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tv   Vremya  1TV  July 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is a family to us, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, a solemn parade for navy day, on sunday on the first. hello, on the first channel, the vremya program, andrey ukharev is with you. new chersonese in sevastopol is a place of attraction, equal to which it is difficult to find, what exactly will the first visitors see in just a week? how is the state rich? on budget revenues and
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spending discipline from vladimir putin with the first report from the head of the accounts chamber boris kovalchuk. intelligence reported accurately, our iskander destroyed a camp of foreign mercenaries and instructors near kharkov, which is also in the report of the ministry of defense. the route is set, flights beyond the urals without transfers in moscow. novosibirs, transport, science and technology. the spotlight is on mikhail mishustin. invisible to them in the speaker was biden's voice. there are more and more miracles in the race for the white house. which legacy dem quartia did elon musk vow to eradicate? and there was light. a century and a half ago, our engineer alexander lodygin patented an incandescent lamp. where is it relevant in led era. jazz in st. petersburg: for the first time in the northern capital the best groups, not only russian scenes. in the most beautiful places
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in the city, no ticket needed. so, sevastopol, very soon there will be the discovery of a new khersanes, the place where our orthodox civilization was born, a treasure of antiquities, a connection of times, which is felt in a very special way on the crimean shores. vitaly katchenko visited new khersanes today. the history of 25 centuries...
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not only the ancient greeks, but modern ones and not only the greeks, but the french, italians, spaniards all other countries, we are now looking for world analogues, but it is difficult for us to find them, look into the depths of centuries, go on a virtual or real journey, for example, look into the artisans' quarter of the 10th century, and under the arches of the church of the holy trinity, young couples will be able to get married, in the very in the center of the new hersanes is a unique temple park, just imagine a christmas or... since we can, there will be shade, plus there will be dispersed fountains that will relieve the heat, the idea of ​​​​creating a spiritual historical center in hersanes, which is the source of our entire civilization.
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archaeological excavations, some monuments that date back to the middle ages or earlier periods were washed away, when the builders began work directly, it turned out that there was a river here, in the southern suburbs of the ancient city the largest archaeological excavations in the history of russia were carried out, where during the soviet years, military units were located, 6.5 million finds were discovered, of which more than 350 thousand have museum value, new exhibits, like... what used to be hidden from the eyes of visitors were in storage facilities, they will be exhibited in the museum of byzantine antiquity, an international archaeological center has also been created here, the area now allows, the museum space in khersanes has increased 25 times, and nearby you can learn everything about the crimea and novorossiya, from the khazars,
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the pechenegs , polovtsians and scythians, who inhabited these lands before the birth of our orthodox civilization, baptism by prince vladimir, there is the apostle... the first-called, who also preached here on the shores of the black sea. 2,500 years old, but on the bas-reliefs there was also a place the latest event in history. the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia, the main construction of the crimean bridge that connected the peninsula with the big country, and even new chersonese, which was built in the shortest possible time. new khersonese will open its doors on july 30, for now in test mode. admission is free, all you need is. pre -register on the website; the historian-temple complex will be able to simultaneously receive up to 50 thousand visitors. vitaly katchenko, natalya moshtakova, ruslan yusupov, victor vasin and sergey nashchekin. channel one sevastopol, hersanez. more than 26 billion rubles were returned to
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the treasury by audits of the clearing house last year. boris kovalchuk spoke about this today at a meeting with vladimir putin. this is his first time in a new position reporting to kaemlei. his department is closely monitoring.
