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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  July 30, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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in general, do you like that it’s not a dress, but skirts and trousers in general? yes, yes, i absolutely like everything, i’m satisfied, it’s the first time i’ve ever seen her like this, elizabeth, marina will use this, i’m not sure, yes, what needs to be done for this so that she wants it herself, and if you help, now, if you start saying, your shoes are poor, uncomfortable, a bomber jacket in a different color, but you won’t help her wardrobe ...
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look, here i am walking, tell her something there, she will become bolder, then the stilettos will come , you look, it seems like both the parties pushed her to another level, okay, so i’ll tell her, it’s time to see marina in the third image, the final one, marina on the podium.
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well, how does marina live in this image? great, can i answer in verse? come on, how i am in love with the radiance of your eyes, you smile brightly with happiness, you shimmer with tender love, you are multifaceted, you are a diamond, more than a thousand carats in size, i appreciate you, my dear, oh my god, how i love you. come to me, my galaxy, captivated by you, maddened by you, my goddess, sun, have mercy, i i’m hungry for you, bring the cabbage soup quickly, it’s so wonderful, my client is happy, that means i’m happy, it’s wonderful, but what can i say about this hat, about horizontals and verticals, i’m not silent, i’m writing down everything that... she says: i hope that evelina
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will approve of this, every woman should have her own little black, little white and little red dress, our heroine’s is not so small, but still red, a red dress is a scream, let the wardrobe scream better, great, you look amazing, marina, we applaud your new image and the work of our stylists, all three sets... thank you very much, and if you want to take part in the program, then fill out the form on the channel one website. the first channel presents.
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a fracture out of nowhere, like this, is a fracture of a vertebra, when there seems to be no reason, how to understand that this happened to you, how to help about this, about much more in the program to live healthy. so, friends, hypertension is our famous pressure scale. i remind you that if the pressure is above 180, it will end in a stroke, but the most important thing is not even that, it’s not enough who can come to terms with the idea that the blood pressure norm today is lower than 120.80, and from 30 to 80, from 130 to 80 hypertension already begins, and whether you want it or not , today physically... it’s clear what
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happens when here is such a wave of blood, such a flow hits the vascular wall, look, this is our vessel, and this... the pressure is increased, higher than 130 to 80, look what is happening, the vessel is leaking, bursting, and this leads to a stroke, here everything, hypertension, consequences, that’s what they call it, a new topic of our conversation, we really we are telling you about what is happening, and we have shown you paralyzed people many times, we will show them again, this is what they look like, this is a situation where you are alive, but half of your body is paralyzed, it is difficult for you to walk, you have no one arm and one leg work, if it is the right arm, you cannot eat, write, in a word, it is a difficult
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life, although it is still life. today our topic is called hypertension, period, consequences, period. eyes, so, herman shaich showed what happens to the vessels, except the fact that a stroke may occur with paralysis of half the body, our organ of vision suffers, correctly, therefore it is simply necessary to maintain normal blood pressure. ophthalmologists see the fundus of the eye and see the condition of the blood vessels even before all other specialists, if they consult an ophthalmologist. let's show what he sees.
