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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  July 24, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, let him appear urgently to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version goes: to hell, the man was a stutterer, suddenly he speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere of the legendary book...
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you will be number one, you are my type, thank you, please, ilya, 37 years old, owner of a cargo transportation company, lives in ryazan, considers himself handsome, is proud that he is a professional in the field of intimacy, dreams of a romantic dinner on the roof, admits that he consults his mother on all issues, warns that he is ready to take on housework. ilya dated a woman who stole not only his heart, but also freedom for 5 long years, hope that irina will not be embarrassed by his past, hello, hello, yes, 37 years have already been so much in life, yes, i have experienced a lot of good things in life, well, for example, i treat you with honest sympathy, i want to say, the fact that he kissed the hand, this is a plus for him, i’ll say, it’s just such a good gesture for a woman, that is, but the legs, i think, you don’t need to kiss the hands enough, and you got caught at the age of 20... i was 45 years old, i was then working in
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a night club, i was dancing, i met her, and she’s probably rich, yes, cool, she looked good, yes, yes, yes, yes, it was like that, i found a plush, so i seemed plush, so he went all over my ears, i think i fell in love, we will build a relationship, that is...
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they will have there is a division of property and what, let me open up on you, like you’re clean, everything will be fine, friend, but your head is there, well, in general, is something working there or not, or are you just floating with the flow and don’t see , what could all this lead to, i became the director of a company, large ones, came to sites, signed contracts, took a certain amount of money, they paid me in the end... it turns out that the claim was about a million rubles, it turned out in the end - as if i had to tell my parents everything, well , what did my parents do, they sold the apartment, i also had it from my grandmother, they took the loan , well, in short , all this was scattered, well, they thought that i would have a suspended sentence, but in the end, in short, i go to prison, so the lawyer pays another 500,000 so that the whole issue is resolved, in the end there is a trial, they assign me lines 5 and 6 5 years 6
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months in a general regime type convoy here . of course, i’m shocked that my parents are also crying to the lawyer because they also gave me money, in the end they gave me a month, but in the end it’s shorter. sat in prison for no reason for 5 years 5 months from the end to the end of the term did not meet with her again with this woman, did not meet with her again , she did not participate in any way in getting you , well, no, there is no swindler, yes, the woman deceived him , that’s what he served there , but this is a plus for me - so i will protect him in that sense, that is, well , the man has suffered and it’s clear because of the woman, so it’s clear that he’s good, positive, i was 24 at the time, so they imprisoned me. he freed himself at the age of 30, oh, this was the first such story, but it was a lesson for me, of course, okay, what are we talking about sad, by the way, there’s such a good warning right there in the questionnaire, he’s
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getting out, and you will even forget about the bath, about the toilet, he will do it all himself, he will make sandwiches for you in bed, he is romantic, and he has... a soul that will hook me and passion, when i, when i left, i immediately told her, she's hooked, she doesn't need to look at it, just here listen to what he says, talk, i think they, if everything grows together, everything grows together, it will be good, i’ll ask you to show me a surprise, a surprise, no problem, i
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’ll need her, please take ira, let’s get up here, now there will be a composition for 100 seas and kiss me here, let us not already take me quickly, get over 100 seas and kiss me everywhere, i’m an adult already, collect me quickly, take me away for 100 seas and kiss me everywhere, 18 already collect me, quickly take me away . .. and kiss me everywhere, i’m an adult already, you ’ve become more mature today, you skipped school, i gathered all my girlfriends, well , it’s your birthday from haji, i know you won’t
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forget me, i’ll come and kiss me, but there are a lot of your kisses, i want. what could you say, i was in a crab costume, in my opinion it’s more interesting, and she liked it, i see she’s kind of going out there, well, dude, well done, light her up, pick me up quickly, take me away for 100 mari and kiss me everywhere, 18 no longer, take me quickly, get away for 100 mari, and kiss me everywhere, i’m already an adult, thank you, well done, maxim, take your friend and go into the room. as for the composition, hands up, sergei zhokov - it’s like, i was in my time, that is , i danced, rocked at discos, good, really, yes, i liked it, i liked it, i can’t help but like it, open-minded, yeah, you can imagine, really , on the path to life at
