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tv   Oboyudnoe soglasie  1TV  July 21, 2024 11:00pm-11:56pm MSK

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children about gender, without telling me where the father is, he could simply beat this man physically. the degree of confrontation is growing. transactivists have even tried to send prescription puberty blockers to everyone via the internet. more than twenty states are trying to ban hormone therapy for trans youth. my friends and i had an idea: we would distribute the remaining drugs we had. if you need hormones, i will connect you with a network of distributors. everything is free, no questions asked. a bench. what if a two-meter boxer weighs under 100 kg will say: i want to fight with women, will you like this? well, there are two-meter women, can’t they compete? they
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are physiologically different from men, they do not have the same lung capacity, they do not have the same muscle mass. this is not about sports, the ban is just an excuse to start persecuting transgender people. while the norms of new ethics are being creakingly introduced in california, the laws of the good old world are coming apart at the seams. actually, for musk this became another reason to leave the state. i'm tired of showing up every time. or police have become the norm, so much so that without any attention from security guards , refrigerators in stores are locked, and you don’t need to go anywhere special to film a robbery. in the half hour that we were in this store, we saw three people, including this man. who stole
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goods. did this guy pay? did he pay? no. the business losses are so great that sellers end up simply leaving. the drugstore chain announced the closure of about twenty stores in southern california. caffeine chain starbucks joins a large number of businesses that have closed their outlets in san francisco. the richest people in the state live as if in paradise oases outside the major cities. and los angeles and san francisco.
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and we see that the number of homeless people has increased by 32% over the same period. to help those in need, the californian authorities pay subsidies to the homeless, which are enough for food, for a dose, and more recently they have been pouring it in at the expense of taxpayers. free vodka and beer for homeless alcoholics, a $5 million-a-year program in san francisco. the point of the program is to drink quality and not poisoned, however, this is unlikely to solve the problem of those who already live in a tent with a bottle in their arms, but not discerning lovers of freebies from all over the country are coming to the state, and yet the promised reparations must be paid to african americans. gavin newsom pledged $12 billion in reparations legislation. this amount will be a landmark in the state's fight against racism and discrimination against black californians. but according to black justice activists, this will only be enough to compensate thousands of modern descendants of slaves. 12 million dollars. this
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only my share, this is what i want, minimum, minimum, for how inhumanely you treated my ancestors. the state will definitely not be able to handle such an attraction of unprecedented generosity. after all, musk did not set a trend since the beginning of the pandemic; hundreds of large companies left the region. by the end of biden's presidency, california , a showcase of the achievements of an ultra-liberal course with a budget deficit of under $80 billion, was on the verge of bankruptcy.
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united states missions. russian flags, projection of the tricolor, posters on buildings stating that our culture cannot be abolished, no matter how blocked youtube artists' accounts. and not only shaman, oleg gazmanov, polina gagarina and... this unfair action, moreover, they blocked not only me, they blocked my colleagues in the shop, whom you all know very well, of course, i am now defending not only my interests, i express public opinion has gathered a huge number of people, in my soul, trembling, trembling, because i feel unity, our heart, painted in three colors, will beat in unison, tiers.
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the customer contacted me, promised the day after tomorrow, ok, kira alexandrovna, yes. good afternoon, it’s from artyom’s school that’s bothering you, we’re having an emergency, i understand, i really want you to come, what time, today? yes, in the evening, around nine o'clock, will you be there? ay, of course i will, but i ’ll try, my god, happy birthday, you came, you’re happy, oh, both are yours and
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i didn’t deserve either one, when you left, i made a herboard. in short, we watched the video with the embassy, ​​during the attack his case was stolen, contact energia, find out what kind of documents were in this case. this morning a video was posted online proving that the famous human rights activist pyotr osmolov was not killed, he was kidnapped at the entrance of his own house. what about fsbai, did they make any statement about the video? we need to force them to justify themselves, publicly. you want to save face, but we want to save the $5 billion contract. you need to do this, well, some kind of small briefing to somehow reassure the public, imagine tomorrow at this announced fsb briefing, bring all these commentators, what will happen, i would launch, but only one,
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good morning, colleagues. one of the priorities, we already have several working versions, which, unfortunately, we cannot disclose yet, sorry, resolve the issue, all questions, according to the regulations, you can ask later, i am konstantin mishin, it is me, that same
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unknown person , which posted this video, you tell us about the special priority of osmolov’s case, and why don’t you start with... well, i don’t know, for example, with a story about an internal investigation into corruption in your department, which osmolov wanted to share with the public, but died unexpectedly, or forgive me, he was kidnapped, no one knows by whom, because it was after the fsb accused him of corruption that osmolova was kidnapped, wasn’t it? konstantin, unfortunately, i don’t know your patronymic; this question is not included in the regulations of our briefing. thank you! vera tershitskaya, who was the first to find out about this video and wanted to post it online, was a killer. sasha terekhov, who shot this video, his friends, vladimir tikhonov and vika tanina, who just happened to be nearby, were also brutally murdered, four murders in a week, or this also goes beyond
