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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  July 31, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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we scare, we give signals, this of course exists, but from the point of view of common sense, these signals, they are too small against the background of the security task that requires, this is the first, second, i would like to simply explain to everyone that if the americans have tactical and strategic weapons, so the americans supplied elements of tactical weapons , doubled in... to europe, including to a non-nuclear state, without ours, without the beginning of these things, and today , according to our information, there are about 400 of these ammunitions, are you implying that provocation is possible from ukraine with the use of something similar to nuclear weapons, you know, ukraine itself is an element of provocation and our reaction to ukraine is that...
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what is war, what efforts are needed, what processes should take place, for this to happen, our country demonstrates every time for smart people, we do not mobilize, we do not create resources, we do not accumulate any funds for this, but we train where we can respond in case of danger, otherwise what previously they said 500, scholz said.
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provoke him to accidentally pick her up and crush her. franzida, it’s not for nothing that they say that, you know, europeans have already developed a good tradition, such a long one, of getting together and receiving diarrhea from russia. well, every time the reason is different, in this situation all the europeans are defending american democracy, which is simply up to the neck in blood, and in general , not a single conflict in the world can happen without the participation of the united states in our time, here is another aggravation in the middle east, yesterday defense army. israel struck the lebanese capital, beirut, and vice president kamala haris immediately sided with israel. well, in general , you’re talking about how the united states wants to warm its hands between many fires. we'll talk right after a short commercial. how many times have i told my legs to work normally? i noticed that your psychos can think, and i want to use it. nothing and nothing, but we don’t notice
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it’s extinguished. we are talking about tragedy. how can you not understand this? i discovered your talent, i will close it. will you have pizza again? deliver? will you? do you want us to do everything for you? the work was done here, it’s time to develop, pasha, take a more careful approach to the matter, i’m in the german army, we’re going back to the wards, it’s a pity, it’s very difficult, because it turned out, time is up, detective syndrome, today is after the program. it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in
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a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved, and the exhibition was supposed to open in 1937, that is, a very short time frame. face, he did not allow anyone into the family in a broad sense, it was a strictly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only those closest to him, his daughter and wife, saw him. lively, there were always get-togethers, and you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened,
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right? unique footage previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena, and his first wife, velta. what is needed is our exclusive - the family archive of mikhail zadorny exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first that i have snow, that i have heat, that i have torrential rain, when my
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friends are with me, tonight in our studio those who have experienced it , you know for sure, have gathered what is a true faithful friend? i believe that friendship must definitely go through a test.
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but look, the kremlin. kremlin, where? uh, the kremlin. mavludo, hello. that's how i moved from the basement to three rubles. look how men need to be clamped. and in our yard
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sunday on the first. trader since august 5th. on the first. we continue our broadcast, focusing on the situation in the middle east, the israeli defense forces struck the lebanese capital beirut. was the commander said to be responsible for the killing of israeli civilians on a soccer field in the dutch heights last weekend. in the south of berut, where the headquarters of the hezbollah movement is located, houses were destroyed , cars were damaged, about 70 civilians were injured, and one woman was injured as a result of an israeli strike on the southern suburbs of beirut reportedly died. today it became known that the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh, was killed in tehran, he died as a result of an attack on him. iran, representatives of israel
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refuse to comment on this information in every possible way, well, in general, an aggravation in the middle east was inevitable, israel and lebanon have long been on the brink of such a hot war. some time ago, the prime minister of israel, netanyak, threatened such retaliatory, powerful strikes, but lebanon is on high alert against the backdrop of israeli threats, well, no global ones the conflict, as we understand, is not... without the participation of the united states, according to some reports, america sent its ships towards lebanon, but the americans do not confirm this information, well, at the same time , the vice president of the united states, kamala haris, clearly outlined her position white house, saying israel has every right to defend itself. i unequivocally support israel's right to maintain security and defend itself. we know he has the right to defend himself. from a terrorist group, which is exactly what hezbollah is. in general, interference in the affairs of other countries
