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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 22, 2024 3:10am-4:01am MSK

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but in our country everyone knows the word beronovschina, the very concept of beronovschina, well, to some extent, for example, the completely respected, encyclopedic... dictionary of the pre-revolutionary
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baragauz ifron writes: and according to osterman , a cabinet of ministers was established, in which all the initiative belonged he, and his opinion almost always prevailed, so asterman should be entirely credited with the actions of the cabinet at that time, this is not berona, but ostarman, and here again there is such a paradox:
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the supreme privy council, just him for trying anna dissolved it in good faith, but some kind of authority, such a central authority, still had to exist, and accordingly this role began to be played by the cabinet of ministers, created, accordingly, already under her, especially since she herself...
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him and so on and so on, but then beron took a place in her heart, that is, in this sense she was a very dependent person, so the expression beronovshchina is not groundless, if we move on to the next palace coup, then here is the story of course with anna leopoldovna with the elimination of beron. anna leopoldovna was in russia from the age of five, from 1723, she was brought up in russia as a whole, she was a woman. quite
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simple-minded, unlike anna, completely non-cruel, who generally appreciated and apparently loved her husband anton ulerich of brunswick, in august of the fortieth year she gave birth to a son, ivan, who was proclaimed the heir of anna ivanovna, beron accordingly was, as you already said, was appointed regent under her, and of course, the young emperor, who was not yet a year old, burst out accordingly.
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beron just pushed him out of intrigue, he really wanted to get into the cabinet of ministers, he really wanted to, they didn’t let him there, they gave him a field marshal, which he also really wanted to get, and he was sent to fight. with the turks, how he fought with the turks is a separate story, he later called himself the pillar of the russian empire, this is the pillar of the russian empire, in the end, in general, he lost a huge number of soldiers in vain during his campaigns in the crimea, during the war from turkey, the war with turkey, respectively in the moldavian principalities, in general, the commander is clearly unlucky. and we we continue, today our topic is palace coups in russia. minikh was a careerist, certainly a scandalous person, he quarreled with everyone he could, and of course, he decided to help biron. he persuaded anna leopoldovna, who, one might say, was disgraced by biron, crept into their confidence, although it was he and sstarman who petitioned for the appointment of berona as
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regent under the young ivan, and accordingly, on november 9, 1940 he spoke out against beron and beron was sent to the same prison that you already mentioned. well, interesting. that very many regarded this coup, when minikh over beron, very many regarded it as an intrigue by osterman, that is, he already had such a reputation, an already established reputation, here is the russian ambassador in constantinople rumyantsev, having received news of the coup, not only i am here, but everything is in my color...
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to us even under peter the great, and so he had a very strong influence on elizaveta petrovna, and a number of foreign
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ambassadors, osterman, very sensitive in this sense, warned anna leopoldovna about the impending conspiracy, he had a very wonderful sense of smell, he even tried to talk to anna leopoldovna, but she... rejected all this, saying that this could not be, because elizaveta petrovna is my friend, and in general she is not a very decisive person, which is true , which was true, but she did not take into account the energy of the piece of paper, which, well, according to memories, according to stories, he came to elizabeth petrovna, who was still hesitating, and brought her two drawings, one depicting elizabeth in a crown. in another drawing she was depicted in a cell in a monastic robe, well, he told her, in general, choose, either you are on the throne, or you will be there, all your comrades -in-arms and gentlemen will be brought to the scaffold, well
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, my personal point of view is that elizabeth petrovna is not so much the crown clung to her, how much... in my opinion, she was terribly frightened by the prospect of finding herself in some kind of monastic cell, far from men, fireworks, champagne, the second person who also had an influence was the then envoy of france, the marquis of chetardy. naturally, he did not travel with the guards there sleigh and did not arrest anyone, because after all, he was a diplomat. here, but he was very active in loosening the soil for the coup, and a huge amount of money from the french treasury, so to speak, went into the pockets of the guards, so he also had a great influence, well, then after the coup, both
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listok and shitardi actively intervened in matters, and the only one who seriously tried to resist them was us... the leaf needs to raise the salary, i don’t know what’s more important to elizaveta