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the very beginning, such an adult aunt appeared who ruined his biography, from the sum of prison, warm him up, love him, he will return you 100 times more. and he’s young, a man quickly deteriorates, by the way, it’s better to take a young man, he’s a good guy, well, then he’s handsome, really, but he’s so nice, he’s very good, he after all, i went with an open heart, but you decide for yourself who you will go to, in any case, we will support you, and who do you recommend, i, too , with all my virtual hands for ilya, especially since he is the owner of a cargo transportation company, it will be easy for him. by the way, come in, well, i see, i told her everything as it is to myself, i think i lit her up, she smiled, i invite everyone to come out and support irina. hi,
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again, hi, happy, let's try to make friends, maybe something will work out, let's try, we have a couple, irina and ilya, if you are single, or you liked it. from the participants in today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i larisa guzeeva wish that your loved one will definitely tell you: let's get married, this is the room of the marchers, it, unfortunately , has been empty for the second year, your daughter stayed with you, and the boys with their dad. yes, they left me this house, but 2 million, you still owe, yes, i owe, i know, the children were more attached to
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me, do you understand what boys are like growing up without a mother, these are two unhappy men, he protects the interests of his children , he limited rights to them, they feel bad in any way, and you still consider yourself a good father, yes, but how do children treat their mother, then i’ll kill my mother, then i’ll bury her on the grave and poop on her, they’ll lose their father, sasha is already a pretty grown-up girl, which is what i imagine, the courtroom is in session, the judge pronounces a sentence, the court decides
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to love this person with all your heart and soul, and then the bailiffs, apparently, must help carry out this decision, the court, of course, can do anything, but everything that concerns the law, but this is a feeling, but you cannot order them. today at our studio is the mother of seven-year-old twin boys, the fact is that she hasn’t seen them for six months, and they live with her ex- husband, hello, hello, i said everything correctly, ekaterina, yes, only i still have a daughter, we have three children, yeah, but with your daughter, you see, with your daughter, yes, she lives with me, so, that is, it turns out that after you separated from your ex- husband, your daughter stayed with you, and the boys with their dad, yes. why don't you see them? well, everything happened after we broke up
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the marriage. my ex-husband, when was this? this it was in 2022, we had no understanding and agreement about who our children would live with, yeah, but since i couldn’t come to an agreement with evgeniy, i went to court to determine the place of residence of my children, yeah, i asked the court , so that all three children can be left to live with me. alements and what did the court decide? the court of first instance decided to leave the children with him, but i filed an appeal, all three of them were with him, no, he filed a counterclaim so that only arseniy and bogdan would remain with him, about sasha there was no talk at all, so i was initially against sharing the children, you just understand, it turns out that he initially started taking bogdan with him everywhere, taking him with him, in the end, when he moved out of our house with...
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property and what he got, what you left me this house, but he was left with a trailer, i owe him money, how much? 2 million, even a little more than 2 million.
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you see, he hasn’t fulfilled the court’s decision for a year now, yes, yes, but how they initially huddled with him so much that even the first examination showed that they were more attached to him, well bogdan... initially he was more attached to his dad, but arseny, well, they are at such an age that, excuse me, dad took them to chedograd, bought a playstation, some country holidays, bought, well, naturally, now tell me, why did you file for divorce
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? sasha, for that matter... was a first-grader, there weren’t any high school students yet, and i don’t know, apparently love, i forgave, but we we got back together with him again, and boys were born, boys were born almost from yes, when we had boys, we got married, then when you kicked him out of the house, well , in general, initially our relationship all stopped back in november of twenty- one , because on the eve of her daughter’s birthday she turned 14 years old and he... came home in the morning drunk and from his mistress, well, i don’t know where he was, he said that he was at work, okay, wait, well, and you after that they stopped, we stopped altogether relationship, that is, i explained to him that dad doesn’t act like that, i tried to somehow explain it to him, and convey it, but what does it mean that your relationship stopped, so you started sleeping with him in the same bed, you started living with him in different rooms, the matter was heading towards divorce or
