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tv   Morpekhi  1TV  July 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:56pm MSK

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responsible, always thinks about his crew, always thinks about strangers, an honest, decent person, will always come to the rescue, konstantin posakhov took his first battle as an infantry fighting vehicle commander near lugansk, he had to pick up plantings from the forest and bring them to positions fighters of the airborne assault detachment, the cancer strengthened, we waited until our guys got involved deeper. then they started working on our guys, and it was very difficult for them, yes, they were coming out there, and at that moment i managed to get four of them out the first thing i wanted to do was go - the first, because i knew the way, the first who jumped onto my armor were four people, so i managed to get them out. there was a paratrooper support officer nearby
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, 800 meters away, he dropped everything off, turned the car around and drove on. the next salvo covered our marines. konstantin heard the words, there were wounded, under continuous enemy shelling, his infantry fighting vehicle rushed to the rescue. but i had to break through there to my guys, but the second time it didn’t work out, because the shelling started, it didn’t work out. i had to take a break well, the third time i went, i had already broken through, everyone was under fire, they passed, stood up, saw that my guys, well, i recognized them, the guys were running out of the forest, running out and dragging the wounded man, but i looked, they couldn’t drag him in, well, it was hard, i jumped out for help, i stayed inside so that if anything happened i could immediately leave, well, he stayed in the car, thank goodness. literally we
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just took it, just lift everything, explosion, roar, smoke, fumes, fire, i felt a blow to the head, then i saw glory, he jumped out, i saw blood running from my head, well, i thought that was it, khan to me, then i ran away, i seemed to be moving, my mechanic also jumped out, he was shell-shocked, we met with glory, i say, how are you, yes, i’m fine, i can’t see my right eye, yes, yes, but i just became deaf in my right ear, well, everyone ran back there it’s away from the car, well, we seem to be moving, everything is fine, alive, healthy, already at the hospital the doctors said that due to the wound you can remain in civilian life, but chief petty officer posokhov decided to return to the front.
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anton rezanov, holder of two orders of courage, is also planning to return to the front line. well, i'm a military man, i continue to serve in my parts, further on, as will be seen, the arms and legs are in place, as if yes, in general, i remained, well, i didn’t complain about the concussion, it’s bad and bad, we’ll endure it, anton’s mother elena vasilyevna is also serving, only in the rear, helping the front , we have a large group - together we are strong, the rear has always been a help for the front, and we
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did not stand aside, there are a lot of like-minded people from our group, and whoever has sons, husbands, brothers, we united to help our guys, girls, we have matured a lot, look how beautiful he is, wonderful, that means tags, regime, yes, together we are, strength, for everyone to return home and for this to all end as quickly as possible, and we will make every effort, we will try, we will do everything possible and impossible, so that it is easier for them there, so that they feel warmth at home, so that they know that there are people on whom...
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we can rely, and we know that they will always protect us from any threat. marines. they don’t abandon their own, this is the law, when his fighting friends came under fire, they knew the staff would pull them out, and he really pulled them out under fire, risking his life, traces of that battle at the staff, konstantin posokhov, now forever with him, three small fragments with which he will have to live further, military brotherhood, this is again support, help, in difficult times, a deal there rations. and so on, that is , revenue, there is no fear, come to the rescue if something happens, so no matter how scared you are there, you get over it, you go, because you know that people are waiting there,
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about where it is , to his family, hero of russia, sergei kuzmenchuk, at first nothing he said, although he had been at the front from the first day of the special operation on the twenty-fourth. february twenty-two, this is character, this is character, this is a shoulder you can rely on, that’s all, he is the best father, he is the best husband, he is the best son, and the best grandson, the best defender, yes, and even the family learned about the award already, when sergei flew to moscow to receive the gold hero star, pride in him - pride in the boys, this medal would not have existed if his boys had not been around, this is unambiguous, in general, everyone who is there, they are all heroes, this is a merit not only him, but the credit goes to the boys who were shoulder to shoulder with him, sergei’s grandmother was sure that her grandson would definitely receive
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a worthy reward for his military work, when i was informed that i had to go to the awards ceremony, i called her, said, well , you will be... the grandmother of the hero of russia, when she found out, she said: i now understand what situation you were in, that this title is not given just like that, she cried, the black beret of sergei kuzmenchuk, brought from special operations, now stored in the museum of the pacific fleet. memory is for the future generation, this is for children, this is like we are now, for example,
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with devices, a unit of heavy snipers, control of unmanned aerial vehicles , the hero of russia with the call sign yara is the most productive special operation marine on his personal account with more than 100 destroyed targets. major yakubov yaroslav nailivich. excellent combat training. courage - the most complex operations on the most dangerous sectors of the front. soldiers of the three elements always go forward. congratulations to everyone involved in the marine corps who fulfilled their military duty in the ranks of the marine corps
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infantry. and those who are currently on guard are carrying out tasks to protect our homeland in the zone of a special military operation. peter ii. he really was the first. first in everything. he was the first to create a regular army in russia. and we still use it in one form or another. the results of his work. the first to create a fleet. peter's order. never lower the naval flag in front of the enemy and prefer death to surrender - these are the rules that are still in place, under him, class ranks first appeared in our country and social elevators. at that time, he was
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probably the most democratic monarch, he was a great worker. peter i laid the foundation of a great power. thanks to pyotr alekseevich, we have the far east, and we have access to the baltic sea. from the day of birth. 350 years have passed, but we largely owe what russia is like today to him. we wake up in the morning, what date is it today? this calendar was given to us by peter the great, we get up, have breakfast, what we have for breakfast, what peter the great told us to eat, they bring us a newspaper, this newspaper was founded by peter great, sometimes academician, sometimes hero, sometimes navigator, sometimes carpenter. he was the all-encompassing soul on the eternal throne, a worker.