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the frame of yours? young man, stop this performance, my question is, how long will you lie to us? face, all those killed had one thing in common, they knew that, they knew that the fsb had kidnapped them on purpose, don’t touch them, idiots, let him scream, come on, i greet you, mr. lee, good
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morning, comrade general, i was watching, yes, i understand , you watched the briefing, and where, where, where, where are you taking me, i ask you, don’t, don’t, please, don’t, i don’t want, don’t kill, don’t kill, you’re being transferred to another prison,
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uh , where, i’m shooting, well, stand, stand, stand, i say, let's go, help, i'm listening, help,
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that's it, this is the second kidnapper, it's washed away, all that's left is the girl who controls it, nothing was found on her, only a photo from the metro, we took the phone out of the trash, which was reset, the number is registered to a designated person, there was one person coming in, the phone was inactive, but they took control, danis, they reported that your police had been resented. yes, we are leaving, that gozaryan called, asmulov is in the thirty-sixth police station, well,
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good luck, hello, i wish everyone, well, hello, “we for you, i won’t go anywhere with you, i won’t talk to you without a lawyer, and who are you exactly?”? we are from the fsb, they didn’t tell you about us, i’m not the boss here, colonel of the ministry of internal affairs, colonel rudionov of the fsb, petro vasilyovich and osmolova, we are taking you away, get ready, vasilyevich, no, no, you are not taking anyone away,
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“i’m listening to you, vladimir sannovich, what kind of hearings, vladimir alexandrovich, what are you talking about, this man was kidnapped by western intelligence services, but the cia had him. specific plan, disruption of the chinese contract. yes, what kind of image? countries are you talking about?
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how are you here? shukshin is the password for good literature, character. close your eyes. for what? well, close your eyes. well mother in usa. and everyone thought that they could move it like some kind of piece on the chessboard. and then at some point they realized that nothing would work out for them. what are you doing? nothing? why did you leave? i
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don't know how to behave. some unattainable thing exists in the frame. as the main character and also to be a director, this is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if i were in your place, i would make such a film, are you a hero or something, they were supposed to broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, but they launched me into nalina, shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated, pushkin is everything, shuvshin for me is also everything, for vasily shukshin’s ninety-fifth birthday, but what? oh, where ours didn’t disappear, on saturday, on the first.
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won't you answer? no, why? don't want. there will be hysteria. you don't know her well. all men. someone who has mistresses is afraid of scandals, but i ’m waiting for him, and what will you answer her if she asks you directly? i’ll tell her everything as it is, what’s wrong with you? is dolgopolov lit? that's not the word here after what mishin did at the fsb briefing, he walks like a mouse after a stroke, i think
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that the office is putting pressure on him, so that he doesn’t cover smalov’s case, but what about your investigation, he is what he is, what is he, what is he, you can’t break me over your knee so easily, especially at stake. the drain is huge, i feel like i ’m drying crackers in the office this time, no, of course, you can terrorize the media, you can fire journalists, anything, please, just what’s the point, the matter is under the control of the government, this time the shoulder straps will fly, a then your heads, why do you need this, do you really think that you can cope with this colossus alone, for now, alone. but it’s not evening yet, listen, why are you thinking about this, and you need to think about a small hotel
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in sicily with open windows, behind which there is the sea, seagulls, and you know what i will do as soon as we get there, that i will drown your phone drown what? fedorov met with the chinese in libya, they discussed the rights to the russian-chinese contract for the dragon power project. where does the information come from? from the main office of energy. they tell me first the tales told about joint russian-chinese assets, the fate of which fedorov allegedly discussed in libya. literally pulled them out of them with pincers. then we signed the final amendments in libya, and fedorov spent another two days at the embassy. now i understand why the embassy was attacked, but for such documents, not just the embassy, ​​the city can be destroyed, well, denis, so, stop,
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documents of this level are not transmitted electronically, they are either handed over by a filteger, or handed over personally from hand to hand, according to the procedure , fedorov should have signed the bullet rush to moscow, why the hell did he rush to the embassy from the branch. energy in libya , i was informed that the command to evacuate fedorov with the embassy convoy was received from moscow. who gave the command? they promised to pick up the correspondence tomorrow, and it is possible that the command was given from mintop. the inclusion of an energia employee in the embassy convoy must be agreed upon. who in the foreign ministry agreed on the inclusion of fedorov in the special evacuation team? here's something else interesting. the embassy received a directive from the director of the department. gunsmiths simply brought it into evacuation list, that's all. who stopped him in... someone from mintop or from energia, this is the most important question, this now needs to be clarified.