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it is enough to send recommendations, take, for example, the organization of auctions at which the crab fishing quota is realized. the quota is sold under the obligation to order fishing ships from russian shipyards. to motivate entrepreneurs, the state provides a discount on the final cost ship quotas. however, in 2019, auditors of the accounts chamber considered the discount too large and
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recommended reducing it by more than half. which in the reporting year alone brought an additional 119 billion rubles to the budget. by mid-summer 2024 summed up. year, but also exceeded the level of gdp of the twenty-first year by 2.4%. in the real sector of the economy, we see significant growth in industry by 3.5%, manufacturing by 7.5% and construction by 7.9%. and investments in fixed assets grew at a record pace at 9.8%. yes, our budget income is increasing, the deficit is minimal. and i’m showing myself well in non-oil and gas income, and oil and gas income is now
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growing, but there is no extra money, so i really count on you to carefully monitor financial discipline, and especially don’t miss anything called crime, direct communication we have in the most acute cases, right without any embarrassment, remove the corpse and call me, thank you, this is a priority. task, and we, together with the auditors, of course, believe that this is a key issue that we must to deal with, the accounts chamber is already forming an inspection plan for 2025, with special attention to achieving national development goals, to everything related to the northwestern military district, technological sovereignty, the development of information technology in the country and control over public investments. everything you mentioned is really among our priorities, so the team there is good, professional, i really count on you. iskander, their lair was discovered
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in dergachi in the kharkov region, well, in the donetsk people's republic of the russian army managed to liberate the village of ivanodaryevka. footage from the front line and news from the ministry of defense from dmitry kulko. soldiers 123, who recently liberated the village of spornaya. this is a height that is extremely difficult to storm head-on, tula paratroopers join in from the south, a classic breakthrough of an armored group, in order to slip under the attacks of drones in the attack , the fastest equipment of our army is in front of the t-80 tank with a mine trawl, followed by light airborne combat vehicles, we must were to fly there and deal with heavy fire so that... the enemy would not raise his head, so that we would not have the opposite effect,
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our infantry landed about 30-40 m, somewhere around plus or minus, so while they were landing, i opened fire further to cover my infantry so that they would normally storm this forest plantation. winged infantry cuts through enemy positions in the forest belt. another step by our troops in the direction of severskaya. almost every day messages come about the capture of new positions from different sectors of the front, like injections that pull apart enemy forces, small groups, well-planned operations, in the result is a smooth advance along the entire front. this is the kupian direction of the attack aircraft of the west group. the advance of fighters along enemy trenches is coordinated from a drone. move forward, move, move. letting go, letting go, move, move forward, shout, let's go. and press with fire, press with fire, gets close, throws a grenade into the dugout, shoots through, the enemy
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supporter at number 10 is cleared, the tenth is taken, the tenth is behind us, we did our job, knocked out the enemy, the enemy suffered two hundred, three hundredth losses at that time, also were prisoners of war, that’s it, look, they still come out, surrender, there are more militants than our attack aircraft, but they can’t withstand direct contact, they surrender, so in the cesofyar direction the enemy abandoned... this crew accounted for dozens of foreign guns destroyed in artillery duels. well, the first feeling, as soon as
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we arrived at the system, i just saw this weapon as a volunteer, it just sank into my soul, well, that’s it, i just wanted to work on it, it so happened that they assigned me to it, and i’m still working on it. the command of the armed forces of ukraine more than once announced that it was preparing its new contour offensive in the kharkov region, for an attack it is necessary to first accumulate forces, but our reconnaissance officers, thanks to... the drone, learn about all the movements of the enemy and direct missiles, so the crew of the iskander m complex covers the ukrainian armed forces base in the village of dergachi near kharkov at night . as a result of the strike, according to the ministry of defense , about 50 mercenaries and foreign instructors were destroyed, volchansky our artillery is working closely, an entire platoon of ukrainian infantry is being covered while approaching positions, it looks like unprepared recruits, they don’t keep their distance, they huddle together in one building, an exact hit, men caught on the streets of ukrainian cities were immediately sent to the front, this is what burial looks like according to zelensky, here is another
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soldier captured by military commissars in the ssu, saying goodbye to his relatives on video before a meat task, those who know me... those who publicly receive a ticket for meat have a chance to be saved by passers-by. ukrainians, caught up in a guerrilla war, are rushing at military commissars, burning their cars throughout the country, but despite the tension in society, zelensky wanted to send even more people to slaughter; today he introduced his bill to the verkhovna rada to extend mobilization and martial law until november. while it is in effect, there will be no elections in ukraine, which means it is overdue.
