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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 29, 2024 4:05am-4:58am MSK

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fleet, russia is proud of those who honorably carry the st. andrew’s flag anywhere in the world where the national interests of the state require it. there will be sea vessels - wrote peter ii. from those times, the fleet was, is, will be a participant in all significant events in the fate of the country. its combat power will continue to increase in response to the aggressive plans of the west, vladimir putin said in st. petersburg. the supreme commander-in-chief hosted the eighth major naval parade in modern history, a major celebration that included the piro crew. the country tried to see in everyone details. report by ivan prozarov. 3 hours before the start of the parade, kranshtat literally blows away specks of dust from the ships that will sail along the neva, tinting the hulls. the cooled gun is raised by 45°. slowly one after another. the parade flotilla goes out into the gulf of finland. the parade formation is already being formed in the gulf of finland, at full speed the small missile ship narafaminsk is going around the city of sviyazhsk, it will bring up the rear of the column. incredible views.
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tourists on pleasure boats greet our military. on the way to st. petersburg the ships are slowing down and waiting for the command. at this time, all attention is focused on the peter and paul fortress, where the fleet roll call is taking place. the northern fleet is ready to hold the main naval parade. the report was accepted. the supreme commander-in-chief appears at the commandant's pier along with andrei belousov, who is participating in the celebrations for the first time as minister of defense. vladimir putin accepts the report of the commander-in-chief of the navy. comrade supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, russian navy, conducting the main naval parade is ready. the salute of the salute battery is the signal for the beginning of the celebration of navy day. vladimir putin on a snow-white boat with tail number 001 bypasses the formation of ships on the river niva, headed by tradition by the fifty- four-gun battleship poltava. based on the drawings , an exact copy of the sailing ship of 1712 was recreated . immediately behind him, hi...
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hi boyki is equipped with x-35 guided missiles, they are capable of destroying a ship with a displacement of up to 5.00 tons, while boyki can fight underwater targets, and also support the landing. congratulations on navy day. hooray! hooray! hooray! here is the main novelty of the parade, the first of its kind combat icebreaker ivan popanin, named after the famous polar explorer who conquered the arctic. this is an ice patrol ship. ivan popanin just a month ago
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left for factory tests from the admiralty shipyards of st. petersburg ; participation in the parade was the first important task for the crew. congratulations on navy day. hooray! hooray! next came the ships of foreign guests; they were taken away for an entire section of the field behind the blagoveshchensk bridge, the destroyer jiaogzo from the people's republic of china, is decorated with banners in two languages: chinese-russian friendship is growing stronger every day. congratulations on your participation in the celebration of the russian navy. here is the honghu ship, where, contrary to superstitions, sailors serve on an equal basis with sailors.
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the algerian training ship lasum has more than 200 cadets on board, and this is perhaps the brightest greeting to the indian frigate tabar , translated from hindi as a battle axe, built in st. petersburg in 2004, the crew performs tinjay ceremonial movement. hello sailors, congratulations on your participation in the celebration of the russian navy. raising your hand to the left side of your chest symbolizes great respect, and the action is usually repeated three times.
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i'm in formation on a military campaign. many naval crews are bravely fighting in the hottest areas of the line of combat contact in the special military operation zone. just like their great ancestors, they defend sevastopol and other black sea and azov ports, deliver devastating blows to the enemy, destroy them military facilities, more than 30,000 sailor officers were awarded high state awards for each medal, order, rank, personal history, courage and devotion to the fatherland, the fate of daring, persistent sailors, their commanders, brilliant naval officers, for whom the main thing has always been and remains duty and honor , dignity, ability to lead, responsibility for the entire unbroken
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heroic path of our legendary navy, of which the people of russia are certainly proud, in his speech vladimir putin noted the growing external threats on... the american administration and the german government on plans to deploy american long-range high-precision missile systems on the territory of germany from 2026. important russian government and military installations will be within its reach. our administrative-industrial centers and defense. infrastructure, and the flight time to targets on our territory for such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will be about 10 minutes. moreover, earlier during the exercise the united states had already worked out the transfer of
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dark tefon missile systems from their territory to denmark to the philippines. this situation is reminiscent of cold war deployments in europe.
