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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 25, 2024 3:05am-3:16am MSK

3:05 am
there is a feeling that these are male feelings in relationships, something that is interesting to us women, we read, yes, how it is from a man’s point of view, but on the other hand, there seems to be a convincing story, but we also understand that the author is a woman, there are two moments here , the first, in my opinion, when a writer writes, and he is not a man, not a woman, he is the one from whom he writes, that is, the same with me, when i write on behalf of a man, i am in this moment this man, when i write on behalf of a girl, i will be this girl. write from the dog's point of view, that means i’ll be a dog for a while, that is, it’s, well, you’re just like nabokov, who says that i’m a writer, i even write love for a stool, but that’s how it works, that is, it’s impossible, well, in a good way, of course, that there are different situations and sometimes it doesn’t work out, but the reader just feels it when the author lives the hero or doesn’t live the hero, when the author feels what the hero is experiencing, when the author just sketched out some, i don’t know, cliche image and left it that way.
3:06 am
coded yes launched it, it’s with one on the other hand, if we talk specifically about the novel the black prince, there are, in principle, no reliable narrators, this is murdoch’s game itself, an intentional game, yeah, there , we don’t know if we can trust bradley with his story, because we there are four more afterwords, and where each minor character tells his own version, rachel says that bradley is actually crazy, and that means he harassed her in every possible way, in general, this is her. true, he was stalking, but the ex-wife also says that it means he was delusional and only her, julian says that yes, there was a feeling, most likely, it’s just that he talks a lot, which looks strange, but it seems like such a story is very specific, suddenly there is some kind of abstraction in her reasoning, we still don’t fully understand, there is is there a reliable narrator here, who can we trust, plus there is also loxium, this is some kind of anonymous person, yes, who publishes. publishes yes, and we also don’t
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understand whether it’s really some kind of publisher or who realized it, i think i’m probably not smart enough to understand who this is again loxy - this is one of the names of apollo, that is, yes, that is, loxy is the dark one, as if there is an apollonian beginning, then the dark side is like the devil, like lucifer, that is, it is real, and even on the first edition of the black prince. and that is, there is a lot of dark talk here about the connection between the creativity of eros, but still, i think creativity wins. that
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is, in the end there is no love as such, why is murdoch so cool, that is, why do we respect her at all, why do we still have her do we read and talk about it? murdoch is very big, it seems to me, a philosopher from literature, cool, by the way, i agree, that is, she has so many meanings - sewn into her novels, so many layers, so many subtexts, in each of them, you can talk about each of them endlessly and pulls out an infinite number of meanings, plus different forms - different tools and forms, for example, how she builds the narrative itself, how it was done, it was very, well, it remains very cool and so unique and great, well, the work on this is really classic literature in general, although it can be mistaken for a detective story, for fiction, but in the end there is an intensity of passions, there is seduction, there is murder, that is, we can say that it operates with rather pop genre techniques, no, but due to this. we just
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read with such rapture the black prince, that is, he is not boring, he is very very easy to consider, fascinating, yes, there are a lot of dialogues, and uh, by the way, good dialogues, wonderful dialogues, and here, what’s surprising, that there are a lot of them, a lot of characters immediately speaks at the same time, and murdyk deliberately does not use, uses as little attribution as possible, that is, at some point... we lose the thread of who is speaking with what , such a confusion arises, which, in principle, i think, is what murdyk and there had to be, this is such a crazy chorus, she even uses some kind of comparison with alice in wonderland, where in the end julian writes in his afterword that my dad was such and such a character from olya in wonderland and a carpenter, and this was a margin, that is , after all, such a phantasmogoria hovers there and phantasmogoria and not... a little bit of madness,
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some kind of fairy tale, a game with time, and that is, this is a large number of dialogues, so masterfully written, it also moves... the plot is very interesting due to this, it is also very interesting to read and easy, listen, but you ’re an introvert, look, you’re beautiful, you’re a talented woman, and but your profession, it forces you to be an introvert, that is, you work alone with yourself, and you write a lot, and you’re alone in in this state, tell me, do you feel some kind of connection, maybe with murdoch, because she is also a very interesting woman, she was also married to a writer, they lived together all their lives, maybe you feel some similarity in character, here is a bright woman who at the same time is as introverted as possible, like introvert , i don’t know about me and murdoch, but
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her idea about the impossibility of finding a quiet place really resonates with me, because even in her novel sea-sea, yes, which received the booker precker prize, yes, there is also this theme that the writer sounds there. goes somewhere solitude, trying to write, there someone comes again, that is, this impossibility of finally talking to yourself from well with a piece of paper, roughly speaking, yeah, it’s very close, this is it , it’s impossible to drive away all the people, to drive away the worlds yourself, yes, that is, this moment when it really, well, i think, it’s not just the writer, it’s all writers, i think they will understand, this is the moment when you really want the peace of solitude and... listen to your thoughts and his impossible to find, my husband says that you have to work so that children are crawling all over you, the water is noisy there, your clothes are boiling, and you still write, i can only go out the window, well, you see, we have already found what you and murdok have in common, that she has everything too time i want
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to find solitude to write, but this is absolutely important for me, that is, i always close myself and god forbid even a fly flies there, that is, it is very distracting,
3:13 am
it seemed to me that some kind of confessional introverted motive, it’s similar damn, i would also like to say about the parallel with nabokov, specifically the black prince, because yes, because exactly. signed a letter asking for lolita to be published in great britain, this was 10 years before the black prince, that is, she was strongly in favor of nabokov, and she really, well, apparently liked lolita and a lot of nabokovsky, i think there’s also in the black
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prince, but not in style, in style - this is completely different, but still, you understand, lolita is a thirteen-year-old girl, after all, julin is a twenty-year-old girl, that’s all. but i agree with you that we are all the same we see a glimpse of this lolita in these relationships and the hero’s feeling of guilt mainly in his inner picture, she seems to be a girl, although we understand that it was she who also played with them and threw them away, well, in general, i think it’s a girl, because he saw , how she grew up, it still imposes, that is, if you saw the child and how the child grew up, well, it’s no longer possible to treat, as it seems to me, like an adult.
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sheep, and at that moment a passion awakens in him, which frightens this girl, that is , she does not, and after that she runs away from at home, yes, either with dad, or alone, but... in general, she leaves him, and then she builds a wall with him, she hardly communicates with him, almost does not communicate with him, writes a letter, yes, well, in general, we understand that she is running away from him, if she wanted to figure out this relationship, she would figure it out, but it turns out that he scares her with this dark passion, do you think this plays a role, i think , yes, because she, too , initially saw in him more of a fatherly figure, when a fatherly figure suddenly attacks you and this is a completely different role and
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of course.


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