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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 29, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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they almost captured the donetsk region. artiaronich alaudinov is in direct contact with us, a hero of russia, a major general, a very good person and a friend of our program. hello, as soon as the western press begins to complain about the actions of our troops, we immediately call you, because you are one of their main upsets, let’s say. what is happening in the donetsk direction in the kharkov direction and in general, why is the west now openly starting to say that...
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we can state that the donetsk people's republic has been completely liberated. it's me i think that it’s a really good result due to the circumstances that the enemy is given a very large amount of weapons and equipment, along with this, when we move forward, liberating new settlements and good areas every day, i think that this is a very good result, well, of course .
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it is precisely this loophole for the rest of the means. in this case, it turns out that the ministry of defense units are advancing along the entire line, the first line of their fortifications, it has already been completely lost by them, and it turns out that today our troops they have the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, pulling apart the enemy and knocking him out, it turns out from those positions where he has been sitting for a long time, well, of course. the thing is that in
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this case, those fortifications that they have in these settlements, cities that you just mentioned, they, in principle , should not be taken, say, by storm head-on, no one will take them by storm head-on , everything will be done to ensure that the enemy is either surrounded or abandons these positions and runs away, fortunately our troops have there are quite good opportunities to make any character... him, well , in the kharkov region, their sources say the same situation, that we can cut up their grouping in the kharkov region, but how is the situation there now? ruslan, well, in our direction, i will say that a lot of enemy forces and means were transferred here, which means we have stretched them out, also systematically destroying, in principle, at the moment in our direction. apart from the very
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principle of prolonging the destruction of the enemy, large-scale actions of this nature are not is being carried out, well, i think that these are all issues that we should consider working moments, the line of combat contact, the line of combat contact, it is very, well, let’s say , extended, and the enemy, taking into account what he is carrying... very large losses can make it harder and harder to maintain this line, that is, in the end - here, too, we will see in total the same result that we, in principle, initially laid down for the events themselves, that is, as they say, the elephant must be eaten piece by piece, stretch, cut off, move on, if you look at the current moment, it seems that it’s not going very quickly, but from a strategic perspective everything is developing perfectly, thank you very much, i don’t
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think about the fact that you need to be more careful when turning, a short advertisement and we’ll be back, the beauty has galloped back to work , and here you are, i’m old, no, why, can you come to me, your potapov, he doesn’t work as a builder or as a doctor, he’s caught every day by bandit killers, our department is now in good standing. not without help, nor handsome, i saw there was a murder, i salute you, señoraostro, i see people, those who are here, those who are far away, sometimes what
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was, sometimes what will be, do you want to live with me, at home at night, because i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, that means i’m a kozlevich, for sure... what kind of kozlevich? marina, it’s not me, of course, it’s not you, which means you also love him very much, guesser, new episodes, today on the first, the fact is that i don’t choose the songs myself, this is a collective decision, your love will not flow in gold. inside this humble it specialist, fierce mathematician, all these
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gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is love, it was just something with something. human avatar, pretty, don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is, married, best friends’ parties, you danced with my friend, fantastic, on friday on the first, here is the russian spirit, here is the russian bar, we are used to see mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events. when he was in character, as they say, he held his face, he didn’t look wide i mean, he didn’t let me into the family, it was a strictly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him, lively - there were always get-togethers, and you’re sitting
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in dad’s place, it happened, yes, unique footage, previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister... lena and his first wife, velta, in the face of misfortune, grief, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked for one kitchen and came in turn to be on duty mikhail. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, more likely at this sad moment. for some reason, god needed you more. our exclusive is the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. what is the heat for me, what is the heat for me? what is torrential rain to me? when my friends are with me.
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tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced exactly what a true, faithful friend is. all these years that we have been friends, i bear for seryoga his guitar, we are brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives are sisters, we are already like lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, even sometimes confused, leshchenko loves you all, if a friend turns out to be a friend, and neither a friend nor an enemy,
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and so, on saturday on the first. two stars, fathers and sons. on sunday on the first. we continue our broadcast. yesterday we celebrated right away. several important holidays: the day of the baptism of russia and the day of the navy. the eighth naval parade took place in st. petersburg; it was hosted by russian president vladimir putin. in 20 surface ships and boats, one submarine, four sailing vessels entered the neva waters, and ships from china, india and algeria also participated.
