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tv   Novosti  1TV  July 27, 2024 10:00am-10:16am MSK

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we are like the earth, then the crew is a family to us, then any of us would not mind serving in the navy for the rest of our lives, the solemn parade for navy day is on the first day tomorrow. on the first channel vremya novostei, my name is yuri sherbakov. hello, here's what we'll tell you about. every frame is true television art. on vmf day, parade on channel one. the brightest and juiciest frames are selected for viewers in real time. full immersion, see.
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clearly did not expect, these wounds in the heart will never heal, memorial day, children who died under shelling in the ssu, this will never be forgotten, her last words, she said, kira, daughter, donbass, sevastopol, belgorod, cities, names, dates, eternal pain, a lake appeared in a matter of minutes, the power and speed of the elements in the chelyabinsk region, a dam break .
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we are on the roof, the big water went away almost as quickly. an invitation only for viewers of channel one: to walk in the kelematorium formation, look at the captain's bridge, and be on deck at the most important moment, when the ringing silence is broken by shouts of “hurray.” so, the parade in no one else shows russia's navy day. the first team, working day and night on land, water and in the air, so that not a single detail escapes, complete immersion, so that the viewer feels the atmosphere and spirit of this holiday, and lyubov filippova will tell about our television magic. you know, the beauty is extraordinary, the whole city is right in the palm of your hand, i’m simply shocked. the footage is truly breathtaking from our videographers on the roof of the hermitage on st. isaac's cathedral and a huge cable road. zeros over the neva, camera
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will ride as if on rails, sharp-eyed lenses will meet ships on bridges, the distance is huge, so engineers mostly move like this, i borrowed one of the scooters from my colleagues to show you also how the mobile television complex of the first channel works, it is located near admiralty, let's go, here, for example, they charge all the television equipment and there is a communications center, a very important place , right here from all the filming. signal and the brightest and juiciest frames are selected for viewers in real time. sound is also a whole art and for it there is a separate studio next door. this is an orchestra playing, this is general inter-noise. microphones for
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the water, microphones for the walking parade, so that the spectators feel the full power of the navy and are completely immersed in the atmosphere of the holiday, the sound is recorded by about 150 microphones, there are microphones that, for example, work during the entire parade for 30 seconds, but these important 30 seconds - for example report from the fleet commander, look how many vehicles had to be used to bring all the filming equipment here. cables are pulled from here to all filming points, small bridges are erected over the roads; six hundred of these cable channels had to be built. cables are essentially extension cables for a wide variety of cameras, this long-focus one, for example, enlarges the image 75 times, you can see all the details and even the restrained emotions of sailors. seething foam, beautiful plans of officers, these are military men, naval bearing, everything, everything, everything is as it should be. no smiles, rarely, sailor,
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commander, this is always more important than technology, it is the person who controls it, who gives her a soul, who guides her, even to walk through this water area. this is a great, great art, it is narrow, a wave comes from it, the following ships fly into this wave, you need to have great, great art and each crew does it in their own way, with their own handwriting, says roman butovsky, chief director of channel one, you it’s already practically a control room, you’re like a captain, no, well, it’s probably more difficult for a captain, but i’m also operating a camera nearby, we’re also a team, our videographers come to the ships from the evening before the parade, they’re needed there to say, they are very well received...
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victor served in the pacific fleet, came to st. petersburg to admire the ships, but the parade itself is going to be watched on tv, you will show everything, all the nuances, and it’s true. everything for you, our viewers, plans for this sunday morning have been set for many, watch on tv, channel one, you will only see part of it, and then we will see the whole parade, in all its glory, with the president, with ours, join the big sea holiday , teams of the first invitation, lyubov philip, renat goreev, yakatelina koryak and tatyana bakulina, channel one st. petersburg. so, the final preparations for tomorrow's parade lyubov filippova revealed several secrets of our television. kitchens, but this, of course, is not all, far from all, some engineering solutions invented by the team of the first are completely unique, colossal work and super technology, even cooler than when shooting a hollywood blockbuster, in general, this must be seen, the first channel will show russia naval parade, sunday 11:00.
