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tv   PODKAST  1TV  July 31, 2024 1:35am-2:20am MSK

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others, shakhnazarov filmed himself or allowed them to be filmed even by such significant people as karan and viktor aristov, after all, they were not so that is why not one story that he was a big event, such a significant stain in russian culture, as his stories themselves, the hero he... had unsightly circumstances, all sorts of events that took place were quite cartoonish, my son-in-law stole drov’s car, they categorically did not look good on the screen, the value of his literature was in the special construction of the phrase, which, of course, it couldn’t be shown on screen, so, by the way, his films, although they were relatively successful, none of them failed at... the payback bar was 10 million
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tickets purchased, his film was balanced between 13-15-17 million viewers , that is , they were a success, but quite consistently ordinary, with the exception of the last picture kalina krasnaya, in which shukshin quite clearly understood that for cinema you need to write separately, that the script is subliterature, some verbal...
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he periodically had it on the screen daughters, rosy tumblers, he really liked that he himself was oily, and the daughters took after their mother, after all, they were so lively, not gloomy, and he finished the stoves of the bench, he was actually a documentary shot, everyone remembers the hero himself, the hero himself, shukshin himself, in his bass voice at the end he finishes his smoke and says: that’s it, guys, it’s over, in kalina krasnaya the theme was different, the mood was completely different, and the picture broke all popularity records, and it was watched by 62 million viewers in the first year of release, and shukshin became the winner of the acting competition magazine soviet screen twice in a row, in the seventy-fourth and seventy-fifth year, the competition was an extremely significant event, after all, the soviet screen was considered by millions of people and... to win the acting
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competition twice in a row, only doronina had succeeded before it, in the sixty-eighth she became the winner with a film, once again about love and an older sister, in sixty-nine, three poplars on an ivy tree. shukshin in the seventy-fourth year took the competition with kalina krasnaya during his lifetime, and posthumously in the seventy-fifth year for the painting brondarchuk they fought for their homeland. vyacheslav alekseevich pietsukh is perhaps truly the best expert on shukshin. he was extremely reproached for all sorts of side activities, for carpentry, for service in the army, in the navy, for cinema, for being the director of a school, he said that all sorts of things, this is the traditional rule, that a writer should study life, this is all the rule for mediocrities for toilers there is a feast, and the writer is a writer because he knew life perfectly well without any...
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filming is often quite empty pictures like sergei polenaevich gerasimov’s lakeside, he wrote that filming there took away 10, or even 15 stories from russian literature, considering that lakeside was a two-part series, well, at least the state prize was given to the girls in the open air, however, still there was some injustice in this, as i already said. especially in the malicious phrase that shukshin worked off corvee for the cinema of velmozh bondarchuk. the meeting with bonddarchuk largely determined the last years of vasil makarovich, and that powerful nail in his miraculous
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monument, frankly speaking, was hammered with the participation sergei fedorovich. the fact is that vasil mokarich dreamed of directing a picture all his life. “i came to give you freedom,” which began with anaferazin, from all the church pulpits of the russian empire, there was such a moment in shukhshin’s attitude towards the church, usually still very restrained, respectful, but he never forgot the anathema to razin, his attitude towards the church was difficult, like however, to everything that he wrote about, to the village.
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razen was always present, even a little, even a dot, in the film there lives such a guy, a guy who was shukhshan’s debut, pashka kolokulnikov probably sings a song 30 times, a proper wave throws her overboard, in the film your son is a brother, the middle brother of the volodin family, who in the last month of his time in prison suddenly blew himself up and fled to his native land, is called stepan, considering to what extent this ...
