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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 25, 2024 12:10am-12:56am MSK

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russia is ready for negotiations, which our president has repeatedly said, including recently, the minister of foreign affairs constantly talks about this, but i want to say that the situation now is such that what was before the start of the military operation and now is different things, now four regions, former regions of ukraine have become an integral part of the russian federation, the constitution, i’m not even
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talking about crimea, which we have long considered, and it is russian territory, does ukraine agree to admit this, i have big doubts, because i remember zelensky’s statement when he issued a decree prohibiting any negotiations, even to the president himself, when he was still a legitimate president, i remember his cunning 10-point plan, which later failed at the swiss meeting. i think that ukraine is being cunning after all, it will in any case set additional conditions for the return of the territories, but even if it agrees that we will start negotiations from scratch, i have another question, so we will conclude a peace treaty with ukraine, we will stop hostilities, and that this will make the enemy disappear, no, i am absolutely sure of this, that we will conclude an agreement with the hostile one.
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kiev and from kiev, this is how the same kuleba will meet with our minister lavrov, now he, i looked at your footage, he is now in a civilian suit and with a tie, and we will remember their clothes, with which zelensky and i traveled around the world , it was funny to watch, so as long as this regime remains in power, until we have written guarantees that ukraine will become non-aligned state. all western countries
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will confirm this, when then we can talk about concluding peace, now, i think, we have the task of a special military operation, we are ready for peace negotiations, but on our terms. let me try to formulate, as i understand it, the russian position based on public statements. first: russia, as sergei lavrov said, is ready for... negotiations without any preconditions, but taught by the bitter experience of previous deceptions, primarily from the country of kiev, and of course, his patrons, russia will not agree that there be a truce, negotiations - negotiations, military actions - actions. then there is a statement from president putin, who went. formulated,
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and if ukraine agrees to these conditions, then russia will immediately agree to a cessation of hostilities, and negotiations will continue, as it were, yes, yes, i wanted to add, you know, i recently read historical documents about how crimea was annexed, first potemkin, well, catherine joined, potemkin first joined all of novorossia. zaporozhye, kherson, only then entered crimea, this guaranteed crimea’s security, because if this territory remained with ukraine, crimea would always be under the threat of attack from the ukrainians, so the issue there needs to be resolved radically. i agree, i just
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tried to formulate, because there are many different statements, initiatives, i tried to show how they continue each other, how they relate. but there is another, perhaps even more difficult topic, well , let’s say we agreed with ukraine, rather in total, it won’t be peace, peace would involve the lifting of sanctions, peace would involve a return to normal relations, i could be mistaken, but it doesn’t seem to me that the west is ready for this, and to be honest, many here, including me, we would be it’s not so easy to restore right away. not just partnership, but even normal relations with nato. therefore, i think that if we agreed on something, it would be some kind of more or less, i hope, more and not less long and meaningful
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truce in ukraine, which is a lot, but i i think that the struggle for the global world order would continue, the crusade that was started... but some kind of hybrid war in which we will, in general, fight for the most important thing, what will the future world be like? our rivalry with the united states will survive the ukrainian crisis, i have no doubt about it, this is a structural, long-term
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rivalry, at least in the first half of the 21st century we will observe it, but i would not rush to wait for the outcome of the crisis itself in ukraine.
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theses are heard during negotiations with foreign leaders, but i do not exclude that this line is caused by the need to avoid capitulation, the need to avoid a situation in which the country will completely withdraw. out of control, because in essence, now kiev has to maintain two armies, one holds the front, the second maintains the regime of repression within the country, forces men to go to military registration and enlistment offices, ukraine essentially maintains the front in the east, but at the same time an equally tough regime of control in western border as ukrainian men try to cross it to avoid fate, to be mobilized, this loss...
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all of them, who are reasonable, at the beginning of the twenty-third year, in the corporation report , pointed out the moment when american interests could diverge from ukrainian interests, and i admit that this document is finally in kiev read it. academician, professor shintsov just said that the conflict between russia and nato, that this conflict will survive, here at...
