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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  July 22, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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elena, incredible. elena, what can you say about yourself, your condition, your impression, now, there are no words, i’m delighted with this, in general, thanks to the stylists, thank you all, this tone reveals you, these pastel colors really suit you, you’re a miracle . you are a miracle, you are a miracle, greasy, like the third
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image of your wife, magnificent, simply magnificent, the image is cool, and most importantly everything is on topic, that’s how we said, there is already a restaurant, we are walking along bauman, and elya and i talked, to the theater, let's go to kazan and go, go to the theater, that's it, well, here at elena's case materials here. it is written that she dreams of traveling around the world to see the ocean, so it seems to me that now the whole family, children, grandchildren, should make every effort to free the grandmother from some household chores, from all responsibilities, and from sending them with solovat to journey. solovat, come in, give flowers to your wife, your beloved woman, more than 40 years old, we congratulate you. this is wonderful,
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bravo, bravo, and i know that elvira has a surprise for you, from the children of the whole family, elvira, over to you, yes, come on over and tell me, as today we noticed that my mother’s dream of attending such a program came true, and this day, we will add to our traditions, celebrate this day. and i, on behalf of all the children, want to give you such a gift, and let your new life begin with a journey so that you can see the sea, open the salovat, who is there, open it, elvira, help, it’s most exciting, so exciting for us, what’s there , a trip to the sea, on vacation, for a week, you and your dad are flying to relax, bravo! oh, cool,
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listen, three dates, travel, well, elena, this is wonderful, children, congratulate your mother, grandchildren, congratulate your granny, elena, we applaud your new look and the work of our stylists, we give you all three sets of clothes from the fashion sentence program, wear them with pleasure, and if you do, like our heroine elena, if you want to take part in the program, then fill out. on the website of channel one, bravo, beautiful family, we congratulate you, bravo, channel one presents, that’s how it works, friends. the brain, like this, in
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the literal sense of the word, sleeping pills turn it off drugs, why addiction develops to sleeping pills, for those who have trouble sleeping, we will answer this and other questions in the program to live healthy, well, dear friends, we will start the program with news headlines, because rospotrebnadzot confirmed two: noise, with on the one hand, this was understandable, because smallpox is a serious disease, on the other hand , we, as doctors, are able to distinguish monkeypox from smallpox, let's start with smallpox, it is an airborne infection, the contagiousness is terrible, it affects everyone...
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whoever is not lazy, the mortality rate is huge, let us remember the historical era, as they say, of the march of black smallpox around the world, here we are shown in a lot of paintings. century, almost half of the island's inhabitants of japan died, i want us to be shown the famous gener again, because this is the same scientist who came up with a vaccine against smallpox, against smallpox, against the terrible smallpox, i must say that today the world's population has been practically vaccinated everything, but in the eighties vaccination was stopped, recognizing smallpox. disappeared disease in the soviet union it was precisely in 1980, when vaccination was stopped, because in the seventy -ninth year the world health organization, which declared that there was no more black smallpox virus on earth, so all
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people who were born before the eightieth year, we have a trace of smallpox vaccine, we are all vaccinated, and if suddenly someone makes a biological weapon. we have a chance to be saved, which cannot be said about our children and grandchildren, so in general the relationship in cospa is very serious, if i had the opportunity to be revaccinated now, i would be revaccinated, honestly, but now there is no such possibility, i must say that vaccines, those people who are vaccinated against smallpox have five times better protection against monkeypox, this has also been shown, now we move on to monkeypox, this is a disease. the other, the first, it is not airborne, here we have the monkeypox virus, magnified probably several million times, andrei petrovich, how can you get monkeypox and smallpox,
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is it possible to get infected by airborne droplets, only globally in grand theory, because all cases monkeypox is a contact route of transmission, and moreover, the contact route of transmission is very... specifically for this you need to come into contact practically with human sperm , but someone has to come into contact with a monkey, become infected, i mean now people, sad as it is, i i understand your expression on your face, but we had an outbreak of monkeypox in the world, and there is a study of who suffered from this smallpox, someone again, 97% are homosexual men, the remaining 3% are bist.
