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tv   Zdorove  1TV  July 21, 2024 8:10am-9:20am MSK

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and they also say: don’t believe in fate, gosha, guy, you know, he’s reliable, three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, he loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, a week of this peacock, you know, and already with him you’re jealous, you’re jealous , no, i just don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard, today on the first one. businessman, three-room apartment, financially secure, alpine skiing, not a single letter, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just lay out carpets somewhere in the yard and start playing everything, a world fire of blood, god bless us, there is a restaurant nearby and people are coming out of it, they are tipsy, they think that there is such a holiday, maybe they missed one.
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on friday at the first, now the commander and i are going to set up a life-size target that will depict an enemy machine gunner, why are we doing this, because then the crews will be working on drops, that is, helping the attack aircraft, we are going down to the strong point to set up a target, specifically we hide it a little. so, that is, the task of our guys with
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air to detect, detect and release to destroy the enemy's living force. here you can clearly see how the enemy’s defense is arranged. this is what trenches look like, regular trenches. ordinary opornik, desinors, pay attention, here, too , there are cells where enemy soldiers could potentially be hiding, here is such a broken line of trenches, a blocked gap, a blocked gap, that is, it’s dangerous everywhere here, and of course the soldiers shouldn’t let their guard down when they come here they enter the so-called fox hole - this is a fortification invention from the time of the first world war, a narrow gap in...
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with a dump of supplies, a standard dump, this came from us, by the way, humanitarian aid, thanks to our dear comrades who sympathize, help us, constantly send all sorts of things like nakolniki, the tails are also from them, that is, the reset is normal, standard, we hover on the target, take aim and throw it away, well, here’s a seemingly small grenade, but what effect does it have, very good, 5 m damaging effect if it falls side by side, it will fall on your leg, you will be left without a leg, it will fall next to you. in the summer
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we noticed how two fascists were digging a fortified hole, we really liked it, because it was tall, and there was no way out of it, we threw a grenade there, that is, it became their grave, i understand you, your job is serious , scary, but important, this is the so -called wok, a fragmentation grenade launcher shot, 50 g of explosives, it doesn’t seem like much, but two of these bombs make this mini. this drone combat team consists of three people, a commander, a uav operator and a trainee. the guy just recently graduated from school, his call sign is appropriate, he’s young. how many years? 18, 18 years old, how long have you been here at the front? why did you suddenly decide at the age of 18 that you should be here for your homeland, and for what?
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because well, we always try to accept our team as a family, because we still share both sorrows and joys together, so to speak, from one plate, the operator raises the copter, flies to the enemy’s strong point, these are our eyes from above, that is, at first no one comes in until you study it, from the air, approaches, how everything works there, of course not. to preserve our personnel, we must know fully how many there are, what weapons they have, where they got their tray, reserves, and so on, and only after studying all this we begin to begin the combat mission, and during the assault, our eyes also lead in the air group, during the assault
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we have a scout and also an operator who works with armored personnel or fpv drones, which also provide assistance, now we have the opportunity to see. this strong point from the air, this is how ours operates scout, flies, zooms in, examines all possible nooks and crannies, any places where the enemy may be hiding during artillery shelling, where ammunition is brought from, where arsenals and weapons are located, that is, to obtain maximum information, the operator studies the opornik, notices the conditional machine gunner, the target we set up, under the bushes, just hang around. wow, this is such a small toy, it can do so much, it looks really creepy, it’s crazy, i don’t even want to think that it would be all right now, let’s be careful
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come back, now the smoke will clear , look what’s left there, come back, yeah, this soldier is 22, like most of his... colleagues he went into assaults himself, position - senior gunner, to enemy positions, he goes first, as i force myself to go, i understand the fact that it is better to go forward, because they can cover us from behind at any moment, there is somewhere in front to hide, where to take up defense, knock the enemy out of the defensive position and take a foothold, in general we had to face it, well, face to face, as they say, right here v shooting combat, in close quarters, and i saw the enemy, i saw that we were selling... only when the bk runs out, everyone raises their hands. here is one example of the attacking actions of another assault detachment, the vostok military group. the marines of the pacific fleet captured and held positions in the vremev sector. moreover, they captured several ukrainian soldiers
