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tv   Novosti  1TV  July 23, 2024 9:00am-9:20am MSK

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rapid throws, it is important not to get hit at once, several beer drones tried to attack us, if it weren’t for the rap system, well, you didn’t leave, a beacon for foreign investors, promising projects in the far east, mikhail mishustin in khabarovsk, economics and social sphere, what is most important for medicine in the regions, a refugee camp under attack, an air attack by the israeli army, fire on facilities in the gazo sector, after the death of children, either a grandfather, or a vision, a scandal in the usa, the republicans demand that biden be presented to the people, he is in front of the public still hasn’t appeared, but there was a voice, i ’m watching you, baby, i love you, and i love you, john, let there be light, the invention of the incandescent lamp, exactly 150 years ago, our alexander received the patent.
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air, then a column of armored vehicles approaches, the militants are only 80 m away. heavy fire, the rush of our fighters so that the enemy does not have time to come to his senses, grenades are used, everything happens literally in an instant, the strong point is occupied, this is an important position on which the situation in the entire area depends . enemy fortifications are also stormed near avdeevka, special the task of specialists who jam drones.
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their limbs are covered in shell craters, everything speaks of the incredible intensity of the fighting in this direction. along the way, they try to hit us several times in the pividon. on the spot we immediately take refuge in the nearest basement. the front is moving rapidly, our artillerymen are working in a nearby landing, provoking enemy drones to search for positions. enemy artillery is not silent, explosions of cluster munitions are heard. the detachment commander talks about the work of his unit. our detachment operates as part of the fifteenth alexandria guards brigade. the main
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task of the units is to maintain the defense of occupied lines, to support the assault operations of the brigade, conducting terrain reconnaissance in the detachment, there is a serious uav service, several drones are constantly in the air, operating in broadcast mode, their task is to monitor any changes in the area of ​​attack of the attack aircraft of the fifteenth brigade. the 24x7 crew is working, watching, he is now in the novoselovka area first, there are battles going on there now, a cleanup is underway. he now controls the road, by which the enemy enters, pulls up, tries to tighten up his reserves. the squad's drone operators work delicately on enemy technology. this footage from a week ago shows a bradley infantry fighting vehicle sitting on an anti-tank mine. it was the fwiddrone operators who finished off her crew as they tried to escape. the squad has its own record holder for downed birds; the fighter no longer considers destroyed drones to be the call sign cheater. his weapon is an eight-round hunting carbine. this is the most effective remedy at the moment, well, except for reba vs.
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they tried to attack us, if it weren’t for the ref system, we wouldn’t have left. enemy drones pursue us for several more kilometers, but they cannot get closer to harm, portable system. 21 drones were shot down over the black sea and crimea. the ministry of defense also reports that four more were destroyed over the bryansk and belgorod regions. in this region, militants fired a drone at a civilian vehicle. according to governor vyacheslav glotkov, three people were injured. a blatant statement by the ukrainian deputy prime minister olga stefanishina. she called calls to respect the rights of russian-speaking residents of the country destabilizing, protecting the interests of millions of citizens, in her opinion, these are trifles. in ukraine, every day there are new examples of total rudeness with everything connected with our country. in the poltava region, cities reported that they changed more than 360 names.
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there are no more nevsky and gagarin streets, but, as they write in telegram channels, there is, for example, the lane of the swedish king charles x. earlier there were reports that the names of mazepa would be used for new names loop. date 80 years ago, the red army liberated pskov. the occupation lasted from july forty -one, the fascists set up a concentration camp for prisoners of war in the city, up to 300,000 soldiers died there, as well as massacres of civilians, bullying, and torture. our army approached kopskov in the winter of 43, and on july 23
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, 1944, after night battles, our soldiers crossed the river in the morning pskov was under the control of the red army. israel, at the instigation of washington, ignores the whole world. approaches to resolving the situation in gas, about this at at the meeting, the sovben said our permanent representative vasily nebenze. the enclave is in ruins, another terrible blow to civilians in the city of dar el-balah. shells exploded near al-aqsa hospital, near a refugee camp. children are reported to be among the dead. in gaza city , residential buildings were bombed, at least twelve palestinians were killed, and four more were killed in an airstrike on the jebaliya refugee camp. highly qualified medical care must be available. all regions of russia under special control of the equipment of children's clinics. about important social programs mikhail mishutin spoke in khabarovsk not only about health care, but also about transport and urban improvement. read more about everything oleg shishkin. the new building of the children's regional clinical hospital in khabarovsk was built as part of the national
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healthcare project. more than 2 billion rubles were allocated for construction from the federal and regional budgets. under one roof there is a hospital ward and a laboratory equipped with the latest equipment. infectious diseases departments are divided into: the most important thing is that young patients they felt and cared about the possibility of professional help, i am sure that their parents appreciated the way the work was organized in particular in this hospital, well, one can only wish health to the doctors themselves
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who give this little patient. mikhail mishustin promised to help with equipment for the interregional children's surgical center, which was created in khabarovsk last year. it provides medical care to children and adolescents from all over the far east. federal district, including those with rare diseases. government will provide support to the khabarovsk territory in matters of improvement. mikhail nishustin said that he would give the necessary instructions through the ministry of finance and the ministry of eastern development. the program of the working trip includes a visit to the far eastern university of transport. one of the largest transport universities in the country. almost 19.00 undergraduate and graduate students study there. the head of government was shown a training laboratory in which skills in organizing train traffic are practiced. mikhail mishustin believes that universities are distant.
