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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 25, 2024 6:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] ukrainian mines have been repeatedly found drifting in the sea in istanbul. new year's holidays are 11 days, 4 days in a row in june and the big may holidays. today the ministry of labor published a draft working calendar for next year. it will begin with an impressive new year holidays, which start back in december 24. 11 days in total from december 29 to january 8 inclusive. february 23rd falls on a sunday. we still have a rest on saturday, march 8th, so it was decided to move the weekend from these days to may 8th and june 13th, respectively. by the way, for may, due to the postponement from the beginning of january, we will have two times four days of rest, from the first to the fourth and from the eighth to the 11th, in june there will also be four days off in a row on russia day from the 12th to the 15th, and the day of national unity will bring three weekends from november 2 to 4, this is the calendar, that
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’s all for me, we are following... developments, well, watch the program right now, time will tell, hello, live on the first channel, time will tell the program, in the last time we have a huge number of events, very exciting and you don’t have time to keep track of everything at once, because of course you have to keep one eye on... wondering what happened to the grandfather, for whom we spent a long time trying to figure out, that the grandfather got lost and didn’t even understand where the grandfather was, yesterday the grandfather seemed to be found, so, although at first it was not clear whether he was found or not, well, he seemed to be talking, although of course, looking at the expression on his face and especially at his eyes, it was completely incomprehensible, it seemed as if the body had been found, but the grandfather was somewhere not very it’s clear where, i have a feeling that they filled it with moss and that means
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there's something about it. well, that is, how a person has been found, whether the president of the united states has been found, who controls a nuclear power, is not very clear, well, just look, without sound it is especially clearer, although with sound, by the way, nothing changes, because what he says he doesn’t add anything at all, well, to the general feeling, to the fact that it’s as if this person will rule the leading power of the world for another six months, but let ’s talk about that, in general, all these days were exciting, but you know when it’s exciting so... different people have different reactions , for example, when i’m worried, i start throwing sweets, i’m just throwing, sweets, throwing all kinds of candies, chocolates, that’s it, but i’m a civilian, our military, when they ’re worried , where is grandfather, they are starting to throw iskanders, they have been throwing iskanders for several days now, while we are worried about grandfather, they are throwing iskanders every day, apparently out of excitement, in these 2 days they also threw, today the ministry of defense reported that they threw iskanders and
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so well aimed at the temporary point. foreign mercenaries in the industrial zone of kharkov, well in general, it seems to me that 40 foreign instructors who went there for the satan’s ball are already gathering there, the witch first flew away on the weekend, then it’s already there, well, it’s already quite crowded at this ball, and so on out of excitement, it means that iskander flew to the facilities of the kharkov armored plant, they destroyed the workshops, destroyed the armored vehicles, restoration... in the workshops of the plant was stopped, and i’m already thinking, well, in general, maybe he’ll disappear somewhere again for a week so guys like this every day they were worried and the iskanders were throwing somewhere, although , of course, not everyone, when they are worried, has the required number of iskanders at hand to throw them somewhere, well , those who have giranis throw giranis, which means they threw a second one day they swept around the port of izmail, these same geraniums, judging by
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the secondary... detonation and brightness of the fire, as they say, well, they threw it where it needed to be, they threw it, of course, there is some cackling from the romanian side about the fact that something there something like this flew to them, well , it seems like they found something there some debris there back and forth, well, considering how many from their side from the port of constanta, yesterday i showed a photograph taken by
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my comrades, sent to me, how... i would accidentally fly somewhere there, maybe even romanians, which, of course, is difficult to imagine, but even romanians might have some kind of thought process, well , some kind of logic would come into play, well... well, it’s hard for me to say, because romanians are a mysterious people, i’m at home wrote in a telegram that, in principle, well, they jumped off at the right time in 1944, after they received lyuli after the iasi-kishinev operation, that is, in general , they also have not yet accounted for the occupation of odessa, as they say, before those, before those, king mihai received the order, the order of victory for a second, for the fact that king mihai received the order of victory and onescu means he sailed somewhere there, it seems like they have nothing to do with it, but the fact that in general the occupation of odessa and so on, well... the most important thing is that people are not just this, but for the second time they are occupying the wrong side, well, as they say, we’ll wait for now, let’s see, maybe they’ll come to their senses, here ’s something else from pleasant to from pleasant
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to important, and well, to be honest, it raises some pleasant expectations, something that is already becoming almost a tradition, but i’m keeping my fingers crossed for now, i’m knocking on tree, but it is already becoming a good tradition for our ships to visit the island of freedom. cuba, which is close enough to the shores of the united states of america that with every visit of our ships there, something begins to burst in someone’s mind, that means, but now it’s less torn , no one cares, everyone is looking for their grandfather, but for now they’re not looking for their grandfather, which means, well, three of our ships came there, well, i hope that this tradition will somehow grow stronger, develop, a holiday, as i understand it, the guys will celebrate there, at the same time, well, after all, navy day , this is not a new year, you can , so i congratulate everyone who is there, in all the fleets, everyone who is engaged in very important and necessary work, congratulations, in principle , celebrating navy day not far from the shores of the united states of america, i
