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tv   Oboyudnoe soglasie  1TV  July 28, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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in parade formation, the small artillery ship volgodsk arrived in its native harbor right on the eve of the holiday from a long sea voyage, which is called a special mission here, throughout the caspian sea, respectively, in all off the coast of our country, four more countries of our neighbors, we accordingly demonstrated our andreevsky. the whole world learned how strong the caspian flotilla is and what long arms it has, when from here from the caspian sea a caliber attack was carried out on terrorist bases in syria, today the same ships are hitting with high-precision weapons for the fortified armed forces of ukraine, and the 177th marine regiment, by presidential decree, was awarded the title of guards with the wording for mass heroism and courage, perseverance and courage. my colleague anastasia will now tell you about how they celebrated in the baltic fleet. the weather makes itself felt:
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rain, strong wind, since the very morning you can’t even see the shore, it was hidden behind the fog, but the stands are filled, the weather did not make any adjustments, the parade took place, according to tradition , the formation of ships was led by a persistent destroyer, the flagship of the baltic fleet, this destroyer a rich track record, persistently fought against the samalian pirates, was the first in modern history to make a voyage around africa and was twice recognized as the best.
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"anastasia kobuzeva, alexey kruchinin, maryana yatskevich, elena pich" channel one. today in st. petersburg , bas-reliefs dedicated to outstanding russian sailors were unveiled on the admiralty building. defense minister andrei belousov took part in the ceremony. he noted that thanks to the military talent of admirals akhimov, spiredonov and ushakov , high-profile victories were won that increased the glory of the russian fleet, but geographical discoveries made by russian sailors.
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readiness to serve the motherland and determination to increase its greatness. it is gratifying that the current generation of military sailors continues the traditions of their predecessors, resolutely defending the interests of russia. belousov also presented state awards to military personnel who distinguished themselves during the special operation. soldiers who have shown courage and bravery are awarded the alexander nevsky order of courage for military merit and medals. a date that determined
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the course of all world history for a decade. smooth 110 years ago, the first world war began, a conflict equal to which in terms of the scale of hostilities and political consequences humanity had never known until that moment. on july 28, 1914, austria-hungary declared war on serbia. after 3 days , all major european states were drawn into it. the great war, as it was called in the west, the second patriotic, german, and then imperialist for us, globally redrew the map of the old world and led to a total reformatting of the entire system of international relations, why for the ignition of a world fire turned out to be a fairly insignificant reason and what parallels in the events of more than a century ago are visible now, ivan blagoy studied military chronicles. it was from this place near the latin bridge in sarajevo that serbian student gavrilo princip fired two fatal shots at those in the car.
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archduke franz ferdind and his wife sophia. the chain of further events is known. murder in the balkans led to world war i, the collapse of four empires and the death of millions of people. as soon as the sun goes down in the capital. during the war, the appetites of the german kaiser constantly grew, the second reich rapidly rearmed and developed its fleet so actively that it challenged british supremacy at sea. the first world war would have started anyway, it was the desire of the great powers, the desire to divide the world. the sarajevo murder turned out to be a successful occasion. bosnia at that
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time was annexed by austria-hungary, an ally of germany. vienna quickly finds a serbian trace in the crime and puts forward serbia, knowing that russia is behind it with an impossible ultimatum. everything you need understand. that the austro-vergrian attack on serbia was not only an attack on a friendly orthodox power, but also a pretext for general aggression of the german states. was it possible to avoid war ? the russian empire clearly did not want it. the rearmament of the army was to be completed only in 1917. after the murder in the balkans, london acted as a kind of mediator in resolving the conflict. here is a telegram from the british king george v and kaser wilhelm ii to henry of prussia. certainly. i sincerely wish that such an irreparable catastrophe as european war was averted. but earlier, henry of prussia himself was on a special mission in london and, after a conversation with the king , he noted in his diary the assurances he received that in the event of a conflict, england would most likely remain neutral. england offered
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germany, therefore, guarantees that france would not participate in helping russia, that germany would fight only with russia, but as it was. russia, which led to serious disagreements in the government and the demonstrative resignation of two british ministers, john burns and john morley. words the latter, published only in 1929, shows what the russian empire then got for its sworn ally. have you thought what will happen if russia wins? if germany and austria are defeated, it will not be england or france that will occupy the first position. place in europe, russia will be in first place. the technological revolution significantly influences military operations, tanks, submarines, aviation, the birth of air defense, all this is the first world war, and also poison gases and a difficult war of attrition. in 1914