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and then he wakes up, this was not included in the picture, but it is clear to what extent shukshin was worried about this motive. shukshin prepared for this role constantly and seriously, every year from such a daring, mustachioed handsome man,
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he became more and more angry, more and more manifested his his eyes are gimlet-shaped, the good-natured razin was clearly not, and in the novel it was written that... he walks with his toes raised, like stepan timofeevich razin himself walked, we don’t know now, but hardly any of his contemporaries wrote about it, so the fact that shukshin himself walked around with socks in his raskoryaku, everyone remembers this very well from the film kalina krasnaya, from the way yegor prokudin goes to hit visiting correspondents in the neck, well, everyone remembers, the thieves, when they came to him they introduced themselves as correspondents, he was just walking with his socks . to the sides, probably still with saber fighting, practiced, trained so as not to look like an amateur in combat scenes, at the same time - the script was constantly rejected for him and sergei fedorovich bondarchuk himself explained all this to him, he said that the studio of children's and
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youth films named after gorky, which shukshin was assigned to the staff, which consisted in the state that produced all of its first four films. she’s just as poor as a church mouse, to pull off a powerful historical production, in color, with costumes, obviously in two parts, and without any guarantee - she won’t be able to achieve commercial success, and she’s afraid of losing the author, so he feeds him breakfast, tells him that the script is unfinished, there is something unfinished, they won’t let you in anyway, bondarchuk said, but i will, bondarchuk was at that time the creative director of the first creative association of massfilm, that is, in fact, considering , that the massfilm concern and full-fledged hollywood had its own film studio at hand, but in order to...
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two stars, fathers and sons, on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we say, what the hell are we talking about and the heart doesn't exploded. do you know how it breaks, the shoulder just gives and the elbow pulls. well, let's think about it, let's say you're a mole, you're wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your training is, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger, or you have a second very well thought out option for escaping abroad, well of course i would run in, what will choose the moles? here's the question, be careful, i'm always careful, major, find
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head of the security service, let him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the whole version is going to hell, the man had a stutter and suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for that, that you didn't want to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. the confrontation between the prime minister based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. this is a podcast of mount fire and me and its host denis gorelov, with a story about the eleven-fifth anniversary of the great master of words, the great.
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they didn’t let him film something to save money, i think that this was fully part of the task, to film it as cheaply as possible so that the result would shock everyone, especially the financial directors, what happened, kalina the red was watched by 62 million people in the first year of release, it’s clear that 62 million viewers is not 62 million rubles. the ticket cost 45 kopecks, the most expensive, and the cheapest 10. but there is a feeling that the picture raised about 20 million, and thus, well,
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it paid for itself 890 times. shukshin, discovered his know-how with this film, which during his lifetime it was completely impossible to describe in film criticism, film literature, the fact is that russia has been a deeply criminal country since the times of the civil war, very many... everyday details, some everyday customs and rules came to us from the zone, the word goat, and the phrase “i’m not the last, i’m the last,” and even... during the showdown i understood the question, of course, they have a prison genealogy, it’s there that all sorts of local comrades intimidate newcomers with a hairdryer and periodically ask: understand, did you at least understand that i you i promise, plus, well, there were enough frankly zonian features,
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a large number of people passed through the camps, and not at all for political reasons, as a result , any... picture in which prison life was touched upon in any way was a huge success among us , even such wampuka as dangerous friends, about 30 million watched it there, not to mention the gentlemen of fortune who enjoyed the boundless love of the population, prison films were always watched and a start to life, prisoners of the thirty-sixth year, farewell tour artist, any picture. which had at least a fragment in the zone enjoyed limitless popularity in russia, which shukshin played on. all of his initial episodes of kalina krasnaya take place in prison, many details were bypassed by the editors simply because the civilian editors, who had never been to prison , could not understand what kind of hints
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shukshin was launching there, understandable to a huge number of seasoned men in the hall, in particular, when. ..