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think it’s nice, symbolic, and as they say, god willing it will happen in time symbolic, but now it’s kind of tactical, what ’s happening on our ball, in all of our excitement about the loss. and from finding something incomprehensible, now after a short , very interesting advertisement, as always, we’ll talk, at him, at him, i look, i understand, i’m disappearing, either big or small, i’ll never forget you, if you want to stay, stay just like that, i’m
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some kind of snow woman who melted, by the way, she melted, i’m now absolutely free,
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hello, i don’t even miss you. on saturday, how we all want not to die, just to fall asleep, once again, i’ll steal it, if stealing is to your liking, once again i’m flying to moscow, odessa, they won’t let the plane out again, and i’ve also had too much to drink. you spin like quails in infinity, the years rise for centuries, a little
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slower, in memory of vladimir vysoksky, on saturday on the first. evening in memory of alexander
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vertinsky's daughter! time will tell the program, we continue to work live, discussing live the most important, current events, which outwardly, it would seem, may not be so directly related to each other, if at all there are important current events in the modern world that are not connected in one way or another, just as i already said that the discussion of what is happening in the united states of america is a topic that, in its own way, occurs directly. is connected with what is happening on the territory of the former ukraine, with what
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may or may not be happening there in the middle east, in the pacific, and so on, because no matter what the skeptics say, well, here it is, here, well. someone begins to immediately retrain as some experts and discuss, discuss, discuss, someone says that you are discussing this, in general we should not worry about this, we have our own country, and let’s take care of our country, well, let’s put our country in a box like this we'll put it in somewhere, i don't know. whether it would be good or not, i can’t imagine it, and we always say that we have a confrontation with the united states of america, while it doesn’t matter to us who is there, yes, there’s not much difference in how much, that they are all hostile to us, but the degree of hostility, and most the main thing is that the actions that certain american forces will take in this hostility, including against us, they of course differ, moreover,
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they may differ to the greater extent that these forces are not public, as at least public there was biden while he was in charge of something, when they are not very clear at all who he is, now this is exactly the situation when we are discussing, jokingly or seriously, whether biden has disappeared, biden has not disappeared, where is he and what is wrong with him? controls, we... really governing, discussing who is now really ruling the united states of america, who has now gained more influence than it was under a more capable president, on a thousand threads that the united states can still pull in many conflicts, ongoing, and not ongoing, extinguished , frozen, so, of course, this is an important question, which is why it was very interesting for us that the grandfather was found at some... moment, but he should have been
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found, but we were wondering in what condition he was found, because it answered to the question, in general, is he already managing something or not, if you remember, yesterday we talked about what he promised to say about how he would finish his work for the benefit of the american people, no one understood what was meant, well, he himself didn’t understand what was meant, because he doesn’t write these texts, and we also don’t know what the people who write these prompters think to him, because... we don’t understand who these people are, so, well in the end he lasted 11 minutes, which is not bad, considering his condition, he lasted 11 minutes, his look was strange, only the lazy one didn’t say that the monitor
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reflected... in just a few months, the american people will make a choice in favor of the future of america. i made my choice. i would like to thank our great vice president
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kamala haris. she is tough and capable. she has been an incredible partner to me and a leader to our country. now the choice is yours. american people, yes, well, we are not american people, but in general now the choice is ours, to judge whether this person understands what he is talking about, it is he who says goodbye, it is he who begins to leave already, as one of the american newspapers wrote, the beginning of a long goodby, which means joe biden, no matter how anyone evaluates this speech, the important thing is that even among the americans themselves the question is: about his capacity not only did not decrease after this speech, but there have become more, well , there were quite a few of them, from which now we have to fight off the newly appeared in public, that is, cheburashkas, karin zhanper, and these dialogues are actually also very indicative from the point of view of the fact that
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the americans themselves, many, they too in general not do they understand who the president is, who governs, if he is incompetent and must pass the torch to someone there, who is younger? so in parentheses, they are 60 years old, that is, kamali haris is 60 years old, she is young, he passes it to her, it means, like a torch, these are the people who laughed at us 35 years ago about the carriage race, well, that’s how it is , apropo, well , it’s like cheburashka is fighting back as best he can, listen, the president’s decision to withdraw from the election race has nothing to do with his health, the president will talk about this directly with him tonight americans, who ordered the white house to cover the president's deteriorating health? i know this is a narrative you like to spread? no, wait! he was at nato, talking about things he wanted to do, and then 10 days later he said, "i'm quitting the race." "okay, you're asking me two different
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questions, so let me, yeah, wait, first of all, no one was covering for anyone, i want to clear this up, y'all want to push this narrative, wait." and so on and so forth, but the main question remained on the agenda, so remains, if he is not able to withstand the election race, then how can he be able to govern the united states, and if he is not able to do either, then who