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by the thirty-second year we must reach, who knows how much, 270 million tons, you know this figure, that year there were 173 million tons, and this is a very serious task, without guys like you, it will be difficult to cope with it. in khabarovsk, the prime minister visited the largest enterprise producing compressor power equipment, dal energomash. the prime minister's working trip to the regions of the far east and siberia continues. the next city is novosibirs. oleg shishkin, zulfiya khakimova, boris kaminov, channel one. it's shallow here. where did joe biden go? exiting the presidential race, he announced that the so-called note hasn’t
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appeared since then, about this intrigue not only after the advertisement, don’t switch, just a courier, take it and don’t even open it, otherwise you’ll be tormented by counting, you have to be careful while driving, with fire , with valuable things and documents, there were a lot there, there were almost no hopeless situations. you are with us, this is pavel, i will explain to you what needs to be done, they have different pathologies, but while performing one common task, they seem to begin to help each other, i noticed that your psychos they know how to think in their own way, idiotically, unconventionally, i want to use this, as i understand it, i haven’t found any money, nothing in your calling to treat criminals as my patients, oh, we don’t get paid for this, by the way. detective syndrome, today after
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the program it’s time, are you out of your mind, no, of course, that’s why i came to you, fantastic, on friday on the first, not in a single letter, i’m not lying, i’m not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just spread carpet somewhere in the yard and start. join us, such fun is going on not only spectators who will then come to the theater, but also just strangers on the street. these are my slogans, creating a sustainable government. at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. to be and not to ask why you want to play a role,
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just because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, the vkul fell silent, i came out in memory of vladimir vysotsky on friday at the first, an evening in memory of alexander vertinsky, daughters, daughters,
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everything the tragedies of the century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in bosnian sarajevo the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war. a new one has arrived. a cursed era of unprecedented cruelty of global wars, revolutions,
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concentration camps, the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world. to the anniversary of the start of the first world war. premiere on sunday on the first. this is the news on the first, and we continue. chronicle of the us presidential campaign kamala haris secured the status of a presidential candidate, enlisting the support of 2,500 delegates to the upcoming dim party congress. the associated press writes about this. meanwhile, the americans have a question.
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the white house announced that joe biden will return to work today. from today until saturday there will be a jazz extravaganza in open areas in st. petersburg. there's an international festival there. the whole week is on a musical wave. more than 500 musicians will create the mood; on the eve of the opening of the festival there will be a great gift for connoisseurs. on the philharmonic stage is the ensemble of moscow soloists yuri bashmet and the jazz orchestra of igor butman. imagine, here's jazz classics, they meet, you know, it's in such contrasts, when we get a huge one, we play very loudly, very brightly, a lot of, so
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to speak, improvisation, and then suddenly something amazing sounds. headquarters gave us one of the wonders of civilization - electric lighting. how the sun was created in glass, why the development was called the lich’s light bulb, and where one cannot do without it today, pyotr deryagin will shed light. inside the sealed glass flask, a thin spiral heats up and begins to glow, the lamp incandescent today it is consigned to history, turning into a museum exhibit, but
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a century and a half ago it was called one of the greatest inventions. moreover, the germans will tell you that the light bulb was invented by heinrich goebel, the englishman’s name is joseph swan, the americans’ name is thomas edison, but the first person to manufacture and patent a light bulb in the form we are familiar with is the russian inventor alexander ladygin. it was his light bulb that showed stable operation, was the first to leave the walls of the laboratory and began to illuminate entire areas of life. edison was simply already familiar with these lamps, and he held ladygin's lamps in his hand. ladygin, edison, they were the same age, born in 1847 . ladygin received the privilege for an incandescent lamp when he was 27 years old, edison when he was 32 years old, everything becomes clear. traffic lights and electric lights, high-voltage wires envelop all five streets of this tiny village, once its name thundered throughout the country, they heard about kashlin, they had this, well, what’s it called, electrification, there was a torch for a candle, but
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a light bulb became a cure . it is in the village of kashina that ladygin’s lamp will be named after the world leader. of the proletariat, ilyach’s light bulb will go to the people in a figurative, in the most literal sense, plan for the electrification of the country, we humbly ask lenin’s comrades to come and share the joy that we feel at the sight of electric lighting in peasant lackeys. lenin came, made sure of everything and helped with modernization. soon a platinum and a turbine with a power of 120 kw appeared here. already 24 villages began to receive electricity and became famous for their first rural village in the ussr. the largest remaining kalashnikovsky electric lamp plant in the tver region, here drops of hot glass are shaped, flasks are fired, electrodes are soldered, and a tungsten filament is carefully threaded. so we got to the assembly shop, here, as the workers say, marriage takes place,
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the glass flask meets the stem and electrodes for the first time, a couple more moments and it’s done. kill let there be light. with the advent of leds and energy-saving lamps, the number of products produced by the plant, of course, decreased by about half, but as it turned out, incandescent lamps are still needed, for example, these ones made of red glass of all sizes, constantly in demand. this 250 w lamp heats up so much that you can’t keep your hand close, that is, in chicken coops it is used for terrariums, for heating turtles, lizards and snakes. the plant workers themselves are confident in the led, it is of course good, it is the future, but its own light bulb, it is still its own, dear, read with a book, warm and cozy, i would say. shtoklova, kirill kushniv, victor schwager.


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