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saint petersburg. today this is the most visible legacy of peter i. this city can safely be called a portrait of its founder, equally stubborn, contradictory and acting in spite of circumstances, because st. petersburg was also built in spite of the swamps, together, where... it would seem impossible to live in a few years a modern european city appeared. this city was founded in 1803, and these lands officially entered the territory of russia only in 1721. peter ii was building a city in another country. but he was very self-confident, he knew that this land would equally belong to us. in violation of all laws of politics and geography, in fact.
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there is no chance of taking the throne, but almost all of his older brothers and sisters were born weak and died quickly. the water pipeline in the kremlin, which was built by boris godunov, had lead pipes, lead definitely influenced the romanov family. yes, but why petro?
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i have 1995, and he also loved high-heeled shoes, and he also wore a wig, that is, k2.
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if one can say so about the king, ugly, small head, long arms, enormous height
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and unusually small foot size, despite the fact that his height was 2 m 0.4, his foot size was thirty-seven to thirty-eight, it was amazing, this is generally such a physical feature with such a height and... so that my legs are smaller, and of course, i felt how different this sensation is, so to speak, in accordance with the growth of large legs and feet. oddly enough, the thing that most resembles the real peter is this monument made by mikhail shimyakin, which is located in the peter and paul fortress.
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the fortress stands on the hare island, where the city began. it was founded on may 16 , 1703. no, peter was not present here, judging by the preobrazhensky journal, at that time he was on his way, the construction of ships was underway there, in fact, then on may 16 it was still unclear whether these lands were ours or not ours, yours.
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here the crowning of emperor peter i to power in the empire took place, here he was declared the title and awarded the russian, all-russian emperor. the empire begins here, 1721 a year after the victory in the northern war, a non-state peace, when these lands had already officially returned to their native harbor. it was then that russia was recognized as a key player on the world stage. at that time , there was only one empire in the world - the holy roman empire. and russia became second. this is the result of the fact that the northern war ended in victory. he really changed
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the role of russia's place in the world.
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an institution must have a journal of incoming and outgoing documents, every institution has this until today, it all began here in st. petersburg, the city became for peter i a model of the future empire, he built the capital on the swamps in just 9 years, an unprecedented period of time at that time, in 1712 st. petersburg was proclaimed the capital of the russian state. this is the first city in russia built according to a pre-planned plan; wide straight avenues were calculated and laid out to the nearest meter. by the time peter died in 1725,
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there were about 6,000 houses here, so you can imagine this is a large number of buildings. standard construction was introduced, so peter ii, among other things, was the author of standard construction, he was ordered to take drawings from the architect, trizin, types of houses appeared for different categories of our citizens, then, depending on property and social status, these standard houses are now called a house for the vile , well, for ordinary residents who pay extra for... peter really ordered the construction of the capital from stone, but in reality this happened
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after the death of peter, this is the first house built in the city by order of the tsar, it was made from wood by kostroma carpenters, on top, on top, that means they painted bricks, because i wanted to make a brick house, there were no brick factories here... in principle , there were no symbols on top, a symbol of the ocean or sea, either a naked woman, or a man, it’s not clear, they also put a cannon , around peter’s house, on the banks of the neva, his associates built houses for themselves, all the houses were wooden, except one, this is the first stone house of st. petersburg, it has been preserved.