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does it instead of him, and this is not kamala, because he is already transferring authority to someone, but not to her, because she has the type. election campaign and so on, and this is actually our main question. well, there are several aspects, if we move away from emotions, firstly, the united states is ruled, naturally, not by the president, the president, if he is sane, yes, he is some kind sets vectors, determines some general policy parameters, and is directly controlled by the bureaucratic apparatus, so everything that we see today is not the answer to the question of what will happen, but... the answer to the question, what is? the united states, of course, is controlled, but it is controlled today by the bureaucratic apparatus, according to those orders that were made yesterday, by whom? including biden, because yesterday, it’s a long yesterday, and by both groups, i’ll just give you an example, i see it every day
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i’ll cite, i’ll cite, but that doesn’t make it relevant to them, not once or twice did representatives of this bureaucratic apparatus , salevan, miller, blinky, and a lot of the apparatus, well, okay, talk about what categorically prevents and objects to expanding the geography of strikes on the territory of the russian federation it is president biden. for us, they were not accepted as of yesterday, now there is no one else to accept them, uh-huh, i say, that
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is, now what was yesterday will be tomorrow, that is, the bureaucratic apparatus will implement those decisions that were have been made, no new decisions will be made, why is hysteria starting in ukraine, too, because there is no one to take them, the torch, if he had passed the torch to kamala, for example, that is, not the election race, but the presidential one, then what... it turns out yes, american policy, including in the ukrainian direction, it
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will proceed in an inertial mode, so his promise is also nightly, yes, that i will continue to put pressure on russia, well, i don’t remember the exact wording there, by the way, pay attention , even in this eleven minute video, which the whole country expected from him without involving him, he still, and not only the whole country, but half the world, nevertheless, he still said about ukraine. this suggests that he brought this inertia there, if you believe your logic, he is on these foreign policy points there in one sentence, he listed everything that happened yesterday, he didn’t say anything new, he can’t say anything new anymore, he no longer rules the country, that is, it is important for us to understand this, that is , why it is important, because if the country, if our strategic enemy goes into control in inertial mode, this gives us a pause, which we can
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take advantage of one way or another and... and for us this is also very important when i said that all over the world they are watching this and trying to analyze it, because this is of course interesting to europeans, it is interesting to the british, it is also interesting to the chinese, it is interesting to everyone, in what period in what form of management of realizing itself as a hegemon, whether the united states is now included or not, this is quite interesting. analysis, quite an interesting point of view for me, the analogy is understandable for us, perhaps more than for anyone else, from the british telegraph, please, the coronation of the young, incomparable kamala haris is gaining momentum, who, with her unpredictability, is supposedly able to stop donald trump, but the democratic movement is not at all on the verge of a grandiose victory, on the contrary, there is an attack, the new generation of the left has lost sight of the most obvious, biden was their leonid brezhnev, how... the fate of the soviet leader turned out, the departure of the president is unlikely to entail glorious revival, on the contrary, the internal contradictions of the democrats will become too
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drunk to turn a blind eye to them. the future of the democrats is unclear, but the republican party seems to be a model of cohesion and unity. after last week's assassination attempt, the irascible donald trump has acquired an aura of invincibility, and the new democratic candidate, who has not come face to face with him, will find it difficult to oppose him. good analysis, by the way. very good adequate analysis, because look, we discussed this on over the course of more than a year, and in this studio as well, let’s remember the last elections, yes, when there was a division of the democratic party, when the left was with sanders, yes, when the right was on the one hand, clinton on the other hand , with sandr’s support, he was a real candidate, that is, an opponent, that is , within itself, the democratic party is split
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along many lines, not only... due to the fact that he is old, he has always been, he met with kosygin, in this sense he was a mastadon, he was, no matter how he walked or how he fell, but he was a political heavyweight, when he was supported from different sides, the obama clan, the clinton clan, he could hold this party, at least in visible unity, very correctly, when biden is not there, this is all now, now internal competition will begin, which can
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tear apart. in words, it is important for us all to understand when i talk about inertia, yes, that is , the us government has switched to an international mode, new decisions will not be made until some combination is formed, that is, in
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august or september, for example, will a decision regarding battlefields in ukraine, there will be no new decisions, what has already been made, if these decisions, we will talk about it later, if these decisions were not made earlier, that at the end of august, in mid-september, ukraine should go on the offensive, in order to try to bring something to the democrats on a silver platter by mid-october, i don’t know if this is a silver platter, i didn’t hear it, that’s the direct decision that they should move, it was a statement, if you had also
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heard these decisions, you would have already i think. here, continuing the conversation about inertial scenarios and options for the development of events in the states, which influence, of course, what is happening here, what is happening here, what can happen here and so on, because when we ask the question, who rules the united states now, and what could happen there in the absence of biden, who is still above all this, as if present, he
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still, despite all the strangeness, beat them up. he doesn’t say that, i don’t know either, well, listen. democrats approved the order, according to in which the party will choose its candidate for the presidency, and voting on the official nomination of kamala haris will most likely begin on the first of august. other candidates have until the evening of saturday, july 27, to declare their candidacies, and until tuesday, july 30,
