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tv   Kto khochet stat millionerom  1TV  July 27, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

7:55 pm
but you are closer and dearer to me because mine , or rather yours, tattoo irka, and much better beautiful than eva, that mine, or rather your tattoo, is much better beautiful than his, and we didn’t share you and didn’t polish you, but what loved, so it’s behind me... vladimir vysotsky often took plots for his songs from his own life, this happened with the composition moscow-odessa back in 1967.
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a plane, a stewardess walked by all in blue, like a princess, reliable, like all civilians the fleet, above murmonsk, is not thicker than the clouds, and even though it is now flying all the way to chabad, kiev is open, kharkov, chisinau, and lviv are open, but i don’t need to go there, they told me, don’t put your hopes up today, don’t trust in heaven, so... again they
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delay the flight to odessa, now the runway is icy, in leningrad it’s leaking from the roof, and what i can’t fly to leningrad, to tbilis, everything is clear there, it’s warm there, tea grows there, but i don’t need to go there, i hear rostovites are flying in, but i desperately need to go to odessa, but i need to go where i haven’t been receiving for 3 days. and therefore they postpone the flight, i need where there are snowdrifts on the chalk, where snowfall is expected tomorrow, and somewhere else everything it’s clear and light, it’s nice there, but i don’t need to go there, they don’t let me in from here, they don’t accept me from there, it’s unfair, i’m sad, but the boring flight attendant invites us to board, accessible like the entire civilian fleet. they have opened
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the farthest corner to which rewards will not be lured, the port is open, the port is closed, vladivostok, paris is open, but i don’t need to go there, we ’ll take off, the weather will clear up, now the restrictions will be lifted, the airliner is tense, i can hear the roar of the turbine, i’m sitting on pins and needles, well, suddenly again they won’t accept it, again there will be many reasons, i need somewhere to go...
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they fall asleep rebelliously, i'm tired of it, damn it, and i'm flying to where they accept it, i 'm tired of it, damn it, and i'm flying to where they accept it, attention, says st. petersburg, shows, the last one every year. sunday in july russia celebrates navy day, in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval parade will take place, congratulations on navy day, hurray, we need it. such ships at sea that
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we can compete with any wave, we need lighthouses, and we need a locator, and we also need loyal are needed... and guys, then the water is like earth to us, then the crew is a family to us, then any of us would not mind serving the navy for the rest of our lives, a solemn parade for navy day, tomorrow on the first, on the air of the first channel, program its own track is the best, today
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jamais d'autant, on ne j'aurait plus, il aurait pu chanter, photo deston, photo de la chance, photo secord qui s'était cassé, son ch s'appellera celleons, on nachal. you know , but you didn’t finish it, you didn’t finish it, you didn’t finish its chord, chord, and you didn’t inspire anyone, a pah with
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this, funny, isn’t it, funny, funny, but he was joking, didn’t finish the joke, didn’t taste the wine enough, and didn’t even take a sip, he was just starting an argument, an argument, hesitantly and slowly, slowly, like droplets of sweat and skin.
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it’s funny, isn’t it, funny, funny, but he was joking, he wasn’t joking, it was left unsolved, everything that he didn’t solve, literally. nelku, nelku, he had a pure style, servant, servant, he wrote poetry to her in the snow, snow, unfortunately the snow, snow was melting, but then there was still snowfall, snowfall, and the freedom to write to the snow, big
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snowflakes to play, he grabbed with his lips as he ran, but everything came to her. brianam lando, he didn’t get there and didn’t reach, the fugitive runner, the fugitive, didn’t reach, didn’t gallop, and his star sign , taurus, was localized into the cold milky way. it’s funny, isn’t it, well, it’s funny for you, and even for me, a racing horse, a bird in the ice, whose
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fault, whose fault, whose fault!