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the first aerial ramming took place, headquarters was established with captain peter nesterov. there is a rapid introduction of new communication technologies, telephone, telegraph, radiotelegraph, and the pigeon mail, however, is not forgotten, here is the hatch in the british mark 5 tank, through which a message could be sent to the command with a bird; in total, the allies have 320,000 pigeons at their disposal. there is evidence of bird baskets being dropped over german-occupied territories , asking local residents to send information about the movements of enemy troops. if we draw parallels with today, pigeons replaced social networks. the first world war radically changed the habits of subsequent generations. the popularity of safety razors thanks to the military. contract after the war , the fashion for clean-shaven cheeks and chin, why? soldiers returning from the front who had to shave regularly to keep their gas masks tight to their faces during gas attacks. thanks to the first world war , wrist watches, the so-called trench watches, became widespread; pocket watches were extremely inconvenient in
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the trenches; it was then that they began to apply a special luminous composition to the hands numbers so that at night you don’t need to illuminate your watch and thus give away your location to the enemy. during the first world war, military propaganda technologies were perfected; the leader of great britain, professor fox from the university of darm, demonstrates postcards printed in england. it depicts the killing of red cross dogs by german soldiers in order to roast them later. and here is the headline in the british tabloid daily mail: on july 13 of this year , russian soldiers allegedly devour animals in the ukrainian zoo, is it really old? manual. in 1915 , a gramophone record was released in kiev with a recording of the march of farewell to the slav, also a legacy of those years. many events are extremely curious in today's context, for example, in 1914 the russian army knocks out austrian forces from lvov. russophile sentiments are so strong among golic residents that the head of the palace guard
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of emperor nicholas ii remembers the sovereign’s visit there this way. they came up with different language, but the downtrodden simple russian galician continued to keep in his heart the thought of national liberation. had to leave already in 1915 russophiles were subjected to repression. austria-hungary continued its course towards splitting the slavs into ukrainization. later , another ertz-duke, wilhelm, franz-habsburg, latarinsky will enter the stage. also known as vasyl embroidered for wearing a ukrainian embroidered shirt, his passion for language, when he saw that these crops were sprouting and that this ukrainian people were thirsting for some kind of leader, he was even considered for some time by the organization of ukrainian nationalists as a kind of conditional king of ukraine , yes, this is the first since the time of daniil of gallitsky, although during of course, there was no ukraine of daniil galletsky. habsburg died in prison in kiev in 1948. a copy of the indictment is in the public domain, he was preparing to become hetman of ukraine, participated in its occupation in 1944, he was
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recruited by british intelligence, in 1945 he became an agent of french intelligence, but that’s a completely different story, in january 1917 a conference of entente allies met in petrograd. the multitatuli historian compares it with the meeting in yalta in 1945. germany’s defeat was obvious. at the conference they discussed including the post-war russian structure. english circles played a very vile and negative role in relation to their ally, as the english representative in parliament wrote, our government sent agents of its agents to the ally country in order to carry out a coup. we are also talking about the role of the british embassy personally of ambassador buchan. in the february revolution, not only will it not be necessary to share victory with russia, even in the summer, that is, before
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the bolsheviks came to power, in the materials of the second bureau of military intelligence of france, the territory of an ally is proposed to be considered one of the richest colonies, the word occupation is already heard. the materials of the french foreign ministry indicate: on december 23, 1917, an agreement was concluded between france and great britain on the division of spheres of influence in russia. according to secret agreements, the british also intended to gain control over the oil-rich north caucasus. the french, over the coal-rich donetsk basin of crimea in soviet times, will be reluctant to remember the first world war. in the thirties, in the moscow sokol district, the fraternal brotherhood was liquidated a cemetery for victims of a war that would be called imperialist. now there is a memorial complex of heroes, excursions are held. for me, again, a kind of memory of our past, and relatives in our past heroes, this is quite significant. those guys who are still defending. interests of our country, and these are the guys who are our most important patriots, and in order for