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russia believed that then there was no need for this anymore, the world had changed, the cold war was in the past, but the united states did not respond to this unilateral gesture of goodwill and continued patrolling our borders, so since 2007 we have resumed such flights, it has become... . a response to the increased activity of strategic and us reconnaissance aircraft in sensitive regions of the world for russia. this measure is also aimed at ensuring security in the asia-pacific region. and here is the solemn moment: the ships begin
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to move through the golden gate, this is the entry point into the city niva, a complex and narrow section. the ships move at the slowest speed here. we can’t tell you, the equipment is classified, but you can hear it well, the tension is literally hanging in the air, the column is traditionally opened by a nakhimov anti-sabotage boat with the state flag of russia, behind it on a landing ship, a copy of the boat of peter i as a reminder, thanks to whom our country became a great maritime country. power. the minesweeper alexander obukhov, which has a unique, largest fiberglass hull in the world, carried out combat trolling in the gulf of finland last fall and neutralized sea mines from the times of the great patriotic war. the ships of this project are in combat service in the mediterranean sea. at the parade there is an entire strike
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tactical group of four small missile ships sovetsk, grad, grad sviyazhsk and narofaminsk. under a small body there is hurricane power, thanks to missiles. onyx caliber. perhaps the most crucial moment is before us - the podium on which the supreme commander receives the parade in honor of navy day. all that's left is to go through. another part of the distance. for the first time in the history of the parade , guests and spectators see the power of all russian floats. the far east is in touch. korvets-perfect and diesel-electric submarine petropavlos kamchatsky. in severomorsk nuclear submarine missile the cruiser prince vladimir and frigat were dying out of the kasatonov fleet. the baltic fleet has small missile ships and the latest landing boats. our base is in syrian tartus, where admiral grigorovich serves on board each frigate. our people, bound by centuries-old traditions. today is an important day for me, my
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grandfather was a submariner in the northern fleet, he served on a nuclear submarine, so, as a captain of the first rank, i followed in his footsteps, as i dreamed of since childhood, such pride that you really have the right and you can wear this white uniform, and it’s nice to have such attention, because the whole day has been dedicated to you, the whole parade, the whole country is watching, of course it’s nice, we’re doing it for this. we are preparing so that everyone will enjoy it, it is a great honor for me, i am pleased, very, very pleased to see the support of the people who came to watch the parade, god and the st. andrew’s flag are with us, victory will be ours, russia is ahead, they won’t have to stand at the parade roadstead for long, soon they will go on to continue their service, thank you for your valiant service, i wish you new victories in the accomplishment of those facing us truly historical, fateful tasks, glory, cheers to the navy for russia.
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ivan prozarov, pavel volkonsky, mikhail bobry, svetlana barkova, ekaterina yarovenko and sergey deev. channel one st. petersburg. the countries represented in st. petersburg this year followed the celebrations with great interest. putin greeted chinese sailors at the russian navy day parade. in response , the ship's crew shouted: "long live friendship."
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residents and guests of the northern capital watched the parade from the embankments; some came from other cities, many with memories of their own naval service. konstantin panyushkin, who was on senate square, collected the impressions of the audience. from a podium on the banks of the neva, vladimir putin promised a mirror response to the deployment of long-range missiles.
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military hospitals, where our military personnel receive treatment, where they receive follow-up treatment, rehabilitation and recovery, and we look at the order of receipt and the current state of the housing stock, and timely measures of payments that are due to our military personnel after injury, and well, after they returning from the zone of a special military operation, additional measures of support for the participants of the special operation from the regional authorities in st. petersburg
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, a new military ship is sailing from the slipways, so development is underway, of course, a lot still needs to be done, a lot needs to be changed, a lot needs to keep up with the times, because life is very dynamic, you know, time shows that new types of ships, new types of weapons of everything are required, so we can’t lag behind here, but in principle, i think everything will be fine with us fleet, the presidential administration confirms that if we talk about the competition
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of fleets in the world, then i think that we are ahead, i am sure of this, having been in charge of it myself for several years. in shipbuilding, including even , first of all, military shipbuilding, i can say that in many respects we are ahead of the leading navies of the world today, we can certainly be proud of this, but how could it be otherwise, for example, seeing the navy alive was this boy’s dream alexander beregovoy, he sent his desire to get to the parade to the wish tree, here he is with family on the podium on senate square. i wanted to attend... at the naval parade, this is directly related to the theme of our club, maritime affairs, it is very interesting to look at warships, sailboats, i want to go to maritime practice, or to a training sailing day or hope , but it’s worth saying that everywhere on the banks of the niva , not only today, the boys were completely
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delighted, how did you like the parade? ok, i really liked it, it was my dream to see the ships live. very cool, they are so big this year, the parade is very strong we like it, we film everything, we clap for everything, everything is very exciting, solemnly much better than the olympics in paris, everything is super, look how beautiful the weather is, how beautiful everything is, the weather is super, sun, summer, we are very glad that we have such a strong fleet in the country, by the way, sailors in st. petersburg on navy day from all over the country, we all came together from the arkhangelsk region, i served in the baltic fleet, the northern fleet is a new land. so here i am here, we came here as tourists , we relax, we enjoy the weather, it’s nice, where from? we arrived in the vologotskaya region, the city of cherepovets , where you served, where peter the great northern fleet , the northern fleet, here serpukhov is the first, it is
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with its stern towards us, this is serpukhov, in honor of our city, a sister city was built, as they say, wherever i served in the pacific.
