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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 30, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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and financially, the opera and ballet festival will last until august 9, the organizer promises that many more surprises and unforgettable performances await the audience. and that’s all for now, the broadcast is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. good day everyone, the information channel on the first continues its work, anatoly kuzichev is with you, we are working live, time will tell this program, remember the phrase from the film by alexei german, my friend ivan lapshin, in this city there are two brass bands for every resident, and here you know for every western politician, well, at least one peace plan regarding ukraine, a lot of all sorts of messages, some articles... what’s interesting, what’s interesting, what’s
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boris johnson, what’s mike pompeo, here on your screens, they publish trump’s peace plans in some serious publications , trump has nothing to do with them, it’s important to understand, they seem to be publishing this for him, either to create some kind of public consensus, i don’t know, or to hint to him how to do it right, well, i don’t know, in general, peace plans .
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year and in general, well, here’s the plan, let’s friends, yes, well, it’s important here that the kremlin reacted, through the mouth of dmitry sergeevich peskova, he said that in general we don’t have rose-colored glasses , we don’t have any illusions about trump, and the peace plans that coconuts are now swarming around trump also means no illusions we don’t, well , it’s interesting, it’s interesting, these mean peace plans, every, i say, decent person now has his own peace plan for ukraine. means something, some have several, if you listen to zelensky, he doesn’t, remember zelensky’s formula, he’s been running around with it for a year, now he’s giving an interview to the japanese and says, by the end of november we will develop some kind of formula for ending the world, wait, where is the formula that you had for a year somewhere, that is, he has these there were a lot of plans, yes, but everyone understands that they are not feasible, in fact, these plans that you are talking about are also plans of ukraine, well, we understand, he is
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the executive director of kyivstar, this is what i understand is the work of the state- secretary johnson is now working with lobbying structures that they work with ukraine here too, and we understand perfectly well that ukraine is truly alarmed by the prospect of trump’s arrival, they speak and write about this directly. they are zelensky himself, remember, he said, no, let him tell me what he is, how, what we are preparing for, and he told him, by the way, he told him, he says, these defeated, he says, napoleon and hitler where- then he climbed, in the end he says to zelensky, listen, and you give him one plank, another plank, because all these peaceful plans come down to something, vasil won’t let him put it together, to an aggravation war with russia, continuation of the war with russia, towards russia, war to the victorious end of ukraine.
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on the battlefield, the other side probably thought that such rhetoric, so to speak, sounds much more attractive to the general public and they also started talking about peace, but speaking specifically, well, that’s right, because you see, putin is cool, he said, i want it like this, like this, like this, everything, and interrupted the entire agenda, even interrupted the agenda of the conference that was in geneva, yes, that is, they discussed in switzerland, they were discussing, in fact, what putin said, they are discussing, discussing, discussing how to interrupt this, it has begun, johnson is at the bottom, of course. pompeo is the best,
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the best guy, the most magnificent, he gets cash in ukraine, you know, well, kiev is a huge company, it’s a profitable company, even during the war, it provides communications and so on, and he says: that means 500 billion here, this means how much is it for me, that is , he says, i need money, he also has his own interest here, of course, without this in nothing is working for ukraine, but unfortunately, you know, laughter is laughter, but this is what worries me as a citizen of ukraine, here is syrsky, here is zaluzhny, that is, syrsky is the head of today's supreme, commander-in-chief of the rsu, zaluzhny, former, yes, commander-in-chief, current ambassador, next. budanov is the same, they are all talking about something else, they say that these are real plans, we, says zaluzhny, russia is our spokolnichny enemy, that is, this means russia should not exist. sirsky says, yes, with us specifically, we can really implement our plans and return to the border 1991, yet budanov
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says: we definitely have a plan to seize crimea, and syrsky says, what do i mean, that all this talk about peace plans, it actually fits into the real plan. of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine about the continuation of the war, that’s all, that’s how it works today, to me, i say again, i regret that all this talk, in essence, has nothing to do with the peace plan, in fact and zelensky his entire team is preparing to continue on the presence of the word peace, in all these mentions, that’s all it’s clear, no one needs any peace, listen, we remember. moreover, you know, you yourself know that life is cooler than any scriptwriters, the world is a war, freedom is slavery there, and so on, listen, the european peace foundation, it’s not a joke, this is our life, the european foundation world, which is responsible for what correctly, for the supply of weapons to ukraine, what an oroil, guys, oroil has been nervously smoking on the sidelines for a long time,
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we have a short advertisement and we’ll come back, how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos can think , i... time glass detective syndrome today after the program time, the fact is that i don’t choose the songs myself, it’s a collective decision.
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inside this modest it specialist, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is love, it was just something with something, the most human avatar, pretty, you don’t want to kiss, i haven’t yet learned what humane is ?
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in a broad sense, he was not allowed into the family, it was a strictly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. lively - there were always get-togethers, and you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, right? unique footage previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, michal nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta. in the face of misfortune, grief, they... united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her: don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment,
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my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely this sad moment you were needed by god, for some reason, our exclusive in... exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. no , what’s going on, we seemed to have love, no, why are you running away from me, what kind of love, why are you talking like that, leave me alone, and in our yard on sunday on the first, two stars, fathers and sons, in sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not broken. do you know how it breaks? so only the shoulder gives way and the elbow pulls. okay, let's go
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let's think, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well, of course, i would run in. what will the moles choose? here's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find the head of security, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version goes to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko.
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the confrontation between the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. we continue to work live, if you remember, there. in the plan that we quoted from mike pompeo, mike pompeo’s peace plan, in addition to all these things, hit russia, hit russia, hit more and something else, there was one word, one word, which, of course, which we need to talk about in a little more detail, the word lend-lease, there was also a monstrous amount of 500 billion, half a trillion dollars, but here is lend-lease, let's talk about lend-lease, let's understand what it is, especially since it has already happened in our history this word, and it’s time to remember... the context, when this word appeared in our vocabulary, how it worked in general and how we
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paid attention to it, because yes, we have to pay for it, please, the very beginning of 1941, world war ii blazing for a year and a half now, hitler has almost easily captured all of europe, the german army has defeated and occupied poland, and easily subjugated it. norway, belgium and the netherlands. it took hitler's troops only 6 hours to capture denmark. france also fell quickly. hitler was preparing to defeat yugoslavia almost immediately and attack the soviet union. the tragedy, which was playing out in europe for the second year now, was watched with interest across the ocean. and in march 1941, the us passed the lend lease act to help primarily great britain. a state program to help the allies in world war ii was proposed by president franklin rooseville before. with a statement in congress, he explained it this way: if your neighbor’s house is on fire, and you have a garden hose, lend it to your neighbor
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before your house catches fire. the help was not selfish, the key word was to lend. in total, during the second world war , american supplies to the allies amounted to about $50 billion. in the usa they don’t like to remember that american companies actively provided the fascist countries with oil, combustible strategic raw materials and parts for aircraft factories. but on almost every street corner they shouted that they were helping to expose the soviet union. according to lenliz, the united states supplied literally everything to the ussr, from aircraft tanks to stewed meat and valinki. but the math was weird. in 1941, with a total volume of purchased cargo worth $741 million, our country received a free lease of goods worth only $541, or less than 1%. and few people know that there was also a reverse land list, according to which the country of the soviets at the same time sent aid to the united states. great britain, contrary to all the myths about lend-lease, no one saved the soviet union.
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the newspaper in the new york times then cited this formula from senator harry truman. if we see that germany is winning, then we should help russia, and if russia is winning, then we should help germany and thus let them kill as many as possible. of course, landleys was important, especially food, but most of it was produced for the front by soviet workers and peasants. the whole country worked for the front. from small to large, which is not interesting only in the ussr, but in the usa they understood the non -determining, auxiliary role of landlease. we never considered that our land lease assistance was the main factor in the soviet victory over... hitler on the eastern front, it was achieved by the heroism and blood of the russian army. it would seem that everything is clear, the contribution is large, but not decisive. however, lenlist is still presented as some kind of means of saving the ussr in the war, without which we supposedly would not have been able to alienate the enemy, although in fact it was an absolutely commercial project that brought great benefit to the united states itself.