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now a special operation precision air strike our rooks, above a stronghold of ukrainian militants in... in an abandoned house, the headquarters itself is in the basement, at the top of the room for personnel, in the end the target was destroyed. today in several russian regions air defense systems worked all night, more than twenty ukrainian drones were shot down in the bryansk region, over thirty more in the belgorod region, a woman was injured there,
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three civilians were wounded in kursk, and this, as telegram channels write, is footage from ryazan . the air defense crews worked accurately, the drone was intercepted, and there were no casualties. today is the day in memory of the children who died in donbass under the attacks of the vzz, but not only donbass, crimea, kherson, zaporozhye, kursk, bryansk, belgorod regions 355 names on the mourning list. militants are hitting schools, hospitals, no military infrastructure nearby, civilian targets, deliberately targeted. the purpose of the remembrance campaign is today from night to day. a crane made of one and a half thousand lit lamps. in moscow they paid tribute to the children who died during the war
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in donbass. eight long, painful years, we lost and lost our children, everything about us they beat and beat purposefully. in homes, schools, churches, kindergartens. a terrible date for gorlovka: july 27, 2014. this day is also called bloody sunday here. the ssu shelled the city center. oh, the whole neck is on fire. horror! in heroes square, a memorial in memory of the victims, among them kristina zhuk, her ten-month-old kira, the mother hugged her daughter to the last. to herself, the people who were nearby did not hear her last words, she said, kira, daughter, this is a memory, a tragedy for us, for the throats, this will never be forgotten. in 10 years 24 children were killed by shelling in gorlovka.
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a special project was organized at the local children's center, and the memory of everyone is carefully preserved. dima krivosheev was walking in this park; he met his friend yulia in the park. she miraculously survived and remembers with horror how shells began to explode around her. i fell and lay there further, as it turned out later, that is, in a small trajectory, that is, there, 10 meters away, two shells fell right in front of us. she was never able to say goodbye to dima, many operations, long rehabilitation, now lives in moscow, she became a doctor herself. today there are mourning events all over donbass, there are memorials to the dead children here in every city, 308 children died in the dpr alone, and new photographs appear on the alley of angels in donetsk every year. ilona pervukhina, 6 years old, died in a sandbox during artillery shelling. and here is one of the latest videos of seven-year-old masha bakalkina. reads a poem: a lively frog, cheerful, funny, the bus in which masha was traveling
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with her grandmother was hit by an rszzo shell, the arrival of people in the minibus killed, it’s just a nightmare, everyone burned here, these are the ruins of a house samofalovs, three children died, military researchers are examining the scene of the tragedy, just recently they brought humanitarian aid to this family, helped with clothes, food, this is terrible, that is, you... came before, visited them, they are all joyful, we are with them we communicated, everything was fine, here you come, these same children, but unfortunately they are no longer there. today he remembers the children who died in other regions of russia in the kherson, zaporozhye, kursk, bryansk and belgorod regions. among the victims of the ukrainian attack on the center of belgorod are 30 herman was one year old in december. in may, after two days of searching, houses were found at the site of a house that had collapsed as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. eight-year-old aurora gnedysh, all these names are forever on the mournful list, 355 children. sergey
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ponomarev, natalya sidorova, natalya litovka, veronika ilvuchenkova, roman serebrennikov, dmitry zaparin and sergey suvorov - channel one. fsb officers, together with police officers , prevented a series of terrorist attacks. in kaspiysk , three local residents were detained who were preparing an attack on an orthodox church, and also planned an attack on employees law enforcement. found during a search. bombs, bladed weapons on phones , instructions on how to assemble an explosive device and fight in the city and in the forest. the river that flooded the village of kialima in the chelyabinsk region returned to its channel, the large water went away almost as quickly as it flooded the village, several days of torrential rains, first the streams poured through the locks, dams, and then a breakthrough, and below the flow were residential buildings. we are on the roof, we are all drowning, everything here was drowning. there is water in our house, we barely climbed onto the roof, but everything was washed away here, absolutely everything. kiolim was
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completely flooded, local residents and people from surrounding villages were evacuated, everyone was already allowed to return home, before the broadcast we received footage from the ministry of emergency situations, this is what kiolim looks like now, where somewhere even the road has dried up, rescuers are monitoring the situation from the air, the rubble is being cleared , the river brought garbage and boards, and if necessary, they will disinfect it. the growing tension in the middle east and the humanitarian catastrophe in the gas sector were discussed at a meeting of the un security council. american project peaceful regulation does not work, but it hinders attempts to develop new resolutions. this was pointed out by our representative prion vasily nebenze, the israeli authorities are preventing the transfer of aid to civilians blocked in the enclave, and the main partner of the united states in its repertoire accuses russia of doing little to improve the humanitarian situation. here. our answer. if the united states spent
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even a fraction of what it spends on weapons in a hot spot on humanitarian aid in gaza and other needy regions, our world would be to others, billions of dollars for weapons to israel and tens of billions of dollars for ukraine, for weapons from which thousands of palestinians are dying. and ukrainians. that's the real contribution to washington. in the asia-pacific region, washington is essentially doing the same thing: deploying weapons systems, escalating confrontation, and how to counteract this by creating a unified security system on the eurasian continent was discussed at the ocean ocean meetings. this was announced by the head of our foreign ministry, sergei lavrov. east asian summits -
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security, which would be indivisible and equal, equal, stunts and special effects, parachute shows, show cars and a bright concert.


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