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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 30, 2024 12:00am-12:51am MSK

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something not only shocking, but also something very sinister, because if they are not afraid of anything and do not care about public opinion, including their own citizens, not to mention everyone else, i think they have some kind of... either a very terrible reason, or humanity really made it clear that it simply bowed to...
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i simply don’t see doing this. well, it seems to me, yes, i absolutely agree with alexander gegovich and this is his statement, but i would tell my version. why? yes, because they won a triumph. they won. by this act they won a victory. it really is absolutely. i 'll explain now. this is truly a complete challenge to christianity, by the way, islam, buddhism, and all traditions. but the thing is that look what is happening, after this dozens, hundreds of countries are taking part in the olympics, among them there are many countries that consider themselves truly religious, either christians or muslims, and muslim countries with saudi arabia very strong there , they take part, but what at least one delegation slammed the door after that, well, at least one delegation said. friends,
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we will not take part in this shabish, the only one who does not take part is russia, thank god, and not of our own free will, so i have a question, but if it weren’t for us, we would probably go and we would also take part in all this, we would take part, and even here there would be people who would say this, you know, this must be understood, this, well, it was the same, we took part in this. eurovision, where is this? everything, you know, and what they achieved, they showed us who you are, here we are, we won against you, because you can’t do anything, and you won’t do anything, that’s the most terrible thing, it went further, the olympic games let's go, that's the result, really the devil, only the devil, it doesn't come on its own, but it comes through someone, that 's why i'm talking about the financial oligarch.
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andrei ivanovich, do you agree that they won? of course, well, of course, we won, we see it, but we won, we won now, they won for an hour, maybe in the long term, victory after all, and i believe in it, will someday remain with people and forces with healthy thinking, and not with this perverted one. as for the scenes, i, naturally, like the absolute majority, and perhaps all our people, did not see the ceremony. the opening of the olympic games from beginning to end, we saw these ugly, disgusting scenes that cause nothing but disgust, and to be honest, i don’t want to talk about this, it’s physically unpleasant for me, but look, there is a russian proverb about a barrel of honey, and spoons of tar, so uh, if you add a spoonful of tar to a spoon, to a barrel of honey, it’s no longer a barrel of honey, it’s already honey with tar, moreover, in this case it’s no longer tar , this is a substance, i just... i don’t want
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to say it out loud, but this substance is much worse than tar, this tar will be remembered, not everything else, although there were probably colorful scenes in this ceremony, there were some finds , there were, after all, outstanding performers, well, the same celine dion, yes, of course, she is a great singer and also a person who has earned high respect for her struggle with an incurable illness, this is all true, but this spoon will remain, excuse me,
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the first, maybe, of course, they won, but i am sure this is the first victory, because firstly, it shows us in russia...
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in vulgakov’s film i saw a severed head there, only there it was openly called a performance, and then a ball of satan, satan, that’s the only way, that’s the only way, you can normally imagine it, i by the way, this severed head shocked everyone the most, how this could be done is something completely unthinkable, simple. life is like a movie, if someone said, after watching the master and margarita, that someone would follow this in
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real life, well, it would be very difficult to believe, it follows, this really shows the genius of serious artists. remember that mikhail afonach, as you know, wrote this scene after attending a reception in the american at the residence of the american ambassador, by the way, this is a historical fact, where, what prompted him, by the way, yes, that's it, let's go to advertising, we'll be back in a few minutes. it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave
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an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved , and the exhibition yes... there is a big game on the air, we are now returning to our outstanding military expert ruslan pukhov. ruslan, i have to ask you about american military plans in asia, we talked about russia, we discussed understandable
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reasons, this topic has been discussed repeatedly at this table, but now we are hearing more and more that the united states, its allies, are gathering. to do in this asian theater, where the united states now likes to emphasize that it is not only asian, but also indian, well, we can accept this amendment, tell us about not american statements, but about specific action plans, as far as we know them what are the united states trying to do in this theater? dmitry, the americans are doing it. many different statements, but their blue dream is is to create some kind of alliance that would be somewhat reminiscent of nato, formally this alliance will be proclaimed as an alliance of equal democratic states, but naturally we
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will all know that the voice of the united states is the most important there, everyone else is only following orders, and we see that most countries in the region, and very different, rich and poor. ae countries like india with a democratic system and countries that can hardly be called democratic, such as singapore, for example, they avoid this in every possible way, many of these countries had... experience in the past, when they were a colony of either france or great britain or the netherlands, or were in semi-colonial dependence, so it is absolutely impossible to lull them with their sweet speeches, they understand perfectly well what lies behind these speeches at some point the americans will simply push them, say, to a direct war with china, and we see how... the americans over the past 20 years, having realized that it is impossible to create some kind of asian nato, they are trying
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to create some kind of situational alliances, well the americans' greatest success is, of course, the focus that senator denisov spoke about at the beginning, yes, australia, india, new zealand initially united in order to arm themselves with nuclear- powered submarines of australia, and then it turned out that this was an alliance on...