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by delivering from the ussr, we not only returned our money, but also made a profit, which was far from an isolated case. or an australian soldier who received his equipment half-close and went into battle proportionately reduced the dangers of war to our own youth. the war ended in 1947, the united states demanded that the ussr pay the debt to polyngleaze, 2.6 billion dollars. stalin was indignant and said that the ussr had paid off landlease’s debts in full with blood, but america wanted money
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, so it resorted to cunning and began to reduce its requirements. in 1948 they already requested one. in the fifty-first 800 million, in the seventy-second even less - 722 million dollars. this game with numbers suggests that there are no objective calculations behind them. negotiations were resumed in recent history, in 1990. mikhail gorbachev and george bush, sr. moscow was supposed to pay $674 million by 2030. russia, as the legal successor of the ussr, paid off all its debts, including polendliza, in 2006. yes, americans, of course, are such americans, roosevelt, yes he said that, he says, imagine, that your neighbor’s house is on fire, and you have a garden hose, so you lend him this hose, well , for money, imagine, at the neighbor’s house he says, he says, here’s the hose, he says, thank you very much, he says 17, that’s 17, he says dollars per hour, well it turns out like this, okay, listen, they have the right, in fact,
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it’s interesting here, that means it’s interesting here, lelis, i repeat, this is not some kind of altruistic help, you have to pay for it. to pay, we only paid in 2006, in full, everything, we don’t owe anything, what about ukraine? 500 billion, 500, damn, excuse me, billions, well, if you translate these 500 billion into money from the second world war, but it will be akin to, probably, 30 billion dollars that the united states of america allocated to great britain as lentlease. for us, we know, it’s from 9 to 11 billion. there’s a difference, what they shipped and what we received, yeah. much less, of course, and they shipped mostly second quality at the beginning, i would even say, help with linelize is not only important, yes, but not decisive, but late, they began to deliver, became the most powerful through the iranian, far eastern route, only since 1943, when in the second world war, the great patriotic war, thanks to the red army, a turning point occurred, only if they
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had opened a second front earlier and lintliz would not have needed this, but if we'll look at these posts. first of all, they worked for the american economy, naturally, they were never known as altruists, that is, they loaded their enterprises with capacity, they received quite a large amount from us, here are some of our researchers they believe that the back of the so-called lineartles is manganese, these are other metals, this is timber, they were equal to 2.5 billion dollars. you can imagine, this is more than 1/4 of what they supplied us, they still demanded from us. stalin was indignant, he was right, you cannot equate the blood of our soldiers and money, they put it on one point, on one line, but it was, but if we are talking about ukraine, yes, let’s now, taking into account our experience
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, understand, so to speak, everything -takis there was already such a state program, let’s see we collided with him, and now with ukraine. to understand that this is still a proposal, to understand the amounts, maybe it was taken out of thin air, i don’t know, but ukrainians, they must realize that everything has to be paid for, they will have to pay, they no longer think about anything, so i kind of wanted to object there are plans for peace, but there are no plans for peace, there is a process, a process that was launched by the united states of america by nato, squeezing everything out of ukraine, in fact, what they give to ukraine - this is the same thing, i won’t take it with money, but lands, and so on most of the land there has been bought up, but let's take a look. take a historical parallel if we see that to whom did the americans supply lindlist, at first not only to britain, they supplied to greece, what happened to greece, they helped, they didn’t help, they supplied france, but already... there in 1944 france was actually it ’s not even an ally, it’s not a broken power that they financed, if
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lintlis is possible, it really helped us advance faster at the final stage of the war, it didn’t play a decisive role, but they didn’t open the second front, but who can supply lintli and so that it is effective, if this power is powerful, self-sufficient, with developed industry, human capital, which is so understandable. there is, well, for now it ’s just an idea, but still, please serge, right, you know, sometimes a person who buys a card for a sports club, they tell him, the most important thing is the uniform, you need to buy a good suit, you need to buy all sorts of good accessories , a huge amount of sports nutrition, they tell him, stop, stop, stop, but you can start training, maybe just don't give a damn about how you look and start working every day? so here is the fundamental question: we paid for the landley at a very high price, yes, we paid with the blood of our grandfathers, we paid a lot, my grandfather, for example, transported this equipment from tehran in
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huge quantities, they transported it to stalingrad, and he told me , if only our courage helped us, and not the studiobakers that we were carrying, there were a huge number of studiobakers, and everyone agreed that it helped, it does not play any decisive role, when a person comes to the hall, it doesn’t matter what he’s wearing, what matters is his will to... a document of the soviet union, if the equipment was not used, it could be returned. yes it is clear. the ukrainians say: listen, what if we buy these shells from someone, and we will return them to you at a cheaper price. the americans say:
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listen, no, landless is a different system, we give you the goods, and you return the money, you cannot return the money, give away the property. lendleis has become completely different. lenlis of the forty-first year and lenlis of the twenty-fourth year, these are two large the difference is the system of occupation is understandable. in fact, yes, vasily dmitrievich. i was born, no, i don’t agree, guys, well look, i was born in the soviet union, i’m a soviet person like everyone else, yes, i went to the museum, the central museum of the russian army, well, in moscow, here, please, and there is a stand there, yes, on this stand it is written in black and white, for example, the soviet, soviet union in forty-one, forty- five did not produce armored personnel carriers, nothing, zero, we received all armored personnel carriers 7.172 according to english, for example, there are 260 trucks
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. when they tell you how many were produced, these are of course fair numbers, but for some reason they do not take into account how many were produced before, how many were already produced now, now parallel to ukraine, unfortunately, for the bitter truth will kill me, i say again, unfortunately, the bitter farewell is this: there is a deal, there is a deal between the usa, the west and ukraine, where the usa gives money and equipment, and ukraine gives soldiers, people, ukraine gives people, therefore . everybody is here, everything here, unfortunately, yes, everything here, unfortunately, has been calculated once again, because when zelensky, it’s very important here, wait, the scheme itself is clear, they mean
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money, equipment and so on, ukraine people, but, but it seemed there would be an exchange, but this is not an exchange, they have equipment, that means money and so on, ukraine is people, and ukraine still owes it, this is important, that is, this means what a fucking partnership, they are throwing it away.
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that in ukraine there are two cool topics, now ukraine is selling grain, the black sea scheme is working, yes, that’s cool, in ukraine five or six deals have already been concluded, military deals, where ukraine produces weapons, produces shells for itself, in the future she says: we will conclude even more contracts so that ukraine, after the victory, once again, after the victory, sells these weapons to europe and to the whole world, that's what she 's talking about, you know, a great plan, as reliable as a doorman. well, wait, well, well, ukraine will produce it, and what are the americans doing now, giving money for, for example, i don’t know, enrichment of land, not uranium, but land, or transferring some technologies ukraine, i understand your, so to speak, your pain, with which you speak about, well, yes, yes, it is, as you said, kidalovo, well , maybe they haven’t invested in anything else, as for the enrichment of the land, look ,
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now i’ll give you two or two illustrations, so to speak.
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our source reports that at a meeting with the younger soros, eermak promised him the privatization of ukrainian energy companies under western corporations. for this, soros will lobby yarmak and zelensky in the united states. in general, the sale of ukrainian assets for pennies begins. well i don't know, honestly i don't know what is the value of energy companies now in ukraine after everything that happened there, but let’s say you understand, in the end lince graham, an unknown senator, by the way, who recently returned to trump’s team, yes, that’s the question.