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visible fundus is already in the terminal stage of hypertensive angioretinopathy, you see, the optic disc, papilledema, hemorrhage, this is called the star vacula, when it has already happened hemorrhage, this is where such deposits occur, they are called hard icsudates, so in this state a person cannot see, but the saddest thing is... hypertension, high blood pressure, we showed you how blood vessels are destroyed, small vessels are destroyed first of all, which is the saddest thing, the saddest thing is that there is a correlation here, if we see such a condition of the fundus, then we understand that the person is in danger, that
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is, the number or probability of a stroke occurs, increases exponentially, that’s what happens to blood vessels, why does the setin deteriorate so much? because first of all, small and then large vessels deteriorate, which, in general, feed the retina, this is how these vessels were set on fire, the vessels are burned by hypertomy, i want to remind you that we have a whole group of our people who are responsible for your pressure, our group is called my pressure, my answer:
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elements of the mulberry column, you have reached the target blood pressure numbers, well, i worked hard, what does this mean, light? well, you gave me a very good such a powerful impulse take care of my health, i removed salt from my diet, i started moving more,
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drinking more water, i turned to my local therapist for advice, yeah, i started monitoring my blood pressure, measuring it, you know, that was the hardest thing to force myself to measure every day pressure, well, i’m very pleased with the results, i just have so much energy, but please tell me, when is the last one? what he said was that with the vessels of the fundus, he was satisfied with the condition, it must be said that even if the first signs of angina, this hypertensive retinopathy, if you take adequate... therapy to reduce blood pressure, then regression may occur to some extent. the most
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important thing is to diagnose this disease in the initial stages, when there are changes only in the blood vessels, but there are no changes in the retina itself. it is most important. you know, i certainly adore this application, why? because there are mandatory tests, the data of which the patient must provide. and among the obligatory ones, there is tereotropic hormone y. it's red, it's insanely low for you stereotropic hormone, this suggests that thyroid hormones may be elevated, that is, i have problems with the thyroid gland, i take the drugs razol, she has hyperthyroidism, but there is no compensation, this is bad, because hyperthyroidism increases blood pressure, increases the risk of arrhythmia, increases mainly systal arteries, okay light?
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hypertension has reached ideal pressure numbers, the fundus is fine, this is always the merit of a person, because the doctors around can be crystal, the best on the planet, we can live, you know, all in one home, but if you don’t take care of yourself, it doesn’t play any role in your life, sveta, all our wonderful people know that my pressure is only my responsibility. and why? absolutely right, well, because it depends only on me what the quality
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of my life will be, so i lowered the pressure, and the quality of life has noticeably improved, thank you very much, because only this person needs a person’s health, all suffering will fall only to this person, i have a question for mikhail egorovich, mikhail egorovich, a patient with hypertension, how many times a year should he visit an ophthalmologist and... when should the visit be more frequent? well, ideally, he should be seen by an ophthalmologist twice a year, every six months, i don’t want you to say, our patient said once a year, she sees an ophthalmologist once a year, and if any changes are detected, then more often when there the doctor will prescribe you, which means if you have hypertension, you should be examined by an ophthalmologist twice a year. ok, it will be done, well done, sit down. please, we 'll take a break for a moment and then continue. utoli
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i'm thirsty. the first official recipe appeared in havana 90 years ago. first, take a little lime, sugar, mint, and squeeze it, don’t squeeze it too hard, don’t squeeze it too hard, prepare a cold mojito. the fragility of existence. you know, i got sick, ordinary bronchitis, but i had a very strong coughing attack, uh-huh, at some point i felt a sharp pain, a fracture of the spine, which can be overlooked, cement will help instead of a cast, an advanced user, my mother sits on the computer every day, at least, i think, 4 hours, she reads, she looks at recipes, the internet, how to master a computer in old age, we reveal the secrets of longevity,
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the fact is that i don’t choose the songs myself, it’s a collective decision, golden. inside this modest it specialist, a fierce mathematician, i left early in the morning like... pretty, you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what a human kiss is, married, at a party of best friends, you
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danced with my friend, fantastic on friday at the first what do i care about snow, what do i like about heat, what do i like about pouring rain, when my friends are with me, tonight in our the studio brought together those who have experienced it , know exactly what a true, faithful friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody on... there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich, friendship, you know, begins with respect, often, all these years, as we have been friends, i carry his guitar for seryoga, we are
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brothers-in-law, we are not just friends, our wives are relatives sisters, we are already like...