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vladimir vysotsky has many humorous poems and compositions, each of them has its own bright and interesting fate, which at times does not resemble reality. vysotsky was inspired to write the song dear program program “obvious and incredible” about the bermuda triangle. there is even a legend that vysotsky was finishing the song at the time when marina vladie was filming the tv series “the secret of the bermuda triangle.” in the program “your track is the best, it will be performed by nikolai fomenko. dear program, on saturday , almost crying, the whole kanatchika dacha was rushing to the tv together to eat, wash, forget the injection, the whole crazy hospital gathered at the screen, spoke, wringing their hands, a bully and a troublemaker, about the powerlessness of science in the face of the mystery, ubermud broke everything. into pieces, everything has been twisted, and
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the rope authorities are giving us a second injection, dear editor, maybe it’s better about the reactor, about the beloved lunar tractor, because you can’t even do it in a row, then they scare you with plates, they say the vile ones fly, then our dogs bark, then the ruins say, we will go under the plates, we will hit all the plates. so we ate the dog out of them, if the cook doesn’t lie to us, and we put piles of medicines in the toilet, who’s not a fool, this is life, suddenly bermudas, those are the times, it can’t be like that, we didn’t create a scandal, we didn’t have enough of a leader, there are few real violent ones, so there are no leaders, but in the field there are nonsense, we have networks of nonsense, and the evil machinations of our enemies will not spoil us, and this...
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my soul is cloudy, 40 souls in shifts howl, white-hot, oh, how much i'm worried about triangular matters, everyone has almost gone crazy, even those who were crazy, then the leader margulis banned the tv, here he is , a snake looming in the window, hiding a shtefel behind his back, he gave a sign to someone, which means that the welshman will tear out the wires, we just have to fall on our face to the bottom of the well. and there is an abyss at the bottom of the well, like in vermudy forever, but tomorrow the children will ask, visiting
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us in the morning, dads, what did these doctor candidates say, we will tell our children the truth, they care, the amazing is nearby, but it is forbidden, he is a dentist, home worker rudik, she has a foster child ryundik, he spins it at night, catches the contra from germany, he was a merchant there for clothes, and his mind moved, we got into a terrible excitement, with an alarmed mind with a number on his leg, he came running, extremely excited by the message, he shocked us, as if our scientific liner was in triangles mired, disappeared fuel and strativ, all fell into pieces, but our two crazy brothers were picked up by fishermen, those who survived the cataclysm are in pessimism, yesterday they were in a glass prize...
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thunderstorm, you need to drink a triangle, you give it to three, it’s gone, it’s pouring out like that , triangle, the gurgle is drunk, be it a parel pipette, be it a circle of vigorous. even if it’s a crazy idea, don’t dare, call us quickly, through the nasty heads of the doctor, with respect, date, signature, answer us, otherwise, if you don’t respond, we’ll write a sports report.
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inhale deeply, arms wider, don’t rush 3-4 vivacity spiritual grace plastic general. strengthening, sobering in the morning, if you are still alive, gymnastics, general strengthening, sobering in the morning, if you are still alive, gymnastics, if you are in your apartment, lie down on the floor three or four times, perform the movements correctly,
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stay away from outside influences, get used to what you have brought, take a deep breath until exhaustion, get rid of outside influences, get used to the spring, to the point of deep exhaustion, has grown very much in the whole world, mushroom virus, 3-4 is spreading, the disease is growing, if you are frail, immediately into thunder, maintain health, so that, use people, obtherapy, if you are sick... once in the grave, keep your health in order, use people, rubdowns, if you are already tired, sit down, stand up, sit down, stand up, not a terrible brand from antarctica, chief academician joseph proved, cognac and coffee , you will be replaced by sports and pros,
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laktika, the chief academician of yopa, punished by cognac and coffee, you will be replaced by sporda. drank the teak, no need to talk, squat until you drop, and don’t be gloomy and gloomy, if you don’t have anything at all, wipe yourself off with whatever you have to, do the procedures as soon as possible, if you really feel itchy, wipe yourself off with whatever comes, take care of the procedures with your family, don’t be afraid of the whole bad thing. in response, we run in place, even a beginner wins, beauty is among those running, there are no firsts and those lagging behind, running in place is universally reconciling, beauty is among those running, there are no firsts and those lagging behind, running in place is generally trying on! a contemporary of vladimir
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vysotsky recalls that at the beginning of his career, concerts were held without posters, under an informal sign, and a meeting with a theater and film actor. obtain official permission to tour in moscow concert for vladimir semenovich, given his repertoire, was almost impossible, but now it is almost impossible to find a person who would not be familiar with the work of vladimir vysotsky. it’s so smoky that there’s no reflection in the mirror, and
