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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 30, 2024 12:50am-1:36am MSK

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adapt the vaccine to this option , use it for vaccination and in your professional life, how often do changes occur, do changes occur in the national vaccination calendar? practically doesn’t happen, practically doesn’t happen, that is, it’s a stable thing that lasts for decades, well, the only thing that is modified is the quality of the vaccines, that’s where what happened about what i’m saying, that there were old vaccines, it doesn’t matter soviet or non- soviet , now they are all good, no, in fact, you see yes... the dtp vaccine has simply changed critically, new vaccines have appeared there, yes, that is, not in the sense that something has changed, vaccines have appeared there, conjugate ones, yes, that is, if before they were just polysaccharide , then now they are conjugated with toxoids, and there are very good responses to the polysaccharides of the same pneumococci, hemolius influenza, other pathogens, that is, it is being finalized, new vaccines appear in it, vaccines that the old ones are being finalized from the point of view security.
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have reached a certain age, for example, sixty-five years old, any doctor used there will recommend to you, let’s boost and you will be boosted with an already improved natural drug, well, to re-vaccinate on top of the old one, this is most likely not what happens with the flu, yes, for example, we all we know that we will really need to make a separate podcast about the flu, because this is an endless topic, immunity acquired as a result of a disease or as a result of vaccination, these are generally comparable things, in the case covid - it was very active and it was also
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discussed that i was already sick, why should i, for example, get vaccinated, of course there are differences, the difference, i think, is primarily in the cellular link of immunity, and there are simply many more clones, cells, which is better, getting sick or vaccinate, no, well, that’s not a question at all, of course, it’s better to get vaccinated in any case, and even if over time you encounter a pathogen, there will be a certain morbidity there, then it is of course not comparable to what when you have.. . clean sheet and you you get sick initially, that is, it’s not even a question, but no, after getting sick, the vaccine then makes sense, and then, in essence, you were vaccinated, when you get sick and get vaccinated, and even vice versa, we studied the type of antibodies, that is, the maturation of antibodies, which occurs throughout life, where two or three times contact certainly forms a much more reliable immune memory, that is, absolutely incomparable fidality, strength of interaction, that is, in reality. they are unprincipled
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people there, they introduced absolutely all the vaccines, they it was necessary to protect the population, they brought all the vaccines, vaccinated the first, what are the second, what are they, in the end they got a bunch of groups, simply mixing, given that the vaccination is double, they combined, in the end they got there, well, a huge number of groups, mrna , vector, vector mrna, subunit. these were the best answers, and it was separately shown that all those who had been ill, well, who had contact at the beginning or after, if they were vaccinated, they also had the maximum levels of answers, and so for our part, we studied this from the point of view of visibility, that is, how much are the antibodies that formed after 180 days when you have two contacts?
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such that, going back to these blessed soviet times, about which many people talk, in my opinion there were such special posters, yes, that called for vaccination, there was a cartoon of a pronimota who was afraid of vaccinations and then turned yellow, that is, it seems that everything remained as it was and really. get vaccinated, be sure to get vaccinated, and you and i have already today they started talking about safety, probability, that is, any vaccine drug is not a vitamin, but there are, accordingly , these are one case in a million, by the way, why does it happen, because you and i know the syndromes of iginobar, transverse melitosis and other complications , they are all connected with immunity, immunity is a very serious thing, sometimes, sometimes, in one case in a million, he makes a mistake and begins to generally do things that are not very... good, but this is really
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very rare, that is, if we let’s take the additional cost of the vaccine program, then approximately one case per million adds some autoimmune complications. to those cases that are normal in the population ; the norm in the population is from two to 20 cases per million, plus one, if you conduct a mass vaccination program, then according to statistics, this is really a very small increase, this is due to the effect of immunity , and if you look at the mortality rate from the same covid, this is one case in 100, and in an amicable way, if it is also associated with covid count deaths, then these are two cases per hundred, that is, you get four orders of magnitude difference if we sit down to play this game. purely mathematically, you will never beat me, i will have four orders of magnitude, probabilities and advantages over any combination of yours, so how to ask to vaccinate, not to vaccinate, but if you have studied mathematics even a little, four orders of magnitude is a big difference of 10,000 once. this was the baden baden podcast, we spoke with the deputy director of the gomaleya institute,
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academician and one of the main developers russian vaccine sputnik, denis lagunov about vaccines, the development of new vaccines. about whether it is worth getting vaccinated and what side effects there are from the vaccine, what they are, what the beneficial effect of the vaccine is, how many lives they save. you can find all episodes of the badden baden podcast on the channel one website. hello, i'm dmitry bak, we're having another episode of a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read. today we have an absolutely unique guest, you all know him well, but at the same time, i’m sure you don’t know him.