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he was too noticeably ahead of zelensky in ratings and he was sent to an honorary position far away. however, you can’t hide awl in bags. greetings to zelensky from london . only one thing is certain: tyrants will constantly need war as a tool for maintaining power. still zaluzhny pathetic reasoned that in the fighting in ukraine , neither side currently has a technological advantage. and the only way out may be to increase the number of human resources involved in combat operations. perhaps the most difficult. an important component is public preparedness, based on honest and transparent communication between the government and the people. society must agree to temporarily give up a number of freedoms in order to survive. residents of ukraine have long managed without many freedoms; anyone on the street can be tied up tetsekashnik, the slightest resistance - beating to the front line. and the country is suffering huge losses.
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the washington post today published an article about the colossal personnel shortage in ukraine due to forced mobilization. during the conflict, the number of works... can be assessed later, when objective control data appears. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack in belgorod, which was supposed to be carried out by saboteurs recruited by the ukrainian special services. here is operational footage of the detention of two residents of mariupol, both citizens of russia. during interrogation they said that they agreed to commit the crime for the money that the organizers
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of the crime promised them through an intermediary. in march , a friend who is in... the dnieper colony contacted me and offered to carry out a terrorist attack for a monetary reward, my brother and i agreed on how the terrorist attack should have happened, we had to buy molotov cocktails and throw them at the mosque, who is the organizer of this crimes, intelligence services of ukraine, the purpose of committing this crime is to pit christians and muslims in russia in order to incite enmity between them. the court sent both of them under arrest, under the article of organizing the commission of a terrorist act, they face imprisonment. freedom up to life imprisonment. volunteers from moscow who have entered into a contract with the ministry of defense will receive more than 5,200,000 rubles in the first year of military service alone. this is the total amount, which includes 1,900,000 as a one-time payment from the capital authorities. the decree on the introduction and new social support measures was signed today by sergei sobyanin. the full text is published on
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the official portal of the mayor's office. government moscow decided to identify persons. who entered into a contract for military service with the russian ministry of defense, one-time additional payments, new social support measures from moscow in the amount of 1,900,000 rubles. the payment will be available to military personnel selected by the city selection point for military service under a contract, starting july 23, 2024. in addition, as the mayor’s office noted, all the measures previously established by the city to support the participants in the special operation and members of their families, including monthly... payments from the moscow budget will be preserved, the full list is on the website parents will be able to withdraw the balance of unused maternity capital and the corresponding amendment. was adopted today by the state duma in the second reading, the final one is scheduled for tomorrow, the law will come into force immediately after publication, we are talking about an amount of up to 10 thousand rubles, it will be issued in a lump sum, let me remind you,
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to pay families unspent funds from maternity capital, the president suggested at a meeting with the winners of the competition, this we have a family, they will be able to take advantage of this opportunity more than 730 thousand pairs. how large-scale government projects change the lives of millions of people for the better. as part of a working trip to the eastern regions today in novosibirsk, where i flew from khabarovsk. anna kurbatova, more details about everything. the far eastern state transport university is one of the largest transport universities in the country. almost 19.00 undergraduate and graduate students study there. these fourth-year students, for example, will be dispatchers; if you choose the path, they say, then only the iron one. the railway is the heart of russia. i actually tried to get in here 2 years. i achieved my goal. mikhail mishustin was told about this year's reception company today. applicants are not only from the far east. the largest number of applications we receive are from applicants from
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china. i will give instructions to the chairmen of intergovernmental commissions to invite students from the cis countries and the eurasian economic union. shos, brix. it seems to me that if such opportunities exist, and i am sure, the far east is such a, let’s say, beacon of attraction. students are studying. modern equipment can carry out tests designs of future structures based on digital copies, recreate complex transport situations, here is a laboratory in which you can hone practical skills in organizing train traffic: all personal computers are integrated into one network and you can simulate the work of twelve railway stations at once, and the entire training ground as a whole, rain , snow, everything is like in real life. the prime minister also entered this laboratory. tell me, what do you do? and... at the moment the rolling stock is being disbanded, but what does that mean? this is just the train itself, here it is, you can see it on the screen. mikhail mishustin was already planning to leave, but
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students gathered below, everyone was really hoping for a photo with the prime minister, and we managed to talk some more. who's going to go to the bank, everyone? well, in one way or another, raise your hand, who will go recruiting, on the transshipment, with the governor together. by order of the president, you know, we are already in the third phase, accordingly. for the modernization of the eastern training ground, they opened, this applies to bam, transib, our transport capacity should be by the thirty-second year, who knows what, 270 million tons, you know this figure, that year there were 173 million tons, and this is a very serious task, without guys like you, it will be difficult to cope with it. in khabarovsk , the prime minister visited dal energomash, the largest enterprise producing compressor and power equipment. awesome posters that can be hung anywhere.