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petrovna, her personal characteristics are like this negative, or the fact that in the same dispatch shitardi asked for money to bribe church officials, church representatives and even the personal confessor of the empress, well, in general , this story ended naturally, shitardi was sent a leaflet from the country. sent into exile, speaking about foreign influence, you can take a small step back, you mentioned that anna leopoldovna warned prince anton ulerich about the coup, the british warned, and they sent a message in which, in general , they outlined in detail the nature of the coup, that france, in order to support plans, respectively, plans for a coup, undertook to pay 2 million crowns, which means that it was prompted by the news received from the swedish ambassador in st. petersburg that a large party had formed in russia, ready
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to take up arms to enthrone grand duchess elizabeth petrovna, that this plan, conceived, was finally settled between him by agents of the grand duchess with the help of the french ambassador marchisardi, yes, that all negotiations between them and the grand duchess were conducted through the french surgeon, lestocq, yes, who had been with her since childhood, the english ambassador finch handed it all over to astermann and anton ulrich. agreed, nodded their heads, did nothing, in general it should be noted that in those days there were no velvet coups, there were no velvet coups, each coup had its victims, here is ioan antonovich, who was imprisoned as a baby, an infant, and then died , there is an opinion that in the conditions of this absolutism, autocratic absolutism, these... palace coups, they served as a kind of so, relatively speaking, like a whistle in a steam
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boiler, that is, they somehow corrected, if not the relationship between the power of the people, this is an exaggeration, then at least the power of the noble class, so klyuchevsky writes that the noble class got the opportunity several times... to dispose of the throne and began to transform from a simple government instrument into the ruling class, throwing off one by one her former state duties, but without losing her previous rights and even acquiring new ones and everything he emphasizes that the nobility acquired all its privileges through not entirely legal means, through revolutionary means. ultimately, the nobility was able to live for themselves. was guided by class or personal interests, the coups of that period, in the opinion of
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a number of these researchers, became a kind of instrument for adjusting the political system. i agree with this, but probably only partly, firstly, if you remember a specific story, for example, of the coup that led to power, to autocratic power anna ivanovna, then of course she played. either autocracy or oligarchy. autocracy turned out to be preferable; in
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general, it was preferable at that historical moment. but the foundations of the system, which gradually increased the privileges of the nobility, were laid not so much by palace coups as by the system that peter ii created. this is a historical podcast russia-west on the swing of history. we deal with the era of palace coups. the sacredness of royal power. with these palace translations it turned out that it was broken, well listen, what kind of sacredness of royal power can be discussed when the guards stand at the royal bedchamber, here in the royal palace, they see...
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the last of catherine. well, here, too , the influence is absolutely foreign, english, it’s just that in this case, she communicated closely with the english envoy henbury williams, and received money, and he gave her advice, she thanked him for these advice, for his help, that’s the only thing that the result itself in general, catherine’s reign is rated positively on... our domestic history, therefore, in general, they prefer not to remember how she came to power, and she also came to power with foreign help, so to speak, not without outside influence. catherine’s coup, of course, you can find a lot of arguments there that it was natural, because peter ii was
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a person of little popularity and little sympathy for... a coup in history, which means that before the coup, when the conspiracy was already being prepared, everything was being prepared , which means that catherine lived in peterhof at that time, literally in a few days before the coup, she generally moved from the palace to one of the pavilions, which was on the outskirts, it was an ideal position, she
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was formally, seemingly removed from political life, although she received all the information. necessary, and then this place was so ideal, because from there, if anything happened , you could either flee abroad, or go to the capital and make a coup, and so she was there, suddenly one of the orlov brothers alexei rode up, which means with the news of that one of the conspirators, passek, detained, well, as it turned out later, he wasn’t talking about...
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she drove on, only then they were met by another brother of the orlovs, grigory, they got into the carriage and drove to the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, and then everything went on, so to speak, more or less according to the plan, so here is an accident, it is also very important in all these historical
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events, there was generally enough chance, including the very fact of simply meeting catherine with orlov. their plot was insane, poorly drawn up, peter ii was destroyed by the fact that, despite the advice of the brave minich, there was no turned out to have enough courage, he allowed himself to be overthrown from the throne, like a child who is sent to bed, however, frederick ii added, catherine cannot be charged with either honor or crimes in this coup, she was young, weak, a foreigner, on the eve of her divorce from...