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and defended their lives from their own colleagues for almost three days. anyone come out with your hands up, we won’t shoot anyone. just come out, you will live, they all came out with their hands raised, five of them, and we gave them everything so that they too, still people too, but not mobilized, but they said that they were sent there by force, the shelling began, the guys told us to climb into a hole and sit in the hole, we hid in these forest holes, the equipment worked on us, our technician, i understand that they found out that your people entered this strong point, and they decided to dismantle it, roll-up, clearing, consolidation, all this needs to be worked out in the near rear, so that everyone knows their actions in battle, the commander gives instructions before the attack, explains the tactics of action, the first two
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throws a buoy grenade into the strong point , rolls up, the first two goes to the left, the second two goes along the main trench and the third two gets a foothold. is waiting for the first two, presumably that when storming a trench they will have a reserve approach and a supply of ammunition from the north, however, you won’t go on the attack without your machine gunner either, often it depends on his actions how successful the assault will be, a lot depends, depending on what a machine gunner, even if he doesn’t know how to shoot, he doesn’t they will cover the group, there will be no suppression of the enemy, if he has already perfected everything, then everything will be fine, how should you do this? were they appointed like who wants to become a machine gunner or will the series just be you? no, it’s just that i ’ve already worked with a machine gun, i know, i started using it myself, how long has it been since i’ve been working with this weapon? well , this is something i recently came up with, but in general this is my second year here, i’m a volunteer, why did you decide that we should come help? but we don’t know what will happen
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tomorrow, i don’t want my children to see the war, that’s why i came. tasks have been set, the attack aircraft have reached the strong point, there is a uav in the air, the commander is leading... his unit, with the help of aerial reconnaissance, to the strong point, 250 m to the right, there is a machine gun crew in the middle of the trench. i observe two shooters, at the end of the trench i observe two more shooters. much depends on the commander; he must assess the situation, orient the personnel in a timely manner , and understand where the main threats come from. combat contact has begun, the so-called hire, the guys are storming the unit, now there is an opportunity to go out into the open area and see if they are moving forward. they move in twos, the grenade launcher is working, the grenade launcher is working
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, the machine gunner is covering the flank, giving fire from the enemy, quick, dash, dash, roll forward, on the right side, where you are coming from, you have a shooter, there is a grenade. we can go in cleanly, in fact we are terribly worried, even though it’s training, everything looks like a real fight, the emotions are the same, the actions are the same. well, the result is almost the same, the main thing is to take the prop, i don’t
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see the first two, where is it, where is left, left, first deuce, third deuce, control, control, mase alfie, gain a foothold, gain a foothold, the reserve is coming, the enemy reserve is from the north, accepted, two are crawling towards you, crawling, a grenade there, the reserve has begun to retreat, finish them off, finish them off, accepted. if the enemy uses armored vehicles to stop our attack aircraft, the guys guard him with the help of anti-tank missile systems, which they are also fluent in. there is a hit, we can pay attention, now the fighter with the call sign chi is a real all-rounder, iptur has mastered the control of the copter, he himself and... from nizhny novgorod, worked as a river driver and engine driver, in his zone for a year and a half. the beauty that generally
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flows along the volga as you walk, well, i thought, you’ll just look once, and then it’ll somehow, well, it won’t be that interesting, all the years that i’ve been walking, i ’ve been constantly surprised this beauty, well , actually, very, very beautiful, i liked it, extraordinary beauty, here... after i heard the mobilization, i realized that that’s it, we need to go, because the sooner this is over, the sooner all the guys will return home, i think the war will end, i’ll go on a ship, and feel nostalgic for another year. the support has been cleared, the guys are taking
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the opportunity to rest, they are in a hurry to send news about themselves to their relatives, wait, we will be back soon, victory will be ours, in any case, that’s it, i love everyone, i kiss everyone, thanks to those who are waiting for me, thanks to those who support us , well , thank you, that there is such a time to come, well, and express my gratitude to you, that you show people, that we do not just sit here, but work even on weekends. not on the bz, we work, we work above myself, i think that from the viewers of channel one we can only express respect to you, because the guys are doing real, serious manly work and they do it well, with a pure heart and without sparing themselves. and even if today this is a training fight, tomorrow a real, difficult, dangerous one awaits them, for some it will be the first, for others, perhaps, the last, however, the fighters drive away bad thoughts from themselves, the colossal support of those who is