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hello sailors, congratulations on your participation in the celebration of the russian navy. it was rightly said by alexander ii, russia has only two allies, the army and the navy, today we intend to actively develop and modernize both sea and land weapons, because the western countries will not become humane in any way, they intend to force everything new. this time the americans decided to deploy long-range missile systems in germany, but yesterday
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vladimir putin said that our response would be immediate. noteworthy is the statement of the american administration of the german government about plans to deploy american long -range precision missile weapons systems on the territory of the federal republic of germany from 2026. in his zone. important russian government and military control facilities, our administrative and industrial centers, defense infrastructure, and flight time to targets will be within reach on our territory, such missiles, which in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads, will take about 10 minutes, while earlier during the exercise the united states had already worked out the transfer of dark tefon missile systems. from its territory to denmark to the philippines, this situation is reminiscent of the events of the cold
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war associated with the deployment of american pershing ships and medium -range missiles in europe; if the united states of america implements such plans, we will consider ourselves free from the previously assumed a unilateral moratorium on the deployment of medium- and shorter-range strike weapons, including... increasing the capabilities of the coastal forces of our navy. today , the development of a number of such systems is at the final stage. we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states and its satellites in europe in other regions of the world. this american permissiveness is clearly a very complex mental illness that has no problems. russia can cure, alexey alekseevich, well the situation is heating up, this american statement about the deployment of missiles in germany is
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, to put it mildly, a serious threat, how can we respond, in which countries can we place our missiles and what kind of destruction zone will it be, perhaps in which countries is this a very strong statement, in my country, first of all, i will draw attention to the fact that we now border on a very large number of nato member countries, our response will be mirrored, as the president said and... and those countries that thought that these were some kind of games, that they joined nato, now they are under security umbrella, they, on the contrary, will feel that they have no security, if previously their neutral status more or less protected them from such initiatives, we the president clearly said, we took on unilateral obligations at one time, as an act of goodwill, not to threaten countries that have a neutral status or are friendly neighbors for us, now this is no longer the case, this status is now. them disappeared, and accordingly, we will take those measures that we consider necessary, it is unlikely that this will happen
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happy population of these countries. it is important to make it very clear to this population that the reason for this kind of change is the thoughtless, extremely dubious and aggressive policy of their own leadership, and not the evil will of the russian federation, which has been for a very long time in information terms, you know, in fact, oles, they are all this wonderful. they understand that they are not at all happy that, for example, finland and sweden joined nato. this, we are dealing with a mainstream, media trend, that everyone, everyone is happy and so further. let me remind you that no referendum was held regarding this, it was an imposed point of view, which, yes , is shared by parts of the finnish and swedish establishment, but not all, but now, when the evening, as they say, ceased to be languid, they saw that they had become just a target, a target for russian missiles, cut-off has come, cut-off has come, it is now very
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worrying for the nato leadership, which feels that many countries there, for example , slovakia, hungary and so on... communities and i know that even officials there, they are unhappy with this decision of scholz, yes , there is patience, yes, order is very important for them, but the results of elections in the states, especially, they say exactly the opposite, they say that yes, the german leadership is simply ignoring all these political trends , simply ignores, which means there will be a different leadership, elections in democratic
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institutions, but whether it will be so is the question, your irony ruslan, of course. roman, and we must act proactively in this case, or they took a step, we take a step, because the statement the americans have done what should we wait, maybe it’s time to act? well, it is always necessary, of course, to act proactively, in any case, but this situation, it is, of course , this is not a case when we need to act first, our supreme commander quite rightly said that our measures will be taken in any case. a response to the actual deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles on german territory and supersonic weapons, which they are now in the testing stage, but in any case we are already ready for this, that is the president also said this, production has already been established, that is, the appropriate instructions have been given for medium- and shorter-range missiles, and if necessary, they will be deployed quite quickly. the question is, where