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you are all such luxurious russian slavic beauties, still plump, usually these are all such ideal girls, yes, but you danced incomparably, and you are from cuba, are you from cuba or no? oh, that’s good too, but you’re a nasha guy, but you rocked it in cuban style,
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bring us a mojito into the studio. so the first important announcement: our drink is non-alcoholic, which of the doctors will tell you a little about it and we’ll tell you about the history , but after all, it really was originally invented as an alcoholic drink, even its authorship is attributed to the famous captain francis drake, he was a manufacturer of pirates. it was usually made on the basis of light rum, well, because pirates loved rum, you understand, yes, what it means to be doctors, the alcoholic drink mojito, which was made from rum, as they say, turns, turns with one movement of the hand, really non-alcoholic, i make it like once a preparation for a majita, because
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a classically alcohol-free mojito is lime, mint, sugar and sparkling water. yes , first take a little lime, sugar, mint, and it squeezes, it doesn’t squeeze very hard, you don’t need to squeeze it very hard, you need to leave it slightly, so to speak, under-pressed, that is, you need to survive the juice from the lemon, mix it glazedly dissolved sugar and we added carbonated water, we definitely take sparkling water and ice, ice here yulena vasiliev why? you take the soda, well, you know, because it is sparkling water, chilled sparkling water, that best quenches the heat.
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the drink certainly removes thirst well, but i have to add a fly in the ointment, and what is there, mint and sparkling water, accordingly it opens. esophageal filter and we can throw the contents of the stomach into the esophagus and the person suffers from heartburn, people who suffer from reflux
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disease of the esophagus, unfortunately, we do not recommend this drink to you, these people are german shaich and i, but i’ll try it anyway, and i’ll take the second one i’ll add a fly in the ointment, insofar as it’s essentially done.
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well, there are rumors that the cuban mojito is without sugar, there are recipes for majito, without sugar, but the classic cuban one with passion sugar, the klubinsky one with cane sugar, more often in total, yes, we have sugar b'. you do not have gastroisophagic reflux and you are having a good, active time, then in this case a carbonated, chilled drink that has a fresh taste, it is absolutely
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beautiful, look what we have here, majito with ice, with ice and with sparkling water, sparkling water and just water, warm sparkling water and warm water, which means that in first place in quenching your thirst, it will be mafita, sparkling water. room temperature is on the second, and regular water is on the third. we remind you once again, if we talk about water, then the most important thing is that the water to quench your thirst, namely, that the water be carbonated, cooled to 4-6 °, this is a refrigerator, and in the meantime we made mahi, please do not skimp on the soda. mojito, we have a samnik, we are hot, doctors, there are still two glasses, green blouse, come here, for that red-haired girl over there, non-alcoholic majita,
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try it guys, it’s really very wonderful, very worthy, try it guys, tell us how to your taste, yes i, you can open a bar, mikhail egorovich and i deal. well, is everything about food or are there any other tips? how delicious is it, guys? this is clearly top content. how do you like it, is it delicious? well, thank god. well, friends, cheap and cheerful is your health, cheap and cheerful - it’s all about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine. a fracture out of nowhere, a fracture without any reason, is a vertebral fracture, it happens to a huge number of older people due to
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the fact that... they have osteoporosis, at our medical site they are conducting research on osteoporosis, and here is our wonderful friend , comrade brother, doctor golperin, what is the result of the examination, she has an island-porous lesion, there is a sharp porpoise, so there are all risks, that’s right, she doesn’t just have risks, she already has this risk manifested by a disease that we will talk about now, you had vertebral fractures, yes, i had a vertebral fracture - one vertebra. interesting story, tell us about yourself, you know, i fell ill with ordinary bronchitis, but i had a very strong coughing attack, at some point i felt a sharp pain, it was during a coughing attack that she felt pain, can you imagine, this pain was caused by the fact that her vertebrae had broken, that is, you can imagine how weak her bones are, the fact is that this happens at an older age, no
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trauma is needed for it to break . vertebra, the person turned slightly awkwardly in bed, coughed, the vertebra may break. i once sat at an appointment with dr. golperin, and i was shocked when people came, one woman had six broken vertebrae, her back seemed to ache and hurt, but even this was no longer enough. one year, that's right, let's go, the point is that statistics. shows that if one vertebra breaks, then the risk of a fracture of the second vertebra increases four times, and if the second one breaks, then by 12 times, and this is exactly when a vertebra breaks, this indicates that the person already has osteoporosis , you don’t even have to do the test anymore, i want to explain why our doctor is limping, the fact is that even in the winter before the new year he
