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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  July 30, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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of course, whether it will calm down in the united states of america, given the intensity of passions that is now playing out there, but it is obvious that the united states of america is behind the unrest in venezuela, behind the crimes of the israeli regime, which is arming itself with the united states of america. the united states has the ability to create problems, but no longer has the ability to rule the world, so our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated , victory will be ours. we pass the floor to the news about... the game will return at 23:00, hello, the evening news is on the air in studio ekaterina berezovskaya, here are the main topics, a new settlement in the dpr has been liberated, the enemy’s losses are almost 2.0 militants, the main thing is the famous alligators,
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the t-90m breakthrough tank, the release of weapons and military equipment for our military in the northern military district zone, a report to the president. details of the meeting between vladimir putin and the head of rostec sergei chemizov. chaos, acts of vandalism and clashes with police, unrest in venezuela after the announcement of the presidential results. elections, who benefits from all this? immediately in the second and third readings of the amendment to the law on communications was adopted by the state duma, the main goal is to reduce the market for gray sim cards to nothing. ice drift right on the road and huge hail everywhere. tatarstan will definitely remember this end of july, impressive images. a journey into history:
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the new chersonese park museum in sevastopol has opened its doors to everyone. amazing, grandiose, amazing. this complex gives us the feeling that we are all residents of a great country. admission is free, there are a lot of emotions. we start with the latest data on the progress of the special operation. the fighters of the center took control of the village of leninskoye in donetsk. liberation settlement made it possible to improve the tactical situation on this section of the front. air defense systems shot down an anti-aircraft guided missile fired from an american patriot installation, as well as almost fifty enemy drones. the forces of the west group destroyed a croatian-made rszzo combat vehicle and two electronic warfare stations. the enemy suffers heavy losses per day, almost 2.0 militants. the paratroopers who showed courage and... heroism in performing combat
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missions in the northern military district zone were presented with awards by defense minister andrei belousov. during the working during his trip to the troops of the moscow military district , he met with soldiers of the 45th guards separate airborne special forces brigade. it celebrates its thirtieth anniversary. the head of the defense department congratulated the personnel on the anniversary and emphasized the high professional qualities of the military personnel. 3 decades ago the history of the forty- fifth special forces brigade began. dv, personnel who rightfully serve as an example of courage, military valor and professionalism. today, the personnel of the formation effectively carry out the most responsible assignments in the zone of a special military operation, skillfully acts in the most difficult situations, actually puts his motto into practice, the strongest wins. i am confident that the servicemen of the forty-fifth brigade will continue to honestly fulfill their military duty.
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almost everyone from the zone in the sonsk direction , the village in the crimean directions, carried out combat missions, i would like to have a certain number of quadrocopters in each detachment, so that there were as few personnel losses as possible and to observe the tasks themselves directly.
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on the production of weapons and military equipment for the needs of special operations. they spoke today in the kremlin. vladimir putin received the head of rostec sergei chemizov with a report. he noted that the state corporation consistently fulfills state defense orders. her company produces 80% of the products that are used in the nwo zone. these include production su-34 aircraft and k-52 helicopters, a particularly sought-after model on the front line, the t-90m proryv tank. at the same time, despite the large volume of defense contracts, rostec continues to develop...