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it was not clear, or you were expecting something from him, some beautiful gestures, march 29... it’s his birthday, bogdan woke up with a fever, but i had to go to work, i say , sit at least until lunch, i’ll finish my business, i’ll come back and go with they were already on sick leave then, that’s it, i come home at lunchtime, then the boys tell me that daddy came, at that time they called her a worker, apparently, dad introduced her like that, that she was a worker, so they told me , that she came here to congratulate him on his birthday, but then this was the last straw, you say, i refused him marital affection, so what? you want him to not have a woman, but i don’t mind, he brought the one he wanted into his house, what are you talking about, what kind of nonsense? they weren’t even divorced, he didn’t, wait, if he decided that his relationship was over, go like a man and get a divorce, well, he signed the divorce right away, that was after he brought it, it’s good when the boys managed to become so attached to him, well, i already said that bogdan
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was initially more attached to dad, because, well, dad was to him, but he left. from home in march of twenty-two, no, he left in july of twenty-two, took one of the children with him, took bogdan with him, took only bogdan, and arseny, when he ended up with him, arseny ended up there in the fall of twenty-two, and he, like arseny, was able to take it away, you know, just at that point in time when children are in such a situation, if their dad began to slander their mother, how bad their mother is, what a mother a thief, that mom stole from dad there before... everything, and how, of course, the children listen, he discusses the topics of our relationship in front of them, the children get the impression that mom is really some kind of bad, let’s do this, we’ll see now, how do you and sasha live and wait for the boys in the very house that you i got it, but you still owe 2 million, yes i owe it, i know, i’m paying it off. we
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built this house together with my ex-husband while we were married. the house, of course, is not finished yet, but i am trying very hard to make sure that the conditions here are as comfortable as possible for my children. the boys really liked it here, they could even ride scooters here, they played football here, in principle they were very happy and happy, they really loved my pies, one of my favorites was bogdashkin pie, he did everything and added ingredients and... i stirred everything, there wasn’t enough your brothers, this is the boys’ room, unfortunately, it has been empty for the second year now, since they are practically not here, i still think that they miss me, i
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don’t even think, i know that they definitely miss me, me more than once. i dream about how they are with me, that’s exactly arresen, i don’t know, he comes up to me, mom, i love you so much, kisses me, hugs me, and i’m really looking forward to this moment, because, well, i really miss them, tell me , please, after all, the appellate court sided with you, why, because during this period of time evgeniy used force against... me, he was brought to administrative responsibility, then he filed for alimony so that they could withhold money from me, and for all three children, plus he also has a moment in his life. which the first instance did not pay attention to, this is his past, that is, he was also brought to criminal responsibility, for what? well,
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what kind of a particularly serious crime was there? article 105, murder, just murder, and robbery, and how long did he serve? i honestly speaking, about five years, probably, he had this because he was a child, listen, that’s what surprises me, here you are now with a court decision. which has entered into legal force, what prevents you from coming to the school, say, where your children study and just picking up, you know, i already went there to this school, it’s terrible in general, i don’t know, a moment in my life, in my life children, so i managed to pick them up from school, but why was he terrible, well , because the children were already opposed to me, you know, when the regional court decided that the children should stay with their mother, in general the children were also replaced.
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wait, period, if he has limited parental rights, he cannot be with the children, that’s the point, vonush otaevich is waiting for you, i’m afraid no, we have unraveled something serious, there must be other letters here, how the codes work, the alphabet shifts either to the right or to the left by several letters, now let's check, deep girls. fortune teller, today on the first day, i restored my father’s notes,
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well, don’t delay, don’t delay, who, i’m afraid they won’t make you happy, the yan fleet is solving problems of ensuring military security in the asian-texan region is a region of increased...