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st. petersburg is the center of the holiday, but its geography is much wider, the pacific, northern,
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baltic fleets, the caspian flotilla, our film crews worked there in the main base cities today, a big report later in this issue. in the meantime, the northern capital again and vladimir putin’s program, international cooperation in the military sphere, the president discussed with the heads of foreign delegations who arrived at the parade in st. petersburg. there were other events, one way or another, related to the fleet, its glorious traditions and heroes, defenders of the fatherland. olga knyazeva, more details about everything. almost half of all seats on the podium are occupied by foreigners; more than thirty countries are our guests. the largest delegation is from china. several chinese ships take part in the parade. by the way, in china women serve on warships on an equal basis with men. therefore, the women in uniform in the stands with foreigners are only chinese; the rest in civilian clothes are the wives of rear admirals and commanders.
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between russia and vietnam, we have a ship in vladivostok, and here we also know all the ships, so i ’m waiting for all the ships. in the front rows, naval commanders, ship commanders and chiefs of staff, immediately after the parade they are asked not to leave. informal meeting of the president with the commanders of the ships participating in the parade and the heads of the naval forces of other countries, so many sailors with high ranks, in a relaxed atmosphere, of course, is rare. naval service requires special qualities from a person, a special
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character, a special mentality, because the sea not only absorbs a person, but the sea creates difficulties that people on the shore face in ordinary, normal life. i once again congratulate the russian sailors on the holiday and want to thank our foreign friends for being
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here with us today, i want to assure you that we, for our part, also we feel warmly and sincerely towards you, the leadership of your countries and the peoples of your states. even during a short conversation , the president is on time.
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fedor fedorovich paid great attention to the education and training of personnel, modern russian military sailors live by his covenants and ideals, they also faithfully, selflessly serve their homeland, and the famous admiral for them is a symbol of military valor, it is our duty to honor the memory of all the heroes of the fatherland, among them, of course , a special place belongs to the great naval commander.
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'cause there's nothing more powerful than strong than the spiritual principle. everything else is built on this. that is why today many shrines that were previously kept in museums are transferred to churches, for example, the silver shrine of alexander nevsky, which was shown to putin. today our heroes, members of the north military district or their families, those who are waiting for their fathers, husbands, brothers to come home, come here to the tomb of prince alexander nevsky. the silver shrine is part of the tombstone; until last year
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it belonged to the hermitage, but it was accepted. the radar station of the petriot anti-aircraft complex and two rocket systems were hit salvo fire mlrs made in the usa. air defense forces shot down 34 enemy drones. one of the hottest sections of the front is chas yar. our units are gradually pushing through the enemy’s defenses. he snaps. it is drones that pose the biggest problem. there are a huge number of them in the sky. our military correspondent, amir yasupov, works together with sappers
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from the karbyshev engineering battalion. as part of the volunteer corps, for which amir and the popular front are now raising funds, the campaign is all for victory, there is a qr code on your screens. so here are the battalion fighters named after karbyshev in the bogdanovka area, they clear the way for attack aircraft who liberate chasov yar. one of the kamikaze drones hit the trench where amir yasupov was with the subjects of the shooting. here is another arrival , also to the bogdanovsky district. through bogdanovka the road to chasov yar in sou is adjacent. the roads to the city are constantly shelled and mined, seeded with cluster submunitions, they are also called light bulbs, they are fraught with the loss of legs, feet, they pierce more than 10 cm of metal. soldiers of the engineer battalion named after karbyshev volunteer corps , the trails are cleared, we’re leaving. two are not bad, but