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su-34, su-57, su-35, il-76, yak-130. helicopter equipment mi-28, k-52. in addition, the troops received deeply modernized t-90 m-breakthrough tanks. compared to the twenty- second and twenty-third years, the production of lightly armored vehicles increased three times, and tanks by 3 and a half. the production of self-propelled artillery mounts has increased ... times, including the newest self-propelled guns malva, a highly mobile artillery mount that fires all types of ammunition. the production of various ammunition has increased tenfold. for this rostec modernizes the transferred powder factories. in addition to the direct production of defense
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products, our company employees are actively involved in the repair of equipment located in the north military district zones, sometimes even directly. on the battlefield - today - we have 250 brigades involved there ; the number is about a thousand people. the cube unmanned aerial vehicle - also a product of rostekhno - is a high-precision strike complex, the advantage of hidden launch, high accuracy, noiselessness, and ease of use. this year the cube went to mass production. work is underway to adapt fab-type aerial bombs. fab 500, we already produce them and - adapted to the planning and correction module in the twenty-third year, we restored the production of fap 1500, fap 3.00, because at one time production was suspended, now we have restored it and uh already this year, already in
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2024 , the first bombs were adapted to the planning and correction module; these adapted bombs are already being used on the front line today. recall that modules gliders, used with heavy bombs, allow our pilots to hit enemy targets from a safe distance. don’t forget your instructions to increase the share of civilian products, we are working on this, how long now? today, if - in absolute numbers, the volume of production of civilian products has increased by 5.5%, today it is almost a trillion, more precisely 993 billion. if we take everything as 100%, what is the percentage of civilian products, unfortunately, in relative figures we have fallen , in the twenty-second year we had 44.5%, in twenty-third year 35%, this suggests that, in general, the volume of state defense orders
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has increased significantly, so the percentage of civilian products, in connection with the conduct of a special military operation , the corporation has so many government orders for the development and... areas of medicine for cardiology, ophthalmology, gynecology, equipment for renotal centers and so on. medical instrumentation, in general, is a strategic industry for us, we plan to increase our share in this
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direction, every year we expand the range of this equipment. rostec continues to produce various vaccines from domestic raw materials. in total , more than 106 million doses of medicines were delivered to russian regions. much is being done in roście to achieve the technological sovereignty of the country, for example, the gtd-110 turbine with a capacity of 110 mw for thermal power plants has been developed and put into production. it will replace products for chamezov emphasized that special attention is paid to the social protection of employees of their families please note that last year alone , social spending increased by 22%. a housing construction program for rostec square meters has been launched in the regions where the corporation's enterprises are located. svetlana barkova, boris kamenov, channel one. two russian tu-95 ms aircraft, which are the main strategic bombers of our aerospace forces,
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are accompanied by aircraft of foreign countries at certain stages of the route. the flight of our strategic missile carriers was carried out in strict accordance with international rules of use airspace. in iran , masoud pezeshkian officially took office as president today. the ceremony took place in the building of the parliament of the republic. announcement of the presidential results. chaos, acts of vandalism and clashes with the police, venezuela is gripped by protests after the elections; let me remind you, the victory was won by the current president nicolas maduro. according to him,
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the country is faced with a series of brutal attacks that can be characterized as criminal, terrorist. the main question is who benefits from all this. several congressmen the united states is already demanding the imposition of large-scale and tough sanctions. and all this, as usual, under the pretext of protecting democracy. the kremlin is monitoring news from venezuela; according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, the situation should not be heated up. third countries, and the opposition needs to accept defeat. more details about everything. dmitry malyshev. the attempt to shake up the situation from the inside turned out to be large-scale and suspiciously one-time. as soon as it became clear that nicolas maduro had been re-elected , riots broke out in twenty out of twenty states. caracas experienced the most violent clash. first, the protest roar of pots gave way to a hail of stones, then very soon molotov cocktails were thrown at the police who stood up to protect government buildings. the first shots were fired in the crowd, one person died, and dozens of security forces were wounded.
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we are tired of this government and want change, we are fighting for democracy and freedom. the methods of this struggle also included other, more familiar elements, for example, dreams from monuments. this is the state of laguira. the tower is falling, and then pours gasoline and sets fire to the statue of ex-president huga chavitz. the ministry of internal affairs reports indicate that a lot of gasoline was seized. the criminals set fire not only to improvised barricades. they brought transport and gasoline to hundreds of polling stations and even tried to burn down the headquarters of the ruling united socialist party along with the people. nicolas maduro compared this coordinated wave of violence to color revolutions behind which the gringos, that is, the americans, are behind. we see steps to destabilize venezuela, so far they have been unsuccessful, but they are trying again, they are once again imposing a policy of aggression and hatred on venezuela. the feeling is that...