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shukshin was born in the twenty-ninth year in the year
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of the great turning point, despite the fact that already in for 4 years he became an orphan, his father was makartivich shukshin. they were shot in the case of an anti-collective farm conspiracy, and they shot him at the age of 22, shukshin was still a great lucky man, which says quite a lot about the country of his birth, if they had waited a little with his birth, severe collectivization would have already begun there with the confiscation of all funds, probably and they wouldn’t give birth, and in four years there would be no one left, and if they’d rushed a little, it would have been
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a 5-hour drive to mongolia, a national genius is born, capable of special put words in sentences and explain to people people. this is a podcast of burning with fire and i am its host denis gorelov, with a story about the ninety-fifth anniversary of the great man of our land shukshan vasily makarovich. every writer had his own theme. babel wrote about jews. wait, he wrote about the nobility, because he knew the common people poorly and in every possible way attributed to them some kind of unfamiliar, fictitious spiritual beauty, but shukshin , on the contrary, just... the common people knew in every possible way challenged it, its apparent simplicity, and as for the complex ones, he all he wrote was that accountants are snub-nosed and
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governors are cunning, everyone already knows this without him, but in fact he really opened the door to village life, about which outsiders only knew that all the people there were singing and mowing all the time, and everyone from there is preventing people from speaking out... a four-year education, at least among shukshin’s peers, is more or less clear to the village, fyodor abramov wrote earlier than others in his tatology “home”, at some point he and shukhshin were just writing in one place that the village people never stopped loving, in the city of moscow. he described all sorts of special details of village life, unfamiliar to people: firstly, money, usually to strangers.
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how much does the priest earn, and is there a salary in the neighboring village with meat or noodles, uh, how much does it cost to take a taxi from the city and back, and that in old money, according to old prices, this is already a month of work, so the phrase: overseas the half-calf heifer and the ruble-transport were not invented during popular print communism, frankly speaking, uh, they talk a lot about money in these parts, poor lands, because what else is there to talk about. secondly, they talk a lot about faith with a clear register of all the injustices to the church, this is constantly seen in films, either
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the half-submerged roof of a church in kolin red, somewhere on the horizon, or the too obvious whitewashed church vaults in a rural club, in the film there lives such guy, it’s absolutely obvious that all the disco there takes place in a building, in a former church building. they constantly reproach, and reproaches, according to shukhshin, 20 times more than was actually drunk, but despite this, it constantly appears there even among drivers, where 75, where
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100 each, the constant main problem is that the store is closed, all the money is already with the women, the wives always have it, the phrase “the wife grumbled, but gave me twenty” appears in many of his works, and - at the same time, there are even some special euphemisms, if writes that seryoga is bored, this means that a binge is brewing, a major retreat into binge drinking, and if somewhere it is written that kolka is worried, this means that someone is about to get a thorough slap in the face, well, of course, all this is not to put it bluntly, one of the very important pages of village life was the prison, in the villagers sat practically one after another, that’s where the zonian word man came from, so the village was
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constantly sitting down for all sorts of stupid things, either they knocked off their horns, or they knocked down a fence due to drunkenness, or they ruined a state-owned car, there are other habits, just in case they are afraid of demagogues, in front of everyone showdowns. to inflate your worth as much as possible, subconsciously feeling that the price is still small, to constantly put on a hat, a hat is always considered a city fet, a bad mark, and again the habit of standing on the dawns that rural writers love to eat are the eyes of the city people, they say they wake everything up, but a normal person gets up before dawn, this was never typical of shukshin, he himself wrote at night and... slept off, the city itself sported him, so the habit of getting up with the roosters for him was never some kind of special, uh, village
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merit, another village peculiarity was that he was actually the first to knock out his middle name, he harshly said that in the villages they call vasily until the age of 20, and he - that vasily makarovich was already 24 when he was director of the school, so he categorically demanded that they call him by his patronymic, in general the public agreed, they called him vasil mokarich, starting from a fairly early age. then, too, quite early 45 years is not an age - he was not attributed to village prose and was not attributed quite rightly, because countryside writers, for all their talent, are people who tend to overeat, close off their inner village world, idealize it, and do not let urban people in and it’s scary to be proud from within, oh, that’s how we dissect the spiritual, this
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was never characteristic of shukhshin, he... valued the village people, loved them, but he certainly didn’t embellish them, he didn’t harbor any malice for the city people either, he had real hatred, and vasily makarovich was filled with just to their class brothers, former villagers, these urban settlements, who have just moved to the city, put on a hat and now eat the eyes of all the village characters, like undereducated, unfinished people, generally second-class people, here on...
