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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 28, 2024 4:15am-5:01am MSK

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and south korea are now working together to take the confrontation around the korean peninsula to a new level. in this regard, we emphasized the importance of the agreement, which during president putin’s visit was signed by him and kimchaneun in phinyan, and which involves providing military assistance to each other in the event, we especially emphasized, of aggression against one of the parties to this agreement. hope this sent. a warning signal to those who could harbor such plans. head of mid-china vanki, with whom sergei lavrov spent negotiations on the sidelines of the summit, informed his russian colleague about the recent meeting in beijing with the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba. lavrov noted that the chinese position on ukraine remains unchanged. the chinese position is very clearly formulated in their documents; there can be talk about preparing for the conference only if the parameters and... conditions of this event are
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acceptable to all parties, this is a direct refusal to work based only on zelensky’s peace formula, which is a dead end, utopian, illusory, which never materializes. an article by the former us secretary of state and former cia director, in which he expressed the opinion that trump, if he wins the presidential election, could develop.
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the same diplomatic architecture that is now struggling to survive in the light of nato expansion. the russian foreign minister's visit to laos has ended, but sergei lavrov's working trip to southeast asia continues from vientiane; he flew to kualalumpur, the capital of malaysia, for negotiations. anatoly lazarev, ilya marin, natalya lobanova, sergey valetov, first channel laos. the ukrainian american line of this report will be continued by the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev.
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however, hello, in recent days we have been intensively fooled by various ideas in negotiations, which, as you know, we have never abandoned. this is despite the fact that ukraine is a formal party to the conflict, sometimes it prohibits negotiations, sometimes it seems to allow it, sometimes it recognizes the realities, sometimes it does not recognize it. ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and also officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join nato, on our part there will be no delay, literally at the same minute, an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations . it must be admitted that
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putin’s peace plan is a demand for surrender, not unconditional, of course, but capitulation and no ukrainian regime today will agree to these conditions. at the same time, what is important, this is not a bluff, not some kind of alarmist the negotiating position is the minimum that we can agree to now, then what are our prospects in the near future? the new hope of the democrats, white-toothed kamala haris, is considered a representative of the extreme left wing of the democratic party. at the same time, we must understand that the extreme left in today's america is by no means supporters of class struggle and social justice, but the most ardent adherents of all sorts of things. minorities and propagandists of all kinds of sexual deviations, it would be strange to expect breakthroughs from them on the negotiation track, since on the other hand, the oratorical talent of kharis, who is unable to complete a single syntactic structure, involuntarily evokes our similarly gifted
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gorbachev, and associations with perestroika, with all the consequences that arise from this. this hope seems vain, unfortunately, the soviet system. they defeated napoleon, they are waging war. the spring offensive never materialized. they, as far as i know, laid millions of mines, they had thousands of tanks. i'm talking about the russians. there would be honey on his lips however,
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it was trump’s former secretary of state pompeo who threw a bucket of tar into this barrel right there, not with a spoon. according to pompeo, trump’s plan for ukraine is to introduce real sanctions against russia. in order to deprive it of income from energy exports, build up the american defense industry and oblige nato allies to spend at least 3% of gdp on defense, provide ukraine with lend-lease military aid worth half a trillion dollars, and remove all restrictions on the use of supplied weapons. pompeo is, of course, a retired goat drummer these days, but it looks like he voiced the second unpleasant part of the notorious peace.
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the problem will, for now, be resolved on the battlefield. however, goodbye. this was the author's commentary by mikhail leontyev. and we continue. the death toll as a result of an israeli air force strike on a school in the village of deir al-balah in the central part of the gaza strip has increased to 36. as reported by al-jazeera tv, most of the victims were women and children who fled the fighting in other areas of the enclave. among those in this building there were many wounded , most had third and fourth burns. degrees. israel, in turn, reports shelling of the occupied dutch heights, which killed 10 children and teenagers. tel aviv claims that the rocket came from lebanon and was fired by hezbollah units.
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the shiite organization denies any involvement in this attack. the state of emergency continues to operate in several districts of the chelyabinsk region; due to heavy rains , areas were washed away. internet: blocking of russian accounts on youtube
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such icebreakers are needed to operate all the time caravans of ships in the near arctic zone to patrol it, deliver it to the military and the west turning video hosting into an information weapon. against our country, the necessary resources. a noticeable topic in its technical condition, by the way, is such that it can be described in two words, it doesn’t work and it’s not our fault, vitaly kachenko figured it out, i can’t enter my main...