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is the responsibility of the united states. well , the middle east is not the only hot spot in which the united states of america really wants to take part, the second is on another continent, closer to the united states itself, this is venezuela, there are pogroms and unrest there. as soon as the results of the presidential elections were announced, and the current head of state, nicolas maduro, won, thousands of people. went to protests, the result of clashes with the police, arson from but from monuments, 20 the military were wounded, it doesn’t resemble anything, president-elect maduro directly stated that the clash was produced by the americans, that’s what he said. the actions of the protesters are similar to the actions of participants in the color revolutions, which are backed by the americans; citizens who participate in protests and clashes with the venezuelan police admitted that they are paid $150 a day. and... they want to create a political crisis, they could not and will not be able to, acts of violence and fascism will not pass, we will win, the americans
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definitely have experience with such people of color revolutions, let me remind you that almost the same situation in the country was after the presidential elections in 2018, then the protégé of the states, juan guaido, declared himself the interim president of venezuela, his candidacy was immediately supported in washington, and now the situation is repeating itself. the united states calls on western countries to fight for democracy in venezuela and recognize the legitimate government of the next collective guaidu, and not maduro, who won the elections, and pay attention to how the american newspaper justifies the need for such a step. mr maduro, will probably not hesitate to take tough measures if his opponents take to the streets. diplomacy in the form of negotiations on withdrawal from the race, including amnesty. corruption and drug charges may help mr madura avoid bloodshed, but it is more
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likely that he will cling to power with all his might. the united states and other democratic countries are investing significant resources in venezuela's peaceful democratic transition. in this sense, these elections were stolen from them too. but protecting peaceful american democracy is only effective when the hammer is cocked. and here a completely logical and reasonable question arises: why do the americans... and the answer is quite simple: oil. let's start with the fact that oil reserves in venezuela are the largest oil reserves in the world, more than 300 billion barrels. and the americans themselves do not hide the fact that their american oil reserves are critically small, this is what mike samers, director of the american petroleum institute, said back in january of this year. the us has low oil reserves given the unstable situation in the world. the level of the strategic oil reserve should.
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the americans decided to ease the sanctions and allowed one of their companies to extract and purchase oil from venezuela, this is what the media wrote about it. venezuela's oil exports increased 12% last year as the us eased sanctions imposed in 2019 on the energy sector. well, so that control over venezuelan oil
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does not get out of hand, the americans decided to keep the entire country under such control. the lines generally pump protests in order to pump oil. elena vladimirovna, well, look how everything is connected, nothing happens by chance in this world, there is an aggravation in the middle east, and before that we see unrest emerging in venezuela, it is clear that the united states is now interested in overthrowing the power of maduro, in order to take control of a very powerful oil field, pipe they believe that venezuela is their gas station, apparently because.
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are disappearing from under the feet of the americans, they are still weakening, and many do not perceive them as a hegemon, now it is quite expected that the americans will cling their teeth to the remains of their influence and will behave very very harshly. it seems that the group that is winning in washington is the one that believes that it is still worth fighting for influence, there are also other opinions on this matter, some suggest... accepting the fact that america is losing positions, is partially losing them, and this group is not very influential, but they call for negotiations to sort of divide the world, but no, we won’t see this now, we will see , on the contrary, how america, clinging to everything with its teeth, will tear out these pieces for itself. in venezuela, oil is the main thing in this
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history, but not only, venezuela is part of latin america. anti-american front, for americans this is still a political story, but you are absolutely right in recalling how the united states made exceptions in the sanctions regime against venezuela, because first the sanctions affected the oil sector, and then, as soon as strategic reserves in america began to decrease, as soon as gasoline prices went up in the united states, so they immediately went on... so maduro personally had sanctions imposed on his accounts in american banks, and then they gradually imposed these sanctions to film and thus they flirted with him, that’s what it resulted in, and they apparently needed time to build up their strength, to prepare all these protests in order to stir them up and then pump this oil, but we understand correctly, sergei vladlenovich, which means that if
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maduro’s power really collapses now, then we will be faced with a large-scale conflict. contrary to the conditions that they are trying to create for her so that this country with its political course, with its leader, and as for the fact that how important oil is, of course, and the oil treasures of venezuela are an important prize, a key prize in this battle for venezuela, but at the same time, of course, and i believe
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that everything should not be reduced exclusively to oil, you know, i it’s even very... difficult to say what is more here, the desire to take possession of these oil treasures or the desire to eliminate the political system that the ugachavis built, oh, they don’t care about political systems, they are completely calmly friends with the political of the same order that they are loyal to, look, i express my opinion, look, venezuela, like iran, is a challenge, a global challenge to american dominance, when we say venezuela, it’s not just venezuela, it’s those countries.