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hmm, i remember him from a couple of meetings, he made an analytical note on the pre-project preparation of the chinese contract. during the attack on the embassy, ​​fedorov was killed, the case that was with him disappeared, the case contained contract documents, copies of documents, the originals naturally went to moscow earlier, and fedorov was supposed to leave libya immediately after signing the protocol, but at the last moment a command was received from moscow to send him along with the second wave of evacuation of the embassy, ​​the question is who? from
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your department gave such a command, but we definitely don’t command power engineers here, if anyone sent him to the embassy, ​​then only the moscow office of his home organization could have done it, they say that such a command was not given, the olivia mission cannot say , who exactly in moscow gave instructions regarding fedorov? the person who worked that day, the connection does not work, it’s strange, but in any case, in two days we will find out everything, but for now, just in case... “i’ll ask
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my people if they had contact with fedorov at that time, but urusov said that he doesn’t rule the power industry, i called libya , the head of the special department there quit and can’t get in touch.” yes, accepted. nikolai fedorov, an energy employee, participated in negotiations on a gas contract with the chinese in libya. here he jumps out of the office. notice the case in your hand. what was in the case? copies of the protocol of joint approval of the project russian-chinese contract. these copies were the real target of the attack. the americans
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are leaking. a rally immediately arises, escalating into riots, the chinese do not like such things and postpone the signing, the question is, why is asmalov still alive? now they are using the press and the internet and the series around his magical salvation, and they will arrange proper revelations in the fsb, promote his person as much as possible and then eliminate him, then it will be much easier to bring people to a rally, he was killed innocently, you need to tell your neighbors not to keep an eye on him lowered, took care
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like the apple of your eye. the scheme is too complicated, andrey, i rather admit that they were confused by a random witness who filmed the kidnapping of osmologist and they turned on plan b, so we could understand what this plan is, that the operation was prepared by a network of cro agents, this is obvious, ruzheinikov in mini, there is a person in the ministry of top energy or in energia, who sent fedorovo to liviu, someone maintains interest in the osmologist’s case in the press on the internet, but such a network could not have arisen yesterday, they had to appear somewhere. in this case, a full check all energia employees who were in contact with fedorov. internal investigation, speed up. yes, oleg, and i will need the personal file of the late gunman. eat. that's all for today.
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but if we save the woodcutter for at least a couple of days, that’s already a result. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later. hello, kir aleksandna zhuravleva? yes, yes, it's me. he was detained for committing hooliganism , can you come?
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hello, yes, i’m listening, andrey, it’s me, kira, yes, no, what?
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ruben, apparently a good man, is only after his son he didn’t notice something, he rolled, it wasn’t his son.
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well, how is he, i’m shooting, i’m filming myself, lately i’ve completely gone off the rails, it’s impossible to talk, just aggression is rushing, well, what do you want, transitional age. it’s just that all this happened in almost a year, i
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don’t recognize her at all, i’ve become a stranger, and when you found out that we were supposed to have a child, they sent him home after, who told you, polina. why didn't you tell me anything? i found out that i was pregnant after you left. i was afraid that you would take all this as blackmail, i was scared. then three years later, i met your father, he said that you came on vacation. i wanted to meet, but somehow i didn’t
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dare. i thought that more time should pass for all this to seem like a distant past. i'm sorry. αλλά φορά. '
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hi hi! what's happened?
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no, nothing happened. our son was in the trash, drunk, ended up with the police, nothing else happened. so how? wait, what department is he in? he's, he's in his bedroom section, on the second floor. radeonov brought him, wait, what? why don't you know, or why did i call you for 40 minutes and never got through, what else do you want to know, you ask, i’ll answer, what do you mean i didn’t get through, i was, well, of course you were, you were always somewhere at planning meetings, at meetings, at night interviews, you are always busy with something, but i had to turn to me who is busy. he, of course, turned out to be radionov. yes, you know, it turned out to be
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radionov, because during our life together, for some reason i didn’t have any other men to whom i could turn for help. our fsb colonel abandoned all his important government affairs and rushed here, right? that's enough, i can't do it anymore, i don't want to, i'm tired. okay, i, if you don't have time for your own son, then, what, what do you mean? let's at least stop taking it for ourselves.
