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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 27, 2024 3:45am-4:21am MSK

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which connects with itself the youth of the late fifties and the youth of the early twenties, the film, or rather, the application, and the film also then begins with the fact that we see how a red guard patrol passes through pre-dawn moscow, we begin in the past, the first post-revolutionary years, and then we are transported it’s in these very years, which are now called amazing footage, shot in one shot, very complexly staged, we see how time, different layers of time are connected. in the same scenery right before our eyes, but at the same time, the film itself changes quite radically in its plot, because mironer leaves, he is not ready to write this script, he does not feel this story, he decides that it is better for marlen khutsiev to write this script by someone else or on his own, then a young man appears , which should bring into this script... well, the real
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atmosphere of moscow youth, after all , khutsyev is already over 30, a film about twenty-year-olds, who is this person, this is a person, gennady shpalikov, he is the star of his class, they talk about him on every corner , he is still a student, like once he starts working, he starts working in cinema, but absolutely everyone already knows him, so the fame about shpalikov reaches khutsiev and he decides to involve him absolutely, it would seem, a screenwriter with zero filmography. nothing really has been filmed from him yet, but nevertheless, shpalikov is really a singer of the thaw era, and in a logical way khutsiev decides to involve him, because it seems to him that this is exactly the person who can tell about those people who sing and dance , having a good time about the first free time generation, which brings many of its new ideas to the script of marlin khutsiev and felix beroner, firstly, the number of heroes is reduced, four. friend, this is a little
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too much, they remove one, the youngest, they remove this factory, their senior comrade, who should represent an older, wise soviet worker, this is a cliche from which the filmmakers themselves became, first of all, but at the same time one conflict remains, which the script states: the main character sergei meets a girl who, like it’s written that she’s from a good, decent family, but... she has a slightly different company, not working boys, she has a prosperous family, a settled life, according to the application she also has a fiance, in the film he turns out to be an ex-husband, it seems to me , that this, too, was brought by some more modern relations in moscow at that time, and sergei the hero at some point, because of this girl, because of this different environment, begins to move away from his friends, the application was left.
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a company of golden youth, and this term is used, of course, in a negative sense, then those who discuss this film, andrei konchalovsky appears there, andrei torkovsky appears there, pavel fin appears there, natalya ryazantseva appears there, and these guys are playing a party, this is the birthday scene of the main character, anya, she is played by maryana vertinskaya, too young star, the main character in the end. played by
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valentin popov, then he never became a film actor, but in this film he played wonderfully, received at the svenetsian festival, two of his friends are played by stanislav lyubshin and nikolai gubenko, that’s popov’s hero ends up at a party where they joke about something extremely dear to him, according to the script, shortly before this we see a scene when his mother remembers the war days in moscow, about how... how she lost her food cards while digging under moscow shelled potatoes and they were shelled, that is, absolutely these are the days that are the most intense, these are such moscow bigwigs, yes, yes, yes, they laugh at these potatoes, konchalovsky’s hero brings alarus potatoes in a pot for his birthday, a conflict arises, we have snippet, we can see how it is looked like it, what about you?
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and which, how do you feel about turnips, what about turnips, how do you feel about turnips, you never answered me? young actress olga gobzeva could not slap the young director andrei torkovsky in the face, she did so many takes,
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she couldn’t do it, she simply physically could not hit him, in the end, when she finally succeeded, tarkovsky left with a red cheek , documentary authenticity of feature films, this is what appears. soviet cinema, with khutsiev’s films, we will see this later in the july in the rain, in some other films, this may become a common place, as at the end of the decade, but all this would not have happened if not for the film of the ilyach outpost, or i am 20 years old, because the audience of the sixties knew it after all under this name, why? because the film has a very sad fate, even before it was completely... finally released on the screens, as i said, they talked a lot about it, and they didn’t always talk in a positive way, because the final scene, where is the main character spoke with an imaginary interlocutor, so to speak, his own father,
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who had long since died at the front, whom he personally never knew, and whom he imagined in his imagination as some kind of ideal person, well, that is , it is clear that this is a ...