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with a very strong, well-armed and trained army, china has impressive economic power, but china constantly emphasizes that it is a weapon, especially nuclear weapons, this is, i would say, a fundamental principle for them, never. will not be the first to apply, therefore the policy of the united states is really aimed at undermining the pillars on which modern china is based, from all sides, inside the country, outside, and the same story around taiwan, we won’t go into it now , this is a typical example such
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constant provocation of tension, this is already, this is already one of the fundamental principles of american foreign policy, to keep everyone on edge, to keep everyone with a sense of anxiety, to make everyone bristle and maybe somewhere they will break into some kind of provocation, and i completely agree with ruslan pukhov that - apparently, in washington they made a decision, somehow these are their efforts in the asia-pacific in the indo-pacific region, as they say , consolidate, structure and ultimately translate them into the creation of something similar to nato, that is , a bloc where all its members would be tied into allied relations under the absolute dominance of the united states, and of course in china this is perceived with great concern, and of course we do too. alexander, of course, your opinion
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on this, well, if you like, american strategy of dual containment is very interesting. karen georgievich said in relation to the olympic games that they succeeded, and you talked about it, but it seems to me that i have the feeling that we all agreed that this is in relation to...
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absolutely fragile, there may be such a unique case in world history when it is 50/50, just like with the ratings of kamala haris and trump, the situation with french or european politics, strategic balance forces between the american coalition, nato in the west, this new pacific nato, and the structures of the multipolar world, which are consolidating on the opposite, on the opposite side of the scales, this balance is now such a time... when absolutely no one can say what will happen tomorrow, because if, after all, something is outweighed somewhere, then there will be one history of humanity, something else will outweigh, there will be something else, we stand at the point of separation, this is a unique historical moment, well, the question is posed perfectly, the situation is described
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alexander is brilliant, and you tell us, with your cinematic vision: how will it all end? you understand, i would say this, they succeed, i must admit, they succeed, because they work systematically because they have a specific goal, to crush russia and china, that is exactly the goal, russia and china do not have such a reverse goal, there is no goal to crush the united states, i don't mean necessarily a nuclear war, i mean the goal to weaken. reset the show, that is, both china and russia one way or another solve their situational problems, and they solve a global problem, in this sense they act very systematically, this is their advantage, so they always impose their agenda, from, as they say, the olympic games, which is important, morally, i say, this is a victory moral over
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the world, that is, this is the destruction of traditional religions, which is important, to the point that since... they work for a long time, then, as they say, they have the idea that they can quite achieve this goal, but my position is not lies in defeatism, my the position is that the game is too big, we need to move on to very global systemic tasks in order to win, and not work, so to speak, here we are here now, here we will get something, here we are this, here, here , you know, that’s the feeling.
