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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  July 30, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved and the exhibition was supposed to open in 1937, that is, this is a very short time frame...
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he did not allow anyone into the family in the broad sense, it was a strictly closed territory. for the first time , we have the opportunity to see him as only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. the gatherings were always fun. and you are sitting next to dad. that's how it happened, right? unique footage previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta. in front of face. misfortune, grief, they united, the three of them lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and came in turn to mikhail on duty, the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there, and he hears her. don’t take my father’s feelings as a posthumous empty compliment more important, most likely at this sad moment, god needed you more, for some reason. our exclusive to
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the family archive of mikhail zadorny exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first, how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a meth, i didn’t find people like that, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you’re an investigator for especially important cases, and for what purpose did special missions come to us, she came back, well done,
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oh, women, look at how men i need to fix it, but in our yard on sunday, on the first day, your aunts put me in a nursing home, and then for each other’s inheritance they killed us, and we all, having lived like this for 100 years , were planning to go, where, grandfather, to our places, to the old ones.
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if you ask, i chatted with you some more, but it’s time, excuse me, it’s for us, we have cheeses, together, i promised to tell you.
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disappearing in the basement, it’s very bad, by the way, you showed up there, i just came back for the map, you’re there, despite the fact that i didn’t really need the map, the route here the colonel decided that his daughters would do without an inheritance, he gave good luck to the nurse , sold the apartment, and put the money on a personal deposit for his granddaughter, who, apparently, is the only decent person in to this family, by the way, she thanked me terribly and even kissed me for forgiveness, on the cheek, let’s consider that i represent all of you, something like this, can i have a few words with you? i don’t understand, this friday already? yes, so the matter
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needs to be looked for quickly, better, of course, not too complicated, but real with living participants and so on, a whole commission has been invited for a demonstration session, is it really possible for me to attend? well, i can officially register you as a consultant, for example, of course there’s not a lot of money, but so there’s no ambiguity there wasn’t, there was some ambiguity, okay, i’ll try to dig something up on friday, great, kid. “bosha, what are you doing, it hurts a person, you really disappointed me, i’ve been disappointing myself lately, and i’m not a kid, what is this,
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you asked for a car, here you go. i don’t like it, i told you what, inconspicuous , what is this, is this inconspicuous, or what, in your opinion, an idiot, let’s think logically, you’re inconspicuous, for what purpose do you need, let me guess, to translate something important and so that the deps don’t slow down, so now tell me, have you at least once in your life seen a cop-hued hearse brake, they are all superb, like... i know everything about this, my brother is a trash policeman, so take it, forgive me, it’s hard for you to bend over, yes,
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my leg hurts, thanks. seems like everything, right? well, if you took a big box from the mezzanine, then that’s it, yes, i even forgot that there were so many of them, mom, forgive me for
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my speech last week, oh well, what’s there, but no, really, like the last pig behaved. i just got it into my head from childhood that you have here a conspiracy against me, that you all, and you, and sanya, and viktor ivanovich, know what happened to my father, but i shouldn’t specifically say it, it’s my mother’s stupidity, over all these years i ’ve gotten so used to seeing myself as a victim that i didn’t even think about it , he didn’t... not only me, but also sasha, he abandoned you too, that you are in the same position, as i am also tormented by not knowing why he left, where, why, whether he’s alive or not, and the fact
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that 10 years ago he died, it turns out that it’s the same blow in the gut for you as it was for me, it’s bad. to speak, but it even became easier for me, when i found out, so did i, the unknown, of course. the most disgusting thing in the world, well, after your stewed oats, of course, so
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what for what? mom, he doesn’t understand me for some reason, look here, our stepel, see? but i don’t see, i don’t have glasses, that there’s just a date on the death certificate on the grave: april 1, 2008, but here, here’s our template, you see, the dispatch date is december 27, 9 months after he died.
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there's a big game on the air - in new york, london, berlin, brussels, paris, a lot of speculation, a lot of fortune-telling, often on coffee grounds about the intentions of president zelensky, they say he has softened his position. there is the will, the means, and the need to destroy the support infrastructure - this
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is the key point of this war, this not only applies to this illegal construction project in the form of the crimean bridge, but this applies to all the infrastructure that runs along the occupied territory, just like in the rostov region, there are railway junctions that russia is building, all this must be destroyed, firstly, it is located on territories are legally on the territory of ukraine, only on the territory of ukraine; accordingly , this is an illegal object and the country has the right to destroy them as part of military operations. rostov, belgorod, kursk regions and so on and so forth, all this must be endured. actually, in principle, readiness to conduct military operations.
