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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm MSK

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hello, the evening news is live in the studio of maxim sharafuddinov and briefly about the main thing. the power of the russian fleet is a glorious tradition on the neva. the main parade in honor of navy day has ended in st. petersburg. glory to the navy.
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this year , china, india and algeria joined the celebrations, with important statements from the supreme commander-in-chief about threats against russia and readiness to respond , including with the help of short-medium- range weapons. today, a number of these are being developed. systems are at the final stage. we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. in the smallest details from under the water from the air, how the parathas were filmed and what the latest technologies were used by the team of the first one. emotions that are difficult to convey in words.
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very cool, we are very glad that we have such a strong fleet in the country, to feel this power, this beauty, this strength, pride for russia, for the people, the reactions of spectators in the northern capital and other cities where parades also took place today. vladimir putin today at in st. petersburg, he unveiled a monument to admiral ushakov, and then, together with the patriarch, visited the oldest monastery in the city, where the relics of alexander nevsky rest. progress and evgenovka, two more settlements liberated by our fighters on the outskirts of chasov yar, the hottest spots on the north military district map and exclusive footage. an enemy drone landed in a trench, and our military correspondent was there at the time of its arrival. report from the front line by amir iusupov. in the wake of a shocking broadcast, a major american company is withdrawing its advertising from the olympic games after a parody of the last supper.
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this week. and welcome to new chersonese. on the day of the baptism of russia , a museum and temple complex dedicated to christianity, antiquity and byzantium opened in crimea. holiday under the st. andrew's flag. today our entire huge country honors those who made us a great maritime power. on navy day , the main parade took place in st. petersburg. more than twenty warships sailed along the neva in a single formation, with...
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crews from china, india, algeria, thousands of spectators and dozens of foreign delegations watched the grandiose spectacle. and important statements by vladimir putin, russia will strengthen its combat power, and those who are hatching aggressive plans against us will face a mirror response. from the northern capital, reporting by alena germanova. where 3 centuries ago the petersburg walls of the peter and paul fortress began, a roll call of fleets from the northern bases to the southern borders began. 1,500 people served, today, as if in a single snow-white formation, connections to syrian tartus, where our military sailors are also on combat duty, and now the president appears at the commandant’s pier. comrade supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, the russian navy is ready to hold the main naval parade. when this salvo of the salute battery thundered over the sky, the decks straightened their shoulders in unison, walking along the parade line of ships. the president's snow boat is on
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board with vladimir putin , defense minister andrei belousov and navy commander-in-chief alexander moiseev, the president greets and congratulates each crew separately. hello! congratulations on navy day. hooray! hooray! hooray! u on the granite embankment of the neva, a combat unit not only of the russian fleet, the integrated supply ship honghu arrived from china to st. petersburg, with a crew of 130 people , women serve here on an equal basis with men. the damaged destroyer dzyauzo traveled 11,000 miles to participate in the parade.
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in india, it is customary to perform tinjay only on special occasions; foreign military delegations were present today in the stands of senate square. centuries ago, after the victory over the swedes, it was here on the neva that peter the great held the country's first large-scale naval holiday, then now everything is developing above the stern. this is not just a beautiful snow-white uniform, it also means spending months away from home, guarding the interests of our big country. happy holiday to all the personnel of the russian navy, everyone who is now in parade formation on
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a military campaign. many naval crews are bravely fighting in the hottest areas of the line of combat contact in the special military operation zone.
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administration and government of germany about the statement of the american plans to deploy american long-range precision missile systems on the territory of germany from 2026. important russian government and military installations will be within its reach . our administrative and industrial centers and... defense infrastructure, and the flight time to targets on our territory for such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes. at the same time, earlier during the exercise, the united states had already worked out the transfer of missiles
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dark tefon complexes from its territory to denmark to the philippines. this situation is reminiscent of the cold war events associated with the deployment of...