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a specific rash, it is somewhat similar to a black one smallpox, but these are just small black dots, like vesicles, such, we call them vesicles in medicine, and these vesicles, accordingly , then hide, black dots form, then, in principle, the lungs can be affected, the liver, internal organs can be born, so far we , thank god we have seen such episodes, few, these are encephalitis, of course, this is... a serious disease, once again, when we doctors take the hippocratic oath, we swear, entering your house, to save you, no matter what, no matter the color skin, regardless of your political beliefs, regardless of your sexual preferences, so
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the disease exists, and we must understand that it exists, once again, the risk group is homosexual men, this must also be understood,
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a candidate vaccine is being made now, and there is a candidate vaccine that is not registered against this monkeypox, but there is evidence that people who received the blackpox vaccine have five times, even more than five times, lower risks of contracting monkeypox. this is the information about monkeypox once again, of course, in itself it is much less dangerous than smallpox.
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ours, we were the number one country in eradicating smallpox, simply because
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we were vaccinated. i repeat once again, if there was a vaccine, i would vaccinate myself and 100% vaccinate my children and grandchildren, because there is no need to have illusions, we live in an era when biological weapons can be made, and if we are not ready for this, we will run after the departing train, sacrificing the people closest to us. lord, i wish this never happened to anyone, you already know, honestly, i want to cross myself, i take my words back, i don’t want this to happen, but we are doctors, and we must understand everything absolutely, here we will pause for a while, and then we will continue, a refreshing sip from the garden, you want to drink, eat a zucchini, this zucchini contains exactly the same amount of water as a glass weighing 200 g. unusual ways to quench your thirst, you ran into yourself, what
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to do if you accidentally pierced your leg with a nail, if you still had a tetanus infection, they will cure you extremely difficult or even impossible, it will be impossible for you, country advice, sleepy kingdom, i noticed a long time ago that i stopped falling asleep altogether, i went to the doctor, the doctor advised me on finozypam, what do i need to know? so as not to be captured by addictive sleeping pills, no one walks around here except dog walkers, i really loved her, and they wanted to submit applications, it seems to me that he spoke sincerely, they are all sincere, and then 17 on the living for that, that the dish soap is bad, was she here yesterday, here? and here is a fortune teller, today at the first, you know, i’ve been
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in moscow for so long, i’ve never been to the movies i went, it’s easy to fix, i’m waiting, oh my good ones, well, how are you here, shukshin, this is the password for good literature, character, close your eyes, why, well, close your eyes. everyone thought that they could move it like some piece on the chessboard, and then at some point they realized that they wouldn’t succeed, what are you saying? “nothing, but that he left, i don’t know how to behave, some kind of unattainable thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also to be a director is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if i were in your place, i would i wish i had made a film like this, are you a hero or something, they should have broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, but what about me
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they launched on the moon, shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated, pushkin is everything, shukshin. for me, too, this is all for vasily shukshin’s ninety-fifth birthday, and oh, where ours didn’t disappear, on saturday on the first, navy day, on sunday on the first. this. program to live healthy, friends, our wonderful professor is slicing zucchini, today we have food that can quench your thirst, this is a glass of water 200 g, this is zucchini, yes, 210 g. this kind of zucchini contains exactly the same amount of water as a glass weighing 200 g.
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that is, 95% of zucchini is water, without water, as you know, and not there.
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with this cancer, and this is a substance that is very useful for women, especially at the age of menopause. so, the first plus is that zucchini
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fights cancer. second, if you eat the same amount of zucchini, for example. kilogram and kilogram of some other food, we gave you hamburgers and hot dogs, but in the case of zucchini, eating almost a kilogram, you will get 200 kilocalories, in the case of other food you will get 3.00 kilocalories, in all cases the stomach will tell you: “i’m full, thank you dear or dear, so given the low calorie content, from 20 to 24 kilocalories are contained in...”