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which of our parents should we live with, they could have been taught these phrases only with the help of their father, listen, this is some kind of crazy fatherly love, or just love that he is so not ready with break up boys, what do you think? from our point of view, of course, there is a certain feeling between the father and the children, but first of all, including what became the cause of this conflict and in general the reason that the father so actively opposes the execution of the court decision, this reluctance to pay child support and... this is
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an absolutely mirror picture, absolutely the same goals that parents pursue, forgetting about the interests of their children, simply forgetting. well, should i again remind you of the parable of this king solomon, or what? the mother does not have any negative past, and therefore the children - listen, well, here is christ's story, look, how interesting, the mother does not have any negative past in front of the children, but nevertheless, the children write such monstrous messages to her and say that her hair is on end . well, let's be honest, a 6-year-old child can do this say it yourself, well, let’s invite evgeniy to
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the studio. at least from what we just heard, why boys talk like that about their mother, well, in general, it was as if the children were originally, they were more attached to me, firstly, they are boys, it was more interesting with their father, in general it’s even more in marriage, i never turned them against their mother,
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my mother did not come on her own, well , she came to take a selfie when we had already started court hearings, that’s the first instance, she came to take a selfie in order to note that she was a mother, so about us i saw it as children, it’s all a lie, the boys recorded such a voice message for their mother, you , as a father, told the boys that this is impossible, well, of course i have such a conversation, well, in principle, i don’t allow them, he came up with it himself,
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yes, definitely himself, but i can . to say, well , roughly what this is connected with, because they, well, she built her image of a mother in such a way that now with her, with the word mom, it means pestering these numerous, well, a lot of time torment, that’s when she tries to take away, that is, all their communication, her communication with she wouldn’t have called the bailiffs for them, if you were executing the court’s decision, period, she wouldn’t have called them, you somehow tell everything, but it’s very one-sided and your lawyer... look at me angrily, don’t look at me angrily, no, the thing is that, as always , such a person always has a woman lawyer, well , you have to feel sorry for him, he’s already like this as always, and where do you live now, now you lived in a different house, you rent, no, you own the property yours, yes he lived, my mother used to live in this house, now we have resolved the issue that she is in lives in an apartment, and i live with a new family in this house, with a new family, that is, you
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have. woman, yes, we have a full-fledged family, let's see how you live, the children have been living in our big family for 2 years, we live well, they don't need anything, it's always fun here, they're always buried in toys, they're first grade graduated very well, they like to study and gain knowledge. they just think in lita 8 + 5 = 13 13 + 5 18 with children, of course elena, my wife, helps me, the guys will help, this is a question, maybe the guys will help us again, i love them very much and i can’t even imagine that they could already be somewhere separately, right? i have taught them
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to play sports since childhood. they play football 4 days a week and they really like it. already. they want them to get together, stop bringing the children, you see, you are bringing them, i want the children to live with us, well, naturally, they would communicate with their mother, spend some time, maybe weekends, but this
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it is precisely by their consent, by their desire, that they are very attached to me, do you even understand what you are doing, you understand, what are boys growing up without a mother, these are two unhappy men.
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if you want to stay, stay just like that, i will never forget you, there’s some snow woman here. fantastic on friday on the first. our program is dedicated to curiosities on television,
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oops, that’s it, the bunny has already shit himself, that’s what happened to me, sash, you have a program with animals, this often happens, yes, when you’re live, everyone can only enjoy this moment behind the scenes, i'm afraid, all our directors love naturalness, and so that you the hosts’ reaction was immediate, the weakest link, and many people were offended by you, right? and it even happened that my husband got into a fight with someone, when someone spoke unkindly, i go out, there is no car, well, it was stolen, he says: i see your car, i see a car, at 3:00 in the morning it will pass along mira avenue towards the region, these beautiful apples, they are on pins, this pin turned out to be almost next to the eye, there is no need to remind me, i left the program, the producer followed me, she says, then i won’t give it to you -
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in- secondly, he can make his judgment precisely on the topic that we are discussing now, is there pumping on the part of dad against mom? in fact, yes, today i talked with the boys, talked with the boys, asked them to talk separately and without the presence of dad, i gave them the most childish analytical program with drawing, which, well, cannot be learned in advance, yes, to say, so a certain one will come tatyana, now you will... do this, this, this, do this, so that she
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does, analyzes this, this impossible, and the only significant figure now that exists in the boys’ lives is the father, unfortunately, there is no mother figure at all, for this to happen, the mother must be not just a few months old, i hear that there was interaction, there is a school, there is an opportunity, they don’t walk around without security, i think it’s unlikely that they are fenced...