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built by peter on bones. allegedly, hundreds of thousands of peasants called for construction died from hunger and cold. the corpses were dumped in
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the pits were filled with quicklime. so excuse me, find these bones. archaeologists, especially in soviet times, were looking for where the graves of the first st. petersburg residents were, yes, to show how tsarism abused the russian people. mortality, judging by the latest research in this matter, it did not exceed the ordinary mortality rate throughout the country at that time,
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they fought against suffocation, because vitamin deficiency existed, fir cones, fir needles insisted, in general, somehow, medicine worked, hospitals began to appear with us in st. petersburg just...
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he looked for mentors and studied what was interesting to him. he loved to do everything with his own hands; he preferred
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practice rather than theory. he issued a decree sending several people to all provinces and mathematical schools to teach children of the nobility, arithmetic and geometry. for peter, in general, one of the main, i would say, the most important words in his vocabulary and in... how can
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i say this, in his, well, communication with his subjects, was the word school, here it is , that’s probably also something that doesn’t immediately come to him comes, but quickly enough, he begins to interpret everything that happens to russia, everything that happens to himself, as a kind of school, which he himself, together with his people, goes through to learn something. today, every capable person can go to university, get a good education, make a career, or graduate from a military school and rise to the rank of general, we call this a social elevator, for example, the father of the first prosecutor general of the senate, pavel ivanovich yaguzhinsky, was
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a simple organist in the lutheran church. church in moscow, and this did not stop his son from making such a brilliant career. these opportunities appeared to us thanks to peter i, namely his table of ranks. here peter in the twenty-first year publishes a table of ranks, which presupposes the receipt of nobility by service and length of service. yes, that means you can earn the nobility by reaching a certain rank. at the end of the reign of peter. a third of the officers were former recruits who had earned their nobility in the war. this was the first real social elevator. a peasant became an officer, but noble children had to it is mandatory to serve in the semyonovsky or preobrazhensky regiments, so the son of a blacksmith could easily command the son of a landowner. after all, he himself took exams for many officers. and if someone did not pass these exams for him, then he
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demoted them. this is a man who valued service and devotion in people most of all, and lived by feelings and emotions, he had things to do, that is, there is the story of catherine i, martha skovronskaya, this is the story of cinderella only a hundred times brighter, yes, when you don’t understand who practically servants, the woman becomes the wife of the emperor. future
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empress catherine i was born into a peasant family in livonia. her name was marta skavronskaya. in her youth she worked as a cook and laundress in marinburg. after the city in... ekaterina is completely a project of alexander danilovich menshikov, and let’s say, understanding what the owner likes, what kind of women, and men sometimes prefer blondes, then brunettes, some are heavier, some are curvy, some are smaller and so on, in general, he realized that this was exactly the woman, the ideal for peter. he introduced them. in 1712, peter ii married a former cook and lived with her until the end life, simply because he was in love, and after the death of peter, catherine herself ascended the
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throne, so the cook could rule the state long before the bolsheviks. now an academician, now a hero, now a sailor. then a carpenter, he was an all-encompassing soul on the eternal throne, a worker. from april 1 to july 15, from october 1 to december 31, on the basis of presidential decrees, military conscription takes place in russia. today our regular army is one of the strongest in the world; it appeared under peter. in fact, he created our armed forces, and we are still in one form or another we use the results of his work. at the end of the 14th century, sweden had the strongest army; it was considered invincible, but this did not
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frighten peter i. russia needed access to the baltic sea, so peter declared war on sweden and almost immediately suffered a crushing defeat. in the battle of narva, the russian army loses more than seven. man, the first battle near narva was the first defeat of russia at that time, because the guns that he had, 72 guns, 44,000 ammunition, it turned out that every hundredth shell, ammunition, approached some kind of gun, it took a very long time to select what kind of gun... what charge, what kind of kernel, what kind of gunpowder can be fired, but the gunpowder was still stale, all this, this led to the defeat of the russian army at narvo, they didn’t run from the battlefield