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made a decision when, when in baghdad, in the hotel, so to speak, president bush's blanket was laid out, everyone walked on it, then george w. bush said: “this is
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my personal business of our family, i must, i must remove this, this , this dictator, as he said, and he, without a council resolution un security, without even having the consent of the western allies, france, germany, who did not support this then, who were with russia." he still went for it, because the price of the issue was not only oil, although oil certainly, but also the desire to remove the unwanted, strong regime, which defended the unwanted regime, did the only thing, started selling oil not for dollars, that’s all, that’s all, after that it became objectionable, but after all, no, in fact, you raised a big important topic, taras, i want you this question draw a picture of whether there are more politics or economic resources here, because in one american article...
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well, firstly, there was a wonderful story that said that the united states was 40% depleted of its oil reserves. plus, we remember that saudi arabia is also now quite seriously getting out of control, that is, they are already refusing to sell oil, respectively, only in dollars, therefore, this is no longer the confident partner that one could rely on at a difficult moment in time, that's why let's do it this way: after major events, always look for a sandwich, as my friend said. and yes, if venezuela did not have such huge oil reserves, it is unlikely that the united states would show such zealous
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attention to the elections in venezuela now, but we must add one more important point - this is that we must now monitor what will happen happening in venezuela because if maduro, the maduro regime as they call it, can survive, it will only mean one thing that orange technology has started. it doesn’t work well in ukraine, how will this affect it? on ukraine, in principle, you know, as for ukraine, any forecast, negative, it will always be accurate, but a positive one, specifically for the zelensky regime, a positive, let’s say, solution, there is none, and we see now, of course, as various representatives office of the president, you know, it’s like they have such a punishment to take turns talking about peace , but now podaljak has already begun to say that yes, we really need to prepare for peace, but there’s one small
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question: is it all worth it? trust, that's it you see, many say yes, that if the maduro regime holds out, then the zelensky regime will have a khan, because there will be no such sponsorship injections, in general , the best thing to do is to tell the americans, guys, our business is, of course , a pipe, but they stand their ground and say, ours it's an oil pipe, a short advertisement and that's right. there was a murder, i greet you, signor cagliostra, i see people, those who are here, those who are far away. sometimes what was,
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sometimes what will be, you want to live with me, but a little at home, because i’m not going to like the fool sit by the window and wait for you until midnight, that’s clear, that means i’m kozlevich, exactly, what a kozlevich, marina, it’s not me, of course, it’s not you, that means you love him very much too, i love him, fortune teller, new episodes, today on the first. it was a time of big ideas, it was a time of very big and different dreams, soviet films that were filmed at vdnkh gave an idea of ​​the power and beauty of this object, it was, as you know, somewhere in a fairy tale, in 1935 the project was approved , and the exhibition was supposed to open in
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'37, that is, very... short deadlines, alsazhivsky offers a good, simple concept, the project was a simplified classic, one could say that vdnkh is the spirit of the time not only of that period, but vdnkh today is the spirit of the time today. to mark the eighty-fifth anniversary of vdnkh on saturday, on the first. right at the junction of europe and asia, the mountains of the steppes, lies a blooming garden of eden. we are in bashkiria, friends. how many arrows did he take into his mouth like that, you know, in battle, three more between his fingers, that’s how he shot, also a machine gun, yeah, these are the same relict ices, they formed here when there was still mammoths roamed, this echo is 25,000 years old, what diseases does this bath treat, starting with skin diseases, the musculoskeletal nervous system, phew. the life of their premiere on
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sunday on the first, how did you find me? listen, well, i’m a mint, i didn’t go to such and such, he can ruin everything, he won’t have time, you’re an investigator for especially important cases, for what purpose did special missions come to us, you came back, well done, but you must understand that you i don’t feel comfortable with this cop.