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our generation to grow up to be the same patriots and always be ready to defend the interests of our country, we need to maintain the memory of those events that we have were. the russian ministry of defense has created a portal in memory of the heroes of the great war of 1914-1918 . it contains both documents of combat units and orders, as well as data on the losses of the russian army with... the ability to search by family name. ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, mikhail kunitsin, goron shimprag, veronika ilvutchenkova, igor agafonov, channel one. let's return to the realities of today. russia now has a law that helps protect people from transferring money from their accounts to scammers. just last year bank clients were kidnapped for 16 billion rubles. and now banks are required to suspend transactions for 2 days if the recipient of the funds is suspicious in the database. the victim will have time. i remember that people are processed by professionals, they take people out of fear, the entrance involves deception and forgery, involving real data
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in the technique of psychological pressure, and they give away huge millions of sums, famous people also get caught in the network, several very recent examples from oleg shishkin, about methods of struggle he will also tell about swindlers, footage from cctv cameras, a young man enters the entrance and a few minutes later returns with a black bag, you knew what was in the bag, right? what was the amount? 15 million. who gave you this money? and an elderly woman. the police detained two couriers; a seventy-three-year-old pensioner suffered from fraudsters as participants in a criminal scheme. the stranger said that the apartment she owned was put up for sale, in order to prevent the attackers, she had to sell the apartment herself. the woman fulfilled all the demands of the callers. donated the proceeds to the courier. during further work, it became clear that the detainee may be involved in
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another episode of fraud. a famous historian and playwright, following the instructions of swindlers, lost 45 million rubles. we are talking about edward radzinsky, whom the scammers initially tried to deceive using a well-known trick: they offered to edit his personal wikipedia page by installing a special program on his phone that actually allows him to receive. handed the bag with money to the courier, a nineteen-year-old student. as a rule, the organizers criminal schemes hire so-called droppers through instant messengers on the internet, promising a reward from 100 to 200,000 rubles. did you understand that what you had to do was illegal? at first, no, then when the second time i realized that it was illegal, but
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i couldn’t give it for one, because i thought that there would be consequences from those people who... who hired me for this job. usually scammers are looking for a victim, but by guessing, dialing numbers from the database of mobile operators, but with stars, famous actors, pop artists and artists deal with extra-class swindlers. they study habits, schedules, immediate surroundings, potential victims, each attempt to scam money resembles a real special operation using the latest digital technologies. people's artists of russia tatyana vasilyeva received a call from an unfamiliar number and said that they would allegedly talk to her via video conference. video and sobyanin is sitting in his office, our russian flag, a library, a huge office, he is sitting so far away at a huge table, it means a big tragedy happened, here i am i’m sweating, all the money was stolen from the federal treasury this night, i’m trying to understand this,
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i’m saying, and what, what, my role here, what, now, will connect you with you... anyone can get in, regardless of their type of activity, education, life experience, swindlers, subtle psychologists, any of us feels fear for loved ones, fears losing savings or looking stupid in an awkward situation. i saw that this was not sobyanin, this was not his speech, not his, not him, just like this kolokoltsev, this was not him, i understood that, but i communicated with them, what surprises me more is that they have some
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, some opportunities for people like this. introduce this state when they begin to believe, this is not the first time that tatyana vasilyeva has been attacked by scammers, one day the phone rang late in the evening, an accident allegedly occurred, a child died due to the fault of her loved one, but the issue can be resolved by giving a bribe. they asked me for 30,000 dollars then, that’s when i guessed then to call this person close to me, i said, where are you? he says: i'm sleeping, what do you want, i...
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here is the translation of 295. in total, almost 2 million rubles. the scammers lured so much money from actress alexandra cherkasova by contacting the fake account of director klim shipenko. the suspicious girl was told to wait for a call from an fsb officer, then, according to the tried and tested scheme, your account was attacked by scammers and the money went to finance militants in the ssu. they
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say, your phones are all tapped, you can’t use your iphone, it’s tapped, you can’t use it , don’t tell any of your relatives, colleagues, agent, husband, mother, anyone, because an investigation is underway. and if i report, then these people will also become accomplices and this threatens 15 - 20. noise, background, words, they simply zombify you. according to the central bank, in the first quarter of this year alone, scammers stole more than 4 billion rubles from russians. the main working scheme is when scammers call and