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a film in his career, so khutsyev has to finish everything alone, he is very offended by shpalikov, believes that he abandoned him, and moreover he abandoned him for the sake of a film that will be very similar to the ilich outpost, i am walking around moscow . also remark's diagram, three friends and a girl. shpalikov goes
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to mosfilm, together with georgy daneli, writes a new script, there too, yes, three young men and a girl, they walk around moscow. moscow in the frame. and they are told, here.
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what your film will be like in the end, you were waiting for it from the artistic council, you were waiting for it at the state cinema , a list of edits that they required you to make, you couldn’t make them, because otherwise the state bank, or rather how... the state bank would lend to the film studio, give her budget for filming the film, and this loan it had to be extinguished, it was extinguished by the state cinema, and in order for the state cinema to accept the film, it should not have had any complaints about it, otherwise the entire film crew and the entire studio would not have received a salary, so very often any director found himself in such a hopeless situation, and he i would simply betray my group if i agreed to some big principle for the sake of small concessions, very often people sacrificed details that would preserve the whole such a principle. very often appeared in biographies, in creative biographies of very different soviet directors. well, actually, to khutsiev
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not only did he have to not let his group down, the whole studio put a lot of pressure on him, and while he was finishing his film in 1963 and early 1964, daneli quickly made his own, and yes, it came out earlier than the film, which began to be called i was 20 years old, because one of the complaints was that the name of the ilic composition, as you can. flaunt the name of lenin, we won’t let you do this, you’ve taken too much of yourself by taking such a name, so let’s just call me 20 years old, even the script was already published under this title, nevertheless, khutsiev remade it, moreover, he took advantage of this time during the rework to condense something, shorten something, yes, the film became shorter, by about 20 minutes , a huge part of this poetic evening at the polytechnic was gone. the scene with the father was re-shot with another actor, but what’s interesting is this, this exchange
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of phrases, how old are you, 23, and i’m 21, she stayed, the next chapter in the history of the lich outpost film, i’m 20 years old, we’re so used to speaking directly here is a double name, outposts ilica, i am 20 years old, takes place in the mid -eighties, when, after the fifth congress of the union of graphic workers, a conflict commission was formed in the union. what it is? this is a meeting of critics, journalists, film experts who watch those films that are lying on the shelf in order to find out, in fact, what was the problem with these films, whether they can be released on the screen, and thus many films are released that really were lying on the shelf, the opportunity arises for khutsyev to return to his original version longer and under the name of the composition of ilyach, the film i am 20 years old, he takes those materials that... have been preserved, they may not have been in the same quality, yes, ideal, which was printed for i was 20 years old, but he
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restores and it even seems that the case is a little longer than its original director’s version, and this film is being released again as an outpost or cell film, so we really get two versions, the official version and the director’s version, despite the fact that he later said that the scene was re-shot with his father i really like that he made it better than it was, nevertheless he returned. to the original version, i still made a long version. the question arises: which version should i watch now? firstly, you need to read the script first, i think it will not be superfluous with this film. then watch the version that came out in the sixties, and after that watch the full version, because then maybe the director’s, author’s intention will be revealed, which, after all, khutsyev has to absolutely demonstrate on the screen. failed all these problems, very often we argue which version of the film is the original, this is
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the author’s, the real one, for example, andrei rublev, andrei torkovsky, this is the theatrical version that was released, the version that was shown in france at the cannes film festival, or some other one, which he shortened, added, because in general the author always, any author of any work, text, film, picture, strives to retroactively somehow improve it, think it through, think it through, but still what. he created cult, classic, famous, little-known, forgotten soviet