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in the yard on sunday on the first, in the new season on the first, a woman is killed, and we are talking damn it, my heart didn’t even break, you know how it’s tearing, it’s just pulling on the shoulder and elbow. well, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter how good your preparation is, sooner or later you won’t care. they know, and this is a mortal danger, or do you have a second, very well thought out option of escaping abroad, well , of course, i would run in, what will choose the moles, that’s the question, be careful, i’m always careful, major, find the head of the service security, let him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can, the version is going
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to hell, the man was a stutterer and suddenly he speaks like cicero. i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us. you are a very good shooter. hello, colonel kostenko. confrontation premier according to the legendary book. every time another conflict flares up somewhere in the world and the united states shifts its attention, somewhere in kiev on a bank bank zelensky is quietly crying and sad, reasons for sadness he definitely has it, our ministry of defense reported that units of the center group of troops liberated the
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village of leninskaya in the dpr and improved it. tactical situation, in general, ukrainian resources report that in the toretsk direction, russian troops advanced in the settlements of zhelezhnaya and severnoye and thus approached the city from the east. well, this is what an ukrainian armed forces officer with the call sign alex says about the situation in the toretsk direction. it’s tense in the toretsky direction. the fighting has already moved directly into the borders of the cities, and not agglomerations of settlements around toretsk. meanwhile, our guys at the front are doing everything possible and even impossible to bring victory closer, and now the holiday is approaching, airborne forces day. but who besides them is the popular front announcing an urgent collection for... the fighters need help to congratulate the paratroopers who are holding the defense on the dnieper, most of all they now need unsinkable motor boats, here is the qr code by which you can send help, you see now on your screen, this will be the best gift for holiday. well
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, semyon pegov, the head of the vargonza project, knows everything about the situation in the donetsk direction, he is now in direct contact with us, semyon, hello, how is the situation, the british are complaining a lot there. they really have something to complain about, we have been working for the last couple of days on the gorlovka front, this is not only the liberation of toretsk, this is the liberation of new york, the city is also called novgorod, for the indigenous gorlovka residents, this name is much closer, we are now in donetsk , it’s not quiet here either, literally an hour before i turn it on i get very loud. the air defense worked hard, the enemy doesn’t know what to grab onto, he also suffers setbacks near karlovka, well, their main headache now is, of course, toretsk and new york, the donbass units there are absolutely heroic, the 132nd brigade, the 9th brigade,
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our good old ones friends, in general, all this is the first army corps, the fifty-first army, the guys in the center group are actually performing those tasks that are literally. enemy, we will soon tell you in detail in the following stories, because we have prepared some material for you, we just brought a lot of exclusives from these trips, well , now the enemy is really starting to panic in toretsk, in new york too, because part of the city is already slowly coming under our control, our onslaught there is quite serious, and the ninth brigade is absolutely heroic, which really liberated. including mariupol became famous in the battles and near donetsk, the flood there kambrik boycott, hero of russia, we talked with all the old, good friends of the first channel, time will show whom you still remember, probably
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as young officers, now they have all seriously grown up the career ladder, have become great people, but they still also sincerely and openly tell us about what is happening at the front, so i suggest we take a look. our special report, rejoice, the audience will see familiar faces that we have missed for a long time, as always, a sea of ​​exclusives, only time will tell, look, when ready, one shot again. hello everyone, this is the wargonza project, i'm semyon pegov, and we're moving to my favorite donbass front, now we are working here,
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behind me is the long-suffering town of gorlovka, i understand that this expression could set someone’s teeth on edge, but nevertheless the fact remains that the enemy is still at such a distance from the city. that kamikaze fpv drones can reach almost any district of gorlovka, now, in order to push the enemy as far as possible from the city and liberate as much of the territory of the donetsk people's republic as possible, which historically belonged to it. let's go to our friends, we'll meet now with the fighters you've known for a long time you know, and we'll tell you how the battle is unfolding now, a little. a lot for new york, of course, it is simply impossible to cover the events that are unfolding on the donbass front, and not meet our