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to submit the signatures of at least 300 delegates, no more than 50%. well, just in case you don’t understand, then anyone who speaks not for harris will commit political suicide, that is, there is some kind of internal politburo, of course, which
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tells everyone that the democrats mean harris, but then all these party conferences are formalizing something and so on, but on the question of the inertial and some other scenario and what will happen to all this, apparently there is no unity in this politburo yet, because obama continues. .. to remain silent, apparently, behind the levers of the bulldozer - bill and hillary, well, let's listen: obama is very upset because he knows that kamala haris cannot win, says a source from the biden family. according to him, the former president knows that she is simply incompetent and does not know how to avoid the mines that lie in its path. moreover, obama is shocked and furious that biden almost immediately endorsed haris. obama expected to see arizona senator and former astronaut mark kelly as a presidential candidate at the democratic national convention next month, the source said. and here the question arises: if it is
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now because biden, who seemed to be above everyone, has gone somewhere aside, one of the clans, and as many believe, this is the clinton clan, has taken control of himself loads this kamala, which means
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that... those people, whom we don’t know, are generally limited, yeah, because if this is the main question, of course, because if no one sees you, you have such power is in your hands, while those whom we see are insane and take bribes from them are obviously insane, you are not answerable to anyone, absolutely, that means you are theoretically not constrained by anything at all, not limited by anything and can do whatever you want, so, but there is one nuance: after all , you are limited by something, firstly, you are limited because yes, on the ship you are the king of god and your ship is probably the largest in the world , the most well armed, but the waters in which
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you sail are still not controlled by you, huh, maybe you were once a poisberg , yes, yes, yes, and giant ice floes there can move periodically, blocking your path, that is, at one time you thought that you were in control? everything and the elements are under your control, but today it is obvious that there is a failure here, a failure there, look at the map, everywhere, it doesn’t work out, the question is what they wanted it to work out, palestine, well obviously everything is not the way those who imagine themselves to be the masters of the world would certainly like, because the master of the world is still the one who heads, he controls, he directs, here everything falls apart, and by this factor... you are very, very limited, moreover, well, after all, there is a crew, no matter how much you despise them in general, but a lot depends on them, you are talking about the very people of the united states to whom
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grandfather was addressing, about the very people who can still be written off finally, it’s not possible yet, and he needs to be shown something, there must be a captain, this a formality, but it is important insofar as the crew is important, and it... well , it seems to me that it is still important, well, when it is a crew of more than 300 million people and there are some uncounted tens or hundreds of millions of guns, there is an article in the constitution that... an armed people has the right to revolt, you won’t want to think about such a crew, you will think, yes, exactly like that, and then there are petrov and bashirov, there are also petrov and bashirov, so this crew experiences the feeling , lately it has been increasingly a feeling of panic and fear, and they are afraid not only nuclear russia, yes, that means, one and a half billion china, they are also afraid
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... mr. trump, yes, well, not all, not all, but, but half, the one that does not consider him the messiah in this situation, as the manager, that means , these, icebergs, elements, yes, half - since the ear is here, half is a lot, let's now imagine that fear is animals, in fact animals, blocking reason, they are very afraid. and from the bottom up, both the common people, intimidated, and those who intimidate this crew, i would still say that ordinary people in the states are more irritated than intimidated, the irritation is very high, i think, i think these feelings go hand in hand, of course, of course, in this context i would not write off kamala hari,
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i believe that ... she has, and these chances are given to her by this one, this fear that has now seized this one, this one, this half of the crew, yes, they don’t get along with each other, yes, they have a lot of contradictions, you are absolutely exactly named all these contradictions, we saw all these contradictions, indeed yesterday on israeli prime minister netanyahu's speech in congress, but in the face of such a threat you can briefly... forget about everything and unite, which can be seen immediately by the receipt of millions and millions of dollars on the very first day, yes, that is, i mean in kamali kamala haris, yes, i really think that these millions have been lying somewhere ready for a long time from those same ones, remember how they send a shipment of weapons there, then they’re like, oh, somehow we ’ve been shortchanged, it turns out there’s another 3 billion, but then there is another one and a half billion, what is it 100 million against the backdrop of billions in supplies, we have talked about this many times, that part of
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the money. that is, but better than biden, and that’s not bad, just for the sake of this it’s worth dropping money to go vote, and not sit at home, so who’s to blame for this, i’m not sure about that, because the politician is blaming us all for it , that we attacked kamala because we are racist, sexist and third and militaristic, they accuse us of having solid white men in our studios,
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it’s a disgrace, no, i’m correcting it systematically. there is no need for dirt, but the fact that there are only white men here, i sort of periodically correct, that’s why accusing us of racism here won’t work, well, it seems to me that i, in general, expressed my thought yes, as it were, to me it seems that after all, this person cannot be written off, really. those who control the ship in that very secret cabin have already decided everything, it will be kamalo, they will do everything so that factors beyond their control are stopped at the time of the elections, yes, and in this sense i’m just not at all i bury kamala from the point of view of prospects, the more i look at how this bulldozer got involved in this company, and how they even write about obama, who is still stubbornly silent.