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unsuccessful debates, after the assassination attempt on trump and after biden’s illness,
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democratic voters were in such shock that the appearance kamals, healthy, plump, that is, laughing, smiling, yes, it made an indelible impression on them, but it will pass very quickly, and i think that trump made a very wise move, he invited her to the debate, at this debate, i think, she may be a loser, and... very much so, i think that the american deep state has not completely lost its head, because they understand that we are all moving towards the third world war, and i hope that sooner or later the instinct of self-preservation will work in the same states. well, so far the american elite had a lot of bad instincts, but you are right, the instinct of self-preservation still... worked, we'll see, we'll see, it was a big game, we'll see you tomorrow on the air,
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hello, you're watching on... castriggers on channel one, with you, his leading psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist and psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, our guest today is tatyana, hello, tatyana, hello, hello! well, tell me, tatyana, what did you come to us with? it’s quite difficult for me to clearly formulate a request; i have quite painful reactions in family conflicts, i ’m married, every time we have some kind of quarrel with my husband on a domestic basis, well, in general, just some little things, they usually hurt me very much, that is, i’m
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internally like... then for myself i divide it this way, that is, there is some kind of rational part of me that... explains everything, calms me down, supports me, there is some emotional part that is probably in the shadow of this rational part, which hurts, especially it’s painful when the husband, for example, i was late at work, it could even be for a small amount of time, 15 minutes, and for me it’s just a drama inside, it’s already hurting, it’s already hurting, let’s say our agreements weren’t kept, well, that is, we...
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physically hurt, that is, even literally last week there was a situation, he left for the weekend and it was a planned trip, everything is fine, he left, and i’m starting to get sick, i have a temperature there, something else, that is, i’m just physically and i’m apparently experiencing this somehow, this is the situation, and this is your first marriage, no, this is a second marriage, yeah, you have a child, i have two children, a daughter from my first marriage, now my husband and i have a son together, so we get a second one, small, small, he’s a year and a half old. or maybe it’s just banal jealousy, i thought about it, this way and how, but no, well , that is, no, well, i admit that yes, i kind of, of course, it’s mine, but no, i don’t associate it with jealousy, because well, i calmly let him go there, we agree somewhere, he has some of his own events, i don’t know, some men’s
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affairs, trips are not a problem, the problem is arises when there is some kind of conflict, for example, well, i don’t know, for example. we had a fight, he can leave there out of emotion, yeah, and he will leave the house there for a short time, so that, well, apparently, he will calm down, this is the moment that let’s say a person leaves, and i even know that he will come there, everything is fine , that’s it, i feel inside, well, i don’t know, it’s sickeningly bad, that is, it’s something like this there, and what exactly is happening at this moment, well, he went to breathe, so that i don’t know, not to kill you, yeah, yeah, what kind of nausea is that? why so bad, what are you afraid of at this moment, that he will not return, or that he will do something while he is walking, rather, that i have a feeling that, well, i didn’t want to cry, but something, well, i feel so bad now that it’s like i’m going to die, and he’s gone, okay, i’ll die, he’ll come
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like that, that’s it, i have to die in his presence, or i have to do something, or i have to not... die, i i want not to die, not to die, okay, it somehow depends on whether he’s nearby or not, whether you die or not, no, it doesn’t matter at all, well, it doesn’t it depends in no way, just some painful moments in life in general that happened, i lived alone, i didn’t die, so i sort of understand it, but what moments are you talking about, if we take in general a super early childhood there, for example, i two i was in intensive care several times, i had problems with my lungs and my parents always took me away. they didn’t let me in, of course , that is, i was going there, let’s say in an ambulance, i came to the hospital alone, alone and i remember it very well, then there was anesthesia, well , of course you don’t remember, you wake up alone too, but you’re very scared, well, this is for example, and how old were you, well, about three, it’s not like, this is exactly the place that hurts, this feeling now is similar to
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the one you experience when your husband goes to that feeling when you woke up in intensive care, it seems yes , well, that is... the point is not in him, the point is that this fear has not gone away, it’s just the same thing, why do you calm yourself down, because it’s easier in calmness, well, calmness may be easier, but it’s more difficult will live through what we are now trying to understand, disassemble, experience, simply the last very moment, well , emotionally it’s similar to what was there when i was 3 years old, it’s just... fun, still a bastard, no, well, although it should have been, it’s just - all like that, that is everything
