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tv   Ishcheika  1TV  July 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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good afternoon, martak, coffee, cognac, cognac, hello, little sister, hello, how are you, how is the soot white? do you remember, our grandmother said this, of course, you didn’t have to ask, just tell me everything in detail, otherwise at this rate you’ll soon be no good storyteller. so what happened? abakomov and gillashvili are dead. the kayak fell out of the window. i was just interrogated, and they asked me to tell you. so that you
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can come in too, now run away, let them find you and invite you, i’m in no hurry, and if i were you, i wouldn’t make them angry, so what should we do? do, sorry, yes, it's me, what when actually. is there anything i can do to help, okay, connections, i say, what should we do? abakumov, baidak, gelashvili. edward is missing.
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they got lost somewhere on the border between malaysia, indonesia and barneru, local searchers. the services are being pushed on top of each other by bastards, god, something has to be done, max, something has to be done, something has to be done, something has to be done, something has to be done, are you going to barneu or something? ? yes, i'm going to barneu, if necessary, just while there you get there, you need to start your search from here, yes, it’s me, i ask you, contact the local... services, i don’t know, hire planes,
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helicopters, boats, in the end, i’ll pay all the expenses, all the connections, calm down, you’ll find it your edward, do you hear, now please tell me in detail what you said during the interrogation, this is very important for me, because i am the next marta. why didn’t you bring it yourself? she was strange, it was the first time she saw her face so clearly, i think because of stress, ivanovich, is it possible? come on, we found the witness who yesterday in the evening i saw a car that stopped in front of the office windows. obbakumov after that
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i heard a bang, well, i remembered the car, indistinctly, he’s old, he doesn’t understand cars, he says that it’s dark in color, it looks like a new one, well, he saw the arrow, he saw it, but he can’t describe it, but if you show him, he’ll remember it himself - then where is he, here in the duty room, just take it, show me, maybe he’ll recognize it, it’s some kind of robot, some kind of face, coma, this is my phone, just like children, i’m just smoking, take it and don’t even open it, otherwise you’ll be tortured need to be recounted be careful while driving, with fire, with valuables, with documents. there were many,
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there were no hopeless situations, almost, you are with us, this is pavel, i will explain to you what needs to be done, they have different pathologies, but while performing one common task, they seem to... begin to help each other, i noticed that your psychos know how to think in their own way, idiotically, unconventionally, i want to use this, as i understand it, i didn’t find any money, in no way according to your calling of my patients, to visit criminals, oh, by the way, we don’t have to pay for this get paid, detective syndrome, today after program time, you're in your own... no, of course, that's why i came to you, our program is dedicated to curiosities on television, oops, that's it, the bunny has already crapped himself, that's how it happened to me, sasha, you have a program with animals, this happens often, yes, when you are live, everyone
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can only enjoy this moment behind the scenes, i’m afraid, all our directors love naturalness, and so that your hosts have an immediate reaction, the weakest link, and many people are offended by you? yes, and it even happened that my husband was with someone got into a fight when someone spoke unflatteringly, i go out, the car is gone, well, it was stolen, he says: i see your car, i see the car, at 3:00 in the morning, it will drive along peace avenue towards the region, these are these beautiful apples, they are on pins, this pin turned out to be almost next to the eye, no need to remind me, i left the program. the producer follows me, she says: then i won’t give you your clothes, you grabbed it, but i said, don’t, i walked down the tansky corridor in shorts, walked about 20 meters , i remember, i didn’t take the pass, on saturday
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first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed and we are talking about the devil and our hearts didn’t break. do you know how it breaks, only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls. well, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well-thought-out option for escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, what will the moles choose? here’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole
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version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, the confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, you are crazy, of course i was calling the obukumnogo with boydak, but not enough to kill them. leave it, okay, tell me everything, how it was,
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what can i tell you, we paid them everything as agreed, for what? abakomov and his boydak assured us. that we would win the tender for government contracts, we wanted to expand the scope of our activities with marta so that the money would flow like a river. we, of course, had some small matters with the dog before, but this is not the same level. the condition for winning the tender was that the company had special equipment, production facilities, and we decided to go to abank, took out a huge loan, invested our own funds, and bought. equipment, factories, we thought that we were buying it all, we thought that we were buying it all from different companies, in fact it turned out to be a competitor company, who owned it, they