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they gathered at the argentine embassy, ​​but the arsonists did not destroy it; a thousand kloxons were enough to express discontent; maduro’s reaction was harsher, and it was heard at an impressive rally of his supporters. dear, you cannot stand against me even for one round, you are a cowardly beetle and a traitor to your homeland, our people said no to savage capitalism. no to fascism, that’s what i say, no to the nazi miley. despite protests, much
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of the country wins for nicolas madura celebrated and in the afternoon the main events began to develop in the international arena. it's still hot there. the venezuelan government is recalling its diplomats from argentina, the dominican republic, costa rica, panama, peru, uruguay and chile, who did not recognize madura's re-election. the americans, through the mouths of individual congressmen, are calling for the strangulation of caracas with sanctions. ottawa, london and berlin want it. to do, i must congratulate the winners of these elections, it is important that attempts to shake up the situation inside venezuela are not fueled third countries, third parties and that venezuela be free from external interference. the same position was expressed in beijing. xitin ping followed vladimir putin in congratulating nicolas madura on his re-election. china has promised to stand with
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venezuela in the fight against external interference. dmitry malyshev, yuri rublev, channel one. the implementation of two new national projects at once is in the spotlight of the cabinet of ministers today, one of them is environmental well-being, mikhail mishustino discussed with members of the government at the strategic meeting session: minimizing harm to nature is one of the priorities outlined by the president, the head of the cabinet emphasized. they talked about cleaning up river areas, restoring forests, organizing tourist routes in national parks without harming the ecosystem, switching transport to new, safer types of fuel, they talked and... an entire industry for the management of municipal solid waste is actively developing, more than half of it is now sorted at new infrastructure facilities, over 250 of them have already been created. well , of course, this figure must be increased up to 100%. a large amount of work is associated with the elimination of the most hazardous waste, including
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such as red pine forest, the reclamation of this landfill continues, and i know that nikolaevich patrushev. keeps all these issues under control, noticeable successes have been achieved in usol sibirsky, where after the territories have been transferred to a safe state, it is necessary, as the president said, to restore the disturbed eco-environment; there is a proposal to create a modern green chemistry production cluster there, where waste from one enterprise is used as raw materials for others, well, in total, in the process of implementing the federal clean country project , more than 130 works were completed
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. and for the head of state to note that it is necessary to introduce such approaches into the vocational education system so that young people are as ready as possible for starting a working career, so that they had more opportunities to realize themselves in different industries in different regions of our country. this is very important, since it is quite difficult for graduates to find a job today. in this regard , the national project should include development measures targeted training and practical training. and of course, career guidance programs for youth. the state duma adopted a number of important bills, one of them on tightening the rules for purchasing sim cards. its main goal is to protect citizens from cybercriminals. the document was approved immediately in the second and third readings. another initiative concerns instant messengers and social networks, where you can also often come across attackers. so, they want to oblige users of popular channels to provide
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information about themselves. alexander lyakin about everything in order. mini-atest in an apartment for communication with a foreign call center, which employs telephone scammers. simboxes and gsm gateways are knocked into the operatives' camera. they are used to replace telephone numbers from foreign to russian. the scammers posed as employees of financial institutions and law enforcement agencies, or as relatives involved in a traffic accident, after which they convinced citizens to transfer their savings to them. such illegal communication centers are set up every week. employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb - this is already you can say it’s a routine, every time such stacks of sim cards are found among electronic equipment, they are called gray, they are registered to dummy persons and companies. gray sim cards are used in fraudulent schemes, in organizing terrorist attacks and for registering anonymous accounts on the internet. today, the state duma adopted amendments to the law on communications, which should reduce the turnover of gray
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sim cards to nothing. there are known cases when thousands of sim cards are issued for one citizen and further ones. raises big questions, it is clear that such the uncontrolled circulation of sim cards is an exceptional breeding ground for cybercrime and telephone fraud, this is especially true for those sim cards used by foreign citizens and stateless persons. the most important changes concern foreign citizens; from january 1, after the amendments come into force, they will not be able to obtain more than 10 sim cards. subscriber identification will be carried out using biometrics; each sim card must be linked to a specific telephone device with a unique meme number. service for a subscriber with a passport of another state can only be carried out in person. for russian citizens this procedure will be completely different and much simpler. well, firstly, 20 sim cards, we considered that this is more than enough to fully satisfy a person’s needs, even taking into account the so -called smart device,
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there is no obligation to submit speech biometrics, the person himself will be able to determine the method of confirming his identity, but it is fundamentally important that the telecom operator and the state i clearly understood that the contract was concluded by a specific ivan ivanovich ivanov, in addition, all telephone numbers will be displayed in government services, it happens that a sim card is registered for a person... another package of amendments that was adopted today concerns social networks and instant messengers. the deputies decided that bloggers on the network should disclose their personal data if their channel is popular enough. the bar was set at 10 thousand subscribers. if the channel administrator refuses to register with roskomnadzor, then it will be prohibited to place advertisements on it, and you will also not be able to provide links to it or repost it. in terms of audience, individual channels are now comparable to large media outlets, but if for the media we have a strict procedure, which means