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that happened, he passed very quickly, that is, he was born very quickly, in general somehow super quickly, and the husband appeared when everything had already passed, in fact, he came to everything ready, the very moment was such that - just when, well... and they also took me up to the ward, it turns out that the nurse there just looked and, well, she also left, and then everything seemed to be some processes are already underway, irreversible , and so am i, and i just felt very clearly at that moment, because i also felt that you were in the hospital and you were generally alone, and i really wanted to say that someone was nearby, then it was simple, it was very scary, of course you joked that he was a bastard, but i don’t think he’s a bastard, but it’s very direct to me... as if you can’t defend yourself, you’ve already grown up, you
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an adult woman who, in general, can somehow control her life, but so that you haven’t done this in such situations, you are still left alone, and if you wouldn’t learn it, well, in the sense of getting used to the fact that in such situations you are always alone, for some reason you always think that the next one... is like that it won’t, i just don’t know, it’s, i don’t know how to find comfort inside myself at this moment, that is , when i was little there, my parents gave me this dinosaur that was in the hospital, kind of reminding me that i'm not alone, of course, we can... what kind of dinosaur should you get yourself, this dinosaur is more likely was a distraction, of course you can
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start it now, but it will still be some part of this analgesia for the pain that you are experiencing, but what if you don’t analge it, what if you live it, well, now for you? i was also scared, i felt uneasy before the filming started, yes, well, it’s exactly the same fear as when you give birth or when you are in intensive care, the fear is the same, and there is no one around, how do you live through this fear , i want to strangle him inside me, but what will remain if you strangle him? well, i hope that nothing will be somehow empty and calm, i’m afraid that there will be no peace in the emptiness, that’s the thing, because this fear, it always seems to tell you that you... he protects you in many ways, i didn’t think that fear could be a signal that i’m alive, such a thought, and most importantly, it’s recognizable, it’s like a signal
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that it’s a reminder of what happened to you. there are so many situations that could have ended badly, let’s call it that, but you went through them, you know how to deal with it, and this is fear again, that is, essentially this... you now have children, if god forbid the child has something with his health, you are like a normal mother, accordingly, you will also give him to the ambulance there, he will be taken to the hospital, and he will be alone, and at this
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moment you, what will you feel when he is there alone, so you, as a mother, what will you feel, i don’t know, it seems to me that my heart will break, okay, that is, your parents it also broke my heart, well, i think so, from which we can assume that your husband’s heart breaks when he leaves to breathe? probably, if this is so, then what then, then it turns out that everything is fine, good or not, i don’t know, but at least you have something in common that you can experience together, love, for example, well, because, well you will still quarrel, when in these quarrels your husband leaves, he leaves because he cannot stand the pain that you cause him, or he does not want to cause you any severe pain, he leaves in order to breathe. but the moment he leaves he feels exactly just like you, this same fear, his heart is also breaking, but instead of joining in this sympathy for his emotions, his
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experiences, we... at this moment, of course, we believe that the partner bastard does not understand, that i feel bad here, well, of course, he feels good, he’s breathing, at this moment your mind begins to come up with different kinds of explanations for you, why you should be sure that you are right and he is wrong, because as if there is an idea that it is more difficult for me, that if there is a conflict in a couple, then it is more difficult for someone else, the second one, of course, is great, he’s breathing at... at this moment, our setting really forces us to concentrate our attention on ourselves and this is the highest form of selfishness, well , because it hurts me more than everyone else at this moment, but this is not entirely true, because at the moment when we feel bad, others around us feel bad too, but to direct our attention to the fact
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that... others feel bad, it doesn’t seem possible, in fact, it’s possible to think, here i have this fear, here i have it there i'm afraid that i'm going to die, and he's not around, that i'm going to die again alone, and no one is protecting me, and he feels the same thing there, he experiences the same thing, just on the street, let’s say somewhere, i think that our conversation would not have happened if he had come after that drunk, because he went out there to get drunk with friends, returned 2 days later, yes, well, most likely we wouldn’t talk about it, cheerful. we are still talking about something else, that your relationship today has value for both of you, in this value you need to find commonality, this is an experience, it can be your common one, and yes, it will give birth love, because well, it’s as if only love will remain. you are watching the triggers podcast, our guest today is tatyana, with whom we are talking about how to cope with the fear of loneliness in family relationships.
