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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 26, 2024 12:20am-1:01am MSK

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their own party, these norms, probably someone, not just pelosie and schumer, called all these governors throughout the night, after biden announced that he would not run, and said, we need your delegates, you have enough control over your delegation , do it, otherwise this trump monster, what is in the white house, if this is the case, can we assume... that people who behave like this, that they could have something to do with the assassination attempt on trump, and worse what they will try take trump out of the game in the remaining months, again by any means necessary. but now we can probably go into the realm of fortune-telling and speculation, while at the moment, of course, we don’t have any information, that’s all. concerns
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the assassination attempt on trump, well, at least according to official information, and we do not see any inside information from any sources, thomas matthew crooks, who attempted to assassinate trump, really acted, he really was a loner, but so far this is the data, this is the information, but what i would like to point out is that kamala haris is now launching her election campaign on wheels, without swinging, she has no team, she... has no program, but we will see that she is already speaking at various election rallies, listening to some of her speeches, some of her, at least as she spoke, i personally couldn’t help thinking that she was reading prepared texts that were actually written for biden, we are again talking about protecting democracy, protecting the country from the chaos that could plunge this country under donald trump, and about that the same
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says her campaign video, which was published today. the entire election campaign of kamal and haris is now built precisely on opposing trump, that is, trump is still the main threat to the democrats, and , as we see, the democratic party does not offer any other agenda to its voters, they simply replaced one speaking, one poorly speaking person to another, maybe not... a very coherently speaking, but more lively and younger face, that’s all we see, so most likely, if we talk about how it will be should the democratic party act, that is , the feeling that it will continue to follow the same line regarding donald trump that it followed under candidate biden? mikhail, i believe that you are absolutely right in reminding that there is no evidence of a conspiracy, as i was trying to say. this is the same thing, but i also
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want to remind you that the director of the secret service just resigned, that she just testified before congress, she admitted the catastrophic failures of the secret service in protecting trump, and i don’t have to tell you that if there wasn't this statement by biden that he is not running, if so... concentrated on the candidacy of haris, then there would definitely be questions about how the assassination attempt on trump was organized, why , in fact, the killers would have been able to destroy trump if he had simply did not turn his head, he failed to kill trump, simply because trump himself did not set himself up, and i think that this is inevitable. at least in the eyes
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of republican voters, the question will be what else could happen to trump, and what other pitfalls will be thrown at him direction. mikhail, thank you so much, it was an interesting and important conversation, we’ll see you next week. this is a podcast of mount fire and i, its host denis gorelov with a story about the ninety-fifth anniversary of our great compatriot vasily makarovich shukshin. i called vasily makarovich the last genius of russian literature, enough for me. editor-in-chief of the magazine
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rural youth, which was not very popular, but a very good magazine, i answer that, i read it. this is exactly how we will, in fact, to regard and talk about this man, not as outstanding, not as bright, not in any way significant, but as the last genius of the russian word, quite comparable with the bas-reliefs of our great compatriots studied in school, first of all, frankly speaking, with anton pavlovich chekhov , despite the rather striking external difference between the long , bespectacled ...
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cinematographer, at the same time, at night, instead of shukhshin, equally significant, important in order to relax, he sat down for a cigarette and wrote stories in a student notebook for three kopecks on 12 sheets, with a ballpoint pen, his contemporaries talked about this, and chekhov and shukshin knew enormous fame during their lifetime, both were very popular because of.
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and nikolai nikolaevich gubenko is still very far from rattling and rattling, a lot of interesting things have also been written about chekhov in american biographies, not that this is the most important thing, but the main thing was that they were both geniuses of small forms, both created for themselves a gigantic cosmic reputation in small stories, both of them were worried about it, many people talked about czechs, he was aiming for a big novel, because he still felt some...
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if before that shukshin still made documentary films under the guise of a feature film, his wife always appeared under his own name lidia nikolaevna, his daughters, rosy tumblers, very he liked that he himself was oily, and his daughters took after their mother, after all, they were so lively, not gloomy, he ended the stoves of the bench with practically a documentary shot. everyone remembers, the hero himself sits, the hero himself shukshin himself, with a basso on the boundary, finishes smoking and
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says: that’s it, guys, it’s over, in kalina krasnaya the theme was different, the mood was completely different, and the picture broke all popularity records, it was watched by 62 million viewers in the first year of release, and shukshin became the winner of the acting competition of the soviet magazine. screen twice in a row in 74 and 75 , the competition was an extremely significant event, after all, the soviet screen was considered by millions of people, and to win the acting competition twice in a row, only the previous one managed to win it, in 1968 she became the winner with a film, once again about love and older sister, in the sixty-ninth tritopol on plyushchikha, shukshin in the seventy-fourth year took a competition with skalina krasnaya during his lifetime... and posthumously in the seventy-fifth for a painting by bornarchuk they fought for their homeland.