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hello, this is the badonbaden podcast, i am its
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host konstantin severinov. today our guest is denis lagunov. academician of the russian academy of sciences, deputy director of the gomaleya institute and one of the main developers of the sputnik vaccine, and we say let's talk about vaccines today. hello denis, hello konstantin. share your thoughts on why, it would seem, after more than 100 years of widespread use of vaccines in medical practice, there are so many doubts about the advisability of their use; is there any answer to this question? in fact, the question is complex, the first thing is, well... some kind of medical fact, which definitely needs to be said, let's look at the overall impact of the vaccine on the human population, how much life per year, for example, is saved there from infectious diseases. as a result of the implementation there of national vaccination calendars and vaccination calendars for epidemic indications, that is, about 4 million, you mean in our country, no, in the world, in
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the world, this is an impact on the world, that is , 4 million deaths per year are prevented as a result of vaccination, and somewhere and how is this possible, if the person did not die, then no, there are, of course, absolutely clear methods of calculation and statistics, there are , accordingly, countries that have greater coverage, less coverage due to these differences in quantity. the number of deaths can be easily calculated, plus statistics from previous years, but the most important thing i also want to note is that in countries where there is no vaccination, even though there is a vaccine, approximately another million lives are lost according to such rough natural estimates, that is which could be prevented as a result of vaccination, but is not prevented, what diseases are we talking about in this case, oh, this is primarily included in the ncp, rubella, paratitis, that’s all that is included in the national vaccination calendar, these are the main diseases, which, accordingly , are the leaders in the number of deaths after infection, now there is also a purely psychological problem with vaccines, we always
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vaccinate a healthy person, and always treat the sick, so when a person is sick and seeks help , especially if it is more severe, any methods of intervention are practically acceptable when we vaccinate, acceptable in the sense that a person accepts them, even yes, he accepts them, of course, when we vaccinate a person, even if he is sick, he is not sick there with the same covid or the flu, he believes that he is healthy if it turns out to be some kind of case, even if there is a one in a million case, and approximately now modern vaccines have severe adverse reactions, that is, really very low levels, even in this case, there is actually a public outcry regarding the issue of vaccination, so we treat the sick, vaccinate the healthy, and this is actually such a guarantee of constant expression about vaccines, well, plus there is no culture yet. vaccination of the adult community, what does this mean? well we we always vaccinate fairly, we vaccinate our own children with good readiness, it’s not a pity, yes, and at the same time, as soon as it
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concerns oneself, it immediately becomes scary, there, it’s scary to extract a tooth, it’s scary to get vaccinated. why, well, if we don’t talk about the case of covid, these are still emergencies, why should we adults get vaccinated if we already experienced all this as children, since we were in a law-abiding soviet society, the national vaccination calendar is on us. acted and avoided it as much as i i understand, it was very difficult, well, adults don’t need to be vaccinated, you’re right, that is, we get the main one, it’s not a problem, there is vaccination of older people, it is also included in the national vaccination calendars, because you know immunity, there is the concept of immunosen, aging immunity , accordingly, an update is required against a number of pathogens, the immune response, that is, boosting its strengthening, that is, streptococcal infection, you know, there...
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if you look at the cartoons of the pastarean vaccine, it is for rabies, and the first vaccine for rabies, if you look at the cartoons of the smallpox vaccine, here is the first one, and the smallpox vaccination is that the genera vaccine, then this actually always met with a reaction from society, people were even chained in england, then there were other times, other customs were forcibly vaccinated against smallpox, it ’s hard to imagine now, it was government policy, government policy, i mean . then this is the refractoriness of society, it doesn’t change, i don’t know why it’s happening, well, or rather i can try, here we are today we’re trying to explain what this is connected with, but
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in fact it didn’t disappear anywhere, it was always there, there was always distrust in vaccination, what it was based on, that’s what the numbers began to say, one in a million, not one in a million, past vaccines, now they say that past vaccines were good, everyone says that soviet vaccines were made wisely, in particular your vaccine was. done very quickly, it ca n’t be, but this is actually a funny statement, because, well, now we are looking at cars, yes, that is, cars there in the end of the 19th century and the cars of the beginning of the 21st century, they are very different, so the vaccine technologies that pasteur, koch, there, i don’t know, there were great founding fathers, they are actually absolutely antediluvian, they were dangerous, but they did they also bring more benefit than harm? of course, they were more beneficial, this is absolutely certain, even such poorly purified vaccines. at the moment , regulation in any country in the world simply depends on the approval
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of nucleic acid and local proteins. will not miss a single such vaccine, that is, everything, what is being developed before, everything that is being developed again goes through a huge number of purification stages, for example, about our vaccine, even if we talk about us, you mean satellite, yes, then we had several stages of filtration, tangential filtration, two chromatography, again tangential filtration, two sterile filtration, that is, in fact, this amount, this is actually the main cost of the satellite vaccine - this is the purification system. that's why she was like that, it seemed to me that there were critics who said that it was done so quickly that it could not have been done well, that is, rather the criticism was no, this is technology, konstantin, you and i must understand that this is the question here and the essence of technological platforms is that the technological platform itself has been developed for 40 years, well, you know, at your institute, at our institute in the world, we naturally do not distinguish ourselves as some kind of separate institute, separate from the world, no, i mean as a scientific
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platform and.. over the course of 40 years, there were about 400 clinical trial protocols. it was used for fevers in africa and there were more than 100 thousand people who received our vaccine, several thousand people received it, so in fact it’s quite funny to say that the technological platform of viruses has not been tested, but plus it ’s also a pathogen that exists in humans initially , we have been living with single viruses for millions of years and there are no somatic diseases. this is a component of the satellite vaccine, it is not pathogenic in itself, it occurs naturally in many people, and this adenovirus has been modified to carry the gene coronavirus, to which a vaccine response occurs, it seems, i think i’m right, right, absolutely, moreover, two regions were removed from him, one region that is responsible for initiating reproduction, well, genome replication, this is region one, and
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the other. initially not a very severe human pathogen, that is, which has completely lost the ability to reproduce in humans, that is , initially in humans it does not induce any somatic diseases, no thrombosis, no tumors, nothing, that is, this is huge data, there were even studies when vaccinated the american army with live single viruses of the fourth seventh type, then on a sample of these military personnel...