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speaking of the yuzovsky shale gas deposits, which they have already invested billions there, this is black soil, these are other deposits to clarify, here the land is in the sense of agriculture or areas in general, so to speak, as territories, land where there is shale gas, they absolutely don’t care what with this then it will be land, the main thing is to extract capital from there, if you can put waste there, make a dump, they will do it, for them ukraine is prey, as for the colonialists before the colony, and for... the neo-colonialists - today it is also actually a colony, that is, they get money, in fact, it ’s like a screen, lendlis is propaganda for public opinion of the same american, the same western european, look at how we do it, but we shouldn’t understand that way today,
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it’s not like there are two big differences , this diametrically opposite, we fought against nazism back then, today they help neo-nazis and what kind of letniz is that, it’s essentially the other way around, that is, they... raised zelensky, like hitler before, today they help hitler, the new leader of the fuhrur zelensky, all these plans, peace plans, in fact, these are the plans of an american, and today trump, here i am an amazing person, so we start arguing, trump, so he speaks seriously or not seriously, that is, he offers ukraine one thing, he will offer us, as pompey says, another , we will intimidate you, we will supply ukraine, but in fact trump doesn’t have any plan for this, he has one. show, as an artist who must work for the public today, we must clearly understand whoever it is, biden, kamela harris, trump, everything will be decided by the shadow state, the deep state, there will be the state department of the cia, they will decide with
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more less than some assumptions, i understand, i understand, well, by the way, this is an interesting thought, we all think, yes, i think, that’s interesting, there is pompeo’s plan, yes, boris johnson’s plan, yes, and what is trump’s plan , all of a sudden truth? suddenly there is no plan, like we’ll decide as we get it, maybe it’s true that he has such an approach, probably, by and large, that’s how it is, that’s why these plans are born, so we see dozens of these plans, but all these plans are, by and large, a definite a business scheme for privatization, robbery, how to make something that belongs to you yours? the key issue that is being raised in america now is food security, they say: yes, money is money, we will print it, yes, we have a fairly high national debt 35. million, we serve him, we will never pay, everything is fine, the problem is food. ford once said a good phrase: buy land, the land is no longer being produced, this land no longer exists. the key point is food security, food, the black soil that exists
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today, it has already been privatized, it will somehow need to be brought into some legal framework, now, what american lawyers are now saying, we must do everything to no matter what the results of the war will be. whether we lose or win, we must prove in the courts that this is an integral part of american, british or joint property, now larry fink is doing this, he is the owner of the black rock group of companies, who currently controls about 10 trillion dollars, and he is a key investor in ukraine, like since all the lands, including those lands that go for burial, go under lari fink, this is the man, if he manages 10 trillion dollars of other people’s money, then believe me... he will never invest this money for nothing, today, programs have already appeared, entire courses in legal practice, on how to properly punish russia for the fact that it can swear allegiance and somehow receive
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dividends from the land that it illegally owns, they are talking about this, so you understand what the matter is , we are now talking not only about a new system of some kind of international relations, including about a new law, when russia will be judged, but according to what laws, the point is... that there is a certain world majority, and we are ready to play according to understandable rules, transparent laws, but there are those who play by rules that come up with them, based on the current situation, let’s consider ukraine exclusively as a business project. that’s how we look at it, no, no, we look at it differently, they look at it that way, he’s not an investor in ukraine, he’s a company that thinks it can be sold, how it can be organized, they haven’t invested a single penny in ukraine, yes, i’m just talking about the realities, i also want, if you know this topic, they just wrote a lot about the huge amount of lands that have already passed into the property was not necessarily blackrock, but some western companies, under the wing of blackrock, and this is true. it happened before the war, now this is happening black rock just,
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by the way, on victory day, in the twenty-second year, i think on the ninth of may zelensky made a deal with them, i also want to say something else so that our viewers understand correctly, because what are we talking about langliese, linglist, now american lingis, they have now passed a law, but it doesn’t work, it’s dead, biden passed it, but america hasn’t launched it, question, trump, when he becomes president, will he launch it? of these lands, you correctly said that they did not receive money in cash, they were offered a roof, this is called umbrella legitimacy, stand under the roof of blackrock, transfer your lands there, everything will be fine with you, but they primarily invest money in their enterprises, let's let's remember this liplik, which lasted a year and a half there from september 22 to september 23, they invested in their enterprises that produced equipment at the expense of that... equipment, old equipment that they gave away directly to ukraine, here the feature takes
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down the rating of ukraine to the level of inevitable default, actually yes, by the way, as for linsigram, this extremist, then a terrorist, i just wanted to say that it’s just him, this is his phrase, he let it slip there that guys like, of course we are there for freedom regardless, by the way, there are 10-12 trillion dollars of mineral resources, it is clear that freedom, independence comes first or? of course, i’ll tell you more, it’s not him being cynical, it’s the whole approach, it’s not him alone, he’s hugging, look, well, that’s the theme i understand, thank you very much, i just wanted to say one more thing, in continuation, so to speak, of the topic of our discussion about how ukraine deals with the largest resources, which actually came from god or, as a rule, from the soviet union, yes you can just judge by the berdyansk port, after... it passed into the hands of ukraine from the soviet union in the development of the port,
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you know how much was invested, zero, stupidly, not a penny, so, it should be noted that he founded this port, it is clear that they will be like this now to say, to erase this carefully, but we remember, we are still serious people, it was founded, that is, exactly 200 years ago in a bay next to the berdyansk spit, by the russian emperor alexander i. this port became the southern sea ​​gates of the russian empire, but after the liberation of berdyansk during the war... he catches bandit killers every day, our department
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is now in good standing, not without help, not beautiful, i saw there was a murder there, i greet you, signora cagliostra, i i see people, those who are here, those who are far away, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, you want to live with me, at home at night, because... i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight, is that clear? so, i’m kozlevich, exactly, what kind of kozlevich? marina, it’s not me, of course it’s not you, which means you also love him very much, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, fantasy, on friday, on the first. it was a time of big
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ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​power and beauty this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in the thirty-fifth year the project was approved, and the exhibition was supposed to... open in the thirty-seventh year, that is, a very short time frame, alstarzhevsky offers a good simple concept, the project was simplified classics, one could now say that this is a period not only of that period. yes, this is vdnkh today, this is the spirit of the times today. to the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh. on saturday, on the first. what is snow to me, what is heat to me? what is torrential rain to me? when my friends, with me. tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced exactly
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what a true, faithful friend is. i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test. i had an operation, it took 12 hours. igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. this is exactly what friendship, you know, begins with respect, often, all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar. we are our own people, not just friends, our wives, sisters, we are already like parties lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, even sometimes confused, lishchenko loves you all, if a friend turns out to be a friend, and not a friend, and not an enemy, but so , on saturday, at the first, right junction of europe and asia,
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the mountains of the steppes, a blooming garden of eden stretched out, we are in bashshkiri. the bashker took several arrows in his mouth like this, you know, in battle, three or four more between his fingers, this is how he shot, a machine gun, these are the same relict ices, they were formed here when mammoths still roamed the earth, this echo is 25.00 years old, what diseases does this bath treat, starting with skin diseases, the musculoskeletal nervous system, phew. the life of your premiere, sunday on the first, hey, you’ll call your wife that, hey, listen, even with that name, only you respond, what are you, don’t fight, what are you, people are all around, and in our
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yard in sunday on the first, when such a dad has... here on this stage there is a real holiday: two stars, fathers and children, on sunday on the first.
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in the center of berdyansk there is a monument to count varantsov; it was he who, 200 years ago, in 1824, reported to emperor alexander i that this was the best place to build the azov port. thus, varontsov essentially laid the foundation for the construction of the city itself. berdyansk arose. 5 years after the opening of the port in 1830. in 1827, by the highest appearance of the imperial majesty, lieutenant commander kritsky was sent to our region to find the most convenient harbor for
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arranging a pier. count varantsov was put in charge of this entire expedition, the actual work was carried out by a lieutenant captain. this statesman became famous not only for his work on the development of the city and port of berdyansk, but also for the development of the city and port of odessa, so we can consider ourselves little odessa, i see you are in full swing here, these are agricultural products that were produced and collected in our region in zaporozhye region, earlier. cargo from the port of berdyansk even reached antarctica all over the world, for example, ceramic clays, kaolins
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went to european countries, southern european, this spain, italy, portugal, in order to restore this existing potential of cargo turnover in the port, several conditions must be met, firstly, that those regions where these products are extracted and where they are produced are completely liberated. i invite you on board our raid boat, dmitry chubor, i ask you, please
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meet me, the captain of our raid boat, 12 on the right, or rather, well, vladimir anatoch, what are you going to teach, that’s exactly what vladimir anatolyevich interrupted, stand up. will remember the past years, i worked in africa, then he arrived, vladimir anatolyevich offered this position, i agreed with pleasure, the restoration of this port after everything that happened here, of course, under ukraine, not a penny of money was invested here, everything was just exported, now it’s clear that all this is difficult restore, i think that we will still win even in this case. we are not afraid of work, so for us this is a normal work process, we will try to make our
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port one of the best on the azov sea, in the beryansk sea trade port i work with 2004 in various positions, mostly it was all connected with maritime safety, then with the safety of the world of navigation. who are you here in berdyansk? azov nationalists also stood there, like in mariupol? yes, azov was formed in berdyansk, it was at the berdyansk cassette, there at one of the recreation centers, it was their first base, they clustered there, trained, so i know firsthand, because i had to deal with them. their stronghold was precisely on the berdyansk spit, and then on the training ground, a military training ground behind novopetrovka. glory nations!
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i met with enthusiasm the beginning of the northern military district, i was very happy, i greeted our people when they arrived. berdyansk, i was given the task of gathering the staff of the berdyansk sea trade port to begin the process of restoring functionality. in principle, i believe that at the initial stage we were successful in the function of preserving the port and restoring its functionality. i was born here in the berdyansk region, in the village of starapetrovka. at the age of 15 he entered the maritime department. school in odessa, at the age of 19 he became a young specialist navigator, he does not hold back stand at the helm, i don’t get bored, i have the opportunity any day, we go
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on a yacht with friends, don’t be alarmed, this is not an air raid warning, this is a ship’s siren, this is a greeting signal, well, yes, you see ours...
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i’m sure i would like to connect my future life with the sea, with work in the port. how did this work out for you personally? my father led his time by the hand to the young sailors' club. i still remember my first teacher, captain, training ship sochenets, anatoly maksimovich sevak, real men, real captains, and they instilled in us boys this love for the sea. there is a very serious shortage of personnel; i
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would like to see a training center appear in berdyansk. an institution that will possibly train personnel - just like for the merchant fleet, fishing fleet, that is, this is also an important role, and just like for the port fleet, when we held meetings here - with tenth graders, with eleventh graders, you won’t believe it, there’s even in berdyansk the girls wanted to become judges, he says, but it’s possible, he says, i’ll be a captain, i say, well, of course, i say, today...
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where there has always been, first of all, order , discipline, education, how many cadet corps there were, take makarov, ushakov, nakhimov, naval command, great naval commands, we have a huge history, but these are our personnel, right, these are the kids who are here today, teenagers, let’s say, among them there may also be such people, i am sure, of whom we will later be proud.