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can they be located? well, of course, this is primarily the kaliningrad region , yes, because it is such an exclave. which is included in the depth of defense of a potential or no longer potential, but an official enemy, yes, these are territories that are included in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the northern fleet, the baltic fleet, moscow, leningrad military districts, and also the southern military district, objectively, these assets will probably be deployed there, but again we must understand that medium- and shorter-range missiles do not directly threaten the united states, they actually cannot threaten them , that is, germany will receive the full power of our response if. from there, god forbid, these means of destruction will be used on our territory, that is, here the german people really should think about it, they are in their 25th year there is a choice ahead, they may well vote , go and choose their future future, whether they need it or not, for the german people, you know, others think, such as boris pistorius, who himself once wrote in his memoirs, the german people are such that doesn’t even know what to do with him, the same
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boris pistorius will now screw up the germans - about the russian threat even more scathingly than he did... before, in connection with this the question arises, alexei borisovich, how sobering can this really be? them act our steps that we are ready to take? you know, during the discussion, what i remembered was that the president mentioned that the current actions of the united states remind him of the years of the cold war, when it was planned to deploy pershing missiles, also in germany, i was still there then. very young, well, as a schoolboy, i remember these reports, stories, then german society not only did not disagree, it demonstrated its disagreement by holding demonstrations, rallies, it was all, pick up the archives personnel, i have a doubt that the current
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society, the ideals of which, one might say today, was the opening of the paris olympics, will be ready to massively protest against the deployment of american missiles in europe, society has changed, so i have big doubts as to exactly how society will realize that they are becoming hostages, well, in the literal sense of the word, hostages of american politics, exactly how ready civil society will be... to oppose, i currently have big doubts the only question is whether civil society there will listen, whether it will be ready to speak loudly, then even this is doubtful, you know, yes... at the helm, when the americans are at the helm, as far as the europeans are concerned, they are just a pawn in the hands of the united states, and this pawn at any moment, you know, can
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become a checker, probably, after all, if we switch to chess terminology, then the europeans are still pieces, pawns are more there, closer to ukraine, so , probably, after all, they consider european countries as figures, but as is known. they play with fire and play with fire in europe, so they don’t even think that they can get burned and that the wind can change direction and the sparks that they fanned will return to them like a boomerang, now there’s a short commercial, and we’ll come back, how many times have i told you, find normal work, i noticed that your psychos know how to think, i want to use this, we are talking about a tragedy, how can you not understand this, i discovered your talent, i will close it, you will deliver pizza from me again, you will, whatever you want so that
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we do all the work here for you, it's time to develop, pasha, to approach things more carefully, i'm from germany, we're going back to the wards, it's a pity, it turned out very smoothly, time... ho, detective syndrome, today after the program it's time, fantasy, on friday on the first, there's a russian spirit here, here in russia, we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say, holding his face, he didn’t have anyone in the broad sense of the family... he said, it was a clearly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see it the way only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him, the get-togethers were always lively,
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and you are sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, yes, unique footage, previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta, in the face of misfortune, grief, they united. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment, you were to god, for some reason more necessary. our exclusive, family archive. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. what is the heat for me, what is the heat for me? why do i
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need a torrential dose? when my friends are with me. tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced exactly what a true, faithful friend is. i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test. i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor came, came. came to me, i played a melody, the next morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how great, my friend. in general, there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. friendship, you know, often begins with respect. all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar with him. we are our own people, we are not just friends.