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introduce themselves as employees of the central bank, law enforcement agencies, the fsb, and say that a person’s accounts are being encroached on by some scammers, allegedly, and ask the person to transfer money to some safe account that they indicate, or withdraw money give cash. again, allegedly to an fsb officer, that’s it, and he himself will transfer the money wherever needed. well-known russian pranksters vavan and lexus also joined the fight against scammers. several large banks approached us specifically about the development of security systems specifically in terms of combating these scammers, we studied the schemes, studied who is scamming our citizens, because mostly it’s probably about 99. after all, the calls come from the territory of ukraine, and this in principle, it’s no secret, and what’s the most important thing since the most important thing is that the work is going on at the state level against
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our citizens, only in dnepropetrovsk, as they say, now the capital of all this ukrainian fraud, and there are 1,500 call centers, this is a recording of a prankster’s telephone conversation with a scammer who is trying to convince him to give the courier a package of money. which side do your house windows face? forward or backward? in advance, in advance, okay, put the preparation amount in the package, you will see that the courier is waving a flashlight at you under the window, throw this amount from the balcony, there are trees near the house, will the package get stuck on the tree? no, it won't get stuck. the girl on the other end of the line has no idea that they are talking to a top-level trolling master. look, i can see him from the window now, see him from the window, throw the bag. i throw the package, i threw it, i threw the package, look, his, his name is, a mental hospital has arrived, he’s being put in a mental hospital, oh, the dog took the package in his teeth, ran away, oh my, how
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could that be, oh, and they lost their money, and they took this one to hell, oh-oh-oh-oh, everything is fine with your head, but you, i’m fine too, no, but that’s all you have, you don’t carry out the plan, you’re a loser, loser of the day. today it’s you, here’s some advice: how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers from vavan and lexus? first of all, do not trust anyone, the most important thing, especially when strange people call you on the phone via messenger, when they immediately want something from you, for example, to receive some code from an sms, to say something else information, this is something you should never do. a law came into force this week to protect people from transferring money from their accounts to scammers. banks are obliged suspend transactions for 2 days if the recipient of the funds.
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where the money goes, whether there are any signs of fraudulent activity, but the recipient bank will also look to see if the money is being received by a fraudster who opened an account with her in advance. psychologists advise to be internally prepared that any call from an unfamiliar number carries with it the risk of falling into the network of scammers and being kept. filming and showing such events is a special skill and art, and our team masters this art perfectly, and those behind the scenes make the frame a perfect report:
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two operators are responsible for this camera at once, you see, one operates the crane, adjusts the height, turns right and left, the second is in the cockpit at this time, he looks behind the lens, chooses what exactly the camera will show, this is how they practiced filming the passage of the presidential boat along neva, the task is important, these shots are already during the parade itself. the most difficult thing was not to dip the camera into the water, but at the same time keep it as close as possible to the waves. what is it like to control the camera? on games, on the console? you're playing? well, sometimes, yes, then this is your workout before work . yes, yes, that's what we do. now it’s 18, don’t get too carried away, in the director’s room, every tense minute, video from dozens of filming points was coming in here at the same time. broadcast.
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the first this year became even larger, this time we tried to make a new version of the parade, we were not limited to the way large ships usually sailed in the waters of the gulf of finland in the previous 7 years, now we showed the baltic fleet, the pacific fleet, the northern fleet, the caspian military flotilla and even base in tartus, and it seems to me that it is important for our viewers, our citizens to see... that the fleet is large, efficient, modern, and is defending the borders of the homeland, the team of the first arrived in st. petersburg almost 2 weeks in advance to prepare for broadcasts, it was necessary to install almost fifty cameras, cables stretched to them from a mobile television studio, like arteries along roads, embankments over water, these iron structures are needed in order to reach the cables and to the ships that are on the neva,
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they do this by air with the help... suddenly somewhere we hang special beacons that light up at night so that tall ships do not pass, here are our cameras on the combat icebreaker ivan popanin, its commander said even before the parade that there will be unique footage from here for viewers of the broadcast, they will see yes, from the inside, they will undoubtedly see what our shipbuilders have achieved, the crew will definitely see it, at this time they will be killing in formation along the corridors, in the cabin, they will see the pilothouse, that’s how it was on the air, the officer of the watch, big gathering, dress uniform, place of formation, helipad, yes, this patrol ship is completely new, has not even managed to join the northern fleet, and also show how the chinese destroyer works.