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horizontal, you know, after its development there were 5 years, 10 years, that’s when they remember the good soviet times, they say that the vaccine then, quite rightly, there was a different one absolutely history, soviet vaccines, many were, for example, generally attenuated, and you understand that testing an attenuated vaccine is attenuated, this is when it remains already weakened alive, this is residual pathogenicity and there were examples of this including with flu vaccines, when strains of this arose and returned, there was a reversion to a wild pathogenic one. this phenotype, genotype, of course, such a vaccine of old generations, it can cause the very disease against which, but well, in particular, the flu vaccine, modern flu vaccines, they have already learned to avoid this, they have made subunit vaccines, and a live vaccine , there are certain cold-adaptive mutants, mutations that do not allow reproduction at normal human temperatures body, that is, now modern vaccines are much safer than what was
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before. the beauty galloped off to work again, and today you are on a broom, am i old, no, why, can you come to me, your potapov, he does not work as a builder or as a doctor, he catches murderers and bandits every day, our department is now in good standing, not without the help of the ugly one, i saw, there was a murder, i greet you, yuliostro, i see people, those who are here, those who are far away, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, do you want to live with me, at home at night , because i am not i’m going to sit like a fool by the window and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, that means i’m kozlevich, exactly, what a kozlevich, marinet, not me, of course, not you, which means you love him very much too, i love him, i guessed it, new episodes ,
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tomorrow on the first. this is the baden badon podcast, i am its host konstantin severinov. my guest is denis lagunov, one of the main developers of the russian sputnik vaccine, and we are discussing vaccination in general, the development of new vaccines and the benefits of the potential risks of vaccination. here you could evaluate, in your opinion look, i understand that you are one of the developers, probably interested, but how many doses of sputnik were used in our country, what do you estimate the effect in terms of lives saved and how much? according to your information, there were severe cases of side effects, here are three figures, approximately , we’ll even move away from the russian data, let’s take the argentinean data, they are actually transparent, they apply absolutely also
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to the russian population, out of a million, just over a million doses, one was reported the only severe, serious undesirable effect was in a woman, in my opinion it was somehow connected with the situation with a blood clot, and with thrombus formation. the case was, in my opinion, non-lethal, non-lethal, that is , it was one report in a million, that is, if we compare it with any other vaccines, including that very 1 in a million, then it will turn out to be approximately absolutely the same, but the only thing we have is incomparably less myoccorditis, that’s why the mrna vaccine is simply incomparable, that’s why modern vaccines, one in a million - these are the results of an undesirable phenomenon, and this is not or not death, but approximately this is the story, in russia this is the case, why? do you think that in russia it’s the same, no, in russia there’s the same raid, more, more, i think that in our case many more doses were used, in total in the world, i just when russia, you know, they always start to doubt , you even come to the state duma, you come somewhere else, they tell you, well, you yourself drew it, we
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say, okay, there is hungary, there is argentina, we cannot influence the ministry of health argentina and the ministry of health of hungary, we can pull out statistics on the use of the vaccine from the european ones, you know that in russia there was, in russia i say, about the same raid, i didn’t remember the numbers.