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licensing, then we don’t have one for channels, that’s actually the main task of introducing this register for 10 thousand channels that have an audience of more than 1000 subscribers, this is actually ensuring the transparency of the owners. october last year airport cals is an example of how... under the cover of anonymity on the internet, you can stage a major provocation; telegram channels managed by the ukrainian special services incited people to riot. we are meeting uninvited guests, we must be at the airport by 19:00 today, we will meet them with an adult. most of these people would not fall for provocative calls if they knew who was behind them, and this can be difficult to find out. they disguise themselves as locals. vocabulary, logos, photographs, videos, everything should help win the trust of the audience. so that in the most unexpected moment to throw in the necessary information, for the sake of which everything was created, sometimes for years, when some unfavorable events occur,
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you can see, as you know, some clusters of influence suddenly begin to become active, oh yes, i’m for donbass, but i’m against the authorities in russia, in the end, when these channels revealed, it turned out indeed that their actors were sitting abroad, the duma noted today that after blocking millions of fraudulent phone numbers... criminals are moving to the internet, so all amendments to the law on communications complement each other friend, some of them come into force on january 1, for example, those that limit the sale of sim cards to foreigners, well, the old agreements will be valid for almost another year. alexander lyakin, olga gerosimenko, maria mortanova, alexander kovalev, channel one. and in the upper house of parliament today there is a meeting of the council for the development of the financial market. one of the topics is the digital ruble. it may become familiar to us in the next 5-7 years. it is planned to introduce it into wide circulation gradually, starting from july next year, to use or not, everyone will decide for himself, among the advantages of this form of national currency for citizens
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there are no commissions for transfers, they spoke at the meeting about the development of the economy as a whole, it has adapted to external challenges and shows steady growth, banks played an important role in this, in particular they supplemented state support measures with their own programs, including targeted ones. the financial sector has shown its... it needs to be kept under control, the tools are there. let me remind you that the central bank raised the key rate to 18% last week. earlier, it was at this time that we raised the rate not in
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order to cope with the sanctions with financial shocks after the sanctions, but so that too rapid growth in demand did not result in an inflationary spiral. with high, accelerating inflation, the economy is very vulnerable, it does not listen well to the steering wheel, as they say. and to us... impressive footage from tatarstan a tornado hit the nizhnekamsk airport with such force that even light aircraft could not resist, so it
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turned around and threw them up. it is reported that the weather did not affect the flight schedule, in winter suddenly came to the capital of the republic kazan, large hail followed by heavy rain, ruts on the roads, cars slowed down, however, the sun soon came out, ice began to drift on the central streets, because of it public transport had to urgently change routes, a case when history is on the pages textbooks, but an exciting journey, where everything is visual and accessible and informative. the museum and temple complex new chersonesos in sevastopol opened to visitors today. 24 hectares, 25 halls, several directions at once. christianity, antiquity and byzantium, crimea and new russia. the place is iconic, next to historical chersonesos. it is believed that it was there that prince vladimir, who later baptized russia, adopted christianity in the 20th century. entrance to the new park.
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the museum is free. emotions of viliy katchenko's first guests. it's amazing, it's not, well, it's, you know, just something that can't be, but it is. it’s very beautiful, as a photographer, i’m simply amazed. finally, we have a place where we can do all the filming without even leaving the city. this complex gives us the feeling that we are all residents of a great country, which allows us to feel our roots, our history. emotions among tourists from all over the country.
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non-greek khersanes has an area of ​​almost 24 hectares, this is the view from the balcony of the only museum of christianity in russia, opposite the open-air temple park, and the central alley leads to the true font of russian orthodoxy, st. vladimir’s cathedral, located on the shores of the black sea. khersanez is the cradle of orthodoxy in our culture, statehood, the very values ​​for which our military personnel fight. we are in at the moment we arrived here from solidar, this. the place is a shrine for us, we are in the trenches on the front line for the sake of the meanings that are displayed and that personify this place. the crossroads of the era of civilization, the heraon river, which fed the inhabitants of polis, founded in the 5th century bc, was discovered during archaeological work, they became the largest in the history of the country, almost 7 million finds were discovered, 350 thousand of them became museum exhibits, for the opening those who participated in the largest excavations also arrived,
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this is a child. he, we dug here, carried out one of the largest archaeological expeditions in history, a child was born right on this expedition, and today on the first day of the opening, we are already here so that our children can also see the work of a large number of specialists, scientists who invested in the creation of this grandiose park. the first museum that opened to visitors tells about the crimea and novorossia from the khersanesites and scythians. here you can visit a real byzantine market of the 10th century.
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learn how to cook a medieval dish if you want to cook, let's do this match asha, so masha, welcome, i'm aigul, today i'll teach you how to cook a traditional crimean tatar dish so match oshet, listen to the sound of ancient musical instruments, very similar to scottish bagpipes, cool, cool, complete immersion in history, among the first visitors were arttek residents, students and schoolchildren. actually, they did a great job.


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