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in the russian segment it’s happening more and more often, on the list of prohibited on youtube of our artists, in addition to oleg gazmanov, grigory leps, polina gagarina, a shaman, because i’m russian, and i’m lucky, i’m russian, to the whole world. in moscow , tens of thousands of our fellow citizens supported the ban on russian culture, but
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for a video service from headquarters in california, declaring freedom of speech and opinion, this is like a red rag for a bull, military observer yuri podolyaka, his channel with more than 3 million subscribers, was convinced of this. the video hosting administration blocked it on april 7, 2022, and for life, even those who post fragments of its front-line reports get into the blog. i received a message that i am completely losing the opportunity, whenever, without any protests, without anything, but in general to work on this platform, the main complaint that i have against them is that you must correspond to what you declare, if you say, we have a private office, we put out whatever we want, we don’t put out what we want, you won’t have any complaints, but then people won’t come to you, and you ’re luring people, what can you say: what you think is the main thing, so that this does not violate certain rules, by the way, my blogs do not violate these rules, youtube by
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in essence, it has become a channel for scammers, or rather a platform for scammers, that is, they say one thing, but in reality they do everything completely differently. for the google corporation, which includes video hosting youtube, double standards are the norm in the information war, there is an american view and an incorrect one, read russian, and our country either has a bad view on youtube, then you end up in the recommendations and more and more users watch you. or nothing, more than 200 russian channels are blocked, 80 this year alone. of course, google as a corporation with mother jurisdiction in the united states, and is present all over the world, but is closely aligned with the agenda of the white house. today russia is one of the pillars of the struggle for equality of state rights.
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no matter the appeal from roskomnadzor, the american corporation does not respond. a russian court has recovered
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more than 25 billion rubles from google over the past 3 years. but this measure did not help either. numerous violations of our legislation, disrespect for our country and citizens, are grounds for taking action against youtube. we have enough tools to motivate companies in such a situation, we reserve the right to use them. the company's infrastructure has not been maintained all this time, heavy content, videos since... july, responsibility for this lies with google corporation, the owner of the youtube video hosting service, which since 2022 has not been expanding and updating its equipment in russia, which ensures the operation of the google global cash system, designed for caching to speed up data loading. due to wear and tear of equipment google is unable to cope with
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the significantly increased internet traffic. they de facto left our country. yes, they are listed here, but they don’t want to invest in re-equipment, in technical development, in solving the accumulated technical problems in russia, they only want to make money from users from russia, in our country, until recently, until the twenty-second year, there were caching companies in russia google servers on which the information was located, today these servers are not present, the leverage has increased, that is, we we request videos on... not from russian servers, from western ones, from europe, the usa, other countries, that is, the leverage itself has increased, the speed of loading content on youtube, as experts say, will continue to decline as long as this applies to desktop computers connected to work or home internet networks, technical restrictions, along with a ban on everything russian, create a demand for the emergence of a domestic video platform, where there will be clear rules,
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the same for everyone. vitaly katchenko, ekaterina belova and victor averin, channel one. western video platforms are today flooded with videos from the opening of the olympics in paris. a ceremony on the senich river in pouring rain, when there is water both above and below, you can get lost in search of the bottom, but not by the author of the script. they found the bottom and broke through. a parody of the last supper, from which many in the west began to seethe, seemingly seeing everything in terms of tolerance. the olympic flag hung upside down at the eiffel tower. the organizers beg not to consider it a sign of the end. light, but this is exactly what elon musk, the billionaire commonly called a visionary, the owner of a special, penetrating view of things. thank god we are not at these games. grigory emelyanov will tell you in more detail about what happened in paris. it was only one ten-minute chapter in the five-hour opening ceremony of the games, but it became a fly in the ointment, capable of spoiling not