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he broke down in conversations with even worthy and respected people, a wonderful episode in the stoves, benches, when the professor played by sanaev asks him, well, how is it in the village, it seems to be more fun, oh, what are you talking about - says shukshin, there’s no way around it we know where this merriment is going, sometimes the whole street starts laughing, i just can’t save it, they’re casting fire trucks, in general, i lost it. expressed his anger, fire trucks are cast, but he did not isolate himself from the city, he opened the door, cleared a place on the bench, but also for himself he demanded a place among the city, quite deservedly, he had a wonderful phrase: if you know how to rejoice, rejoice, if you know how to please, rejoice, that’s what he, in fact, did throughout his 45 years, until that
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very moment...
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master too, the filming was in the steppe there were no more or less decent hotels with hot water in sight, so they could resettle them in villages, but they decided to refrain from doing so. one of the wise guys, really serious people, came up with a way out, to fit them into the bend of the river. a pleasure boat, in fact, the entire film crew settled on it, and one morning on october 2, best friend georgy ivanovich burkov. he died on a day that often fell on teacher’s day, floating in the soviet years, which is also probably symbolic, considering that shukshin taught as an adult and was even a school director, this is his final landing on the boundary,
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uh, at the end of the stove the little klavochek became the basis for the two best monuments to him, one stands just like this, sitting barefoot. in the territory musfilm, another in splices in his homeland, and i can only end this whole story with the same phrase. that's it, guys, it's over! it was a podcast called mount fire and i, hosted by denis gorelov, with a story about the ninety-fifth anniversary of the last genius of russian literature, vasily makarovich shukshan. in 5 years it will be 100 years, we will meet again. you can find all episodes of the podcast woe by fire on the channel one website.
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hello, this is a psychic podcast. today we will talk about how to build a life and be happy. situations where it happened, well let's just say that sexualized violence on channel one is just the premiere of the series mutual consent by valery gaigermanika, dedicated to the problem of sexualized violence. our heroine today, elena , experienced such violence in her childhood and, unfortunately, this experience distorted and... complicated her entire future life, but we will try to find the path to happiness and joy, which i personally believe is still possible, with psychologist tatyana galich, we will try to do this.
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hello, elena, i won’t traumatize you by asking you for details. what happened. let us tell you, maybe we’ll talk about what’s getting in the way. to live from that moment, how do you describe it to yourself, what difficulties arose in your personal life and how did you try to deal with it with the consequences of this monstrous experience? well, first of all, it’s a feeling of guilt , it’s just that it’s probably still going on, although i’ve worked through it , explained it to myself, listened to a lot of videos. the snakes were talking, some feeling of such guilt, that i was wrong, it was my own fault, that with this happened to me, it was as if some heavy blanket or coat was thrown over me, or some kind of paint was smeared on me, that i
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had no right to approach society, then there were consequences, well, this happened in childhood, that is, there is a kindergarten , school, and... and then, when there was already a music school, in principle, somehow i could get closer to people, communicate, i sometimes watched how girls communicate, at school i was not able to see how girls communicate, try also communicate, that is, new people made contact, but after a day or two weeks, they somehow they also pulled away, i think why it was easier at the music school, because i... musical education, due to the fact that i played better, heard better, wrote better musical dictations in solfa, everyone writes there 10- 15 minutes, i’m a few seconds, i have less than a minute, if more minutes, i’m bad, less minutes, i quickly
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ask, due to this, somehow society noticed me and the girls consulted there, came up to help, but for some... then general girls’ parties didn’t take me, and i wasn’t interested, i i didn't understand. where you need to rejoice, where you need to do what, somehow i was also removed, and seeing how people, for example, can communicate without a topic, that is, sit down at some table, yes, some kind of party, and just it’s somehow easy to communicate, i sat at these parties, ate something, shared something with someone, but never... well, i was so kind of withdrawn, as if such an autistic person was constantly living in her own world something. elena, but at the same time you got married, i think you have three children, three, well, that is, after all, this experience, it still allowed you to arrange
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your personal life, well, yes, i tried to copy the behavior of other people, women, girls that i liked, sometimes you could even... you didn’t live your own life, yes, that’s how salfeggio, yes, you lived, music, this is my life, i can talk for hours, you can’t stop me, i have no barriers, i have no complexes, i can talk, just talk.