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vyacheslav alekseevich pietsukh, perhaps, is really the best shukshinovet, he was extremely reproached for all sorts of side activities, because of carpentry, for service in the army and navy, for cinematography, because of the directorship of a school, he said that all sorts of things were like that. .. the traditional rule is that a writer must study life, this is all a rule for mediocrities, for workers of the pen, and a writer is a writer because he knew life perfectly well, without any chatter in life, pushkin, frankly, let’s say, didn’t chatter much in life, somehow he found himself, oh what to write and how to write without any, without any special side life experience, to this vyacheslav alekseevich can still be objected that the gift of the writer negi... is not a cast-iron blank that chains him to the table, which the author still has and our own
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will, and we can’t force pushkin to marry maryana ivanovna tsvitaeva, and not the empty-headed natalie nikolaevna goncharova, and shukshinn clearly liked to act in films, you can see it on the screen, and he liked to drink, and he liked to roam around the female sex, thus somehow he arranged for his life what he could ...he did that, that’s why we’re discussing him now, and not some pyotr petrovich. pietsukh probably understood this very well himself, he devoted entire volumes to russian desire, but still, like any normal reader, he was very sick of what the great author took away from his desk huge hours of filming, often in rather empty-colored pictures like polenavich gerasi’s lakeside. he wrote that filming there took away 10,
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or even 15 stories from russian literature, considering that ozero was a two-part series, well, at least the state prize was given to the girls in the open air, but nevertheless, there is still some injustice in this, as i i already said, there was, especially in an evil phrase, that shukshin worked off corvee for the film nobleman bondarchuk. the meeting with bandarchuk largely determined the last years of vasil makarovich and that powerful nail in his miraculous monument, frankly, let’s say, was driven in with the participation of sergei fedorovich, the fact is that vasim makarovich all his life dreamed of directing a picture about stepan razin, he wrote, specially wrote a film novel, i came to give you freedom, who started. ..either
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they are about to go to prison or they don’t sleep at night to learn this, so that they can go to places not so distant for as long as possible and to the country towards socialism. was complex and varied, but strictly speaking he was also a great man, as for razin, the motive this hero was sure to be heard in all his films, at least in a dash, at least in a dot, razin was always present, in the film there lives such a guy, a guy who was shukhshin’s debut, pashka kolokulnikov
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probably sings a song 30 times, throws it overboard onto the proper wave, in the film, your son 's brother, the middle brother... of the volodin family, who in the last month of his time in prison suddenly blew himself up and fled to his native land, is called stepan, considering the extent to which this name was important for vasily makaravich, it is absolutely clear that it is here does not appear by chance, there are strange people in the film; in the last short story, the hero, a woodcutter , hews a figurine out of a wormwood. razin at his execution, he doesn’t like it, he burns it, razin, in fact, the wooden razin burns, like in the fire of the inquisition, in kalina red, grandfather father-in-law tells yegor prokudin, and that you are a robber, stepan razin is also for me, even in the film the stove of the shop, where
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razin was not on the screen, there was a moment in the script when the hero’s wife. lidia nikolaevna dreams of her husband, in the guise of stepan razin with a drunken ball-ball, she gives them all in a dream kicks, and then wakes up. this was not included in the picture, but it is clear to what extent this motive worried shukshin. shukshin prepared for this role constantly and seriously, every year from such a daring, mustachioed handsome man. he became more and more gimlet-eyed, his gimlet eyes began to appear more and more, stepan timofeevich razin was clearly not a good-natured person, and in the novel it was written that he walked with his toes spread apart, as stepan timofeevich razin himself walked, we don’t know now, and hardly anyone one of his contemporaries
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wrote about this, that’s what shukshin himself wore socks in a nutshell, everyone remembers this very well from the movie kalina krasnaya. by the way yegor prokudin goes to hit visiting correspondents in the neck, well, everyone remembers, the thieves came to him and introduced themselves as correspondents, he was just walking with his toes to the sides, probably still fighting with a saber, he practiced, trained so as not to look like an amateur in combat scenes, at the same time , the script was constantly rejected for him and sergei fedorovich bandarchuk himself explained it all to him, he said... that the gorky children's and youth film studio to which shukshin was assigned to a staff that consisted of a staff that shot all of his first four films, she is simply poor as a church mouse,
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she will not be able to pull off a powerful historical production, color, costume, obviously two-part, and without some guarantee of commercial success, and he’s afraid of losing the author, so he feeds him breakfast, he says, that is , the script is unfinished, there’s nothing there, something is unfinished, they won’t let you in anyway, bandarchuk said, but i will, bondarchuk was creative at that time the head of the first creative association of mass film, that is, in fact, considering that the mass film concern and full-fledged hollywood had its own film studio at hand, however , in order to launch with such a powerful , expensive production, it was necessary to prove to the financial authorities... its commercial viability, and bandarchuk suggested filming shukhshin something cheap, but at the same time, so that the film would pay for itself as many times as possible, which is precisely why, in fact, shukhshin was forced to film a movie about contemporaries, and not about stepan razin, not because stepan razin was
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a manager at the top less nice than his contemporary, simply because it was cheaper. this is a podcast of mount with fire and i am its host denis gorelov with a story about the eleventh birthday of the great master of words, the great master of cinema literature vasily makarovich shukshin. shukshin managed to rent kalina krasnaya for 289 rubles. this was not money at all for a full-length film, especially a color one. at that moment, the approximate estimate for a typical painting was. 600-700 thousand shukshin he was limiting himself in every possible way in terms of expenses, so when again there is a conversation that he was not allowed to remove something from...