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it worked properly in full, the sappers orres and the dude are combing the village, looking at the sky, of course, and the drone detector warns the approaching drones in advance, well , this is not the best news, because somewhere a beer is flying, it is flying nearby they are working with us on a flying drone. it’s still circling nearby, let’s speed up, the guys prefer shooting rather than running, they get hit, they shot down a drone, blew up a pogdanovka, it seems like they’re trying to run at all it’s pointless, there’s still not a single surviving building, which means not a single shelter, so when another drone hovers over us, the guys open fire again, as they say, either you’re his or he’s you. unarmed and
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useless, i can’t beat up a drone, i go to the nearest ruins, here are enemy comics with a suspended projectile, go guess who it will hit. it’s eerie to see when he passes over you with a shell, we get to the dugout in the forest belt, another drone flies in, looks for our boys’ church, disgusting, let's go down, but we don't have time, there it is, hanging a temple above the ground, here it is, wow, it has flown, look, the view is certainly creepy, in slow motion you can see the pilot is pulling the net, there is a very modest explosion and a drone, as if having hit the boot, it jumps back and gets stuck, we assume that a small detonator was installed on it, due to a collision with the mesh it flew out, hit the ground and exploded separately from the main warhead,
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that’s why it survived, that’s why we survived, sound certainly not the most pleasant charge the main one remained on it, god knows when and how it will work, but fortunately we are coping now. they have to deal with this matter, but the men, of course, caught this bird with a fishing net, only the fish is no longer a bird, some other sounds have already begun, the sound has changed, but it would seem like some kind of children's toy, it instills so much fear , all we have to do is wait, by the way, guys, the tea has boiled, why are you offering me tea now, sweet tea, and also a sandwich, sausage, cheese, whatever you want,
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there are such damaging elements, some kind of washers, and here on this side, that’s exactly the same charge that didn’t work, but the net saved us, the net saved our lives, of course, this is a lottery, at the positions of the sappers of the karbashev battalion it continues, here’s another... . flew in, such are the everyday life of sappers, you have to live in bulletproof vests, even underground and don’t forget about the helmet, but this does not cancel the work, sappers are clearing another path in the forest on the approaches
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to the hour ravine, a shot from an rpg, which was not carried by an fp bucket. , here’s another one, they destroy it with an overhead charge, several hundred grams spent, let's leave. with anti-personnel mines it is a little more difficult, it is better not to carry these mines in your hands, in order to collect them in a heap and blow them up, a cutter makes a long scoop from improvised means. there’s no other way here. we’ll take the light bulbs, but cluster ammunition is not always detonated on the spot, the sappers of the karbashev battalion know how to work with them calmly, without fear they pick them up and deactivate them, this of course surprises us, well , take good ones into your hands, well... i won’t come near you soon will. light bulbs are collected to be used to destroy large artillery ammunition and don't waste your explosives. everyone take cover at a safe distance. once
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the guys have cleared the path, they tie white ribbons around the branches; they put up red ribbons or large signs if they still can’t clear anything, like, for example, this mine stuck on a tree. she had to fly to the ground with her parachute.
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bandaged, ares was evacuated to the hospital, military ophthalmologists are trying to save his vision, his colleagues hope he will return to duty, we want to believe that he will fulfill his dream, which he told us about right... before the way we said goodbye, i dream of receiving a high award from the hands of president vladimir vladimirovich putin, i also dream of my own personal apartment. on the banner of the battalion, it would seem, there is dogma, with no room for error, yet sometimes fate gives the sapper a second chance, the commander of ares, a fighter with the call sign ashkinaze, lost his leg in a minefield during the assault on artyomovsk, but returned to the front on a prosthesis.