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went skiing. skiing, broke his ankle, he was operated on right in france and so it turned out to be a severe fracture, that he is still limping, we are already treating and examining him with the whole world, we really wish him health, health to you, thank you, thank you, nevertheless he works, he came to us like this, in fact he has a gurney, but roll mark’s gurney here, in fact, he doesn’t step on this foot, but rolls around. he is actually a racing driver, mark yakovich, that is, he is a really violent guy with us, he comes to work like this, rolls up to the operating table and relieves the pain so that he can
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deal with him. it wasn’t, this is the kind of person he is, that means, so, look, a vertebral fracture, out of nowhere, people can’t even suspect, and you probably couldn’t, how long after this situation the diagnosis was made, somewhere, probably in a month, in a month, imagine , and you suffered for a month, your back hurt for a month, yes, it seemed that something just turned wrong, something was cramping, now it would go away, but it happened that you went somewhere, they gave you some other blockade , no, that didn’t happen, i was waiting, she just didn’t go anywhere, there are a lot of people like that, more i’ll repeat once, when i’m sitting with mark yaklich at the reception, i say, why don’t you, well, i thought that my lower back hurts, but nothing, and so the vertebra breaks, here it is, you see, it’s flattened, of course, with all the ensuing consequences , it’s painful, but it can be treated, what is the ideal time frame to treat, let’s say, up to 70% of fractures? they heal in
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the first, that is, 10-14 days before, to such a state that it is already stopped and practically becomes much easier, in this case, nothing needs to be done when the fracture, when the pain goes away in about 3-4 weeks and it doesn’t stop, there’s no way to move, we have another patient who was sick for 72 days, he’s sitting there, and that ’s it... when the pain doesn’t stop, then we can intervene in order to relieve pain, and secondly, in order to restore the integrity of the vertebra, its height, i can show why this needs to be done, which means, look, of course, this situation needs to be treated, of course, people have we are patient, they can endure, wait until everything ossifies to heal, and it’s true, when everything ossifies, the pain will go away, but it may not go away, the procedure that
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the doctor does. in general, it looks very simple and logical in skillful hands, which means that this is a flattened vertebra, you see, it is absolutely flattened, the doctor inserts a thick needle, a tracar. yes, we inject here, here we inject into the body of the vertebra, we inject, we inject the needle, then we inject the cement and look, here, look, you see what is happening, and the vertebra is physically lifted, now let's go to the operating room, where dr. galperin works, here is the broken vertebra, here it is, here it is, now we will make a small incision of about 2 mm. so, wait, this is an instrument called a trokarm, now we will insert it into the vertebra, like this, friends, a special instrument
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is inserted into the vertebra, the operation is carried out without any incisions, under x-ray control, the doctor sees that it is located exactly inside the vertebra, the vertebra is flattened , so in... the cavity literally glues the destroyed pieces together, look, you see, the cement has moved
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to the other side of the vertebra, that is, it is in the middle vertebra, we are finished, when the solution hardens, hardens, it is right before our eyes, then the vertebra acquires that strength that it did not have, now it is in this place that it will never break in its life, that’s right, mark i am absolutely, the idea is, as soon as we cemented the vertebra, that is , literally, when we put the patient on the table before the operation, it hurts, we remove the patient, they have practically no pain, did you have this procedure or did it all go away on its own, i suffered, suffered, that is, you didn’t have to suffer and could have done it, well... well, you don’t know where, as there is a simple thing: your back hurts, get an mri, now i’m hoarse to say this, my back hurts, don’t sit at home, get an mri, everything will become clear right away, everything will become clear, we
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want to invite one more patient, come to us. vladimir nikolaevich, how many days did you suffer? 70 72 days i was on painkillers, in the end, how did the matter end, did you have this... procedure or did it all go away on its own? no, well, most likely it went away on its own, a chinese, needle-faced, famous spartak guy looked at me, he said that i should touch you i can’t help you with anything, i’m still doing it myself, but how can a chinese who pokes needles in your butt help you, nothing at all, you guys stop, acupuncture and chinese medicine in china take up 8% and exist for the disadvantaged poor, it has been brought back into life mautzedun. because something had to be done with one and a half billion people, in china all medicine is paid, the cheapest is chinese, and 98% is so-called western european medicine, that’s why our passion,
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i came all the way to the chinese himself, let’s now let's bang our heads full of delight, it's funny to listen to, the chinese themselves don't use this medicine, period, well, just like that 72. they said they shocked me in the legs, knocked off these same nerve endings, after that i stopped playing football, but thank god i’m dancing now instead of football, that’s why i have such an interesting one, you have a pretty one.