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a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and my heart hasn’t broken, do you know how she ’s torn, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls. well, okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your there was no preparation, sooner or later you will be identified anyway, and this is a mortal danger , or you have a second one very well. option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful. mayor, find
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the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello. kostenko. confrontation. premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the live broadcast of our naval parade was on many western tv channels, but as usual, everything that western journalists heard, or they pretended that they only heard that. these are specifically the words of our
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president. about the russian response to the deployment of american missiles in germany , presents vladimir putin’s words solely as yet another threat to start a new cold war. but despite the very hostile rhetoric of western journalists, politicians, the united states itself, of course, is not yet ready to completely worsen relations, our defense ministers have already spoken to each other on the phone several times, and the new york times has declassified the details of the very... last conversation that took place on our initiative . listen. mr. belousov called pentagon chief lloyd austin to discuss the secret ukrainian operation being prepared against russia, which the russians believe was approved by the americans, and also to clarify whether they knew about she at the pentagon that this could lead to an escalation of tensions between moscow and washington. pentagon officials were surprised by the accusation and were unaware of
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any such conspiracy. but the publication's sources noted that belousov's message was taken seriously enough to contact the ukrainians to tell them to refuse to do something like that if they were planning it. well, americans can take note in different ways, it all depends on the calculation. alexey alekseevich, what do you think is the effect of this conversation? had an effect on the americans, who clearly had no intention of stopping in preparing various kinds of provocations at the hands of ukrainians on our territory. you know, it seems to me that the americans are playing the fool, just as those politicians are playing the fool who say: what kind of denazification is this in ukraine, and what is nazism there? oh, explain it to us again and again and so on. now the american military is playing the fool in the same way about the fact that oh, we didn’t know that they were preparing an operation, oh, who did it and etc. it is necessary to clearly understand that the americans certainly do not want to associate themselves with the ukrainian authorities at this stage. yes, of course, the situation in
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ukraine. will continue in one form or another and so on, there’s no point in guessing here either, but the fact that there is an idefix with the united states is not a party to the conflict, and this is being repeated now like a spell, like the fact that they are what they want themselves to be in before convince themselves that they are not a party to the conflict, and the deployment of missiles, new medium-range missiles, on european territory and shorter range, this is also more likely for the europeans, because the americans must let the europeans show that they are this tontik, which the europeans are asking for, they are creating, so, but the western press heard what they had to hear, the president understands perfectly well, understood and what he says will be amplified by the media resonance in the west, this is also for us a certain message to western countries that must be made, because otherwise, otherwise, some politicians get an advantage, they say: russia will attack,
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russia is so aggressive and so on now. as soon as they start talking about aggressive russia, unfortunately, they will have an argument: guys, well, you yourself are placing these weapons on european territory, they are put in a very difficult situation, i don’t know who did it, but it was done by a very smart person in the west, you know, when they say that russia is a threat there, a threat, they want, you know, to lead us to a certain kind of aggression, and in order to lead us to aggression, they... constantly they provoke, these provocations are arranged, so i understand that this is precisely what the call was connected with, they already understood, they actually already understood that russia is not only a patient country, we carefully check our steps, they, they already now they are taking advantage of this, because they can make active, aggressive attacks against russia with complete impunity, because they know that russia will not react to this, and this belief, unfortunately, yes, it
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creates in them the illusion of this security, everything is allowed. in the head of the pentagon that ukraine is preparing provocations, there is objective data for this, most likely he provided this data and asked whether the pentagon was moderating these provocations, which surprised lloyd austin, who was in the cm openly writing about this, i i understand that it may be an artificial surprise that they were not in the know, they called ukraine, they say that you are crazy there, excuse the simple language, and now...
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all the intelligence services in europe and america were unable to prevent this atrocity ukrainian, it is quite likely that the question is of the same order, and you see, the americans are trying to distance themselves as much as possible from any potential terrorist acts that may take place on the territory of the russian federation. remember, after every terrorist attack...
