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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 25, 2024 11:00pm-12:21am MSK

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oh my god, my joy, what a joy, oh you are mine, oh you are mine, look, my girl, she has lost weight, her creativity is not wandering at all, look, slavya, our girl is back, now we will eat, eat, wash you, just a little bit , look, look, look what, i want to know what you are doing with my grandson. you see, this is a new technique, which means i want the old one, what is this, i thought you were treating him, but he’s hanging around the city, busy, with who knows who and who knows what, galina egorevna, let me explain, this, so that's what i want you put him in a hospital, there’s no need for that, that’s it... i decide, i’m the only one
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who cares for him, today he’s hanging around your city, and tomorrow he’ll go completely crazy or get hooked on drugs, you’ll be responsible for him, that’s it this, my dear, this, we’ll put it in, arina, arina. “she is making an obvious mistake, kostya has made enormous progress, we have already discussed this with yuri feliksovich, tatyana andreevna, you know how i feel about you, but i think that your work can be dangerous, but it’s not dangerous, it’s you have the opportunity prove, when, let me gather an academic council, you will conduct a demonstration lesson,
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if the dynamics are positive, you will continue, no? well, how do i collect these? i’ll let you know, in general, in short, the taxi driver domogoy really had an affair, but not with troshino’s wife, with his patient milana, they organized everything together, arranged it so that the owners were not at home, milana was taken over by troshino, domogoy ilona, ​​the target was a safe. like this, and also, by the way, i was very lucky that a good dog owner, another would have ordered throw it in the trash, and this one said to take care of it, treat it carefully and return it at the first opportunity, in general, that’s it, thank you all, and this is a reminder to me, never to rejoice ahead of time.
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and i didn’t wait, yes, me too, will you come in, no, i... and
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i have a huge request to you, the usual save the world on tuesdays, and it’s already thursday, but you acted irresponsibly with fedor, but the situation is what it is, and i need to prepare a demonstration performance, some kind of activity that will show that working in a group makes them independent people, and understood, i need i... “i really need you to make every effort, and you came just to tell me this, well, yes, well, this is a method that i spent several years of my life on, and if it works, you can call it the bank and karataev method, it sounds like you are an outsider, of course, but you have something, you managed to resolve the situation with fedor and his
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sister, in general, please don’t let us down, then we can, okay, don't let me down need to, quietly, quietly, quietly, i saw her just now, mouse, it’s not serious, pash, why don’t you
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understand that it’s not about her, it’s about no one at all, it’s only about me, the point is that i have to go ... that it’s time for me to grow up, there german already suspects us, it turns me on, i ’m not there, i’m sure, i’m sure, we’ll check, for a dog, disgusted.
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yes, is this pavel karataev? yes, it's me, who is it? they called me from emerald carp and said you are looking for andrey korotaev. do you know anything about him? i know something. i'll call you when i get into town, bye.
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special analytical issue on air great game. an important event is taking place today in laos, where very important negotiations between leading asian countries are taking place. and besides, important meetings of foreign minister sergei lavrov with the foreign ministers of these countries. and today, in particular, a meeting took place between the russian foreign minister and the minister. foreign affairs of china wang, we will now talk about this and much more with maria vladimirovna zakharova, official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs and ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary. maria, we are very glad to welcome you, i can imagine how you're busy, thank you so much for taking the time.
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and good evening, dmitry, at the moment we are no longer busy, and the day was really busy, these are the big days that... switched from wednesday to thursday and this connection took place on the plane, but indeed, as you correctly noted, the eyes of the world community are riveted here on the capital of laos, here are the council of ministers, not even the council of ministers, meetings, ministerial meetings in asian formats, in various formats, this is asian itself, these are of course the same ones east asian summits, these are...