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lashed out, and what did you do, what else was left for me, i sold everything at dumping prices prices, of course. only a competitor company could buy all this from us, well done, okay. can you guess who might want these three dead? yes, if they cheated us like that, can you imagine how many people they still have like that? they surrounded them, they have enemies in strips, half of moscow is a lot, i wouldn’t be surprised if half the country, come with me to paris, max, what paris,
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you’re thinking, how can you not put them in prison now, clear, yes, good, no, thank you, myself. your colleagues called, they’re calling you in for questioning, ivanovich, the witness identified the shooter from an identikit, well done, well, finding out is also a great thing, but he’s not a great guy, lyusya is a great guy, but so what next, huh? i remembered where i saw this man, do you remember the murder of kotlov, well,
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he was shot in a car, and so then there was a suspect passing by, a certain kazan resident, i was working him out then, but he was not in business then, now he is in business, he is good, you worked him out, not just a wife, family, children, good cover, there is an address, there is, let's go, and let's go, what a... yes, no news, continue searching, do whatever is necessary, i will pay all expenses, don't worry about it at all, as soon as there is news, immediately inform me, uh, connections. a day passed, no news,
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i organized my own search, attracted private companies, everything will be fine with eduard, marta, you and max have serious problems. “if there is something behind you, potapov will get to the bottom of it sooner or later, i’m not a fool, i understand everything, but i really have nothing to do with it , no matter how your potapov digs, i have nothing to do with these murders , who has, i don’t know, we really had serious problems after this last tender, obakomov with boydak”? they cheated us badly, i am sure that this was not without the participation of gilashvili. yes, max was furious.
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mom, what happened? sasha, it’s okay, everything’s fine. go study. lucy. max didn't do this. i said from the very beginning, these three murders are connected, but not in the way we think. yes, it is present.
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if it were like that for calling another person, they would have been suspended in the same way, apparently this suits you, i’m not here, i’m sorry, this is work, well, this is directly yours, you alone unraveled this matter. i love you, okay, that's it, come on, bye, i love you,
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so what? why, as you can see, while there are no handcuffs, it’s clear, okay, everything will be fine, so, well, tell us where you were yesterday? v around 1:30 pm at work? yes, we were told that you were gone for an hour and a half, so where were you around 1:30? i went to the store and wanted to buy a gift, but what kind of store? this one where they sell cosmetics? what did you buy? i didn't
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buy anything. didn't you like anything? yes, well, i remembered, i didn’t go to the store, i decided - listen, cauldron, you know what i’ll tell you, they washed your hands, that’s the first thing, they examined your clothes, that’s the second thing, and there and there, i think, they will find traces of gunpowder, thirdly, a witness has just testified who saw you like you you shoot abakomova, in the kabara restaurant, you should have killed gilashvili, but someone killed him before you, that’s fourth, but in what restaurant, kobara, it’s enough that you are silent, well, wait, let me think, well, let’s think , yes, just not for long, okay, if
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you think of anything, let’s start with the most important thing, who is the customer, i don’t know the customer, but is he just coming for me? i’ll name it now, i called it , i heard it too, i didn’t say that, go ahead, i’ll talk now, i took the protocol, uh-huh, wow, the blob is already gone, you hear, you want it like that, let's talk to you like this. you know, when i jumped out of the window like that, but the customer panicked, he didn’t have time to contact you through an intermediary, so we talked to you directly, if you remain silent, i’ll seal you up completely, keep in mind, come on, let's go, to him, to him, i
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look, i understand, i'm disappearing, then some snow woman melted, she melted, i'm now absolutely free, hello, i don't even miss you, i was flying to you, i missed you, call me, i'll come, i wonder what he came in today,
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fantastic, tomorrow. on the first vodka in veta product lar group cognac old barrel product stellar group burbon stirsman product lar group whiskey mankatcher product lar group gin сnop product to my liking, once again i’m flying from moscow to odessa, again they don’t let planes out, and even
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quails and quails, you’re spinning in infinity , years have been rising for centuries, years, almost... not only for their sailors and naval commanders, but also for shipbuilders. the creation of the black sea fleet is not only the merit of the south of russia. the black sea fleet was built entirely by russia empire. klushakov, with two frigates and one
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battleship, forced the turkish fleet to withdraw from the battle. this is art. what is crimea for russia, but why explain it? whoever owns crimea controls the black sea. the varak and the koreans went to battle, realizing that the chances of breaking through were unrealistic. but they came out anyway. what proved that. don't give up. a great power must prove that it is a great power and demonstrate its power. and the navy became such a demonstration of economic and military power countries. for navy day. on sunday on the first. good afternoon. hello. i remember you work in the police, yes, yes, but do you still have any questions? no, i’m not here for work, i’m just having coffee, sit down, i’ll send a waiter to you, thank you, have a nice day.