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mr. belousov, what arguments he gave, what data he presented on our special services, well, the ungrateful person was guessing on the tea leaves, but theoretically i admit that the americans might not have known about this specifically, in any case case, i think that the presence of such a conversation and, in general, even with a month's delay, but the reaction of the mainstream foreign press is a good signal, it really is a good signal. no matter how we make jokes about this, it means, at least at the level of top officials, there is an opportunity to discuss extreme situations that are already crossing all possible boundaries, well, in ukraine
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, by and large, it is not hidden that they are going to continue to organize sabotage and terrorist acts on the territory of our country, the listeners themselves admit that in order to achieve a more advantageous position in negotiations, they are ready for a lot. in the office of the president of ukraine they are already openly talking about their plans to use western weapons. mikhail podalyak
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speaks directly about his desire to destroy the infrastructure of our border regions. there is both the will of the means and the need to destroy the support infrastructure - this is the key point of this war, this not only concerns this illegal object. construction in the form of a crimean bridge, but this applies to the entire infrastructure that runs along the occupied territory, which the russians they are building there, this includes this ferry crossing that we have, there are also the remains of these ferry crossings in the black sea, yes, it means near the crimea, all this should be exactly the same from the rostov region, there are railway junctions that russia is building, everything this must be destroyed, now it is necessary to demolish not only the occupation infrastructure, well, which was built on the occupation infrastructure, but also the support infrastructure that is located in the border area, there is very... all this must be taken out, and pay attention, he speaks pure russian language, novel, they have already openly switched to terrorism and provocations, which means, well
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, this is the main thing, if earlier it was as an accompanying auxiliary to combat operations, now on the contrary, combat de, it is a question of prolonging the conflict so that they can threaten us with terrorist methods . what should we prepare for when this is over, do they really want this in order to have more advantageous positions, this is a strange position, but that’s what they say, i’ll start from the end, it will end when the goal is achieved. special military operations, when those who are now sitting in kiev at the bank office, that they simply will not make any decisions, will be removed or physically destroyed there, as the situation goes, then it will all stop, probably, but as for terrorism, well, olesya is absolutely right , in general, from the very beginning, even before the start of a special military operation, they did not disdain these means, in principle, as the situation on the line of combat contact worsens for them and as they slowly, slowly crawl away to the west, now everything is getting faster the speed of their retreat increases - they surrender
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their position, well, naturally they move on to some kind of asymmetric response, increasingly stronger, they are trying to hit the energy infrastructure, we see this, in principle , uav raids, but they changed their vector, they are hitting the energy sector, i would not be surprised, if, in principle , a nuclear power plant turns out to be in their area of ​​attention again, in principle, they have already tried to do this several times, starting with the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and ending with nuclear power plants on the territory of the so-called old russia , there were also attempts at the crimean bridge for them remains a political goal, i repeat, it is no longer a logistical goal, but to destroy, destroy it, yes, this is probably their blue dream in the literal sense of the word, well, we need to prepare, naturally our special services are not asleep, we see from reports regularly cells are detained, people are recruited, people who are trying to blow up something, destroy something on russian territory, so we cannot act the same way, we act completely differently within the law within the framework. human norms and morals, so yes,
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alexey alekseevich, here is a conversation, by the way, between belousov and austin, it is very important, because apparently, the russian military leadership warned our western colleagues that the status of a sponsor of terrorism has not been canceled by anyone, this is really a very serious thing, most likely it was about the fact that an operation was being prepared on the territory of the russian federation, traditionally, i mean, yes. and a simple warning was issued about what consequences would come, including for the american military infrastructure, perhaps, perhaps also military personnel located not only on the territory of ukraine, as a result of this kind of impact, and what could be the consequences, i think that loy tostin understood what consequences we are talking about, that is , again someone will go to vacation and there, by chance , someone goes on vacation again and is in execution and will not return, and what’s more, most likely there was reinforced concrete evidence of their involvement and their knowledge of you.
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situations that arise from time to time, because yes, i think that ukraine sometimes has escalations, escalatory moments, tries to drag out this situation, aggravate it, and so on, and the united states and even britain, including, they are now at this stage, in any case , trying to contain ukraine, although this is not makes them, does not absolve them of responsibility for the terrorist activity of ukraine, in no case and in the future too, by the way,
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the hungarian prime minister spoke about american white gloves, which... are already soiled and it is impossible to wash them off from blood and gunpowder viktor orban and he basically said that the american leadership is behind the undermining of the northern flows, the silence of europe is capitulation. the fact that we are silent about the bombing of the nord stream gas pipeline, that germany itself is silent about the obvious act of terrorism committed under american leadership against its property, and that we do not investigate, do not try. nato. i don't understand why hungary wants
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to remain a member of an organization that it doesn't like so much and which supposedly treats it badly. this is definitely anti-european, anti-ukrainian, anti-polish policy of hungary. this is the salvation of hungary. on the other hand, this is not a solution at all, alexei borivich, because here orban says sensible things, obvious and understandable to everyone, but everyone pretends that they have closed their eyes and nothing is happening. and the poles here acted in their traditional way, well, i don’t like the suitcase, the station, leave the european union, although no one is really waiting for them there or holding them, in general, you know, it’s becoming alarming for viktor orban, yes. it hurts, let's just say he really is a womb has been cutting recently, and in all directions, this is his last speech, well, listen, he’s just saying what is in plain text, diametrically opposed to those narratives, as it is fashionable
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to say, that the european union is pursuing, well, diametrically opposite, on the nord stream, in relation to the war. and peace in ukraine, in terms of position, even within the european union, when ukraine today is blocking the gas pipeline, yes, the poles are starting to pump, in fact, and in general the hungarians should be deprived of this russian oil, to which he reasonably says: poles, look at yourself, who buys more, who buys the most today, alexey borisovich, look at what i think, it’s important to pay attention now to the time factor, when orban openly spoke about it. the fact that everything is fine means they understood who is behind the undermining of the northern flows, this is clear, no one has stated so openly before, but now hungary really has problems with supplies due to the fault of ukraine, then, as i understand it, orban foresees changes the entire geopolitical situation of the situation, so he openly declares this, but what
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will this change in fact? well, firstly, orban not only foresees, orban tries to the best of his ability...