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completely, this is a young, passionate, strong, active, risky person, this is a person who knows russian poetry of all times, this is a famous poet. a scientist, this is a professor, this is a laureate of many awards, this is a television journalist, this is igor leonidovich volgin. hello, igor. hello, dima. we will be with you, as we are in life, i am very glad to see you. and, since i already promised our interlocutors that they would recognize volgin and not recognize him, let’s start right from the point where they may not know you completely. i'm going to write some line now. ae i’ll read, well, for example, belaya akhmadulina, and igor will try to continue, it’s me, my purple outfit, i’m an arrogantly young fat woman, but i’ve already accustomed my lips to the dying smile of poets, igor volgin, a participant, a witness of all
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those phenomena, events that we are used to calling it the khrushchev thaw, or simply the thaw, this is the period that is, as is commonly believed,
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galileo’s learned peer was no more stupid than galileo, he knew that the earth was hard to believe, but he had a family, and he, sitting down with his wife in carriage, having committed his betrayal, he believed that is making a career, and meanwhile...
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the exhibition was called 20 years of work, it worked literally a few weeks before mayakovsky’s suicide in the thirties in early april, in the twenty-ninth all this was alive, and it was alive in the late fifties it was, this there was a gay park in moscow, such a gay park, they not only read poetry, there were conversations, it was the first time i heard politicians and so on, it was absolutely free, then they closed it all down, but it was a year or even more, i remember bukovsky there we are with him argued in this square. i didn’t know what he would become, but what, yes, there were many, many people there, it was also such
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a parasitic phenomenon, i have never gone on one personal date in my life with such excitement as i did on mayakovsky square, my debut was there before the debut, that is, as if there was already recognition, although my first publication was in the spring of fifty-nine, i was a schoolboy in the newspaper moskovsky komsomolets, the first poem was a rather early debut, this means an anniversary, today we have an anniversary program, because the debut according to these...
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mom means i’m coming up and i was about 20 years old and you come to me, well , he says some words, well, of course it’s something you’ll remember for the rest of your life, that means there was this selection in a literary newspaper, so it’s like this is already what year, second year i studied at the history department, and it was an interesting year, this year is amazing, because look, this is okay , my debut, okay, but one day of ivan denisovich comes out in the fall in the eleventh issue in november in a new world and in a new world. i have my first selection in october, by the way, it’s also interesting, it was like
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october, new world two, let’s remember that these are two magazines, one seems to be progressive, the other seems to be conservative, alexander tvordovsky and kochitov, but i, being naive, and not knowing this confrontation at all, i in the spring i took the poems to the new world in october, and october published my selection in the september issue, in my opinion, just a large one, i come to the new world, karaganova is sitting there, i say, well , will you publish me? says, well, i tapped my finger on it, you choose, i say, and what to choose in general, only in the sixty- seventh year tvordovsky published my selection in the new world, and volodya sokolov, a wonderful poet, meets me and says: you violated my monopoly, i say, what is this? i am the only poet who is published by both october and the new world. igor, well, look, on the one hand, these are things of days gone by, and so on, on the other hand, is there no nostalgia in this sense, how many publications there are in the magazine now. there are magazines, but absolutely, now a brilliant poet will appear and publish something in literature or
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in the new world, no one will notice, no one will notice, because what’s the matter, because in russia, the countries are centric, because all politics in the 19th century always went through literature, there was no parliament, there were no political parties, there was no free philosophizing, all intellectual life and political life largely went through literature; all this was preserved during the soviet period. and of course, when the political renewal began, well, let’s put it this way, it could not but cause a literary renewal, all these figures appeared in moment of political takeoff.
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coincides, therefore, with the liars, a month later manege, kruchov performs in manege, trashes young artists, this all happens during the period, this is belutin, this is a new reality, it would seem, on the one hand this is, on the other hand this is a reaction, this is all , well, in general , for sixty years i’ve brought books, as always, and i’ll even tell you a terrible thing, not traditional, that usually, of course, you remember that in the middle of our, every episode, of our podcast there is an author’s section, and a presenter.. .