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films, and today we talked about such a cult film, which is known under two names: ilica outpost and i am 20 years old. all episodes of the isenshtein witness podcast can be viewed on the website of the first channel thank you and goodbye. hello, on the first channel the program is time, andrey ukharev is with you. when, how long ago, the terrorist who blew up the officer’s car was returned to moscow from turkey and spoke about his role in the ukrainian plan. filmed on the front line, a ukrainian drone fell into a trench where our amir yusupov was with the fighters. how it all happened,
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and what’s in the weekly summary of the special operation. combat coordination, tank crews , drone operators, doctors. defense minister andrei belousov checked the training of contract soldiers. for a clean country, elimination of hazardous waste, about the experience of st. petersburg, deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev and governor alexander beglov. new world, common approach, russia and southeast asia versus western expansion in the region. sergei lavrov at a meeting of the heads of mit in laos. the flame of paris, but not the olympic flame. 800 thousand people, including athletes, suffered in france from sabotage on the railways. so, the car bombing in the north of moscow was organized by ukrainian special services. the performer, who was detained without delay in turkey and today extradited to russia,
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confessed to everything. he explained everything in detail, that initially he took the initiative himself, and then his actions were directed by the curator iski. who provided the explosives for the terrorist attack. footage of the interrogation of grigory emelyanov. and again there is a ukrainian trace in the terrorist attack. what our intelligence services already guessed confirms evgeny serebryakov himself, who planted a bomb in the car of a russian officer, a member of the northern military district. that night the perpetrator of the terrorist attack was brought in handcuffs from turkey. in the course of investigative actions, checking testimony on the spot, he was already taken to sinyavinskaya street, to where he committed the crime. and before that, the detainee told in detail how he cooked under. fsb video. i serebryakov evliniya nikolaevich, born in 1995 in february 2023 , proactively contacted the public administrator with the goal of collaborating with the ukrainian intelligence services. subsequently, i began communicating with a certain ilya, who, as i assume, is
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an employee of the sbu. we communicated with him via wire, and there was also one meeting in istanbul. after that. i picked up the components for collection from a model sorvoy device in the russian region. so, serebryakov went to the sbu himself. apparently, he has held pro-ukrainian views for a long time. in this photo, in march 2014, he participates in an unauthorized rally at manezhnaya. protests against, as the non-systemic opposition then said, the entry of russian troops into ukraine, against return of crimea. on social networks, he was subscribed to ukrainian public pages, as the intelligence services established, and was especially interested. themes of a russophobic and anti-war sense, that is , he was in the field of view of law enforcement officers, but was not brought to justice until he decided to work for the sbu, and even without knowing exactly how much he would be paid for the crime, in fact, the curator only paid the expenses. ilya proposed to eliminate the officer. under control with instructions from ilya, i assembled
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an explosive device, planted it under the car, ilya promised me also a ukrainian one. citizenship reward ranging from 10 to 20 thousand dollars. the explosion of a bomb planted on the driver's side seriously wounded the officer, but he was able to bandage the wounds himself, then neighbors came to the rescue, and before the ambulance arrived, they provided assistance to the military wife, she also suffered from the explosion, surveillance cameras helped identify the terrorist, serebryakov appeared in the lens and at the moment of planting an explosive device under an suv and what is called a close-up. then it was a matter of technology, the fsb and the ministry of internal affairs, acting together, were able to maximum...
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a few seconds the artificial intelligence works through neural networks and we find the person we are interested in, the match is approximately 90-95%. is it possible to cheat the system somehow? well, if i say that there is a 90-95% guarantee, then it is very difficult to deceive it, unless you get into the nervous system, into this neurosis, it is not practically impossible, a car on sinyavinskaya street exploded at about 6:30 in the morning, at that moment serebryakov was already i was flying to turkey for almost an hour.