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remember paul, who, in fact, in 1797, when he came to power, he adopted a new law on the succession to the throne, correcting the mistake of peter the great, all the conditions necessary for sitting on the throne were spelled out there, in particular, for example, it was stated there that only orthodox christians can count on this throne, he prepared it and prepared it. together with his wife, by the way, he prepared it while still a tsarevich, because he was deprived of the throne himself, and therefore for
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him this topic was extremely important, despite the fact that paul adopted this decree primarily, of course, to spite his mother , well, of course, but this was one of the few decisions of his that survived his reign, uh, one episode, when pavel was abroad, they had to play in the theater where he was hamlet is invited. and as you know, the actor refused to play, saying that then there would be two hamlets in the hall, yes, yes, yes, yes, so, pavel, of course, with his attempts to imitate peter i, to introduce back some medieval knightly traditions, this is in at the end of the 18th century, in general, he managed to arouse the hatred of not only individual officials, generals, not a couple of guards regiments, but most of the nobility, as germaine later wrote, in my opinion. steel that in russia an unlimited monarchy is limited only by a noose, so all russians are talking about this noose the emperors will then remember the era of palace coups and specifically the death
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of paul separately will remember very well, this will leave an imprint on the direction of all subsequent rulers of russia throughout the 19th and partly even the beginning of the 20th century , their relationship with the nobility and this played to a certain extent, as i see it it seems like a cruel joke, because the government... fearing the nobility, the imperial power, realizing, for example, the need to first abolish serfdom, then the need to limit noble ownership of land, this never happened, fearing, among other things, that the nobles might again carry out the same operation that was carried out with paul i. the era of palace coups, well, in my opinion, these are completely interesting times. i guess i 'll finish here. times were mainly for the top of society, and a significant part of the population still did not actually notice them, and it is true
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that thanks to the revolutions in russia it flourished again, as in the 14th century with the eighteenth century imposture, and also thanks to the palace coups the idea that they themselves emperors don’t die, someone must help them, but today we talked about the era of palace revolutions, pyotr romanov and sergei solovyov were with you, it was a podcast russia west on the swing of history, study history with us, all episodes of the podcast you can watch russia-west on the swing of history on the channel one website. hello, you are watching precious stories, my name is ekaterina varkan, in the anniversary year of lermontov we will talk about lermontov and it is not at all strange that
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our guest today is mikhail yuryevich lermontov. mikhail yuryevich, not only a complete idiot, but also a relative of our great poet, and today is still the owner of the serednyakov estate, which is located in the near moscow region. you and lermontov are representatives of the same root, but... comes from this georg fermont, and this was in 1613, here the entire lermuntov family of mikhail yuryevich along with me has one ancestor, his great-grandfather, my four times great-grandfather. this is one ancestor in this branch, but there are a lot of branches, so here - about the great -nephew - this is enough, enough,
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in order... to be identified in the genealogical, as they say, dimension, in general, scottish russian lermants are in the thirteenth year of 1600 in the service in russia, mikhail yuryevich now lives in serednyakovo, this is an estate near moscow, and a very beautiful place, it is famous because in its time, young lermontov spent his holidays there for 3 years when he studied at moscow university, this estate at that time belittled stalypin, and mikhail yuryevich. i came there in 1992, as far as i understand myself, before that there was a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients, this means that mikhail yuryevich decided, so to speak, to somehow restore the family to return this place to its true purpose, and the true purpose is the memorial power that has been preserved here since the stay of mikhail erovich lermantova, mikhailovich
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lermantov in his own. 15-16 letov became a poet, and a real poet at that, it was here that he wrote more than 100 poems, four poems, here he uttered sacred words, guys, not moscow is behind us, we will die near moscow, this is where lermontov’s borodino began, this is where lermontov communicated with the peasants who participated in the battle of borodino, but at the same time you also need to know that lermant... eight uncles took part in the battle of borodino and he talked for a long time with his penza stolypins, who were heroes of the borodino battle, and the owner serednyakova too, this is the younger brother of the grandmother, these are all stalypin, they are all the brothers of the grandmother, it was owned by the brother of the grandmother to whom they
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came, but they came with...
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this is his favorite poet, and how many times do we meet with our chinese comrades, they often come here, they all read a couple from lermontov in chinese, in russian, so i feel that the chinese will snatch lermantov from us, you know, they will find some chinese roots, because if you remember the description of mikhail yuryevich, he had olive-colored skin, wide cheekbones and large eyes sometimes became narrow and
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stark. from scottish dense branches, although it must also be said that it was impossible to confirm this genetic connection with lermantov, because for this it is necessary to take a sample of mikhalyevich’s remains, and about 10 years ago in tarkhany we carried out very convincing work that we were allowed to bury him in a christian manner in the same crypt in which
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he was buried, but before that... to him in the lead one, there was a monstrous the story, there was a staircase, you go down there to the grave, and yes, it was monstrous, but nevertheless it went on for a very long time, and we... we intervened, we wrote a letter then, thank god, today lermantov’s grave is decorated according to orthodox traditions, thank you very much, personal human, for this, yes, we we must still remember that this place itself is quite many years old, and there were predecessors, this magnificent ensemble, it appeared at the end of the 18th century, in the last quarter, when katerininsky became the owner.