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the united states in sensitive regions of the world for russia. this measure is aimed, among other things, at ensuring security in the asia-pacific region. it is st. petersburg today that is our main shipbuilding faith; almost the entire parade line has left the stocks of local factories. electric submarine mazhaisk, the only one in the whole world. icebreaker ivan popanin is capable of breaking ice as thick as one and a half meters. here in st. petersburg
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, odintsov’s small rocket ship was built, which is armed with a rocket caliber and more. odintsova is the first surface ship equipped with a shell. naval version of the anti-aircraft missile and artillery system. these are two six-barreled guns in total. they fire up to 10,000 rounds per minute, and guided missiles can hit targets at a distance of up to 20 km. no wonder the project for a series of such ships was called karakurt, small, but very. poisonous spider. small rocket ships today they walked in kelvatorny formation, along with them the minesweeper alexander obukhov. it was he who, in the waters of the gulf of finland, carried out combat trolling last fall and neutralized sea mines from the great patriotic war. ships of this project are in combat service in the mediterranean sea. the ship has a unique, world's largest hull made of monolithic fiberglass. thousands of kilometers from st. petersburg, in the far east, a corvette, carried out in a sea raid in the caspian sea, passed by the minesweeper magomed gadzhiev off the coast of syria.
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frigate admiral grigorovich in the north sea , the cruiser marshal ustinov froze in the parade line. at this time , the newest landing boats, rimsky korsakov and midshipman lermontov, were introduced into the baltic kelvator formation. combat units are the pride of the navy, but what is equipment without people, they are sometimes stronger than steel? there is such pride that you really have the right and can wear this white uniform. is this attention nice? and we dedicated the whole day to you, the whole parade, the whole country is watching, of course it’s nice, we are preparing for this, so that everyone enjoys it, i have grandfather, colonel who lived in the siege of leningrad, so it’s a great honor for me, i’m pleased, very, very pleased to see the support of the people who came to watch the parade, god and st. andrew’s flag are with us, victory will be ours, russia forward, and may every ship their home port, but today bow and stern shoulder to shoulder, they were one whole, glad in their difficult ship life, in fact, just to... thank you for your valiant service,
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i wish you new victories in the accomplishment of the truly historic ones facing us, fateful tasks, glory to the navy, for russia, hurray, hurray, hurray! alena germanovat ksenia ugarova, svetlana barkova, ekaterina gerabenko, sergey ideev, channel one st. petersburg. foreign media followed the celebrations in the northern capital with great interest; here is what the chinese press writes about the parade.
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guests of the parade in st. petersburg also celebrate in india and algeria, as emphasized, the participation of the crew of these countries in the celebrations symbolizes naval cooperation. a little later we will show the television kitchen, how the main one was filmed the parade, in general, is everything that usually remains behind the scenes, but can be no less exciting. the main naval parade is always a bright and unforgettable event. thousands of people watched the grandiose action along the embankments. not only st. petersburg residents, but also tourists, many came specifically to see in person the power of warships to show children;
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entire families greeted the crew. my colleague konstantin panyushkin watched the passage of ships from senate square along with the guests of honor, the impression of the spectators in his reportage. from a rostrum on the banks of the neva, vladimir putin promised a mirror response to the deployment of long-range, high-precision american missiles in germany, the president also said that the development of russian weapons intended for response is underway...
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we must keep up with the times, because life is very dynamic, you know , time shows that new types of ships, new types of weapons of everything are required, so we cannot lag behind here, but in principle, i think everything will be fine in our fleet, in the presidential administration confirm that if we talk about the competition of fleets in the world, then i think that we are ahead, i am sure of this, having been in charge of shipbuilding for several years, well, including even , first of all, military shipbuilding, i can say,
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look at warships, at sailors, i want to go to sea practice, or to training sailing daily palada or hope, but it’s worth saying, everywhere on the banks of the neva the boys, not only today were completely delighted, how did you like the parade? ok, i really liked it, i had a dream, it was to see the ships live, very cool, they so big this year, i really like the parade, we’re filming everything, clapping for everything, it’s very exciting, solemn, much better than the olympics in paris. everything is super, look how beautiful the weather is, how beautiful everything is, the weather is super, sun, summer, we are very glad that we have such a strong fleet in the country. by the way, sailors in st. petersburg on navy day from all over the country. we all came together from the arkhangelsk region, i served in the baltic fleet, the northern fleet. in the morning
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i arrived from bryansk by train, especially for the holiday get there, so here i am. we came here as tourists, we relax, enjoy ourselves, the weather is nice, where did we come from? vologda region, city of cherepovets, where did you serve? peter the great, northern fleet, northern fleet, here serpukhov is the first, he is stern to us, this is a sister city built in honor of our city, as they say, where i just served in the pacific fleet, i served in st. petersburg itself , i served, but studied in the navy school, are you bored? that’s why we returned 800 km here to remember again how it was, those who came from abroad under the impression of the atmosphere of the main naval parade, we are representatives from kazakhstan, came specially for this holiday, and you yourself feel this power, this beauty, this strength, pride for russia, for the people, happy,
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you look at people’s eyes, how happy they are, however, there are a lot of people on the embankments, to see the parade you have to work with your elbows. sat above everyone else, saw more than everyone else, i saw putin, the most experienced spectators are armed with stepladders for this, he waved and we waved to him, everyone in the area, we all gave a signal, they waved, waved, waved , bring your stepladders next time, everyone will have a good time, and some even have an exclusive, and yesterday we were on these ships, there inside, it’s like , and my daughter is studying at the naval school.