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, two regiments that are our oldest are the preobrazhensky and semenovsky, and it should be noted that they had practically no senior officers, some of them were in moscow. one of the remaining ones ran over to the swedes, in another regiment the remaining colonel was killed at the very beginning of the battle, that is junior officers were in command, the soldiers did not leave the battlefield, they showed an example of perseverance, as we say now, for which they became, in general, the first guards units that have reached this day. the battle of narva assured. king charles xii in his own invincibility, and peter drew his own conclusions from the defeat. he opens a military school in russia and begins training officers. the starting point for the birth of military
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professional education in russia should be considered january 14, 1701. on this day the first military school was created, where pupils received thorough training in the field of artillery and fortification. our modern military duty, which is wounded by the fact that a young man must come and repay his duty to his homeland in the ranks of the armed forces, is just a continuation, but already modified, of the very
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reform of peter i. even as a child, little peter was interested in artillery. while playing toy soldiers with his amusing regiments in the village of preobrazhenskoye, he named his company. bombers. they shot from real cannons, studied the properties of gunpowder and prepared fireworks. and in 1704, preparing for the next campaign against narva. already an adult peter creates artillery of a single type. the shells are adjusted in size to the guns using standards. and it was not for nothing that he then removed the bells and cast russian cannons from this bell metal for the victory at narva. he filmed throughout the russian state. stakes and cannons were cast from them, but we must also remember
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that later, after the victory , bells were cast from swedish cannons and they were all returned to the church in the belfry of russia. in just 4 a year after the defeat, a well -trained regular russian army will march to narva, which will have its own cannons and the latest weapons. in august 1704, russian troops will take... from this moment the history of russian military victories will begin. we know that peter the great is a reformer. what did he not formulate? military, economic, financial, cultural reforms are different. why so much? what's the goal? the goal of all the reforms of peter i is the same: to defeat the swedes in the northern war. a few months after the capture of narva. peter ii issues a decree according to which
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a white-blue-red flag must be raised on all merchant ships. moreover, he himself drew a pattern and determined the order of the horizontal stripes of the russian flag. our modern battle banners were also legalized by peter. well, we have already talked about our two famous guards regiments, preobrazhensky, semenovsky, these are the same regiments that stood near narva. eagles on... on the tops of the flockstocks of battle banners - this is also the legacy of peter i. on the banks of the neva rises the spire of the admiralty, a symbol the russian fleet, the main and favorite brainchild of peter i. as with the army, it all started with child's play. the future emperor himself studied the basics of navigation, sailing to...
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the campaign against the azov fortress ended in defeat. with his participation, this is may 15, 1692 shipbuilding, that is, a craving for the sea elements, the ship that, under the influence of peter i , was a large ship, which was the first warship of the russian fleet. 1695, russian the fact is that the turks supplied the fortress with the sea, taking advantage of their dominance on the waters.
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peter ii quickly learned from his mistakes, he i realized that for russia to win, it needed a navy. peter i, after this first campaign, the so-called unsuccessful campaign, and the task was set to build a russian fleet on the voronezh river, which were, quickly built and... they were preparing for the next campaign, which took place in 1696 , this campaign was successful , because naval vessels and combat ships from the sea, the mouth of the don, completely blocked the fortress , eliminating the various possibilities of the receiving troops. reinforcement or replenishment. another
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faith was founded in the village of preobrazhenskoye near moscow invited the dutch here to build galleys, who trained russian craftsmen to build ships. the dutch came here to moscow. well, actually the choice was also quite obvious. well , accordingly, we even jokingly call this event the 35th anniversary of russian import substitution, because... we started by attracting foreign technologies and, therefore, gradually absorbed this knowledge and skills, and were not afraid, of course, so to speak, to infect the dutch with our russian ones... during the second azov during the campaign, the king personally led the ships to galiri principium. this time it was not the criminal fortress of azov that was taken. and in 1696, the boyar duma , on the initiative of peter, decided to allow sea vessels to exist. this happened on october 30, 1696
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. and as a matter of fact, we consider this date to be the birthday of the regular navy of the russian federation. in the north, the russian fleet took an even greater step forward; shipyards were founded in arkhangelsk and st. petersburg. after winning the northern war and gaining access to the baltic sea, russia became a great maritime power. order peter never lowered the naval flag in front of the enemy and preferred death to surrender - this is the rule.