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on him, but as soon as she appeared, our operatives urgently turned to the turkish colleagues, they also worked efficiently, quickly captured the suspect, the decision to extradite was quickly made, if the terrorist considered turkey as a place for a safe escape maneuver, he clearly miscalculated. as a result of measures taken by russian law enforcement officers and turkish competent authorities, the person involved in the criminal case was detained and taken to moscow. earlier, at the request of the investigation, serebryakov was tried in absentia. a preventive measure was chosen; therefore, after interrogation, he will be placed in custody. terrorist methods of the ukrainian regime it has long been no secret that the murder of daria dugina, her
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car was also mined, and vladlyan tatarsky, also with the help of explosives, but planted in a figurine, is just the tip of the iceberg. these are loud, resonant and accomplished terrorist attacks. and how many crimes do the security forces prevent, as they say, in working mode. just on monday, the fsb blocked the channel for the supply of explosives from europe to st. petersburg under. in the form of auto parts , traces also led to kiev; in the pskov region , they tried to smuggle explosives across the border with latvia under the guise of a church fix it. in crimea in june they captured another group that was planning terrorist attacks on the railway, but you can’t call shelling by ukrainian militants of obviously peaceful people a month ago other than terrorism, like what happened a month ago on the beach in sevastopol, which was the fault of the kiev the belgorod region is experiencing the regime. grigory emelyanov, maria mortanova, magomed amerkhanov, first. now footage from the ministry of defense: our iskander complex struck a large ukrainian armed forces warehouse in kramatorsk, where western equipment was stored, as a result
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the launcher of the rszzo khaimars, five multiple rocket launchers, hail, five tanks with a dozen armored vehicles were destroyed, this is in addition to those two khaimars, two abrams, a leopard and two launchers of the patriot complex, which general konoshenkov reported today in his weekly report. the russian military managed to liberate three settlements. these are rozovka in the lugansk people's republic, peschanaya nizhnyaya in the kharkov region and ivanodaryevka in the dpr. the enemy lost almost 14 thousand militants along the entire front line in 7 days, in the presence of an enemy mi-8, 10 attack missiles from us production were intercepted. in addition, our army actively worked behind enemy lines. from july 20 to july 26, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 33 group strikes with high-precision weapons
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, channel one correspondent amir yusupov, he and the following video was shot on the front line by a military man now working with sappers of the karbyshev engineering battalion as part of the volunteer corps. our fighters are clearing the way for stormtroopers, who are liberating chas yar. amir works at risk for life and footage it is. clearly confirm that ukrainian militants are constantly attacking with strike drones, one of the kamikaze drones hit right into the trench in which amir yusupov was with the subjects of the shooting, that’s how
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it was, here she is hanging right above the ground, here she is, wow, look, she’s not it banged, it hung right on our net, the blue ribbons characteristic of vsu, here it was, the drone hung, the sound was certainly not the best. the main charge remains on it, god knows when and how it will work, but fortunately we are now sappers, they must cope with this matter, but guys, of course, the battery is large, fortunately the drone was delayed by a protective net, the detonator flew out, the main explosive did not go off, no one was hurt, i will add that amir yasupov, together with the popular front, is now raising funds for the volunteer corps, the action is all for victory, on your screens qr code, follow it to...
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snipers have their tasks to track down targets or duel with the enemy for days, valentin gvozdev about top-class shooting. the task is to destroy the machine gun crew entrenched in the forest clearing. statement of the problem, brief briefing, snipers move to the firing position. and the units encounter an enemy sniper or machine gun crew on their way. a sniper couple comes to the rescue; their task is to secretly take a position and neutralize the threat. could become a serious obstacle in the path of our attack aircraft. smooth breathing, a smooth descent and the target is eliminated, you can return, but this does not always happen, sometimes you have to wait for hours or even days. working in pairs makes the sniper's job much easier. one is watching one shoots, he calculates the wind and corrections for me. firing positions, so-called leshki, snipers prepare in advance,
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security. are a priority target, if the square from which they are working is determined, the militants open heavy fire. they covered the infantry, they said there was also a forest plantation on the left side, and there was a machine gunner there, ours couldn’t get through, we found a position, waited for the machine gunner, when he started shooting, we waited and hit.