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it turns out that at the moment of such a situation, in order to cope with it, you need to switch your focus to the experiences of another person. first you need to not look for a dinosaur, direct your attention to fear, which signals to you that you are alive here now, and this is the first thing that will relieve, well, such a strong unbearable anxiety regarding, well that i’m going to die, that is, i’m afraid, that means i’m alive, here... here, now, when this takes away such tension from the fear of death, you will have the opportunity to shift your attention to what your husband feels, to allow , that perhaps he too now that he feels now this indifference, perhaps he also feels unnecessary, sergei said that i know what i’m talking about, it’s true, yes, we are really married, of course, we are, despite the fact that we are psychologists, we are just very masterful at quarreling
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and... not us, of course, of course not, and that, and what really helps me is when i’m in a moment of anger, anger, resentment, feeling that i’m not needed, i admit this thought, i always succeed, but when i succeed, it’s great, i admit that maybe he too now not as good as i imagine, perhaps we are in the same boat, this is an experience, it is common, then if he... is also feeling bad, then this evens out our positions, then i begin to think, okay, that means i’m not alone , whose world has collapsed, probably the same thing is happening to him, this allows me to come out in some constructive way, absolutely, but after a fight, when all the emotions are gone, if there is some kind of constructive conversation, this is usually what happens, that is, he also says that it hurts,
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i feel bad, i left there. that only at the moment you get these emotions, as if you don’t see it, when everything has already passed, well, of course, because we immediately run away into the tunnel, i’m not needed, yes, but if we assume, this is an equal situation, yes, it neutral, we don’t know whether i’m needed or not, then maybe it’s worth choosing, but what if we need each other, we we need each other, but we have such a conflict, then a lot of pain is relieved. then i want to meet him halfway, there is also such an important point that you are talking about, tatyanka, yes, you say that if he does not come on time, i begin to think that i am not important, my word is not important, it means nothing, yes, you are not important, at this moment, at this moment work is more important there, at this moment something else is more important, the traffic jam is, after all, more important than you, he is not next to you at this moment, but why are you looking for this importance
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in another... very unfair, yes, well, let's talk about injustice, what kind of injustice is it, well, if you just exaggerate it like that, well, i keep our agreements, but he doesn’t, always, well , of course, in my head it seems that always, but in reality probably not, well, i mean, if you remember something now, then he will also have something to say, of course he will have something to say 100%, but what kind of agreement is that? at 7:00 pm or there to be home at 7:00 pm, there may be something from the area i'm leaving with i’ll be working in an hour, for example, by this time i’m there, for example, preparing dinner, well, there ’s something there that we’re all there now
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as a family, and he can stay there for a while, everything will cool down, everything’s already there, everything’s already in the mood it’s over, while you’re already waiting, there’s some kind of injustice, well, we kind of agreed, well, for example, it’s simple. that is, can you imagine that he sits there at work and thinks, well, yes, i promised, but no, it’s okay, later, come, well , rather - he happens there so that he arrives there, then oh, i’m there decided on the road also this, this, this, this, there’s something that i didn’t warn you about, and there are times when i abandon some of my plans, for example, at this moment, because now he’s waiting and now... this is important for me, that right now we are going to have dinner, and i, for example, could have some kind of call there, or work, something, well, some little things, which i clean up for this half hour of time, because first the family, then this,
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let’s say, but he turns out, first he chooses this, then the family, well, it seems to me, this is just normal, but why do you choose the other way around, why are you between a call, which is for work, as i understand it, and cooking dinner and sitting? wait for him despite the fact that he may be late at this moment, you choose to sit and wait, well, for example, you agreed that he will be home at 7:00, yes, you prepared dinner by 7 o’clock, yeah, but there is no person at home at 7 o'clock, well, you had dinner and went to call, for example, uh-huh, he came, finished what was left, it was cold, maybe you are working at that time, let's say, or there you are taking care of children, why is such a picture impossible, it is possible, but in reality it is only if such situations arise, that is, when, let’s say, i’m okay. this will still turn into a quarrel later, but let’s say, because he comes, he demands attention to himself, that is, i came, you couldn’t do all your business there while i was gone, here i am , give me attention, yes , how can i pay attention to you, if at a time when