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my last name is korablev, rank, as you can see, colonel has been presented with a huge number of government awards, titanium opening, like on a wreath in a cemetery, well not the titanic, titanic, titanic, then boom and sink, funny, yes, i guessed right. new episodes, today on the first, how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos know how to think, i want to use it, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice stogasen, we are talking about tragedy, how can you not understand it , i discovered your talent, i’ll shut it down, you’ll deliver pizza to me again, you’ll do what you want us to do all the work here for you, it’s time
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develop, pasha, approach more carefully. done, i’m from german, we’re going back to the wards, it’s a pity, it’s very smooth, because it turned out, time is glass, detective syndrome, today after the program it’s time, fantasy, on friday, on the first, here is the russian spirit, here is ruxia, we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage , at concerts or some events, when he was in character, what is called holding his face, he did not let anyone into the family in the broad sense, it was a clearly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. the gatherings were always fun, but you’re sitting
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in dad’s place, so it happened, right? unique shots. exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday at the first in the new season at the first a woman is killed
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and we are talking the devil about what and the heart didn’t break, what do you know how it breaks so only the shoulder gives and the elbow pulls well, let’s speculate, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted for guidance on you are in all parts of the soviet union. and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will be identified anyway, and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course i would run in, that will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the security service, let him urgently report to the control room and mobilize everything... all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for what you
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didn't want to help us, you're very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. the information channel on the first continues, we are working live. elections are coming in america, and the elections are scandalous, but what’s most interesting is that for some reason the white house is interested in elections in other countries. the flames of revolution are flaring up again in venezuela, with presidential elections over the weekend in which the incumbent won. leader nicolas madura, but immediately after the results were announced , the country was gripped by riots from 26 20 administrative districts plunged into complete chaos,
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opposition supporters took to the streets, they were armed with bats, bottles of molotov cocktails and tried to storm the presidential palace in caracas, and protesters even in some cities and states blocked highways; in the state of falcon they even demolished a statue. .. the results of the elections in venezuela were not recognized in seven
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neighboring states, in response to this, maduro recalled his ambassadors from these countries, and the first, of course, who were not satisfied with the results of the elections in venezuela were the united states, here's what antony blinken said about it. we have serious concerns that the announced result does not reflect the will or voice of the venezuelan people. it is critical that every vote is counted fairly, that election officials promptly share information with the opposition and independent observers, and that election authorities publish detailed vote count results. the international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly. fair choice by conviction. well, the americans poke their noses into all elections, if something is not satisfactory somewhere, they immediately recognize them as illegitimate, impose sanctions, let’s
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imagine for a moment the situation that in november the elections in the united states are not recognized by all those dissatisfied with the americans, well it’s just that half the world, half the world is a state, and we, for example, say, are dissatisfied with the american state. do you think, no, democratic carousels, yes, carousels are democratic, non- democratic, there is falsification , they can vote, yes they can, whatever they can, you democratic and non-democratic, the united states of america are accustomed to living according to a very simple principle: we have marked cards, we play with them, you can’t, but understand one simple thing, why venezuela, venezuela today has the largest oil reserves, we can to say a thousand times that oil is everything, new energy sources, green energy, but pure lies, we all understand perfectly well that the united states. america,
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today the largest producers, consumers, the largest, what a tasty they have a piece of venezuela, a close transportation route, which is absolutely excellent for them, how great it would be to change the power there, put your own people to take away these billions that are underground, here russia is also, russia is in very friendly relations with venezuela, with caraccos , we have good contractual relations, and generally far-reaching plans, and somehow we need to resolve this situation, but i didn’t want to. states, didn't want to remember when the best selling t-shirt in america, best selling, i was in the elections, where the dead elected the half-dead, the most popular t-shirt was, guys, are you laughing at yourselves, or do you understand what’s going on, the question is whether they understand or not, i understand, that’s the only thing i don’t agree with, you say, means that the americans follow the principle that if someone is not satisfied with their democracy, build your own, well, judging by how...
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how the situation will develop further, will they be able to remove maduro and what will this give them in the future, that is such a broad perspective opens up for them, in any case defense of their backyard, they will try and have been preparing for this for a long time, it should be noted, that is, we have now begun to talk about the fact of these... riots, yes, i closely followed how the whole company was covered during the process, that is, it is clear it was that they launched the maidan technology in advance, long before the elections, knowing full well what the result would be, they were already in venezuela, you remember, they tested it, then there were more reasons for this, by the way, someone just remembered guaido, yes, remember , yes, they recognized him legitimate leader, through him, forgive me, they stole significant funds from venezuela that were stored abroad, and now suddenly i read: listen, the elections
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are democratic, yes, that’s how they described them, how the opposition is in the lead, how is it there, that means everything this is happening, i think, well, in theory, you shouldn’t recognize them in advance for the simple reason that you recognized guaido as the leader, here it seems like they don’t fear him anywhere, they wrote him off on the sly a year ago, now we’re just this look, it turns out they admitted the dissolution of this provisional government of guaido, the so-called, yes, recognizing guaido is the same as i now recognize ruslan nastashko, which means he is the president.
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elections in venezuela, but they recognize the illegitimate zelensky, the best-selling pill in the world now is called drugin, so everything is fine, if before the presidential elections in the usa, it was a battle of two political programs, now this whole confrontation has reached a new level, now it’s about the battle of values. kamala harris supported american lgbt community, on this occasion they even published an official appeal.
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the community is sending a loud and clear message: we stand united in supporting the experienced, tough-minded, pro-equality vice president kamala haris and will do whatever it takes to defeat donald trump and j.d. vance. and so the supporters of traditional values ​​remained there, trump and vance, in the throat of the activists of these same sexual minorities. compared to them, kharis is their real brother or sister, or whatever they call each other, that’s what they’ve already dubbed her. v social networks brother.
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this figure has increased significantly and continues to grow significantly. 93% of total voters are registered, and we know that lgbtq voters are showing up to the polls . hey kamala, what are we going to tell donald trump in november? bye bye. you see, it means that kamala hares is apparently afraid of what might happen to her. america has a minority to vote, so it is betting on a specific minority, which, therefore, now wants to become the majority and somehow influence the outcome of the november elections, by the way, this is quite likely, according to the washington post, it was lgbt voters who played a key role, it turns out in
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joseph biden's victory in 2020, voters who openly identify as lgbt overwhelmingly tend to vote for democrats, lgbt from... what 64% of lgbt voters supported biden, compared to 27% for trump. in key states, a majority of lgbt voters voted for biden , while a majority of non-lgbt voters chose trump. if lgbt voters stayed home, trump could very well win the 2020 presidential election. now i can wrap my head around this demonic opening of the olympics, and this is exactly about what is now very profitable and necessary for the united states, this is jill biden, who comes out and says: what an amazing thing, my god, it was show in paris, god, give us a chance to repeat the same thing,
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but as i understand it, they really want not only to repeat, but they really want to do this, well, a herd of perverts, well i don't know with a torch in my hands. bet on people of color, only people vote for us yes, it’s very simple, at first the democrats did people of color, emigrants vote for us, now they look and say: listen, if you want to be a full-fledged emigrant, a full-fledged emigrant, you must admit your homosexuality, if you admit her, you nod your head, say, yes, i’m a homosexual there, he tells you... you have a better chance of getting a green card now than someone else, and what does that mean? this means that they are not counting on these elections now, they are gaining points for themselves in the elections of the future, they are creating a kind of party of perverts, no matter how bad it may sound, but today everything that is happening there is very disliked by
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the traditional american population, it is terribly disliked if you look closely at public opinion polls opinion in the united states of america, then fatigue, this lgbt in america and america, which votes in the largest cities, of course, in large cities homosexuals will vote for them, perverts will also vote, but there will be a very serious fight here, it would be more beneficial for us if this country, where satan’s point reigns, falls where it falls. kamala haris, the most violent, unstable, mentally ill person, would be the best choice for americans. he is reflections.
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this is a terrible weapon, well, to be honest, it’s very interesting to listen to how such movements are happening in europe and the united states, but the democrats, they are making a bet.
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as for venezuela, it’s the same here , here the bet is made on precisely an aggressive minority precisely because of these technologies of working with people’s consciousness, because it is clear that ugachave made of venezuela, let’s say, well, about a socialist country, nationalized the wealth, mainly, by the way, of the americans, now they want to return it all back, by the way , with the help of guaido, they completely reimbursed themselves financially for their costs for... the first, let’s not call it a revolution, it was a coup, now they will reimburse for the second, it was an excellent financial
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project, it was absolutely gorgeous, they are in great profit, thanks to this very operation, they were robbed, they robbed the country again, the project failed, as i understand it, they considered it a profitable project, let’s separate politics, the economy separately, they failed politics, of course, guaido dissolved the government , they forgot everything, they returned the money, they consider everything as a project, a good project, so you show that lgbt is aggressive. it's easy from the frost, but it works, you know, it works, they will light up this crowd, and many traditional voters, they will be at home, because he says, we don’t want to have anything in common with them, we are afraid of them, americans have become afraid of these perverts, a traditional american, he is somehow disunited, unlike these crazy people, well, he is somehow silent, a traditional american -yours are very united, they are very consolidated, they are very aggressive, this should not be forgotten, but while in the usa they are flirting with lgbt people...
