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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 27, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

1:45 am
“you can’t force someone to love you, don’t bewitch him, hello, elena, kirill is at home, something happened, but the girl brought him, he promised to come pick them up, but he hasn’t picked up the phone for three days, it’s amazing. ” i always thought that you know where kiryusha is with whom, leave her and tell her. what are you doing here? you wanted to pick up your things, i think you’ll come in, there was no time, we need to talk.”
1:46 am
you can meet with others, well, if you need it, for life, for creativity, we are strong, we can do anything, but there are no we, i can’t breathe anymore, you know, there’s us, there’s you, me and polina, and what do you think, it’s all over me.
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1:48 am
i already thought you were lost, help me, come on, don’t be afraid, just tell me right away, don’t fool yourself, you’ll go all the way, so please your pride, you love, you want to be yours forever, otherwise there’s no need to start. do you have a girlfriend who is getting married? yes, it seems like everyone is already married, we need to find someone who loves each other more than life itself, spirits love real feelings, be afraid of deceiving the spirits, you will protect yourself with salt on four sides, you need to know it by heart, exactly that that’s okay, don’t bother, so that it’s easier for the spirits to go to church. so that the topar is crowned,
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how much i owe you, and how much i don’t feel sorry for my love, just look, if you deceived me and the love is not real, the spirits will not forgive, loves, will return, no, don’t expect any good, you won’t get the love spell back. “the blood is boiling in the blood, have time to cast a love spell before the meat rots, the blood is in the blood, if you don’t come up with something, i’m singing your songs, i’m rocking my daughter, and...” when she wakes up,
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dad will come back to us again. hello oleg, you shouldn't be here.
1:51 am
we have gathered today to witness the marriage of victor and sophia. this sacrament is sacred, for one should not enter into it
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thoughtlessly, but only reverently and inspect it. lord, god, our father, all-merciful, you yourself are right. yours, so that you don’t abandon, don’t lie, don’t run away anywhere, dote on your soul, don’t notice others, i light candles, and the soul of the heart of god’s servant kirill, for me, god’s servant eugene, the first
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candle is your soul, the second candle is my soul, in health and illness, in happiness and misfortune, yes, the first candle is my soul, the second candle. soul yours, the first candle, my soul, the second candle, your soul, you are mine, and i am yours, you are mine, and i am yours, mother of the children whom god will send you, yes, yes, you are mine, and i am yours, and the prisoner you marital union, i confirm and bless that the lord god
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has united so that man will not separate, in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit.
1:55 am
what? it's okay, you're just worried.
1:56 am
jenny. this is a very bad omen, very bad!
1:57 am
evgeniy, can you hear me? now you will breathe on your own, slowly, carefully, very well, you had acute intoxication, everything is fine now, maybe i should call someone? dear family, your daughter, where is she now? with mom, there is no need to call anyone, i
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need to go home, tomorrow, rest, victor, forgive me, please, i ruined your wedding, rest.
1:59 am
what are you doing here? did you dream about me? “she called me, it was so strange, then
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i thought about you all day, you were right, we should be together, we can handle everything, i’m sorry, i’m sorry!”
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i scared you, you are so beautiful,
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like a bride. so the light falls, stand there.
2:03 am
yes, mom, hi, don't worry, we're here now we'll come there. threaten something with the window, let's go beyond the fields.
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from the wind, i probably should have turned it all off a long time ago, i’m a window now. i’ll close it, then i’ll change it, mom, maybe you ’ll live with us for a while, but what about your own family, there’s no point in all this, well, you’re our family too, yes, well, maybe, if for a couple of days, tell me, kirill , and then, you’re disturbing us, what? “you’re in the way, mom, well, the taxi has already arrived, get ready, my daughter, who am i leaving the garden for, no, i’m not going, maybe you and polinka will stay, live, get divorced, well, it seems like we still have things to do at home, but together
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i want to stay, okay. hey, what are you doing, i still have to go to work, i don’t understand, in life everything is much more perfect,
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wait, kirill, but i really have to go, you don’t need to go to work anymore, you ’re distracted by... no one should bother us , we should always be together, you know, just you and me, honey, you can't move.