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in all cases there will be lower back pain, back pain, so you just have back pain, get an mri, that’s it, nothing else is needed, no need to walk...
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put your sore leg on your gurney and it hurts from here, and no, we just need to take a minute or each technique has its place, pause and then continue, advanced user, my mother sits on the computer every day, at least, i think, four hours, she reads, she looks at recipes, walks on the internet, how... to master a computer in old age, we reveal the secrets of longevity, when such a dad is at the piano, then there could not be other children in general, i understand that the program is called fathers and sons, in such a company you can get confused, who the eldest, the boys had a spree, yes, on the children nature did not rest, such all-encompassing
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kindness was transmitted from the stage to us only from st. petersburg, here on this stage there is a real holiday, two stars, fathers and children, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first woman. killed, and we're talking about the devil and our heart hasn't broken, do you know how it's breaking, they're just giving away the shoulder and pulling the elbow, okay, let's speculate, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there's a lead on you all points of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation, sooner or later you will will be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles,
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that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell mother, a man with a stutter suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself. for not wanting to help us, you are very good shooter, hello, colonel ostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov, well, dear friends, here... we are here before you, suddenly one, two,
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three, we will find ourselves in the center of moscow longevity and youth, and we will study computer literacy. the fact is that computer literacy is the basis of the life of a modern person, and so at moscow longevity, everyone over 55 years old is taught to use gadgets for free. so, a very interesting application called our city. naturally. application can be downloaded from the app store install, sorry, please, we came to visit you, come in, elderly men, it’s very nice that you visited us, sorry that we came, but the fact is that we know what’s going on with you computer literacy classes, that’s right, i have a question, the fact is that i tried twice to vote for the mayor of moscow, for the president of the country, i tried to vote twice on the internet, i won’t say. i didn’t succeed, i have a question for you, which of you
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were able to vote on the internet, hands raise, 1, 2, 3, 4, you have 100%, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 out of 12 people, i couldn’t vote twice, you’re not alone, me too, i walked to the polling station after filming, i thought it was the last day, i came, just flew in at 5:8, i say, girls, i ’m late, they say no, it turned out that... there is also electronic voting, they say: get up, copy your passport, everything will be done for you show, i was just, you know, in a state of shock, so, as you understand, our computer game.