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now they said about vseluzhsky, then the stolypins came, which means that they also kept, in a more or less normal order, mikhail yuryevich came there to visit his, which means, relatives, we
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know that pyotr arkadyevich stalypin, the great, spent his childhood our reformer, the minister in this estate, it must be added that pyotr arkadevich tolypin, second cousin of mikhailavich lermant, this is also not very good. it was just clear, she was the first woman realtor in russia, that this is not, well , she just had 40 properties in moscow, so well , these are 40 properties - it’s like you never know what kind of properties there are, and these are also so znikansky, those
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not so poor either, no, she was a unique woman, she lived there before the revolution, then during the revolution, when the estate was expropriated. succeeded under the guise of a theater worker together with chaliapin, to go to france, in principle, at a minimum she should have been appointed head of the department of culture, i have the feeling, well, in fact, from vera ivanovna’s investments, it means she was a girl, well, besides the fact that she was exalted, extravagant, she was friends with many famous creative people, we mentioned sholyapino, rachmaninov, valentin sirov, then it’s also interesting, besides baths and petrovsky passage, so that it would be convenient to travel and excuse me, they didn’t rename it in soviet times, this is the memory of kubchikha, whoever it is i knew, in general, wonderfully, the memory of kubchikha, she very much revered, that means, mikhail yuryevich
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lermontov, it was known, that means the whole history of this estate, she did a lot of work on the estate itself, too, well, it was necessary to refresh, probably, the estate. the main thing she erected in memory of lirvuntov for the centenary and this stella, which is still, the obelisk, yes, which is still white, here we have it, we show it, everyone comes, here is the singer of sadness and love, no, but she is still , look, she also ordered a lampshade for the oval hall, very beautiful, motives of the demon, she is also unique, yes, then she ordered a bust, which means it’s dove.
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it’s very beautiful when you walk into the main front door, the main entrance, right here this fantastic mosaic, you walk right along it, how it was preserved in this form is incomprehensibly amazing. well, i’ll say, we were sorting through, this was the entire front entrance, yes, but during the war they made a stable there and... with horses’ hooves, half of them were destroyed, when we arrived, we took out all these tiles, and sorted through, sorted through , then the mirror too dear, as far as i know, it’s also worth coming to the parish, that’s how it is, yes, you can look and see yourself 200 years ago, my grandmother kept trying to get him to return from the caucasus, but he somehow got involved, so to speak , and took his time and returned then ... in 1938, again, as a matter of fact, he entered
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service in st. petersburg, rushed into the big world, everything seemed to be going well, but again he oppressed him there, which means he meets poems with girls, writes everything wonderful, again at a ball in the soviet social process , means out of some courage a duel happens, uh, so i think that he had a certain number of duels in general, but here are the two known to baranant and me, the son of the french ambassador. as far as i understand, he’s going, in general, he wasn’t very sad, well, you know, he’s been traveling for quite
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a long time, he calls from st. petersburg to all his relatives, in moscow, in penzi, in rostov, and arrives there in stavropol, and there already together with him, his comrades, they throw a coin there, where should we go, this means that they, well, it wasn’t easy. the opportunity to throw a coin, where should they go to the active army or to the waters, they end up on the waters, on the waters he pays for 3 months in advance for baths in petigorsk, he receives a note from the commandant, i laughed for a long time mikhailovich, that for sick officers there is no longer room in the hotel, lovely, that’s why they are in the private sector, not only lermontov, but i think there like... this doesn’t mean anything from the point of view of their military
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prowess, since lermontov in the caucasus becomes the commander of this lermontov hundred, and he is the red collar in this flashes in all, no, well, this is the dorokhov hundred, after all, he serves quite well, is quite brave, she is dorokhov until lermatova appoints him, they were not appointed.