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application form orban and trump, that is, countries that are in europe, well, hungary is actually not the last country in europe, at least the poles know about it , which is why the proposal to withdraw from nato from the poles betrays their nervousness precisely in this direction, nato reform, in fact, it is not clear how it will end for poles first of all, because they were previously the main beneficiaries of the us spinning the europeans. nomination as they wanted, because it was poland that received all the cream, everything, all the credits, everything else, yes, yes, yes, and poland now faces the very clear prospect of losing this status, and hungary faces this status to get, in fact, this buildup of orban, regarding the fact that he is
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completely against the mainstream, this is a very serious application for not having, of course, not to collapse nato, as... some european countries are trying to imagine, the point is to change its essence, here from this moment it is already very interesting, because we risk not returning to the same stage in the state that was before , nato +1, i mean russia, but we have the opportunity to get a meaningful enemy, not meaningless now, like what is happening now, but a meaningful enemy, and this is already interesting, and orban, by the way, he is not at all suicidal , he understands perfectly all.
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zelensky asked viktor orban during their meeting in kiev on july 2 to help organize a conversation with donald trump, which eventually took place on july 19. former british prime minister boris johnson and polish president andrzej duda also urged trump to talk with zelensky, so it is unclear who had the greatest influence on the us presidential candidate. information about zelensky’s request was conveyed to me by a well-connected source involved in ukrainian-hungarian affairs. well, after all these conversations zelensky decided to act quickly, and he promises by november to provide a new plan for the so-called
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peace settlement, agreed upon by the west. a path has been outlined to end the ongoing fighting, patience, support and diplomatic pressure are the three factors for a just end to the war: if the us and european countries remain united, this will increase the pressure and demonstrate to moscow that it... has no chance, kiev will begin detailed discussions on issues of territorial integrity with relevant countries, until the end of november an action plan will be created to achieve peace. listen, diplomatic pressure means moscow has no chance, what kind of peace negotiations, peace plan, is this a proposal of surrender, and now let’s remember what donald trump actually told zelensky when he called him, this is a war machine, they defeated hitler and napoleon, stop altogether. in fact , you can’t envy zelensky now, because he is trying to create some kind of virtual reality, in which he himself is trying to live
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and is trying to invite everyone else there, the situation has already changed on the battlefield in geopolitics, but only in zelensky’s head it has not changed and what is this fraught with then this is fraught with great losses for zelensky personally, if you understand what i mean, that’s because he is already becoming dangerous for his curators and partners, and it’s not like he ’s becoming. he has become dangerous, and you probably noticed that at public events few people approach zelensky, in fact, this is not the famous internet meme that works that whoever zelensky greets immediately loses his post, or even his life, that’s why so many now, well, every joke has a grain of joke, that’s it, but nevertheless zelensky now has a really very difficult situation, and we must not forget, he has lost the status of the legitimate leader of ukraine and he ...