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at our age, lack of sleep is a direct path to heart failure, kir, i need to talk to you. what are you talking about? about your late-night meetings? i'm serious, i'm fresh.
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tira, i love artyom very much, i love him very much. you, i know that i’m to blame and i want to fix it, cyrus, let’s leave, where? on vacation, romantic a trip to restore relations, no, from here, from russia, are you serious, wait,
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are you crazy, with what joy we should leave, where, listen. “i can’t feel free here, i can’t, but no one can, this is a country where, if you are a decent person, you have to constantly fight, you have to die on the barricades, god, i have so much strength, i have so much strength i spent time on this stupid, useless war, and at the same time i didn’t devote any time to either you or artyom, listen,
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you saw it in your youth, listen, i want to go back to the ussr, yes, where is the iron curtain, where is the marching at rallies, where is the deficit, great, listen, i don’t understand why you are exaggerating, why in the ussr, and in general, why did you decide that it would be better somewhere out there, and where, by the way, in the states, kira? by european standards, you and i are not even middle-aged yet. let's leave, start all over again, let's send artyom to a normal college. ivan, these are all words, you want to become just like our mutual friends, an embittered emigrant, who sits on the internet every day and looks for
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what else bad happened in russia, savors all these details with the sole purpose of justifying his departure, you see. what’s going on, and i told you that you need to get out, kir, why are you saying that, and you know very well that a huge number of our friends recently left there and live there wonderfully, with completely different thoughts, fira, i was invited to... new york times, they offer to head the eastern department, you can open your own gallery, but there is also a market for modern art is located. on a completely different level, ivan, if
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you knew how i, as a moscow student who believed that russian art was unique, was saddened to be a polished society lady, to see these meaningless stupid faces in order to help several talented people before... who besides me it’s no one’s business here, but i can help, i can influence, during this time i’ve learned to negotiate at least with the devil so that these people can work and so that the whole world knows about them, i don’t want anything there, i i was born here, i have friends here, in the end i am something here, kira, kira, kira, but everything i do, i do for our sake. yes, there is no us, maybe there never was, in what sense?
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ivan, i know you are! “you love me and artyom, but probably what ’s happening to us now is happening to you, it’s my fault, i, i don’t love you, i couldn’t love
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you, i couldn’t, i’m sorry. this is the finale of our fifteen-year life together, apparently, yes, kira, that is, all these years you... were waiting for rodionov,
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yes, here, here... look, what an interesting little thing we dug up here, look, you know those articles on social networks where they ask which hero from game of thrones you are, what is your favorite musk from the nineties, i don’t know, anton, i have not on social networks, this is a site that publishes hundreds of articles, such as the 10 most terrible fish, 10 sexy tennis players, in short, in short, this is real food for office plankton, the traffic is crazy, first of all, the business of the eighth, a number of these sites, mixed with their stupid tests , out of nowhere they start publish political articles with versions: the murder, and then the kidnapping of osmolov, and as anton says, the traffic is colossal, millions of users, and before that there was no politics at all on these sites, that’s
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the point, yesterday after the briefing they simply exploded, every hour 5-10 links to articles telling how the blogger mishand killed our press secretary, and whether the site was registered in russia or not, were registered, but 2 months ago, five main sites with this crap were sold to a cypriot company. was a co-investor in a joint project for online taxi ordering, where the second investor was the company dynamics 13, known for its
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megapolis project, i heard it had something to do with '.
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on social project sites? i will not talk without a lawyer and will immediately notify the ministry with whom i cooperate. mr. drobshev, please tell me, where is your additional generator located? i don’t know, not an electrician, then what the hell is a generator, can’t you see that there’s no light? and our servers are powered by electricity from space, yes lie down, open the door, otherwise you don’t want to break it,
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open the door. hello, hello, what do we have here, oh, smolov escaped, asmolov will talk about torture, fsb terror, oh, yes, sit, sit, there’s a whole factory of trolls, yes, i don’t understand what you’re talking about you ask me, well, in your special group there are 35 people who maintain dozens of different profiles on social networks, a bot program for writing comments on given topics, bank accounts registered in the names of dummies whose salaries were diverted
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journalists, instructions? according to the coverage, well, it was an anonymous commercial order, your employees helped us decipher the servers with mail, parts of the fsb operational plan to capture the osmulo kidnappers were found on one of the mailboxes, this is also part of the anonymous commercial order, vitaly igorevich. from which member of the cia station did you receive instructions, and with what frequency? to whom did you send reports on the activities of your groups on the internet?
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well, i’m just a technical performer, but that’s up to you to judge.


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