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now he’s talking about the crimean bridge, well , excuse me, crimea has been a territory of the russian federation since 2014, 10 years, everything is fine. knows that crimea will never return to ukraine, and he says that this territory of ukraine, i think he doesn’t even understand that he will be one of the first candidates for an international tribunal, which sooner or later will take place for those war criminals in ukraine who, in general, brought the situation to war between two fraternal peoples. i think either he
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doesn't understand it or he knows he doesn't care. in the future there will be no living in ukraine, because sooner or later the regime there will be different, so either he expects that a truce will be concluded, by the way, all these statements by zelensky about peace, i think, are nothing more than an attempt to use the situation for a respite, for a truce, so that all western equipment arrives, in order to gather forces, because now ukraine, in general, is in an extremely unfavorable situation... an unfavorable situation, it is losing in almost all sectors of the war , and we, as our president said, have not yet started anything, that is, we are not yet using the bombing of any super-objects in ukraine, we are not touching the bridges across the dnieper, because it is enough to bomb all these bridges and ukraine will just freeze
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paralyzed, i think it's a bad advisor to...
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believe that zelensky's closest advisors believe in something like that. well, let's now see what is really happening on the front line, we are lucky, valentina solovyova, war correspondent for channel one, is with us now, valentina, can you see us, can you hear us? yes, we see and hear perfectly well, hello, hello, thank you for your willingness to talk to us. i'll start with a simple question, although the answer may not be so simple. i just read an article in the new york times, which describes the successful offensive of the russian troops, says that in some areas the ukrainian troops not only retreated, but often retreated in disarray,
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they could not even take their dead, and moreover, they could not take their own...
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they left equipment, nato weapons, here how they leave the dead, the wounded, they don’t take them away, in general the enemy behaves, but in our sector, in zaporozhye. now the enemy is no longer rolling out equipment, he is not engaging in close combat, now he is working more with the help of drones, he has rolled nato artillery further away to the rear, actually going on the defensive, we worked with our scouts, looked, flew around the line, flew around the orekhovsk direction.
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the army, that it is now somehow newly inspired, that it has some kind of new readiness to go on the offensive, absolutely
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not, our fighters on the line of contact, our attack aircraft, who again take, storm enemy strongholds, do not see what on the contrary, one can feel a moral uplift. this, i don’t know, maybe disappointment, loss of spirit, but here we are the situation is on the contrary, i am always happy when i come to the positions of our soldiers and the guys there are really motivated, there are now a lot of volunteers, which means the morale there is high and the readiness to carry out tasks. valentina, thank you so much, thank you for your work, for the good news, take care of yourself, we need you.
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managed to survive, but the fact that they continue to successfully push out the enemy always makes a very big impression on me, you know, sometimes people say this, russia is big, ukraine is small, it’s generally strange, that we cannot destroy them is not serious, russia is at war in ukraine with 50 countries, with nato countries and others industrially. developed countries supporting ukraine, and the fact that such dynamics on the front line, it seems to me, is already a very serious
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achievement, and the russian troops and their commanders have something to be proud of, we talk a lot in moscow about the american elections, and of course, the main question is, which is of interest...
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concern about what the consequences could be if there were a direct military clash between russia and the united states, this he has concerns that trump does not have, or at least we don’t know what he has, this is some specific plan on how to negotiate in ukraine, in the sixteenth
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year, as you know, there was a lot. .. good intentions, very positive statements, and then there were more sanctions against russia, then there were lethal weapons for ukraine, so well, we involuntarily have to be careful, which is why we listen carefully to what people say who are trying to position themselves as close advisers trump, and we have to be careful about this because some...
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biden went to war out of weakness, and trump could restore peace with strength, this is what a successful plan for ukraine could look like, unlock america's energy potential, this will boost the us economy, will reduce prices , reduce putin’s budget, introduce real sanctions against russia, biden’s sanctions are good on paper, but in fact they are empty, to increase the us defense industry, we must show our opponents, especially russia and china, that they cannot compete with us, ah...nato, including forcing the europeans to pay their fair share, it's time to raise the spending cap to 3% of gdp, create a $500 billion len-lease program for ukraine, and not burden us taxpayers, remove all restrictions on weapons for ukraine . ukraine will join nato as soon as possible so that european allies will take on the burden of defending it. it is necessary to establish a fund of 100 billion dollars for arming ukraine, and the us share should
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only be. 20%. if russia fulfills these conditions, the west will gradually lift sanctions, and completely, when ukraine will become a member of nato eu. all of these steps, not the biden administration's half-measures, will bring lasting peace. andrei andreevich, well, you heard what the former secretary of state proposes, do you think there is something positive in this, but he said that sanctions can be lifted at the end of the process, well, in general, here’s how...