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you can’t even see the person opposite. faces and couples, were already tired from circling, after all, i’ll sing all the necessary notes to the end a long time ago. played, the wine in the glass burned out. the momentary impulse to speak has disappeared, and it’s better for me to finish it off in silence,
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until six months, don’t indulge in the sun for... years, and souls have frozen under a crust, far away, and it’s clear the income is in vain, the memory is unable to warm you in the cold, all the necessary notes have long been played. it was as if god had burned out, as if in the glass
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the momentary impulse to speak had disappeared and it was better for me to drink for now. in the orchestra, i’m playing tiredly, getting confused, the circle is closing, don’t break my rings, calmly, i need to leave, smile. i’m still afraid that i’ll finish singing to the end, all the necessary new notes have long since played, the rich
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wine in the glass has burnt out, the rocks, mirrors and mirrors have become dull and indifferent... it’s better for me to silently finish off the glass and it’s better for me to just break the glass. thank you. our program is dedicated to curiosities on
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television. oops. that's it, the bunny has already shit himself. that's how it happened to me, you have programs with animals, this happens often. yes, when you are live, everyone can only enjoy this moment behind the scenes. all our directors love naturalness. weak link, and many people were offended by you, and it even happened that my husband and the presenters had an immediate reaction , someone got into a fight, when someone spoke unflatteringly, i go out, there is no car, well, it was stolen, he says, i see your car, i see the car, in 3:00 am she will drive along peace avenue towards the region, these beautiful apples, they are on pins, this pin was almost nearby.
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burbon stirsman is a product of stellar group. mancacher whiskey is a product of stellar group. сnop gin is a product of stellar group. cognac monte shock. product of stellar group. rom kastro. product of steller group. leningrad is an iconic city for vladimir vysotsky. here he composed his first songs. he performed at concert venues in the northern capital more than fifty times. i came here on theater tours.
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filmed in a lit film in the city. on the neva he was first filmed singing on stage. leningrad inspired vladimir semenovich to write a song that will be performed by sergei garmashin in our program. in leningrad, the city, at the five corners, sanya sokolov hit him in the face, sang unmusically. made a scandal, well that means it’s right, right, what next? in leningrad, a city of quiet grace, where the punks are, where the thieves are, you simply can’t see them, you can’t
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compare them to sophines. cool, really, swedes and finns, oh well. in leningrad, a city like taxis everywhere, but not they’ll stop the kats, don’t even ask, if you’re drinking heavily, because of the drinking, you don’t want to, you’ll move away, parking in leningrad, a city at the five corners, our sanya sokolov hit him in the face, he didn’t do it musically, he made a row, and that means it’s right, what next, say moscow, speak!
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vladimir vysotsky played a large number of roles in films and theater, but it was thanks to his songwriting that he managed to live several hundred lives simultaneously with the heroes of his poems and transform into different images. the program has its own best track dmitry ekhratyan and song the one who was with her before. that evening i didn’t drink, i didn’t sing, i just looked at her like children look at her, like children look at her, but the one who was with her before told me to leave, told me to leave, that i couldn’t it’s shining, but the one who was with her before told me to leave, told me to leave, that it’s not shining for me, the one who was with her before, he
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was rude to me, he... didn’t threaten, i i remember everything, i wasn’t drunk, when i decided to leave, she said: don’t rush, she said: don’t rush, it’s too early, when did i decide to leave, she said: don’t rush, she said: don’t rush, it’s too early, but the one who was with her before, apparently, didn’t forget me, and one day in the fall, and one day in the fall, suddenly with a friend i look, they are standing, they say. it’s unlikely they stood silently, it’s unlikely there were eight of them, i’m walking with a friend, screaming, they’re standing, they stood silently, it’s unlikely they stood silently, it’s unlikely there were eight of them, i have a knife with me, i decided the guard, you won’t take me that easily, hold on for years, hold on for years, why waste it for nothing, i struck first then, struck first, i had to do it then, why waste it for nothing, he struck first. i
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then, i hit first then, it was necessary, but the one who was with her before, he started this mess, quite seriously, quite seriously, someone put a weight on my shoulders, volyukha shouted, beware, valyukha shouted beware, but it was too late, someone fell on my shoulders, valyukha shouted, beware, valyukha shouted, beware, but it was too late, in 8 years there was one answer, permes is also an infirmary, i was lying there, i was lying there, the doctor cut across the length, he told me he said, hold on, brother, he told me, hold on, brother, and i held on, the doctor cut across the length, he told me, hold on, brother, he told me, hold on, brother, and i held on, separation flashed by in an instant, she didn’t
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wait for me. but i forgive, i forgive her, she was asked like a vodets by the one who.”