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only a barrel, but a tank of honey. the chapter was called unity in diversity. actually, this is the motto of the eu. it's about different cultures. striving to become a single whole, there seemed to be no catch, so why did the organizers of the show see is diversity exactly like that? and the question is not why this sports festival, with a slight movement of the hand, turns into a transvestite show, fashionable now in the enlightened west, it’s not about fashion, from the opening of the olympics they made a perverted anti-christian manifesto, such that even the olympic flag at the eiffel tower, hung up feet, looks like a minor gaffe. mass, and judging by the comments of the audience, at this moment, for example, not only we remembered the famous quote from the apocalypse, here is the pale horse, the rider on it, whose name is death and hell followed him, the american journalist colin rak is perplexed. instead of uniting people, the organizers of the event
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seemed to want to ridicule the faith of 2.400 million people, if someone... christ with the apostles is all sorts of non-benarism. i think, friends, the most interesting thing here is that this secularist post-modern society knows who its enemy is, they have named him, and we must believe them. they tell us who they are and we must believe them, and moreover, we are christians, we should not be shy, we should resist. must make themselves known. the bishop does not directly say the word “satanists,” but it is clear who considers christ and christianity their enemy. and if in the background there is an unimaginably perverted last supper, then it’s even somehow scary to ask who this blue bearded something in the foreground symbolizes. an interesting
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moment: when this died down, the broadcast directors showed the title of the new chapter on the screens, right against the backdrop of all this madness. hanalia, well, in general, what they depicted was depicted. but seriously, unanimous the ecstasy of the western press about the paris ceremony is somehow even alarming. the opening ceremony of the olympic games was an outstanding achievement, paris performed flawlessly. bbc: the opening ceremony of the olympics illuminated paris with a unique light. el pais. our report on the
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opening ceremony of the olympic games. paris demonstrated its greatness. the surprised western viewer, who saw all this disgrace and learned that it turns out to be unique and impeccable greatness, reacts in a way accessible to him with the help of satirical internet memes. what kind of nonsense are they showing? tv? damn it, this has nothing to do with sports, what kind of crap propaganda is this. i no longer want to live in a world where this is considered the norm. opening ceremonies used to be amazing. what kind of fucking gay shit is this? disgusting. i ask russia to provide it to me. shelter, i don't want to be part of this madhouse. people of russia, pray for us french who are still catholics and proud of it. to be honest, i didn’t want to rub anyone’s nose in right now, but it
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wasn’t our idea. american journalists from the non-mainstream ones they compare it with the olympics in sochi and admit that the comparison is not in favor of the current one. imagine if the west showed beauty and its traditions instead of promiscuity. among the western leaders of public opinion, the ubiquitous elon musk, who recently announced that because of transgender. lost his son xavier musk, now a woman. sounds like the end of the world, this drunken disrespect for christians. and even italian deputy prime minister matteo salvini could not contain his emotions. opening the olympic games was an insult to billions of christians around the world. a really bad start, dear french, pathetic. and a resume from the greek portal proonews. modern greeks also saw not a cheerful bacchus, but something more unpleasant. they ruined the olympics. turning it into a gay pride parade, a typical demonstration of the complete collapse of western civilization. grigory emelyanov, dalia rajeddinova and alexander gornostaev, channel one. and finally, we will return to russia, to
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the kaluga region in nikola lenivets park this weekend, the archstoyaniya contemporary art festival. 650 hectares of land where intertwined architecture, performance, music, theater and communication. how the authors of art objects surprise guests this year. not just an entrance, but a portal to the world of art in the middle of nature. this year the theme of the archstoyanie festival is we, who we are, what unites and divides us. all festival guests are encouraged to go in search of a common language, and this is the case when no matter what door you go through, any one will turn out to be the right one. launch a swarm of thoughts in your head in search of answers. along the way you will meet knitted men sunbathing on the sinew, feeders for unknown creatures. and a variety of forest inhabitants, the artists offer to free themselves from the shackles of everyday life and, for example, learn to sing like a bird. here
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you can even climb the bird’s bell tower, enjoying the nightingale’s voice, as if you can hear your own better, i immediately feel warm here, i also really love nature, i visit this place in order to just be alone with it. i'm still afraid of heights, but somehow i feel more comfortable here. i feel like a bird, the artists built these art objects from what was left of the old ones huts, platbands, shutters, doors, mailboxes, some materials are almost 100 years old, we tried to imagine what kind of public architecture could be for the meeting of different biological communities living on planet earth. and the meeting is not a metaphor. accompanied by a guide, every festival visitor can go to visit the bees. the images here are born by themselves. resembles a space station, yes, in spacesuits, yes, that is, in outer space, and something, yes, something we go out into outer space, which at the same time represented by some kind