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before entering the special operation zone, they undergo a special preparation. the minister of defense checked how it is organized today. andrei belousov visited one of the training grounds of the leningrad military district, where experienced fighters are training, and those who have just signed a contract with the ministry of defense come mainly at the call of their hearts, since they cannot now remain on the sidelines. valery kuznetsov was convinced of this. the crews of the newest t-90m breakthrough are practicing maneuvering on sandy soil in the defense zone
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in the zaporozhye region. exactly the same, the instructors say, acceleration is a sharp stop for a conditional shot change positions. the beast of a car takes off, we performed test exercises in driving combat vehicles with overcoming obstacles, such as climbing a hill with a stop, a ford, overcoming an anti-tank ditch, that is, such obstacles that are often encountered on the front line, combat skills at the training ground of the leningrad military district recruits are already receiving...
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at the training ground, fighters are taught to destroy drones not only with the help of turnips, that is, to intercept them, but with the help of an anti-aircraft gun, now the command for battle is sounded, mobile fire group lands , begins its work, decided to take a contract to protect family and homeland, they teach excellently, real combat training is available here, that is, you... to the training grounds,
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shooting, training, tactician, andrei belousov presented awards to military personnel who distinguished themselves during a special operation, they are now undergoing advanced training, after which the minister of defense. talked with the soldiers in an informal setting, the commander of the evacuation department , a calm angel, had only recently returned from the donetsk direction of the special operation, after after completing courses at the training ground, he will receive lieutenant shoulder straps, he is proud that his merits were personally noted by the head of the military department, i asked questions regarding evacuation, regarding high-tech equipment, so that we could evacuate people with the help of robots, that’s what the minister of defense said that... time they will stage all this, tell us about yourself, comrade minister of defense, i am from the belgorod region, my grandfather fought in the great patriotic war, i decided to follow in his footsteps, i am a young contract soldier, i signed a contract with the first
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contract, yes, you have exactly that, with the purpose of being to defend the homeland, you haven’t been there yet, while you’re going through it like no, i’m studying here, mandatory classes in tactical medicine, this is how the evacuation of a wounded soldier from the battlefield takes place: the important point here is efficiency in the zone for the evacuation of the wounded , atvs have recently begun to be used, but there are not many experienced drivers of such equipment in the troops yet. the soldiers turned to the minister of defense with the question: bikes, motorcycles, atvs, will there be any training on these drivers? now the main task is to create training centers.
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they will go to the svo zone when the instructors are confident that these fighters will cope with the most difficult task. valery kuznetsov, mikhail ageev, georgy ilyin, ksenia ugarova, victor averin and sergey nashchokin, channel one. in contrast, ukrainian methods of recruiting ranks, forced mobilization and conscription, including those. who is under 25 years old, this is the lower bar for recruitment. the belgian tv channel rtbf posted a video from a training ground where people caught on the streets are trying to do something teach, although the instructors themselves admit, it is useless. they are trying
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to force us to go to war, how should we fight, explain to me, why should they force us to go to war with the barrel of a gun? there are more and more violent scenes in telegram channels, like they are trying to get someone into an ambulance. pushed by the employees of the acquisition center, in ukraine they are also called lud-catchers. the advantage in this situation was on their side. but this doesn't always happen. this is footage from odessa public pages, a potential defender of the overdue zelensky being dragged along the ground, a policeman saved him. it is a rare case, if you remember other stories, when the police either help in such a hunt or turn a blind eye to it. how to make support for special operation participants as fast and effective as possible was discussed today in grozhnaya. at the digital forum of the defenders of the fatherland foundation. modern technologies have already largely saved veterans from red tape and going to offices, but there is room for improvement. ramzan kerimov will tell you more. the foundation accepted me, they accepted my appeal, which means
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they helped me find jobs. and such stories in chechnya alone there are more than 1,000 veterans of the northern military district; here, as in many other regions of russia , the defenders of the fatherland foundation helps. these include social benefits and employment. he needs a sports prosthesis and hopes to take part in competitions held by the defenders of the fatherland foundation in the future. i was invited to additional prosthetics from the defenders of the fatherland foundation, in just a couple of weeks i am flying to moscow, i will receive a sports prosthesis, a full consultation and a full package of services i can basically get today already through the government services portal. no necessary.


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