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i had to do this,
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since he hit my wife and daughter to death, 4 years have passed since that incident. i couldn’t come to my senses, i thought why should i live in a loop of the forest, then i pulled myself together, but still i lived in some kind of prostration, i read materials of the case, geloshvili claimed that his car was stolen, he was not driving that day, i saw him there with my own eyes, it was he who was driving and he was drunk, but they did not believe me. was that the first time you saw him in the restaurant? no, he had already come, i served him, i turned out to be a regular customer,
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the first time i wanted to literally strangle him, or i restrained myself, i came home shaking, i thought everything over, and then i would wait for an opportunity. i love you, i love you, be careful, it’s half wet, len, thank you, please. we urgently need to go to central committee, i think i know what happened to the bedak. do you want to solve the case?
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well, actually, we have a boss, actually he suspended me, okay, and don’t yell at me. ivanovich, can i? listen, lucy says, you should go to the tender committee, she had knowledge, what other vision, ask her yourself, listen, figure it out somehow without me, go, alexey ivanovich, am i a wallflower or something between you, what are you doing there? -they didn’t share it, we shared everything, she was just offended that she was removed from the department, well, she’s with us she’s talking, so i want to know why she’s talking to you, which means now we’re to blame, let’s go anyway. i will tear off the glass
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from the developed vitrie, i contue my dream, my spirit, good day, hello, again to us, to you, to you, come in, please, thank you, hello, and... didn’t come, here, yes, let’s go , good afternoon, good afternoon, you ’ll forgive us already, can we
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check something else here, yes, of course, but let’s have witnesses, well , lyusya, catch your big, small, headache, please? there is a fish, i think it's gold, go behind me, stand here, please, help, so, let’s look, now we’ll find a large
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package, put it here, print it, and you sign, okay, please, let’s do it. liu, listen, how did you guess, tell us, the kayak received a large bribe from ivanchenko, just before the sausage makers arrived, quietly, quietly, after all, our colleagues, yes, uep, uh-huh, well, there was an accomplice on duty below, the kayak to him threw the envelope, the envelope caught on the air conditioner, he reached for it
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and... and so it caught on the air conditioner, otherwise as soon as i walked in, i immediately smelled the smell of money, some kind of terrible panic horror, horror, who warned them? who warned them? yes, now i’ll try to guess what’s in the suit, in the tie with a mustache, a security guard, no, a security guard, no, a security guard, let’s go, witch, boys, goodbye, happily, goodbye, goodbye, where i threw the second cell phone into the river, well so let's go, let's go, come on, let's go, let's go, you
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are indignant, continue, well, yes. it was a matter of what to hide, he gave me a second phone number long ago so that i would warn him if i noticed anyone from yours or from the inspectors, so that he said, it doesn’t matter where they go, so that he immediately warns him, well... naturally, he paid extra for it, uh-huh, he wasn’t greedy, uh-huh, well , this time you called, yes, he called, that’s it, everything, everything, everything, freely. in general, as i expected, ignatyich, who would have thought, he knew the whole trio back in the nineties,
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helped, chopped up, where is he now, he went on vacation, as soon as the kayak came out the window, he immediately left, yes. what are you going to do? try fishing with live bait. good luck. thank you. ours, i drink it without sugar. during my lifetime i was
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tall and slender, i was not afraid of a word or bullets. in the front row was this close-knit mass of people who had lost a loved one. i do not like.