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timor, of course, indonesia, cambodia, brunei, os hospitable, but there was a meeting, and rightly so, as you said, maybe, probably, we will talk about this meeting separately, a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of china and ... but there was also a premiere, you can congratulate us, we have another format of multilateral meetings, in the form of what the russian and chinese representatives agreed on in advance, but this time this meeting took place for the first time, and they agreed on what's on the sidelines of asian events will meet in the following composition: russia, china, plus the country chairing vasian, respectively, this time this first meeting was held within the framework of the trio of russia,
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china, loos. well, as you understand, this format will develop, it has already shown its relevance and relevance today, so, in general, you can congratulate us on a good initiative. now, as for the meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of china, indeed, it was the end of the day today, but it was... in a format full of such things, to say, we discussed everything and the development political scientist in the context of the agreements that were reached at the highest level, and the implementation of instructions that were given by the main states, heads of government, and of course they discussed regional issues, but there is something to discuss, the fact is that the main problem that all countries observe -members of the region a... who are committed to peace, cooperation, constructive interaction, is formulated very simply:
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this is an expansion of bloc formats that do not belong to this region in whose sphere, so called activity, or better yet destructive activity, this region has never been included either in indoctrinal documents or in the practice of the day, and so now they are seeing their expansion, or better yet, expansion into this region. destruction all over the world is not enough for them, not only is european security, euro-atlantic security, not just destroyed, but what is happening, i would say, is the destruction of already destroyed parts, they decided not to stop there, they are haunted by that peaceful , mutually respectful, and cooperation, interaction, and contacts are the level of partnership that... historical and
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still existing, you know very well about this, if we are talking about armored personnel carriers, then, of course, this includes russia and the united states, but so to speak , the fundamental link, these are the very countries, well, as we often say, the ocean countries. learned to set an excellent example of how you can pragmatically, and step by step, build that same partnership that will help overcome historical problematic issues, so this obviously causes, well to put it in such artistic language, irritation, literally an allergy among those who declared themselves world leaders in the field of security and its guarantees, and at the same time a task.
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russia and china. i will limit myself to the phrase that our countries look realistically at such visits by kiev regime emissaries. let's see what vany said after the meeting. we are ready, together with our russian partners, guided by agreements at the highest level, to steadily and firmly support each other in matters of protecting
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the interests of our countries in the spirit of friendship and good neighborliness, always side by side, back to back.
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in such formulations, pay attention, yes, let someone say that this is just vocabulary, someone will say that this is just a figure of speech, but since you and i are dealing with this topic quite deeply, we can confirm that that these are not just words, especially from the lips of representatives of china, where the foreign policy doctrine is agreed upon and each interpretation passes through several authorities. and there can be no deviation from the general line, that is, speech this is not about personal assessments, not about a personal position, but the position of the state, so these are really not just words when vany speaks, pay attention, i want to emphasize again, and not just shoulder to shoulder or there close to each other or on similar
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positions or positions coinciding on most issues, that was... and the formulation that was used traditionally, previously and widely, so to speak, was known to everyone, now listen, just back to back, what does this mean, this speaks of understanding that our threats countries, challenges for our countries, well, what can we say, but our countries have opponents not by our will, but by the will of those who are pursuing an aggressive policy towards our countries. the same, that we are resisting and we are responding to basically similar and somewhere coinciding challenges, a similar or coinciding degree of aggression, of course it happens differently, in our case, as you
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know very well, we literally used the methodology of hybrid war, in relation to china has been used for at least... months, used by us both russia and china the formulation of double resistance to this very attempt at double containment, what does this mean? that washington is like that same unlucky cowboy trying to water with both hands, and we give adequate answers to this,
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acting together, acting as two countries, as two states, as two peoples, and not only acting individually, in parallel, but jointly, and please note again that this wording was used today proactively by the chinese side,
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history, this does not mean that this is the relationship between our countries throughout their entire history the highest point, which cannot be higher, no, is a fixation of the fact that in the historical context we have indeed surpassed ourselves, developing relations, political, economic. now , certainly geopolitically, taking into account the assessments that the parties give, but we still have something to strive for, this is the stage that we have already taken, but we need to go further, which
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, in fact, is confirmed by the parties. here it is very important to understand, here it is extremely important to understand the following, and you understand, well, there are always people who, even in the case direct appeal, appealing not to some hidden phrases, not... the need to decode some, i don’t know, riddles or look for some clues, even in the case when they speak directly, repeat loudly several times, they still manage not to understand and not to hear, but listen, look, read, those who have not yet understood or have not fully believed, but the political elites of the united states of america, the political elites of the countries of western europe, who subjugated...