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these are the tasks that our president sets for us and which we must follow, you spoke today about the milling machine that you are taking from the votkinsk production association, you spoke about laser machines, which you will take into the machine tool industry association, it is very important that the process of import substitution is underway, of course, in the field of machine tool building, this is not easy to do in a very short time, but restoring competencies in machine tool building is the most important task during a working trip. in khabarovsk, mikhail mishustin also visited a children’s hospital; last year a new infectious diseases building with an area of ​​almost 2000 km was opened here, there is an intensive care unit, an intensive care unit, and now it also has its own laboratory.
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the most important thing we have reduced is the time of prosperity result, the patient goes to the doctor to make decisions on therapy, if we waited for some time before, this is enough to greatly reduce the number of complaints, on the contrary , people thanks to the provision of medical care precisely taking into account. the most important thing is that the little patients feel and care , the possibility of professional help, i am sure that their parents appreciated the way the work is organized in particular in this hospital, well, what can you wish for, only health for the doctors themselves who give this to the little patients, well, from khabarovsk the head of government arrived in novosibirs immediately headed to the new airport complex. we opened this terminal in 2023, see here what this beauty looks like. today it is the largest transit air hub beyond the urals, with a route network of 90 destinations and daily flights to 45 cities. where are you from and where are you flying? we are from
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st. petersburg to novosibi. we must reconstruct 75 airports by 2030 to make them the most modern ones, but today you are giving us absolute confidence that these tasks will be accomplished. there are six telescopic
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ladders 54 check-in counters, there are also separate ones for passengers with children, a new baggage handling system that allows servicing more than twenty flights per hour, and the architects also took an unconventional approach to the design of the harbor, in one of the halls there is a model of the mik-3 aircraft, which pokryshkin flew on, three times hero of the soviet union, who was born and raised in novosibirsk. the mock-up contains elements of aircraft that were shot down in battle, parts of fusilages, elements of aircraft control systems, and the terminal itself with panoramic glazing. everything is done in such a way that no matter where look, you can see the sky, it’s very cool, very beautiful, there’s a lot of air here, it’s very comfortable to be, i really like the development of the region as a whole, the head of government today spoke with the governor of the novosibirsk region during a bilateral meeting, new hospitals and clinics are being actively built here, fap, public transport is being updated, tourism and industry are developing. and last year, this year the index of industrial production was higher than all-russian, the main driver is not mining,
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manufacturing, especially... the united states today strengthened its reputation as a country where promises come true just the opposite, the head of the secret service, kimberly cheatle, resigned, although only the day before she said in congress that she would not resign after the biggest failure in a decade, when her agents did not prevent the assassination attempt on donald trump . the vacancy will be filled in the coming days, joe biden wrote on social networks. by the way, he also promised to continue
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the fight for the white house. then it happened, everyone saw what? biden, by the way, the americans today they saw it on the screens, but only briefly; only 30 hours later they announced an appeal to the nation explaining what happened to him. from washington, mikhail kinchenko. where is joe biden? this is the question on everyone's lips, after the president has not been heard from for 5 days, since it was announced last week that he had contracted covid. while everyone was wondering this question during the break, an eye appeared.