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i learned now to communicate with men without asking a psychologist today, i still have no fear, due to the age when i can calmly look in the mirror, now , by the way, age calms me down, that here is a grandmother, about to retire, you’ve done well, you ’ve lived, you look good, i look in the mirror, that what i see in the mirror is not a girl, not because when... with men, if i feel some kind of message of sexual relations, some kind of advances, because due to age, when people are over fifty, there are no foreplays, there are such things as yes, maybe i’ll rent a room, something like that, that , so, so simple, a child appears again, i’m like that, i even have he has such a look, i seem to see myself scared, that i’m even in some kind of stupor, my palms are sweating, i start... scanning so that there are no movements to the belt, if something
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moves, the belt will even correct it man, i have a belt , i immediately want to run very quickly , hide in a corner, hug and sit like that, now, what would you like to change, well , first of all, change my relationship - to now, maybe in some water? i don’t have my own attitude towards people now, because it seems to me that even at this age it still pops up independently, still in danger from the place, it’s somehow, well, uncomfortable, terrible, because even due to my age, i can’t, say, cry without consequences, it’s a surge in pressure, my hands start sweating, it’s uncomfortable for me, and it’s stupid, because
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adults people, they are not so whiny, i would also like, firstly, i have three three children, two girls, and i really wanted in my children, girls, firstly, to protect them from this strange world that can be kind, but maybe turn out so wrong that... god forbid, that’s why i can see too, i have children now, they are already grown up, i have girls there who are 30 years old and very younger than 19, so i literally said yesterday that mom, you are raising us wrong in general, you are not traumatized yourself, and you are traumatizing us by , that you are talking about sex with us very, very early, i say, well, it’s better earlier than, and i’m all very veiled about how i can...
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replace this memory, someone to rethink the experience, well, you and i see ,
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of course, such a generally severe injury and unprocessed, apparently, in time, yes, what what to do in such a situation? i understand that, unfortunately, among our viewers there are quite a lot of people who understand very well what our heroine is talking about today, what should we do? well, unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, not just a lot of people, a lot of people, here you have the courage to come about this about everything rask, for which i thank you very much, because i’m sure now it resonates with many people here. in fact, for everyone...
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there is a little different in the system, but it was such an effort on oneself, it was, what kind of there was constant anxiety, so when you talk about meeting men, it ’s as if you don’t see safe men, that is, you understand, not everyone needs to go to a hotel right away, it sounds strange at 20, at 30, at 40 , well, well, this is just a certain type
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of man with whom, well, in theory , you don’t need to contact at all, but i attract, it seems to me that there were even some moments where it seemed to me that i was some kind of image. he's out of this type, he behaves differently, he looks different, he's like doesn’t exist for you, that is, elena, even no matter how her parents read this man, although it’s possible that they appear every day, they would even be very happy to just go for a quiet walk, drink coffee, because
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you know, again, age , as you say, this is such a safe enough space for us, not everyone here needs so much of this intimacy, more attention. as adults we can do this to ourselves, the thing is that i don’t choose the songs myself, it’s a collective decision,
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inside this humble one. fantastic, on friday the first, here are the best friends, you danced with my friend, russian spirit, here is russia.


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