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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 25, 2024 3:15am-3:51am MSK

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then this bradley, he sees this girl in the costume of the black prince, i consider this the culmination of the novel, when she comes out to him in this costume with some kind of sheep skull, and at that moment a passion awakens in him, which frightens this girl, then she doesn’t, and after that she runs away from home, yes, either with dad, or alone, well, in general, she leaves him, and then she builds a wall with him, she almost doesn’t communicate with him, she almost doesn’t communicate . writes a letter with him, yes, well, in general, we understand that she is running away from him, if she wanted to find out this relationship, she would have figured it out, but it turns out that he scares her precisely with this dark passion, do you think this plays a role? i think so, because she, too, initially saw him as more of a fatherly figure, and when a fatherly figure suddenly attacks you, it’s a completely different role to play. and
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of course it’s scary on the one hand, on the other hand she runs away after her father arrives, her father reveals bradley’s real age to her, and gives her a letter from rachel, from well then there is where, in general, the mother talks about her affair with delirium and he finds out to julie that there was some kind of affair, in general it’s all very confusing, she probably did the right thing by removing herself from this situation, i think yes, because it's crazy there. would grow to infinite limits, well, look, when she is driving in a car out of town with predley, they are just beginning this relationship, they do not yet have, so to speak, some real flat relationship, she, to prove her love, she jumps out of the car, but this is horror, this is extreme, that is, she wanted to prove to him that she loved her, in the end she ran away as soon as any problems appeared or not, as you see it, just if she had stayed with him, it would have continued
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would be self-destruction, destruction as well, so to speak, do you think his passion for her, it was dark, destructive, there may be a connection with humbert humbert, yes, that he destroys the girl too, and it seems to me that there it simply couldn’t be otherwise; in principle, maybe there’s a murdok here too lays down the idea that perhaps creative people, in principle, cannot have healthy relationships, and well, in the generally accepted, generally accepted sense, i think yes, i think it cannot. perhaps creative people can be, so to speak, cockroaches, or maybe for this delirium , the whole story was, well, such a swinging of this internal pendulum, in order to ultimately produce this text, it’s like an interesting black prince text, well, if it’s art, it’s interesting , in fact, bradley seemed to me more like he was swimming all the time with the flow, here he is... he is carried,
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he breaks through there, he stays there, he breaks through here, he is here, he fell, really, i want to say, fell into this love of the julians, and he also ended up there suddenly, and it’s as if he has no control his movements, his life, what he does, and even when he is accused of murder, he also does nothing to control his life, he never does anything, i have a completely opposite opinion, it seems to me that delirium is very... such a boring person, boring, closed in shell, when he suddenly exposes himself for this love for julian, he suddenly becomes like a lion, decisive, from my point of view, he begins to run somewhere, break out, wait for her parents’ house in the car, there he almost crawls into her somewhere - then out the window, that is , to start doing things that we do not expect from him at all, but on the other hand, he does nothing to justify himself or, for example, having justified himself... he
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could go to julian and explain himself, but he prefers to remain in prison, that is, he could he could somehow justify himself, i think he could, but he doesn’t even try, in general, both of these heroes think that murdyk wrote out of himself in bradley, in arnold, in arnold, this is the confrontation you consider the key, this and two of her half, because on the one hand she, like bradley, is an author who craves perfection, on the other hand she was a very prolific author. she really wrote and wrote a lot of novels, these are the two halves: on the one hand , fertility, on the other hand, this very scourging and impossibility of achieving the ideal, so that's actually what she is. tell me, vera, do you have some kind of approach already defined, you are still an accomplished author, so i know that your book is the season of poisoned fruits, it is dedicated to the life of a girl against the backdrop of the nineties, do you have some kind of approach to ...pressure,
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which was formed somehow not simply, you say that the reader cannot fully understand you and should not understand, that is , you always close yourself off from him and with some kind of images and never... no your exact reflection, you have some kind of approach to your characters? half of the character is always me, that is, for me, well, the author always writes as himself, and for me to write something truly truthful and real, i need to put something of my own into the character, this is true, and these are not necessarily good things , there are bad ones, for which i don’t like the characters, and they tell me that it was clear that you... didn’t really like the character, i say, i know, and there is precisely this trait that i don’t really like in myself, she is in this character, i’m larisa guzeeva and let’s get married, dear