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he raised it and thus, well, he paid off 80-90 times. shukshin revealed his know-how with this film, which during his lifetime was completely impossible to describe in film critical literature, the fact is that russia has been a deeply criminal country since the time of the civil war, there are many everyday details, some everyday customs. and the rules came to us from the zone, the word goat, and the phrase “i’m not the last, i’m the last,” and even in during the showdown, i understood the question, of course, they
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have a prison genealogy, it’s there that all sorts of local comrades intimidate newcomers with a hairdryer and periodically ask, did you understand , at least you understood what i promise you, plus there were enough frankly zonian features. a large number of people passed through the camps, and not at all for political reasons, as a result, any picture in which prison life was touched upon in any way was a huge success with us, even such wampuka as dangerous friends, there are 30 million there they looked at it, not to mention the gentlemen of fortune, who enjoyed the boundless love of the population, looked at the prison pictures. always a start in life, prisoners of the year thirty-six, the artist’s farewell tour, any picture that had at least a fragment in the zone enjoyed unlimited
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popularity in russia, which shukshin played in, all of his initial episodes of kalina krasnaya take place in prison, many details were bypassed by the editor simply because the civilian editors, who have never been to prison, do not i could... understand what kind of hints shukshin was launching there, understandable to a huge number of seasoned men in the hall, in particular, when these same costumed correspondents arrived, the hero told his wife that shurik and i served with general kumov, i often had this in my dreams the service is a dream, the general of the godfathers, the godfather in the zone is called the operational commissioner for escapes, and in the script... general shcholokov even appeared there, but clearly one should not even count on this name to come through, minister of internal affairs nikolai anisimovich
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shcholokov was known quite well in the country, a wonderful phrase came out of the script: you sit down in the spring, you go out in the spring, you always have to sit down in the spring, and from there yegor’s phrase, the threat of love, was shortened. mm, i’ll beat it, i’ll drink it with moonshine, and many other things, but nevertheless, in many fragments of the picture there were some moments that slipped through the editing, a lot of corrections were made, shukshin was left with an ulcer, but nevertheless the main, main body, the main line sounded, the picture was an unlimited success, true, the prison people wrote...
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all the same, shukshin was a great lucky man, which says quite a lot about the country of birth, if they had waited a little longer with his birth, severe collectivization would have already begun there with the withdrawal of all funds.
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conscription, well, wherever, if not for the infantry. in general, we all know well how long derevensky served in the war in this infantry; in every village there is an obelisk, where there are more names than households. it just so happened, he fell right into the gap, survived, luckily for us, because after all, it’s big national income is born somewhere in the village of srostok, in the altai mountains, a 5-hour drive from mongolia. a national genius, capable of putting words in a sentence in a special way and explaining people to people. this is the podcast grief with fire and i, its host denis gorelov, with a story about the ninety-fifth anniversary of the great man of our earth shukshan vasily makarovich. every writer had his own main theme. babel wrote about the jews, tolstoy wrote about the nobility, because
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he knew the common people poorly in every way.
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all the conversations are always in shukhshin’s prose categorically about money, how much it costs to install a log house, how much the priest gets, is there any income in the neighboring village with meat or noodles, how much does it cost to take a taxi from the city and back, and what in old money at old prices, this is already a month of work, so the phrase “over the sea, a polushka tv” and the ruble-transport were not invented by prilubko...