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in order, of course, not to let you down, firstly, the triumph of this moment, well, plus they are wonderful musicians, they were inspired, well , they learned, most likely, the musicians performed with a bang, what i liked most, i liked most how played this, here he did it like this, the conductor liked the orchestra, and, finally, the march orchestra is exactly what the main naval parade of sinata square is for...
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order of the holy, blessed grand duke alexander nevsky, first degree. olga knyazeva. first things first. almost half of all seats on the podium are occupied by foreigners, from more than thirty countries. our guest is the largest delegation from china. several chinese ships take part in the parade. by the way, in china, women serve on warships along with men. that's why the women in uniform in the stands with foreigners are only chinese, the rest in civilian clothes are the wives and rear admirals, commanders of the naval forces of egypt and cuba. we are here because for
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us solidarity, support and the desire to cooperate with russia are the most important rules. we are here to support navy day. you have a very strong army and a strong navy. i'm really looking forward to the submarines at the parade, because your fleet is famous for them. there is a very special relationship between. russia and vietnam, we have a ship in vladivostok, and here we have the same my friends are all ships, so i ’m waiting for all the ships. in the front rows, naval commanders, ship commanders and chiefs of staff, immediately after the parade they are asked not to leave. an informal meeting between the president and the commanders of ships participating in the parade and the heads of the navies of other countries, so many sailors with high ranks, in a relaxed atmosphere is, of course, rare. the president explained why he decided to gather everyone. naval service requires special qualities from a person, a special character, a special mentality,
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because the sea not only swallows a person, but the sea creates difficulties that people on the shore do not encounter in ordinary normal life. but if military people, especially people with a special character, military sailors , gather together, this is a very good sign, this is a sign that the people who gather, military people who gather together, they strive for peace, they strive for cooperation, for mutual understanding, i congratulate you again...
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to strengthen peace and stability in the world , we can do a lot through joint efforts planet, we must not stop fighting for
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it. for our commanders. ships, whose crews today greeted the president in parade formation, this meeting at the admiralty is a sign of support in a difficult time for everyone and especially for those who serve their homeland, we are honored that the president congratulated us personally on this great holiday for the naval fleet, we once again demonstrate our readiness and determination to complete any assigned tasks. victory will be ours. vladimir vladimirovich, big well done, if i may say so, really well done for the contact. why is it important that he gathered everyone together today, is it very important, why? because the world is turbulent, yes, but we have a lot of friends, and this is very important. not only to welcome those who today write the history of our victories, but to honor the heroic photographers who multiplied our victories in the past. putin today unveiled a monument to admiral ushakov, who is said to have never lost a single battle in his entire military career. continuer the affairs of peter i under admiral ushakov, russia for the whole world was a great maritime power.