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was created for pragmatic reasons, there was not a single autocrat who left his fatherland so often and for so long, and life itself raised the question that a power body was needed that would govern the country in the absence of a monarch, and this was precisely the body established in 1711 by peter i senate, senate. had very broad powers, very important functions, he controlled legislation, how it was implemented, he he monitored how the instructions and orders of the tsar were carried out, dealt with current affairs, and at that time actively fought against such
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a social evil, which we still call corruption. today the senate has not disappeared. it turned into a constitutional court and the federation council. the state government system largely works according to the principles laid down by peter ii. it seems to me that there is a certain continuity. the senate appointed, say, military and government positions. the senate monitored and controlled the situation in the provinces, that is, we can say that it is like this. binder the senate and the federation council, it has its place . all the tragedies of the 20th century began with a shot fired on june 28, 1914 in bosnian sarajevo. the desired goal of the serbian
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high school student was the death of the heir to the austro-hungarian throne, franz ferdinand. and the unexpected result was the first world war: a new cursed era began, with unprecedented cruelty of global wars, revolutions, concentration camps, the fall of empires and the reshaping of the world. to the anniversary of the start of the first world war. premiere, today on the first. a genius was given a chance realize your calling, a comfortable office in the ward, are you out of your mind, no, of course, that’s why i came to you, forced treatment is like an invitation to work, we don’t get paid for this, yeah, positive colleagues, i noticed that your
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crazy, patients can think, interesting and fun investigations await you, a mysterious disappearance. divorcer pizza detective syndrome, tomorrow after the program time, a simple matter, but with a twist, everything we love, now an academician, now a hero, now a navigator, now a carpenter, he is comprehensive the soul on the eternal throne was the worker. summer garden in st. petersburg on the banks of the neva. in fact, it is the ancestor of all modern parks. it was here that russians first began to just walk, that is, peter, as it were, introduced
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new practices of communication, pastime, and so on, but in st. petersburg a summer garden appeared, what is it, this is generally something completely incomprehensible to russian people, why, why is it it’s necessary, but well, there’s a garden in which apple trees grow, that’s understandable, it’s of practical importance, but here you have to take a walk, and what does that mean? walk?
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the chamber was opened in st. petersburg on the initiative of peter; especially for this purpose, he purchased from a dutch pharmacist and collector collections of various decovinces, however, at first there were few visitors to the museum, and peter, in order to accustom citizens to this new product, issued a decree according to which the museum had free entry. it is no coincidence that we still divide our history into before and after peter’s, if... we talk about the transformations that he led, there were many of them, no matter what sphere we took,
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the young nobles at the assemblies looked not at all like their fathers, dressed in european dress, clean-shaven, the old generation resisted peter’s innovations for a long time, especially regarding the so -called bearded decree of april 17 , 1722, the collection of a special tax from bearded men. peter had very sparse facial hair from his youth, as if he had never shaved, growing what he had and trimming what hung individually, this also cannot but be a complex for us. in russia, this was considered an effeminate face; it was shameful to shave the face,
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you immediately look like a woman: if you are a man, then you are bearded, and if you are smooth-faced, then you are a woman, which means or a boy, but not a man, during the great embassy of peter i’s diplomatic mission to europe at the end of the 14th century, he saw the smooth ones europeans immediately decided...
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from bearded peasants when entering and leaving the city, two beard money was collected, that is, a penny, it was a lot of money, for comparison in peter's army, a non-commissioned officer received 14 rubles 40 kopecks per year, a second lieutenant 50 rubles, and the captain is 100, but the role is best peter... the first in our ordinary life can be understood in the new year, when we listen to the president’s speech, eat olivier and see
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festive fireworks outside the window. before peter, the new year was celebrated on september 1, and the years were counted from the creation of the world, at the moment it should have been something like 7572, something like that, at that moment alekseevich realized that he needed to keep up with the times of the european... on the night of december 31 to january 1, 1700, by order of peter , for the first time in history, russia celebrated the new year according to the julian calendar. it turns out that 1699
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the year turned out to be the shortest for the country. since it lasted only 4 months, from september to december, there were also orders to put up christmas trees, yes, this is the same above taverns, taverns, to nail them, yes, to nail them, this is the same thing, with nails to the entrance and so on, and by order, by the way, it was announced that the trees should be there for the new year, but there was no order when to take them down, so everyone left the trees, they fell off and so on, so ... earthen apples appeared for testing, the potatoes were at first accepted with distrust, but soon she replaced traditional turnips, in addition to parsley, caraway seeds,
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sage, mint and beans, and for the townspeople he led the tradition of drinking coffee in a cafe in the morning. here, on the banks of the niva river, the first cafe in russia was organized, yes, the austeria of the four frigates. here you could drink coffee, the only place in the city where it was real, read the newspaper and talk. in something european, he brought coffee, he brought tobacco, since his time it became, so to speak, an integral part of our homeland. at the end of may, flowers bloom in the flower beds of the summer garden. tulips, they are planted here because these are peter’s favorite flowers, it was he who first brought
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the bulbs of this plant from holland, since then tulips grow in the spring in almost every flowerbed, now an academician, now a hero, now a navigator, now a carpenter, he the all-encompassing soul on the eternal throne was the worker, and peter's life and death were connected with his beloved city. the first russian emperor died on january 28. 1725 from inflammation of the bladder. his last days were spent in this place, near the winter ditch. at that time there was his winter palace here, but the building has not survived. well, if in a karau the guard always writes down what happens at night. this can be read. guard of the petroval fortress: at night on that one, yes.


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