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whiter trembling in the air, here the birds are chattering, a little anxious, you live in an enchanted wild forest, from where it is impossible to leave, let the bird cherry trees dry their linen. in the wind, even if the lilacs fall until the lilacs fall, i will still take you from here to the palace where
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the pipes are played, your world has been closed for thousands of years by sorcerers... closed from me and from the light, and you think you, that there is nothing more beautiful than this enchanted forest, may there be no light on the leaves in the morning, may the moon and the sky be dark. we are in conflict, i’m from here anyway, i’ll take you to a bright apartment with a balcony overlooking the sea, on what day
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of the week, at what time, will you come out to me, carefully. when i carry you in my arms, to a place where it is impossible to find, i will steal you, if stealing is to your liking, i have wasted so much effort in vain, agree. at least on the rail, hut, if we lose with the palace, someone reigns, agree, at least on ramik pshaloshe, i’ll fly off with
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palace, someone is busy. this is the first channel. today we remember the most striking performances of the “own track” project, dedicated to the work and life of vladimir semenovich vysotsky. the bustle of cities in the flow of cars. we are returning, we simply have nowhere to go, we are descending from the conquered peaks, leaving our hearts in the mountains, leaving our hearts in the mountains, so
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leave unnecessary disputes, i have already proven everything to myself, the only things better than mountains can be mountains that i have never been to before... who have never been before, who wants to be in trouble, to remain alone, who wants to leave, they call... the heart does not heed, but we are descending from the conquered peaks, what should the gods do when they descend to the earth, so leave unnecessary disputes, i have already proven everything to myself, the only things better than mountains can be mountains that i have not been to yet, which i have not yet been to. how many words
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of hope, how many songs and themes, the mountains awaken us and call us to stay, but we go down, some for a year, some at all, because always, because we always have to return. raise unnecessary arguments, i’ve already proven everything to myself, the only things better than mountains are mountains that you haven’t been to yet, that you haven’t visited yet i’ve been, the only thing better than mountains are mountains that you haven’t been to yet, that no one has been to.
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evening in memory of alexander vertinsky. little girls, little girls, little girls, dad and dad, we adored him.
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pechora vodka, a product of stellar group. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. stirsman bourbon is a product of stellar group. whiskey, mankatcher, a product of the steller group. the poet is alive as long as his poems are alive, it’s like this: the years go by,
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the new generation has its own heroes, its own idols, new faces, new rhythms, new meanings, but interest in the work of vladimir semenovich vysotsky remains unchanged, in a small sunny puddle, the gaze of the gods. having fun, spinning like a small ball, a black lump, the earth, poor, pitiful, your share, with little happiness and little torment, poor little ball
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of earth, well, let me lull you to sleep, take a nap, forget about everything, give in to dreams, give in, here you through the smoky. the milky way, you are rushing to your beloved mars, it will not hug you, it will not meet you, and it will not... the rush of endless love, you leave lovingly, the milky way calls you again.