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we are the last since we observed it only 20 years ago, we will probably not see it on the same scale in more than one state in the coming decades. to his secretary of state. pompeo has proven himself to be a person who made a series of quite resonant statements, some initiatives that did not culminate in large-scale actions, operations, even an attempted military coup in venezuela, which the united states oversaw, was largely the idea of ​​national security adviser john bolton at that time, and more specific in part.
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i believe that no matter how peace-loving trump is, the last thing he will be ready to do is give up this resource, this is not only a resource of pressure on our country, it resource for mobilizing european allies, indicating the need to spend 3% of gdp on defense spending, essentially means purchasing american weapons, maintaining the american military-industrial complex, and the complex of these goals that the united states is pursuing in relation to ukraine rather suggests that this ... the crisis will be long-lasting, critics in the republican party if trump is elected, critics on the right, relatively speaking, like pompeo, they will continue to put pressure on the president and say that we we're not doing enough. you know, when i
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was thinking whether to give this quote or not, on the one hand i had some doubts, because i don’t think that mr. pompeo will take... leading positions in the trump administration, among other things, because it seems to me that trump doesn’t fully trust him, because at the end of trump’s term, well, in general, pompeo even admitted the possibility of using the twenty-fifth amendment of the constitution and removing trump from office, the office of president, and i think that trump does not forget such things, why do i wanted to bring this up?
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he graduated from harvard with honors, was a member of congress, became the director of the center for regional development, and now he comes to the post of secretary of state, and you know, there is a feeling that he can speak well and quickly and formulate his slogans, but there is some kind of understanding of intellectual responsibility. some kind of analysis, but it was unusually absent, so i wanted to ask you, you probably also thought about this topic, why, when we are faced with senior american officials, i don’t
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say there that they want to aggressively defend american national interests, that they are ready to unceremoniously use any competitive advantages, but now it simply seems that they are not connecting their hemispheres. many people think that such initiatives, which have widespread support, will now be seen in the assortment. these initiatives will not necessarily be systematic, long-lasting, have empathy
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towards the enemy, or simply systematically understand what the situation looks like; rather, there is a need to mobilize some part of republican electorate, republican establishment in order to show that... we know from the history of american foreign policy, not all of these campaigns to escalate the conflict, for example, an operation to increase the american presence in iraq, which, as many thought, should lead to according to this country, a similar operation in afghanistan did not produce results; many other operations can be named from which the americans had to leave, essentially losing face, shifting the focus to something else. ya
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arabia in egypt, but let me remind you that today the new iranian president begins to take office. let's go to advertising. what does it feel like to me, what is the heat to me, what is the pouring rain to me, when my friends are with me. tonight our studio gathered exactly those who have experienced and know exactly what the real thing is.
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we are already accustomed to israel striking at the gas strip. we, unfortunately, are accustomed to israel striking syria. we have become accustomed to israel striking southern lebanon, where positions are located including. netanyaho is going to the bank, his speech, which he hoped would somehow dampen criticism and so on, it aroused additional interest in everything that was happening, but did not dampen criticism towards him personally, he is still in the zone very serious
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risk as a political figure, so he shows his militancy, militancy, because... this gives him the opportunity to prolong his powers, to postpone all sorts of showdowns that have long been brewing in relation to him, in particular personal activities in various directions, including the military-political direction, it is for him to strengthen, strengthen such a quarrelsome situation, military danger in the region, it is profitable, profitable and he follows this path, and it is interesting how the military politicians of the countries of the regions themselves react in our country and today, in particular, i had the opportunity to consult with those who are on the spot there , who already feel this smoke of war on a physical level, and according to those who
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are there, they believe that apparently in in the near future there will be a growth in a certain conflict. but it will not reach the level of, well, as some say, the same huge regional war. the restraining factor, and this is a huge specificity here , the restraining factor is the position of the military, the military, well, instead of playing along with the war party, on the contrary, they restrain, because they perfectly understand their own weaknesses, be it the israeli military, they know about the losses, about development trends...