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hello everyone, do you still consider yourself a good father? yes, yes, what are you saying, yes, yes, from your words, they all say this, then i’ll kill my mother, then i’ll bury her on the grave and poop on her, no, this wasn’t the case, why did they become like this, but from the first days of your life together you walked all over ivanovo, the first time you left. why from katyukha, because he took a mistress, went to moscow, because we didn’t have a relationship with her, what are you saying, yes, why did you even marry her then, the second time, now yes, but because you there was nowhere to run, yes, i had somewhere, but why didn’t you then, to this house in which you now live, yes, no, i wanted to be with my daughter then, but closer, yeah, i was, but what about you now no closer to daughters, well, because such a situation happened, what a situation, what you taught the children, i did not teach the children. he’s the first time, he
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’s at birth, when katya just got pregnant, he says, well, twins, well, which gender, he says, well, at least one, so that there’s a son, then bam two sons, one of them will be bogdan, here’s bogdan was born, the father's spears, he blew away specks of dust from him, arseny so, son and son, if bogdan cried, he knocked down the corners, ran to help him, arseny cried, katya, go, arseny crying. let's do this look, we, i want to remind you once again that this is bullshit from the side of the law, nonsense, yes, people do not follow the law, while their parental rights are limited, how did the children live. i still live with him, where are the guardianship authorities, where is the prosecutor’s office? i want to note that the prosecutor’s office was against limiting the father’s rights, it is in the court decision, so let them come out now, come out with this repeated lawsuit and restore it. look, of course, when you
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listen to a seven-year-old, six-year-old child, with his sincere attitude towards the world, with his emotions, yes, you are hiding. but we must not forget that today he says one thing, and tomorrow is completely different, it all depends on who he says it to, who he lives with, and on whom the new toy depends, yes, there will be a mom, there will be a mom, that means there will be a dad bad, now dad, mom is bad, let's listen to the children, we like it with dad, we have a lot of toys, we feel very good here, but how was it with you and mom? bad, bad, i left right away, she said it herself, and when you were already leaving here, when arsenits fell ill, she left and i stayed with my sister, with sasha, i went to the club myself, my dad and i came and took arseny,
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i don’t remember the last time i came, i don’t want to go, i too... i like this, this is for me, because dad , you want dad to always be with us, dad does homework with us more, spends more time on us , katya and i don’t want to live at all, for me mom is lena, and for me too mom lena, katya is just katya, she makes us feel bad in life , shows us examples that...
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absolutely no one wants to hear me, well, really, maybe psychologists are doing work and they see how it really is, if the mother removed herself from the children’s lives, they lived with me, i don’t turn the children against the mother, that is, a child of 7 years old, i certainly don’t beg the talents of your children, but he sits on the sofa and thinks, she does things that can affect our children, you probably have them. already at the university studying to become psychologists, well, they are, as it were, witnesses to everything that happens, they are even participants, they are witnesses to what you tell them, period, evgeniy, you maybe you didn’t sit the children opposite you, and you didn’t arrange hypnosis sessions, mom is bad, mom is bad, but you are probably discussing this
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problem with lenna, probably in the presence of the children, probably without mincing words.
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if you just take it and physically sharply implement the court’s decision, then for children it can turn out to be such a strong psychological trauma for the rest of their lives, which then cannot be corrected by any psychologists ever in their lives. by removing children from your spouse’s family now, you can lead to the children rejecting you completely, you will close the last chance and the last loophole to somehow find a way to the hearts of these two boys, to melt the ice that dad was diligently creating, to make sure that they accept you in a new way, love you and understand that there is no threat in you, that you are a good mother, that you are a desirable woman for them, whom they will love with every fiber of their soul, and thanks to this they will be able later... to love someone else, other women, and your situation, as a dad, is such that you must also understand, yes, that it’s time for you
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to unclench your fists and unclench your hands, with whom you tenaciously clung to your boys, now they feel bad, understand, they feel bad in any way, because they are deprived of communication with their mother, they feel bad because they see this imbalance in family relationships, make sure that your children feel good, your brother, dmitry, witnessed how, during the transfer of children with the participation of bailiffs, the boys did not go to their mother, let’s ask how it was in order to understand the full depth of the problem, hello, there is no need to break what zhenya has already built, it’s better to agree on - little men, why is he broke it when the two of them built it, in my opinion, it’s generally not the right place for you to explain now that my opinion, my brother’s opinion is the same, children should communicate with... with their mother and father, humanly, but isn’t he really disgusting ? - humanely did what he did, but forbade communication, dmitry, yes, your brother