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my favorite point is the widest shot, because you can watch it endlessly like a painting. our sharp-eyed lenses on the roofs of houses coped with this task, for example, on this cable road, this year its length broke a record of 850 m. this is how the camera moved along it. i think that it looks like some kind of scooter. well, maybe she also looks like a water strider, she has just such legs, well, imagine, here you have a cart, it rides on four wheels along two cables, just look how much equipment needs to be used to service this one small camera, a fire truck with a 78 -meter crane, there are only two of these in the whole of st. petersburg, and another construction crane, here is an additional vehicle, where the control headquarters is located, there are
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batteries, a radio station, and even there is a spare cable, imagine what it was like to throw this huge cable road across the neva, through houses, over roofs, now i see a lot of trees, how did they cope with this? a large group of specialists worked on this , traffic along the quarter was specially blocked in order to safely move the cables from one bank to the other, using a boat, and of course, from one lift there to the roof, from the roof to the second lift, so - in small dashes, install it was climbed by people with special mountaineering training, one once, twice, the third time it’s no longer scary, you need to monitor the air temperature so that the chamber does not heat up, the strength of the wind, the wind is stronger, you need to lower the ropes so that there are no unnecessary vibrations, if there is no wind, then on the contrary it tightens, there are many nuances , and even if the camera itself is wobbly, the picture on air is smooth due to the stabilizer, for this television should
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thank who do you think? sailors, in general, to be honest, the stabilization systems came from sailors, initially and they appeared on ships, because the ship has pitching, and he needs to shoot in the rear direction and the very first stabilization systems in general, in the world, appeared on ships, we are using this find to show you these same ships in all their glory, better than from any rostrum. lyubov filipova, rinat goreev, evgeny savchenko, vzulfiya khakimova, channel one st. petersburg. a huge amount of work by our team to make sure that the main event of navy day is once again memorable for every viewer. for those who were unable to watch live or want to once again immerse themselves in the holiday atmosphere. porad in st. petersburg on the first right now,
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attention, says st. petersburg shows, annually, on the last sunday and... russia celebrates navy day. today , july 28, 2024, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin will host the main naval parade. today , the russian navy is a balanced branch of the armed forces,
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consisting of surface and submarine forces, including strategic nuclear, naval aviation, marines and coastal troops. the navy can... operate in four environments simultaneously: underwater, in the ocean, on land in the air. today , nakhimov naval schools, the kronshtat naval cadet corps, as well as naval higher education institutions prepare for naval service. the history of russia is inextricably linked with its naval victories. the country's status as a great maritime power was won by the courage of military sailors and the talent of shipbuilders. over the centuries, the fleet has been hardened in battle. at sea and on land, military
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skills were honed, and the traditions of maritime brotherhood were strengthened. during the great patriotic war, the fleet stood to the death off the coast and sea. homeland, forever, in the chronicle of the great victory of the battle for odessa and sevastopol, the exploits of the north sea men, the legendary raids of soviet submarines, the defense of leningrad and the impregnable kronshtat. and today, marines and motorized riflemen, personnel of coastal troops, crews of surface ships and submarines. naval aviation pilots, logistics specialists and military doctors demonstrate daily outstanding bravery, courage, bravery and unbending fortitude during a special
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military operation. more than 30,000 military sailors have been awarded state awards. their exploits are forever inscribed in the military chronicle of russia. and its navy are an example of the true patriotism of serving the fatherland. many of them today are participants and guests of parades in st. petersburg in the fleet. today , sailors from the northern, pacific, baltic fleets, and the caspian flotilla will take part in the parade.
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before the start of the main naval parade only a few minutes remain. the commander -in-chief of the navy, admiral moiseev, arrived at the commandant's pier of the peter and paul fortress, where he will receive reports from fleet commanders on the readiness of the naval forces and troops via video conference .
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on the screens is the city of baltiysk. the main base of the twice red banner baltic fleet. comrade commander-in-chief of the navy. the baltic fleet is ready to hold the main naval parade. commander of the baltic fleet, vice admiral lepilin. the report was accepted. kaspiysk continues broadcasting. the main base of the red banner caspian flotilla.
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the commander-in-chief of the navy
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is sent to report on the readiness of the navy to hold the main naval parade to the president of the russian federation, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation. comrade supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, the russian navy is ready to hold the main naval parade. commander-in-chief of the navy, admiral moiseev.
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the boat with the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, the minister of defense of the russian federation and the commander-in-chief of the navy began moving towards the parade formation of ships located on the roads in the neva water area. in the navy, the level of equipment with modern high-tech ships, submarines, aircraft is increasing annually, and in december 2023 , the newest nuclear- powered strategic submarine was accepted into the navy. emperor alexander ii project borey a. this year the construction of the nuclear-powered cruiser prince pozharsky is being completed. on
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the stocks of industrial enterprises, the construction of two more modernized underwater cruisers is underway. flags were raised on the frigate admiral golobko and the corvette reski on the large submarines kronshtat and mozhaisk, on the small missile ship narafaminsk and the sea minesweeper lev chernaven. according to established tradition, the parade
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formation of fifty ships is led by the four-gun sailing battleship poltava, recreated according to the drawings and models of the eighteenth. century at the historical shipyard of st. petersburg. in parade formation is the modern small missile ship serpukhov, twice red banner of the baltic fleet. the ship is commanded by captain third rank bogdan kapeti.