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to give some people something that they cannot get in modern life. all the tragedies
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of the century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in a bosnian barn. the desired goal of the serbian high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, france ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war. a new cursed era of global wars, revolutions, con camps, unprecedented in cruelty, has arrived. the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world. the beginning of the first world war, the premiere on sunday on the first, are you sure that he doesn’t
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suspect anything, we did everything we could, today we’ll see how it turns out, there will be noise upstairs, but what do we care? well, let's get started. yes, it’s me, i need help, what kind of help, i think i burned myself out, one guy saw me, he didn’t call right away, he couldn’t call before, he was afraid, so what now, but now i had to be more careful, listen, i’m even at home i wouldn't. i was wandering around the city, what do you want, what do i want,
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i want my money, well, where then ? with the guys from our own security, well, you know them, there will be no one else, it’s a delicate matter, yes, there won’t even be a cordon, so it’s important that everyone is put in place correctly, we’re counting on you here, you’re local, well, in a sense, yes , but there is a question, ivanovich, maybe we can do without the blasphemy, otherwise it’s terrible to let go, there’s no cordon, it’s night, the park, kazantsev was warned, step to the side, shoot to kill, so he won’t pull. yes, kazantseva is your concern,
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we will do everything else ourselves, as usual, everything is better for the children, well, what else, yes, don’t forget vests, we’ll also give them to the kids, that’s it, let’s go, and i’m sure you’re here today, here today. everything is clear to everyone, we work carefully according to the situation, let's go to places with god, don't worry, behave naturally, we have already recorded all the conversations with him, remember, your fate depends on it, come on.
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well, that’s all, we’re working. i didn't bring anyone.
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come on, hello, they wish, well, in general, he has been associated with corruption since the nineties, now he protected serious businessmen. my father unraveled it, so he encrypted the notebook and hid it, and i found it. well,
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when he realized that bricks were flying nearby, he panicked. in fact, the general was only involved in the death of obakomov. and the fall of baidak, the waiter sgilashvili, only accelerated the process. that's the whole story. so, then, mikhail ignatovich, i return your honest name to you. thank you for returning. in the interests of the investigation, it was necessary for you to stay for a while the main villain. even from.
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mikhail ignatievich, well, yes, but tomorrow, uh, in london already, i could have some hot soup with giblets right now, and i’d even screw it up. i wanted to apologize for the underlying suspicions, well, this is superfluous, let me decide for myself what is superfluous, what is not superfluous, okay, fine, apology accepted, i can be
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free, yes, just a second, i ’ll free you now, but about martha and max too. tell them my apologies, but i said from the very beginning that they had nothing to do with it, well, you never know what anyone said, but everything needs to be checked, yes, i perfectly understood the fact and the thing is stubborn, yes the fact and the thing is stubborn, this is our job, yes, so you tell your comrade that he walked on thin ice, he needs to be more careful next time, but actually he told me not a comrade, he is my friend, but a friend, he is a friend either before or after. as chekhov said, and this is none of your business, i must tell you, this is all my business, yes, you will understand this, yes, this is all my business, everything, everything, well, everything, well, everything, you know what, you’d better actually thinking about our wedding tomorrow, i know, i'll think about
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tomorrow's wedding, i'll think about when it's tomorrow, ok, then i'm flying to paris, yeah, my friend invited me, i think it's a great idea, great. idea, well, go to paris, climb the effel tower there, and tell your friend to go to the arc de triomphe, and you stay here with your three comrades, arvor, what do you think, but he’s doing, and i’m still i saw, i looked at the sky with my eyes. everything is very simple, just a thunderstorm, arrows, i stretched my arms up, max, hello, the weather is shaking,
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in short, it doesn’t matter, take me away from here, where, in paris, to yours? okay, call, yes, max, what? oh, sorry. yes, what? i'm going. i'm just a courier. take it and don’t even open it, otherwise you’ll be tired of counting. you have to be careful while driving.
