that is, there are a lot of experiments with unmanned vehicles, but
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in the sense that... an unmanned car drives where he wants and he is fine, this is not there, i a long time ago, i spoke about this for a long time and said that if there is a dedicated circuit, a special environment, whatever you want to call it, technologically, simply humanly, then yes, then an unmanned vehicle makes sense and it will drive, but if, for example, on a city scale, this is not a chess game, where a computer can learn to play with itself, this is not a go game, this is an environment that changes, where it changes dynamically and unpredictably, that is. driverless cars, for now it's a research project, a project, i'm just i want to bridge the gap that when you said about subjectivity, i remembered that in 2011, when the computer utson, in my opinion, yes, won jeopard, one of the philosophers said that utson does not know that he defeated geobordy , yes, yes, so it seems to me that a very important topic is that a person in a situation where he does not have a pre -prepared algorithm, he dives into
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a certain depth, and artificial... intelligence has nowhere to dive, well, that is, there is no place there such spare space from which it would be possible to quickly pull the necessary algorithms to solve this issue, well, by the way, i also remembered this now, i read somewhere that if we compare the human brain with a computer, yes, then we still proceed from the fact that the computer is a deterministic system, that is, under the same conditions, yes, we get the same result, and the human brain is an underdeterministic system, there will always be results anyway. i wouldn’t pose the question like this here, because one of our listeners will start this later, because artificial intelligence is still not entirely deterministic, there are some difficulties there, but it’s still not the same, well, you can say so, but still the matter is getting deeper, how to say, firstly, the idea of that neural networks and the human brain are one and the same thing, well , to put it mildly, this is no longer even discussed, this is no longer a hypothesis, but in my opinion pavel balaban is our
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well-known one. everyone needs to do this, so the brain is a much more complex story, probably this is the very last thing a person with humanity will be able to study this, so this is some kind of model, it has the right to life, it has shown its capacity, but we must treat it in such a way that we have a fairly effective tool for solving problems, now we need it, based on the complexity that this technology affords represents, we must manage risks, make sure that it does not cause harm, makes maximum use, well, as always, in principle, in the life of mankind, there was a nuclear reactor, some other, some complex technologies, but not attitude to this is that now let ’s implement it everywhere at any cost, because it’s profitable, well, it’s clear that when you let a person through on the subway, well, what’s
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the difference, well, even if he cheats and comes in, well, let him come in, it doesn’t matter will not affect, but if he goes to a nuclear facility, for example, it’s probably not worth taking risks there and there should also be protection circuits to check for sure that he is or is not him, here is the collection of biometrics in public places, social scoring, the second part will be necessarily regulatory, well, for example, in aviation, you know, there are strict rules, it’s just that if you don’t develop an operating system for aviation from scratch on... it can be certified, that is, it’s quite strict, but there is no artificial intelligence, it’s ordinary software, but it’s a dangerous zone and accordingly there certification costs for support are sometimes many times more than for the development itself, we do this, so i know this well, we make a real-time
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operating system ourselves, finally the third part, when you can use it as you want, it doesn’t matter doesn’t affect, well, for example, the metro fund from my point of view can be entered into the third part, well, a person comes in, they come in, or there , for example, admission to the canteen, well, well, he’ll eat one more time. there is no way to regulate, some people think that everything needs to be regulated on the contrary, as is the case in other countries, but we really need this discussion so that we understand, and at the same time , some people think that it shouldn’t be based on scientific knowledge at all, and not because we are afraid of this, let's go there, if we move away from fears in the opposite direction look side? these are the main hopes that we can place on the development of this technology, here is father pavel, well , it seems to me that the main hope is that we will have the opportunity to make such a qualitative leap in understanding the depth
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of formal data processing, even if we take, relatively speaking, , there are languages, because today we are all witnesses to how much the quality of translation has advanced, not only with...
