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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  July 21, 2024 9:40am-10:00am MSK

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when the fire engulfed the wooden windows, yasha selflessly rushed to put out the fire, for which he was later awarded a gold medal. yes, in life there is always a place for heroic deeds, and for the grateful memory of descendants. what i say is true. after the revolution of the seventeenth year, the kazan cathedral remained active for a long time; it was closed at the height of the fight against religion in the thirties, when it reopened, restoration work began. it was then that the preserved house was handed over to the cathedral.
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is that they do not have the gene for aggression towards humans, so they are often used in communication with children and people with disabilities. dog therapy is a very powerful thing, i experience both elvisotherapy and mimichetherapy every day, it helps when depression sets in. malomutes and huskies sense a person’s mood and emotions very well. yes, yes, they are born psychotherapists, but there is one peculiarity, they love...
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care, stress, it comes into terrible stress and wastes away, some owners, unable to cope with not receiving daily full physical exercise , abandon such dogs and throw them away on the street, and there are such poor fellows here, so if you want to communicate with these wonderful dogs, then come. nursery, you will always be greeted here with joyful barking, squealing and howling, the viewer also mutters joyfully, not with a busy soul, why are you showing us only churches and old buildings, but where are the new quarters, we are showing what is our cultural heritage, then what is it worth going to certain places for, what warms the soul and makes it deeper, i hope, these are not travel notes with
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dmitry krylov. hello, today we we are going to russian scandinavia, and without any visas or foreign passports; getting there from st. petersburg by car is only 2 hours or an hour and a half by train from finland. that is , today we are getting acquainted with vyborg.
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owned the city and the sample became a russian citizen. well, it is clear that over all these years , vyborg castle has been rebuilt more than once, now the central tower named after st. olaf, and this was the most revered saint in scandinavia, is the calling card of vyborg. what awaits you when you follow our advice to come here? well, in the towers and bastions there are exhibitions in which it is presented. the centuries-old history of the castle, boring, yes, but it is necessary to know it, knowledge develops the brain and ideas of oneself in this world, and unlearned history lessons are expensive, as it turned out, in one of the halls the entire history of the castle is presented in paintings and pictures, starting from the 16th century how it strengthened and changed, the boys will examine cannonballs, grenades and other weapons,
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women’s jewelry found during excavations. they belonged to the corils who lived here still before the arrival of the swedes. in all centuries, among all nations, women have decorated themselves with all sorts of things for the sake of... attracting the attention of envy. what's the matter, young lady, i said something wrong. under the castle walls, you will meet a blacksmith, an alien from the middle ages. children will be fascinated by this process. you? well, if you haven’t lost the feeling of beauty in your soul, then too, because watching the process of creation is a wonderful state. we found this
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building attractive. the townspeople call it the home of consul rota. in the second half of the 19th century in iborg lived the german merchant family of consul roto. he... is well educated, but most importantly for us less educated people, he became a generous benefactor and commissioned an architect from helsinki to design this very building, now the vyborg branch of leningrad university is located there. this is the vyborg elk, a legendary individual, as much a symbol of vyborg as the castle. you can see it collected in the museum of nature of the karelian isthmus in the company of beavers, lynx, and numerous seagulls. fish and other representatives of the flora and fauna of these places. in in soviet times, the museum was one of the most remarkable; through loudspeakers, by pressing a special button, one could listen to information about the inhabitants of wildlife. this won’t surprise anyone now. was it cool back then? this bronze elk in
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splanada park is not just an elk, a forest cow with branchy antlers, but a legendary creature. in winter, he saved several hunters from a ferocious beast. he entered the battle, protecting the hunters from ruthless predators, nobly, of course, but the hunters went out to hunt for elk, the wolves tried to restore justice, well, what can we do now, and the public, as if undermined , rubs sakhatov’s hooves in the hope of health, while lenna malysheva and i consider the ways to achieve health to be completely different, this monument has also been preserved.