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our duty is to read. the memory of all the heroes of the fatherland, among them, of course, a special place belongs to the great naval commander, brave admiral, patriot of the russian land, fyodor fedorovich ushakov. our great ancestors inspire us to move forward, to overcome any difficulties and challenges: to win in the name of russia, right? another defender of the russian land, the great commander alexander nevsky, our saint, it was to the annunciation church of alexander nevsky lavra that the president went immediately after the opening of the monument, patriarch kirill presented vladimir putin with the order of alexander nevsky, first degree. strength so that you continue to lead the country and the people in such a way that we do not stray from our historical path. thank you
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very much for. everything else is built on this. that is why today many shrines that were previously kept in museums are transferred to churches, for example, the silver shrine of alexander nevsky, which was shown to putin. today our heroes, svo participants or their families, are those who are waiting for their loved ones to come home. until last year belonged to the hermitage, but it was decided that in difficult times for the country , it was more important for people to see both the shrine and the tomb of the defender and patron of the russian army in the lavra. olga knyazeva, sergey mukhin, alexey dushenkov, olga merkulova and kirill loginov, channel one. a big festive program today is not only in st. petersburg. the parades took place in cities where our fleets have bases. the celebrations, as usual,
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started off the coast of the pacific ocean. in vladivostok , crews of a submarine, missile boats, anti-submarine ships, and it all ended with a demonstration performance by special forces soldiers. in petropalski-kamchatsky in avachenskaya bay , the newest icebreaker kolovrad, which was only recently accepted into the navy, took part in the parade for the first time today. the north sea navy day traditionally opened with a solemn march at the monument to the sailors of the north sea, and then the kazan and atomohot prince vladimir, the carrier of bulava missiles, walked under the boat in the water area. but this is already a demonstration of firepower at the westernmost point of the country. baltic, among parade participants, sailors who distinguished themselves in the special operation zone. the spectacular part of the holiday, the amphibious landing. and celebrations in dagestan at the base of the caspian flotilla in a single formation of more than 40 warships . side by side for the first time with colleagues from azerbaijan and iran. data on the progress
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of the special operation, the russian army liberated two more settlements in the donetsk people's republic, progress and evgenovka, the ministry of defense reported. ours continue to gradually move forward along the entire front line, the enemy is suffering huge losses, within 24 hours almost 2.0 militants were destroyed, a dozen and a half warehouses with ammunition were blown up, in addition, operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery, the american radar station of the patriot air defense system was hit. five missiles were shot down by air defense systems. a section of the front is on the way to the liberation of the entire territory of the dpr, intense battles are now taking place for it, the enemy is trying to hold its position, but our units are pushing it further and further. the task is extremely important, to remain unnoticed by enemy drones. they circle in the sky almost without interruption. in our military correspondent amir yasupov was convinced of this; he is on the front line working on the approaches to the hour ravine. one of the attack drones hit right into the trench in
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which... he was with the subjects of the shooting, as was the case in his exclusive report, here is another arrival, also from bogdan. where we are going, in fact, through bogdanovka there is a path to chacha yar, in the ssu, the roads to the city are constantly shelled and mined, seeded with cluster submunitions, they are also called light bulbs, they are fraught with the loss of legs, they pierce the feet more than 10 cm metal, soldiers of the engineer battalion named after karboshev volunteer corps are clearing the trail, we are leaving. two is not bad, but it worked properly in full. sappers, ares and dude are combing the village, looking, of course, at the sky, and a drone detector warns in advance of approaching drones. well,
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this is not the best news, because somewhere their beer is flying. she rushes next to us. on a flying drone. it’s still circling nearby, then let’s speed up, the guys prefer shooting rather than running, they get hit, they shot down a drone, blew it up right in it seems to bogdanovka that it’s completely pointless to try to run, anyway, there’s not a single surviving building, which means not a single shelter, so when another drone hovers over us, the guys open fire again, as they say, either you’re his or he’s you. i’m unarmed and useless and i can’t beat up a drone , i go to the nearest ruins, there’s an enemy comic with a suspended shell, go guess who it’s going to fly at, it’s a scary sight
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when it passes over you with a shell, we get to the dugout in the forest in the strip, another drone flies in , looking for the target, he made our boys laugh, the sound of it was disgusting right next to it. let's let go, but we don't have time, here it is hanging above the ground, here it is, wow, it has arrived, look, yes, the view is certainly creepy, in slow motion you can see how the drone pulls the net, a very modest explosion occurs, and the drone, as if having hit it, it jumps back and gets stuck, we assume that a small detonator was installed on it, due to a collision with the net, it flew out, hit the ground and exploded separately.
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inspires so much fear, all that remains for us - wait, by the way, guys, the tea has boiled, why are you offering me tea now, sweet tea, and also a sandwich with sausage, cheese, whatever you want, well, it’s okay for you, yes, that right now the bird is nearby, not torn apart, and you i 'm sorry, the squad leader with the call sign orez decides to clear the mines from the drone, in short, i 'm totally drunk now, god help me, we're pinning it on the heroic sappers of the battalion named after.