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at home, in the rear, be it acquaintances or even strangers, i have an important place that i have to fulfill it, because i really feel that this is exactly for you, what is in this package, i have no idea, but our girls from our editorial office directly said that this is very important, i don’t know what they asked me to convey to the guys on the front line in it . we promised to give this parcel to those who, in our opinion, are at the cutting edge. look, it looks like hand embroidery. this is a very powerful prayer, a talisman, it needs to be hung on the door when you go to work, before the road you need to read it, higher powers will protect and guide you under their brush, the best dear dogs without attachment, what a surprise, the girls from the editorial office of the sentinel program made embroidery for these fighters with their own hands, sent soft toys, wrote poems. hello, my dear, well
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, hello, i haven’t written for a long time, i’m sorry, don’t be angry, i understand. just hold me tighter to you, i will cover you with my wings, i will hug you tenderly in my heart, i will always be by your side, in your toughest battle, you will feel me in the wind, i will fly to you like a ray, and like a rain braid with your skin and a flower i will like you window, cool, wherever you are, the seven tribes of the family tree are always with you, and creating a magical shield, they perform a sacred rite, every step in history is written off, you glorified your descendants
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to return home, thank you, our dears, love, happiness to you, our guys , good luck, only victories, you watched the hourly program, see you soon, as always on channel one, for now in this life. endless passions are boiling, to wake up healthy in the morning, even to real happiness, we need to sail through the watery waves, save both strength and nerves, if necessary,
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put everything in its place, health will come first. health is with you again, dear friends, good morning, you know, today there are many doctors in our studio, this means that we will continue a special series of health programs, which is called very simply: the best medical centers in russia, everyone who is sitting in our studio today , my fellow countrymen, siberians, they all came. to us from the city of novosibirsk, this is siberia, a place far from moscow, where amazing, generous people and professionals of the highest quality live. right now we are going with you to the center named after mishalkin. this is siberia, 3,500 km from
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moscow, the famous novosibirsk academic town, right here. in the fifties of the last century, the institute of experimental biology and medicine was founded, it was headed by the legendary cardiac surgeon evgeny mishalkin, and many talented and ambitious scientists and doctors went with him to gluzh and siberia. it was the time of romantics, they all dreamed of creating something new and becoming part of history. here in academy town there is this... crib monument, it’s actually a bench you can sit on, but that’s all crib sheets, crib sheets of all kinds, you know, i remembered for a very long time, but at the medical institute we ever used crib sheets in the clinical departments, never, because you completely changed into sterile underwear in your hands, you
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had nothing, just like in life, it’s such a profession, you can’t look at it, you can’t... tell, but if you’re standing in the operating room, then literally someone’s life depends on every millimeter of your movement. it was here near novosibirsk in the center of mishalkin that great medical discoveries were born, this is ice, the most the famous hypothermia, a person was cooled by literally being covered with ice and snow. a cooled heart tolerated surgery better, and the person survived. during his work , academician mishalkin himself. performed 33 operations that no one in the world had done before him. he began to operate on heart defects in newborns, and then it was at the mishalkin center that he received treatment. this is no longer only
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cardiac surgery, eight scientific centers for children and adults, oncology and oncosurgery, neurosurgery and, of course, supercardiac surgery with its own production of prostheses, valves great science at heart, everyone here is ready to help, siberia. they call and ask questions related to the life and death of their loved ones, questions related to serious illnesses, these are the questions you
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will ask us today, and the doctors of the research and medical center named after academician mishalkin will answer them. and we do this only so that you understand that it is not only in moscow that they rescue and work. according to the highest medical standards, but there are technologies that are not in moscow; they are in the center of mishalkin. let's start with questions. and you know, my child once lived and suddenly began to choke. the examination showed that he had a cardiac threshold. what could this mean, because this has never happened before. a cardiac surgeon, dr. khapaev, will answer this question for you right now. so.