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old, good friends, pirates, the very best thing to wear of somali origin, brothers who are now already fighting in the ninth brigade, take we all... famous, absolutely legendary, bro, it’s been a while since you had time to give us an interview, you probably didn’t waste this time in vain, tell us what happened in the last month something interesting happened to you, as i understand it, you are no longer kambat savali, no, no longer, well, who are you now, i won’t say, take it in fact, now you are already the deputy kambat brigade of the ninth brigade, just an example of how young officers who have proven themselves in at the very beginning , mariupol heroically took co, but in reality, a person, thanks to his competence acquired directly in battle, has now made such a... big career leap, well, at heart you still remain
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a bit of a pirate, well, of course, i know that the boys , we haven’t been here yet, almost month, we really achieved serious results here in the gorlovka direction, tell us what kind of success this is, well, in a month the brigade unit covered almost 8 km in depth. due to which it was possible to make such a well, really, i’m not afraid of this word, a record breakthrough, well, against the backdrop of a relatively slow and difficult extremely advance on the same may day in vodyanoy , well, in those sectors of the front that were in donetsk, the moment of surprise was burned in the first place, probably... one thing beautiful morning we began to attack them, a heavy fire,
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the movement of infantry, and as if he was in shock, for the first hundred, we advanced, about one and a half kilometers into the hole, the enemy was stunned, one brigade that was stationed here had already been withdrawn, because it has lost its combat effectiveness, now another brigade has arrived, that’s exactly what you mean about the enemy, yes, that is, you have already crushed one brigade, well, one brigade and... one battalion 3 is a real defense, well, do i understand correctly, that these are all battles in the novgorod region, this is a populated area, which is known in ukraine as new york, yes, yes, yes, finally, dare to say, i took new york, well, i didn’t take it, i’m also taking bahamas, brother, with the call sign vanechka, originally, you’re local, yes, brother . macedonians, why are they called macedonian? yes, it’s just not
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the locals who call it, i don’t know, this is the first time i’ve heard it macedonia, makeyevka is a normal city, yes, the best on earth, but bro, tell me in what mode the artillerymen are now fighting here in the city direction, as i understand it, your task is to support not only our infantry, but and so that the enemy cannot bring up the reserves, of course, we work on counter-battery warfare around the clock 24x7, and... reconnaissance keeps giving us targets, we immediately destroy them, bro, what kind of weapon do you have? m-46, howitzer, developed in the forty-sixth year, it was made, it was mothballed, now we give it to you, well, hit it normally, normally, consumption, good, 130 mm caliber, bro, what do you prefer, liberate novgorodskoye or take new york, take new york, of course, well, our sights are getting higher and higher, so that’s it farther and farther.
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screw it up bro, tell me where from how before you unwind the enemy you need to be at the front for a long time, well, i’m a local from makeika. well, i was an sfo from the beginning, but was it hard to learn to be a gunner or did you already have experience? no, well, i kind of worked as a turner before, it ’s about the same, well, it was easier for me , that is, you quickly mastered the artillery profession, well, basically there’s nothing complicated there, i just dictate the numbers, set the numbers, and then you’re already catching bulbs, well, how is the level, okay. shot commands guys
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they are on constant combat duty, now they are waiting for the next enemy column to approach on command, like a thrashing, they say, it’s a loud thing, a gun, a shot, yes, it was so loud, the caliber of the gun. a soviet-made calcine is hit by a fairly powerful gun shot, the enemy is constantly pulling up reserves to new york, one brigade has already been crushed, as if locked up, but nevertheless, judging by the name, this is
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a fundamental place for the enemy, well, new york after all , so reserves are constantly being drawn up, so i see another ammunition, guys. they bring it, because there’s really a lot of work, a gun, a shot, while we’re standing, waiting here, hiding under the branches, because fpv can’t hit equipment if it’s hidden behind the greenery, well, it’s just screws, and twigs, and leaves cling and they cannot achieve their goals in a beer in this situation. naturally, all the landings during our offensive operation in the gorlovka direction here in the vicinity are simply clogged with our equipment, now we will work with the brothers who are working on the truck, this is your classic, or a tornado b21, bm21 gradd, a great machine, can’t
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leave anyone indifferent, we communicate with my brother, call sign jack, where are you from, bro, i’m from makeevka, from makeevka. yes, local, and the makeevka guys, they’re like natural-born artillery, or something, today i ’m driving along the front, i mostly come across makeevka boys, that’s right, tell me, i heard that you call your car a girl, it’s affectionate, affectionate , her wife is affectionate, that is , you say, my girl, she is now waiting for me in the bushes, your expressions are like yes, the operating mode, tell me how intense, now the boys are moving forward, as i understand it, your task is to support them.