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a book, what a tragedy, yes, we remember, a nobel prize, here is a book by andrei voznesensky, my love diary, also published abroad, there is such a selection of, well , sort of erotic poems, but most have been published, that is, there are no barriers , but i remember when my first book of poems came out, it was called excitement, i was wildly indignant, because it was called night cities, it was published in the young guard, in the sixty-fifth year, i look when it comes out, excitement is written .
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the first book had 1000 copies, the second book - 2000 copies, now everything is instantaneous, not only is there a gigantic circulation, i think also look at this book, which is a triangular pear, we can see from the layout how lovingly it was made, medvedev did it in my opinion, this is a soviet writer, we we know the artists, we know the editor, viktor fagelson, and probably the circulation is also
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large, now even prose has a circulation. and the magazines, when i opened each issue of the new world, we read, because we signed up in line to read, solzhenitsyn, for solzhenitsyn, well , this is not just nostalgia, not that it was well, it became bad, you can’t say that either, no, no, it was a resonant effect, yeah, of public expectation and some literary emancipation, so here’s the podcast. let them not talk, let them read, we are talking with the poet igor volgin. still, igor, you know, of course, these are my reasonings, i am a member of the seventies, this is no longer one of the oldest, of course, well, the undergrowth of the seventies, so i heard a lot more later, but such views are quite skeptical now, well, we
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all know them, yes, that is, not everyone went behind this call, the nu leonozov school is so called... yes, if you take, well, okay, obrodsky, brodsky, these orphans, akhmatova, of course, they came to akhmatova, by the way, feeling some kind of continuity, no one was published, no one no, no, no, no one, it was different poetics in many ways and different themes, of course, well, i first heard about brodsky, by the way, from yevtushenko, i remember we were sitting in wto, that is, everything is not so simple, not so simple , yavtushenko sat down with us and said, you know, they arrested him there or the trial is now going on in st. petersburg, the wonderful brodsky, yes, and brodsky, who later accused him of treating him badly there, so we need to, we need to release him, we need to write a letter, and seryozha got hooked. to whom brodsky dedicated the death of a friend, although he was still alive, everyone thought that he had died, well, he also died mysteriously,
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yes, he is a fringe, an absolute fringe, but with the makings of a genius, and then he read me a christmas romance, i heard it for the first time poems, quite late, poems by brodsky, here all of this, all of this somehow merged, we knew these names, well, of course, then the inextinguishable night boat began.
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everyone knew him, everyone seemed to love him in many ways back then in the early period of chudakov, but this was all the sixties too, still enthusiasm or skepticism, so they didn’t go, because well, they didn’t seem to believe in... what was it for a long time, no, they, they all wanted to go, i think not everyone thinks so, no, no, they wanted, why did bubrodsky want to publish, of course, of course, by the way, he debuted in the same year, yes, the second year v magazine koster, in my opinion, in the fire there were some of his poems, and such half-childish, half-childish ones, yes, of course, they all wanted to be published, but i still have one book in my hands, this is a book by arseniyevicharkovsky, my beloved, who was born in 1907, and the debut was in...
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influenced brodsky, not only brodsky, but by the way i remember his debut, you will laugh, i was a schoolboy, well, here i just already had an article by orenburg about him,
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for the first time i reminded him, i quoted him there, a filieton appeared about it in the crocodile, ridiculing, as it were, some, then i remember his not only his debut, there was his evening in tsedri slutsky, i went, the house of artists, i was a schoolboy, and it was inconvenient for me to go in a school uniform. at his older brother's, he was on leave, he was in the military, he was wearing a jacket, my hands were sticking out of it, this jacket was too big for me, i went in this jacket to the point of seeing such a dry, ruddy, mustachioed, retired man, about 20 there were us, and then he read parasitic poems, which were like prose, i was a political worker for 3 years and so, this parasitic poet, his debut was also in the late fifties, strange lines, he was a political worker, well, can you imagine, right? such a thing arose, well, that is, this is such
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prose, such prose, and such poetry from the crucible, the melting pot, yes, where all kinds of people, cosmonauts, poets, translators, marginalized people, officialdom, everything is fused, well, khrushchev himself in style of behavior, with changing moods, then he prints, allows slzhenitsyn to be published, uh-huh, then he trashes the exhibition, well, yes, then...
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like korczak, a polish teacher, walks with the boys he goes with the jews to the gas chamber, and there he had this stanza: where was the god you loved, or as berdyaev thinks, he is weaker than the weakest scoundrels for the house of clouds, berdyaev, they know the poems, this...