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the most important thing is to strengthen ourselves within the country, show that we are the most militant, we are the most respected among the arabs, we radically want to resolve this conflict in favor of the arabs, and thus you want to brush aside the generally recognized government, which , by the way, has ambassadors in most countries of the world,
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because it is not the houthis who have ambassadors , and the government that was has the ambassadors, and this is theirs, khizmal is the same, they think a... what happens, unfortunately, we have to admit, he lets it through his personal interests, well, there is a group there certain, closely connected with it and in many ways sympathizing with the plan for the growth of this military-political military-political series, but in principle
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, what is happening now, we can still objectively say that the military component is increasing from the point of view of its scale. from the point of view of the supply of weapons going to the region through official channels and not through official channels, because this is a gray trade zone, it is very developed in the middle east and in principle any weapons can be paid for get. the general forecast is so restrainedly negative, restrainedly negative, what does restrainedly negative mean? well, i'm i'm inclined, of course, to trust those. the analysis and the forecasts that we are receiving from people who are directly there in the region, who say that there will be an escalation of hostilities, but it will not... apparently lead to this - a completely new regional conflict in its scale,
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people will suffer and the number of victims will increase, but this is what a general, total war is like war within the region, they do not foresee, perhaps this is so, but for people who will die in fewer numbers, perhaps it is not easier, and of course with... such an unregulated situation, absolutely unacceptable in the gas sector, indeed, as our colleagues from the organization for the liberation of the plo told me today, that they are being driven there from north to south, from south to north, then in the central part there are some manipulations, these are living people, living people, such terrible experiments are being carried out on them , of course completely unacceptable.
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in egypt, these countries, in general, until now, they seemed to condemn israel, but did not take any serious measures, it seems to me, against israel. now, if netanyahu really strikes at lebanon, at bierut, could this have an impact? to a tougher response from saudi arabia and egypt? well, it seems to me that the stakes
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you’re talking about are so big, the fundamental decisions have already been worked out, to what level you can go, to what level you can’t go, that i think that even a blow, for example, according to berut, let’s say, aviation, it... and will change the very geometry of the power relationship in the middle east, all the same , the countries of the persian gulf will of course show a certain restraint, bearing in mind not only the factor of israel, as a very large regional force, but and the factor of the united states of america, we saw that netanyahu as a whole still received support, we can say that... there were more than 100 people who were not present at his speech and some were almost all democrats, but you understand anyway after all
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there was support and the fact that on average every minute ended with an ovation suggests that this course, it is not rejected by the united states, everyone sees it, everyone is discussing it, i looked at the materials of the arabic press, attention is drawn to this, that the united states america still continues its traditional support. israel, and this is a powerful factor, this is a powerful factor - this is the potential use of some kind of sanctions mechanism against the countries of the region, which, of course, they are all afraid of, so this is how you traditionally, you always urge us all to not look at the development of the situation through rose-colored glasses and not look for, you know, some kind of pro-blue hopes, it seems to me that this is still very far away. thank you. i will return to you in a few minutes, because we need to talk about iran, but now i would like to ask, your senator,
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about the united states, and president biden, secretary of state blinken, have repeatedly seemed to distance the united states from the actions of israel , but as far as i understand, no serious this had no negative consequences for israel, i especially want you to listen that...
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israel, of course, will do everything possible to never leave the dutch heights. everything is very simple there: the main supply of fresh water that israel uses is concentrated on the dutch heights. and whoever owns the dutch heights solves this problem for himself. as for netanya, you know, he is not afraid of hezbollah now, he is not afraid of the houthis, not iran, he is afraid of his own opposition. i have. netanyahu, as soon as the military stops actions, he understands that the opposition will take on him, he will have to answer for personal charges, as andrei glebych said, he will have to answer for october 7, for what happened last year, for the sacrifices made by the people of both israel and hamas over these months, so you know, he’s already
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wound up, he can’t stop, he ’ll keep going. to the end, and to be honest, i think that netanyahu seems to have gotten too carried away, he simply cannot understand how to act in this situation, he understands that he should stop it’s impossible, we have to move, but, unfortunately, he is moving into the abyss, returning to what he said, i really liked the analysis that andrei andreevich gave, which was absolutely clear regarding pompeo, pompeo really wanted to show that he is on trump’s team, he is not on trump’s team, this is his own plan -
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his daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there and he hears her, don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important, most likely at this sad moment you were god, for what? what’s more important is our exclusive - the family archive of mikhail zadorny. exclusive with dmitry borisov. on saturday on the first. there's a big game on the air. andrey, literally 2 weeks ago - some
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seem excessive. susceptible to trump's charm, the people at this table, i mean myself, talked about the fact that, in general,
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talking to donors, several candidates appear who are starting to campaign, and what have they done? they carried out all this, as trump says , a coup d'etat, they twisted biden's arms, promised that they would not remove him from office until the end of his term, that is, they say that he is crazy. but they are going to allow him to live next to the nuclear button for another six months, in general they changed the entire dynamics of the election campaign, and at the same time
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the fbi director even said that maybe there was no attempt on trump’s life at all, because maybe it wasn’t a bullet that hit his ear, but shrapnel that came from somewhere, or maybe not shrapnel, glass, or maybe it came from somewhere.
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and vice president kamala hares is ready to use the twenty-fifth article of the constitution on the removal of an incompetent person.


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