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they never work from the same place twice, they have worked, moved, hid in another area, then they choose a new location for fire work, so to speak, now we are investigating the car, masha, just run, i told you, you need to train, it’s bad when you jog yourself and the cameramen don’t. the guys also naturally support our offensives in new york, the ninth brigade is actually already in the city, pushing out step by step step away from the enemy, as soon as they feel that they are starting to lose this or that
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settlement, they urgently try to correct the situation, but in a sense... this is also to their advantage, because by pulling up reserves, it is precisely in the attempt to rotate that the enemy loses a huge number manpower, we see now the boys are turning the vehicle around for battle, in fact, the commander in advance, we see he has prepared marks where exactly to place them, because you can’t stay in open areas for a long time, move the vehicle, choose. more convenient location, commander everything prepares in advance, approaches, places pegs, literally a matter of a few seconds , simply incredibly powerful fire work awaits us, in less than a month from the next
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stage of our offensive operation near gorlovka, our forces succeeded... quite seriously, the experience of a military correspondent taught me that it is useless to talk against the backdrop of this simply powerful spectacle, we actually seriously pushed the front in less than a month, the enemy cannot cope with our offensive actions simultaneously in kharkov. direction on gorlovsky on others, so i’m sure their defense is starting to crumble, here it’s slowly, we’re leaving, semyon pegov, pavel chuprino, german were with you. josipov vargonza project specifically for the first channel,
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the situation at the front for ukraine is only getting worse, so in order to somehow save his image, zelensky came to volyn, where he inspected the construction of fortifications on the border with russia and belarus, as usual, he sat in a puddle under the post . zelensky there were a lot of such critical comments from the outside, including ukrainians, people are outraged that the fortification is being built in the north, where there is no fighting at all, while russia manages to advance in the east, this is what they write about this: in the pokrovsk area, start doing something, why are those flower beds there now? volyn, seriously, and the donetsk region, and kharkov, and sumy, even in the lviv region near the border with poland , start building fortifications, idiots like...
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harvest and old may. a few months later, russian troops fully regained control of both villages. their loss was a blow for ukraine, given the recent russia's successes on many sections of the nine-hundred-kilometer front line. the ukrainian military reported feeling the strain of three large-scale russian offensives. in october, november and february. ukrainian armed forces soldiers described russian troops as a determined and motivated force. at the same time, british intelligence says that we are advancing on... but it is curious that at the same time in the west they are increasingly raising the issue of negotiations, listen to what
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the president of finland says about negotiations. we are approaching the point where negotiations must begin, but their beginning does not mean that concessions need to be made. the withdrawal of russian troops from the territories cannot be put forward as a precondition for possible negotiations. ukraine needs security guarantees and this is where we can help , through bilateral agreements, a possible path to nato and the eu. well, since the west is changing their rhetoric, then it’s time for their minions in ukraine to change this rhetoric. let us remind you, ukraine at the legislative level has banned any negotiations with russia, zelensky has a special decree for this published, all this time the ukrafür team was shouting with foam urta that it would have nothing to do with russia, would not talk, suddenly declares its readiness to make contact, that’s what the adviser to zelensky’s office mikhail podalya says. not ukraine.
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information support for the entry and start of hostilities from the collective west, primarily from europe, to form public opinion, ukraine is on fire. and those who govern ukraine, they sincerely think that permitted purchases of their property in different countries will allow
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save them them...