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bear drinking water. during the finnish period , a railway station was built in iborg in the style of national romanticism. here he is in the photo. its façade was decorated with bears. but during the second world war the station was blown up, but the bears did not disappear. one now decorates pioneer
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square opposite the lutheran church. funny combination, right? lutheran church and pioneer square. and the second one is here, in the park near the new station. where else? is it worth visiting yborg? well, of course, on the market square. it arose in the second half of the 19th century. previously, there was a pasture for cattle here, which is why the area facing the street is called a run. and the surviving fortress tower is the thick one of catherine, but this is in honor of our empress, who in vyborg was respected and valued for her corpulence. i personally prefer skinny ones, but it’s a choice. they have their own choice and your idea of ​​beauty. when you find yourself in iborg, in addition to visiting and getting to know the attractions listed in the guidebook, try just wandering the streets, looking into the courtyards and gateways. none of us really knows where he might encounter a herbert wells door in the wall, which will change
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his fate in the most unpredictable way, or more simply, but suddenly you come across an old bracket on the gate, which suddenly... you will be fascinated by who knows, the choice is on rocks whose age is about 2 million years. they went under the so-called cultural layer, now only the tops of these rocks are visible. because of this , all visitors will certainly look at the so-called house on the rock. it belonged to the barber of the castle. yes, it was such an honorable profession. and the neighboring house, the house of burger, a wealthy swedish city dweller. this is what remains of medieval vyborg. whether you feel the aromas of the magic of antiquity or not, this is a matter of your soul. here is the inscription on the rock. the guides are lying, it belongs to some lonely soul who has lost faith, it’s a pity that
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this soul is now located in a cozy courtyard coffee shop, this lonely soul didn’t shout anything about it, if you still trust the guide, then they will show you, attention, the oldest residential building not only in vyborg, but in all of russia, it dates back to the 15th century, amazingly, but in it... they live people who, i think, have already gone berserk from the endless number of tourists, who hang out every day under the windows with cameras and other gadgets and who strive to capture their uniqueness against the backdrop of an ancient landmark, no, you can, of course, move to live in a five-story building, then no one will bother you with their annoying your home is of interest, but which of you can say with secret pride, i live in a house of the 15th century, and they have the right? yes, this is the tax on living in a relic. however, there is another
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house from this very 16th century. house of the merchant guild. it was originally two-story, but over five centuries the cultural layer has grown several meters thick, and the house, built of boulders, seems to be one-story. the first floor, which has become a basement, is a paradise for archaeologists; in the form of excavations, they constantly find something valuable, for themselves, for archaeologists. medieval clothing, shoes, ceramics, book bindings. at a depth of 3.5 m, they discovered intersections of pavements. in the 14th century , the choice was replanned; all streets were strictly parallel or perpendicular. or everything that is worth a little was built earlier. yes, this is from me to you, as a life hack. please note. hello, you are watching motador, our program is dedicated to the famous one
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in the spanish city of pomploon. during the san fermin fiesta, the population of the city reaches half a million; people come here from europe, north america and even new zealand. 99% when asked by foreigners why they are here in pamplona, ​​the answer is rather monosyllabic. ernest simingway, and the sun rises. tens of hundreds of thousands of people began to come to this city, i once wrote a book about this: you should not go to pomplona with your wife, there is every chance that she will get sick, cut or hurt, a fiesta in pomplona is a man’s business, matodor, no one did not discover pomplona better than himmingue. the bullfight went beyond the spanish world, and from now on corida belonged to everyone. today on the first, in the new season on
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the first. a woman is killed and we are talking about the devil which didn’t even break my heart. do you know how it breaks, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls. well, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union. and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well , of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question , be careful, i'm always careful, major, find the service chief security, have him urgently report to the control room and mobilize. all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version
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goes to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. we continue our optional walks. water outpost street was recognized as the most beautiful street in this corner in the 19th century russia. yes, time makes its own adjustments to the idea of ​​beauty, but the view of the clock tower is still picturesque. but you and i, young explorers, are interested in the church of st. geocinth on this street.
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poles and lithuanians who served in the russian tsarist army came here to serve, and from the localities. local zantacs call the clock tower the historical axis of the city, it stands on a rock, on the rocks ancient people, who almost did not know television and the internet, worshiped pagan gods and made sacrifices to them, that is, this place was sacred. next tier from
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wild stone, it dates back to the catholic era, above granite. tyranny, and the top one to the baroque, to the era of orthodoxy. the tower appeared at the end of the 15th century, went through fire and water, in 1940 a bomb hit the cathedral and destroyed it, the tower survived miraculously. vyborg, despite everything, has preserved buildings from the northern art nouveau era. the most beautiful of them is the old town hall. in the century before last , a historical and ethnographic museum was located in its building. its halls. filled the legacy of the son of the bremen consul, a famous wealthy russian artist of german origin, vasily tilmanovich gromme. it was he who bequeathed to vyborg his richest collection of paintings, weapons, icons, armor, even mummies and sarcophagi of egyptian pharaohs. the facade was decorated in a bright hanseatic style. at that time it was
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the richest museum in the country. alas, most of that collection was lost during the bombing. 1939, but something still remains. vyborg pretzel. he is 500 years old, at lunchtime. it was invented by franciscan monks. during the next siege, which dragged on for a long time, the townspeople fell into despair. and then the franciscan monks folded their hands on their chests in collective prayer for salvation. and the lord heard them, and sprinkled manna from heaven on top of them, which gave them strength to withstand. battle with the invaders, and the monks used the remaining mana to make a pretzel, which resembled the shape of a hand folded on the chest, so the sample began to bear the name of the pretzel city. over the course of five centuries, the recipe changed, the swedes baked rye yeast-free pretzels, later, when the finns came to the city, the pretzel became yeasty, the main thing
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is not this, you need to make a pretzel, like unlucky notes, only with good thoughts, because... at the first international exhibition in paris in 1889, it was her pretzel that won. from recently declassified materials it became known that the relatives of this owner whispered to the jury that this pretzel is more popular in vyborg. the year is 1889, and
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here it is about corruption. and you say, wait a minute, run to the computer and order tickets for the sample. we will have one more essay for you. and the sights of the leningrad region, having familiarized yourself with them, you will build your route, so the western edge of our homeland is the most convenient for i wish you good luck in this good deed. hello, there is a news release on channel one, in the studio maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. witnessing the atrocities of militants through tears is not aimed. and they knew that we, civilians, were there, liberating krasnogorovka, advancing from...


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