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these villains, these creatures, capital punishment was applied on the spot, none,
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we did not use law enforcement agencies by ours, humane, such things should be indicative, and these traitors who have become involved in the crust should be eliminated immediately on the spot. vladimir vladimirovich, i... understand that it is difficult to comment on the statement of this subhuman, but nevertheless, as you correctly noted, in the column he writes that this is a democratic ukraine, they do not notice this, no one will say that the death penalty is execution in ukraine, in principle, no, but he says that it should be applied without trial, and most likely he will not get anything for these words, but if he he says this and he is a commander, which means he applied it in life. we all know, we have all documented more than once, yes, the crimes
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of the terrorist organization azov, banned in russia, we have a lot of testimonies and victims of azov’s massacres, yes, in which they tortured, who told how they were shot, saw the executions of these militants themselves, in the end after all, we have testimony from these militants themselves, many were caught, seized, arrested at one time, and there is a video that was even... sometimes discussed in the western media, well, here it is they say it turned out badly, yes in that spirit, but the fact is that this is a mass phenomenon, the azovites never hid it, yes, they shoot their ideological opponents, they eliminate their ideological opponents, we see how they dealt with, say, excuse me , not for dinner will be said by irina farion, a ukrainian nazi, mind you, who, you know, decided to publicly criticize azov. participated, they told me yesterday,
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they told me over the weekend, from the netherlands, that means there was an action in support of peace, they also came there with nazi symbols, this organization azov, in those countries where they say that we are fighting the nazis, yes, they turn a blind eye to the participation of these most notorious nazis in some actions and events, no, of course, the west will not notice this , of course, the west will once again say that all these statements about russia and this evidence that we present...
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the drone filmed a woman walking towards russia, this is somewhere in the ovdeevsky direction, fierce battles came close to her village , in general, she collected everything she had it was all that she could carry and decided to cross over to the russian side, and what’s most interesting is that our fighters led her and as i understand it, everything ended well,
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there were just battles going on, then a woman just goes over to... our side, along the road confidently, with things, across two pages, well , it’s interesting here, this example, will it become so, well, pushing, will it become a model for others, that it turns out that this is possible, yes, many, it seems to me that today propaganda is so serious works, but the propaganda is primarily one-sided, the point is that we can discuss, we show what is real, but it’s not there, i watched how every time i watch how western channels cover everything, how ukrainian channels cover everything, because by and large , if you look, they ahead of the rest of the planet, they are doing well, they are given as much money as they need, on almost all fronts they win, show real facts, when people really understand that life and freedom can only be behind
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these obstacles, even the most difficult military operations , because there are their own are there, ours and here... the classic phrase: ours are coming, ours are coming - it’s clear to all of us who these are ours, these are the ones who liberate, but a completely different stereotype is imposed on the majority, and do not forget one more simple thing that the simple citizens, they, of course, are ready to accept to understand what is happening, they hate their leadership sincerely, here are others who have money, they either live abroad, or today are accomplices of these crimes, and so today exactly until... until we complete all our tasks on earth, we will not be able to reverse this tide of propaganda that is going on, and the footage that you showed today is really very, very serious footage, because i believe that from such small the big road of the future is being built in small steps, well , let's go back to america, they are worried that
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trump can stop the war in ukraine, they believe that if trump wins the election, some european countries... nato members may refuse to support ukraine, then the way out one: make a deal with trump. and this is what the political publication writes. if trump returns to the white house , britain and other european nato members may face a difficult choice: accept a forced settlement in favor of russia or support zelensky. in the latter scenario, trump could embarrass eu countries, which he already blames for the escalation of hostilities, by withdrawing american defense guarantees to allies.
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that moment when it seemed, well, now the person who will now improve relations with russia has come to power, danced beautifully, how it ended, it ended with nothing good for us, that is, in fact, it is possible. to ukraine for maintenance, i’ll just say one thing, how many patriot complexes were transferred to the usa, how many patriot complexes were transferred by the germans, the americans, what
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ukraine gives, the lion’s share goes back, it doesn’t even go to the ukrainians, it all remains in the military industrial complex of the united states states, what the europeans give away mostly goes to the military-industrial complex of the united states, it’s like because germany handed over four patriot complexes. but it doesn’t produce them, the united states or japan produce them, well, they transfer them, and accordingly these complexes must be replenished, and this is beneficial to trump, which means the war in ukraine is beneficial to trump, or trump will have another choice, a war in ukraine and a war in the indo-pacific region, for example, the situation here is more complicated, when earlier, let’s say, during the cold war, the armed forces of the united states and the united states themselves were focused on fighting two serious conflicts in the world at the same time, but will they pull it now? now they are they really can’t pull it off, because those peacetime reserves of, let’s say, ammunition and weapons and, accordingly, shells, missiles
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and the like, they are quite limited, that is, production was curtailed, well, they gave a bunch of stingers to ukraine, they can’t produce skingers now , because the technological chain has been lost in many ways, that is, they have to restore it, that is, that manufacturer, those rubber gaskets that stood there between something and something, are not there, it has simply already gone bankrupt, closed for being unnecessary.
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in april of twenty-two, suddenly it turns out that they are losing to it, imagine, unexpectedly, well, here we must take into account that the united states, they love to create chaos everywhere, and to manage this chaos, to extract maximum benefit, this is a bacchanalia, which what is happening at the olympics, too, as we already emphasized at the beginning of our broadcast, is to their advantage and benefit, but meanwhile at the olympics in france everything is stable, everything there is this perversion in full swing, after the british athletes... declared, what do they care about the olympics don't have enough food, they called in their chefs, it turned out that now the athletes are complaining about the complete lack of meat and supposedly there was some kind of decree according to which most
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of the food for the athletes should be vegan. it turns out that 60% of the food that they decided to provide for the athletes in the olympic village was vegan, but you know, it so happens that people who are at the peak of their fitness and want to show off their... surprise, athletes need protein, and the organizers thought that guys will limit themselves to vegan products, what did they expect, you want to say that hussein bolt is not a vegan, surprise, i can’t believe it, they assumed that the athletes would come and say, yes, we will be vegan for 2 weeks, we went completely crazy, this is what happens when you put ideology above all. and you think that everyone shares your elitist views, but what about competitions? triathlon competitions, for example, had to be completely canceled because of dirty water in the hay; before that
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, training swims had already been canceled twice because of such terrible water conditions, so they say the dangerous level of e. coli is to blame for everything, well, what can you say, the shame of the french has succeeded in glory, well now that means after they have reached the bottom of their seine, all that remains is to fall. the abyss, well, wait there, no one has ever dived into hay alone, maybe they won’t succeed, during the olympic games, during the olympic games, excuse me, they spent money on it, but... there are a lot of bicycles there, but it got there to the point that the athletes themselves went into the trend of perversion, the opening of the olympic games, and some western athletes decided to use this trend and publish their, let’s say, racy photos on a site with paid access in order to earn a little extra money. british diver jack luur, who will compete at the 2024 paris games, delighted
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sports fans when he... revealed his account, charging $10 a month for access to his amorous content. obviously, i have what people need, said the twenty-nine-year-old man. luur says the site helps him supplement the relatively small income he receives from his sporting achievements. new zealand rower robbie manson has also created an account with exclusive content that tastefully explores boundaries, including artistic depictions of nudity. this is of course funny, no matter how sad it is.
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is there a chance, this is important for me, to return the old olympics, which it was, or that’s it, this is the end, i don’t want to bring you bad news, well, for me it’s, you know, not even judging by what jill biden says, yes , about how we can surpass this one, but you saw, yes, the next olympics where in america will it be, they are having the winter olympics, let them go naked in the winter , it will be open in the winter, as i understand it, in los angeles.
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who talks about them, who talks about achievements, about olympic records, who, no one talks, no one is interested in sports, all these dancers, for us, for the generations born in the soviet union, it was very clear to us that there are records and we applauded these records, we waited,
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will this record be broken or not? and now they say whether the bottom will be broken through or not, i wonder which has already been broken through, no, wait, this is how they will break through this bottom in america, if this is a top perversion, then what super-duper new perversion will be, yes, you are hinting at closure, yes, this must be another super perversion, we are waiting for this closure, and you know, i believe that there is simply no olympic movement, but there is, there is a collective south, and i have been saying for a long time that we need to create some kind of movement of our own, we need to stop this nonsense, this...
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what, after all, look, they apologized for offending the feelings of believers there, now it means that they are trying to justify themselves, it turns out, it means that someone wrote that this was not a parody of the last supper, but supposedly they found, it means that a painting by some dutch artist, the feast of the gods, they call it, something like that, you know, similar , they say, it turns out that it was a parody of this picture of the gods, yes, ancient greek, the gods on olympus, you know, i’m trying to make excuses, what does this mean, well, no, really. there was a lot of indignation among believers about this, but you know, i still slightly disagree, they describe, of course, the olympics, i don’t know, i didn’t look at the viewing figures, but i look at the front pages of most newspapers. they show their medalists somewhere, i was just amazed yesterday, jarred or something, somewhere there cnn, it seems, is bringing out there for the first time in several years, the us men's gymnastics team, you also received medals, and, of course, they omit everything moment, well, you removed
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the main competitor, yes, your own, simply and, and now you are bragging that in the absence of leaders in this sport you are earning something there, here is this picture, which means thanks guys, editors, our hardware.