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person to react to this. lermantov writes his valerik, well, as if it were an easy walk. but in fact, this was a disaster for him and for all his colleagues, including the mountaineers. and where did this respect of the mountaineers come from for klermantov, precisely because he was completely fearless, well, there are many reviews about him that both dzhigit and the old man were jealous his. you know, this is courage, courage, in general,
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the same dorkhov wrote that he’s a cool guy, but maybe he won’t lose his head, and he’s a completely different person, again, all his colleagues noted in combat operations, yes, they are in idleness and where - at the resort, completely different people, by the way, we have a wonderful drawing of lermantov, furashki, just after valerik you said that his friend sketched this. after this battle, palin, yes, well , you know, i need to remember one more poem from him in the midday heat in the valley of dagestan.
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fought when he led this team of hunters, was even introduced to svyatoslav’s third degree corden, we know that at the end of december, and this was such a list of penalties, they really wanted to earn some kind of medal, then you get a rank and you can retire and live with a soviet man, and lermantov writes in one of his letters that i’m leading the hunters, and we’re fighting and... this and that, and maybe they’ll give something, meaning, that means this is the encouragement, but he was never presented, but he never received it order, went to st. petersburg, because he decided to confess, his grandmother decided to see him, and his business was not completed in st. petersburg, here is what you are saying,
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on the one hand he is a prophet, on the other hand , it means that somehow in st. petersburg he meets with a famous fortune teller. lermantov also receives the same prediction, but he somehow laughs, at first, he somehow doesn’t react very well, in general he returns to pyatigorsk, and that means between dinners, champagne and regimental jokes, he receives a cartel from his own friend martin.
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stopped as soon as the second said: shoot, or i will scout you, the thing is that according to the code of a duel, if they did not shoot on the count of three, then the duel is over, all other actions are illegal, and what does illegal actions mean, it means that martinov’s shot was already fired outside the dueling code, that’s all... these participants turned out to be criminals because they did not stop for violating dueling laws, this is a much more dishonorable act, and this act no longer applies there not on them, on the whole clan, then they should not
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have hidden, they should have reported that they did not take any action, because the duel was already over one, two, three. you understand, they carried this burden all their lives, according to the stories, when they buried him and the grave was covered with stones, then all the roughnecks and women, immediately after that , rushed to take these stones from the grave, then they ordered it from a jeweler, it wasn’t there, which means it was turn, there was no end to those who wanted to make earrings and bracelets with these stones, samogils, this has become one of the most fashionable things like this, what am i talking about? in fact, to the prophecies, he himself is a prophet, but he did not hear the prophecies of alexander filippovna, besides the prophecies he had symbols around, there were symbols around, when he last left st. petersburg in the spring of forty-one, he was seen off in the karamzin salon, and as he walked out the door
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he waved his hand, the ring flew off his hand, everyone was looking for this ring and no one found it, here is the middle peasant’s staircase. 26 steps, that means he died for 26 years, they don’t give me peace, so how many times he walked and ran up and down this staircase, here it is, he couldn’t overcome it, this number, well, the whole point is that we, so to speak, tie the events that happen by the will of heaven to our real life, and lermontov was a man who was... especially close to these heavenly revelations, all his poems, he placed himself alone between heaven and earth, that is, a man who in...
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read some kind of psychological drama, in fact lermontov laid there a much more complex structure of human existence, all his works are like this, but for this it is necessary that somehow, in order to distinguish this, you need to prepare a person for this, and lervant’s works, they are the best way to awaken in a person this three-dimensional ability to see this world, you need to create. like an environment in which a person can awaken, here is the middle class, this is the place in which the first thing i did when i went there, here
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we came 30 years ago, was the lermontov school of education with beauty, i am still convinced that a person placed in beauty, changes your own inner space, attitude, this very sense of truth, for a very long time we had a school for students of the mythology institute, moscow higher technical university, that is, there are already enough people like that... attention, says st. petersburg shows.
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every year, on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates navy day. in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval meeting will take place. parade! congratulations on navy day! hooray! hooray! we need such ships at sea so that we can with any wave to argue! we need beacons, and we need a locator, and we also need loyal guys, then! water is like land to us, then the crew is family to us, then any of us would not mind
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serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the solemn parade for navy day on july 28 is on the first. hello, the sunday time program is on air, in the studio of ekaterina andreeva, and we will tell you about the main events of the day of the outgoing week. the battles for taretsk, our defenders are already there. in the suburbs there is a new underground operation, like in vdeevka, the tunnel was dug by hand, look, look, they’re just crawling out of the ground.


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