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tv   Mechtallion  1TV  July 28, 2024 6:40am-7:01am MSK

6:40 am
what to do in russia, but in general we see the same thing in the bulgarian church, but there is such an understanding, firstly, of the unity of the church, of the fact that rome and constantinople are the poles of the same church, turning there , then back, so to speak, yes, well, then to rome, then to constantinople, but with all this , yes, there is a certain political moment, a desire to build some kind of church independence on this, but at the same time.
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but even the fog that we see in the story the greeks may have established the kiev the metropolis, it was present in their diptychs, of bygone years, so apply.
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here’s how to somehow imagine it in this way, one more point, because after all, rurikovich of that time in many ways still thinks of himself as part of the norman world, the vorags, yes, the vorags equally accept christianity both at the western courts and at the court of emperor rameev , where this varang guard exists, the path to the greeks allowed, in general, these two worlds, western and eastern, to connect the two christian poles, and vladimir, probably, is also somewhere in the middle between being in them, i also refracted this unity in a special way, so somehow i felt, well, you can also remember that the first great theological text of ancient russia, the word of law and grace of metropolitan hilarion, it does not at all concentrate on the theological differences of the east and west, its entire theology. history, the entire
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eclisiology of the word about the law of grace is the eclisiology of biblical history and the christian church as the gifts of grace of the new testament, without all these differences , the bread of the bread there and others, what are these volumes about? were written in the west and in the east and so much parchment was translated as now we would say you don’t understand what.
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civilization at the same time, and no matter what clarifications there are about the dates of the baptism of russia, the place of baptism of prince vladimir, because there in the dnieper or in pochayna the people of kiev were baptized, absolutely secondary, the main thing is that this happened and that this change happened very quickly, absolutely inapplicable. i know what i wanted. we also have to ask, when we talk about historical russia, and we talk about the fact that this is, well, the beginning of actually three peoples today, yes, russian, belarusian, ukrainian, and this is our common history, but the dnieper font, this is also a historically quite obvious fact, and
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which, in fact, may be partly opposed to the political situation today, despite all its difficulties, well, of course this unity, especially in my opinion... manifested itself in the pre-mongol period, then, as we know, after the mongol invasion, the fate of the western territories of russia, historical, and northeastern russia changed very dramatically, if the west fell under the rule of lithuania and poland, then in the northeast of russia , independent russian statehood nevertheless developed slowly, steadily, but still turned into the state that later... united the russian lands again, but during this period , yes, relatively small, under foreign influence, of course, some changes took place that led to some isolation of the population of western russia, to the formation of subethnic groups, so
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to speak, but of course, much more unites us, including the memory of single the dnieper font, about orthodoxy, and no matter how they tried... of course, i think, political, of course, these are the dramatic events of recent years, they very, of course, greatly transform the self-awareness of the inhabitants of these regions, but somehow i still i want to believe that sooner or later the awareness of our russian
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origin, russian root, our common, yes, roots, origins, will come to these lands, where are we? victory! the marine corps performs tasks in three elements: on land, on water, and from the air. 23 military personnel our assault detachment fought against 103 marines, the armed forces of ukraine. in 3 hours of battle, the enemy was completely destroyed, and those who survived simply ran away through the ravine. i prepared myself for the fact that anything could happen, and i didn’t have to think about it. if not us... just who else are the guys, our family is waiting for us, and we want them to have a peaceful sky above their heads, so that this fascism does not come to our homeland, we will do everything possible and impossible to make it easier for them there , and we know that they will always protect us from any threat, no matter how scared you
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are, you overcome it, you go, because you know that people there are waiting for the prime minister for navy day. today at the first, it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale.
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holy russia, after all, this is also such a unique self-understanding, yes, self-identity, because there are few people, yes, if anyone at all some people, about some culture, one might say, which identifies itself in this way, but in such categories, averentsev again wrote that this category is almost cosmic, but devoid.
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and society, i remember, when in my youth, what a huge impression the words spoken in tampolton’s speech by alexander isaevich solzhenitsyn made, when he, assessing with such large strokes, painted the historical path of russia, is precisely about this period, which we call holy russia, in my opinion said very precisely that this does not mean that people were saints, or that there was no sin or weakness then, we know very well that there was.
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holiness, holiness as a cultural ideal, as well as as a vector that determines the real motivation
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of people’s behavior, just at the time when the concept of holy russia appears, the word death, which meant a villager, is replaced by the word peasant, that is , christian, it still says about the completed churching, so to speak, of the russian people, about the fact that they live precisely in the categories of holiness, the consciousness of holiness as an ideal. life, what father is talking about maxim said, yes, correlating even his sins, but so to speak, with that spiritual scale, which certainly has the standard of holiness at its peak, but as for the nineteenth, early 20th centuries, it seems to me that this is some other result of the renaissance certain in our churchliness, yes, when after a long period, i would say, of the de-churching of our nobility, the intelligentsia, still in... the century we observe, if not a total and such a return, but a return of very many
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representatives, the best representatives of our the intelligentsia, indeed, yes, the rulers of thought, such as gogol, there first of all, yes, like dostoevsky, like many similar figures, yes, after all, to, well, again, those spiritual foundations that nourished in the middle century russian society, rethinking. there may be some kind of this and , accordingly, an understanding of holy russia that is what, it seems to me, was somehow reflected, especially clearly, in the karamazov brothers. you know, at the end of our conversation, this is what for us today, so i ’ll probably ask, means loyalty to this the choice that was made then, the prince made for himself, there for the squad, for the people, in general , and for us in a sense, and for us he made this choice, and if we speak from the position of
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the importance of remaining faithful to this choice, that this means today, and if i may have such... a small sub-question at your discretion, since this is a holiday, a church holiday for us, and the day of remembrance of prince vladimir, the day of the baptism of russia, and for us it is also a state holiday, for several years now, this is how much this holiday is worth in your opinion to carry out, the second question is easier, but how convenient, it seems to me, what is very important is what we have already talked about, the feeling of some incredible...
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amazing unity, it seems to me that this is some kind of tuning fork, with which should feel like something completely special to compare our lives with the era of prince vladimir, but as for the celebration, it really shouldn’t be confined to a narrow church celebration, but of course orthodox people should probably attend a service on this day, but. .. the holiday is wider much, i think, and non-believers of other religions , representatives of other religions, should probably also realize that russia was formed as a state after all on the orthodox foundation that prince vladimir laid. of course, a huge building has grown, which, perhaps, has outgrown a lot, and from what
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was originally laid out, conceived, but again, this is the basis and... if we do not preserve, respect, honor, remember this basis , then the whole building will collapse, in general, and i think that both muslims and jews and russian buddhists alike should see vladimir as the founder of the russian state, in the form to which it, so to speak, developed and transformed by the 21st century, in this sense, of course, this holiday should not be purely orthodox ... to see the triumph, but of course, we need to see a much deeper one, also a state political and cultural layer. i would also add that thanks to the choices he made, our ancestors, the gospel appeared in their native language, implying certain life
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elections, not to kill, not to steal, but to be a faithful member of your family.
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petrushko, professor of church history, i’m vladimir ligoida, we were gathering our thoughts on the baptism of russia. this and other episodes of the podcast are collected with thoughts, you can watch on the official pages of the podcast lab project. hello, we're live. news in the studio sergey tugushev. a symbol of the strength and greatness of the russian fleet. in a few hours , the main naval parade dedicated to navy day will begin in st. petersburg. this festival. today they celebrate from baltic to the pacific ocean, from vladivostok to kaliningrad. congratulations are accepted by those who defend the interests of our country under the glorious st. andrew's flag.


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