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the first examination is echocardiography, which can be performed on an outpatient basis, in a clinic in any clinic, and there, if a congenital heart defect is suspected, then a more detailed examination begins, the patient is referred to a cardiologist, if necessary cardiovascular surgeon, who must , firstly, determine what exactly the child’s heart threshold is, and secondly, determine whether... the examination that has already been performed is sufficient, if not, then the patient is sent to a cardiac surgery hospital for more full examination, so
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i told you that there are defects inside the heart, in the valves, there is between the septum, which separates the parts of the heart like this, all these are children’s heart defects, and there are situations when the aorta, our main vessel, with some defects, and it needs to be changed, right now i invite you... to the operating room, where our wonderful doctor works. the operation is long, so that the girl’s heart and brain survive, the artificial blood circulation machine will work, it will reduce the temperature to almost 32°. now, like in the last century, snow and ice are not needed; everything is done by machine. this is an aortic prosthesis. now they are preparing the root so that it will be useful. sew on this prosthesis, plus you will install a valve, or leave it, we’ll try to save ours. aortic valve cusps in a girl from birth
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are located incorrectly, the surgeon will correct them surgically and replace only the aorta itself with an artificial prosthesis. you now lower the prosthesis into place, we lower and the prosthesis, the synthetic prosthesis is placed in place and sewn. from the outside it looks very simple, but it requires enormous skill of a heart surgeon. now angelina’s heart will work like a clock, measuring out the happy minutes of her life. you know, we specifically show you operations so that you understand how technologically advanced everything is today, but our beautiful angelina. today our guest is angelinka. what was the hardest thing? for you before, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, some kind of physical activity, endured due to shortness of breath, right, yes, well
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, the worst thing was that... the child began to feel unwell and after the examination the doctor told us that surgery was indicated . tell me, please, basically, we filmed your operation, how are you feeling now? at the moment i feel quite good, better than before. we will say a huge thank you to the doctors for the health of our child. like this history, a diagnosis was made. god's heart, he's okay. are these operations at the center where the child is examined, the child is operated on at mishalkin’s, and are these operations done free of charge? certainly. thank you, doctor, please sit down. and we have the following question: there is a big problem in the family. my grandson was diagnosed with a bone tumor in his head. his mother is very worried, crying, uh, because an operation is necessary, but she is very afraid that this operation will disfigure the child’s face.
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that is, we plan the operation in advance and after removing the tumor, we completely remove the defect bones, we do this at once, this is an implant that will completely restore the bones, that is, there will be no hole where the tumor is removed, and you see, it’s all in a hole, it’s made so that blood vessels can sprout, so that the child can grow, so that life goes on absolutely normal, let's go to the operating room where ours is working. wonderful doctor and his neurosurgical team. such operations have always been considered piercing. patients were saved from death, but they had to live with completely disfigured skulls. but madina must remain a beauty. therefore, it was for her that surgeons made a special implant, an exact copy of the removed skull bones. the girl's appearance will not change after the operation. you can't blind like that with your hand,
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even if...
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the swelling will go away, how many days after the operation, it’s about two weeks, that is, not much time has passed after the operation, swelling, it takes about a month, but the skull is completely restored, nargiza, why cry now, hello, why are you crying, my dear, from we are crying with happiness, your doctor is standing next to us, what do you tell him, we will tell the doctors thank you very much, everyone, everyone, deep bow for you... thank you for your kind words, i want to show you once again that this part has been completely replaced, if the doctors had not done this, this part of the face simply would not exist , now the post-operative swelling will go away, everything will be fine, mishalkin center, novosibirs, russia, we’ll pause for a while and
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then continue. they also say: don’t believe in fate. kusha, the guy, you know, how reliable, three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, loves everything unusual. want you to stayed, a week of this peacock, you know, and already you’re jealous of him, but no, i just don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, and in our yard, today on the first floor, there’s a businessman, a three-room apartment, financially secure, alpine skiing, that's how the brain works, that's how it works. in the sense of the word, sleeping pills turn him off. why does addiction develop to sleeping pills, and what about those who have trouble sleeping? we will answer this and other questions in the program live healthy! tomorrow on the first! ah, my
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good ones! well, how are you here? shukshin, this is the password of good literature, character, closed my eyes.