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of alien creatures, here are our girls, so that they do not perceive you as an object of danger, it is advisable that they feel you as a natural phenomenon, when the most real natural phenomenon makes itself known, the rain is useless to hide under the roof of this house. but right in the process , new meanings are born; isn’t this the main goal of art? it’s called a house of air and lines, yes, but today we called it a house of rain or her, it seems to me that the roof can’t stand it, yes, yes, the roof is definitely leaking, the festival is great every year, we’ve already come for the second year, so the weather doesn’t affect it in any way, on the contrary, the whole atmosphere that reigns at this festival, it charges with that energy that even the rain, it seems to only add ambiance to everything that’s happening, this year , more than 15 sloths have grown in nikola's forest
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. the houses and buildings themselves are labyrinths, this is done so that people can wander and walk between them, and the wind so that there are no creepers, you can get closer to each other for a common business, for example, creating one work of art for everyone, children's excitement awakens even in adults, we came from crimea for 3 days, we really like it, the trampoline road, well, the clearings. people look through each other, but here everything interacts very well, like some kind of living, breathing organism. what do you think of the bathhouse as an art object? here communication between people is in its purest form, the transparency of the relationship is added by the very walls of the structure, and how can you not spy on what is happening? of course, we peek, it’s transparent, in fact the project was interestingly done so that there is no disconnection from nature, that is, we are now in a unique place where everyone around us just wants to look at the
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natural environment around us.
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takes on the role of the main financial breadwinner of the family, so to speak, on the other hand , involvement as amateur activity, here is involved fatherhood, generally speaking, it drags behind it a very interesting train, which scientists have paid attention to, and such a father needs for himself internally, for his understanding of masculinity, masculinity, and to rehabilitate the very idea of ​​care, which idea of ​​the feminine, female part of life, and how will i
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be a caring father, will they? more feminine, yes, won’t i lose a certain share of my masculinity on this basis, in fact, these are serious thoughts, and in general this is a combination of masculinity, masculinity and fatherhood, they are interflowing vessels, the more dominance in masculinity, the less empathic fatherhood , the more distant paternity, on the contrary, the more democratic egalitarian, so to speak, masculinity from the point of view of the idea of gender roles,
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which is a lot of masculinity, it turns out that she is looking for a man for a partner, where there is more femininity, that’s exactly 2%, where there is already a division there, not 60 to 40, 70 to 30, but there is a division of 90x10, that’s it men with the fact that they have more of the feminine principle, let’s say by 80%, and i ’m not talking about gender awareness now, but simply about the perception of the world, they are ready to take on this role, which is called a housewife in the broad sense this word, but i... i’ll say this, getting back to the topic, there children are scattered, not scattered, i stayed with two children, small ones, for several days a week, and therefore i understand that this is hard work, yes, when we say, what ’s wrong with you sitting there at home, dear, what’s that? prepared something else, this is a nightmare of work, and the main thing is that in comparison with the work that a man calls work, but unless he is standing at the machine, at the conveyor and is not digging canals, and then there is time to talk, drink coffee , not to mention office work, where we can always find there
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once an hour. some kind of obligation. elena, as a woman in this position, she doesn’t feel any jealousy, that was her niche, she was in charge of the child. and then this guy appears and says: now we have emancipation, gender roles have shifted, so you go to work, go study, and i’ll go to kindergarten, to school, to the doctor.
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it is paid for, and if you don’t take it, it burns out, you can’t convert it just, so to speak, get money, yes, but at the same time remain at work, these are the fathers who not ready, within the family, who did not have this fruitful discourse, how will we
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divide responsibilities, are we ready for this, and psychologically, in this situation, of course, not everyone wants it, it just burns out, and those who are involved for the first time , only because they were offered this form do they find themselves in this capacity. they get used to it and enjoy it, well, after all, returning to gender roles, i also have children, i got married older, they’ve already been three or four years old, i’m having trouble with marriage dates, i watch how they live, i see that our traditional idea of ​​men and women is somewhere deep in the past, that is, there is no this father of the family coming from work, his wife brings him a sub, as it seems it has always been, they cook situationally, who has more time , he is cooking.