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73 you 58 58 69 69 68 68 it is generally accepted that age 60 and a computer are incompatible, all because it is difficult for a person to learn new things, but... without this knowledge today it is impossible to solve a single problem: computer literacy courses in moscow longevity should help a person start living in step with the times. in fact, computer literacy is a serious matter, i know, i want to say, my mother was 85 years old when she said, she mastered the computer completely, she just did everything, she said: buy my younger sister a computer, the youngest was 80, we must... communicate with her, and mom i only communicated on skype, can you imagine, now she’s 91, thank tegos, now she’s a little, a little weaker, i’m really, really, how this worries me, my mother sits on the computer every day, at least, i think 4 hours, she reads, she looks
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at recipes, she surfs the internet, this is the age when we don’t forbid, why, what are you doing to us with this? they put brains in because working on a computer improves our cognitive or mental abilities, this is the brain we are born with, this is the brain of a patient with senile dementia, if you you constantly influence the brain and force it to learn new information, the chances of it remaining like this are much higher than becoming like this, of course, that is, the more you learn, the better for you. moreover, for the age of 60 plus, all computer games are allowed, we tell children not to, children become addicted, 60 plus is possible and necessary, because it also trains reaction speed, because it gives the opportunity, in addition to learning new information, it gives
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a person the opportunity navigate faster , make movements more accurately, which sometimes later swatch, do you know who will publish it? is interested in computer games, what do you think? this one, this tick, this one, and he’s not yet sixty, it’s too early, now we can do anything, this is a nerve cell, when you work, play computer games, no matter what happens, the growth and development of this nervous cell occurs cells, in order to form new connections, it must spread these processes. communicate with other cells, if there is no this connection, then the signals do not pass, look what happens, that's it, look, this is how a nerve cell dies, nerve connections are simply broken, if you study on a computer, then everything is the other way around,
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nerve cells begin to connect with each other, because it is through these connections that the processes are transmitted. information, a person thinks, remembers, this preserves the brain and mind. michal egorovich, what is required, vision is required, in any matter the norm is needed. if we are talking about a computer, then there are certain sanitary requirements for working with a computer. what organ is suffering, what organ is suffering? how many times do we blink when it's simple.
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so, normally, the surface of our eye is covered by a thin lipid-water film, thanks to which our eyelid glides freely over the surface when we blink or simply close our eyes. this film protects the eye from injuries caused by dust particles, germs and bacteria. surprisingly, the film breaks every 10 seconds. we blink again, the film is restored. when we blink rarely, film. does not have time to become, dry eye syndrome occurs, that is, the cornea is not washed, it suffers, the surface of the eye suffers, and we get...
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i want to say that we took the time when people came to talk, to generally master everything, but we get in the way, andrei petrovich, we need to study, you are also already retired, yes, here you are they teach, in general, you know, what i like about moscow longevity is the principle of self-organization, that teachers are the same people, that is, they didn’t hire someone there, but if, for example, i come to moscow longevity, i will teach some kind of thing for free. some circle about health 100%. you see, the same situation is with you, yes, how old are you, i’m 60 years old, well, hurray,
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bravo, we won’t bother you anymore, take your brains, your nerve cells, let’s just say one thing, we had a good time, you know our final phrase, may you live, great, i was glad to see you, thank you. hello, the information channel on the first one is starting to work live, time will tell this program, in the studio of ruslan astashka and olesya losyeva. so, the village of volchie in the donetsk republic became the fourth settlement in 3 days that was taken under its control russian military control. this was reported in our ministry of defense; previously , the villages of lazovatovskoye, evgenovka and
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progress came under the control of the center group’s units. in general, the russian flag was brought to the volchi by the black hussars, this is the guards alexandria brigade of the samara association. well, our fighters advanced in volchansk, and literally immediately after vladimir zelensky visited that area. let me remind you that volchansk is located near the border with the belgorod region, namely. one of the main blows is aimed at him our military advancing in the kharkov region. well, a real panic began in kiev due to the fact that russian troops would very soon be able to block the key supply route for the ukrainian nazis in the donbass. russian troops are waging their fiercest offensive yet in the area of ​​the strategically important eastern city of pokrovsk. according to the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces, russian forces have spent the last 24 hours at pokrovsky. pokrovsk is located on a road that serves as an important supply route for ukrainian military outposts such as chasov
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yar and konstantinovka. and now war correspondent vladimir razin is in direct contact with us. let's find out the details. vladimir, hello, what kind of supply road is this, so important that after it, supply, as i understand it, will be greatly complicated by the nazis for the slavic kramatorsk. good afternoon, yes, indeed, after the liberation of progress and volchy, the movement on our side went north towards the settlement of timofeevka, battles had already broken out there on the outskirts, here are timofeevka and vozdvizhenka, which still remain under under enemy control, these are the two outermost settlements on the road exactly to the highway, which is located between krasnoarmeysk and konstantinovka, this highway is quite a serious artery in terms of logistics and supplies. groupings in the direction of both konstantinovka and chasovyar, and in the donetsk direction around the red army.


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