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health is with you again, dear friends, our program continues, today we have doctors sitting with us, all the doctors came to us from siberia, from novosibirsk, from the famous mishalkin research medical center, there are people sitting in the studio who are looking for a way out of the situation and we are sure that all the best is only in moscow, but this is not so, russia. big, and in general it must be said that novosibirs is the center of russia, geographically, because in all directions -4 hours plus 4 hours, in the geographical center of russia, the highest class medicine. please, your
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question. my brother has an intestinal tumor, and during the examination he was diagnosed with an aortic valve threshold, one doctor refuses. because of a defect, while others refuse because of intestinal bleeding, what should i do? the most difficult situation, you know, in these cases the operations that are performed are called hybrid, because we need a center of such a level where several teams of surgeons can work, i will now invite two doctors here at once, doctor krestyaninov and doctor nikitin. please come to us, one of them is a cardiac surgeon, the second is an oncologist. and i must say that today these situations are common, when they begin to examine a patient, they find cancer due to bleeding, from the rectum, and when preparing for surgery they find
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the threshold of the heart, that’s right, this is not an uncommon situation, medicine has become powerful, there was a very similar situation in the center, what will you answer to this woman? can you help, cardiac surgeon, abdominal surgeon? yes, of course, we can help, for this you need a team approach, which is actually implemented in our center. now let's go again to the mishalkin center, because we filmed a patient there who shocked me with his cheerfulness, we came to see him before the operation, he was just happy, although blood was flowing from the rectum, there were two operations ahead, but there are people who are easy to live with.
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when the patient is in a positive mood, this is what the aortic valve prosthesis looks like, this is what it will look like in the human body, this is how it will be packaged in a small tube right now. the fact is that the protest is made of metal with shape memory, in ice water it can shrink several times, in a warm heart it will take on the required dimensions, through a puncture in the thigh, the prosthesis leads to the heart, but everything is not so simple, you need to prove that the valve works well, the quality of the surgeons’ work is checked by an ultrasound doctor, that is, you are people’s control, if you...
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the tumor has been removed, there is no longer a threat to life, so
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i don’t know whether our viewers understood or not what the incisions were, i want this you asked the question to patient vladimir viktorovich, vladimir viktorovich, you are in touch with us, hello, glad to see you, your doctors are standing next to me, how is the mood now, great, great, we have guests here in the studio in the same family, the same situation as yours. bleeding from the rectum and the threshold of the heart were found during the examination, i have a question, ask a question, please, could you show me the size of the incision, they cut your sternum like this, no, you understand, only macroscopic holes, this is how it was all done, and there were umbrellas, probes, right, that's it... and that's it, you understand, two
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complex operations were performed without a single incision, right? i want to start with the abdominal surgeon, who is modestly silent, because the laurels went to cardiac surgeons, maxim konstantinovich, you worked endoscopically, and where punctures are made in the pubic area, one puncture is made in the pubic area under the optical tracar, let’s show it right here, so it doesn’t dissect sternum, no... belly is cut, no laparotomy, one puncture is made in the pubic area, a video camera is inserted here, diameter 10 mm, one puncture a 12 mm centimeter is made in the right iliac region, one five-millimeter puncture in the hypochondrium on the right and one puncture in the left mesogastric region, that’s it, that’s it, now i want to explain that the valve here in the heart is also made through a puncture, right, oleg? only through one puncture, only through one,
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where is the puncture? in the groin, here, approximately in the groin, they rise up through the vessels. the valve itself is, of course, just an amazing thing, here it is, this valve, it’s big, and, of course, you can’t put it through a puncture in this form, but it’s a special metal with memory form, that's right, what is its peculiarity, the peculiarity is that being in a cold environment, it is capable. it is capable of shrinking and decreasing in size, which allows it to be fixed in the delivery system in the form of a tube in the projection of the human arterial valve, you understand, and there for a few seconds you see that it has become smaller like this, like this, doctors are reducing it, reduce, reduce, reduce, so it turned into a tube, they packaged it in this tube, delivered it to the heart, into the heart in... it opens up on its own, of course, it’s metal with
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form memory, these are such miracles, the most complex operations, they are also done for free, yes, free, absolutely, siberia, comrades, they don’t take money there, they save you from death, thank you guys, we have the next question, please sit down my daughter was born with a heart defect and more than one, we are just tired of traveling from one regional center to another, from one hospital to another, for a girl.