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day, today the grooms are alexander, sevolov and ilya, and our bride is irina, irina, 41 years old, has been looking for an unknown person for a whole month. of the missing husband , she suspected all his friends of kidnapping, but she couldn’t understand who continued to charge his phone every day, why didn’t this attacker pick up the phone? irina , the owner of a permanent makeup studio, lives in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, is proud that she earned her own apartment, dreams of building a house and a bathhouse, admits that she is capable of taking a man away from her family, warns that she is suffering mania and grandeur, irina despises effeminate men, pathological caretakers and whiners. her ideal is a romantic, kind-hearted man with a strong character who will swing her on an emotional swing, do minor housework, and shower her with flowers and chocolates. hello, girls, hello, just think,
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she came here from southern takalinsk to moscow for the program, well, how far away are you , and wow, she’s 41 years old, she’s normal. i've never seen a crab like this before, you never have to get used to it, they're like that yes, no, maybe it’s artificial, it’s a souvenir, rose, smart girl, just look, she prepared all sorts of goodies here, well , look, it looks deliciously cool. when i first came to vladivostok, i was just so surprised why everyone expected me to make doctor’s sausage, and what are the dumplings made of?
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on the plane, well , it’s cold in the luggage compartment, everything is fine, the flight is only 8 hours, it’s a bug that grows, a berry that grows only in the north of sakhalin, i heard it too, it has a specific smell and taste, it’s very popular here, so this weed too grew up from there, take away what a beautiful dress irina has, the crabs are an excellent delicacy, i would even try it myself, but it has such an effect on men, they are probably all fine, but they are spoiled, while our men are quite spoiled on saccharine, men are spoiled, strong, a small number in general, but tell me about yours, why did you suddenly get it into your head that he was kidnapped, because when i was in the last month
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of pregnancy, a call came in and he told me that ira urgently needed 50,000 rubles, i was kidnapped, they ask me for money yes when it all started me. they demand money, i was kidnapped, i need 50,000 rubles. well, at first i started screaming, i said, i ’ll call the police now, what’s the matter, what’s going on, he says, there’s no need to call anywhere, what are you talking about, we’re going to have a child, well, that is, how many times have we already heard these stories, she’s with so pretty, beautiful, everything is with her, i personally never, that’s when i have a relationship with maxim, i’m always in terms of relationships, it’s me who is faithful, i so wanted to believe that this is really so, another man called with a woman’s voice with...
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disappears for a month, does not make contact at all, does not take corpses, but at the same time
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the phone is charging, that is, the beeps are going on, he does not pick up the phone, no, let’s threaten his friends already, i say, so i ’ll go to the police now, you kidnapped him, you probably killed him, but he didn’t do anything, ordinary mortals, for example, you can kidnap him, i understand why, because there will be such a ransom that even i can be kidnapped, what, what was kidnapped? he says: ir, he just told me, ir, looked at me, i
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understood everything, you ate soap, yeah, then i work, my neighbor, his mistress, calls me and says: please take your man, because it’s impossible and already impossible , he says, he sang to them at three, and they had to go to work in the morning, and they were there all night, he sang to them at three korabas, he’s rich, it’s fabulous that he’s a sailor with a match breaker, it’s that he’s all this oh. it’s all an apartment, it’s all his, well, not mine, she’s just living now, well, i feel sorry for the children until time gets better, then all the time, then yes, then we’ll divide everything up and we’ll be quicker to the hot one and you’ll go there, yes i’ll after work there i went quietly, no, why did i go alone after work, i come there, he’s lying around, well, naturally drunk, his pregnant mistress comes out, really very pregnant. he