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by the political elites, according to what is written and approved, well, roughly speaking, these are the same nato manuals, in fact, they are, in general,
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mandatory for members of the north atlantic alliance, so china understands perfectly well, and perfectly hears, reads, the message that comes from the collective west . maria, i now have one last, but it seems to me, important question for you, you talked about phrases, i want to ask you about the phrase of president biden, who it seemed to me said two, but somehow mutually exclusive things, he said that he the first president in many, many years under which the united states does not fight a single war, he went on to say that in the remaining months of his term, he is going to actively fight russia with putin, and he is explicit. meant that he was going to fight not only at the level of diplomacy, not only at the level of information troops, but by helping ukraine with weapons, and it seems to me.
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to foreign territory for aggressive purposes, but this is very funny, considering that part of syria is now occupied by the united states of america, and indeed the american people have no idea what is being occupied now, and the independent state of syria, i don’t know, maybe it’s irregular troops or some kind of special forces or those hired by the armed forces of the united states
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of america, they figure it out themselves, but you just know, such a small sketch , maybe they told him biden that they left afghanistan and that’s where their occupations around the world ended, and only american bases remained, but i’ll reveal such a secret, it’s a secret, so be it, but listen, let them give him a statement, for example , president assad, who constantly and regularly reminds that his country remains occupied.
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and he remained, partly thanks to our side, russia, which did not give the opportunity to blow up this region, and so this is the most legitimate syrian president, who has been keeping his country from disaster for so many years, and many times appealed to american presidents to the american people so that they all- they got out of there and got used to it, but perhaps president biden doesn’t even know, and now regarding
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the fact that they even if we don’t take formal occupation, they are not conducting military operations, i don’t know who he is fooling, but again, if he is hiding behind the phrase that regular american troops are not sent anywhere, then where are billions of hundreds of billions of dollars, and the most important weapons and the united states of america, that is, which are produced there, and the weapons of the countries of the european union, which are also... produced, and the most interesting thing is that they are also chasing soviet-made weapons all over the world, in order to literally force, force by blackmail, like whatever, these countries are trying to persuade them to re-export soviet weapons, all this is in favor of the kiev regime, or do they believe that in ukraine, and biden personally believes that in ukraine these weapons are on display at an exhibition,
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or what? well, of course not, this is what he knows for sure, and this is what he knows from those times when he was completely involved in the fraud and corruption of his closest and people from his circle, all these corrupt deals, interfering in internal affairs of ukraine, the regimes there, engaged in the construction of another democracy, in fact, but chaos, only in order... to find his own personal benefit, to enrich himself and his clan, those people who, so to speak, helped him maintain or increase this very power, what are they doing, if not from their own words, these are their phrases, they are trying to inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, so there is no need to hide behind words, there is no need to hide behind the pieces of paper
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that they write to him, at least some is a logical explanation for what he said, since he can believe that there is no american buds ground, i’m not a diplomat, so i’ll allow myself to say simply, he believes that this is peace when americans kill others, but the fact that americans can be killed in response, unfortunately, is not in his marismatic head comes, firstly, and... regarding what, in my opinion, is a very important point that would really be worth stopping at, but he cannot help but understand, even in the current situation and in the current
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state, that he has doomed the world to global shocks, and it was his country that did it, precisely his regime, both under him as president and under him as vice president. and the leader of that political movement that did not give the previous republican president the opportunity to at least somehow maintain the world , i would also say in front of him, as in some kind of global catastrophe, this is firstly, secondly, you look , he constantly talks about what he managed to do as president, but in my opinion, the shocks that... countries and peoples all over the world were now experiencing, and the americans themselves spoke about this, and about the problem hunger, about the problem, so to speak, of food, food security and many other problems,