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yes, a diagnosis of covid is made, that is, if he died there on a ventilator, a month later they do not diagnose that it was covid 19, yes, so if we evaluate covid and covid- associated deaths in this group, well, in both in both groups, then you get the following
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figures: about 100,000 people died in the group of unvaccinated people, about 6,000, in my opinion, more than 10 times, yes, they died in the group of vaccinated people, and you need to take into account - in fact, it’s even more complicated, in fact, you need to take into account that no matter how uniform the vaccination of the population, which was obtained, did not work out, that is, introducing coefficients, no, well, i it seems 99.00 versus 6.000 on the same sample of people, these are telling numbers, well, certainly telling, i just tried to complicate what was published, i honestly didn’t know about it, no, it was on the moscow website that anastasia vladimirovna rakova spoke with these stories when...
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well, in any case, efforts will be needed, i am absolutely sure of this, the only thing is to push through efforts so that it is recognized if there is an even greater mortality rate than 1-2%. everyone is grateful to you for this, but is it possible to work on a vaccine against a pathogen that
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does not yet exist? we need to work on vaccines against pathogens that already exist, because when we talk about coronavirus, even covid-19, it has already happened, in fact, today we can work on creating canned vaccines, but what does this mean, we are creating a vaccine of high readiness, bringing it to, for example, the second stage of clinical trials, yes, that is... we need to create vaccines against existing potentially dangerous viruses that have a high pandemic potential, using platforms not necessarily single-virus, you can use, in addition to single-virus and mrna and subunit, different platforms, i’m not for the whole world to go crazy and make only a single-virus vaccine, there should be different vaccines, and most importantly, the mechanism they will be different for bacterial drugs, but specifically for bacterial pathogens, the adenoviral platform is less suitable than for... viral ones, so there are rather subgenic technologies, there are
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technologies, but why are bacteria still fundamentally different from viruses, then is there a reason why antibiotics cannot solve the problems of bacterial infections, and let vaccinologists deal with it, but no, well , antibiotics partially, of course, solve the problems of bacterial infections, but not all, there are bacteria that initially flow during evolution lived together with the same actinaceae, fungi, coexisted in the soil, they have... natural mechanisms of resistance and they generally use these natural mechanisms of resistance, exchange these natural mechanisms with each other more, these super-resistant strains contain in fact, sometimes plasmids and genetic elements of resistance, in order to try to solve the problem of multiple, if we are talking about bacteria, and of course, if we are talking about viruses, then it is certainly necessary to create a list of high-level vaccines readiness even if they enter russian territory.
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the whole clinic, including primates, that is, this
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is safety plus effectiveness on primates and safety, naturally, on other species of animals, and then the clinic that reaches us, we are convinced that the vaccines are safe and effective, we are entering the first, second phase, which is as high as degree of readiness , we can preserve the vaccine, in my opinion, why can we preserve it, because present a list of 30 pathogens, we need to conduct 30 third phase studies with you, can you do it in your center? well, no one in the world can do this, because you are in the third phase - this is in endemic conditions, that is, you have to go to the center to collect statistics there, you know, yes, that is, you have to have junin, fever or guanarites there, you have to go somewhere - then fly to argentina in argentina to collect statistics of the third phase in the conditions there of some kind of ring vaccination in the conditions of an outbreak there or there or in an epidemic, and you, well, in order to make a vaccine you need a pathogen, that is, in your the center of gomaleya in the center of moscow has all these. not so, we have all the pathogens, up to,
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including the second group of pathogenicity, the entire first group of pathogenicity, this is our collaboration, this is more dangerous, the first is the most dangerous, according to our russian classification, the first most dangerous, according to the european american, the fourth most dangerous, well, not to be confused, but the most dangerous, these studies are all carried out in collaboration with the ministry of defense, that is , this is definitely not happening in moscow, not in the center of moscow, pathogenicity groups in the city, within the city, therefore, this is happening tens or hundreds of kilometers from moscow. this is the podcast baden baden, i am its host konstantin severinov, and today we are discussing vaccination, that is, you have 30, well, let’s assume that there are 30, well , let’s say, 30 pathogens that are, well
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, representatives of some large group of related viruses , not related, but no, each of them is a certain representative.
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well, we are lagging behind in the field of biomedical , after all, we as a country are quite strong in some kind of research, of course, but at the same time somehow in our country they managed to make a working good vaccine, which worked, which saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and you see, for example, in france, where there are...