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“i know that you’re still here and you’re not going anywhere, i’m looking after you, kids, i’m looking after you, i love you, what can i say, somehow it sounded even a little creepy, but the voice continued to bring its revelations to the flock from above. i know that yesterday's news came as a surprise, it's hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing, the name of the candidate has changed, but the mission remains the same. "besides, i 'm not going to go anywhere, i will participate in kamala's election campaign, i will work just like hell , with this word it’s hellish, somehow it became very restless, so after all, where is joe biden now and what’s wrong with him, and is it even his voice, because it’s still they remember how in january, on the eve of the primaries, he called voters in the state of new hampshire and urged them not to go to the polls until the november elections, then it turned out that this was the work of artificial intelligence, but who can guarantee that this time it’s not so,
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the day before there appeared... a message that biden’s health could be much worse than they are saying in the white house. according to the official version, biden's trip was interrupted last week due to covid, but according to... some streets to immediately transport the president to the university clinic. apparently there were rumors within the police department that joe biden was dying, or perhaps already dead. the publication of the dossier, also citing its sources, reported that last week in las vegas biden required emergency medical care, the cause of which was unlikely to be covid, but ultimately resulted in hospitalization. the president’s team refused; even secretary of state antony blinken had to comment on joe biden’s condition. in conversation the day after decision to refuse to participate in the elections, he insisted that we need to continue working for the next 6 months to continue everything
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that we are doing, so he is in a businesslike mood, and i am determined to continue working with him. that is, again a conversation on the phone, blinkin also did not see biden personally, so far we can only trust, and even then with a stretch, the letter distributed by the president’s press secretary karine jeanpierre. president biden took his tenth dose of the antiviral drug this morning and his symptoms are almost completely gone. his pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature are normal, the level of oxygen saturation is excellent, his lungs are clean, and his handshake is apparently strong and the president is working on documents and therefore he simply does not have time to appear in front of the television cameras one more time and somehow dispel everything. why did president biden publish a historic decision on
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his social media page on sunday afternoon, not all americans have social media accounts, why not publish a statement on the white house website, it is very strange that the statement was not printed on a special form, and his signature seems to have been edited, so how can you figure out what? it was biden who wrote that letter. no official photos, videos, nothing but a stilted statement on social media. an uneven signature on the letter as possible evidence that biden was tortured. on the other hand, what else can you call two weeks of continuous pressure from fellow party members demanding that they abandon their claims for the next presidential term. the newspaper also writes that biden’s arms were literally twisted new york times. advisers believe biden was reluctant to announce his withdrawal from the election before the prime minister's visit.
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john, you gave a million dollars to biden's campaign, but now haris is likely to be the candidate, what's next? what's next? i’m not involved in this, when this all happened, i wasn’t upset, i just
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didn’t like the kind of coronation instead of the traditional congress. i don’t like that two or three people chose a candidate, because the congress would have found a stronger candidate, this did not happen, i will take mine money and just go back home. donald trump, probably. hamala haris’ rival in the presidential race, although determined to win, does not hide his dissatisfaction and is interested in who will reimburse him for all the funds that have already been spent on the political confrontation with joe biden. it turns out that everything was in vain, and now he has new debates ahead with a new opponent, how they will go can be imagined now, from a brief description given by the new york post. kamela haris can be described in two words, she is evil and stupid, she is bad combination,” said the seventy-eight-year-old. candidate the day after biden dropped out of the race. the game of age, as it turns out, can be played by two people. until recently, the republicans focused on biden’s weakness, and now this same card has passed into the hands of the democrats. the new york times drew attention to the fact that at the time of
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taking office in january 2025, in case of victory in the elections. trump's age, even if only by a few months, will be greater than biden's age when he took office in january 2021. in general, voter. there is definitely something to think about, meanwhile, new entries have appeared in the public schedule of the american president, which has been empty in recent days. if you believe them, then just at these moments joe biden should return to the white house after self-isolation, and footage of him sitting down in the plane, communication with the press is not provided today, but on wednesday a televised address to the people is planned, in which biden will talk about how he spent this weekend. mikhail akinchenko, vyacheslav arkhipov, dalyadinova, alexander gornostaev, first washington channel. meanwhile, elon musk, according to some reports, he planned to spend $45 million a month to support trump, that is, to invest in the defeat of biden’s party, shared family details.
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so basically i lost my son, i can’t call him by the name we gave him at birth, because he changed his gender and name, my son is dead, killed by this vakism, the awakening virus, it’s hard for me to hear this, i can’t imagine what it's like, and i vowed to destroy this virus.
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parents, if, for example, a boy in class began to behave like a girl, or vice versa, moving to texas, social network x, former twitter, and spacex space projects, for california the loss is not only in taxes, commercial real estate will fall even more in price, with the fact that almost half of the offices and 40% of retail space are empty in the area of ​​​​san francisco in which musk invested. and there will only be more like him, he predicted today in a conversation with russian representatives.