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i could do all my business, i was waiting for you, there is a feeling that i am waiting for you - this some business of yours, so i call and say: tan, what are you doing, i’m waiting for my husband, well, this is somehow stupid, but no, this is definitely stupid. but you can answer this way, that’s the point, i ’m wondering how you’re waiting for him, how you go out around the house, like, where are you, where are you, looking out the window, where, where, it’s cold outside , there’s a blizzard, what’s there, no, i’m doing some things, well, it’s as if in my head, that’s the point, but the results of this, this activity have no result, yes, it’s absolutely meaningless, but if you do it meaningfully. at least once, here just wait, i don’t know what you will do, what it will mean, i’m waiting, you can walk around the room, for example, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, you can, for example, or you can stand like this and stand like a dog, looking at the door like that, when i had a dog, my family members told me, and
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this is not a legend, but reality, they told me that he always sat in front of the door 7-8 minutes before i arrived and looked at the door like that and there it meant that in 7-8 minutes i would come in. i honestly don't i really kind of believe that dogs know how to count time, so or what at such a distance, maybe he smelled my scent, i don’t know, yes, well, it doesn’t matter, but this is what they call waiting, yeah, that is, the dog was waiting like this, she looked at the door when her beloved owner would come, but she didn’t care that the house was full of people, someone might give him food or something else, he wasn’t distracted, he was waiting, well, try waiting like that, sit on the small . says maybe: look, you and i agreed at 7:00, you come, you know, whether you come or not, i sit down opposite the door at seven, but i don’t need to say anything to my husband, 20 minutes, i’m waiting, i don’t need to say anything to my husband, i need to sit down and wait so that you can see, in general, the stupidity of this
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activity, the absurdity of the situation, the absurdity of this situation and stopped doing it, then you will do all the things that you usually do, but just stop waiting for this, i asked exactly the same question to my son when he was still studying at... at school , yes, what are you doing at school, i'm studying at school, that's what it means, i i go to school, well, it’s possible to go to school and not study, in general, what he managed to do, is it possible, i’m sitting in class, is it possible to sit in class and not study? it’s possible, i’m listening to the teacher, it’s possible to listen to the teacher without studying, it’s possible, i answer there, it’s possible to answer and not study, it’s possible, well, that is, when you little by little take away just these counter-meanings from there, you suddenly see that you you are committing absolutely senseless actions and, unfortunately, most people do not go to school to study, but go to school to sit in it, and they listen to teachers, usually, well, they sort of listen, but they don’t hear, in most cases, this is, of course, a question for teachers. they are for children. and here it’s exactly the same. take, isolate
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from your ordinary life these 15 minutes of such stupid waiting. well, just don’t say that i’m waiting and at the same time preparing dinner, or i’m waiting and cooking something, or i’m waiting and stirring something with my right foot or playing with a child. no, waiting means sitting down like this in front of the door and sitting and waiting. i assure you, once will be enough to imprison the children too. and this is actually such a cultured cat, because when we watched, for example, in childhood, soviet films about the war, yes there was, well, right there, i don’t remember the names of these films now, but there were such films when there like, who is this, he says, this is afrosinya, a soldier, she’s waiting for her husband, what do you mean she’s waiting for her husband, she’s been waiting for him for six years, well , how can she wait, she’s giving birth to children there at this time, i don’t know, she’s walking around there. feeds, looks after the cow, there’s something else there, waits, because
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i’m waiting for this state, it’s as if appeared, it has some kind of meaning, in fact, when i try to ask the question, what is the meaning of this, i wait, it doesn’t exist, and if you perform meaningless actions, it’s like the whole humanistic psychology is built on this, then you yourself you stop appreciating because you are doing meaningless actions, and this is not an activity, and if it is not... but for the whole day, enjoy
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the activity so much, because it is an activity, it is meaningful, when we remove this meaningfulness from there, then we let's start doing absolutely nonsense, here we go this disrespect for myself for the fact that i am so aimlessly, meaninglessly, carelessly wasting my life in general, makes us transfer this act of disrespect to another person, so the conflict, i now imagined myself in place. your husband, when this expectation went away, i just wanted to come home, i wanted to come home, because you have some kind of interesting life there, because you feel good there, in fact, this is how it is in general, when this you clean everything up, and even sergei said that there will be only one situation it’s enough to wait for something like this, even in my, in my, in my head i’ve already imagined it and... i don’t really want