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began to be a sport of achievements, it became an ordinary, normal business, where the athlete is only interested in this, so you agree that some journalists and public figures believe that we don’t need to discuss this at all, to show it, because it’s them, and let them degrade, we need to create something of our own, or do we still need to know our enemy by sight, well, firstly , we need to know the enemy, secondly, we also need to show it, and thirdly, most importantly, we need to create your own, because this is the most important thing.
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to destroy one of the civilizations, there are worthy people in every nation, in every country, and of course they will come, we have never refused anyone, remember, the soviet union, no matter what conflict conditions it entered into with other countries, we had very a tough ideological confrontation, but we
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invited them, we competed with them, but we didn’t always come, but it’s up to them to come or not, but to invite, of course, we will invite, you know, here i stand and think that someday it seemed to me that this is their eurovision, and in such a way - bandit killers are caught every day, our department is now in good standing, not without the help of the ugly one, i saw there was a murder, i greet you, signora cagliostra, i see
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the people who are here , those who are far away, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, you want to live with me, but at home, because i don’t collect. and it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of it.
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vdnkh on saturday at the first. why do i laugh, what i know that it’s pouring rain when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced and know exactly what a true true friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test, i had an operation, she walked for 12 hours, igor came, came to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. great, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every
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second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. here's how since friendship, you know, begins with respect, often, all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar. we are our own people, we are not just friends, our wives are sisters, we are already like lenin, twin brothers, our voices are similar, sometimes they even confuse us. you are wanted, there are leads on you in
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all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad , well, of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find it. head of the security service, let him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for that, that you didn’t want to help us, you’re a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko,
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confrontation with the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. this morning we started our program with information that our armed forces liberated another settlement of the donetsk people's republic, and at lunchtime we received additional information that. another settlement has been liberated, a unit of the central group of our armed forces has liberated the settlement of leninskoye in the dpr, the western media are already paying active attention to this and military analysts like yulia anebka are clutching their heads that ah-ah-ah, everyone turns out to be russian day the settlements will be liberated soon the donetsk people's republic will be completely liberated, they say, it’s not us, well , it’s clear that our victory at all times simply pricked their eyes, because they have nothing to be proud of except these... perverts, but ours is really real victory, the real face of our
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achievements, here is another example, our guys won four gold medals in saudi arabia at the international olympiad in chemistry, the day before, let me remind you, the olympiad was also held in iran, but in physics , our guys also took four gold medals there and silver, this is the olympics, which we should be proud of, a great game, it will continue to air! good afternoon, live broadcast of the big game and me, vyacheslav nikonov. today , the russian navy began planned exercises to use the forces of the baltic, northern pacific and caspian fleets, the ministry of defense announced. 300 surface ships and boats, submarines and support vessels, up to 50 aircraft, more than 200 units of military special equipment and over twenty are participating. thousands of military personnel and
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civilian personnel. the purpose of the exercise is to test the actions of military command and control bodies of the navy at all levels, as well as the readiness of crews for ships, units, naval aviation and cross-country aircraft. our naval forces. well, after the holiday, which channel one showed so brilliantly. now everyday life is in combat for ours, for our navy, which of course plays a very important role in special military operations, the caspian, flotillas, and the black sea fleet, so we wish the sailors success. well, our armed forces, as reported by the ministry of defense, have liberated more one locality.
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conduct active operations north of rabotin, continue to exert enemy pressure and north of verbovoy on the rabotinsky ledge on the temporary ledge, the main battles are now taking place east of urozhayny, where our troops are trying to advance between urozhayny and novodonetsk further to the north, but in the ugledar direction our troops advanced south of konstantinovka konstantinovka ugledar,
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the enemy admits that there are 1.3 km left to this key road, there are also battles on the outskirts of konstantinovka, in krasnogorovka fighting continues on the northwestern outskirts of the city, where it still maintains a presence, but in general most of the city is already under our control, cleanup activities also continue there, and, accordingly, the enemy continues to be pushed back, including from the city , which means that to the west of tavdeevka our troops continue to conduct intensive offensive operations, and after the liberation of volchye, evgenovka, lazovatsky, there are now battles for the villages of vesyoloye, there about half of the village is already under our control, there are battles in in the northern outskirts of what is desired, there are battles on the outskirts... ivanovka, in the direction of timofeevka in the direction of vozdvizhenka, here the enemy continues to lose positions, there is also an advance in the novoselovka area, the first enemy is not transferring reserves here, but cannot stabilize the front, there are also intense battles south of rozovka and kalinov, and there are serious progress in new york, both to the west of new york from new york, and in
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the city itself, and there somewhere already half of new york is under our control, on toretsky , well, or in the dzerzhinsk sector, the enemy today admitted that... that the battles shifted from the northern one directly to the territory of dzerzhinsk itself, that is, this again shows that the defense that covered the city actually ceased to exist as a single organism, and accordingly, well the enemy is forced to retreat no longer to the city, there is also vartemov’s advance, which means that at one o’clock our troops are fighting on the other side of the canal, relying on the previously occupied ranks of the building, there are also battles going on north of kalinovka, where our troops continue to withdraw into the zone of control, in the area of ​​razdolovka, ours... have reached the northern outskirts of the crossing, this is already to the north of the village, there are serious advances there, which means there are battles in the direction of the excavation from ivanadaryevka, our troops are here they are also conducting active offensive operations, in the krasnolimansky direction there are generally no changes in positional battles, in the svatovo-kupyansky direction our troops have advanced in the peschany area, there are battles in
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the eastern part of makeevka on the outskirts of stelmakhovka, here in general there is also an initiative our troops are completely behind us, well, in the kharkov direction. continues to conduct active operations in the glubokoe area, where we continue to push the enemy away from the village, there are small advances by volchansky in our favor, well, plus our troops have intensified operations in other areas on the border, there are also some advances of 1-2 km. in general, as we see, the initiative is almost everywhere with us. yes, thank you very much, boris aleksandrovich rozhen, our permanent military expert, well, he always inspires me especially that half of new york is already below us, in fact.
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and let's see if there are wolves there, so they leave us a large amount of equipment, if you come with a wolf, then it will be so, of course, the enemy leaves us a lot of equipment, and this is very good, because our guys are remaking this equipment, reviving it again they are sent into battle, which is very nice, now i want to thank you for the rap that you gave us, well, together with you, together with your viewers, we transmitted this rap to the front, now you see what exactly these are our rap. how it is tested, the guys show us how it works, how it actually lands the enemy’s copters and fpv, now you
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will see what kind of copters, babu iga, how our rap also landed, this is very cool, thanks to all the spectators of the big game, for that you don’t leave us, you help us, now we have a particularly important medical collection, we are donating medical equipment to the guys on the front line, donating it to hospitals, guys... we are very grateful, because this is what is absolutely necessary now, doctors are placing new orders , they ask us for certain things, also put it on their vehicles, put them some technical facilities, too, which will help them take out the wounded and perform operations right on the battlefield, this is very important now, these guys, these are tankers, muscovites, they thank us for the rap, which you see stands directly. already on their equipment, this is what they are now telling us, how they work and how rap protects their turaga, so
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thank you all so much, join our gathering, the popular front, the engineers of the russian spring are doing the rap barrier that now stands on almost all of us on our transport, well, thank you very much for what you do, but dear tv viewers, now you could really see with your own eyes the results of your labors. because so many of you really donate money to the popular front so that we can buy electronic warfare radio systems, they work, the downed baba yaga, other drones that could have brought death to our soldiers were eventually neutralized by your efforts, so that if you join the fundraising of the popular front, you can go to the website using the qr code and help our fighters with electronic warfare systems and medical equipment. well, the united states of america in general does not stop military support for ukraine, but they just announced a new
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large package of military assistance worth as much as one and a half billion dollars, even more, because they also announced a package of 200 million dollars, that is, this is a plus in fact, now we’ll see what’s included in this package, there are anti-aircraft missiles for zarqa sams, anti-aircraft missiles for low average range systems. pen for pro complexes, well, in general, here we see this list, although the quantitative parameters are not very clear, but what are we talking about, andrey franovich, how much can this help the ukrainian armed forces, you noted the question very clearly, the question of quantity, because they can declare several billions of aid there, but if you look at the units, we will be talking about dozens, and for ukraine now, when the front is huge, when the consumption of the same anti-aircraft missiles are measured in hundreds, sometimes just per day. when our huge raids are underway, in this situation, of course, we see that the americans are now focusing mainly on defensive technologies, that is, these are
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anti-aircraft missiles, this is electronic warfare equipment, and a certain number of 155mm shells are transmitted, we again we don’t know, we see that this matter has been pinned on the europeans, this is a czech initiative, this is a european peace fund that is investing this million shells, which they cannot supply in any way, some part they collect them around the world, which was earlier. released or changed them to something else, we see now that they again decided to transfer the zhivelins, although the reiten company itself, which they produced, admitted that they were not very effective, because now in conditions of such long-range use in beer drones at a range of 15, or even 20 km, and approaching a tank at 2.5 km, this is the range of action of a jivelin , or other rpgs, well, small arms, explosive systems, and so on, it is possible that this...