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with anti-personnel mines it’s a little more difficult, it’s better not to carry these mines in your hands in order to collect them in a heap and blow them up, and the cut from makes a long scoop of improvised means, there’s no other way, we’ll take the bullets, sub-cluster munitions are not always detonated on the spot, the sappers of the karbyshev battalion know how to work with them calmly without fear , they lift and deactivate them, this of course surprises us, well, good. take it in your hands, well, i won’t come near you soon. light bulbs are collected so that they can be used to destroy large artillery ammunition and not waste your explosives. everyone take cover at a safe distance. having cleared the path, the guys tie the branches with white ribbons, red tapes or large signs are installed if something has not yet been cleared, such as this mine stuck on a tree. on her parachute, she should have been up to... than the soviet one, here are american
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shells for an automatic grenade launcher, here is a czech machine gun, by the way, it was taken from a position in suu only after a thorough inspection with the apers, the militants are mining weapons and even magazines for them, show it to your magazine, they take out a few cartridges, put a charge in it, stick it in the machine gun, it starts to play tricks, it has a spring unclenches, especially a lot of nato anti-tank mines, i don’t know english, but hello to nato, pindosians, this is the greeting from russia to nato, attention, explosion, it was tough, the next day the same or a similar anti-tank mine in su will be thrown into that same dugout , in which we were hiding from drones, we will be informed about this after our departure, baba yaga threw atemkurs3 into this trench.
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on the right to a mistake, yet sometimes fate gives a sapper a second chance, commander of ares, fighter call sign ashkinaze, lost his leg in a mine the field was still during the assault on artyomovsk, but returned to the front on a prosthesis, some of the people, some of the guys, break down on this basis, some of the three hundredth are heavy, some find the strength to return, guys, don’t be afraid, don’t doubt, find the strength in yourself , recover and come to us, we will train and... we will continue to defend our homeland, amir
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yasupov, yuri sholmov, andrey morozov, natalya radionova, channel one. and after lunch it should. the number of israelis killed as a result of the shelling of the dutch heights increased to twelve. the data resulted in let me remind you that the israeli army's list of victims includes teenagers and children. one of the rockets exploded on a football field. in tel aviv , the lebanese movement hezbollah continues to insist that the attack is behind the attack. in response, the idf unit launched a series of strikes on lebanon that night, targeting what were reportedly militant targets, but the arab media write that a palestinian refugee camp came under fire in the south of the country. also, during the day , israel continued to launch strikes on the gaza strip, a total of 66 people became victims of the attack, and over 240 more were injured. injuries. one of the attacks was carried out on a school where refugees from other areas of the enclave were taking refuge. french shame, which caused shock throughout the world, fragments of the opening ceremony of the olympics were quietly removed from everyone. official resources could also be from the organizing committee, the video
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is no longer available there, we are talking about scenes that reminded everyone of the satanic sabbath, parodies performed by transvestites , the plot of the last supper, sacred to christians. under a barrage of criticism, the organizers today still forced out a semblance of an apology, which sounded as an even greater mockery: they say to forgive, they didn’t want to offend anyone. game sponsors are already rushing to disown the shame; one of the largest american internet providers, the company sispa, announced the withdrawal of advertising. and the games themselves seem to be haunted by some evil forces. before a basketball match , the south sudanese anthem was mixed up, fans were furious, swimmers' training in the sena had to be canceled due to the fact that e. coli had developed sharply in the river after the rain. the athletes were sent to the pool. you are watching the evening news and this is what will happen next in our program. emergency due to bad weather in a park near moscow. the psychology of telephone scammers and
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common deception schemes that even famous artists fall for. they asked me for 30,000 dollars then, that’s when i guessed then to call this person close to me, i said: where are you? he says: i’m sleeping, what do you want, i think you can’t do this with me. how will the law that came into force this week change the situation? in the smallest detail from under the water from the air, how the parade was filmed and what the newest used technology. all the details after the advertisement, do not switch, what is a world war, what can the experience of the history of the first two world wars teach and will humanity have enough common sense to prevent the third world war, if after the end of the world