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which you can join, by scanning the qr code on the screen with your smartphone camera. the toretsk direction of volunteers, the veteran brigade - these are, in the best sense of the word , daring operations, moves underground, behind enemy lines, their signature style, for these peace-gathering fighters. another one of our military correspondents, irina kuksenkova, from those who have already helped. the award was established on behalf of the president, those who help the special military operation received it today in a solemn ceremony from the hands of the head of the executive committee of the popular front mikhail kuznetsov, employees of departments, the ministry of internal affairs, the treasury, social foundation, the federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary surveillance, the federal agency for state reserves, entire teams transferred funds to the foundation for victory and donated equipment for the needs of the fighters. today it's in the building here. front, the simplest people from the collectives
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of federal government bodies, these are not bosses who allocated funds with their signature, these are ordinary people who transferred, some 100, some 200, some thousand rubles from their salaries, and many they do it monthly, from these funds these huge sums add up, which today help our fighters a lot, the sums are really huge, during the existence of the fund we managed to collect everything for victory. 14.5 billion rubles. transfer large sums, 100 rubles each. 500 thousand, with these funds we purchase everything necessary for our fighters, winter and summer uniforms. the team supported him when he offered to send funds to raise funds for the scouts, he is very happy about his today’s award, but says that the police helped the guys without eyes from the bottom of their hearts, and thanks to people like this
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organizations, like the popular front, respectively, people are beginning to realize that it is necessary to really unite and that the guys on the front line need... our help, acquaintances, friends, go to the zone of a special military operation, accordingly, from there they write letters about what they need, well, i went so far as to turn to the popular front and will continue to help in every way i can. by the way, now, thanks to the government’s decision, federal executive authorities can transfer to the front vehicles that are not used in their departments and are used decommissioned, 1,150 vehicles have already been transferred to the unit; before being sent to the front, they undergo full repairs and maintenance, and these are not only cars, but also buses, excavators, and ambulances. natalya gurina, the laureate of today's award, believes that it is the duty of every concerned citizen to respond to the call to help the front. we have always tried
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to somehow keep silent about the charitable events that we carry out in one way or another, but it seems to me that in the context of the events taking place.. . right now, probably. we shouldn’t be shy about such things, so that people who have not yet become involved in this work will join us accordingly, and entire teams will not only send cars to the front and transfer funds, but weave camouflage networks. anna khrebtova, an employee of the russian reserve, organized a small team at work that helps the guys on the front line, someone cuts ribbons, someone weaves ribbons, we have only 23 people, but... we also agitate the employees of the federal reserve that let's at least on the ribbon, this is very important, we watched the training video, then we are self-taught, but in fact, a couple of films and you are already a professional, within the framework of the project everything is for victory, now our colleague, military correspondent amir iusupov, is gathering, he works side by side
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with the volunteer corps, which includes the legendary brigade of veterans who participated in the liberation of avdeevka, then the attack aircraft made their way through a pipe with a diameter of... a meter to the rear of the enemy, the fighters came out here in the area of ​​​​the camp site, the royal hunt, for the enemy this came as a surprise, because here is the third line of defense, a legendary operation that will certainly fall into textbooks on military affairs, the other day veterans in the same way through the dungeon reached the enemy positions in toretsk, the khakhlys are in shock, this is the first line, from the crepes, khakhlyatsky , together with the popular front, amir will raise funds for the guys for uniforms, thermal imagers, rap devices , to date 36.5 million rubles have already been transferred. anyone can join. irina kuksenkova, amarat khabibulin, ruslan mishcheryakov, victor averin and vladimir zalutsky, channel one. russian farmers have already harvested
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more than 50 million tons of grain, twice as much than by this date a year ago - said dmitry patrushev. make every effort to achieve this goal, well, it is important that the government allocates serious resources to support farmers of the tula region in the twenty -fourth year - this is more than 1 billion rubles. i think in the near future we set a goal for ourselves to increase to 3 million tons, so i hope
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that we will achieve this, agriculture and the agro-industrial complex as a whole are developing quite actively today, i would like to once again emphasize that it is gratifying that this is like - the level of trade between russia and china has reached a record figure for the entire period of cooperation - $228 billion last year. this was stated by deputy prime minister alexander novak at the russian-chinese business forum in moscow. one of the most important components is energy. cooperation in this area, despite external challenges, is developing at a high pace, investments and supplies are growing. now the strategic project of our cooperation is the power of siberia. next year we plan to reach the design capacity of 38 billion mt of gas. gazprom and