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let me remind you again, we today we are talking about foods that you can eat if you do not have water, and this will eliminate thirst and dehydration. so, mikhail egorich, yes, if we are talking about our pedestal, then zucchini contains 95% water, eggplants contain 92% water, 89, so the champion is, of course zucchini, well, you know what i want to say, you can still bite off zucchini and chew it, eat it raw, that’s right. because when we start cooking the same zucchini or the same eggplant, there seems to be a lot of water, but it turns out to be a completely different product, raw eggplant is not to everyone’s taste,
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raw zucchini is excellent, absolutely beautiful, you can use it to make such straws for salads, great in general it goes, but how to choose, how to store and how to eat correctly, the first question is how to choose, how to choose, of course, i mean, if we take, well, let’s say this zucchini, firstly, it should have a stalk, by which we determine how fresh it is, it should be green, the fruit should be dense, when you press, you see, it dense and does not remain intelligible, there should not be any additional stains on it, it should have good turgor, that is, in appearance it is electric in appearance, like a zucchini correctly. store, you need to store it in a cool place, in a cool place, in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf, it is stored enough
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for a long time, well, a week for sure, the zucchini should be clean, uh, washed, dried, placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, there it can be stored for a week quietly, absolutely, if it is already cut in this form, then it should... be stored in some kind of... then the dishes are also in the refrigerator for several days, you can freeze them, by the way, this is also an option and it will not lose its appearance, and it will not lose its kind of beauty and its quality, let’s move on to the main question, how to eat zucchini correctly, we love this place in the kitchen because that we always eat a little, because everything always stop eating like this, put it in its place, i haven’t cooked it yet, how can i eat zucchini correctly? our cook, alexey kovba, came to us, lyosha, come here, now, uh-huh, so,
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hello, why are you feeding a starving professor, well, look, this turns out to be a side dish, in fact, probably, or there is an independent dish, and i offer a salad or a cool thing , which is called pickled zucchini, well, for a while i didn’t start saying that it’s like a natural carpaccio, the idea is , look, we cut the zucchini very thinly, add it... a little butter, leave a little lemon juice for 10 minutes, that’s it, that’s it, you know, that is, in principle, it’s already on top, so when we prepare this dish in a restaurant, we can put on top, i don’t know, a piece of meat or something else, you know, i want to tell you, it’s very tasty, yes, and the most important thing is simple, it’s raw, yes, it’s raw, 10 minutes have passed, yes in 10 minutes, it’s delicious, herr mashevich, i feel like you and i.. . lesha, give me the forks, our women are looking at us with
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condemnation, we are treating you, listen, not a gram of butter, nothing, the second row will not get it, they will eat everything before that, like zucchini, girls, like zucchini, butter and lemon. delicious, very tasty, lyosha, very tasty, i’m even ashamed to advertise my dish, it’s much worse, but it’s okay too, i’ll try it, yours, it needs a little bit of coarse solyushka, a little bit of coarse solyushka, and what do you think, and what do you think we’ll do it now, it’s all about food, right now we’ll leave our lonely hermann shaevich here, why are we leaving him? he has an important topic, he has an important topic, sleeping pills, addiction to sleeping pills, and we are going to the country, and we are going to dacha to mikhail yegorovich, the dacha is rich
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, the plot is large, it’s time to go there, but we are not just going there, we are going there specifically for this purpose, come to me, let’s move away from german shaich, we are going due to the fact that even at in a beautiful dacha , failures happen, and we ’ll talk about such failures today, let’s go to the professor’s dacha. if you want to be in weightlessness and improve the health of your joints, swim, because it is a load without vertical axial gravity, about how to save your joints, about many other important and interesting things in the program live, great, tomorrow on the first, fantastic, on friday, on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken, what do you know?
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it breaks, so only the shoulder is given away and the elbow is pulled. well, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option for escaping abroad. major, find the head of the security service, have him appear urgently. control room and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very good shooter, hello,
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colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. well, dear friends, we are at professor kanavalov’s dacha, you know, this happens very often it happens. the dacha seems so beautiful, mikhail yegorovich, beautiful, rich, but there is always a piece of it in this courtyard where... construction work is underway, construction work is underway, logs are lying, in general , construction is underway, on almost all houses, and in all dachas, there are always lines, here they are, here they are, nailed, nailed, nailed logs, here we are today they called our program simply: you ran into it, mikhail egorovich, show how it happens, well, look, you can easily step into something like this...
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this wound is always dirty, the trick of this wound is that if it is inflicted with a nail or screw, it can be pierced with a piece, yes absolutely, this is a puncture wound and therefore it is very difficult to treat the borders of this wound in depth , let’s call things, if the cut is easy to treat, washed that’s all, but if we treat something like this early practically, what are we afraid of, what kind of infection is it really for us?