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says, what are you saying, no, of course, she, a woman , should have understood how to approach this issue there, in order to either make peace, or separate, well, the meaning of these movements, and then her child came out, a small one and an older one, yes, little child, well, no, i already left there then, i came and left right away, the fight didn’t happen right away, no, then naturally, my friends quietly come... into my house, that’s it, we’re sitting here, they really tried to figure it out too, but no one opened the door for them, there are sleepless nights, i get up in the morning, i think that’s it, i can’t, i i can’t leave it like that, i have to stand up for myself, i went, uh, she opened the door for me, i beat her up, she’s pregnant, well, not too much, well, well, what the mistress beat up, i think, is correct, that is, there is no need to go for a walk, as they say, then i get into the car, but he ’s not there, i look at the car from the rear, that he’s a jerk into the entrance, i followed him into this entrance, and
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the child saw how the child, the child actually we, well, i scared him, he cried, i heard this cry and well, as if i immediately retreated, i left, i followed him, i was on the fifth floor, he's going down, well, that's it, of course i beat him, i don't know where i got it from at all, but why, where did i get it from, you're laughing now, then it probably wasn't funny, i don't know where i got it from, but are you good at fighting or just? i decided to finish him off with a car behind him, this is how you could finish off a woman like that in general, that is, he runs, and you follow him? i ’m following him in a car, i wanted to run him over, no, he ran away somewhere like a hare, yes, how did this story end, i forgave him, how can i forgive him a second time? the children kept crying, well
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, the children don’t know, children, forgive dad, anna, you were aware of this story, yes, of course, but how many children do you have, two, i’m the only one with two boys, the children were crying , what do you think, we need to forgive such situations, no, i also have two children, well... i think we will become friends with the children, that’s what makes me i was confused, firstly, where does the mania and grandeur come from, why would a friend, well, i got this after the divorce, these emotional swings for you in a new relationship? with two children in their fifties, what the hell? i constantly need proof that a person loves me, that he cares about me, yes, now i’ll show you trinkets, but he’s kind of soft, no, look, you do this like this, come here, yeah, excuse me, take another knife and you push
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this meat, right there, right now, to this table. when will it be possible, when will it be possible they will give me the go-ahead to eat at the table, having analyzed the ideal of your man, i ’m a little stuck here, excuse me, like a computer, that means your ideal, then you need a strong one, then a henpecked man, in terms of strong, like a strong man, let’s ask mendelssohn boy, dear, please tell me, where can i meet such an authoritarian? henpecked, frankly speaking, is not an easy task, because an authoritarian henpecked person is a person as cold as fire, dry as water, soft as a stone, hard as cotton wool and courageous as a girl, i haven’t found anyone like that yet, but i’ll give her confidence in the future, that is, everything will seem to be fine in the future, that’s it, irina,
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meet the first groom, good luck! irina, greets you, my name is alexander, i am the kind-hearted romantic you were looking for, let’s get acquainted, hello, i’m very pleased, thank you, alexander, 35 years old. deputy head of the sales department of a construction company, lives in voronezh, is proud that he is an excellent cook, dreams of a wife with the skills of a masseuse, admits that he loves to lie on the sofa and eat at night, warns that he is not looking for a woman. alexander was already determined to start a family and have offspring, but at the last moment he realized that he loved voronezh more than his chosen one. hope
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irina moves in with him. “bravo, first think about your homeland, and then about your family, well done, of course, the homeland is forever, and a woman, today one, tomorrow another, seriously, really, that’s what you think, yes, i think so, i think she not a competitor for me, what kind of a competitor is he for you, wow, yes, so-so, she didn’t want to come to you, why, she wanted a match the circumstances were such, and she wanted
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to live with you where, in paris? yes, here in voronezh i have a family, home and work, i also don’t want to break down, go somewhere, in general, yes, especially since you were no longer 19 years old, and i don’t really want to work as a taxi driver either, i didn’t want to move to another city, handsome, well done, there’s nothing to do there, to establish all these contacts, acquaintances, all sorts of friendly ones again, working moments. look, i can take it to my place, depending on what the circumstances are again, how it will be possible crabs there, look, well, crabs are great in general, that is, i love delicacies , i also like it very much - i think