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the chinese national oil and gas company began joint design and construction of a cross-border section of the gas pipeline across the usuri river. we plan to reach a volume of natural gas supplies in this direction of 10 billion m in 2027. the development of lng production and its supply is promising. we should promote trade and investment cooperation in the field of energy, promote the implementation of large energy projects, and create new growth points. currently , projects such as the russian-chinese oil pipeline and yamal lng are being successfully implemented. the construction of four units of the tian npp and the xudapu npp is actively underway. international affairs and information technology, how the connection works, answers today. russia is a country of opportunities, internet platforms
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are popular among journalists in the regions, but there are also federal-level projects with millions of subscribers, as well as, of course, network resources of government structures, foreign ministry spokeswoman maria zakharova spoke about online interaction. well, it’s obvious what new media is, if we say, to use this expression, it’s additional possibilities. sochi, the circle of goodness fund against hepatitis c, how help works, our light, the incandescent lamp
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of a century and a half from ladygin to the present day, there will be much more, don’t switch, we simply cannot do without a fleet, in no era we could not live without a fleet to get by, at all times peter distinguished not only his sailors and naval commanders, but also his ships. the creation of the black sea fleet is a merit not only of the south of russia, the black sea fleet was built by the entire russian empire. lushakov with two frigates and one battleship, forced the turkish the fleet leaves the battle. this is art. and what crimea is for russia is explained here. whoever owns crimea controls the black sea. the varyako-koreans went to battle, realizing that the chances of breaking through were unrealistic. this proved that the russians do not give up. a great power should. to prove that it is a great power and demonstrate its power. and the navy became such a demonstration of the economic and military power of the country. for
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navy day. on sunday. on the first. vodka. veta. product of steller group. old barrel cognac. stellar group product burbon storsman stellar group product whiskey mankatcher stellar group product gin сnop stellar group product monteshoco cognac stellar group product rom castra stellar group product non-uniform letters. what is the secret of the popularity of this theater? you can just lay out a rug somewhere in the yard and start
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playing, the whole world is on fire in the blood, god bless us, we have a restaurant nearby, and people come out of it, they are tipsy, they think, what is this holiday, maybe some kind they missed it, join us, there is such fun, not only for the spectators who will then come to the theater, but also for just strangers on the street. here are my slogans. creating a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet. and asking why you want to play a role, simply because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king. vku, zadig, i came out, in memory of vladimir vysotsky, on friday, the first of the new season. on the first one a woman is killed and we are talking about the devil and our hearts didn’t break do you know how it breaks so only the shoulder
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gives away and the elbow pulls? well, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, early or late they will still identify you, and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful. major, find the service chief security, have him immediately report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version goes to hell, the man who was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good
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shooter. hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, you are watching the program time and we continue: a powerful tornado was observed today in sochi, it passed over the sea, next to adler, did not touch the coast, but the beaches are still... closed, a storm warning is in effect until thursday, the threat of death over the black sea remains. strong winds and thunderstorms have already flooded the streets in sochi this morning. landslides and fallen trees damaged power facilities in three villages. there is a high risk of mudflows in the mountains. the airport warned that changes to the flight schedule are possible. in the capital today they talked about hepatitis, breakthroughs and achievements in its
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treatment. experts at the conference discussed new drugs and protocols that make it possible to kill the virus that causes chronic hepatitis c with almost one hundred percent results. these medications are available to all children, thanks to the circle of good foundation, created on behalf of the president. now this procedure is quite easy, yes, that is , what we need, we need in order to submit an application, the parent just needs to submit an application at the state services. in fact, here we are trying to make the path as easy as possible for parents; applications are being considered. quickly, children are provided for uninterruptedly, so we encourage everyone to improve their informing both parents and the medical community that such an opportunity exists, it’s not scary, it’s possible, and also vladimir putin congratulated russian schoolchildren who triumphantly competed at the international mathematical olympiad, together with teacher mentors, they
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confirmed the level of domestic education , - the president noted in a telegram. the olympics took place in britain. our team participated remotely in the fight against competitors from more than a hundred countries and won four gold and two silver medals. medals. an important date in our history: exactly 150 years ago , the world's first incandescent lamp was patented in russia. the author of the invention, which literally and figuratively illuminated the path to the future, was the russian engineer alexander ladygin. so why is it that even in our country outstanding technical achievements are associated with the name of an american?