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what is scary is deadly, and this is tetanus, and tetanus is a deadly disease if a person is not vaccinated or does not receive special treatment. let's show the signs of stylonicus, because it is important to see them, this is muscle tone, when a person is unable to move any of his muscles and as a result the person dies from breathing problems, a person literally arches over with stylonicus, right? this is even such a tone, tetanus pitotonus, when a person is still conscious, but cannot control his body , dies in the heaviest flies, this is another carnation found at your dacha, you insidious man, the significance of this infection must be said because it is even included in one of the very first childhood vaccinations, which begin at 2 months, no later than they even
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let’s just understand this situation: you or your child can be vaccinated against tetanus, that is you were given the dtp vaccine as a child or were not vaccinated against tetanus. first, if a person is vaccinated, what behavior? if a person is vaccinated and revaccinated after 28 years of age, because the tetanus vaccine does not last forever, and after 28 years of age it is necessary get vaccinated once every 10 years, then you are protected, then you have no danger of tetanus. who is vaccinated? of course, we, as medical workers, besides what we advise all summer residents. and there are professions that are always vaccinated by law, these are agricultural workers, these are machine operators, these are construction workers, these are railway and metro workers, why? because they have the opportunity to get hurt, get infected, which means, so, first, if you
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are vaccinated, hallelujah, you are lucky, wash the wound as best you can, in the worst case it it will fester, but the body will cope, there will be no sterundum if a person... is not vaccinated or was vaccinated in childhood, and he is already 30, 40, 50 years old, that is , there is no longer the same protection from the vaccine that he then had in the emergency room, in this case, for people who are unvaccinated or it is unknown when they were vaccinated, anti-tetanus serum is specially given, which neutralizes the tetanus toxin, and the person remains alive, but... they must inject this antiserum, even in case of unknown, just so that he was protected, that is, now remember, no one will take tests and prove whether you have tetanus or not,
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as a preventive measure you came with a nail or a hole, or a twig, remember, we talked about the girl who pierced her eye with a twig, creepy terrible, if this happened to you, i owe it to you.
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there are such people, and this, unfortunately, it costs lives, it costs the lives of their children, so manage your life the way you want, spare your children, tetanus spores live in the cold, in the cold, and live decades and centuries, so it’s simply impossible to eradicate them, that’s what we wanted to tell you, dear friends, a sad topic at your beautiful dacha,
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sleepy kingdom, i noticed a long time ago that i stopped falling asleep altogether, i went to the doctor, the doctor advised me finozypam , what you need to know in order not to be captured by addictive sleeping pills , question courier. take it and don’t even open it, otherwise you’ll be tired of counting, you have to be careful while driving, with fire, with valuables, with documents, there was a lot there, there are no hopeless situations, almost, you are with us, this is pavel, i will explain to you what needs to be done, they have different pathologies, but by performing one common task, they seem to begin to help each other, i noticed that your psychos know how to think i'm an idiot in my own way. non-standard, i want to use this, as i understand it, i didn’t find any money, in your opinion my patients’ calling is to catch criminals, oh, we don’t get paid for this, by the way, detective syndrome, today is after
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the program, you’re in in my own mind, no, of course, that’s why i came to you, during my lifetime was... grown up and slender, not afraid of a word or a bullet. in the front row was this close-knit mass of people who had lost a loved one. we all want not to die, but to fall asleep.
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well, germanshevich, weren’t you bored without us? i missed you, i missed you, we didn’t bring you anything because we were busy, we were busy. and you know, today is actually benzodiapine awareness day. people will tell us, lord, you... these are sleeping pills that are prescribed and used in huge, huge quantities. what's the matter, look, we have this layout, here imagine, these are your thoughts, anxiety appears, an anxious thought, and this anxiety can grow and grow and grow. she's disturbing you. center, prevents you from sleeping, you need to
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somehow calm down, which is why medications from the benzodiazpine class were developed. let's say in what cases are they prescribed? the first, in fact, when you have an anxious state, irritability, fear, panic attacks, the second uses them to... relieve cramps, the third, they play the role of sleeping pills, which is exactly how sleeping pills are prescribed most often, today we have a patient who has been using these drugs for several months, galina aleksandrovna, we are waiting for you, how many, what drugs, and how many of them have you already, for 4 years, phenozipam, so, the most unpleasant thing in my life now is, that i can’t sleep
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without medication, i’m a teacher of additional education, i work with children, i’m very nervous before events, i can’t sleep, it’s always in my head how to do it better, how to make it more interesting, i ’ve long noticed that i stopped altogether to fall asleep, i went to the doctor, the doctor advised me to fenozypam, when i started taking it, it seemed to me that it helped me a lot, but they help, serious drugs, let's go to our model, it didn't seem like it, these drugs.