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oh, by the way, we don’t get paid for this. detective syndrome. today is after the program. are you out of your mind? no, of course not, that's why i came to you. cognac, monte shoca, product of stellor group. rum. castro. product of stellar group vodka pechora product of stellar group vodka veda product of stellar group. olds barrel cognac is a product of the stellar group. to be here
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city. it was with this phrase that the glorious history of this beautiful city began more than 300 years ago. northern palmyra, neva canals. we begin our journey through st. petersburg. it should be pasta, spaghetti. it was always horns. you probably have the peak of orders for pasta in the fleet on navy day. the first thing the sailors see when approaching the cranshtat is the naval cathedral in the name of st. nicholas the wonderworker. this is still the highest point in the city. that's it, it's trash. now you will try to run through all these boards together. run forest run! go! premiere on saturday, on the first. oh, my good ones, so what? how are you here shukshin - this is the password of good literature, character, close your eyes, why,
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well, close your eyes, everyone thought that they could move it like some kind of piece on the chessboard, and then at some point they realized that nothing they won’t succeed, nothing that i don’t know how to behave, some unattainable thing to exist. being on camera as the main character and also being a director is a rare, very rare gift. eh, if i were you, i would have a movie like this stripped off. what are you, a hero, or what? they were supposed to broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, so what? they launched me to the moon. shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated. pushkin is everything. shukshin is everything for me too. on the occasion of vasily shukshin's ninety-fifth birthday. and what?
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you are spinning in infinity, the years rise for centuries, go, a little slower, in memory of vladimir vysoksky, saturday,
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i had to get involved and i also found a superman volodya, how normal were you to find these and found them right away, how do you like it? what's wrong with your head, and one climbed for two, what are you, my. if you help me with a visa, i’m ready
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to fly out right now. what is the point? well, the point is that i can be on the spot and can lead the search. no, you don’t understand, i tried to lead the search from here, but it didn’t bring any results. believe me, if i'm there, the search will go completely differently. excuse me, i have another line, i'll call you back. yes, i just talked with our consulate, they promised to help me with a visa, as soon as i have it in my hands, i’ll fly out. what? you him found? how is he? no, no local doctors. to moscow urgently. sister, i have such news, they found eduard too, cool,
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quiet, everything is fine. oh, well, go ahead and iron your trousers yourself , i’m late for beauty, no, no, get used to family life, there will be a ring, there will be family life, yeah, and in general i could stay with my mother today, why , why, why? maybe it’s a bad omen, the newlyweds should sleep upright on the eve of the wedding, so the phone, otherwise it’s not enough to steal me today, i ran, yes, yes, yeah, yes, of course, guys, of course, come on, we're waiting for you, yes, you'll come at all, but what if you don't come, but left, yes, oh,
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paris, huh? well, yes, well, it’s good that she left, uh-huh, bye, parishina left, i want to say, march, if it weren’t for you, oh, okay, she’s alive, thank god, that’s enough about that. no, no, it’s not enough, when the ship turned over, i found myself under water, you know, what was the first thought that came to my mind, what a pity that i can’t swim, mock me, mock me, no,
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i really do. because i didn’t have time to ask you for forgiveness, i was good too, i must it was easy to immediately understand what kind of person you are and not to insult you with distrust, and i certainly shouldn’t have been offended like a child, and i, and you, listen, for a long time you and i will be scraping each other in front of each other, no, i want to be . confident that you know that my character is not sugar, well, i’m not an angel either, no, you are an angel, my personal angel, guardian.
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lyus, just hurry up, we really only have 15 minutes, the plane will take off, don’t worry, it won’t take off without us.
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well, vaska, let's sit on the path. and to
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attention, says st. petersburg. every year, on the last sunday of july, russia. celebrates navy day, in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval parade will take place. congratulations on navy day. hurray, we need such ships at sea. so that we can argue with a wave of words, we need sinks, and we need a locator, and we also need loyal guys, then the water
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is like earth to us, then the crew is a family to us, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, solemn parade for navy day. fleet on sunday on the first, hello, on the first channel the program is time, andrey ukharev is with you,


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