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is limited by the court in parental rights to children, which means they live with them, he cannot live with them, period, the law, your brother does not comply with the court decision on the voluntary transfer of children to the mother, how to transfer, this is not a thing, took, put the package and gave it away
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, then evgeniy vladimirovich is doing everything possible so that as many people as possible who have no relation to the children participate there, that is, a brother, for example, for example, a representative who walks around and yells that the bailiffs are breaking the law, gives commands to the children, where to go to the children you need to go at this moment, so i have a question, how do the children treat their mother, she intimidated them that she would take them away, well, how do they treat her? they are afraid, and why are they afraid of losing their father, afraid of losing their father? father, look, here is father i’m not afraid of anything, i’m behind the scenes, when they ran over my brother, you started putting pressure on him, he
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can’t say anything, we came initially to help us figure it out, they were helped to figure out this situation, you came for a showdown, we didn’t, not showdown, listen, no, you said to sort out the situation, you came to a showdown based on concepts, there won’t be any, and there’s no concept, there are no concepts here in this studio, there is a law of the russian federation, which your brother is absolutely blatantly violating. i promise you, i promise that the guardianship authorities who look us, now, i hope, both the prosecutor's office and the bailiffs, as soon as you return home, absolutely everyone will be on your doorstep, not in a single letter, i'm not lying, i'm not lying, what is the secret of the popularity of this theater, you can just lay out carpets somewhere in the yard and start playing everything, a world fire of blood.
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join us, there is such fun , not only from the audience who will then come to the theater, but also from just strangers on the street, these are my slogans, the creation of a stable government, at first i played comedic roles, suddenly i played galileo and hamlet, not be asked why you want to play the role of gant, just because it’s a good role, he would probably be a wonderful king, zatik, i came out in memory of vladimir vysotsky on friday at the first, oh my good ones, well, how are you here , shukshin, this is the password for good literature, character, i closed my eyes, why, well, i closed my eyes. are you
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okay, are you gone, i don’t know how to behave, some kind of unattainable thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also be a director, this is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if i were in your place, i if only there was a movie like this took it off, are you a hero or something, they should have broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, but why did they let me in, shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated, pushkin is everything.
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i would really like to, she actually said at the trial that i want to communicate with my mom and dad, but i will live with my mom, as if she was the last time you saw her, unfortunately, her mom forbade her to communicate with us now, she doesn’t communicates with my mother, with my grandmother, with hers, and now she is much less with me, i don’t know why she did this, here she is limited your communication, when was the last time you saw her, a week or two ago? you know, sasha is an old enough girl to make independent decisions, and now i want to hear in her speech whether there is a mutual mood there, whether she is opposed to her father by her mother, since she agreed to come to us, let's call her, hello, hello, of course, hello, why didn’t
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i say hello to dad, i didn’t say hello to anyone. well done, very polite, yes, what kind of situation do you have, why do you think dad took your brothers with him, well, because he and mom couldn’t find any compromise, and dad thought, most likely, that this was the only way he could get money for the house, i don’t know, but what to do, what do you think, i understand, that you are very young for such questions, but maybe you have some kind of teenage feeling? i have a look at this situation, sometimes it helps adults a lot, i think that if the boys live with their dad, but he still lets them see their mom, well, they themselves will want to see her, then i i don’t see anything wrong with this, but did you want to go live with your dad? mm, no, i immediately thought that i would live with my mother, but you only communicate with the boys at school,
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listen, why are they talking about mom like that now, it’s terrible? honestly, i don’t have any other option other than dad setting them up, and you’re like a sister, you don’t want to talk to them, why do they say that about mom, if i ask them something, they immediately say, i i don’t want to talk about it, have you ever felt different relationships dads to see your boys? well, before my parents divorced, no, now that they are with my dad, then i feel, and what do you feel, indifference in my direction. i just don’t care, well, he calls you, writes, asks you how you are, congratulates you on the holidays, very rarely, and would you like it to happen more? perhaps you can tell him, he’s sitting here, talk to him, well, i heard, i hope, of course i heard, well, sasha, let’s imagine, yes, that the court’s decision is executed, what?


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