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that the dose cannot be increased endlessly, there is some kind of therapeutic window everywhere, and if the patient is forced to increase the dose all the time, then he is rapidly moving towards side effects and we doctors do not like such situations, because the effects of these drugs, which also exist, i once again i repeat, finozepam is one of ancient antediluvian benzodiazepine drugs, there are a number of medicines from this today.
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and the medicine cannot calm you down, cannot calm you down, that is, before, the brain is active, so you drank the drug, the brain turned off and you fell asleep, yes, this is an effect on certain proteins called receptors, now the brain is active again, what are you doing there? - then you live your life, you take a drug, but it doesn’t turn off the whole brain, you fall asleep, then wake up, you increase the dose in order... so that the brain turn it off to achieve the effect, this is already absolutely clear that this is a vicious circle into which you have entered and will continue to walk along it, walk and walk. of course, the question arises, what to do? first, drugs of this series
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are not prescribed for a long time, that is, for how long should the doctor prescribe these drugs can be prescribed. 2-3 weeks, after that you should stop the drug, and if you still have insomnia, take a different type of sleeping pills or try melatonin drugs, of course, this is a general recommendation everyone, our patient survived 2-3 weeks 2-3 years ago, she has already been taking it for three, you said yes, years, that is, this recommendation is no longer suitable for her, but you are friends.
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cell phones from your bedroom, that's the first thing, the temperature should be around 18°. if you have a temperature of 18°, then your blanket will be heavy, it will be easier for you to fall asleep, if you follow these rules, then you may not need to take sleeping pills. this means that the second thing the doctor will require you to do is the rule of sleep hygiene, i want to stop straight away in blue light, this is a phone, tablet and tv, if you went to bed, picked up the phone, then with one hand you drank the medicine , you try to turn off the brain, and with the other hand you stimulate the brain, you block the production
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of melatonin, your sleep hormone, because blue light, which from the phone starts... drinking in the eyes, it blocks melaton, so you need to increase the dose, you take actions that do not allow the medicine to work, it’s clear, yes, it’s clear, i am, therefore sleep hygiene must be practiced, clearly, clearly, there is a question, how long before bedtime should you disconnect from mobile phones, from the tv, well, well, in principle, they should be in memory, but it is advisable not to work for half an hour and 40 minutes. uh-huh, uh-huh, well, with such insomnia, i turned it off in an hour, let melatonin begin to be produced, shut up, phone, you went to bed, you shouldn’t pick up the phone even once, not once, because it’s blue light, it’s the worst thing there is only if a person does not sleep, of course, that means the second recommendation is sleep hygiene, third, such
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patients, unfortunately, are not so simple, it’s too early or later, we still switch with them to other types of sleeping pills, the third recommendation: what german sheich the third recommendation is to take sleeping pills from a different group of drugs and alternate, that is, what family doctors usually do, they give one type for several weeks, then stop the patient and they give drugs from another group, are there many of these sleeping pills or few from other groups, does she have any chance of normalizing her sleep, because everyone expects direct recommendations from us.
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i slept like the dead, i didn’t even turn on the phone, that the fatigue was such that no phenozepams, nothing is needed, you are dead,
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you fall asleep, so of course you still have to devote the day to some kind of activity, because if you lie down all day, sit, sleep during the day, then how can he sleep? get up at night, you know, there should be activity, it’s summer time, plow the garden, get ready, work, clean the house, fall, forget to take finozepam, of course, very good reko, here’s my advice for you, because from fatigue you sleep like a log , however, and once again, here is german shavich i started by trying to switch to melatonin, a hormone, our personal one, which exists in different forms today, which can calm you down, your brain, and this is a natural opportunity to normalize sleep, of course, that’s it, friends, well, where is it? our summer residents are gardeners, come to us as soon as possible, because we have already told you everything that we wanted to tell today, all that remains for us, friends, is
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to wish you all the very best and, as always, to say, we had a good time with you, may you will have a great life. hello, information channel on the first starts working live, this program will be shown in the studio by ruslan nastashka and olesya loseva. russia continues to move forward, this weekend our fighters hit the echelons of the ukrainian armed forces with iskander, killing more than 200 militants, over 60 pieces of various equipment, including canadian and american max pro armored vehicles. about what is happening in donetsk now?
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for the liberation we move further to the west, there after the advance in the novoselovka area, the northern village was also liberated , progress is very important strategically an important village, because with its liberation, we can go around the volchie river from the north and go into the flank of the ukrainian nazi group, who have now retreated directly beyond the volchia river to the left bank, this is of course a situation for us.


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