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well, but you know how today there was some kind of news too, so mcfaul wrote , in my opinion, the day before yesterday, that it’s like obama will definitely agree now, too, nbc, obama plans obama himself is silent, but they periodically speak for him, well, today when i - i even wrote about this news, you know, joe was crushed and barack is crushed, so - or they will make a deal, there is a feeling that yes, so about that one. a secret booth in which decisions are made about who is sitting there , a grandfather stuffed with moss, or a laughing woman of jamaican and indian origin, or someone else. maybe it’s not so important about those very decisions that could have been made somewhere earlier, the inertia of these decisions will now be implemented, including in the election campaign, about what i was talking about, what many people are talking about in front, because they are following the political agenda, that by
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mid-october, in theory, ukroreich should have received instructions long ago, well, something like that to provide something like a military victory, i don’t know if it’s necessary... it will now be kamali, she’s not as tied to ukraine as her grandfather, but in any case, is it inertia, or is it just another thing, which means the agility of banderlogs, but here we go interesting things are coming from the ukrainian military, here is one of them, please, the situation at the front is difficult now, but the enemy’s offensive capabilities are not limitless, and how many losses they will suffer, i think, another month and a half and they will not be able to conduct active assaults in many
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directions at once . then we will talk about something, so in this situation kiev needs some kind of victory, well, better, of course, such a victory as, well, not, let’s say, not a victory, they are unlikely to achieve such achievements as they had in the fall of twenty-two , but something more or less significant that can be promoted in the media, yeah, this determines the strategic level, now at the operational level, what forces kiev has, and kiev now has a certain number of forces that they were preparing in the belarusian direction, so far they are estimated at... brigades, well, most likely four, because the 100th brigade has now been transferred again to avdeevka. these brigades are good, well, unlike what is being formed now - these are full-fledged brigades, modern armored vehicles, in particular they have marders, they have bradley, they have an m77, they have a t-64, here is
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a modernized ukrainian one 2018, they have their own regular artillery, unlike the current brigades, which are empty in terms of artillery, that is, it is approximately 17, well, i think less somewhere... there are 15 - there could be 14 thousand people, they can be deployed on the front line. now, where is it easiest for ukraine to hit, and they need a victory, a significant, good victory. in this situation , the kharkov direction of volchansk seems to be the best option. strike along converging lines, with an attempt to cut off the russian group, entering the territory of the russian federation. yeah, with the group they have, they can do it. considering that, again, they will use the national guard, and somehow it’s bent there, now we know that new brigades are being formed from the police and special forces, that is... in principle , they will gather some forces, when we
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should expect it, now the front line is gradually fading, that is russian troops are moving forward, but are already beginning to gain a foothold in the territories they have achieved. our main task now is to complete the operation in the area of ​​the yar hours, and at the very least cut this supply line, which runs through the entire donbass, we are located not far from it avdeyskaya direction and gain a foothold, and the ukrainians need to maneuver forces. means in this situation they won’t be able to do it quickly, why russia worked very systematically on energy infrastructure facilities, but this of course is not aimed at, and there’s some kind of like us they’re trying to show with such mercy of hell that they are infiltrating the civilian population, this is very seriously reduces the capacity of railways, that is , what will the railways be like then, electric locomotives don’t work, we carry diesels, diesel locomotives, we have fuel we also work efficiently in fuel storage areas. therefore, the throughput is reduced, we also showed today iskander strikes, also this week there were
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a large number of iskander strikes on echelons, on equipment moving along the road, that is, the russian armed forces are working, reducing this throughput, knocking out the enemy, therefore this is all stretched out over time, plus the units still need to be re-equipped, so we should expect this offensive not earlier, but... we talked to the soldiers on the front line unit, the situation is like this, why now
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motorcycles have become very popular in our country, and yes, the enemy used to hold the front line tightly, now he is starting in certain positions, there is not enough personnel on the front line, and he is beginning to reduce the number of personnel in these positions , that is, where the platoon used to sit, the squad now sits, compensating for this rather than the lack of personnel with the massive use of fronts. and mining, in this situation motorcycles work very effectively, we plant a platoon, one to three, one to four, we break through the fpv drones, quick assault, the position has been surrendered, but people say this is good, but this is now, we already feel that the enemy is starting to enlarge, because they are starting to join the reserves, after all, they mobilized a large number of people, they have a very draconian law, they are beginning to gradually thicken the front, now
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regarding foreign assistance, here... russia celebrates navy day,
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in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on navy day. hurray, we need these ships. at sea, so that we can compete with any wave, we need lighthouses, and we need a locator, and we also need loyal guys, then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is a family for us, then any of us would not mind serving in the military at least our whole lives fleet, ceremonial parade for the day. navy on sunday
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on the first, whiskey mancacher, you have to be careful while driving, with fire, with valuables, with documents, there were a lot there, there are no hopeless situations, almost, you are with us, this is pavel, i will explain to you what need to be done, they have different pathologies, but by doing one common task, they seem to be starting to help each other, i noticed that your psychos have their own way of thinking, in an idiotic,