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evgeniy pushkar, deputy commander of the company. a group under his command discovered the saboteurs and forced them into battle. despite numerical superiority, the enemy was defeated and retreated. private leonid kuvaev provided our vsk with ammunition. leonid drove them to the front line under fire, and took the wounded back to the rear, leading the vehicle out in the most difficult conditions, even from attacks by strike drones. to other topics. the standard of living in donbass and novorossiya should be equal to the rest of russia in 5 years. this task was set by the president. last wednesday, vladimir
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putin held a meeting on the development of new regions. in 2 years , about 3,000 km of roads were repaired and rebuilt there, including including land routes to crimea. more than 2.0 high-rise buildings have been restored. particular attention to healthcare facilities. two such facilities: the krasnodon maternity hospital and the intensive care hospital in mariupol, the most modern regional vascular center, opened after a comprehensive modernization. work did not stop, doctors under during the fighting here, not for a second , shelling, refusing sleep and rest , saved people’s lives. the main value of the hospital is, of course, its staff. we have 876 employees, all of them are real heroes. many thanks to all of them for their work, for your work. for what you have done so far for people, what you are doing now, i would very much like
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everything that has been done to not only benefit those who work there, but above all to benefit the people whom you are helping, general the bed capacity is 571, the amount of work is very large, even for such a team as yours, this is, of course, such a serious medical institution for the entire region. since 2022 , 1,300 schools, kindergartens and educational institutions have been overhauled and built in new regions. centers, one of them, a lighthouse, was opened in berdyansk, a branch of artek operates there in the zaporozhye region, completely new buildings were built for the mariupol branch of the nakhimov school, and at an extremely fast pace in just a year. new gyms, laboratories, classrooms and residential buildings will welcome nakhimov residents this september. students have already been recruited. mariupol. sea ​​city, so
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it’s natural that the nakhimov school appeared there, i want to note that my order on this matter was issued on march 30, 2023, now it’s july, which means what a year and 4 months since small, the school is already ready to begin full-fledged work there, the period from july 8 to july 12. work was carried out to recruit nakhimov students in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, 240 future students were selected, 100% of the plan. during the work of the commission , the great interest and desire of applicants to study at the new school was noted. in addition to mariupol residents, guys from many, including new regions of russia, successfully passed our tests. you have a very noble mission, to help. our young sailors to grow them into real
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change to the navy, the officers of the navy, i wish you all the best, success, thank you, thank you, thank you, and more about the quality of life, education, comfortable urban environment, transport accessibility, housing, medicine, everything from what is the concept and improvement of this quality, an extremely urgent task for the eastern territories, mikhail mishustin traveled this week from
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24 years old, came to raise kolyma, and so he stayed, in his native place, i don’t want to leave, one can already say it’s a tradition, every year in in the second half of summer, prime minister mikhail mishustin visits siberia and the far east, and kalyma is the first stop on his working trip this time. how life in the city is changing eight time zones from moscow can be seen upon arrival; mikhail mishustin is shown the new air terminal complex under construction. in december 2024, it will be like in the picture, representatives of the media have already recorded in december of twenty-four, so there is no turning back, telescopic bridges will also appear here, the dream of local residents don’t get off the plane straight away into a severe snowstorm and frost, but in winter it’s -60 here. it’s a wonderful airport, it’s clear that it was made wisely, with an approach, it’s very nice that
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it was designed by russian specialists, it’s comfortable, convenient. by the way, magadan was on the very first far eastern route. the head of government, then they showed him the territory, which at that time had just begun to be put in order, these shots, the lighthouse park, and this is it now, look how beautiful it is, how many mothers and fathers are walking with their children, they come from different regions, this boy, for example, from the moscow region, hi, kid, you like it too, hi, where are you from, local mytishchi, from mytishchi, what are you doing here, well , relaxing with your grandmother, just relaxing, you live here, yes in magadan, yes, great, well, hello grandma, mom, the park won several times in the competition for projects to create a comfortable urban environment. now it’s hard to believe that just a few years ago this place was a wasteland; here, for example, there were rusty garages and abandoned wooden buildings, now on the shore of this picturesque nagaeva bay the construction of the fourth
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stage of mayak park is underway, a long embankment has appeared, an equipped beach, children's sports grounds, then there will be a waterfall wall and a floating bridge, all this is an idea of ​​local architects, here even a children's slide looks like this: fish is one of symbols of our region, this is salmon, there is also a place for fishing, it bites, sea bass, good fish, it will go to your ear, all the art objects in the park are made from ships raised in the port, there were 20 of them in total, the port itself has been transformed, here are the shots filmed 4 years ago, well, does it look like a port, does it look like a ship graveyard. but here’s how things stand now: those ships that have been polluting our waters for 30 years have now been completely removed from bukhtanogaev’s waters. thank you, we have been closely monitoring their removal. now a tourist center is being built here on the coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk, and the flow of tourists in