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has powerful artillery and mine weapons. the corvette is a worthy successor to the glorious traditions of the russian fleet. they have completed more than 15 combat missions and have already traveled over 190 thousand miles. hello comrades commander! congratulations on navy day! hooray! hooray! the boat of the president of the russian
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federation is approaching the project 23550 ice-class patrol ship ivan papanin. the ship is commanded by captain of the second rank kirill tkachenko.
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the submarine is the fifth in a series of six submarines intended to equip the pacific fleet. large submarine mazhaisk. despite its relatively small size , it is an extremely formidable weapon; it has excellent characteristics, is characterized by low noise, excellent maneuverability, and is equipped with high-precision missile weapons. all these qualities have been confirmed more than once during training and combat missions in the world's oceans. today, as a sign of partnership, we arrived in st. petersburg and moored at the embankments of the neva. ships of the navies of friendly countries. the president of the russian federation is sent
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to greet the crews of foreign ships. the boat of the president of the russian federation is approaching the crippled destroyer jiao zuo, a naval force of the people's liberation army of china. the commander of the ship detachment is senior colonel liu boyuan. the commissar of the ship detachment is senior colonel yin-hui. the ship's commander is
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captain first rank wangfeng. the ship's commissioner is captain first rank chen jie hong. the ship was accepted into the chinese navy in january 2022. built at the jiangnan shipyard and named after jiao zuo province. located in the very center of china. the length of the ship is 180 m, the cruising range is 5,200 nautical miles, the ship's crew is 280 people. the destroyer is equipped with modern missile and artillery weapons. the destroyer jiao-dzo passed more than 11 thousand miles from the port of st. petersburg in order to take part in the main naval parade. russian-chinese cooperation in the naval field is developing dynamically.
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hello sailors. congratulations on your participation in the celebration. russian navy. chinese sailors chant: "hello, president, long live china's friendship with russia." the president's boat is heading in the direction of the guards corvette of the baltic fleet, smart. the ship is commanded by a captain of the second rank sergey demidovich. hello comrades!
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congratulations on your day! the title of corvette was inherited from its predecessors of the same name from the black sea fleet of the times of the ussr, the large anti-submarine ship of project 61, and before it, the destroyer, which received the guards rank during the great patriotic war, for its valor and courage in the battles for the defense of the soviet crimea and the caucasus. as part of the ship group
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of the people's republic of china, the integrated supply ship honghu of the people's liberation army of china. senior senior colonel leung xin is on board. the ship's commander is captain first rank wang xiuyun. commissioner of the ship, captain of the first rank dzyan zen ping. the ship was accepted into the chinese navy in july 2016, built at the huang fu shipyard, guangzhou. named: after hong lake in hubei province. the length of the ship is 178 m. the displacement is 23,400 tons and the cruising range is 12,000 miles. crew - 130 people. the ship has artillery weapons. the crew consists of female military personnel performing tasks on a par with the male part of the crew. the boat
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of the president of the russian federation is heading towards the training ship. with your participation in the celebration of the russian navy day, the russian navy and the naval forces of the algerian people's democratic republic have long-standing friendly and partnership relations. the ship's crew responded to the president's greeting with three cheers. the president's boat approaches the frigate tabar, fms of the republic of
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india. commander.
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historically established partnerships, the russian navy and the naval forces of the republic of india regularly conduct joint exercises. this year, the guards missile cruiser varyak of the pacific fleet took part in the milan exercises organized by the indian navy, and naval ships serving in the indian
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ocean regularly make visits. to the ports of the republic of india. a high-ranking indian military delegation is present in the parade stands. we are pleased to welcome the crew to russia. ships of friendly countries with the largest population in the world. the president the russian federation has completed a bypass of the ships lined up on the roadstead of the niva embankments and is heading towards the admiralty embankment. st. petersburg is one of the most majestic and famous cities in the world. sovereign, indestructible.
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born in the northern war, he became the crown of the victories, energy and will of peter i. russia was proclaimed an empire on the banks of the neva. st. petersburg is a place of power, a center of attraction for talented people, a city that has been tested for strength more than once.
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boat of the president of the russian federation, moored at the admiralty embankment.
12:00 am
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