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non-standard way, i want to use this, as i understand it, money... i didn’t find it, nothing according to you the vocation of my patients, to catch criminals, oh, by the way, we don’t get paid for this, detective syndrome, today after the program it’s time, are you out of your mind, no, of course, that’s why i came to you, our program is dedicated to curiosities on television, oops , that’s it, the bunny has already shit himself, that’s how it happened to me, sasha, you have a program with animals, this often happens, yes, when you are live, everyone can only enjoy this moment behind the scenes, i’m not afraid, all our directors love naturalness, and so that your hosts have an immediate reaction, the weakest link, and many people they were offended
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by you, yes, and it even happened that my husband got into a fight with someone, when someone spoke unflatteringly, i left. there is no car, well , it was stolen, he says: i see your car, i see a car, at 3:00 in the morning it will drive along mira avenue towards the region, these are beautiful apples, they are on pins, this pin turned out to be almost next to the eye, no need to remind me, i left the program, the producer followed me, she said: then i won’t give you your clothes, but i said no need, i went in my underpants in the tansky way, i walked about 20 meters, i remember, i didn’t take the pass, on saturday at the first, in the new season at the first, a woman was killed, and we are talking about the devil and my heart didn’t break, do you know how it breaks, so only the shoulder is given away and
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the elbow is pulled, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, the man was a stutterer and suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello,
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colonel kostenko. confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. time will tell the program, we continue to work live, live from a discussion of what is happening with the internal political, election situation in the united states, given that the united states is still the main customer, and curator, and not i know who else is an investor in the conflict on the territory of the former ukraine, well, the territory of the former ukraine is simply a battlefield, we have started. talk about how, in connection with all these turbulences in the united states, this could affect the situation on the battlefield, which worries us greatly, including because many are arguing that, well , for democrats under biden it would definitely be necessary to october to receive something like this in
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the form of something similar to some kind of military achievement of ukroreich, now it is not clear whether kamala needs this, which in general... not very about this, it’s not clear how much it will support her in her case, they won’t ask her, but in general, well, yes, here, by the way, i didn’t want to object, there’s also the question of what if for kamalo. you said that you have some objections about what, about the timing of the possible activation of the ukrainian reich movement at the front or about what? well, regarding the timing - if it is tied to the political agenda, then yes, more likely closer to october, because so far the enemy is ready for, if strong, then short-term efforts, but i don’t i completely agree. with an assessment of our actions on the front line, because this is a kind of dynamic story, yes, despite all the information that we all seem to receive to
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varying degrees, just yes, mm, if we look on a daily basis at the state of affairs on front, advancement is taking place every day, as far as preparations are concerned, that is, parallel defensive actions of various types, from the construction behind defensive... fortifications to mining and so on, but i ’ll just remind you that behind volchansk, that is, behind with our backs to our assault units, we began building fortification barriers 2 months ago, almost immediately, we’ve just learned from experience, if this is a contact battle, then this is a two-way street, we are preparing for this in advance and are ready to spend time, effort, and resources on this then
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to create a platform behind you where you can... this is inevitable in the near future, when krasnohorivka disappears from the ukrainian map, not in one street, then after, and
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this is a powerful incentive, because this is a city, a city enough famous, yes, somewhere, somewhere we are standing, somewhere we are moving, but we have talked about this a thousand times, this is the strategy that has now been adopted, by the way, our opponents call it a swing, but this is a pulsating front, yeah, well, and pressure, that is, this is what it is now the last one... i’ll add two words, i like the formulation of our classic of russian soviet strategic thought svechin, that he divided the strategy into a strategy of destruction, which we abandoned long ago, the second, i kind of like the word, this is a strategy of attrition, but now we and we are engaged, but what about what about what kind of positional battles can we talk about when there is no position, when positions change every day, this is if we look at... i’m comparing, i wasn’t too lazy, i took the twenty-fourth day and looked, month, month, month, month, i got to october last year, well, look at the difference,
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what, where the front is, our ash has become a deep rear, which was pounded every day back in the fall of this year, so i don’t agree with the fact that we are going on the defensive, no matter how intense or not , no, we continue, these catches have been pushed back far front, have they moved the front far away from gorlovka? no, but they pushed back, but they pushed back, even here the demarcation line, let me explain from the point of view of military art, but there can’t be an endless offensive, when you endlessly advance, you’ll just at some point stretch out, you’ll be cut off and committed, of course, that’s why you approach, pull yourself up, secure yourself, so we walk along the railway track, actually through the queues to pokrovskaya, this is avdeevka pokrovskaya, railway, please, i ’ll finish. that's why when you see that reserves are approaching the enemy, but it is foolish to deny that we do not see that reserves are approaching the enemy, our task is to complete