2:07 am
she fell asleep, why don’t you meet me halfway, i only wore it once, you know, all wedding dresses are worn once, if you’re lucky, maybe you can get at least half the amount or i don’t know, rent somehow hand it over? sonya, did something happen? nothing happened, hold your dress, wait, there are some problems, maybe i can help, but you already helped me, he left me on the day of... the wedding, sonya, why did you even come to our wedding? katya, let's
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please issue a waiver of tailoring. hello, i visited you last week about a love spell, it’s now yours!
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what happened? nothing. listen, i just found out about the cancellation for sewing. we
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will have to pay him back to his credit card, since he paid from it. what, are we doing a refund? yes yes. kir, i'm home.
2:11 am
polya, polya, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, baby, well, nothing happened, i was busy, you. said that you would be back soon, i thought that you had changed, when you came back, i thought you really love us, baby, i love you, you are not always next to me, where are you going, then to work, then somewhere else, we need to cut off everything unnecessary, you understand, i don’t want to share you with anyone, please don’t go away anymore, be
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mine, i’m already yours... i am, but i’m not your property, you can’t do that, you my wife, you i have to, i’m not your wife, forgive me, i didn’t want to scare you, hush, hush, hush, hush, hush, forgive me, yes, hi, your mother stopped by, she took polina, i was thinking, maybe we can have lunch together, no i can, i have a lot of work, okay, sorry, good afternoon, hello! what's with
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the map? and we can return the money to the card. yeah, keep the dress. well, your fiancee asked, she is not my fiancee. let me leave her the money, you give it to her, this will be a refund. what do you say? hello, how are you feeling? ok, thank you. we can talk? “it seemed to me that you love each other very much, forgive me, i ’m probably minding my own business, it seemed to me too, but i was wrong, everyone makes mistakes, yes, and they must be held accountable for their mistakes, you know, i, i’m very i’m very guilty of you, i..." i was
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in church, listen, really, it doesn’t matter anymore, they also embroidered, yes, it’s beautiful, you probably really love what you do? zhenya, what is it, where does it hurt?
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kiril! who are you, stop, stop, yes, calm down, calm down, this is taking, this is taking, i felt bad, he calmed me down, yes.
2:16 am
sorry, i don’t know what i found, i saw you with him, the tower just blew away, i’m at my mom’s. pick up the field, i’ll take you, please, tyr, where we’re going, do you hear? you promised to take me to my mother, but i tied myself to mine, you’re kidding me, she hates me.
2:17 am
we've had a tense relationship lately, it's my fault, but we change, we learn from our mistakes. but there is one mistake i would like to correct right now. kiril, what kind of cer? zhenya, i know that you expected this from me
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before. but you will be my wife. kiril? i, i need to think, she still thought, she can do whatever he wants, of course, what a fool, mom, give us our ring, it will go to the one i bless.
2:19 am
where are you going in such a hurry? to my daughter? she is all right. she's with her mother.
2:20 am
where is she. i did, you’re just mine, and i’m yours, remember, you wanted this, no, i didn’t want this, i just wanted you to love me, i made a mistake, what a mistake, baby? i really love you, no, kirill, i’ll cast a love spell, you hear, i made you love me, but i will definitely return everything back, just
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please let us go, hush, stupid, hush, come on... how can you make someone love you, you’re just mine, and i’m yours, do you hear?
2:22 am
baby, you woke up, you weren’t supposed to get up, where are you? hey, you? don't run away from me, we will always be together.
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are you sick or what? she ran away from the guy, right? ran away, but not everyone is a goat.
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are you crazy?
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i bought formula and diapers for your daughter, i hope they’ll fit, victor, i’m sorry,
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i’m so uncomfortable, they burst into your place in the middle of the night, you probably thought, i’m fine. i didn’t think so, i’m glad you came in, let’s do it, you have breakfast and rest, this is me for you as the doctor says, then i’ll come back and we ’ll come up with something, agreed, agreed, okay, hello, “see, i know that you will never believe me , i beg you, can you listen to me? see, overload, maybe be, viktor lvovich, sonya, you’re superfluous here, vit, i, i
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won’t leave here until we talk, you hear, thank you, since my ex is the same.” something is running around, walking like a hyena, who do you have there? yes, he’s a motorcyclist, he’s open minded, he’ll have to make a mask, otherwise he’ll have enough of his family’s skin.
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