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the destruction of supply chains, the collapse of economic ties not only between individual countries, but between continents, the wildest sanctions war that they declared on our country, and on other countries and.. 20,000 sanctions are directly imposed on russia alone, look how many indirect sanctions have already been imposed on other countries, all this has hit the world economy, the global economy, all this is under him. done, but there is one more important nuance, he always speaks so proudly, as if i don’t know, pathetically, about how good the united states of america is now, how many workers he personally created as president? he constantly talks about this, repeats it like a mantra, how many opportunities have appeared for the american economy due to the fact that they provide opportunities for foreign investment. let’s figure it out,
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let’s dwell a little more specifically on this very moment, on this fragment, what this jobs, and what kind of foreign investments are these, these are the same ones that turn out to be western. european companies that arrived in the territory of the united states of america only because their economies collapsed, the economies of germany, first of all, and then all the other economies of the countries of the european union, where the national gdp tends to zero and does not even show a growth trend, here because of which those positive things happen from biden’s point of view. changes or positive trends in the american economy that concerns the creation of jobs, so excuse me, how many injections of empty dollars has he now made, increasing the national debt into the american economy
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of the military-industrial complex, these are the same bloody statistics, these are bloody jobs, they are getting jobs because they are appearing in ukraine . this is the connection that should be, why doesn’t he talk about it, why isn’t there a single human rights defender, not a single so -called american liberal who would explain to him what he’s done and what his inner circle did, by the way, as i read, almost a third of his administration has already dispersed, fled, and not only now at the last moment,
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for advertising, an evening in memory of alexander vertinsky.
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the tekyan fleet solves problems of ensuring military security in the asia-tekyan region, which is a region of increased attention of the united states of america and its allies. the team will prepare for action on the ovral. the steering wheel is straight, both forward small. a submarine was discovered. foreign virginia is exactly that. waiting for a husband is
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such a romantic state. the nakhimovites live here, this is a wardrobe, there is a perescope to raise, the near distant horizon is clear. compared to all other submarines, we can sneak up anywhere. we try, we always try to be the best. the winged caliber complex is capable of striking. target with an accuracy of 5 m, there is a prose, premiere for navy day. hurray, hurray, on sunday on the first. there's a big game on the air, andreev is with us now.
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merciless and are there any areas where
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are russian troops retreating? no, no, and there weren’t any, and there aren’t any like them for a very long time, they don’t exist, there are only areas where russian troops are advancing, and every day there are 5-6 dozen of these areas, they are constantly changing, but the movement is only forward, no movement back . no in exchange, that’s why i responsibly speak about this very strategy of squeezing, the strategy of a boa constrictor, and like a boa constrictor, he attacks opponents of different sizes, smaller, larger, but if larger, then what he does is squeeze, deprive him of the opportunity first move, then breathe, then complete it all the way they usually complete it. in the predatory environment of the animal world, we,
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of course, will not do this, but the principles are similar, we will continue to press, continue to squeeze, continue, make it impossible to resist, and most importantly , inflict terrorist, senseless, vile attacks on...
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which opiate using american intelligence information, you think that the united states is not involved in the war in ukraine, dmitry, but i would added to this, relatives, american soldiers, officers who have already died in ukraine, not only mercenaries, but also career military men, there are such, explain, i explain, that means... well, everyone knows that in america this is unknown, well in america they don’t know a lot of things, in america they still think, that’s why biden can be fooling around, they still think that they have a capable president, in fact it’s all of us, that is, there are american military units there, that means
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there is units, they may not be fighting at the forefront, i admit it, but the fact that they are at control points is... of opinion, that they serve the most complex weapons systems, such as patriot air defense systems, such as rzzo, hymers, such as missile launchers atakoms, but there is no doubt about it, but there is no doubt about it, and since we have already defeated similar objects more than once, the casualties among these very american ones...
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let them tell how they don’t fight, not to mention just equipment, ammunition everything else, by the way, is just from yesterday on the front line, five bradley infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed , one abrams tank, here i cannot say with certainty who was in the crews, but the fact that this equipment was destroyed, i say absolutely responsibly, you know, andrei valerievich, by any definition... what is a war participant? it seems to me that the united states should be considered a direct participant in the war. now - as in any war, if someone does something, then you are not obliged to respond to it in the same place, at the same time symmetrically. there is no such obligation.