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look at the condition of the child, let's look at the screen, look, this is the heart, now we will cut the heart and show you the pulmonary artery, yes, this is the pulmonary artery, where it goes, here it is, which means that miroslava had, miroslava at the first stage had the absence of a valve, that is, there was no valve,
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that is, the blood went forward and came back, and there was a defect in the pulmonary artery itself artery, valve defect, say. here is a valve defect, a pulmonary artery, two operations, when we were in the novosibirsk center, there was already a third operation, and you know, here we have all kinds of 3d copies of different parts of the heart, they are done at the mishalkin center before operations, why do you need them , these ones fancy copies of children's heart vessels, in order to look, evaluate the pulmonary artery, the possibility... to perform any surgical intervention, for example, in some cases we can perform endovascular stenting of the pulmonary artery valve, as we just described, to rise through the vessel in the heart to replace, sometime you need to change a vessel, like this girl, she needed to replace the pulmonary artery, all this was done, and
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the calapan was repaired, and the correct implant for the pulmonary artery was selected, miroslava, well will you tell us at least two words? or will you smile with all your wonderful toothy mouth? well, while miroslava is smiling, let's go to the center of mishalkin. miroslava is 5 years old, she was born with a severe heart defect, the tissues fused; blood from the heart did not flow into the pulmonary artery. well, such a downright scary moment is when the child was born and it was not clear whether she would survive or not. but the girl was lucky, because doctors came to miroslava’s aid. center of mishalkin. her heart is being fixed step by step by pediatric cardiac surgeons. the girls have already performed two operations, removed the heart tissues that had grown together since birth, and installed a prosthesis so that blood could flow freely into the pulmonary artery. and now there is another operation ahead. the girls will fix a malfunctioning
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pulmonary valve and replace the artery itself with a new one. valve. allows blood and the heart to flow into the pulmonary artery into the lungs, and then closes to prevent blood from returning back to the heart. before the operation begins, 3d modeling is carried out, that is , the prosthesis that will replace the pulmonary artery is first created on a computer, and then printed on a 3d printer. why is this important? the surgeon can see what size prosthesis is needed, for example, for a child or an adult. no matter who, this is another thing, look, here is a whole heart, but doctors will work on this blue part, these are the pulmonary arteries, now our radiologist will highlight only these pulmonary arteries, nothing else will happen, and then engineers will print it on a 3d printer, this
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is what a 3d model of the pulmonary artery looks like, and by checking it, doctors will select the appropriate ones. the wonderful surgeon ilya soynov will it will take almost 2 hours to sew, but miroslava will begin a new life. tell me how you feel now, good or bad? good good? what are you dreaming about, my dear? what
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would you like? but we wanted to give you this bear with pink bows, do you like it? will you take it? do you remember this doctor or not? do you remember how good he is, and you, the doctor’s tale. i read it, so tell me in the end, yes, yes, people will think that you are not talking to miroslav, hold on, sit down, well, i just wanted to show, the child’s valve was replaced along with part of the pulmonary artery, everything was calculated in advance, everything was selected, everything was done perfectly, you can help this family, of course, one more question, do you perform these operations in the mishalkin center free of charge for residents of russia?
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it tore, do you know how it tears, it’s just the shoulder giving and the elbow pulling. well, okay, let's think about it, let's say you're
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a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run. will choose the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was with a stutterer suddenly says like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko,
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confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, health is with you again, dear friends, ours. the program continues, in our studio today there are people in white coats, these are my colleagues, amazing doctors who came to us from siberia, from the mishalkin research medical center, this is a famous medical center, academician mishalkin himself has long been dead, but i relate to that generation of people who studied from mishalkin’s books and knew that in in novosibirsk in akadim town there is absolutely incredible. medicine on a scale, today we introduce you to the best medical centers in russia, our guests from novosibirsk answer
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your questions, please, the following: question: a grandson was born, during the examination they discovered a brain aneurysm, the child is healthy, but the doctors told him to urgently undergo surgery, what to do? i'm shocked. i would like to invite a brilliant vascular surgeon, neurosurgeon, pavel olegovich seleznev, to join us. pavel olegovich, come to us. i want our camera to show this one here just absolutely adorable. a baby who was sleeping and sleeping before the start of filming, and we thought he would continue to sleep, but he woke up, next to his mom and dad, what’s your boy’s name? konstantin, this is konstantin, which means calm, balanced, and we see that the child lives up to his name, how long ago he underwent, in fact, a neurosurgical operation,
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the operation was performed, well, almost a month, a month ago. almost a month ago he was operated on, how is he feeling? ok, ok, what will dad say? everything is fine, everything is fine, answer the family’s question, pavel olegovich, an aneurysm was found in a child, it turns out that in maternity hospitals all children are looked at through the fontanel, everyone is checked, at least this is done in siberia, an aneurysm is found, it needs to be operated on.