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conflict, the losing country is not re-educated, as let’s say it happened with germany after '45. we are at the beginning of a global crisis, this is a crisis of the world order, american hegemony, today, especially in connection with a special military operation, as many believe, the world is balancing on the brink of world war iii, which is now acting as a fuse against a new world war. premiere, big story, from gavril princip to zelensky without principles,
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today on the first. the beauty is back at work. and... am i old, no, why can you come to me, your potappov, he is not a builder and not a doctor, he catches bandit killers every day, our department is now in good standing, not without help, not beautiful, i saw, there was a murder, i salute you, senora cagliostra, i see people. those who here, those who are far away, sometimes what happened, sometimes what he wants, you want to live with me, at home at night, because i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, that means i’m a kozlevich , exactly, what a kozlevich, marina, it’s not me, of course
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it’s not you, that means you also love him very much, fortune teller, new episodes, tomorrow on... the first one. new employees are needed for the crime fighting department. do you know the difference between a genius and a madman? the genius was given a chance to realize his calling. comfortable office in ward are you out of your mind? no, of course not, that's why i came to you. compulsory treatment is like an invitation to work. we don't get paid for this. yes. positive colleagues. i noticed that your crazy patients can think. interesting and funny. and investigations are waiting for you, the mysterious disappearance of a pizza man, detective syndrome, tomorrow after the program time, a simple matter, but filmed, everything we love,
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it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very... this is the spirit of the times not only of that period , here is vdnkh today, this is the spirit of the times today. to eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh. on saturday, on the first. this is the evening news on the first, and we continue. a grandiose historical project in
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crimea, new attractions for tourists and researchers. today, on the day of the baptism of russia in sevastopol, the museum and temple complex was illuminated. new khersanez, it was erected on the site where the ancient city was located and where saint prince vladimir was baptized in the 20th century. there are several museums on the territory of the archaeological park, real treasures are collected there, by studying which you can be transported to the distant past and learn a lot new. vitaly katchenko was convinced of how orthodox civilization arose in russia. from the first and only museum of christianity with a dome in russia. like the hagia sophia in constantinople, its diameter is 31 m. the procession heads to the main orthodox font of our country. chariot from new byzantine khersanes. century, built essentially on the foundation of the ancient antiquity, to st. vladimir's cathedral. it was there, according to legend
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, that the holy, equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir was baptized in 988. this is where orthodoxy comes from spread throughout rus'. on the day of the baptism of russia, the entire historical and temple complex, built from scratch in less than 2 years, is illuminated. an open-air temple park, pilgrimage centers, a museum, an amphitheater called the griffin arena. in byzantium, these mythical animals with the wings of an eagle and the paws of a lion symbolized christ, the king of heaven and earth. a place of power, a place of glory, our maternal part, the land from which we were born. the majestic monument to the baptist of russia now greets the entrance to the cathedral, built on the very spot where prince vladimir, together with his retinue , received holy baptism.
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restorers from all over the country. a sacred sacred place, anna akhmatova called it the main thing for the whole country. here are the origins of our faith, culture, statehood, the vector for the development of our state was set by the holy equal-to-the-apostles prince vladimir in 900. prince vladimir bequeathed to us that each of your deeds should be beautiful, then it will reliably serve the souls of people. today we are in this beautiful temple, built by three generations of russian people. of course, a miracle, what happened.
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for giving the opportunity to work on such a project, this is this, this is an invaluable gift, and, of course, to another birthday boy, our patriarch, he is kirill in monasticism, he was given the baptismal name vladimir, our most holy patriarch, congratulations on this day , already on july 30, the new chersonese will open its byzantine gates to everyone, while in...