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it will be interesting with me you and this is how you understand the needle of zanitka. thread after needle, well , of course i wouldn’t want to leave, because as you said, i still have a job, a profession, like me, i’m a master, i have my own client base, well, i’ve been working for quite a long time, 17 years already master, i have, that is if you take a man into your four-room apartment, i’ll take it, you’d go for yours naturally, just for the sake of your beloved, kut nakra temli, south sokharinsk, for me it wouldn’t be an obstacle, that’s why i’d go. you say, my wife may not be neat, well, there is no need for me to wash there three times all the time, that is , i scattered these socks somewhere, that is, clean them up constantly three to four times, that is, this should not happen, then there is, as it were, well... if everything should be in a standard form, that is, well, everyone has different standards, listen, no, no, no, we already i don’t like it, really, we do it once a week, no, i mean, not to wash three times a day
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there, but you yourself don’t need to wash twice in the morning and evening, yes, i can wash myself two or three times a week , i can wash myself once a week, i can wash myself once a day, that is , look how many new things we learn, but it turns out how a person manifests himself, and you are all about love, for the bride, in my opinion,
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the sun was shining in the sea, the clouds were coming south, palm trees overhead, blowing like heaven. the walls of women and men intertwined, it smelled like an orchid, your body in the night, in the dark
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i said, tomorrow i’ll fly away to understand how much i want you, where the movement is, here, well, what do you think, do you like it, it seems to me, no, you see, she’s just sitting there, not even smiling, just clapping like that, like that . thank you alexander, thank you, girls, anechka and irochka, what do you think, what a fatal man he gave here, the song is excellent.
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meet the second groom, come in. hello, my name is seva, i’m 41 years old, i’m very
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excited, this is my first time on this program, i was glad to meet you, thank you, let’s pass, sevalot 41 years old, bricklayer, lives in rostov-on-don, reads science fiction, collects airplane models , and kayaks. proud of the fact that he is the king of bowling, admits that he will not look at a woman who grills kebab better than him and knows more jokes, vsevolot was so immersed in the virtual world that he did not notice how, after new boots, his wife had a new lover, he hopes that with irina he will start a new life, how versatile you are, well, now i’m actually very worried, this is like this for me... you’re a rose now he’ll come up, hug you, kiss you, take it all off, why am i, well, you’re extremely, and if i were sitting next to you, i’d go take a new test or something, well, let me get up now,
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right? “okay, okay, okay, please , please, please, don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t worry, that’s it, let me give you a massage, massages, that’s it, glorify this one, look, he’s doing everything, normal, yes, sevochka, we won’t stab you painfully, sneeze and you’ll already, no, actually get into such a program, i’ve never really watched it, however, now you’re digging a hole for yourself if for..." but for the last 2 days i’ve been studying, well, the screen here is generally so classy, ​​it’s clear that he’s much, much older than me, he’s probably a funny guy in the eyes, or maybe not, well, i wouldn’t say that she will probably choose him, i remember it’s not her type at all, how come they didn’t notice either the new boots or the wife’s lover, well, as you can see in the everyday life in this, well, basically the everyday life she comes
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with... no, you are with consoles, but what your wife is doing there is absolutely on your side, well, first of all, no one said what i am there disappeared for days, this is the first point, the second point is that a woman just needs to find her passion, so i ’ve been watching people since childhood, but let’s say, where i lived in a house, men disappeared in garages, there where they were having fun in the car, and where the women were, and they were at home in the kitchen with the children, right, and then she had something there... she doesn’t like that he disappeared, but he’s interested, and i saw how these women just sit, watch tv, don’t knit, don’t sew anything, look, everything is the same as before it was, the men were in the yard, hammering at dominoes, you know, there or playing fool, the woman at that time was checking the children’s homework, preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner from nothing, gluing the wallpaper herself, this despite the fact that she had her main job , there was such a time, men
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were allowed more. in what times was a woman who walks around men valued? in no way, i am against this, it seems to me that it is disgusting, it is dirt, in short, he played his games at 41 years old and even missed the fact that his wife was cheating on him, then one day you are sitting, as always, at the computer, suddenly playing games you come across full-length photographs, wife, it wasn’t quite like that, i came home from work, went to bed, woke up, well, in a good mood, i wiped the sleep from my eyes, my wife said: delete it from my phone, and there are children’s family photos there - here, so i started posting, and such a pedantic person started checking everything, at that time i still didn’t know what kind of smartphones they were, but i started looking through the folders to see what was going on, well, in the end i found a photo there, which clearly shows that they are not there friends there from work, just