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you are spinning in infinity, the years are rising for centuries, you are obviously tired of eternity, bayushki, bai, bai, you have absorbed bitter grief, tears, estonians, that... i guarantee the poor little ball of the earth, well, let me lull you to sleep, bai, bai,
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fight, fight! during his short, but certainly bright life, vladimir vysotsky wrote more than 800 poems and songs, songs about war occupy a special place among them. when the great patriotic war ended, little volodya was only 7 years old, but he also managed to absorb many of the horrors of wartime. in his poems one can hear enormous pain and incredible respect for those who defended our homeland. everything is not the same, everything seems to be the same as always, the sky is also blue again, the same forest, the same air, and the same water, only he did not return from the battle, the same forest, the same air and the same water, only he did not
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return from the battle, now i don’t understand which of us was right? in our arguments without sleep and rest, i didn’t miss him, only now, when he didn’t return from the battle, i didn’t miss him, only now, when he didn’t return from the battle, he was silent out of place and sang along out of tune, he always talked about something else, he didn’t let me sleep, he got up at sunrise, yesterday he didn’t return from the battle, he didn’t let me sleep, he got up at sunrise, yesterday he didn’t return from the battle, what is empty is not
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what we’re talking about now, i suddenly noticed, us there were two, for me, as if by the wind. blew out the fire when he did not return from the battle, for me, as if by the wind, blew out the fire when he did not return from the battle, now spring has escaped, as if from captivity, i called out to him by mistake, suddenly, leave him to smoke, there was silence in response, he yesterday... returned from battle, friend, leave him to smoke, he yesterday they will not return from the battle, our dead will not leave us in trouble, our fallen are like sentries,
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the sky is reflected in the forest as in water, and the trees are blue, reflected. for the sky in the forest it’s like in water, and the trees are blue, there was enough space for us in the dugout, time was flowing for both of us, everything is now alone, it only seems to me, it’s me who hasn’t returned from the battle, everything is now alone, it only seems me, it was i who did not return from the battle. vladimir vysutsky was born and raised in moscow, lived and studied on the large karetny, at school he had a nickname: height, if
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vysotsky knew then how prophetic this nickname would turn out to be, what heights he would reach in life, how many people he would inspire with his creativity, i am bursting with strength here. from all the sinews, but today, again like yesterday, they surrounded me, surrounded me, they drove me merrily to the numbers and seized the ball of two guns, there are hunters hiding in the day, wolves tumble in the snow, turning into a living target, taco is coming... taco is coming at the wolves , at the sulfur of predators, seasoned and puppies, the ends scream,
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and the psychovomits bark, rock spots in the snow are red flags, they play not on equal terms with the wolves, yagers, but no hand will touch, protecting our freedom with flags, they drink uve... for sure, a wolf cannot break traditions, you can see blind puppies in childhood, we are wolf cubs, we suckled a she-wolf, you can’t suck for flags, so the income for the wolves goes to the income for sulfur predators and puppies, racers scream and sidorvots bark, blood in the snow and single-red flags, our legs and jaws are fast, why vashak give the answer, we
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rush to the shot like bait and don’t try through the resistance, god shouldn’t, can’t do otherwise, here it ends the time is mine, the one to whom i intended, smiled and... raised the gun, goes up to a year to wolves, goes up to a year, to sulfur predators, seasoned from puppies, racers scream for racers and dogs bark until they vomit, beds in the snow are stained with red flags, i got out of obedience, from the flag the thirst for life is stronger, only from behind i heard joyfully. the loud cries of people, rbusia from all the sinews, but today is not
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like yesterday, they screwed me up, they screwed me up, but they remained the huntsmen in heat, the year is coming for the rolls, the year is coming for the gray predators, the mothers of the predators, now the beaters are barking and barking, blood is in the snow red flostom, many of our contemporaries are wondering: who would vladimir vysotsky become in the 21st century, what would he be about... who would be the hero of his songs? unfortunately, we will never know this, but one thing is certain:
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vysotsky would have remained true to himself, inspiring with his creativity not only his fans, but also his colleagues and musicians. here is your ticket, here is your carriage, everything is in the best possible way, only you are given a dream in a colorful paradise. three centuries of continuous cinema, everything has already been filmed behind us, all prints, we don’t take contraband, like heroin, sterilents, and the second class is not the highest class, but with linen, everything that is prophesied comes true, the train leaves for heaven, happy journey, oh, how we want it. how we all want not to die, but to fall asleep. earthly
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peron, don’t be discouraged and don’t scream from our cries, he ’s deaf, one of us has gone to heaven, he’ll meet god there, because, of course, there is a god, he ’ll say hello to him, but he’ll forget nothing, we’ll survive, we have a few years left, we ’ll be quick and we will die as expected. everything that is prophesied is coming true, the train in the sky is leaving, happy voyage, oh, how we wish, how we all want, not to die, but to fall asleep, not everyone can sleep in paradise, because we managed to do something here, fight, sing, so
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i sing, others love, others think of loving, they will leave like us, nothing without sleep and sons, grandchildren , grandchildren in three centuries, god forbid, there is war, otherwise we will leave our great-grandchildren in the cold, everything that is prophesied is coming true, the train is leaving for heaven, happy journey, oh, how we want it, how everyone... they want it not to die, just to fall asleep, and some guy will wake us up, let us into a world where in the past there were wars, howls and cancer, where the hong kong flu is defeated, everything is ready, you are happy, fool, and while the bell is ringing, happy journey, keep you from all
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troubles, and if there really is... god, you still remember, say hello to him, but for now ring the bell, good luck, keep yourself from all troubles, and if there really is god there, still remember, say hello to him, if there really is god there, you are still all. say hi to him. on the first channel, the program “own track” is the best. we listen to the best songs written
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by a poet and composer. song "hello horses". along the cliff, over the abyss at the very edge , and i whip my horses, drive them,
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somehow i don’t have enough air. i sing the wind, i feel the fog, i smell it with fatal delight, i disappear, i disappear, the horse a little slower, a little slower, i stretch. don’t listen to fly, but somehow the horses i came across were fastidious and i didn’t have time to live, i won’t have time to finish singing...