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but what if someone leads against you this kind of fighting, well, i don’t know. it seems to me that in the ministry of defense. but this is still somewhat different, i agree, wing to wing, side to side, this was, by the way, they always gave in and avoided further rapprochement, now, of course, they play more harshly, more cynically, thinking about
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what kind of of all this information curtain, their ears do not stick out, stick out, stick out, and we know perfectly well who, where and what is doing there, moreover, we know which of the personnel of the armed forces of the united states receives awards, who on what the cemetery is buried with military heaps at the point you say, they receive awards, you don’t mean planning in the pentagon, for active actions in ukraine, i understood correctly, posthumously. including, well, it’s like the choice of the american president, his administration and the pain of the american people, a little?
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start from these istanbul agreements, well, because they were already in place during the period of the special military operation, but even
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before the special military operation, remember, there was such a normandy format, in 2019 already by the way, an agreement was reached within the framework of the implementation of the minsk agreements that they would remain in the donetsk-lugansk people’s republic. within ukraine receives a special status, elections are held there, local, municipal, regional, border control remains with ukraine, and this agreement should have been signed, by the way, in france, why was the normandy format called, our president flew there in readiness to sign this agreement , what did you do there?
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where he met with a representative of the funds media, i was there too, and i was very impressed, and from what
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seemed to me his great sincerity when he spoke about the desire for peace, and no less impressed by the firmness with which he said that russia would defend its interests, even if someone really doesn’t like it, and i tried to put myself on - and the other where it was explained what insolent people you are, you want to invade cuba, you won’t intimidate us.
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kende decided that he would respond to...
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no, on the other hand, i see absolutely no readiness in washington to look for any real negotiation decisions, do you see any signs of their sincere interest? dmitry, of course not, and i am absolutely convinced that until the change of administration, in no way, the policy of the washington administration will change one bit for the better. side, rather on the contrary, they will try to survive to the maximum, now at the end of this political career, they are trying to shave something with their big, rusty tomahawks, but this is again their choice, and we, we said, we ready, let's, but since you don't want to,
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then we will continue.
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the accompanying people who will take him, sometimes hundreds of kilometers to the city where the military court is located, will wait for a hearing for several days for the judge to make his verdict, then in this case it is necessary to return him to the unit, draw up the necessary accompanying documents for him, undergo a medical examination, a new car, a new escort team and drive it again
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approximately the same distance to the city where... gautvakt is located, today gouptwakt is located in cities where the headquarters of military districts and fleets, and some associations are deployed, the very meaning is lost.
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other important communications, but no, of course, now where did the topic about smartphones, gadgets and everything else come from, since this law applies only to the period of a special military operation, then we must spell out in it all the cases when these rights of commanders can be implemented and we have listed a list of groups.
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took pictures of themselves, sent it all via the internet, through instant messengers, which since they are now in unfriendly countries, they then already transmitted these coordinates to their sponsored militants, and they are planning at the front,
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and the first thing that was said was that there could be no use, no use of such devices, and this was said. modern telephones to the appropriate places, turned them off, screened them, took out a simple push-button telephone with a sim card corresponding to the local permission, which is allowed
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to call, these are the phones every military listener, soldier has, to call his mother or friend, they go with them all the time, they can call all the time, they can send an sms, so when some of our opponents... appeal to the fact that we are now depriving our soldiers of communication, but we will not deprive anyone of any communication, well, this is just, well, incompetence, especially if the tablet or smartphone contains programs for controlling unmanned aerial vehicles, training programs for fire control devices, well, well, what are we talking about, well , you know, someone wanted it, and i guess who wanted it, that one wanted who doesn’t want... there is order at the front, who doesn’t want violations of military discipline to be harshly suppressed there, so they found a clue in these gadgets and tried to make
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sure that this law did not pass, the law passed, the overwhelming majority voted for it deputies of the state duma, and those who did not vote, well, let it remain on their conscience, general, it is a great pleasure to always talk with you and... we really learn important and useful things from you, thank you again for your time, i hope we'll see you on our air again soon, thank you, we're off to advertising.