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hello, the program is on air time, ekaterina andreeva studios, the main events of the day. there are battles for every meter. our defenders are pressing enemy in the zaporozhye direction in the liberated area, working on reporting from the front line. and the latest data from the ministry of defense, the situation on other sectors of the front. find yourself in civilian life, what do
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the heroes of the special operation who returned to civilian life do. history from different regions. against western censorship and the abolition of russian culture, a rally, a shaman concert at the american embassy in moscow. what is kamala haris up to, the american media writes that the vice president wants to urgently meet with the largest donors of the democrats and new details. investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. a unique site for testing the technology of the future has opened a hydrogen test site on sakhalin. what projects will soon become a reality? 17 moments of spring tritopol on plyushchikha carnival 100 years since the birth of tatyana lioznova, an outstanding director. what is the secret of her paintings? and at the beginning , the latest data on the progress of the special operation from
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the ministry of defense confirmed the destruction of two launchers and a radar station of the american -made patriot air defense complex. we were informed about this the day before source in the military department. painful damage for kiev. patriot is very expensive. the rocket alone costs about 4 million dollars, the battery is estimated at more than a billion. western countries have an endless supply of these complexes. moreover, not everyone is ready to give them to ukraine to the detriment of their own defense capability. from today’s report, our troops have the initiative in all directions of the northern military district. the west, south, center and east groups have improved the situation in their areas of responsibility. enemy positions were hit, including in the krasny districts liman, toretsk, chasovo yar, losses in the ssu per day were almost 1,900 people. among the destroyed equipment, a howitzer and a self-propelled gun, manufactured in the united states and britain. air defense systems shot down two atakom missiles, four himorc missiles and 74 aircraft drones. the russian
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military is advancing in the zaporozhye region, the dnepr group of troops is expanding the bridgehead north of rabotina, trying to hold back the onslaught of the ukrainian armed forces, throwing one unit after another into battle. however, there are fewer and fewer people willing to die for zelensky’s expired regime. the militants, mainly those who were mobilized by force, surrender at the first opportunity . about the work of our advanced detachments - a report by valentina solovyova. we're heading to the inspector's office right now. work is more boring, we throw an assault group there, but the soldiers will have to walk a few more kilometers to their massings at night, there is strength, there is, this is what the positions of the armed forces of ukraine look like now, severnaya rabotina, battles are going on literally every meter, attack aircraft of the seventy-first regiment and a fire group support goes forward we’ve fortified ourselves here on the defensive line, if they attack... we’ll die, don’t die, we’ll give in, rare footage taken during
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the assault on one of the enemy’s positions, these ukrainians were offered life, i screamed at them, shouted, surrender, well, there’s just no answer nothing, there’s no, we won’t, or we ’ll think well or what, it’s just that there’s always a burst of machine gun fire in our direction, they don’t consider us people for a long time, and we’re colorados for them, and they’re all muscovites, they don’t care who they kill. come here, help, be patient, be patient, you they didn’t inject anything, nothing, hold it, hold it, i have a bandage here, take it, these two ukrainians surrendered, our soldiers are helping them, bandaging multiple shrapnel wounds, they don’t have their own first aid kit, you still have something behind you , well, here you were acting as a gent, and there, too , your fragment is not hopeless, it settled in with you, everything is fine, you will live.