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"well, firstly, i will continue alexey’s thought, with your permission, remember the expression the moor has done his job, the moor can leave, here the moor is such a moor, well, i remember the expression, not in relation to zelensky, but in general situation, at a certain historical stage he fulfilled his role, we must pay tribute to the fact that at the moment when emotional diplomacy was working, from the point of view of emotional diplomacy, zelensky was good." well, strictly speaking, as an actor, yes, he was fine with that, at a certain stage it really worked, now the time for emotions has already passed,
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a slightly different time is coming, so well , it is no longer relevant in this case, regarding the peace plan, well, one can of course assume that they will take so long to prepare, because they will prepare two plans, one in case of a victory for the democrats, yes, the other case of victory republicans. ukrainian diplomats are there for the kuleba , well, let’s not make any wishes for the mysterious ones , you can make a wish, yes, well, i think it’s unrealistic, but i think that after all, there will be two plans , i say again, yes, they have definitely already been burned. no, there will be three plans, one will be ours, without options, well, well, transferred in advance
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to ukraine so that it can use it, and as the most realistically passable one. everyone will be waiting for the result of the american elections, so let them cook, let them write, let them, but there may still be a royal in the bushes in seeing some next boris johnson who will jump out and say: let ’s just fight again, despite the loss of hundreds of hundreds of thousands of ukrainians and territories there, just let’s fight even further, this is also not excluded, let’s raman, let’s be honest with each other, yes, all these plans that are being built are some kind of distant prospects, despite the fact that they already speak honestly and... openly and say everything, but we have not come close to this, which could push zelensky, because it seems to me that the west is ready for what it can do push zelensky to become adequate, nothing, how can he stop using, but this is a common place, i think it is difficult, and impossible, well, because he is a person completely controlled from the outside, well, look at his statement, we are about ours territorial integrity, we will consult with our partners,
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that is, a person is supposedly legitimate and supposedly... you are obliged to do everything that the creditor tells you, otherwise you simply will not receive the money, there are no internal resources to ensure the viability of the country, even if today there was no confrontation with the russian federation, this is a different question, we just see by how insolent zelensky has become in ukraine, not giving them as much as they need, and there is a shortage
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of everything. specifically to external corporations, it is already under external management, and crisis management, and it is absolutely necessary to understand that this is a black hole, including for europe, which was created specifically so that the european economy does not come out of the crisis in which it is now , this is the idea of ​​the usa, now a short advertisement and we’ll come back, the beauty is back to work
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i galloped up, and you are sharper today, am i old? those who are far away, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, you want to live with me, at home at night, because i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, that means i’m kozlevich, for sure, what a kozlevich, marina, it’s not me, of course, it’s not you, which means you also love him very much, i love him, fortune teller, new episodes, today
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on the first, what? since i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos can think, i want to use it, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice it while standing, we’re talking it’s about tragedy, how you don’t understand it, i discovered your talent, i’ll close it, you’ll deliver pizza from me again, you’ll do what you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, pasha, approach things more carefully business, i’m from german, we’re going back to the wards, it’s a pity, it turned out very smoothly. time is glass, detective syndrome, today after the program time, a fracture out of nowhere, like this, this is a fracture of a vertebra, when it seems there is no reason, how to understand that this happened to you, how
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help about this about much more in the program. live great, tomorrow is on the first day, the fact is that i... the most human avatar and a nice one , you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what
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a human kiss is, she’s at a married anton, at a party of best friends, you danced with my friend , fantasy, on friday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed and we’re talking about the devil and our hearts aren’t breaking, do you know how she ’s torn, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls, okay, let’s speculate, let’s say you are a mole, you are wanted, there are orientations towards you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and is this a mortal danger or not? you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad. major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can,
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the whole version is going to hell, the man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero. i really hope you don't have to blame you for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. the confrontation of the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. at the end of last week, we told and showed footage of our warships in the baltic fleet. we were in the port of havana in cuba, how they were greeted there, here are new fresh shots from havana, now our ship is undaunted, on guard, cubans are visiting, we opened
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the doors of our ship, i don’t know if it’s possible to say so, probably for those who are hospitable cubans, we show them our achievements, an interesting question arises here, havana receives our ships and arranges excursions there, see how everything goes peacefully, what else? ports in north america are ready to accept our ships on excursions, so when they actually stop off the coast of america undaunted, i think they should already be a little scared. news on channel one. hello, it's time for news... first, we'll tell you about the most important events right now. from moscow to st. petersburg twice as fast. construction of a new high.


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