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some kind of thing, to exist in the frame as the main character and also be a director, this is a rare, very rare gift, oh, if i were in your place, i would make such a film, are you a hero or what? they were supposed to broadcast it on the radio, but our headphones don’t work, so what? they launched me nalymu, shukshin is something that cannot be overestimated, pushkin is... everything, shukshin for me too, that’s all, on the occasion of vasily shukshin’s ninety-fifth birthday, so what? uh, where did ours go? on saturday, on the first. all the tragedies of the 20th century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in bosnian sarajevo. the desired goal of the serbian high school student
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was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war. a new cursed era of unprecedented cruelty of global wars, revolutions, concentration camps, the fall of empires, and the reshaping of the world has arrived.
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laugh with great enthusiasm with a reason without it, if someone had predicted this, i think few would have taken it seriously, right now she is the undisputed candidate of the democratic party in the upcoming presidential elections, we will now talk about this with mikhail okinchenok, a correspondent for channel one in the united states and a person who is really very good.
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very wisely analyzes the events taking place in the united states. michael, thank you for taking the time. thank you, dmitry, for inviting me. in a few words: how is it that kamela haris suddenly, within 24 hours, after it was announced that biden would not run for office, as it happens, within 24 hours. she gained enough votes from delegates at the upcoming democratic party convention. but still , democrats probably know how to get into politics in america, but still, it was certainly a wonderful, you know, dmitry, pr move, it seems to me, when for a whole week everyone was just discussing how the assassination attempt on trump was demonstrated these heroic pictures with a bloodied trump, with his hand raised, suddenly bam, a week later.
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almost no one says anything about it now says, and this of course, you know, everyone is discussing kamala haris, this of course was certainly a wonderful pr move, they were still able to steal the democrats’ agenda from the republicans, it was very strong, now we see that only in congress yesterday the day before yesterday they discussed the resignation of kimberly cheatle, the failure of the secret service, but few people paid attention to it, because everyone was only discussing... biden's decision to leave the presidential race, and how did it happen that in 24 hours, you know, i was in yesterday's speech , televised address. rule america, and it is ruled by the people, everyone seemed to see in this a message to
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geopolitical rivals, enemies of america, his words that kings and dictators are not yes, because america is at war only with kings and dictators, yes, but democracy is only they, i had a question when i heard this phrase, that in america there is no... everything is no different, all the republican and democratic media talk the same way about a kind of honeymoon that came to the democratic party in connection with the appearance of kamala and haris is really big enthusiasm, great interest, just now
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biden could barely walk, talked to the spirits on stage, had difficulty pronouncing some words, generally looked very difficult, such a lively, cheerful, energetic kamala haris. yes, some certain enthusiasm, a stir among a certain part of democratic voters, it has arisen, and the data is already given that democratic voters aged 18 to 34 years, approximately 5%, support the democratic party, desire to vote for a democratic candidate parties, among they increased by 5%, which increased support among the black population by 4%, by 3%. among the latin american population, this is all a traditional democratic electorate, and of course, the democratic party is now certainly inspired by this success, but it must be said that looking at how the republicans react to this, there is a clear
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understanding that they did not just predict the appearance of kamal and harris, they were preparing for this appearance, what is worth, as the media published with a leak - with reference to their on their informants, on the leak of information from the republican party about what the republican party categorically said, under no circumstances, and during pre-election debates, in the political struggle, do not speak, do not mention either kamali harris’s race or her gender, to focus exclusively on her affairs, on her actions, now the republicans are clearly biding their time, waiting for this honeymoon to end, this... hype, to come out and start promoting, to come out and start talking constructively and substantively on to the political problems that exist in america, they are already saying that they are proposing to hold a debate on september 17, as we know, the debate was originally supposed to be on
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september 10 with biden, now kamala haris, the republicans are proposing kamala haris to hold a debate on september 17, and this you know, the date that...