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mobilized, what do you say, but the men, the commanders, the commanders, our commanders simply, this group of the armed forces of ukraine was covered during rotation, first they knocked out their hummer, and then attacked the trench where the survivors wanted to hide, in these shots there are ukrainian attack aircraft who tried to take our positions, i, for example, don’t understand the meaning of this war, let’s go out, guys, raise our hands. along the trench, i’ll take the water there, take it, you start working on them, they are just beginning to realize where they are, well, apparently they are being deceived, we guess so, well, from the prisoners, they say how many prisoners they took, they all say, the commanders told us, come in, gain a foothold, we knocked them out with orta, there is no one there, they come, we meet them, no worry, everything is fine, this is what, this is what it was, this is the way out, this was the way out, call sign headlights. call sign golden brothers together carry out tasks in unit 71 of the first
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regiment, there are eight brothers in total here, all came as volunteers, together they repelled the so-called enemy counter-offensive in rabotina, together they cleared the village, now they are moving forward together, awarded medals for courage, the number of destroyed enemy equipment and it’s difficult to count those taken prisoner, the soldiers say, here’s another episode with you, where the second one, i don’t know, i haven’t seen the second one, i see him, i need evacuation, now we’re behind you, the one who surrendered was seriously wounded, he was evacuated on a stretcher under constant fire, so that the gold one left his business to be here. fara professional sports, russian champion in mixfight, eurasian medalist in rapping, ccm in grappling, ccm in boxing, yes, this is a real man’s job, here, of course, that’s who they say, people, we started talking for a salary, they say, money, money, well,
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try to run for money, uh, a place where birds don’t fly, except for soulless birds, try to run there after a person who has almost died, everyone came here of their own free will, that is, consciously, understanding what, what, why, got up, got ready, kissed mom, dad, hugged their daughter and went to fight, valentina solava, sergey kuznetsov, islam mustarkhanov, natalya labanova, channel one, rabotinsky direction, and new names of the heroes of the northern military district, captain alexander rvachev and his group entrenched themselves on the outskirts of the settlement for a day. there was a defense until the main forces arrived, i was wounded, but did not leave the battle came out and continued to supervise his subordinates. senior sergeant vladislav myagchenkov with three fighters bypassed the militants from the flank and attacked. the enemy was knocked out of their positions and held the line until reinforcements arrived. vladislav, despite the concussion, assisted the wounded man and evacuated him to a safe
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place. seven people were injured in the city of shebekina, belgorod region from shelling in the ssu. this was announced by the head of the region, vyacheslav glodkov. shells from ukrainian militants. hit several residential buildings, knocking out windows, damaged apartments, balconies, facades, attacks on industrial enterprises, commercial facilities, cars, and another example of the favorite tactics of kiev terrorists, a strike on civilians, followed by another on those who came to the rescue, usually rescuers or doctors . in the footage from the donetsk republic, which was posted by all these militants themselves, kaze can be seen using drones to catch up with a civilian gazelle. in another video , the minibus is already on fire, and the drone is heading towards the fire truck that has arrived. burnout, miraculously there were no casualties. finding yourself in a new peaceful life is not the easiest task, even for our heroes, our members, and here any support is not superfluous. family and close people are the main support and, of course, the support of the state of the entire society is important; together we can move mountains. people of courage and duty
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prove this every day, sometimes in the most unexpected fields. irina kuksenkova was convinced. raise your hands. it is difficult to recognize this kindergarten director as a special operation veteran intelligence officer. thirty-four year old mikhail semenishchev used to work as a sound engineer. when i returned from the front, i decided to radically change my life. while driving from the northern military district zone to my family, i came across an advertisement for the sale of an old kindergarten. together with my wife, we made repairs, completed the paperwork, and have been working successfully for a year now. there were never any problems to find a common language with the child, and to understand the child. they need to be watched. mikhail served in the cossack brigade named after pyotr biketov. there were injuries and awards, but as he admits, now his main reward is children’s smiles laughter. by the way, the kids here gave their commander a new call sign. our girl came, she speaks so well, she gave me the nickname “mom-uncle”, and she calls me
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“mom-uncle”. and the other kids don’t speak so well, they just call me uncle. mikhail now sees education in the education of the new generation. fathers, so that fathers understand their responsibility, it’s just that the family will get divorced , that’s it, the father, he doesn’t help in any way, sometimes they even brag about how they deceived them, well , of course, it’s not like a man, not like a father, in fact, you need to understand how much you important as in the life of a son, so in life, give your daughter to dad for coffee, special operation veteran ivan skorynin has six children, two of his own, and after he returned and adopted four nephews who ended up in an orphanage , he looked at his wife and said, let’s take him,


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