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offensive actions, reach favorable lines for us, gain a foothold, repel the enemy’s attack, there is an abbreviation that teaches in a dual university that this is defense, it is reduced into such an abbreviation as onus, to reflect, to inflict, to hold, to create, so it is quite logical that it is russian. the team having now completed the tasks, where by assigning what advantageous milestones, it will advance there, gain a foothold, and reflect the enemy's offensive will create favorable
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conditions and go on the offensive again. problems, where did all these reserves die? they were joyfully, they were joyfully burned in artyomovsk. the russian commander does not need such a situation, maybe in certain places, having defeated the enemy without reaching the assigned lines, this happens, this is war, everything happens, we will move to more advantageous positions somewhere, well then we must return to the mayor, we shouldn’t go back there, well, as if the team on the ground can see better, they are great they assessed the situation, they knew, they saw, everyone was talking about there being a panic. here is the surovikin line, here is the surovikin line, when we began to create it, we began to create it, and back in the fall of twenty-two, we arrived then in kherson, we had not yet left kherson, i was then one of the last to leave there, this line has already been created, as far as we warned the enemy, we can’t retreat, let’s continue, the situation was there, we outplayed the enemy strategically and operationally, one step forward, so let’s not interfere here the russian command to speak from
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the point of view of armchair analytics, people on... offensive is an onus, defense is the same thing, besides that onus, an offensive with decisive goals, everything is the same, so give the russian command , let it cope with the assigned tasks, i’m in it, i don’t even participate in this kind of conversation and argument, because i said many times that... i understand, i would be afraid to even discuss at a minimum direct military operations, because i kind of understand that i already i saw several waves of our public ones, when everything was like this, now we are there - soon kupyansk, give us volchansk, where is volchansk, because why not, i am guided by exactly this, it seems like everything looks a little different from here - different than
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there, that's why. commands can have two logics at the same time, no, no, then answer me the question, why lately we have been making this wedge into enemy territory, not only about new york, what happened before, then why, why did we start urban battles in taretsk for in order to then return to the major, you don’t want the tarets, we can complete it, there is still time, we have named the deadlines, there is still time, we need to reach
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the appointed time... well, i’m interested, to be honest, this is it here is the hesitation of the ukrainian reich, i already spoke on the air yesterday, well, from several of my conversations with those who are on the other side, and well, many believe that they are just stalling for time with these
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conversations about their own, about the possible things that kuleba says for the pots that no-no-no, we're okay, it probably doesn't mean much, he specifically in the conversation in china, he demonstrated this position, this is all in your opinion. what is this some kind of political game about, a case of what will happen in america if kamali is not up to them, there, if trump, then too, or are they just stalling for time now and forming a certain image in us, well, reflection, in in general, in a sense, reflexive management, yes, they create a story that they seem to be ready for some kind of negotiations, what is this in your opinion? well, in fact, the fact that the negotiations took place in china is very important, now in china. v in principle, it is perceived as the only serious platform in the world on which you can measure enemies, howling enemies, enemies who have hated each other for years, i’m now talking not so much about us and the ukrainians, but about all these
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conflicts in the middle east, which are even more complicated, you see, that the palestinians are now in china, before that iran, saudi arabia for a second, to demonstrate this very important thesis that you are saying now, for me very... russia and china are at the negotiating table and china means that china must be tired of war , this means that if china does not do this, russia will not feel the need to act inside, that is, even he nods towards
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china, now us. of course, everyone is waiting with bated breath for this whole election campaign to be resolved and then for the post-election chaos in the united states. america, because, well , you and i have just said a lot of everything, all sorts of different things about america, the result is the same, we don’t really understand what ’s going on there, where this ship is sailing, they themselves don’t really understand, but what do we want from these little dogs, who, in general, in general, they bark only when the owner orders it, as loudly as necessary, well , yes, but the barks go to china and talk about negotiations there, and then they come and say: no, no, no, it’s like we’re not talking about that, yes at that. we, for example, see, and peter pavel is also a man, well, peter pavel is okay, god bless him, let’s completely forget, there are more serious figures there, for example scholz, who long before took a position, well, such a wait-and-see attitude,
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i won’t give taurus, that is, in general, now boris johnson said what he said, now, and this is after meeting with trump, after meeting with trump, yes, further, zelensky said something for which today, in principle, anyone... from china, which has already become not only the first economy there, the most populous state, but also and the first, the largest, probably the only platform for negotiations, and of course the third country is russia, because in
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the end, everything can stumble on one side, we need this, in any case, in the end everything will return to the fact that moscow will sitting means deciding, but we need to go if it will come to that. whether it will come or not, i don’t know, and pyotr pavel doesn’t know, and boris johnson doesn’t know, and no one knows at all, and most importantly, zelensky doesn’t know either, he’s panicking and it’s not at all a fact that he ’ll have a heart attack there , while he waits, but here are the events x, in short, we are observing, well, there seem to be two sides here, and i apologize, so i’m listening to kuleba, it seems to me that there are some special writers writing for him and netanyahu, this is arrogance, this is