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have presidential ambitions, that they, these politicians will now start feverishly calling the governors of those states where they want to urgently receive support, naturally, they will start calling donors, something like this process, well, two or three people will appear who may have real chances, and that the names of these two or three people will be presented by the delegate. democratic party congress in a matter of hours, all the delegates, well, as if on cue, there was probably a team, they... all practically without exception, there were 10-20 people out of several thousand who
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did not seem to express their positive position, but so they all unanimously say: let's urgently crown kamala haris, she is our candidate, and i would expect that the washington post, the new york times, that they would start calling everyone try to understand, using your sources, how this could happen. i haven't seen any article about this, what do you think? but dmitry, i can tell you that you are probably not the only one who expected that events would develop in a similar way; now many newspapers, citing sources, write that former us president barack actually expected the same process obama, who, by the way, still has not spoken out in support of kama haris, and as some newspapers write here in america, was. furious that biden having announced his decision and not participating in
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the presidential race, he immediately announced that he immediately declared kamala haris his heir. therefore, yes, of course, we didn’t see a democratic process here, you know, in russia there is an expression that demonstrates the extreme degree of absurdity: bees against honey, so, probably, something similar happened in the usa, only in reality in reality.
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elections, but these were the same people who just recently said that president biden was at the peak of his powers opportunities, he works a lot, he is a real defender of democracy, the entire future of democracy is connected with him, so we see simply an extreme degree of cynicism, like exactly the same people who literally a month and a half ago spoke out in support of biden, a month and a half ago, are speaking out today, today the same words are spoken, but in relation to kamal and haris.
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but we can now talk about the so-called
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american deep state, yes, the deep state, which, as many here believe, makes decisions, and those people whom we see on television, they only voice these decisions, but you know, it feels like the story of biden’s withdrawal, the procedure for refusing to participate in the presidential campaign. in america it looks like some kind of open secret. everyone talks about it, everyone calls the same names. the new york post writes that two people played a decisive role in biden’s refusal to continue the election fight: senate democratic leader chuck schumer and the former speaker of the house of representatives, who literally played the role of good bad cop chakshumer. persuaded, convinced joe biden, gave him arguments, and supposedly pelosi
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simply offered biden a choice of two options for leaving. the first is simple, the second is complex, simple - he leaves on his own, the complex option - this is so, this is, as you know, the twenty- fifth amendment to the american constitution, which allows you to declare the president incompetent and remove him from office, arguments for declaring biden incompetent from the democrats, if they had gone, if biden had not chosen the easy path, it would have been enough, it would have been enough, we all know that the american president is still the president, despite the fact that... despite persistent demands, he never passed cognitive test, and we know that in the documents of special counsel robert hur, who conducted an investigation into the improper storage of documents by biden, it is stated in the conclusion that this is an elderly man with a poor memory, it is obvious that if biden were removed from power from
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on the basis of the twenty-fifth amendment of the constitution - i would repeat the arguments again, there would be enough , it would have been, it would have become such a, you know, well, probably a political disgrace for him, but therefore, of course, biden chose the lesser evil for himself, for well, for that memory that he will probably leave behind, you used the expression mikhail, a coup, a peaceful coup, which seems to me a very accurate expression, and this suggests that this should not be a surprise for us in the sense that we have observed a long period such time hatred of trump on the part of the american establishment, that in general they were ready to do anything, now they actually sacrificed all the procedures of their own party, these norms, probably someone not only pelosia, the sumerians
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called all these governors throughout the night following biden's announcement. he won’t run, and they said: we need your delegates, you have enough control over your delegation, do it, otherwise this trump monster will be killed in the white house. if so, can we assume that people who behave this way, that they could have something to do with the assassination attempt on trump, and even worse, that. they will try to take trump out of the game in the remaining months, again by any means necessary. but now we can probably go into the realm of fortune-telling and speculation, while at the moment, of course, we don’t have any information, everything related to the assassination attempt on trump, well, at least according to official information , and we don’t...


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