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the next six years should triple . what is magadan 2030? the whole country knows the words: will you be on our stake? we ask and 2030 - it won’t be a joke, it’s real a tourist magnet, there will be facilities for tourists, tourist centers, this is the talaya sanatorium, which is already ready to receive its first guests. the fishing industry for magadan sailors is developing, two fishing boats are currently being built, the region ranks second in russia in gold mining, second only to the krasnoyarsk territory, this year, according to forecasts , they should produce almost 6 tons of gold more than in the past, in kolyma, today there is also the only plant in the country for... the production of omega-3 dietary supplements from white fish, this is the basis for pharmaceutical industry, good import substitution, the enterprise is only a year and a half old, products go both to the domestic market and abroad, 2,200 tons per year, net benefit. of course, three omega-3 gulcirides are today the most important element, including the prevention of cardiovascular
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diseases and many others, but for me these are still memories from childhood, remember when we were given spoons of fish oil. he immediately, so to speak, smelled like that, it’s interesting, i don’t know how much he was purified at the time, like you have today, some loved him, some didn’t loved it, but everyone remembers it better, but 3 hours later the prime minister was already in khabarovsk, a new air terminal complex is also being built here, after modernization it should become the largest in the far east, in march 2025 we plan to serve the first passengers on international flights, here we are march was remembered along with the media. twenty- fifth year, so, yes, we are on schedule, funding has been secured, the most important railways, the trans-siberian and the baikal-amur, and personnel pass through the khabarovsk territory. cooked right here in one of the largest transport universities in the country in the far eastern state university of transport. who will go to the bank? all? on
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transims? together with the governor. by order of the president, you know, we have already opened the third stage, accordingly, for the modernization of the eastern training ground, this applies to bam, transib, our transport capacity should be, by the thirty-second year, who knows how much?
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eurasian economic union, sco, to brix. the khabarovsk territory is also called the engineering capital of russia. during the great half of all legendary bombers were assembled here. and u4, now our su-57. a mining and processing plant is also being built here; it will become the most powerful in russia and the second in the world. treated mining and metallurgical in the second half of the year will launch a new line and the processing capacity of gold-containing ores will double. and here is the country's largest enterprise for the production of compressor and power equipment, daliners. awesome posters that can be hung anywhere. comrade, don’t let the team down, the place put it in place. this is possible in all federal executive authorities for a premium. that's what we will do. by the way, this is an enterprise... and here is just one example: here we have mastered the pipe shovel, this is one of the most expensive tools
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in the machine, the most complex, the most complex, all the machines at the plant are russian, the enterprise is loaded with orders. your enterprise, which is unique for the far eastern federal district, makes a significant contribution to achieving technological sovereignty, which is before we stand for industrial, technological, economic sovereignty...
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and what is most important, we will soon change the legislation accordingly so that we have a register of companies that are engaged in industrial design and engineering. why you need to do this so that you can access the minimum amount of government support. here is an example of import substitution in the machine tool industry: this is a domestic spinder engine, without this part, neither for aircraft, nor for armored vehicles, nor for simple cars, the parts can be produced it will be impossible. the plan for the next year is already mass production. returning competence in the field of machine tool building is such a huge and detailed work; it is very difficult to make your own spindle. it is difficult for us
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to compete with the world's best analogues. therefore, we gradually need to carefully make sure that domestic solutions, which may not yet be the best in the world, but let them begin to be used by companies, and we can compensate 50% to 50%. costs for russian, produced russian from trade registers equipment, but the amount is still small, up to 20 million rubles. well, then as this develops, i'm sure we'll come up with other tools. novosibirsk academic town, a world-famous research center. 60 years ago, its creation was a real breakthrough; what is happening here today is essentially an academic campus 2.0, on the territory of which they invent, produce and teach on a world-class campus. it's like a college town in soviet times, only adjusted for today's times. do you have a device? bale? there is a bale machine, but it’s more like
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a museum exhibit, because now it’s more than that. in today's laboratories there is not such a thing, vir-technologies, everything for creating robots, biological laboratories. here we isolate dna, in our case we isolate it from bananas. in 2025, there will also be an educational and scientific center for the institute of medicine and medical technologies, and at the same time the construction of a research center will be completed, where they will develop drugs, which are already ready. a whole building for leisure, it even has its own planetarium, with young scientists and those who are just planning to become such, the prime minister talked over a cup of tea, this year the implementation of the national project science universities, according to which all this is so actively developing, will end, nothing will end, we, on the instructions of the president, are actively preparing new national projects, we will report to the president in september;
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in general, our new national project focuses on youth and children.


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