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like that... well, yes, then she admitted that yes, in short they are together, if you are a confident man in yourself, that is, you should kind of keep your woman in your fist in that regard , that is, it is necessary to control, but not in such a complete way, but in such a way that there is some kind of definite attention and then these problems will not arise, but she directly asked for that guy from your words, she directly asked, she said to let him go to him, well, it’s not like she directly asked, she said yes, they suffered for me. well, there's no point in keeping something there, well, you even fortune tellers took her, so she loved programs about all sorts of psychics, well , i really believed in all this nonsense, absolutely, and i think like that, well, maybe there’s something there, a smart aunt will say something, i’m here, here swing there and so on, but it was such a check of some kind of despair, maybe that’s all, and well , the psychic said, well, in short, go away and then
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she called me, well, i came, like what you told her, she’s like, well, that’s it that's it, i say, we turned around and left. mendelssohn, please tell me who is more addicted to games men or women, and how often do divorces happen because of this? well, it’s a difficult situation here. according to statistics, men are more dependent on games, and women on social networks, in the end it turns out: how can we wean our dear ones from this attack? no way, on women’s forums girls share this life hack: you need to improve in your husband’s favorite game to such an extent that you beat him all the time, he will get upset and give up on it. it seems to me that in short they won’t suit each other, because there’s no spark at all, they seem to...
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just sit there and look kind of boring, in short, irina lives in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, well, he rents this rostov, you rent apartments there, yes, but where is this one? a plot of land, not far from rostov, literally there, but you ’re just building there, yes, as i understand it, they left everything to my wife, no, but we had nothing, there was nothing to leave, no, but what is this you can easily go to irina, irina, well, everything is far away, that’s all right, well, what is it far from, everything is far away, go far to you, where, but why go there, if there is a help there, he already flies there twice a day.
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where the people come from, that is, a very rich region, in fact, you can earn money there, that is, you can start a family, you can have more children, so... i think i would, if i got along with her in that regard, that is, i could, we chose the option or live in voronezh, or move to sakhalin. a long time ago , the sakhalin hermit lived at the bottom of the cold sea, but he could not catch the wave of love and warmth. the sea gods took pity on the arthropod, and he met a crab of extraordinary beauty. asked for her claws from the heart. their claws are intertwined together for life. it has existed since long ago the legend is that all sakhalin crabs are monogamous, fall in love once for life, and walk along
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the bottom of the ocean, holding each other with their claws, repeating: “i am your crab, and according to legend they dance.” we'll all get to the club, we'll dance the crab, we'll all get to the club, we'll dance the crab, we'll all get to the club, we'll dance the crab, we'll all get to the club, we'll dance the crab. let's dance the crab, i would get up and dance , we need to dance more rhythmically, but he could barely move his knees more rhythmically, like a crab, oops, oops, oops, let's all get to the club, let's dance
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crab, i want a pre-club costume, i wouldn’t dress up like that at all, people here wouldn’t understand me. how about we go to the club, let's dance the crab, i want to go to the club, they're dancing the crab, what about we go to the club, let's dance the crab, great, great, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, we certainly have a unique program, this is where else adults can fool around ? moreover, to such a meaningful, deep song, let’s dance the crab, let’s dance the crab, the dancing was about nothing, the repatoire was also about nothing, i’m
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better, i’ll light it up, she and i will remember our youth, well, let's dance the crab, i gave him a crab there for forgiveness, no, see you soon, like, i have to. no, sit, eyes on the floor, well , i don’t know, you know, that’s how i would meet a lot, i also met a man who was building a house, but there was nothing, they didn’t make anything, well, it’s kind of alien to me, i’m a girl , i already had some kind of one-room apartment, a small car, at the age of 30, but i already had something and didn’t gain anything, i lived with my wife for so long, why is it not easy to be crabs? it’s better to eat at the table, take care, what about you, little brat? will you say? it seems to me that irina, at least , will not be bored with vsevolod, he just sang it to you, let’s all get to the club and dance.


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