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most likely they will now be engaged in activities around large cities, in this situation we see that they continue to divide reserves in the south, in the rabotinsky direction of zaporozhye, we do not exclude that...
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then in in the event of the discovery of these villains, these creatures, capital punishment was applied on the spot, none, we did not use our humane law enforcement agencies, such things should be indicative, the law should be destroyed,
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this is the main principle of the ukrainian authorities overseas puppets, well, this... they now want to apply the principle to venezuela, where presidential elections were held, accompanied by very serious clashes after advertising, the beauty jumped back to work, you have a clue, am i old, no, why can you come to me you, your potapov, he doesn’t work as a builder or as a doctor, he fishes every day. bandit killers, our department is now in good standing, neither without help nor beautiful, i saw there was a murder, i greet you, senora cagliostra, i see people, those who here, those who are far away, sometimes what was and what will be, do you want to live with me,
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at home at night, because i’m not going to sit like a fool, you won’t rain gold, inside this modest it specialist, a fierce mathematician, i left early in the morning, when you were still sleeping, all these gorgeous dance moves of yours, this is
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love, it’s simple. it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in the thirty-fifth year the project was approved, and
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the exhibition was supposed to open in the thirty- seventh year, that is... as they say, he kept his face, he did not let anyone into the family in the broad sense, this there was a clearly closed area, for the first time we have the opportunity to see it as it was seen. only the closest ones, daughter and wife. lively, there were always get-togethers, and you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, right? unique footage previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated for
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border, michal nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta. in the face of misfortune, grief, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to work with mikhail and his daughter. turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her: don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important to me, most likely at this sad moment, for some reason god needed you more, our exclusive, family archive mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov, on saturday on the first. hey, you'll have your wife like that call, hey, listen, i'm looking for someone with that name, you're the only one who responds, you're quiet, don't fight, what are you, there are people all around, and in our yard on
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sunday on the first, a big game live, things are restless again in venezuela, presidential election in which nicolas maduro won with a fairly large margin of half a million votes, the opposition, as usual, did not recognize the results of the vote, now the country is rocked by protests, the police and law enforcement agencies are already using tear gas, and in turn the demonstrators pogroms are being organized, madura posters are burning, city hall buildings in a number of cities are already on fire. roads are being blocked, the first arrests have begun and there are even casualties, protests continued at night,
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monuments began to be toppled, well, we remember how it happened in ukraine, here the monument to ugechavis, one of the highly revered venezuelan leaders of recent years, is becoming victims, well, to be honest , for me this is a power and not because it... resembles color revolutions in different countries, including ukraine, the same thing happened in venezuela in previous elections, that’s exactly the same thing, i remember well our program, which aired on march 26, 1919, then marina kim, then the host of the big game, uh , interviewed, and she interviewed both maduro and guaido, who was then declared president by the west, as well as...
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now the united states hopes to apply the munroe doctrine to our entire region, this is an imperialist doctrine, according to which america belongs to the americans.
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we are watching a film about the guaido era event, but i say to all the conspirators and those who supports this operation against venezuelan democracy, that we have already watched this film, this time we will not allow any weakness, this time in...
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the winner is not going to give in, here is the statement of the speaker of parliament jorge rodriguez. we call on the people of venezuela, starting tuesday, to hold mass marches to celebrate the victory of defending peace in the republic. fascism does not need elections, it was just an excuse to implement their violent program, and we will not allow this, they were wrong again. nikolai nikolaevich. like this
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the situation in venezuela, on the one hand, seems to be familiar, on the other hand, history rarely repeats itself exactly what will happen, perhaps yes, and the main thing here is that it should be noted that the tools that the americans use, i mean in in this case, the north americans, the anglo-saxons, this toolkit,
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the same election committee, is that these votes, the remaining votes , are simply impossible to count, due to the same hacker attacks, the system for counting elections that votes that was set actually bill gates, so the question for them is, well, who will retain power? i have no doubt that maduro... given his experience, given what we just talked about, this whole guaido thing, we hope that now the venezuelan government will act more decisively, and i think that in any case watching how the military is involved in dispersing and suppressing these opposition protests on the street. watching who, who is participating,
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look, these are young people from 14, probably up to 25-28 years old. who obviously receive financial assistance, i heard that it looks like they are paid $150 for going outside, well, yes, this is standard, they paid the same thing on the maidan, these are well-known technologies, but really a lot will depend depends on how the security forces behave, but the security forces in this case are interested in preserving the current government, otherwise... it won’t be very good for everyone, but naturally, external interference is unprecedented, well, on the other hand, no more than in the last elections, seven latin american countries have stated that they do not recognize the elections, these are argentina, chile, costa rica, peru, panama, the dominican
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republic, uruguay, their ambassadors have already been expelled from venezuela, and there is actually talk of establishing diplomatic relations, but meley continues. the script really has its own style, because the way these events are conducted is very similar, you remembered various cases when this happened, but we saw something very similar in the twentieth year in neighboring
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belarus, where a woman was also declared winner of the elections, it is unknown on what basis, on what basis, as far as i understand, the venezuelan authorities were ready for all this, because the opposition acted very transparently, this wave of allegedly public opinion polls, which showed the leadership of the opposition candidate, cries that we had already won , i was really a little surprised that after the elections the opposition presented what result they have just now, the counting is really not finished yet, just the venezuelan election commission said: that maduro is in the lead by 51 with a small percentage after counting 80%, after which the opposition said that they have 100% and their candidate gets 70%, this is just gonzalez, how is this, where do they get this 100%, even if
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the venezuelan electoral commission has not yet calculated this, here i like this a little bit of this forced impudence, it surprised me. that they will not even lead to the fact that the opposition candidate won, to the fact that it is generally unclear that according to the election results, therefore no one is legitimate, people can go out into the streets, these riots, well, and how would this american bloc supposedly be to save the people, the people of venezuela, in this case , this chaos, an attempt to sow chaos from...
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help, yes, sauce for the sausage, i think you saw a murder, where did you get this sauce from, from the narthraces? we maintain smooth business relations, i understood, he believed, he believed that i flew to paris with max, you wanted this, artta, i don’t see anything anymore, nothing at all, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, romcastra product of stellor group . how many times have i told you: find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos can
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think, i want to use it, we still have a needle, but we don’t notice a hundred times, we’re talking about a tragedy, as you don’t understand, i discovered your talent, i’ll close it, you’ll deliver pizza from me again, you’ll do what you want, so that we do all the work here for you, it’s time to develop, pasha, to approach things more carefully, let’s go back to the wards, okay, it was coming out, time was running out, detective syndrome, today after the program it was time, it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very large and different sword.
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here is vdnkh today - this is the spirit of the times today to on the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh on saturday , at the first one that i felt, that i felt the heat, that i felt the pouring rain, when my friends were with me, today in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through the test, i had an operation for 12 hours, it took 12 hours,
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friends, our wives, sisters, we are already like parties lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, sometimes even confused, leshchenko loves you all, if a friend turns out to be a friend , neither friend nor foe, and so on saturday, at the first, right junction of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, a blooming garden of eden stretched out, we are in bashkiria, friends. bashker took several arrows in his mouth like this, you know, between his fingers, this is how he
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shoots, these are the same relict ices, they were formed here when mammoths still roamed the earth, this echo is 25. what diseases does this bath treat? starting with skin disease, persistent-motor nervous system. the life of their own premieres on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking about the devil and our hearts are not it burst, do you know how it breaks, they just give up on the shoulder and pull on the elbow, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union. and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is
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a mortal danger, or you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well, of course, i would run in, which will choose the moles, here question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find the head of the security service, have him urgently report to the control room and mobilize everyone. our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are very good shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov.
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the big game live, in general, your wonderful deeds, my god, it seems like president biden has already dropped out of the election race, but continues to gush with initiatives, apparently reserved for the election campaign, here he came up with an initiative to reform the supreme court, and through the procedure of introducing an amendment to the constitution of the united states, this is creepy. a complex procedure that definitely won’t work, moreover, an amendment that would limit the powers of the supreme court, an amendment that should also deprive former heads of state of immunity from prosecution, in general, of course, he risks a lot by introducing such an amendment, but the truth is that he knows that it will not pass, speaker of the house johnson's representatives have already responded to
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this initiative, the president's proposal. bide 's radical reform of the supreme court would upset the balance of power and undermine not only the rule of law, but also the faith of the american people in our justice system. the proposal is the logical conclusion to ongoing efforts by the administration and congressional democrats to delegitimize the supreme court. it's telling that democrats want to change the system that has governed our nation since its founding, simply because they disagree with some of the court's recent decisions. this one is dangerous, stillborn.