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yes, i read the rani, but first i want to read this poem, and this is the opening of my latest poetry book, it is such a homomopoeticus, you can show it, poems about poems, here are collected poems for many years, here are the poems of late, that is, not not of this century, poems of the last century, here and first i will read the first poem, since i am a child of war, a child of war for 42 years, and i will read the poems in which this book opens and which.
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i dreamed of being in the midst of oblivion, a war year, naked, frank, life and death, looking point blank, implying a frank, pronounced sentence. the enemy stands from the volga to the lomanche, and the road is long for my father, what will console my mother, a debutant, a military correspondent, with a crust of gutka, and the evacuation is abandoned, the ural, full of tanks, i am born prematurely, the germans are a mockery, damn them.
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i was riding a bicycle along the minsk highway, i was hit by a car, i had all sorts of severe injuries, here are the verses associated with this physical and moral shock: you drove, my lovely destroyer, you didn’t even slow down, immediately the heavenly light dimmed, the evening light showed through, i soared up without visible marks, among the gasoline pores, already virtually immortal, still practically healthy, and an angel... in a crimson cloud, was already bending over me, there on the highway beyond odintsovo, at the turn into another world, i left you without sadness, in unconsciousness, not remembering evil, but my father and mother held my weak soul by two wings, they grabbed on as best they could, without understanding what, why, and thus the soul was kept in the body, it seems, by nothing else, even if it had gone there without looking back, then the trace of this death grip on it would never have been erased
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, these are the early poems, and how are you now , well, i’m curious how the poet perceives all this half a century later? early on, i want to say that i wouldn’t refuse a single line, even this... let them not talk about the podcast, let them read it, i’m dmitry bak, my guest today is a wonderful poet, my friend, igor volgin. then a completely different era came, it was this era that led to the fact that you know something different about volgin, after the historical one.
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now a seven-volume book is being published, six volumes have already been published, five of them are dedicated to dostoevsky, this volume that i showed is poetry about poetry, and there should be another volume, i hope, catherine canal, you have been present in a different capacity all these years, well, so to speak, in the arena, yes, you haven’t published poems, i don’t know if you’ve written what you say about this, but there is the luch studio, 55, i think years old, 55 years old, yes, we are the oldest literary studio in the world i hope, it seems to me so that they are not older, they just don’t live, was she born in what year? in sixty-eight? in sixty-eight, the year then an excursion into literary studies, into the history of literature on a visit to five volumes of dostoevsky, did not mean that the studio stopped working, no, the studio worked all the years, this is moscow state university, this is moscow state university, yes, this is
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the studio of the best moscow state university, and i i thought, when i kind of started it, that well, i’ll work there for a year, they asked me, there wasn’t a studio there for 55 years, and of course several generations of wonderful poets came out. well, it’s just impossible to mention all those who are not there, that’s who are not there, yes wonderful, my elders, by the way, first, this is sasha soprovsky, this is alyosha tsvetkov, the deceased, this is the deceased, a wonderful poet, translator, evgeniy vitkovsky, the first elder, uh-huh, studio, i would also like to especially emphasize, alexey tsvetkov is also wonderful, alexey tsvetkov, but i would like to especially highlight the name of alexander soprovsky, recently above.
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i wrote only in moments of mental turmoil, for example, when i had a divorce, then i had two or three, but basically i didn’t write all the time, i didn’t write, i was entirely, it was very difficult to break away from this context. these are different ways of thinking, although, although maybe, i’m now thinking that the poetic way of thinking is present to some extent, in my, i beg your pardon, prose, it seems to me that this beginning was present not as a method, of course, but as an underlying some kind of hidden factor, because thinking, scientific thinking, poetic thinking are in many ways different, but when they are combined, perhaps it turns out some kind of...