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to play it anymore, so the next time he asks you, like, what are you doing , and you say i’m waiting for you, well, i think that this answer will already cause heartburn, thank you, this is just such a discovery, yes, because it’s like, well , unfortunately, i say, it was loaded into the consciousness with various kinds of elements, when i have to wait for someone or there, that i’m waiting, well , it’s fine, you’re waiting, that is, he’ll come. not happy he’ll come, well, well, he won’t come, but you ’re busy with your own life at this time, that’s when it makes sense to wait, then this waiter, remember, there was such a thing, there was such a doll waiter, you’re watching the triggers podcast, we’re visiting today tatyana, with whom we are talking about how to cope with the fear of loneliness in family relationships, in this loneliness there is fear, we... divided it, there is this waiting, waiting, and i don’t
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care, what else is there, how are you you feel it, well , i’ve already described it in principle, i just don’t know how to say it in even more detail, if about myself fear, how i feel it, that it seems that i’m about to die, how it feels in the body or what it’s like in the body in general, well, this feeling, if there’s such an expression, like the earth is disappearing from under your feet. it’s so banal, but it really reflects in principle, that is , it seems that you have no strength in your legs at all, that you have some kind of cold here and that’s all, now you’ll fall and die. something like this, well, that is, some kind of feeling, it’s clear that you won’t die, that is, i say, this is rational part, it’s kind of calm, everything is fine, that’s it, but these are the feelings, well, this loneliness is still such an intellectual construct, because inside of it and no one needs me, this is this meaninglessness, and disrespect for me, and
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the unimportance of me, that is, all this, actually gives rise to the idea of ​​loneliness, and in essence , loneliness is just me alone. there is no one, yes, well, that’s how it is, you are alone, and there is no one, you just need to remove all these strange speculations from there, because you can’t even call them meanings, beliefs, there will only be one thing left, that’s it this is pure loneliness that needs to be experienced, in general, a value that cannot be underestimated, overestimated, or rather, sorry, because this is the loneliness with which we come, from which we leave, it never goes away. this is a very pleasant unity, i also came across it, i encounter it, well, that is, in this solitude you cope with some challenges that happen to you, that is , it turns out yes, if so, let’s say, in some take a time segment, i don’t know, for example, well, man, well, for example, here he leaves there for 3 days, well, if we ’re talking about this, then the first day there i feel bad, i
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’m really sick, something like that, then everything, well, it’s already normal, the third already everything is fine, without arriving, everything is fine . that is, it happens like this, simply and i say, i understand very clearly in my head that this is cool and i feel very good, alone and as a mother and two children, i really want to be alone without everyone, without my husband, including, so but at that moment for some reason, well, i now understand why, i saw it, why, what it’s just that somehow it seems to rip open and he returns you there to that intensive care unit, where you are alone. but as we have already found out, you are coping, you are very tenacious, very tenacious, well, in general, it becomes clear that first, fear is always a good indicator that you are alive, i’m fine, yes, second, turn your attention to the fact that the partner feels now is also not the most positive positive emotions, but the third thing is to snatch the focus of one’s attention, the spear of one’s
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attention, to snatch expectations from this, that is, to make this expectation, but very conscious action in order to see. absoluteness, i understood, it’s very, it’s very, it’s very strong, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, well, i just like the puzzle fits a little in general, what you said just now, and let’s say i also remembered there was a painful situation for me, like there was a period of time when i didn’t communicate with my dad, we didn’t talk for 4 years and i now remembered that in general...
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or with my dad, and this is generally a big, long story, also absurd, i have uh your parents separated, and this somehow affected both of them, how old were you when you weren’t 25, that is, it was, no, and you didn’t talk to your dad after twenty- five, yes, it was , it was - yes, and he , well, i think he was worried in his own way. this breakup, and apparently i also somehow experienced this breakup, and my mother was there, well, in general, it’s just that at some point he, well, i think that he just decided to be alone, so there were some attempts there get in touch with him, but they were not
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successful, but they were successful, here.


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