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connects from two clan histories, from two family cultures, which are often very different from each other, yes, because the nature, the affective nature of the family unites us despite the fact that we may be, so to speak, from completely different corners, yes shakespeare i wrote about this, yes, that’s why we read and re-read it, and of course, in this situation, finding a consensus in these gender, so to speak, our views, this is only possible through...
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family, these are children, and so on, the very addition to this first life hack, but the fact that here we are, when we say that a woman should only be one way or another,
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in fact, a huge number of divorces occur due to the fact that a man develops, and develops if he develops, yes , he develops there as an entrepreneur, as an employee, no matter how he goes through some courses, training, he... do not develop, then sooner or later, unfortunately, you will become uninteresting in your studies. the second point is that there should not be any separate men’s and women’s affairs, this is the first rule, all tasks are common, washing dishes, washing the child, changing his diaper, yes, yes, yes, this is also a man’s work , male and female responsibilities, and now returning to that moment when they come home and don’t know what to do, here’s a life hack. like this: remember what he does, why all wives and women love,
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when mom arrives, yes, because she doesn’t ask what should i do, but how, what, she just gets involved and starts doing, yes, something around the house, something with cooking, something with the children, that is she will not require additional attention in setting tasks, because what irritates a woman, a woman is irritated by a man’s self-doubt when it manifests itself in the fact that he says: well, what should i do, how can i help you, she will tell you, she says , most often he says everything, but i don’t need anything, sit with... so turning to the fathers when you come earlier home, if you want to help your wife, you don’t have to ask her what to do, just do what you think is necessary, you won’t even get it the first time, the second time, the third time you’ll learn what you need right now, cook, take the children, pick them up, go for a walk, leave my wife there so that she can conduct some kind of seminar there, say, on her own education, or go to the movies with them, or pick them up to dress them up to go to a playground there. play or sit down to read with them, or vice versa, help
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solve some other problem, that is, not you need to ask your wife what you should do, this is the worst help you can give her, yes, what should i do? nothing, sit there and don’t shine, as long as you don’t interfere, because another child appears who needs to be given instructions on what and how? excellent life hacks, but returning to education and development, as i understand it, now the trend is rather the opposite, that the man received some kind of education, found some kind of job, and the woman.
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we ourselves become prisoners of this stereotypical view of reality, and we are the first to suffer from this, but stereotypes are actually supported by the entire culture in which we are embedded, so what is a man, if we don’t know him personally, then we will think about him stereotypically, just like a woman, plus in addition to everything, let's still remember that when giving birth to a child, a woman, no matter what additional educational options she would have?
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and since the money is in his pocket, that’s why, of course, as far as he is democratically enough to be involved after, i’m already talking about the male reality, the man, who is not in the free creative professions, creative, who manages his working day, is autonomous from the boss, in general , his employment, his work schedule, etc., largely depend on him, but a person who went to work as a hired worker for some kind of work - some large corporation in which each other. where there is high competition, where to switch, he should throw off this
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, he needs stress resistance, which is exhausting, earning this salary for all three, if not more, plus children, but in this situation, and when he came home, he felt as if he was under stress from competitive and hard work on a psychological level, i don’t mean working at the machine only physically, but also work like that... let’s say, with a high educational level, so to speak, level, also very, very stressful, in this situation, switch to diapers, switch to understanding whether there is milk for tomorrow’s porridge for the child,
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schrödinger’s cat, we are talking about absenteeism from the point of view of science and our guests today are sociologist elena christmas, and financial analyst mikhail khanov. have the father model stereotypes of this returning father changed? i mean that? well, before there was, again, i ’m exaggerating a little, a stern dad who
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checks lessons, slaps the head, such a top-down controller. didn't the father? state power over the family, because in order to mobilize the broad masses for socially useful work, it was necessary to first unpack it, if not destroy it, and then reassemble it on socialist principles, in this situation the role of the father in general lost, with motherhood, with mothers, the state had an almost direct
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contract, you give birth and work, that’s your gender contract, yes, with men and you are defenders of the homeland and you... workers, and the father disappeared somewhere, so several generations of soviet period, men, generally speaking, having moved away from this patriarchal role, came to something vague, not palpable, which today needs to be reassembled anew, here are the varieties of fatherhood, types of fatherhood that emerged by late soviet times, this is a participant, and there were those, yes, both distant and indifferent.
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