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josephana, thomas edison's americans. however , the russian inventor alexander ladygin was the first to manufacture and patent a lamp in its familiar form. it was his light bulb that showed stable operation and was the first to leave the walls of the laboratory began to illuminate entire areas of life. ladygin, from 1872 to 1874 , experiments were constantly carried out in st. petersburg, events no less than the premiere there in the theater. he created lamps for dining rooms, corridors, for... in order for the lamp to burn longer , a vacuum is needed inside the flask, so that inert gas is even longer, in his research he will go from a carbon filament made of baked bamboo to that same tungsten spiral, but the inventor of gigantic production , and not a businessman, by nature he could not build, his patents were bought by general electric, and then edison, using many of ladygina’s ideas, he made
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the production of lamps truly mass-produced, equipping them with the familiar e4 base. ladygin and edison, they were the same age, were born in 1847. ladygin received the privilege for an incandescent lamp when he was 27 years old, edison when he was 32 years old, everything becomes clear. traffic lights and electric lights, high-voltage wires cover all five streets of this tiny village. once upon a time, its name thundered throughout the country. have you heard that they have, what’s it called, electrification? there was lucina after-candle and it became ilyech’s light bulb. it is in the village of kashina that ladygin’s lamp will be named after the leader of the world proletariat. ilyich’s light bulb will go to the people in a figurative, in the most literal sense, plan for the electrification of the country, although
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electric lamps have existed for several decades , they only reach villages for widespread use in the twenties. we humbly ask comrade lenin to come and share the joy that we feel at the sight of electric lighting in peasant farmhouses. to the people. so many came that fit into the frame, this is what the power plant looked like, just two lamp posts and two light bulbs, its building still stands on the main street, inside is a real treasure - the heart of the power plant, the same dynamo that was shown to lenin, it was made to order in moscow, it ran on diesel fuel, with a power of 12 kw, and the entire village raised funds for this car. according to the recollections of the kashintsevs, that day furious residents from... the neighboring village of yeropolets also came to meet us. it turned out that they had started experimenting with electricity earlier. the first handicraft hydroelectric power station was built on this site from the wheel of a water mill. lenin came, made sure of everything and helped with modernization. soon
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a platinum and a turbine appeared here. power 120 kw. already 24 villages began to receive electricity and became famous for their first rural hydroelectric power station in the ussr. the smallest remaining kalashnikov electric lamp plant in the tver region, here drops of hot glass are shaped, flasks are fired, electrodes are soldered, and a tungsten filament is carefully strung. so we got to the assembly shop. here's how workers say a marriage is taking place. the glass bulb is encountered for the first time with a stem and electrodes. a couple more moments and you can declare, let there be light. with the advent of leds and energy-saving lamps, the number of products. the amount produced by the plant, of course, has decreased by about half, but as it turned out, while incandescent lamps are still needed, for example, these ones made of red glass of various sizes are in constant demand, this 250 w lamp heats up
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so much that you can’t keep your hand close, these lamps are used for heating young animals, these are pigs, for use in chicken coops for terrariums, for heating turtles, lizards, and snakes, there are buyers for ordinary incandescent lamps, they are sent not only throughout russia, but also almost throughout the neighboring countries, the plant workers themselves are confident in led , of course he is good, he is the future, but his own light bulb, it is still his own, dear, with a book to read, warm and cozy, i would say, i use it patriotically, i will use it until it leaves us, elena shtoklova, kirill kushniv, victor shvagerus, channel one. a great event for all jazz lovers. the first international festival started in st. petersburg. concerts at several open venues at once. majority.


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