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an eyewitness, a thunderstorm front arrived in just a matter of seconds, it got dark, it began to rain, i will add a yellow level of weather danger in moscow and the region will remain until 9:00 pm. think before you give money to scammers, something that everyone usually forgets about; from now on, banks will help citizens ; a law has come into force according to which transfers in favor of suspicious persons will be frozen for two days to give the client time to come to their senses, because sometimes they lose huge sums. victims of deception
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, in order to prevent the attackers, need to sell the apartment herself; the woman fulfilled all the demands of the callers, and transferred the proceeds to the courier. in the course of further work , it turned out that the detainee could be involved in another episode of fraud. a famous historian and playwright, following the instructions of swindlers, lost 45 million rubles. we are talking
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about edward radzinsky, whom the scammers initially tried to deceive. a well-known trick, they offered to edit a personal wikipedia page by installing a special program on the phone, which actually allows you to gain access to bank accounts, when the writer refused, they began calling on behalf of pseudo-law enforcement officers with persistent offers to hide savings from scammers on a special account in a russian bank. the playwright personally handed the bag of money to the courier, a nineteen-year-old student. as a rule, the organizers of a criminal scheme hire so -called droppers through internet messengers. you understood that what you had to do was illegal, at first no, then when the second time i realized that it was illegal, but i couldn’t give back, because i thought that there would be consequences from those people where i was placed for this job, scammers are usually looking for a victim, but guess
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dialing numbers from the database of cellular operators, but with stars, famous actors... pop artists, artists, they are dealing with a top -class swindler, they study the habits, schedule, immediate environment, potential victim, each attempt to scam money resembles a real special operation using the latest digital technologies. people's artist of russia tatyana vasilyeva received a call from an unfamiliar number and was told that the mayor of moscow would allegedly talk to her via video link. the video turns on and sobyanin sits in office, our flag is russian. library, a huge office, he sits so far away at a huge table, it means a big tragedy happened, here i was sweating, all the money was stolen from the federal treasury that night, and i ’m trying to understand this, i say, and what, what, my role here , what, now kolokoltsev will contact you, and then you
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will talk to him, it means another guy is contacting me, who suddenly... in the office there is also a banner, a library, 30 million were transferred to your account, sent from your account from this money there, to our enemies, now someone will contact you to call me the next name, then i understand that this is the same thing, but then i left communication, in the city with scammers, confidently anyone can get to vasiliev, regardless of their type of activity, education, life experience, swindlers, subtle psychologists, any of us feels fear for loved ones, fears losing savings or looking stupid in an awkward situation. i saw that this was not sobyanin, this was not his speech, not his, not him, just like this kolokoltsev, this was not him, i understood that, but i communicated with them, so what surprises me is that they have some kind of opportunity for people like this, to introduce this state when they begin
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to believe. this is not the first time that tatyana vasilyeva has been attacked by scammers, one late evening the phone rang from...
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from which the scammers contacted a microcredit organization, of course, larisa aleksandrovna does not need micro or macro loans, this is a fake, and of course, we will legally, administratively deal with it. fraudsters tried to lure money out of sergei pudovkin himself under the guise alexandra buinova, the singer’s telegram account was faked. everything looked very believable. in correspondence, the scammers used the names of mutual friends, and even sent a selfie of the artist, supposedly from an airplane. the only truth in this story was that at this moment?
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or rather landing in vladivostok, it is clear that these were the same scammers, 495. transfer, 200,000 transfer, transfer 295. in total , almost 2 million rubles. the scammers stole so much from actress alexandra cherkasova. we contacted the fake account of director klima shipenko. the unsuspecting girls were told to wait for a call from an fsb officer. then, according to the tried and tested scheme, your account is attacked by scammers and the money is spent on financing. languages ​​of the ukrainian armed forces. they say: your phones are all tapped, you can’t use your iphone because it’s tapped, you can’t use it, don’t tell any of your relatives, colleagues, agent, husband, mother,
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anyone, because there’s an investigation going on and if i report, then these people will do the same accomplices and faces 15 or 20 years in prison. alexandra was convinced that she should help bring fictitious swindlers to clean water in the interests of the investigation, transfer your savings to the specified one. they always ask me to show on camera what i look like, how i’m dressed, so that they can keep an eye on me using hidden cameras, but don’t worry, this is a procedure, everything is fine, you are protected, you are helping the investigation, for a few days, they admit, alexander, passed as in a dream, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, endless calls, scammers kept the contact girl almost around the clock, forced me to make an inventory of valuables in the apartment, they even told me department of internal affairs, is this a method of psychological influence of torture, like exhaustion, something like that? that you are exhausted by just endless noise, background, words, you are simply zombied. well-known russian pranksters vavan and lexus also joined the fight against scammers. several large banks approached us specifically about the development
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of security systems, precisely in terms of combating these scammers, we studied the scheme, studied who is scamming our citizens, because most of this, probably 99 percent of calls come from territory. ukraine, and this, in principle, is not a secret, and what is most important, what is most important is that the work is going on at the state level against our citizens, only in dnepropetrovsk, this, as they say, is now the capital of all this fraud ukrainian, and there are 1,500 call centers, this is a recording of a telephone conversation between a prankster and a fraudster who is trying to convince him to give the courier a package of money. which side do they go to? forward or backward? in advance, in advance, okay, the amount of preparation in the package, if you see the courier waving a flashlight at you under the window, you will throw this amount off the balcony.


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