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ukraine, it ’s interesting that zelensky is now walking around volyn, but further cities need to be renamed, here is new york, then they need to be renamed london, dnepropetrovsk, in order to scare western partners. a short ad and we'll be back. how many times have i told you, find a normal job. i noticed that your psychos can think, i want to use this, we are looking for a needle, but we don’t notice the hundredth. we are talking about tragedy. how can you not understand this? i discovered your talent, i ’ll close it, you’ll have pizza again are you going to deliver, do you want us to do all the work here for you? it’s time to develop, pasha, to approach things more carefully, i’m from kerma, let’s go back to the wards, it’s a pity, it turned out very smoothly, time has passed, detective syndrome, today after
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the program it’s time, what do i need laughter, what do i need heat, what do i need torrential rain, when my friends, tonight in our studio we gathered exactly those who have experienced and know exactly what a true true friend is, i believe that friendship must definitely go through the test, i had an operation, it took 12 hours, igor came, came to me, i played a melody, in the morning he called and dictated the verses of the song “my friend”. how great it is, my friend, in general there could be conflicts every second, but the horror is that it is impossible to quarrel with mikhail mikhailovich. friendship, you know, begins with respect, often, all these years that we have been friends, i carry seryoga’s guitar. we are our own people, we are not just friends, we are our wives, our sisters. we are
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already like the parties of lenin, twin brothers, similar voices, even... we are used to seeing mikhail zadorny on stage, at concerts or at some events, when he was in character, as they say, holding his face, he did not let anyone into the family in the broad sense. there was a strictly closed territory, for the first time we have the opportunity to see him the way only his closest ones, his daughter and wife, saw him. lively - there were always get-togethers, and you’re sitting in dad’s place, so it happened, right? unique footage previously unavailable to outsiders. there was this difficult period when he was being treated abroad, mikhail nikolaevich’s sister, lena and his first velta's wife. in the face of misfortune, grief
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, the three of them united. lived in the same apartment, cooked in the same kitchen and took turns coming to mikhail on duty. the daughter turns to him, realizing that he is somewhere there and he hears her. don’t take it as a posthumous empty compliment, my father’s feelings are more important, most likely at this sad moment god needed you more, for some reason, our exclusive, the family archive of mikhail zadorny, exclusive with dmitry borisov on saturday on the first. trader from august 5th to. in the new season on the first, a woman is killed and we are talking about the devil why your heart didn’t even break, what do you know, how it’s torn, just the shoulder gives away and
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the elbow pulls, well, okay, let’s think about it, let’s say you’re a mole, you’re wanted, there are leads on you in all parts of the soviet union, and no matter what you didn’t have good preparation, sooner or later you will still be identified, and this is a mortal danger. or you have a second very well thought out option of escaping abroad. well , of course, i would run in, that he will choose the moles, that’s the question. be careful, i'm always careful. major, find the service chief security, have him urgently report to the control room, and mobilize all our employees, everyone you can. the whole version is going to hell. the man was a stutterer suddenly speaks like cicero, i really hope that you don’t have to blame yourself for not wanting to help us, you are a very good
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shooter, hello, colonel kostenko, confrontation, premiere based on the legendary book by yulian semyonov. israel is beefing up security for its athletes at the paris olympics after iranian officials said israel would face severe punishment for the murder. the head of the hamas politburo, ismail haniyeh. he was killed tonight in tehran in an attack on his residence. tehran blames israel for the strike, but representatives of the israeli army refused to comment on this information. well, it’s worth noting that israel really has. there is reason to fear that the protection of athletes will be strengthened, we remember the 1972 olympics in munich, then members of the israeli team were captured and shot, 11 athletes,
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four coaches, five competition participants, two judges, as well as german police, here a key role in organizing the terrorist attack was played by a group of palestinian extremists in black september, we see very well that the situation... everywhere, all over the world, it is heating up in one way or another, but let's leave israel, now palestine, out of the equation and just draw a conclusion, that whoever does not remember the past is doomed to repeat it, it would be nice for europeans to draw this conclusion, news on channel one. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. a new measure of support vladimir.


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