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a lot of stories are written about vodka, the same vodka that the villagers constantly eat in their eyes, is constantly reproached, and reproaches, according to shukhshin, 20 times more than actually drunk, but despite this, even among the drivers, where it’s 75, where it’s 100, the constant main problem is that the store is closed, the women already have all the money, the wives always have it, the phrase “the wife grumbled, but gave me twenty, appears in many of his works, at the same time, there are even some special euphemisms, if the ear writes that seryoga is bored, this means that a binge is brewing, a major departure into binge drinking, and if somewhere it is written that he is worried, it means that someone is about to -he'll get a thorough slap in the face, and... well,
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of course, all this is not dry. one of the very important pages of village life was the prison. the villagers were sitting almost one after the other, from there. but the zonian word went, man, so the village was constantly sitting down due to all sorts of stupidity, either the horns were knocked off, or the fence was turned down due to drunkenness, or the state-owned car was ruined, and there are other habits, just in case, to be afraid of demagogues, in all showdowns, to stuff as much as possible my worth, i subconsciously feel... that the price is still small, always wear a hat, always wear a hat is considered a city fet, a fert distinction, and again the habit of getting up at dawn, which rural writers are very
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fond of eating the eyes of city people, they say they wake everything up, but a normal person gets up before dawn, this was never typical of shukshin, he himself wrote he slept at night and during the day, the city itself sported him, so getting up with the roosters was never some kind of special village merit for him. another village peculiarity was that he was actually the first to knock out his middle name, he strictly said that vasily in in villages they call people up to 20 years old, but he was already vasily makarovich at 24, when he was director of a school, so he categorically demanded that they call him by his patronymic. in general, the public agreed, his name was vasil makarich, from a fairly early age to also a fairly early 45 years old, no age. he was not attributed to rural prose and was not attributed
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quite rightly, because rural writers, for all their talent, are people who tend to overeat, to close off their inner rural world, to idealize him, not to let the city people in... and to be terribly proud from within, oh, that’s how we dissect the spiritual, this was never typical of shukhshin, he valued the village people, loved them, but he certainly didn’t embellish them, he didn’t harbor any malice towards the city people either, real hatred , vasily makarovich grew fat just in time with his brothers in class, the former villagers, these urban settlements that just moved to the city, put on a hat and are now eating their eyes. to all the village characters, as undereducated, unfinished people, generally second-class people, here vasily was furious with them to the fullest, although frankly speaking, he belonged to their class, he died a muscovite, he was very much
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wounded, of course, by the tragedy of the village class, which exposed itself to the whole collectivization, the whole, the whole transition of russia to... how he’ll start laughing, i’ll just save him, they’re casting fire trucks, in general, he lost his temper, expressed his anger, they’re casting fire trucks, but he didn’t
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isolate himself from the city, he opened the door, cleared a place on the bench, but he also demanded a place for himself among the city, quite deservedly , he had wonderful phrase: you know how to rejoice, rejoice, the most important talent, which sergei fedorovich possessed better not only than anyone in russia, but better than anyone in the world, it was not for nothing that he was hired to film waterlow, but he needed the ability to control huge masses of troops
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on the set, he needed it was to know who, to which unit to assign the task through the commander, when to talk to all the troops, to whom to attach the least, to whom and so on... they would understand, in general, it was a science, a special craft that bondarchuk mastered, and shukshin i wanted to master razen on the eve of the production , too, the filming was special in... the steppe there were no more or less decent hotels with hot water in sight, they were resettled in villages, but they still decided to refrain from it, one of the wise guys , really serious people, i came up with a way out, to drive a pleasure boat into the radiated don, on which, in fact, the entire film crew settled, then one morning on october 2, my best friend georgy ivanovich burkov came to shukshinn and saw him lying with his nose to the wall.
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new for the two best monuments to him, one stands the same, sitting here in a bass voice, on the territory of the musfilm, the other in splices in his homeland, and i can only end this whole story with the same phrase, that’s it, guys, it’s over, it was a podcast woe by fire and me, its host denis gorelov with a story about the ninety-fifth birthday: the last genius of russian literature vasily makarovich
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shukshan, in 5 years he will be 100 years old, we will meet again, all episodes of the podcast woe by fire you can find on the website of channel one, in the tears of men. he's driving a bullet through his stomach carried it, fell to the ground like a faithful dog, and nearby a viburnum bush grew, such a red viburnum, as vladimir semenovich vysotsky wrote in a poem in memory of vasily shukshin. hello, today we have gathered our thoughts about the work of vasily makarovich shukshin, kalina krasnaya. hello, dear friends.
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luva, you’re thirsty, wet a handkerchief with water, and now,
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yegorushka, now, dear one, don’t die, don’t die. is it possible to do something, maybe have some
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conversations before watching the film, so that...


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