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this is how the hemorrhage from this aneurysm forms. an aneurysm is a pathologically dilated thin vessel that can rupture just like that, for no reason. i invite you to the operating room where this wonderful doctor works, because once again these unique, amazing imaginations ultra-modern operation, done without incisions, the same way through a puncture in the thigh by a doctor. brings the conductor to the child’s brain, let’s see what’s happening there, this baby will be saved from a stroke today. neurosurgeons must block the pathological vessel, which can rupture, they will do this without a single incision, the child will sleep. i want to ask you, as an anesthesiologist, is there a threat to the child’s intelligence or not? no, no,
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there is no threat, that is. there is no need to be afraid of general anesthesia, the child receives a combined special amestea, through a tiny puncture in the thigh, up the vessels, the neurosurgeon goes into the brain to the site of the pathological vessel, a conductor with the thinnest spiral is inserted directly there, they put the spiral in order to create a frame, this special spiral thromboses the dangerous vessel, then into this place is entered. the solution is embolized, it will glue the vessel together. the surgeon monitors each action on an x-ray, that’s where the coils are placed, we see dots, dots, yes, the appearance, black dots, this is an embolisate, literally before our eyes the blood flow in the pathological the vessel is stopped to check if everything is done well, the surgeon introduces contrast,
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we introduce contrast to see if it’s going well, oh, what a beauty. everything is visible, yes, everything was closed, this is what the vessel looked like before the operation, this is what everything looks like after, the baby is no longer in danger of a stroke, you are happy, that’s right, yes, you are happy with the result, the operation, in an hour the baby will wake up and nothing will happen to his life threaten, but you already realized that an hour has passed, the baby has been woken up, a month has already passed almost after the operation, here... our wonderful konstantin does not cry without a pacifier, with looks at us with interest, yawns, in the doctor’s hands is the same spring that curls in the brain, here it is, how long, long, yes, but very soft, yes, pavel alegovich, that’s right, it’s soft, you see, here it comes out it fills this
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pathological expansion, everything is eliminated. the threat of a stroke, of course, like this, everything fell apart for me, hold it, specially soft so that the vessel is not damaged, picture before and after, what happened and what happened? the doctors said that it was a severe attack of arrhythmia, they treated it with pills, but the attacks are constantly repeated, and we now live in constant fear. tell me what should we do?
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so, attacks of atrial fibrillation. alexander borisovich romanov, the hero of our trip to novosibirs in general, because the treatment there for arrhythmia is, of course, so amazing that we are even going to have a separate topic about...
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magnetizing, so we showed you how conductors are inserted into the heart, i’m a magnet like that i’ll attach it to my dress, just imagine that it’s in my heart, now there’s a magnet, and i can take this little thing anywhere, these magnets are in dr. romanov's operating rooms are in the center of the mixer, but they are not so miniature, but huge, we go to the operating room, where the arrhythmia can be magnetized, and dr. romanov does this, this... the operation begins, like many others, without incisions, through a tiny puncture in thigh, a conductor is brought to the patient’s heart, it is he who must detect and destroy foci of arrhythmia, but
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then there is a magical secret, the operating room is not easy, there are two huge magnets in it, so i want to show what it is, look, it’s a magnet, you see, the keys are attracted, here now there are two of these...
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as the patient’s normal heart rhythm is restored before the patient’s eyes. the procedure lasts only 30 minutes. well, i honestly admit, we talked with the patient right in the operating room, there are many such patients in novosibirsk, dr. romanov even has a special award, international, which is given to people who have crossed a certain threshold of operations. how many operations must be performed in one clinic using magnets to receive this... award is more than a thousand, more than a thousand operations, today we have one of this magnetized thousands of patients, dima, did you even understand what technology was
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used to cure you of arrhythmias, an unearthly unusual technology, but you didn’t know that they were magnets, that everything was like that, you assumed, they told you before this operation, imagine, so the most interesting thing is even something else, that the doctor, today to put... the doctor who stops the arrhythmia can sit 10.00 km away, in the coming days the chinese will carry out this operation in novosibirsk, like this at their remote control our wonderful professor romanov will sit and treat arrhythmia for a patient in china, you understand, so this is of course an amazing technology, so what answer will you help the patient? yes, of course, it will help, and not only this technology, but also... something amazing,
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we’ll devote a whole program to this, but for now we’ll pause for a while, and then continue, and they also say: don’t believe in fate, jackass, guy, you know , how reliable, three-room apartment and divorced, by the way, he loves everything unusual, i want you to stay, you’ve known this peacock for a week, and already you’re not with him, you’re jealous, but no, i just don’t like him, but you don’t like him, i should like him, but in our yard, today on the first floor, there’s a businessman, a three-room apartment, financially secure, skiing, no one walks here except dog walkers and murderers. i really loved her,
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they wanted to submit applications, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they were all sincere, and then 18 on the living for washing the dishes poorly, she was here yesterday, here, right here, a fortune teller, tomorrow on the first , you know, i’ve been in moscow for so long, at the cinema... i’ve never i went, well, it’s easy to fix, we’re waiting for navy day on july 28th on the first, health is with you again, dear friends, today doctors are sitting in our studio, they all came from siberia from my huge...