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this... i'm just joking that most likely it's one of the american companies that deals with lobbying, he goes to one, so the speech may be the same, but i agree with abbas, here it’s clear, russia has already demonstrated that it will not agree to any conditions, contracts, negotiations, bense didn’t say today, i’ll repeat it again, i said everything today is wonderful, we called our entrance. conditions, you liberate the territories, then we
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will talk and russia has already shown that it perfectly understands all these games, the second time in minsk, it will not be possible to drag us in, which no one is going to fulfill, so we will play as we need, rightly so, but here, remembering your dispute, in which i have no position with aleksandrovich, in order to defend this position, we certainly need to move forward, because if we do not move
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forward, then this is a position, based on the results , well, besides the position for everything good against everything bad, we know that this is not a position, and in conditions of an armed conflict, this is certainly not a position, words were said about a kind of chinese-brazilian communication, there and this memorandum, to which, as china claims, more than half of the countries in the world have already joined, and this is a chinese resource in this negotiation vector, and it seems like ukraine also belongs there... well , are you ready to say that kuleba went to
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china to have china’s position communicated to him there? , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, in this case, kiev is playing a double game, both, by the way, both are idiotic , but the first game, you definitely said, considering the chaos that has ensued in washington, what really scares kiev is this is one game, which means, just in case, here’s all the baskets. throw sezi everywhere, say hello to everyone, take photographs, in general, this is not such an idiotic game, in general, it’s like, no, it’s idiotic, given the position that kiev occupies, that is, kiev is coming, that is, kuleba is coming beijing is blatantly lying to van and about kiev’s position, which is completely known in china, and also applies to taiwan, there was just a large ukrainian delegation in taiwan, in this sense, i think in china everyone has long understood about ukrainians, of course, here’s a short , i'm very short,
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look, when, what just happened? china and brazil, and publicly known,
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ukraine does not correspond to any of them, and neither does the united states, i just won’t repeat it, re-read the lack of escalation there, the expansion of the conflict there, we just started the conversation with attacks of deep strikes, this completely contradicts the position that is on china. well, now you understand why the conversation about what will happen in the united states of america as a result, no matter how you feel about it, it is still important, because very many scripts, of course, largely depend on this, too, advertising. i understand, i’m disappearing, it’s deciding whether it’s big or small, bears,
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pour it out, if you want to stay, we’ll stay just like that, i won’t forget. never see you, here some snowy woman melted, by the way, she melted, now i absolutely understand, hello, i don’t even miss you, i flew to you as a lie, i missed you, just call me, i ’ll come, i wonder what he came today, fantastic. tomorrow on the first. during my lifetime i was tall and slender, i was not afraid of a word or boules. in the front row was this close-knit mass of people who had lost a loved one. i
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don't like fatalities. the funeral itself showed what he meant to the russian people. this is him selflessly. recklessly sang everything that he considered necessary to sing and say, everything that was prophesied will come true on saturday, how we all want not to die, but to fall asleep,
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the evening in memory of alexander vertinsky. we simply cannot do without a fleet, in no era we could not do without a fleet, at all times peter distinguished not only his sailors
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and naval commanders, but also shipbuilders, the creation of the black sea fleet was a merit not only of the south of russia, the black sea fleet was built by the entire russian empire. a great power must prove that it is a great power and demonstrate its power. and the navy became such a demonstration of economic, military. centuries began with a shot fired on june 28
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, 1914 in a bosnian barn. the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne of france. and the unexpected result was world war i. a new
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cursed era of unprecedented cruelty has begun. happy holiday, and it’s a great honor for me to be of some use to you guys, glory to the airborne forces, yes, my company participated in this tender, there were problems between me and baidak, like other participants. this is natural, there is nothing surprising in this. what issues
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were there problems with? well, most often due to bureaucratic obstacles, either the piece of paper is not from there, or the certificate is not this one. uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, here's the last tender, you had every chance of winning it, didn't you? we didn't win it. and why? a tender is a tender. he identifies the strongest company, yeah, i have slightly different information here, and i, you can have any information you want, but i’m saying what is, well, in my opinion, you have nothing to show my client, except for unfounded speculation, me it seems that this conversation needs to end as soon as possible, otherwise i will have to file a complaint. for the illegal detention of my
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client, yes, yes, of course, of course, you can be free, until the end of the investigation, please do not leave moscow, and maxim evgenievich, i really want to talk to him, you tell him, okay, thank you, goodbye, goodbye. all
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8:00 pm
the best. good afternoon, martak, coffee, cognac, cognac, hello sister, hello, how are you? how the soot hit, remember, our grandmother said so, it’s clear, we didn’t have to ask, come on , tell us everything in detail, otherwise at this rate you’ll soon be no narrator, well, what happened, bakomov igilashvili is dead, the canoe
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fell out of the window, they just asked me, but


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