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even if he becomes president, we will find a way to imprison him after his second term, but it is better to imprison him before his second term, that is , from my point of view, this initiative will come down to this, ultimately the compromise will be such that instead of imprisoning everyone, let's agree to put only trump and not in the presidential chair, but actually behind
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bars, so from my point of view of adoption ... well, if haris wins, then the democrats can there will be an opportunity to change the judges of the constitutional court, judge there, if someone dies, if one of them dies, they are appointed for life, then haris will have the opportunity to appoint such.
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lgbt agenda and so on and so forth. in this regard, the statement of trump, who sharply criticized the opening of the olympic games in paris, is noteworthy. let's listen. i think the opening ceremony was a disgrace. i think she was terrible. you can say that the next olympics, if you are president, you will have enough influence on the organizers so that we do not offend christians. we won't have the last supper that... they showed, look, i support everyone, i'm an open-minded person, you know me, but i think what they did is a disgrace. well, kamela harris, she
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didn’t make any statements about the olympics, at least i don’t know anything about it, the president, trump, naturally, his wife supported them in delight with what happened there, and kamla haris just like that started her election campaign campaign, message with transvestites, but with this - against this background, of course, her talk that it is harmful to have children, since it is bad for the environment, well, does not cause much surprise, she herself does not have children, she got married at the age of 50, it must be said that this is where the republicans will strike at her, it is already obvious, in any case , the corresponding statement has already been made by the candidate for the post of vice president vance, let's listen to him, i really have...
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uh, who has already settled in the states, and who are still only join the ranks without having, no rights, including civil rights, yes,
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probably, some, most of them will be inclined to vote for democrats, and this is simply the result of the processing of public opinion in the states, we must, we must not... forget that information channels are in spanish in the united states are working very actively, and all this democratic propaganda has a serious influence, so in my opinion , the influence of votes that can be cast by latin american emigrants will increase, well... indeed, latin americans are always more sympathetic democratic party, because it is a party encouraging migration, and many latin americans have relatives abroad and
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so on, that's what...
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i saw, there was a murder, i salute you, signora cagliostra, i see the people who are here , those who are far away, sometimes what was, sometimes what will be, you want to live with me, at home at night, because i’m not going to sit by the window like a fool and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, that means i’m kozlevich, for sure , what a kozlevich, marina, it’s not me, of course, “that means you love him very much too, i love, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first, how many times have i told you, find a normal job, i noticed that your psychos know how to think, i want to use it, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice it’s extinguished, we’re talking about tragedy, how you don’t understand this, i discovered your talent, i ’ll shut it down, you’ll deliver pizza to me again,
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what do you want us to do for you at all?” it's cleared, we're going back to the wards, it's a pity, it's very difficult, because time was running out expired, detective syndrome, today after the program time.
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on friday on the first, that i have snow, that i have heat, that i have torrential rain, when my friends are with me, tonight in our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced know exactly what a true faithful friend is, i believe that friendship is a must i have to go through a test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor comes, comes to me, i played a melody the next morning, he called and
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dictated poems, not my friend, how cool, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it’s impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich , friendship, you know, begins with respect, often, all these years we’ve been friends, i carry his guitar behind seryoga, we’re brothers-in-law, we’re not just friends, our wives, sisters, we are already like lenin, twin brothers. similar voices are sometimes even confused. leshchenko loves you all. if a friend turned out to be. on saturday on the first. there is a russian spirit here. here in russia. we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say, holding his face.
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he is nobody in the broadest sense. i wasn’t allowed into the family; it was a strictly closed area. for the first time, we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. all the gatherings were fun. and you are sitting in dad’s place, it so happened, yes, unique footage, previously inaccessible to outsiders, there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena and his first wife velta, in the face of misfortune, grief, they united , the three of them lived in one apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there and... they hear her. don't take it as a posthumous empty compliment. my father's feelings are more important to me. most likely, at this sad moment , god needed you more for some reason. our exclusive -
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the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. big game on the first: netanyahu, as we remember, interrupted his visit to the united states and returned to the country in order to launch an offensive in lebanon, and the israeli media trumpeted that everything would begin literally any minute, but time passes, there were shellings, but like ... there is no serious escalation, it seems that israel is now under great pressure from the united states the states, the biden administration, which, it seems to me, is simply not needed, there is now a big conflict, a big war in the middle east, in any case, john
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kirby, nsc coordinator for strategic communications, was very calm. let's listen. nobody wants a bigger one war, and i am confident that we can avoid such an outcome. no. there is no reason why shelling the dutch heights would lead to any sudden escalation. we still have time for a diplomatic settlement. we are in ongoing discussions with our israeli and lebanese counterparts, and the united states will continue to support efforts to reach a diplomatic solution along the blue line that will, first, end these horrific attacks once and for all, and second, allow israeli and lebanese citizens, on both sides of the border, it's safe to return. to their homes, while the state department called on all american citizens to leave lebanon, like many european governments, what is there? the game is quite complex and
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multi-level, indeed the biden administration is restraining netanyahu, because now in the midst of an election campaign a conflict is unprofitable, we have already seen what it led to. american protests, pro-palestinian, which took place on the territory of the united states, this undermines the position of the democrats, among them, it seems, the electorate that should vote for them, therefore they do not want, and the american administration does not want to complicate the position now; on the other hand, after all, the americans supply israel with weapons and the americans still support israel in a critical situation. but at the same time, the americans also want to punish netanyahu personally, so their policy is contradictory, but netanyahu takes a very tough position, he wants to intimidate his neighbors again, he cannot come to an agreement with his neighbors, he needs
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to intimidate his neighbors, which is what he has with the americans some points of agreement: netanyahu wants to intimidate his neighbors so that they don’t respond, so he hits them, but there is no response, that’s it. some time ago, 2-3 months ago, there was an exchange of blows with iran, and it was not israel that took what position, that we are not afraid of iran’s response, so everything goes approximately to the same formula that the iranians then declared: we will not tolerate any more, we will to seriously restrain israel, i think that lebanon is also inclined to do this, well, lebanon is really not inclined to fight with israel, although it was mit levan's statement that if there is an attack, they will not distinguish from... hezbollah or lebanon, the lebanese will defend their country, well, let's listen to the statement of the lebanese parliament member, kashem hashem, who, in fact, my opinion expresses the position of the country's leadership. lebanon
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is doing what it must and is working seriously to prevent the conflict from escalating and worsening the situation in the region. contacts have not ceased since yesterday in order to contain the israeli side and prevent the rash steps that it maybe. any israeli attack on any side of the conflict will provoke a response, but not on a scale that will lead to an escalation of the war. all scenarios are possible, and some de-escalation may occur. or the level of risk will increase, it all depends on the decision made by the military-political leadership of israel. apparently, the military-political leadership of israel officially gave the go-ahead for the start of a ground operation, idf troops, meaning israel, in order to create a buffer zone for the northern territories, go push back hezbollah units into lebanese territory, which carry out strikes every day. hezbollah strikes because they want to.
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in fact, the same idea is being promoted by the houthis, who are striking at ships and on israeli territory, and netanyahu is trying to start the carnage that is going on in the gas, between the hammer and the anvil, on the one hand , his allies are putting pressure on him and are now asking him not to start a ground operation, because the ground operation will begin with the blockade of lebanon, as it was in twenty in 2006, with sea, air and european citizens will be difficult to evacuate in western countries for understanding.
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and nine people were detained for the mass rape of prisoners , now there are huge protests there, these are crowds of people who are trying to free these prisoners, it is clear that the palestinians, who make up a significant part of the population of israel, will not sit silent either, this could all explode itself in fact at any moment, that is, inside. the situation in israel itself, in my opinion, is also such that further escalation
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can lead to a very serious internal conflict within israel, it is the israelis, the jews, who are fighting with each other, and they are fighting with the army, with the police, with the sahal, and these are the passions that are boiling there, in fact, on the streets of tel aviv now there is more protesters than on the streets. caracosa in venezuela, netanyahu should not forget this either, so the situation is difficult for him within the country, it is difficult for him from the point of view of the foreign policy situation. the iranian leadership has confirmed that it is ready to defend lebanon with its armed forces. uh, the new, uh, president of iran, who takes office today, his inauguration is, uh, official, the president confirmed. macron, that israel could make a very big
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mistake if lebanon goes, even creating, i think, a buffer zone, hezbullah naturally will not leave this israeli invasion unanswered, there will be an answer, so israel thinks, well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be jammed, we give the floor to the news, see you again at 17:00 don’t miss it. hello, news time is on first, oh we will tell you the most important events right now. the head of rustek told the president how much the supply of equipment and ammunition for the army has increased and how the profit of the enterprise has changed. the main topic is the implementation of state defense orders. leninskaya.


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