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amazing homeland, where there is winter, white with a blue sky, and we in novosibirsk were shocked by the blue sky, and i generally remembered my childhood and youth, there is spring with thawed patches, there is a beautiful hot summer, there is autumn, there are all seasons, and of course, there are absolutely amazing doctors , the best medical centers in russia, all doctors, who are sitting in the studio, working at the federal... research medical center named after academician mishalkin. this center is located near novosibirsk in akadem gorodok. today you ask us questions, and doctors of an absolutely outstanding level answer them. next question please. my wife has varicose veins. the doctor told her that she was starting to develop blood clots. one day she began to choke, and they took her to the hospital and there they determined that there were blood clots in her lungs. then everything was fine, now she
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is suffocating again, the doctor says that’s all from saricosis, although she is not at all concerned about varicose veins, why she is suffocating and what about those varicose veins, how dangerous all this is, well, the most important thing is what to do, you know, the director of the mishalkin center will answer your question, and i want to say that this of course , it is a special happiness when the center is led by a doctor of the highest level and a surgeon. of the highest class, i want to invite to us a professor and doctor of medical sciences, director of the center alexander mikhailovich chernyavsky, well, let's start with the answer to the question: varicose veins, blood clots, i i specially prepared this mock-up, here, let’s imagine a varicose vein, a small, small blood clot has come off, what is causing the shortness of breath? unfortunately, it happens that with varicose veins , blood clots form in these... then they
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break off and fly into the pulmonary artery , blocking the pulmonary artery, and in connection with this , the problem of oxygenation arises, blood cannot enter the lungs in order to be saturated with oxygen , this causes shortness of breath, and this is the disease that requires - this patient who has shortness of breath, who has a predisposition to thromboembolism, he must be sent to a specialist who must use an ultrasound machine to see how the heart works, how the right side of the heart works, which pumps blood to the lungs, and if there is high resistance. if there is high blood pressure, this is the basis for a more detailed examination, to identify these blood clots in the future, determine treatment tactics and either conservatively dissolve the blood clots, or surgically or surgically these blood clots are removed and
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blood flow in the lungs is restored. it’s clear, but there is nothing good in this symptom, this disease is called thromboembolism, pulmonary artery, the cause may actually be varicose veins, blood clots that form.
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blood clots are a consequence of varicose veins; the doctor must remove the blood clots. in order for everything to go well, the patient’s body is cooled almost twice, even her head is covered with ice, and a special machine, a heart-lung machine, works for the heart. ruslan leonevich, than artificial blood circulation different from our usual? well, here, firstly, it turns out, with us. non-pulsating blood flow, no pulse, that is, no beats, and this machine also allows you to cool both the human body and the heart, because before working on the pulmonary artery you will have to turn off not only the heart, but also the artificial
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circulation device. professor chernyavsky only has 20 minutes to work, you can see a blood clot, here is a blood clot, so many blood clots. the patient has a lot in the pulmonary artery, they have literally grown into the walls of the vessel, well, look what kind of growth is it, that is, the growth, it is like this, it is like rubber, in just 20 minutes the surgeon removes several tubes, so that the brain does not die, the blood flow must be restored again. that's it, let's, that's it, thank you, start, the blood flow is started for 10 minutes, this time is enough for the brain to recover completely, when they show... they return to normal, the blood flow is stopped again, the surgeon has another 20 minutes to work, during this time you need remove all remaining blood clots, we have removed everything completely now.


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