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from america, well, i’m uncomfortable now, as if he said such words, then she about this wrote, she had an article by yavtushenko, about these, we have been with him in recent years, all our lives, in general, we have somehow been so, well , friendly, and in recent years we have gotten along very well, well, he generally performed my poems better better than me, friends, yevgeny yevtushenko read this man’s poems for a minute, but these are the things and of course the poems caused some kind of, well, as they say , social. i received a lot of reviews or books, and now until now i, as
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they say, and it’s unknown, because this can stop at any moment, we don’t we know when vinokurov notices that he had poems, how he sits down, i don’t remember, and he draws a poet there, draws devils in the margins, suddenly nothing, suddenly this is the last thing, no one knows anything, well, the poet can’t , nabokov has a novel called the gift, where gaduna serddin reads his poems and also feels this one. yes, it’s unpredictable, but you have it, and let’s open the curtain today, contrary to all formats, let’s give the floor to our guest once again, well, from a new book, well , these are the poems: my father hasn’t gotten up for 3 years, the relatives, as usual, faded away, and the mother was dragging around like a fella, he had to change diapers with effort, they were 90, god had mercy on the war, they had to sit on bunks, a trip to the crimea,
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fire from the country, the delirium of perestroika, a dacha in cotoires, and the mother had been spinning this for so long thread, just so as not to affect the bitch , in order to bury her father herself, but it turned out that she was called first, leaving for that untold land where there are no benefits, no time, no rules, she whispered, laziness, catch up, and my father didn’t make me wait. they left in 2002, and i live, and nothing like that, and the world didn’t collapse, and thunder did not strike, they just called skolkovo, vostryakov, this is the state, and i want to ask for more in memory of yevtushenko, the poems that i wrote were 40 days from the day of his death, snow fell in moscow, it was in the month of may, i have two more i’ll read, one thing and another, we, of course, are not to blame for this, it’s just that in may on a certain date, exactly on your forties, the whole capital. covered in snow, like
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angels running away from stushes, illegal guests, flakes swirled over the churchyard to receive another of the souls, maybe the blessed ones will enter heaven, blow the trumpet archangels lights out, only the white snows are still falling, as you said, forever closing your eyelids, there is an unknown sky above the country, the late snows are coming, like the first, purest snow, and lastly, i want to read the recent poems in full: the thing is , that i ’m a late father, i still have a daughter, well , now she’s just turned 6 years old, she was born when i was already in this, we love zhenya, i know, yes, zhenya, we’re dedicated to her, so this is a poem, here recently it was published in the new world, my daughter, then cries, then laughs, it worked out, then it didn’t work out , no matter how sad, you and i will have to settle into the future again, let my grave be overgrown with the past, but in the incense... censer, i’ll know that you haven’t forgiven me for being so late for me gave birth, i
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leave your questions unanswered, knowing at the same time that i am not destined to read my beloved poets to you, but perhaps, as if for fun, i feel your palm in my fist, i will have time to take you to a compulsory school, i will only have to pay for the other to pray shore, so that you can without money and money to at least enroll in moscow state university. and in the morning, the son of the lulls, you don’t chase my shadow, it’s just a pity that i can’t see my long-awaited grandchildren like my ears, but by the way, do the right thing, listen to your mother and... it fits, i’m very glad that today we had igor volgin as our guest, igor,
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thank you very much, i am sure that we will meet more than once, including here in our podcast, dear you. as always, i speak with emphasis, with emphasis, with passion, read with pleasure, dear friends, hello, this is the schlödinger’s cat podcast and i am its presenter grigory tarasevich. editor-in-chief of the popular science magazine schrödinger's cat. and today we will talk about gold, not so much about how valuable, wonderful, beautiful it is, how to find it? and our guests today are geologists. olga yakubovich, professor at st. petersburg university, researcher at the institute
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of geology and geochronology da cambri eran. hello. hello. and pavel selevanov, head of the central research department.
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stars, then, this substance somehow fell into the protosolar nebula, which gave rise to the solar system, including planet earth, that is, in every piece of gold, for example, a wedding ring, there are traces of a completely monstrous event, like a collision of neutron stars. okay, it was formed somewhere far, far away, this phenomenon called gold, it got to the place where the solar system was going to appear, what... happened next, how gold got to earth, and well, it is believed that the formation of all planets in the solar system took place as a result of this a process that is scientifically called accretion, is when small particles under the influence of gravitational interaction begin to stick together and form such a critical mass that is sufficient
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for the substance to begin to melt, in particular on earth, the sticking particles heat up so much that separation occurs chemical...elements , roughly analogous to a blast furnace, when we melt metal, slag, and some gases are separated, in fact, this is an analogue of this process that happened on earth 4.5 billion years ago, as a result of it we had an iron core, a kind of mantle, the earth’s crust, which can actually be imagined as slag, and the atmosphere is products of degassing, the mantle, well, roughly speaking, everything heavy sank, the light rose to the top, right? how did gold end up on the surface that we are looking for, well, not all of it sank, but that is , this separation process is imperfect, most of the gold apparently really sank, because if we take this undifferentiated substance of chondrites, then the order of content there on order, that is, in...


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