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hundreds of vaccine candidates appeared after, but everything that appeared after, despite what worked never worked again, that is, it needed an expensive spoon for dinner, that is, it had to work very quickly, work ahead of the curve, and this immediately channeled the attention of society , the attention of governments, respectively, attention there, well, in general, everything was focused specifically on these developments, so it seems to me that this is more likely due to this, but the fact that in our country, in fact, we have never had an infectious disease... in recent years in the country i will repeat once again, that investments in this area were absolutely sufficient and significant, this area was definitely not forgotten when i
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tell you that we developed a vaccine against mers, and before that we participated in the fight against the ebola epidemic, this is participation directly in our country and then we made a vaccine . so really pay attention hasn’t gone anywhere, exactly since the beginning of 2000 and here, but especially considering that we continue to have a school and the creation of vaccines, the fact that in general there is such a high level of sentiment against vaccines in society is, of course, a little scandalous situation, but after all, you said that this always happens, well, i hear there is a case with measles, which. of course, but measles is some kind of new vaccine, but no, of course, measles is a vaccine, it’s more the good, kind, old, proven vaccine, of course, the only thing that people don’t understand is that measles is much more contagious, that is, if there is a coefficient and
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the coefficient there is r0, and that’s the calculated coefficient for covid there is 2 and a half, well when it’s 3.5, that is, there is a certain range of spread . 17 due to the fact that the contagiousness is very high, it is ensured precisely due to another reception, that is, there is really a very high finnish interaction, like a key in a lock, so all the virus-neutralizing antibodies that block... the interaction is really are inactivating there, that is, there you can induce immunity for life, because the interface, like an antibody with
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an antigen, is so rigid with high affinity, but this is not the case with covid, with covid it is absolutely true in the case of measles, which is now rumored to be more than covid, then there is the fact that there is still an outbreak, is it because the measles virus has become different, or because the vaccines don’t work, why is this all happening? no, initially, it was because people had enough coverage, that is, in order to... block the spread of measles in the population, it was necessary to maintain 90%, there was a whole bunch of very smart, cunning people who said about all the countries in which there were outbreaks, there are now outbreaks of measles in ukraine, in other countries, it appears, well, or the government pays less attention, or accordingly the population begins to be cunning , this favorite story is that i didn’t vaccinate my child and he didn’t get sick, you understand that i didn’t vaccinate, he didn’t get sick... in such a situation there is no
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place for the spread of measles, now measles is on the national schedule, has always been, this means that it is in some sense inevitable, or or the fact that something is on the national calendar does not mean that the child must be vaccinated, if he does not have a method, he must be vaccinated from measles, so everything that is included in the national vaccination calendar is mandatory. vaccinations, that is, i should do it, but i may not do it, but this is what led to the situation with measles, and of course, as soon as you have a window with the possibility of a virus, just imagine, you you give it purely evolutionary space, you give it, naturally mutations arise, then as it happened, for example, with covid, it’s very clear, well, yes, that was all there, but with measles it can be the same, that is, in fact, if if measles will be quite widely represented due to circulation, can vaccine strains arise.
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not the health department there, i don’t belong to the moscow health department, but i know that moscow is sensitive to this, and genetic monitoring of those variants is carried out which are revealed in our country, and if god forbid something new happens, that is, here is the calendar, the national vaccination calendar, it is something that is already cast in bronze, exists all the time or there is some kind of movement, no, of course there is , on the basis of which, absolutely the same scheme, and clinical studies, clinical studies to decide what to make vaccines against. of course, as soon as genetic monitoring is solved as simply as for covid, you identify the variant that becomes dominant, re-adapt
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you use a vaccine for this option for vaccination, in your professional life, how often do changes occur, changes occur in the national vaccination calendar, practically does not happen, practically does not happen, that is, a stable thing that for decades is, well, the only thing that is modified the quality of vaccines is that... the thing about what i’m saying is that there were old vaccines, no matter soviet or non-soviet, now they are all good, no, in fact , you see, there’s the dtp vaccine, it’s just has changed critically, new vaccines have appeared there, yes, that is, not in the sense that something has changed, but vaccines have appeared there - conjugated ones, yes, that is, if before they were just polysaccharides, now they are conjugated with taxoids, and there are very good responses to polysaccharides of the same pneumococci, hemophilus influenza, and other pathogens. that is, it is being finalized, new vaccines are appearing in it, vaccines that are old are being improved from a safety point of view, that is, they are changing, there is more
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safety, of course, that is.


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