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i’ll water the horses, i’ll finish the verse, at least. again i’ll stand on the edge, i’ll throw me off like a feather, the hurricane sweeps away from the palm of my hand and... in a sleigh they’ll drag me headlong through the snow in the morning, they carry me leisurely, carry my
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horses, at least a little, but extend the path to the last. that one a little slower, a little slower, those who don’t give you a whip will whip you, well , horses, we didn’t get caught, hello? rare and i didn’t have time to live, i didn’t have time to finish singing and i
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’ll sing to her and i’ll finish the verse, at least for a moment . i stand on the edge, we managed to mow the water, it doesn’t happen, but i’m standing, why am i singing stalangyls? in such angry voices, and the bell suddenly rang, or i
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shouted to the horses not to get lost, the sleigh was so fast, they barely believed it. her horse, a little slower, i beg you, gallop, don’t fly, but why did you catch me, you fastidious ones? if i don’t succeed, then i’ll
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drink some potassium, and i’ll drink the bath, even though i can still get it. the program “the best way,” dedicated to the life and work of vladimir vysotsky, has come to an end, but the story of his songs does not end there. i hope that in a year we will be able to meet with you on channel one to remember again. a great man, poet, actor, musician, who gave us so many wonderful songs. see you on the first channel, your 17-year-old children, on the big one
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carriage, and where are your 17 years old, on the large carriage, and where is your black pistol, on the large carriage, and where are you not today, on the large carriage. do you remember, comrade, this house, no, don’t you forget about it, i’ll say that he lost half his life, who... has never been to the big carriage house, still sing, where are your 17 years old, on the big carriage house, and where are yours 17 pet, on the large carriage, and where is your black pistol, on the large carriage, and where you are not today, on the large mountain has been renamed, now everything is new there, believe it or not, still where you haven't... been, where you're not wandering, no,
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no, yes, you'll walk along the carret, still sing, where are your 17 years old, on the big coreto, and where are your 17 years old, on the big coreto, and where is your black pistol, on the big karetny, and where are you today, on the big koretny, where are your 17 years, on the big karetny, and where are your 17 troubles? on the big koletno, where is your black pistol? on the big koletno, and where are you today, on the big koletno, where are your 17 years old, on the big koletno, and where are your 17 bets, on the big koletno, and where is your black pistol, at the big koetny, and where are you today, at the big koetny? attention, says
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st. petersburg. every year, on the last sunday of july, russia celebrates navy day. in accordance with the decision of the president of the russian federation, the main naval parade will take place. congratulations. happy navy day, hurray, hurray, we need such ships at sea so that we can compete with the same wave, we need lighthouses and we need a locator, and we also need the faithful, guys, then water is like earth to us, then... we are a crew family, then any of us
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i don’t mind serving in the navy for the rest of my life, the solemn parade for navy day is on the first tomorrow. hello, on the first channel the program is time, andrey ukharev is with you. naval television, a parade in st. petersburg, tomorrow, a holiday that the first team is preparing together with the russian fleet. step by step, the russian army liberated the settlement.


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